The Presidential Debate

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
I challenge anyone here to a freethrow shooting contest. I'll even give a 10% handicap to any of you suckers and losers.

. You know what I would like to have seen? Any time a question was not being answered and someone went of on some crazy tangent whole unrelated to the topic their mic was turned off. Silence is golden they say.
Trump ran from so many topics, and then just the wild nutball unsubstantiated accusations and crazy misstatements in speculation. Hundreds of thousands killed. Best water quality, did the most for environment, your taxes will go up 3 or 4 times blah blah blah. Their should be instant fact checks.




Excuse me, while I face the Karma!
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the things you own end up owning you
I give Trump the best vocal skill presentation ribbon, and best use of finger pointing ribbon, Best victimhood ribbon, best trash talking ribbon.

I give the Debate to Joe he stuck to the debate script despite, his poor verbal skills tonight.

And CNN is in freakout mode, "high level people are saying!"


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
For four years those of us who have pointed out the obvious fact that #GenocideJoe's brain is a sack of drunken squirrels have been gaslit and/or ignored.

Now that democrat apologists can no longer pretend everything's fine don't expect any sympathy from me. You did this to yourselves and deserve every bit of it.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I give Trump the best vocal skill presentation ribbon, and best use of finger pointing ribbon, Best victimhood ribbon, best trash talking ribbon.

I give the Debate to Joe he stuck to the debate script despite, his poor verbal skills tonight.

And CNN is in freakout mode, "high level people are saying!"

Biden looked weak. There is no choice but to acknowledge that truth, imo.

As for answering questions, Trump didn't.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
I give Trump the best vocal skill presentation ribbon, and best use of finger pointing ribbon, Best victimhood ribbon, best trash talking ribbon.

I give the Debate to Joe he stuck to the debate script despite, his poor verbal skills tonight.

And CNN is in freakout mode, "high level people are saying!"
Well, I'm a low level person and I'll just restate what I've said from the start of the primaries. I wish Joe had just chosen not to run and let a younger candidate (not Harris) take the lead.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Biden looked like a bag of shit that was warmed up in the microwave...horrible and embarrassing.

I listened to the end on NPR. Something about him being sick, having a cold or something. Well, fucking take the drugs you've been accused of taking, ffs.

Do I have to tell these people everything?!


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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I wonder which drugs each were on, curious is all. You gotta be on something before taking the stage in front of the world. Uppers and downers would be bad, one ranting while the other nodded off. Actually, that would've proven a point whereas neither did once...

- Fentynl FTW.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
But despites Sleepy Joe's frail appearance and mumbled delivery at times tonight, Joe Biden remained "Salient" in responding to the questions posed, and did not default to attempts to obscure and evade repeated questions.

Trump refused two answer, after being asked 3x what he was going to do with the illegal aliens inside the country...if he was going to deport them and how.

He had no answer. That's because he has no idea.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Trump can campaign and debate, he can't run the country.

Biden sucks at campaigning and at debating (now), but he can run the it were.

What are people going to be convinced by I wonder?


Excuse me, while I face the Karma!
Site Supporter ☠️
the things you own end up owning you
Trump refused two answer, after being asked 3x what he was going to do with the illegal aliens inside the country...if he was going to deport them and how.

He had no answer. That's because he has no idea.
Whoa, is Deep State putting forward the former Mr. Kimberly Guilford as a replacement?

Newsom getting lots of air on MSNBC


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
There's a thread in Gen Disc that has us post an image about how we're feeling.


The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
Trump can campaign and debate, he can't run the country.

Biden sucks at campaigning and at debating (now), but he can run the it were.

What are people going to be convinced by I wonder?
They say the 1960 debate was decided by the candidates appearance in the TV debate - the viewers perception.
. I also heard in later years that there was a study done with what today some call mentally challenged children, though back then people just called them retards. I still call them retards when I encounter them here on the internets, but let me refrain from naming names. Anyway - the study was simply to show a picture of both JFK and Nixon to these children and ask which they liked best. To a percent, they picked Kennedy over Nixon by the actual election results. Could be a real time and money saver.

PS: Just looking at the Members on line we have 3 certified retards here now. Maybe let's ask them - could be like our own crystal ball into election night.
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Factory Bastard
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Biden looked like a bag of shit that was warmed up in the microwave...horrible and embarrassing.
The Democrats were repeatedly warned by the Naysayers about Biden's failing mental faculties and the impending disaster should they nominate him again.

However, like Cassandra warning Troy, they were ignored.

...and now the Democrats will pay a heavy price.


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
The Democrats were repeatedly warned by the Naysayers about Biden's failing mental faculties and the impending disaster should they nominate him again.

However, like Cassandra warning Troy, they were ignored.

...and now the Democrats will pay a heavy price.

After today’s woeful display by Biden…Trump will have it in the bag no doubt. More comedy to ensue…
Only in America! Lolol


Factory Bastard
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@Oerdin ol’ pal…watchu reckon with the current state of affairs? :PuffPuffPass:

Biden looked like a semi-animated corpse who could barely speak coherently and now all the Dems want to ditch him for someone else. The problem is that won't work because there isn't time, it will cause massive party infighting, and there really isn't anyone else the Dems could name who is better. The Dems are that pathetic with that shallow of a bench but they did it to themselves. A year ago Biden folks blocked the primary from happening because they knew given a chance most Dems would vote for anyone other than Biden.

Usually there would be a good VP who could pick up the torch but Kamala Harris is an incompetent diversity hire who is even less popular than Biden's dead corpse. Hell, Kamala was chosen as VP because Biden's puppet masters wanted the VP to be a person no one would ever want to be president just so brain dead Biden wouldn't get removed.



Factory Bastard
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USA Today's big article covering the debates says Biden was a disaster while moaning and whining how Trump looked and sounded good.

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Reality seems to hitting much of the left for the first time and no amount of lying and gaslighting about supposed "cheap fakes" is going to work for the left. People can see with their own eyes that Joe Biden is mentally and physically unfit.