This economy is killing me!!!!


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Flea is pretty honest about rating someones looks and saying what she thinks regardless.

Her and I used to fight on CO when we first met. I took shots at her for fun and we used to go back and forth a lot.

She still said she thought I was beautiful even though she couldnt stand me, so.....she will tell her truth lol.

And I'm not saying I think Shamp is bad looking. I havent seen a pic clearly enough to give an opinion.
What do you mean clearly enough? The pic with the black hole was clear?? She (flea) might say that to you but there's no chance she'll say anything good about my appearance now, she said I was "hot" at SG but whatever... I get women and I've got a good looking girlfriend... What do you think I'm ugly?

I haven't seen a picture of you that was without a face covering lol

You look like you look fine.....I don't exactly leer at the menfolk here, yanno? :D

I havent really seen any physically ugly people here I'm not the one to ask!
She's saying this guy
is good looking and I'm ugly

I know I've got shades on, I don't get my photo took often and I'm not a selfie guy lol

yoo got that slow look goin on LOL
Like yoo ran to far past the finish line in the special olympics LMFAO !!
Why are you not admiring my pics anymore? "Oh rT does look good in that Superman Tee mmm" :LOL3:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Jeezus Christ the paragraphs...on and on and on and on.
Some things can't be said in 10-20 words...

They also don't need to be said 10-20 times and then have the person scream about how they don't share their personal stories online when they clearly do.
It doesn't matter I don't hear Dovey crying about her "PI"... Poof is a fuckin trainwreck who's always going on about something derogatory to do with her or the site and most of the members here that's why he's red... I know you and Dovey don't get on but you KNOW what he's like you just don't want to admit it and that's cool...

I missed this one but this is who she is. She used to condemn his behaviour up until she decided to turn on me over politcs.

Then suddenly Poofer was all cool and this 3 year long campaign now gets her approval. Over the fact that she cannot cope with politcal disagreements and she gets mean as fuck.

She used to slam Murd over how Murd will post private stuff about people but now she approves of that as well.

Shes a flip floppy hypocrite who has no actual standards or integrity.

You'll see it for yourself. Everyone else has.
She reached out to me about a thread and we called a truce, I respect anyone willing to stop petty arguments and shit... I'm not a part of the old forums and I know the drama goes deep but people should just let go of the past and move forward...
You cant change yesterday but you can change tomorrow is my motto...

Bahahaha Shamp she did the same thing with me and Big. She "reaches out" and sucks up to mods and admins to try to get them to do things she wants. She has a very long history of this. In fact shes BEEN "reaching out" to mods and admins since she got here.

I'm not telling you not to talk to her. I'm just telling you why shes definitely not a victim of abuse here and if she wasnt so rotten and controling she wouldnt get the treatment she gets. I dont even read her much at all. She showed up being rude, shitty and trying to pick fights.

She was complaining at SG about why Murd shouldnt be on the board because she blasts private stuff people have told her in private. But then Murd comes here, starts drunkenly blasting private shit about me and Big, and lying about it using my daughter as a forum weapon....and now Oak is all about it joining in.

It's just ghoulish hypocrisy. I'm not even mad about it, I didnt address it ONLY because it was so vile and I decided to go ahead and show what had really happened just to demonstrate what kind of lying shit bags they are. It wasnt anything I wouldnt have talked about. But it should have beem kept private unless I decided to discuss it.

So she will wail and cry and get righteous over people posting private shit but when it's someone she decides to be hateful towards its magically okay to blast private stuff. And even if the private stuff WASNT about me? I would still be disgusted by that level of vile hypocrisy.

As far as I'm concerned? If someone is going to be throwing fits and complaining about personal toxic drama and people who post private stuff.....they better not be suddenly doing that themselves just because it's someone they decide they dont like.

She will be cool with you as long as she finds you "useful" or thinks you may be "useful" in the future but the minute you put a boundary down or do not do or say something she wants you to? Forget it. She will get nasty as fuck. She does this same shit everywhere and has for years.

Its definately not gonna change lol. It's not really about "old drama" that's just who she is. If it were her and whatever people on her "team" ganging up....she wouldnt be calling any "truce". She just does that when she wants sympathy or to make you think shes the "bigger person" (LOL).

Dont tell her anything private and dont be shocked when she flips lol.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Fuck it!
My girlfriend


Her calling me ugly doesn't add up to me...

Yeah nigga, you need a shitload of photoshop to making me ugly. No one gotta do shit but post your pic to prove you got beat with the ugly stick. Sit down, son…you don’t want this smoke.
Post my pic then! Oh she's way hotter than you and that is a FACT, do you think I'd start getting self-conscious because some seething fat pig off the internet called me ugly? :LOL3: Do you think I want you to fancy me? Aye right!!:LOL3:

I KNOW that if we didn't know each other and I was drunk and willing to lower my standards you'd be sucking my big dick at the end of the night... Cope!

I've always had good looking girlfriends since I started high school, that's not bad for an "ugly" guy...

That simple fact of the matter is you're still seething over the beatings I've gave you, so I do beat women?:LOL3:
  • Confused
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Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Jeezus Christ the paragraphs...on and on and on and on.
Some things can't be said in 10-20 words...

They also don't need to be said 10-20 times and then have the person scream about how they don't share their personal stories online when they clearly do.
It doesn't matter I don't hear Dovey crying about her "PI"... Poof is a fuckin trainwreck who's always going on about something derogatory to do with her or the site and most of the members here that's why he's red... I know you and Dovey don't get on but you KNOW what he's like you just don't want to admit it and that's cool...

I missed this one but this is who she is. She used to condemn his behaviour up until she decided to turn on me over politcs.

Then suddenly Poofer was all cool and this 3 year long campaign now gets her approval. Over the fact that she cannot cope with politcal disagreements and she gets mean as fuck.

She used to slam Murd over how Murd will post private stuff about people but now she approves of that as well.

Shes a flip floppy hypocrite who has no actual standards or integrity.

You'll see it for yourself. Everyone else has.
She reached out to me about a thread and we called a truce, I respect anyone willing to stop petty arguments and shit... I'm not a part of the old forums and I know the drama goes deep but people should just let go of the past and move forward...
You cant change yesterday but you can change tomorrow is my motto...

Bahahaha Shamp she did the same thing with me and Big. She "reaches out" and sucks up to mods and admins to try to get them to do things she wants. She has a very long history of this. In fact shes BEEN "reaching out" to mods and admins since she got here.

I'm not telling you not to talk to her. I'm just telling you why shes definitely not a victim of abuse here and if she wasnt so rotten and controling she wouldnt get the treatment she gets. I dont even read her much at all. She showed up being rude, shitty and trying to pick fights.

