This goes out to all you fuckfaces.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter
☠️Private Forum Access
La La Land
Idk anything about
We now, it's obvious

Looks like you are finally making a friend, eh?

Maybe in 6 MONTHS you guys can suicide together ♡
Unless you know what this is about, shut up and fuck off.

Let me say this: you do not. So fuck off.

Says the chick getting friendly with an unhinged flaming icon who calls peoples jobs and searches for peoples personal info when he gets pissed.

Let's see. I know you keep logging on and getting angry. You claim people are breaking laws. And that in 6 months Raven will find out you are world famous.

Have I got that right?

Wow. Didn't you take private pictures at your last "job" which you goy fired for? Didn't you contact someones baby momma?

Oh, but you’ve left out the BEST parts ~

Why did she contact his baby mama? Cause King of the Pussy Whipped Bitch Boys was crying about a video game that he left at her house and told her to pawn? He resorted to claiming it belonged to his child for public sympathy (the child lives with the baby mama and she has FULL custody) which compelled Dove to return it instead of selling it to get the money back she gave him to return his sorry ass on the bus.

I see you’re content with accepting everything a man says as fact lololol

I’d probably resort to smoking meth too if I were this daft, you selective memory cunt.

This fucking idiot will literally go into melt down spam mode if you respond to it about that situation. I'm not kidding.

It will spazz and start repeating the same post over and over and raging.

Any sort of reasoning, or even trolling this fucktard results in it all cap melting down and spamming triple posts and crying about being lied to on the internet.

This shit never says anything new or funny. It's just disturbing idiocy and innapropriate anger.

I’ll argue with stupid ALL day and night... anyone with 2 brain cells of common sense will see that King Herpes created this situation when he decided to involve his exwife and children in forum life.

It’s painful that people do not realize and fail to accept that he was going to contact your job regardless of what happened to that stupid tucking switch.... it’s like watching monkeys use tools for the first time.... *sigh*

This entire situation never belonged on the internet or forums in the first place.

Let alone get repeated on the internet for years to come.

I've even showed receipts .....this jack ass just screamed about how Joo made photochops.

People are gonna believe whatever they want regardless. Arguing the same topic, that never belonged online to begin with, with people who just rage and spazz and blame "drama" on other people even when they are being ignored is completely a waste of time.

I'm just giving you the heads up if you argue this with this rabid fucktard... .all its gonna do is start spamming and raging. Repeating the same post upwards of 5 times in a row like it did at SG.

It's almost like it deputized itself as Peechodes forum PR team and is only interested in saving his "reputation" by demonizing me and drowning out any truth with rage fests.

Even though absolutely no one on the internet cares about this in the slightest.

Flynn and Fartini Chode hadn't even been here for a year. That's why I came over here. But of course because I started posting here.....poof here they are.

I would say they are angry that I'm not just gone off the boards entirely, but Fartini Chode tries to dox me when I'm on breaks. So who knows wtf they want.
Id never trust a middle aged pleb who had "I fucked Belle Delphine" as a banner under his handle...:LOL1:

He is gonna be 50 in a year.

He lied about his age to me. Told me he was 45 when he was 48. Lmao.

Makes no sense.....until his tearful rages about age. He is super insecure about getting older.
he 50 life bucks and still works at Red Robins

nuff said :ROFL3: :ROFL:


He is going to be 50 and is lying about working at RR.

So ......yeah.
Oh shit

you mean he's unemployed entirely?


I told you I called there to check his ass when I caught on he was a pathological liar.

And I wouldnt even have posted a damn thing about this if he hadnt drug all the drama to the internet and started trying to use personal things about me in his nonstop grudge.

The problem with these assholes is they love to spark up all the bullshit but feel they should be immune and protected from getting it handed back.

Like how it's okay for Casket to weaponize peoples children and families.....but the minute anything gets said back to her, its suddenly uncalled for and family is "off limits".

Like they wanna be able to scream and spam about this drama unfettered but when anyone they are spewing at serves it back they fucking hyperventilate and play victim.

It's boring as fuck at this point.

The entire feud between Flea & I started on CO when she was going all in on Cakur’s kid.

I’m an elitist Valhallan and this goes against code.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Hello you stupid bitches. I see that nothing has changed here. You fucking brainless puss-filled morons keep posting your banal tripe along with the typical juvenile gore pics. How most of you haven't been killed off in a Darwinian way is surprisingly shocking.

With all that being said, I'm looking for two chickenshit spammers that have a yellow stripe running up their emaciated spines. One being Uncle DILF. Bring your clown ass out from whatever male crotch you have your face buried into and be prepared to have your fucking vaginal lips wrapped tightly around that balloon you call a fucking head. I have yet to extract one of my expensive italian heels from your bloated rectum.

The other cowardly little mouthy slug is Rassenkrieg. Gee. I wonder who that fucking loser is? You seem to have a lot so say about me when i'm not here. Haven't I already on numerous occassion verbally boxed your ugly face in making you look like a transgender raccoon? Yet. You continue spouting off spamtastic crapolla you fucking think is pure fucking gold. You are a bonafide moron, not even capable of stringing two words together coherently.

