The Educated Elites, want someone to hold Joe Rogan accountable for spreading bullshit.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
As usual that shit head aidsman was completely wrong about everything as usual. He even spread disinformation. It turns out almost none of the signatories of this letter were actual practicing medical doctors nor was the author a medical doctor nor did he work in the medical field. He was just a Democrat activist trying to censor other people he dislikes for not falling in line with Democrat narratives. This is despite the signers claiming they were physicians when very, very few actually were.

When you fight corruption then the corrupt fight back.

I just laughed at the 260 figure.

I thought "That is all they got? Hahahaha!!"

But they were not even legit!!!!

That is just fuckin' pathetic.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Has Fraudci told all the vaxed peeps to unmask and go about their lives normally yet? PWN3D!
How many more Covid patients has your SIL killed?

This is the danger of just throwing out stats without know the details.

@Admin., for the number they gave for people who got myocarditis after infection, did they include those who were previously vaccinated? (Hint: Yes)

And the number they gave for people who got myocarditis after being vaccinated, did they include those who at some point tested positive? (Hint: No)

So, get this, if a person who suffered from myocarditis had been vaccinated and also tested positive at some point, they were included in the "Got myocarditis after infection." statistic, but not the "Got myocarditis after vaccination." statistic.

Even if the infection was totally asymptomatic. Even if it was a false positive.

Now, who was being deceptive?

There's too many trees in the way, I can't see the forest from here!

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Has Fraudci told all the vaxed peeps to unmask and go about their lives normally yet? PWN3D!
How many more Covid patients has your SIL killed?

This is the danger of just throwing out stats without know the details.

@Admin., for the number they gave for people who got myocarditis after infection, did they include those who were previously vaccinated? (Hint: Yes)

And the number they gave for people who got myocarditis after being vaccinated, did they include those who at some point tested positive? (Hint: No)

So, get this, if a person who suffered from myocarditis had been vaccinated and also tested positive at some point, they were included in the "Got myocarditis after infection." statistic, but not the "Got myocarditis after vaccination." statistic.

Even if the infection was totally asymptomatic. Even if it was a false positive.

Now, who was being deceptive?

There's too many trees in the way, I can't see the forest from here!

You do not understand the statistics and how deceptive they are.

The majority of people who were diagnosed with myocarditis who were included in the positive for Covid stat were vaccinated.

Those people were not included in the count for "myocarditis after being vaccinated" stat.

So they got the vaccine. Then developed myocarditis. But were not included in the "developed myocarditis after vaccine" stat.

You have to be really, really stupid not to understand the problem here.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
1400 total cases of myocarditis

1300 had vaccine and had tested positive for Covid at some point
50 had vaccine and had never tested positive for Covid
40 did not have vaccine and had tested positive for Covid at some point
10 did not have vaccine and had never tested positive for Covid

1350 of 1400 cases had the vaccine

But they report that 1340/1400 had Covid, and only 50/1400 were vaccinated.

And Admin laps it up.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Neil Young was always a little overrated in my opinion.

I went to a Neil Young and Crazy Horse concert back in the day. It was in Toronto at Exhibition Stadium. The big rock radio station in Toronto (Q107) was interviewing people outside the concert..."How was the show?" and stuff like that. It looked like it was live interviews. They asked me how I liked it and I said "The sound was absolutely shitty. And Neil Young needs to learn to play more diverse solos. Every fuckin' song seems to have the same shitty screechy solo. One of the worst concerts I have even been to."

I am not sure if that made it to air.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Cunt libs will cry a river about a CON upsetting their bullshit apple cart full of lies and propaganda but let someone like me posts Leviticus 20:13 on the school cafeteria wall and they go all haywire.