She was complaining at SG about why Murd shouldnt be on the board because she blasts private stuff people have told her in private. But then Murd comes here, starts drunkenly blasting private shit about me and Big, and lying about it using my daughter as a forum weapon....and now Oak is all about it joining in.

It's just ghoulish hypocrisy. I'm not even mad about it, I didnt address it ONLY because it was so vile and I decided to go ahead and show what had really happened just to demonstrate what kind of lying shit bags they are. It wasnt anything I wouldnt have talked about. But it should have beem kept private unless I decided to discuss it.

So she will wail and cry and get righteous over people posting private shit but when it's someone she decides to be hateful towards its magically okay to blast private stuff. And even if the private stuff WASNT about me? I would still be disgusted by that level of vile hypocrisy.

As far as I'm concerned? If someone is going to be throwing fits and complaining about personal toxic drama and people who post private stuff.....they better not be suddenly doing that themselves just because it's someone they decide they dont like.

She will be cool with you as long as she finds you "useful" or thinks you may be "useful" in the future but the minute you put a boundary down or do not do or say something she wants you to? Forget it. She will get nasty as fuck. She does this same shit everywhere and has for years.

Its definately not gonna change lol. It's not really about "old drama" that's just who she is. If it were her and whatever people on her "team" ganging up....she wouldnt be calling any "truce". She just does that when she wants sympathy or to make you think shes the "bigger person" (LOL).

Dont tell her anything private and dont be shocked when she flips lol.
I'll treat her with respect if it's a two way thing but I won't be manipulated by anyone especially if it's to do with the board... I know there's a lot of bad history with yous, I just thought maybe you could give it another shot but I respect your reasons why...
Deep down with me I know whose side I'm on...

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Fuck it!
My girlfriend


Her calling me ugly doesn't add up to me...

Yeah nigga, you need a shitload of photoshop to making me ugly. No one gotta do shit but post your pic to prove you got beat with the ugly stick. Sit down, son…you don’t want this smoke.
Post my pic then! Oh she's way hotter than you and that is a FACT, do you think I'd start getting self-conscious because some seething fat pig off the internet called me ugly? :LOL3: Do you think I want you to fancy me? Aye right!!:LOL3:

I KNOW that if we didn't know each other and I was drunk and willing to lower my standards you'd be sucking my big dick at the end of the night... Cope!

I've always had good looking girlfriends since I started high school, that's not bad for an "ugly" guy...

That simple fact of the matter is you're still seething over the beatings I've gave you, so I do beat women?:LOL3:

the fact that you’re even explaining yourself says it all, UGLY. Confident good looking motherfuckers don’t bother entertaining the notion. Keep showing that it bothers you tho…:LOL3:


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I've NEVER been called ugly until you and flea so don't think I'll take your ugly comment to heart, you're never gonna say I'm good looking or even alright are you?

Maybe X is using the handle, everyone is ugly apart from him apparently Lol.
Well he is part of their gang now, poofer keeps shouting X for mod... I think you'd agree that that is absurd! :LOL3:
uh OH !!

yOU sCaREd !!


we would be an awesome MOD couple Shampapitito (:

just like old timeZ .
You say that about the old times then stab me in the back, you're another turncoat...
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Jeezus Christ the paragraphs...on and on and on and on.
Some things can't be said in 10-20 words...

They also don't need to be said 10-20 times and then have the person scream about how they don't share their personal stories online when they clearly do.
It doesn't matter I don't hear Dovey crying about her "PI"... Poof is a fuckin trainwreck who's always going on about something derogatory to do with her or the site and most of the members here that's why he's red... I know you and Dovey don't get on but you KNOW what he's like you just don't want to admit it and that's cool...

I missed this one but this is who she is. She used to condemn his behaviour up until she decided to turn on me over politcs.

Then suddenly Poofer was all cool and this 3 year long campaign now gets her approval. Over the fact that she cannot cope with politcal disagreements and she gets mean as fuck.

She used to slam Murd over how Murd will post private stuff about people but now she approves of that as well.

Shes a flip floppy hypocrite who has no actual standards or integrity.

You'll see it for yourself. Everyone else has.
She reached out to me about a thread and we called a truce, I respect anyone willing to stop petty arguments and shit... I'm not a part of the old forums and I know the drama goes deep but people should just let go of the past and move forward...
You cant change yesterday but you can change tomorrow is my motto...

Bahahaha Shamp she did the same thing with me and Big. She "reaches out" and sucks up to mods and admins to try to get them to do things she wants. She has a very long history of this. In fact shes BEEN "reaching out" to mods and admins since she got here.

I'm not telling you not to talk to her. I'm just telling you why shes definitely not a victim of abuse here and if she wasnt so rotten and controling she wouldnt get the treatment she gets. I dont even read her much at all. She showed up being rude, shitty and trying to pick fights.

She was complaining at SG about why Murd shouldnt be on the board because she blasts private stuff people have told her in private. But then Murd comes here, starts drunkenly blasting private shit about me and Big, and lying about it using my daughter as a forum weapon....and now Oak is all about it joining in.

It's just ghoulish hypocrisy. I'm not even mad about it, I didnt address it ONLY because it was so vile and I decided to go ahead and show what had really happened just to demonstrate what kind of lying shit bags they are. It wasnt anything I wouldnt have talked about. But it should have beem kept private unless I decided to discuss it.

So she will wail and cry and get righteous over people posting private shit but when it's someone she decides to be hateful towards its magically okay to blast private stuff. And even if the private stuff WASNT about me? I would still be disgusted by that level of vile hypocrisy.

As far as I'm concerned? If someone is going to be throwing fits and complaining about personal toxic drama and people who post private stuff.....they better not be suddenly doing that themselves just because it's someone they decide they dont like.

She will be cool with you as long as she finds you "useful" or thinks you may be "useful" in the future but the minute you put a boundary down or do not do or say something she wants you to? Forget it. She will get nasty as fuck. She does this same shit everywhere and has for years.

Its definately not gonna change lol. It's not really about "old drama" that's just who she is. If it were her and whatever people on her "team" ganging up....she wouldnt be calling any "truce". She just does that when she wants sympathy or to make you think shes the "bigger person" (LOL).

Dont tell her anything private and dont be shocked when she flips lol.
I'll treat her with respect if it's a two way thing but I won't be manipulated by anyone especially if it's to do with the board... I know there's a lot of bad history with yous, I just thought maybe you could give it another shot but I respect your reasons why...
Deep down with me I know whos side I'm on...

You'll wind up on her shit list eventually. More so if you wont be manipulated.

The fact I'm saying this stuff will make her determined to avoid proving me right....but eventually she will flip shit and create a reason that thinks looks "valid".

She will lie so she has a "reason" that isnt what we say.

But yeah I'm not telling to have a go going into why I'm gonna bother with her at all. I already accepted an apology from her for her being nasty and hateful towards me. Then she flips and does it again and encourages my family being used and personal convos. No way am I giving all those chances.

The best it will get is me just pretending she doesnt exist and not bothering at all. Besides laying my opinion based on what I've seen down. I'm not ever going to address her and engage her. Unless she flips on either Flea or Moon in a particular nasty way...then I'll just shred her one acre at a time.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Fuck it!
My girlfriend


Her calling me ugly doesn't add up to me...

Yeah nigga, you need a shitload of photoshop to making me ugly. No one gotta do shit but post your pic to prove you got beat with the ugly stick. Sit down, son…you don’t want this smoke.
Post my pic then! Oh she's way hotter than you and that is a FACT, do you think I'd start getting self-conscious because some seething fat pig off the internet called me ugly? :LOL3: Do you think I want you to fancy me? Aye right!!:LOL3:

I KNOW that if we didn't know each other and I was drunk and willing to lower my standards you'd be sucking my big dick at the end of the night... Cope!

I've always had good looking girlfriends since I started high school, that's not bad for an "ugly" guy...

That simple fact of the matter is you're still seething over the beatings I've gave you, so I do beat women?:LOL3:

the fact that you’re even explaining yourself says it all, UGLY. Confident good looking motherfuckers don’t bother entertaining the notion. Keep showing that it bothers you tho…:LOL3:
Oh so you're saying that I just let you go unchallenged when you talk shit about me? I like slamming facts down, I learned that from biggie... Show off and make them seethe and it clearly works, the fact you cant handle what job I'm in says a lot... I was confident enough to post my pic in a fire was I not? I knew I'd get attacked for it so it clearly doesn't bother me does it? You can say what you like ya fat whore...


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Jeezus Christ the paragraphs...on and on and on and on.
Some things can't be said in 10-20 words...

They also don't need to be said 10-20 times and then have the person scream about how they don't share their personal stories online when they clearly do.
It doesn't matter I don't hear Dovey crying about her "PI"... Poof is a fuckin trainwreck who's always going on about something derogatory to do with her or the site and most of the members here that's why he's red... I know you and Dovey don't get on but you KNOW what he's like you just don't want to admit it and that's cool...

I missed this one but this is who she is. She used to condemn his behaviour up until she decided to turn on me over politcs.

Then suddenly Poofer was all cool and this 3 year long campaign now gets her approval. Over the fact that she cannot cope with politcal disagreements and she gets mean as fuck.

She used to slam Murd over how Murd will post private stuff about people but now she approves of that as well.

Shes a flip floppy hypocrite who has no actual standards or integrity.

You'll see it for yourself. Everyone else has.
She reached out to me about a thread and we called a truce, I respect anyone willing to stop petty arguments and shit... I'm not a part of the old forums and I know the drama goes deep but people should just let go of the past and move forward...
You cant change yesterday but you can change tomorrow is my motto...

Bahahaha Shamp she did the same thing with me and Big. She "reaches out" and sucks up to mods and admins to try to get them to do things she wants. She has a very long history of this. In fact shes BEEN "reaching out" to mods and admins since she got here.

I'm not telling you not to talk to her. I'm just telling you why shes definitely not a victim of abuse here and if she wasnt so rotten and controling she wouldnt get the treatment she gets. I dont even read her much at all. She showed up being rude, shitty and trying to pick fights.

She was complaining at SG about why Murd shouldnt be on the board because she blasts private stuff people have told her in private. But then Murd comes here, starts drunkenly blasting private shit about me and Big, and lying about it using my daughter as a forum weapon....and now Oak is all about it joining in.

It's just ghoulish hypocrisy. I'm not even mad about it, I didnt address it ONLY because it was so vile and I decided to go ahead and show what had really happened just to demonstrate what kind of lying shit bags they are. It wasnt anything I wouldnt have talked about. But it should have beem kept private unless I decided to discuss it.

So she will wail and cry and get righteous over people posting private shit but when it's someone she decides to be hateful towards its magically okay to blast private stuff. And even if the private stuff WASNT about me? I would still be disgusted by that level of vile hypocrisy.

As far as I'm concerned? If someone is going to be throwing fits and complaining about personal toxic drama and people who post private stuff.....they better not be suddenly doing that themselves just because it's someone they decide they dont like.

She will be cool with you as long as she finds you "useful" or thinks you may be "useful" in the future but the minute you put a boundary down or do not do or say something she wants you to? Forget it. She will get nasty as fuck. She does this same shit everywhere and has for years.

Its definately not gonna change lol. It's not really about "old drama" that's just who she is. If it were her and whatever people on her "team" ganging up....she wouldnt be calling any "truce". She just does that when she wants sympathy or to make you think shes the "bigger person" (LOL).

Dont tell her anything private and dont be shocked when she flips lol.
I'll treat her with respect if it's a two way thing but I won't be manipulated by anyone especially if it's to do with the board... I know there's a lot of bad history with yous, I just thought maybe you could give it another shot but I respect your reasons why...
Deep down with me I know whos side I'm on...

You'll wind up on her shit list eventually. More so if you wont be manipulated.

The fact I'm saying this stuff will make her determined to avoid proving me right....but eventually she will flip shit and create a reason that thinks looks "valid".

She will lie so she has a "reason" that isnt what we say.

But yeah I'm not telling to have a go going into why I'm gonna bother with her at all. I already accepted an apology from her for her being nasty and hateful towards me. Then she flips and does it again and encourages my family being used and personal convos. No way am I giving all those chances.

The best it will get is me just pretending she doesnt exist and not bothering at all. Besides laying my opinion based on what I've seen down. I'm not ever going to address her and engage her. Unless she flips on either Flea or Moon in a particular nasty way...then I'll just shred her one acre at a time.
I fully understand your reasoning and that's cool there's no point in being fake, if you have to TRY to get on with someone it's not worth the hassle...

People blame you for your family being brought up all the time but it's HIM that started it all!!


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Fuck it!
My girlfriend


Her calling me ugly doesn't add up to me...

Yeah nigga, you need a shitload of photoshop to making me ugly. No one gotta do shit but post your pic to prove you got beat with the ugly stick. Sit down, son…you don’t want this smoke.
Post my pic then! Oh she's way hotter than you and that is a FACT, do you think I'd start getting self-conscious because some seething fat pig off the internet called me ugly? :LOL3: Do you think I want you to fancy me? Aye right!!:LOL3:

I KNOW that if we didn't know each other and I was drunk and willing to lower my standards you'd be sucking my big dick at the end of the night... Cope!

I've always had good looking girlfriends since I started high school, that's not bad for an "ugly" guy...

That simple fact of the matter is you're still seething over the beatings I've gave you, so I do beat women?:LOL3:

the fact that you’re even explaining yourself says it all, UGLY. Confident good looking motherfuckers don’t bother entertaining the notion. Keep showing that it bothers you tho…:LOL3:
Oh so you're saying that I just let you go unchallenged when you talk shit about me? I like slamming facts down, I learned that from biggie... Show off and make them seethe and it clearly works, the fact you cant handle what job I'm in says a lot... I was confident enough to post my pic in a fire was I not? I knew I'd get attacked for it so it clearly doesn't bother me does it? You can say what you like ya fat whore...

Biggie actually has what he brags about tho :LOL3:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Jeezus Christ the paragraphs...on and on and on and on.
Some things can't be said in 10-20 words...

They also don't need to be said 10-20 times and then have the person scream about how they don't share their personal stories online when they clearly do.
It doesn't matter I don't hear Dovey crying about her "PI"... Poof is a fuckin trainwreck who's always going on about something derogatory to do with her or the site and most of the members here that's why he's red... I know you and Dovey don't get on but you KNOW what he's like you just don't want to admit it and that's cool...

I missed this one but this is who she is. She used to condemn his behaviour up until she decided to turn on me over politcs.

Then suddenly Poofer was all cool and this 3 year long campaign now gets her approval. Over the fact that she cannot cope with politcal disagreements and she gets mean as fuck.

She used to slam Murd over how Murd will post private stuff about people but now she approves of that as well.

Shes a flip floppy hypocrite who has no actual standards or integrity.

You'll see it for yourself. Everyone else has.
She reached out to me about a thread and we called a truce, I respect anyone willing to stop petty arguments and shit... I'm not a part of the old forums and I know the drama goes deep but people should just let go of the past and move forward...
You cant change yesterday but you can change tomorrow is my motto...

Bahahaha Shamp she did the same thing with me and Big. She "reaches out" and sucks up to mods and admins to try to get them to do things she wants. She has a very long history of this. In fact shes BEEN "reaching out" to mods and admins since she got here.

I'm not telling you not to talk to her. I'm just telling you why shes definitely not a victim of abuse here and if she wasnt so rotten and controling she wouldnt get the treatment she gets. I dont even read her much at all. She showed up being rude, shitty and trying to pick fights.

She was complaining at SG about why Murd shouldnt be on the board because she blasts private stuff people have told her in private. But then Murd comes here, starts drunkenly blasting private shit about me and Big, and lying about it using my daughter as a forum weapon....and now Oak is all about it joining in.

It's just ghoulish hypocrisy. I'm not even mad about it, I didnt address it ONLY because it was so vile and I decided to go ahead and show what had really happened just to demonstrate what kind of lying shit bags they are. It wasnt anything I wouldnt have talked about. But it should have beem kept private unless I decided to discuss it.

So she will wail and cry and get righteous over people posting private shit but when it's someone she decides to be hateful towards its magically okay to blast private stuff. And even if the private stuff WASNT about me? I would still be disgusted by that level of vile hypocrisy.

As far as I'm concerned? If someone is going to be throwing fits and complaining about personal toxic drama and people who post private stuff.....they better not be suddenly doing that themselves just because it's someone they decide they dont like.

She will be cool with you as long as she finds you "useful" or thinks you may be "useful" in the future but the minute you put a boundary down or do not do or say something she wants you to? Forget it. She will get nasty as fuck. She does this same shit everywhere and has for years.

Its definately not gonna change lol. It's not really about "old drama" that's just who she is. If it were her and whatever people on her "team" ganging up....she wouldnt be calling any "truce". She just does that when she wants sympathy or to make you think shes the "bigger person" (LOL).

Dont tell her anything private and dont be shocked when she flips lol.
I'll treat her with respect if it's a two way thing but I won't be manipulated by anyone especially if it's to do with the board... I know there's a lot of bad history with yous, I just thought maybe you could give it another shot but I respect your reasons why...
Deep down with me I know whose side I'm on...

I didn't call for a truce. I see your humanity peek through once in a while and chose to acknowledge it. If you've already decided to take sides, as your post implies. than you are acceding to the person that is actually manipulating you.

Ask yourself some questions:

Did I ask you to take sides on anything?
Did I try to convince you of anyone's culpability to anything?
Did I ask you to do anything for me? Anything at all?

The answers would be no, no, no and no.

You don't have to bother being friendly if you want to stick to your kind. I'm cool.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Jeezus Christ the paragraphs...on and on and on and on.
Some things can't be said in 10-20 words...

They also don't need to be said 10-20 times and then have the person scream about how they don't share their personal stories online when they clearly do.
It doesn't matter I don't hear Dovey crying about her "PI"... Poof is a fuckin trainwreck who's always going on about something derogatory to do with her or the site and most of the members here that's why he's red... I know you and Dovey don't get on but you KNOW what he's like you just don't want to admit it and that's cool...

I missed this one but this is who she is. She used to condemn his behaviour up until she decided to turn on me over politcs.

Then suddenly Poofer was all cool and this 3 year long campaign now gets her approval. Over the fact that she cannot cope with politcal disagreements and she gets mean as fuck.

She used to slam Murd over how Murd will post private stuff about people but now she approves of that as well.

Shes a flip floppy hypocrite who has no actual standards or integrity.

You'll see it for yourself. Everyone else has.
She reached out to me about a thread and we called a truce, I respect anyone willing to stop petty arguments and shit... I'm not a part of the old forums and I know the drama goes deep but people should just let go of the past and move forward...
You cant change yesterday but you can change tomorrow is my motto...

Bahahaha Shamp she did the same thing with me and Big. She "reaches out" and sucks up to mods and admins to try to get them to do things she wants. She has a very long history of this. In fact shes BEEN "reaching out" to mods and admins since she got here.

I'm not telling you not to talk to her. I'm just telling you why shes definitely not a victim of abuse here and if she wasnt so rotten and controling she wouldnt get the treatment she gets. I dont even read her much at all. She showed up being rude, shitty and trying to pick fights.

She was complaining at SG about why Murd shouldnt be on the board because she blasts private stuff people have told her in private. But then Murd comes here, starts drunkenly blasting private shit about me and Big, and lying about it using my daughter as a forum weapon....and now Oak is all about it joining in.

It's just ghoulish hypocrisy. I'm not even mad about it, I didnt address it ONLY because it was so vile and I decided to go ahead and show what had really happened just to demonstrate what kind of lying shit bags they are. It wasnt anything I wouldnt have talked about. But it should have beem kept private unless I decided to discuss it.

So she will wail and cry and get righteous over people posting private shit but when it's someone she decides to be hateful towards its magically okay to blast private stuff. And even if the private stuff WASNT about me? I would still be disgusted by that level of vile hypocrisy.

As far as I'm concerned? If someone is going to be throwing fits and complaining about personal toxic drama and people who post private stuff.....they better not be suddenly doing that themselves just because it's someone they decide they dont like.

She will be cool with you as long as she finds you "useful" or thinks you may be "useful" in the future but the minute you put a boundary down or do not do or say something she wants you to? Forget it. She will get nasty as fuck. She does this same shit everywhere and has for years.

Its definately not gonna change lol. It's not really about "old drama" that's just who she is. If it were her and whatever people on her "team" ganging up....she wouldnt be calling any "truce". She just does that when she wants sympathy or to make you think shes the "bigger person" (LOL).

Dont tell her anything private and dont be shocked when she flips lol.
I'll treat her with respect if it's a two way thing but I won't be manipulated by anyone especially if it's to do with the board... I know there's a lot of bad history with yous, I just thought maybe you could give it another shot but I respect your reasons why...
Deep down with me I know whose side I'm on...

I didn't call for a truce. I see your humanity peek through once in a while and chose to acknowledge it. If you've already decided to take sides, as your post implies. than you are acceding to the person that is actually manipulating you.

Ask yourself some questions:

Did I ask you to take sides on anything?
Did I try to convince you of anyone's culpability to anything?
Did I ask you to do anything for me? Anything at all?

The answers would be no, no, no and no.

You don't have to bother being friendly if you want to stick to your kind. I'm cool.
lol maybe I could've worded it better, these pills make me wonky and typing is hard lol I forget words and everything... By sides I meant political; nobody is manipulating me I can assure you...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Jeezus Christ the paragraphs...on and on and on and on.
Some things can't be said in 10-20 words...

They also don't need to be said 10-20 times and then have the person scream about how they don't share their personal stories online when they clearly do.
It doesn't matter I don't hear Dovey crying about her "PI"... Poof is a fuckin trainwreck who's always going on about something derogatory to do with her or the site and most of the members here that's why he's red... I know you and Dovey don't get on but you KNOW what he's like you just don't want to admit it and that's cool...

I missed this one but this is who she is. She used to condemn his behaviour up until she decided to turn on me over politcs.

Then suddenly Poofer was all cool and this 3 year long campaign now gets her approval. Over the fact that she cannot cope with politcal disagreements and she gets mean as fuck.

She used to slam Murd over how Murd will post private stuff about people but now she approves of that as well.

Shes a flip floppy hypocrite who has no actual standards or integrity.

You'll see it for yourself. Everyone else has.
She reached out to me about a thread and we called a truce, I respect anyone willing to stop petty arguments and shit... I'm not a part of the old forums and I know the drama goes deep but people should just let go of the past and move forward...
You cant change yesterday but you can change tomorrow is my motto...

Bahahaha Shamp she did the same thing with me and Big. She "reaches out" and sucks up to mods and admins to try to get them to do things she wants. She has a very long history of this. In fact shes BEEN "reaching out" to mods and admins since she got here.

I'm not telling you not to talk to her. I'm just telling you why shes definitely not a victim of abuse here and if she wasnt so rotten and controling she wouldnt get the treatment she gets. I dont even read her much at all. She showed up being rude, shitty and trying to pick fights.

She was complaining at SG about why Murd shouldnt be on the board because she blasts private stuff people have told her in private. But then Murd comes here, starts drunkenly blasting private shit about me and Big, and lying about it using my daughter as a forum weapon....and now Oak is all about it joining in.

It's just ghoulish hypocrisy. I'm not even mad about it, I didnt address it ONLY because it was so vile and I decided to go ahead and show what had really happened just to demonstrate what kind of lying shit bags they are. It wasnt anything I wouldnt have talked about. But it should have beem kept private unless I decided to discuss it.

So she will wail and cry and get righteous over people posting private shit but when it's someone she decides to be hateful towards its magically okay to blast private stuff. And even if the private stuff WASNT about me? I would still be disgusted by that level of vile hypocrisy.

As far as I'm concerned? If someone is going to be throwing fits and complaining about personal toxic drama and people who post private stuff.....they better not be suddenly doing that themselves just because it's someone they decide they dont like.

She will be cool with you as long as she finds you "useful" or thinks you may be "useful" in the future but the minute you put a boundary down or do not do or say something she wants you to? Forget it. She will get nasty as fuck. She does this same shit everywhere and has for years.

Its definately not gonna change lol. It's not really about "old drama" that's just who she is. If it were her and whatever people on her "team" ganging up....she wouldnt be calling any "truce". She just does that when she wants sympathy or to make you think shes the "bigger person" (LOL).

Dont tell her anything private and dont be shocked when she flips lol.
I'll treat her with respect if it's a two way thing but I won't be manipulated by anyone especially if it's to do with the board... I know there's a lot of bad history with yous, I just thought maybe you could give it another shot but I respect your reasons why...
Deep down with me I know whose side I'm on...

I didn't call for a truce. I see your humanity peek through once in a while and chose to acknowledge it. If you've already decided to take sides, as your post implies. than you are acceding to the person that is actually manipulating you.

Ask yourself some questions:

Did I ask you to take sides on anything?
Did I try to convince you of anyone's culpability to anything?
Did I ask you to do anything for me? Anything at all?

The answers would be no, no, no and no.

You don't have to bother being friendly if you want to stick to your kind. I'm cool.
lol maybe I could've worded it better, these pills make me wonky and typing is hard lol I forget words and everything... By sides I meant political; nobody is manipulating me I can assure you...

I never expected you to change you politics because of anything I say. I wouldn't presume to want to change anyone. Change comes from within oneself.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Jeezus Christ the paragraphs...on and on and on and on.
Some things can't be said in 10-20 words...

They also don't need to be said 10-20 times and then have the person scream about how they don't share their personal stories online when they clearly do.
It doesn't matter I don't hear Dovey crying about her "PI"... Poof is a fuckin trainwreck who's always going on about something derogatory to do with her or the site and most of the members here that's why he's red... I know you and Dovey don't get on but you KNOW what he's like you just don't want to admit it and that's cool...

I missed this one but this is who she is. She used to condemn his behaviour up until she decided to turn on me over politcs.

Then suddenly Poofer was all cool and this 3 year long campaign now gets her approval. Over the fact that she cannot cope with politcal disagreements and she gets mean as fuck.

She used to slam Murd over how Murd will post private stuff about people but now she approves of that as well.

Shes a flip floppy hypocrite who has no actual standards or integrity.

You'll see it for yourself. Everyone else has.
She reached out to me about a thread and we called a truce, I respect anyone willing to stop petty arguments and shit... I'm not a part of the old forums and I know the drama goes deep but people should just let go of the past and move forward...
You cant change yesterday but you can change tomorrow is my motto...

Bahahaha Shamp she did the same thing with me and Big. She "reaches out" and sucks up to mods and admins to try to get them to do things she wants. She has a very long history of this. In fact shes BEEN "reaching out" to mods and admins since she got here.

I'm not telling you not to talk to her. I'm just telling you why shes definitely not a victim of abuse here and if she wasnt so rotten and controling she wouldnt get the treatment she gets. I dont even read her much at all. She showed up being rude, shitty and trying to pick fights.

She was complaining at SG about why Murd shouldnt be on the board because she blasts private stuff people have told her in private. But then Murd comes here, starts drunkenly blasting private shit about me and Big, and lying about it using my daughter as a forum weapon....and now Oak is all about it joining in.

It's just ghoulish hypocrisy. I'm not even mad about it, I didnt address it ONLY because it was so vile and I decided to go ahead and show what had really happened just to demonstrate what kind of lying shit bags they are. It wasnt anything I wouldnt have talked about. But it should have beem kept private unless I decided to discuss it.

So she will wail and cry and get righteous over people posting private shit but when it's someone she decides to be hateful towards its magically okay to blast private stuff. And even if the private stuff WASNT about me? I would still be disgusted by that level of vile hypocrisy.

As far as I'm concerned? If someone is going to be throwing fits and complaining about personal toxic drama and people who post private stuff.....they better not be suddenly doing that themselves just because it's someone they decide they dont like.

She will be cool with you as long as she finds you "useful" or thinks you may be "useful" in the future but the minute you put a boundary down or do not do or say something she wants you to? Forget it. She will get nasty as fuck. She does this same shit everywhere and has for years.

Its definately not gonna change lol. It's not really about "old drama" that's just who she is. If it were her and whatever people on her "team" ganging up....she wouldnt be calling any "truce". She just does that when she wants sympathy or to make you think shes the "bigger person" (LOL).

Dont tell her anything private and dont be shocked when she flips lol.
I'll treat her with respect if it's a two way thing but I won't be manipulated by anyone especially if it's to do with the board... I know there's a lot of bad history with yous, I just thought maybe you could give it another shot but I respect your reasons why...
Deep down with me I know whose side I'm on...

I didn't call for a truce. I see your humanity peek through once in a while and chose to acknowledge it. If you've already decided to take sides, as your post implies. than you are acceding to the person that is actually manipulating you.

Ask yourself some questions:

Did I ask you to take sides on anything?
Did I try to convince you of anyone's culpability to anything?
Did I ask you to do anything for me? Anything at all?

The answers would be no, no, no and no.

You don't have to bother being friendly if you want to stick to your kind. I'm cool.
lol maybe I could've worded it better, these pills make me wonky and typing is hard lol I forget words and everything... By sides I meant political; nobody is manipulating me I can assure you...

I never expected you to change you politics because of anything I say. I wouldn't presume to want to change anyone. Change comes from within oneself.
There's really nothing to this... I'm fine being friendly with anyone here who wants to, well there's two or three naaa, not at all...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Jeezus Christ the paragraphs...on and on and on and on.
Some things can't be said in 10-20 words...

They also don't need to be said 10-20 times and then have the person scream about how they don't share their personal stories online when they clearly do.
It doesn't matter I don't hear Dovey crying about her "PI"... Poof is a fuckin trainwreck who's always going on about something derogatory to do with her or the site and most of the members here that's why he's red... I know you and Dovey don't get on but you KNOW what he's like you just don't want to admit it and that's cool...

I missed this one but this is who she is. She used to condemn his behaviour up until she decided to turn on me over politcs.

Then suddenly Poofer was all cool and this 3 year long campaign now gets her approval. Over the fact that she cannot cope with politcal disagreements and she gets mean as fuck.

She used to slam Murd over how Murd will post private stuff about people but now she approves of that as well.

Shes a flip floppy hypocrite who has no actual standards or integrity.

You'll see it for yourself. Everyone else has.
She reached out to me about a thread and we called a truce, I respect anyone willing to stop petty arguments and shit... I'm not a part of the old forums and I know the drama goes deep but people should just let go of the past and move forward...
You cant change yesterday but you can change tomorrow is my motto...

Bahahaha Shamp she did the same thing with me and Big. She "reaches out" and sucks up to mods and admins to try to get them to do things she wants. She has a very long history of this. In fact shes BEEN "reaching out" to mods and admins since she got here.

I'm not telling you not to talk to her. I'm just telling you why shes definitely not a victim of abuse here and if she wasnt so rotten and controling she wouldnt get the treatment she gets. I dont even read her much at all. She showed up being rude, shitty and trying to pick fights.

She was complaining at SG about why Murd shouldnt be on the board because she blasts private stuff people have told her in private. But then Murd comes here, starts drunkenly blasting private shit about me and Big, and lying about it using my daughter as a forum weapon....and now Oak is all about it joining in.

It's just ghoulish hypocrisy. I'm not even mad about it, I didnt address it ONLY because it was so vile and I decided to go ahead and show what had really happened just to demonstrate what kind of lying shit bags they are. It wasnt anything I wouldnt have talked about. But it should have beem kept private unless I decided to discuss it.

So she will wail and cry and get righteous over people posting private shit but when it's someone she decides to be hateful towards its magically okay to blast private stuff. And even if the private stuff WASNT about me? I would still be disgusted by that level of vile hypocrisy.

As far as I'm concerned? If someone is going to be throwing fits and complaining about personal toxic drama and people who post private stuff.....they better not be suddenly doing that themselves just because it's someone they decide they dont like.

She will be cool with you as long as she finds you "useful" or thinks you may be "useful" in the future but the minute you put a boundary down or do not do or say something she wants you to? Forget it. She will get nasty as fuck. She does this same shit everywhere and has for years.

Its definately not gonna change lol. It's not really about "old drama" that's just who she is. If it were her and whatever people on her "team" ganging up....she wouldnt be calling any "truce". She just does that when she wants sympathy or to make you think shes the "bigger person" (LOL).

Dont tell her anything private and dont be shocked when she flips lol.
I'll treat her with respect if it's a two way thing but I won't be manipulated by anyone especially if it's to do with the board... I know there's a lot of bad history with yous, I just thought maybe you could give it another shot but I respect your reasons why...
Deep down with me I know whose side I'm on...

I didn't call for a truce. I see your humanity peek through once in a while and chose to acknowledge it. If you've already decided to take sides, as your post implies. than you are acceding to the person that is actually manipulating you.

Ask yourself some questions:

Did I ask you to take sides on anything?
Did I try to convince you of anyone's culpability to anything?
Did I ask you to do anything for me? Anything at all?

The answers would be no, no, no and no.

You don't have to bother being friendly if you want to stick to your kind. I'm cool.
lol maybe I could've worded it better, these pills make me wonky and typing is hard lol I forget words and everything... By sides I meant political; nobody is manipulating me I can assure you...

I never expected you to change you politics because of anything I say. I wouldn't presume to want to change anyone. Change comes from within oneself.
There's really nothing to this... I'm fine being friendly with anyone here who wants to, well there's two or three naaa, not at all...

I understand, it's a huge waste of time. I'm ignoring quite a few malcontents who really are just angry at themselves for whatever reason. I have nothing to do with it, but won't be acting as their scapegoat either. I don't want to be dragged into a conflict with them anymore.

There are more interesting things to do. Does that mean I don't have some opinions about them? No, it just means I don't want that active hateful exchange any longer.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Jeezus Christ the paragraphs...on and on and on and on.
Some things can't be said in 10-20 words...

They also don't need to be said 10-20 times and then have the person scream about how they don't share their personal stories online when they clearly do.
It doesn't matter I don't hear Dovey crying about her "PI"... Poof is a fuckin trainwreck who's always going on about something derogatory to do with her or the site and most of the members here that's why he's red... I know you and Dovey don't get on but you KNOW what he's like you just don't want to admit it and that's cool...

I missed this one but this is who she is. She used to condemn his behaviour up until she decided to turn on me over politcs.

Then suddenly Poofer was all cool and this 3 year long campaign now gets her approval. Over the fact that she cannot cope with politcal disagreements and she gets mean as fuck.

She used to slam Murd over how Murd will post private stuff about people but now she approves of that as well.

Shes a flip floppy hypocrite who has no actual standards or integrity.

You'll see it for yourself. Everyone else has.
She reached out to me about a thread and we called a truce, I respect anyone willing to stop petty arguments and shit... I'm not a part of the old forums and I know the drama goes deep but people should just let go of the past and move forward...
You cant change yesterday but you can change tomorrow is my motto...

Bahahaha Shamp she did the same thing with me and Big. She "reaches out" and sucks up to mods and admins to try to get them to do things she wants. She has a very long history of this. In fact shes BEEN "reaching out" to mods and admins since she got here.

I'm not telling you not to talk to her. I'm just telling you why shes definitely not a victim of abuse here and if she wasnt so rotten and controling she wouldnt get the treatment she gets. I dont even read her much at all. She showed up being rude, shitty and trying to pick fights.

She was complaining at SG about why Murd shouldnt be on the board because she blasts private stuff people have told her in private. But then Murd comes here, starts drunkenly blasting private shit about me and Big, and lying about it using my daughter as a forum weapon....and now Oak is all about it joining in.

It's just ghoulish hypocrisy. I'm not even mad about it, I didnt address it ONLY because it was so vile and I decided to go ahead and show what had really happened just to demonstrate what kind of lying shit bags they are. It wasnt anything I wouldnt have talked about. But it should have beem kept private unless I decided to discuss it.

So she will wail and cry and get righteous over people posting private shit but when it's someone she decides to be hateful towards its magically okay to blast private stuff. And even if the private stuff WASNT about me? I would still be disgusted by that level of vile hypocrisy.

As far as I'm concerned? If someone is going to be throwing fits and complaining about personal toxic drama and people who post private stuff.....they better not be suddenly doing that themselves just because it's someone they decide they dont like.

She will be cool with you as long as she finds you "useful" or thinks you may be "useful" in the future but the minute you put a boundary down or do not do or say something she wants you to? Forget it. She will get nasty as fuck. She does this same shit everywhere and has for years.

Its definately not gonna change lol. It's not really about "old drama" that's just who she is. If it were her and whatever people on her "team" ganging up....she wouldnt be calling any "truce". She just does that when she wants sympathy or to make you think shes the "bigger person" (LOL).

Dont tell her anything private and dont be shocked when she flips lol.
I'll treat her with respect if it's a two way thing but I won't be manipulated by anyone especially if it's to do with the board... I know there's a lot of bad history with yous, I just thought maybe you could give it another shot but I respect your reasons why...
Deep down with me I know whose side I'm on...

I didn't call for a truce. I see your humanity peek through once in a while and chose to acknowledge it. If you've already decided to take sides, as your post implies. than you are acceding to the person that is actually manipulating you.

Ask yourself some questions:

Did I ask you to take sides on anything?
Did I try to convince you of anyone's culpability to anything?
Did I ask you to do anything for me? Anything at all?

The answers would be no, no, no and no.

You don't have to bother being friendly if you want to stick to your kind. I'm cool.
lol maybe I could've worded it better, these pills make me wonky and typing is hard lol I forget words and everything... By sides I meant political; nobody is manipulating me I can assure you...

I never expected you to change you politics because of anything I say. I wouldn't presume to want to change anyone. Change comes from within oneself.
There's really nothing to this... I'm fine being friendly with anyone here who wants to, well there's two or three naaa, not at all...

I understand, it's a huge waste of time. I'm ignoring quite a few malcontents who really are just angry at themselves for whatever reason. I have nothing to do with it, but won't be acting as their scapegoat either. I don't want to be dragged into a conflict with them anymore.

There are more interesting things to do. Does that mean I don't have some opinions about them? No, it just means I don't want that active hateful exchange any longer.
It becomes a bore for sure...


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Jeezus Christ the paragraphs...on and on and on and on.
Some things can't be said in 10-20 words...

They also don't need to be said 10-20 times and then have the person scream about how they don't share their personal stories online when they clearly do.
It doesn't matter I don't hear Dovey crying about her "PI"... Poof is a fuckin trainwreck who's always going on about something derogatory to do with her or the site and most of the members here that's why he's red... I know you and Dovey don't get on but you KNOW what he's like you just don't want to admit it and that's cool...

I missed this one but this is who she is. She used to condemn his behaviour up until she decided to turn on me over politcs.

Then suddenly Poofer was all cool and this 3 year long campaign now gets her approval. Over the fact that she cannot cope with politcal disagreements and she gets mean as fuck.

She used to slam Murd over how Murd will post private stuff about people but now she approves of that as well.

Shes a flip floppy hypocrite who has no actual standards or integrity.

You'll see it for yourself. Everyone else has.
She reached out to me about a thread and we called a truce, I respect anyone willing to stop petty arguments and shit... I'm not a part of the old forums and I know the drama goes deep but people should just let go of the past and move forward...
You cant change yesterday but you can change tomorrow is my motto...

Bahahaha Shamp she did the same thing with me and Big. She "reaches out" and sucks up to mods and admins to try to get them to do things she wants. She has a very long history of this. In fact shes BEEN "reaching out" to mods and admins since she got here.

I'm not telling you not to talk to her. I'm just telling you why shes definitely not a victim of abuse here and if she wasnt so rotten and controling she wouldnt get the treatment she gets. I dont even read her much at all. She showed up being rude, shitty and trying to pick fights.

She was complaining at SG about why Murd shouldnt be on the board because she blasts private stuff people have told her in private. But then Murd comes here, starts drunkenly blasting private shit about me and Big, and lying about it using my daughter as a forum weapon....and now Oak is all about it joining in.

It's just ghoulish hypocrisy. I'm not even mad about it, I didnt address it ONLY because it was so vile and I decided to go ahead and show what had really happened just to demonstrate what kind of lying shit bags they are. It wasnt anything I wouldnt have talked about. But it should have beem kept private unless I decided to discuss it.

So she will wail and cry and get righteous over people posting private shit but when it's someone she decides to be hateful towards its magically okay to blast private stuff. And even if the private stuff WASNT about me? I would still be disgusted by that level of vile hypocrisy.

As far as I'm concerned? If someone is going to be throwing fits and complaining about personal toxic drama and people who post private stuff.....they better not be suddenly doing that themselves just because it's someone they decide they dont like.

She will be cool with you as long as she finds you "useful" or thinks you may be "useful" in the future but the minute you put a boundary down or do not do or say something she wants you to? Forget it. She will get nasty as fuck. She does this same shit everywhere and has for years.

Its definately not gonna change lol. It's not really about "old drama" that's just who she is. If it were her and whatever people on her "team" ganging up....she wouldnt be calling any "truce". She just does that when she wants sympathy or to make you think shes the "bigger person" (LOL).

Dont tell her anything private and dont be shocked when she flips lol.
I'll treat her with respect if it's a two way thing but I won't be manipulated by anyone especially if it's to do with the board... I know there's a lot of bad history with yous, I just thought maybe you could give it another shot but I respect your reasons why...
Deep down with me I know whos side I'm on...

You'll wind up on her shit list eventually. More so if you wont be manipulated.

The fact I'm saying this stuff will make her determined to avoid proving me right....but eventually she will flip shit and create a reason that thinks looks "valid".

She will lie so she has a "reason" that isnt what we say.

But yeah I'm not telling to have a go going into why I'm gonna bother with her at all. I already accepted an apology from her for her being nasty and hateful towards me. Then she flips and does it again and encourages my family being used and personal convos. No way am I giving all those chances.

The best it will get is me just pretending she doesnt exist and not bothering at all. Besides laying my opinion based on what I've seen down. I'm not ever going to address her and engage her. Unless she flips on either Flea or Moon in a particular nasty way...then I'll just shred her one acre at a time.
I fully understand your reasoning and that's cool there's no point in being fake, if you have to TRY to get on with someone it's not worth the hassle...

People blame you for your family being brought up all the time but it's HIM that started it all!!

People want to remain like spoiled children and blame other people for their bad choices.

I don't believe in using private stuff about families as forum ammo. I'm the only one responsible for my actions. No one is gonna make me violate my own values.

THAT is for weak and petty people desperate for control.



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
I don't like to be one of those people that point fingers, but I was cleaning the windows on the sunporch, and caught a nasty little sliver right on the tip of muh typin' finger, up yours economy!
Last edited:


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Fuck it!
My girlfriend


Her calling me ugly doesn't add up to me...

Yeah nigga, you need a shitload of photoshop to making me ugly. No one gotta do shit but post your pic to prove you got beat with the ugly stick. Sit down, son…you don’t want this smoke.
Post my pic then! Oh she's way hotter than you and that is a FACT, do you think I'd start getting self-conscious because some seething fat pig off the internet called me ugly? :LOL3: Do you think I want you to fancy me? Aye right!!:LOL3:

I KNOW that if we didn't know each other and I was drunk and willing to lower my standards you'd be sucking my big dick at the end of the night... Cope!

I've always had good looking girlfriends since I started high school, that's not bad for an "ugly" guy...

That simple fact of the matter is you're still seething over the beatings I've gave you, so I do beat women?:LOL3:

the fact that you’re even explaining yourself says it all, UGLY. Confident good looking motherfuckers don’t bother entertaining the notion. Keep showing that it bothers you tho…:LOL3:
Oh so you're saying that I just let you go unchallenged when you talk shit about me? I like slamming facts down, I learned that from biggie... Show off and make them seethe and it clearly works, the fact you cant handle what job I'm in says a lot... I was confident enough to post my pic in a fire was I not? I knew I'd get attacked for it so it clearly doesn't bother me does it? You can say what you like ya fat whore...

Biggie actually has what he brags about tho :LOL3:
Yet I'm the one, the ONLY one who's posted a pic of their car and proof I work in Hydraulics which by any means is a well paid, skilled job at any level nevermind engineer, funny how your logic works eh? Like I say quite a lot, I never lie there's no need to haha I sure as hell aren't out to impress nigger lovin wetbacks like yourself...

Oh, I'll just add this edit
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Not bad for an unemployed crackhead is it? Cope:LOL3:

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Fuck it!
My girlfriend


Her calling me ugly doesn't add up to me...

Yeah nigga, you need a shitload of photoshop to making me ugly. No one gotta do shit but post your pic to prove you got beat with the ugly stick. Sit down, son…you don’t want this smoke.
Post my pic then! Oh she's way hotter than you and that is a FACT, do you think I'd start getting self-conscious because some seething fat pig off the internet called me ugly? :LOL3: Do you think I want you to fancy me? Aye right!!:LOL3:

I KNOW that if we didn't know each other and I was drunk and willing to lower my standards you'd be sucking my big dick at the end of the night... Cope!

I've always had good looking girlfriends since I started high school, that's not bad for an "ugly" guy...

That simple fact of the matter is you're still seething over the beatings I've gave you, so I do beat women?:LOL3:

the fact that you’re even explaining yourself says it all, UGLY. Confident good looking motherfuckers don’t bother entertaining the notion. Keep showing that it bothers you tho…:LOL3:
Oh so you're saying that I just let you go unchallenged when you talk shit about me? I like slamming facts down, I learned that from biggie... Show off and make them seethe and it clearly works, the fact you cant handle what job I'm in says a lot... I was confident enough to post my pic in a fire was I not? I knew I'd get attacked for it so it clearly doesn't bother me does it? You can say what you like ya fat whore...

Biggie actually has what he brags about tho :LOL3:
Yet I'm the one, the ONLY one who's posted a pic of their car and proof I work in Hydraulics which by any means is a well paid, skilled job at any level nevermind engineer, funny how your logic works eh? Like I say quite a lot, I never lie there's no need to haha I sure as hell aren't out to impress nigger lovin wetbacks like yourself... Cope:LOL3:

you posted a car, WOW. I didn’t see you post a title in your name, LOSER.

See, I know for a fact Biggie has what he brags about. You actually admitted to COPYING what Biggie does, what kind of fucking bum copies another man on a message board? Tell me Mr, Engineer, what degreedo you have in engineering? Cuz imma bring Homegirl from BC who is an actual college educated engineer, over here to show everyone what a lying fucking degenerate you really are.

Anyone can grab a pic of a car and post it. Anyone can take a selfie in front of a car and pretend it’s there’s. You are not Biggie and you never will be. Seethe about that, you bitch made faggot.