To any other illiterate fucks that might think that Flynn wants to read your shit, stay the fuck out of my way or I fucking pull your labia over your head and use it as a fucking giant slingshot. Just ask that cunt RealGrimm aka RealWomann.

CiAo! You dickless wonders.
Oh look it's DorianGhey making a return to ravish us with TL~DR snooze posts!

Oh look! It's the fucking retard that wears his fathers Summer's Eve bottles as a Halloween costume. Idiot.
So going by your logic everyone is actually their avatar which makes you a smoking monkey? Got it...

How stupid are you? I didn't have this avatar at SG. You had your dad's vaginal cleanser on your av here and at SG you fucking tard.
Assuming that was me... I don't even remember you being at SG but that's probably because I tend to skip by yards of nonsense...

Right. I can pull up 9 fucking pages of me using your pussy as a rubber band.

Fucking clown.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!

Its like.....I gotta ignore this fuckface. But then the troll in me is really wanting to get my lolololols.

This tubby ass fuck thought I passing a kidney stone out my fucking CLIT. There is so much material here it's like Christmas.

To bad he is too fucking psychotic to stay on the internet or shake it off lol.

Maybe if I let him lick my asshole it will cure his raging Dovid 19. But he is gonna pay for his own bus ticket this time. And its gotta be in a gas station several counties away from my house. And only after I use the toilet. And I'm not putting on make up for that.

I'll give him 5 minutes. Take or leave. Something has to calm this mess down.


As if your bloated version of reality is actually believed you fucking deadbeat. See, you're such a stupid bitch, that you couldn't let Biggie Retard and Mr. Martini duke it out. No. You see a chance to fucking fist fuck King Martini whom you let insert his penis into your rotten cunt. I don't think so you fucking charity case.

You fucked Biggie Jew and King Martini and here they both are sucking each other off because of you. You used both these two fucking idiots. You keep on using Shitty Smalls anytime King-Ding-A-Ling makes you shit yourself when his barbs hit too fucking close to home. You are a truly fucking pathetic basket case.




Hey dummy. This is how much of a fucking retard Biggie Cocksucker is. He swings into this thread posting a genius comment about, "this thread sucks." Yet him and King Dink are the two most active dickheads in this fucking thread. What a fucking brainless moron.

Notice how all the smart people don't fall for the "poor me" stories from you Dovey. Did you get a job, yet? Or are you using Covid-19 to sponge off someone else you Mr. Ed looking skank.
Get the fuck off this forum you piece of shit! I’ll fucking break you boi. Get the fuck out of my sight!

I really hate it when i'm so fucking popular that even Dovey's DSHS case worker is trying to lame me.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter
☠️Private Forum Access
La La Land
Can you smell the podcast....

“Flamer vows to end doxing attempts after infamous switch is returned.... humanity is restored to the Internet”

Bwa hahhahahah you fucking idiots


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell

Good gawd. Another psycho on ignore.

Gee. Scared that you don't have any protection here except your midget meat shield, Biggie Folly?

That's right bitch. Put me on ignore.

Pfft, we found a cure for Dovid, it's called the ignore function. Most of the ppl here already have the wilderbeast on iggy so you would be doing your mental health a favor by taking the needed steps.

Wash your hands first. I can't stress the importance of washing your hands. You don't want little particles of nutjob accidentally falling thru the cracks and risking infection. You might get evicted from your home or worse.

Hey white flagger, happy holidays. The Martini Celebrity Roast is going on at FT, you should stop by and see what daddy santa pulls out of his sack for you


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Hello you stupid bitches. I see that nothing has changed here. You fucking brainless puss-filled morons keep posting your banal tripe along with the typical juvenile gore pics. How most of you haven't been killed off in a Darwinian way is surprisingly shocking.

With all that being said, I'm looking for two chickenshit spammers that have a yellow stripe running up their emaciated spines. One being Uncle DILF. Bring your clown ass out from whatever male crotch you have your face buried into and be prepared to have your fucking vaginal lips wrapped tightly around that balloon you call a fucking head. I have yet to extract one of my expensive italian heels from your bloated rectum.

The other cowardly little mouthy slug is Rassenkrieg. Gee. I wonder who that fucking loser is? You seem to have a lot so say about me when i'm not here. Haven't I already on numerous occassion verbally boxed your ugly face in making you look like a transgender raccoon? Yet. You continue spouting off spamtastic crapolla you fucking think is pure fucking gold. You are a bonafide moron, not even capable of stringing two words together coherently.

To any other illiterate fucks that might think that Flynn wants to read your shit, stay the fuck out of my way or I fucking pull your labia over your head and use it as a fucking giant slingshot. Just ask that cunt RealGrimm aka RealWomann.

CiAo! You dickless wonders.
Oh look it's DorianGhey making a return to ravish us with TL~DR snooze posts!

Oh look! It's the fucking retard that wears his fathers Summer's Eve bottles as a Halloween costume. Idiot.
So going by your logic everyone is actually their avatar which makes you a smoking monkey? Got it...

How stupid are you? I didn't have this avatar at SG. You had your dad's vaginal cleanser on your av here and at SG you fucking tard.
Assuming that was me... I don't even remember you being at SG but that's probably because I tend to skip by yards of nonsense...

Right. I can pull up 9 fucking pages of me using your pussy as a rubber band.

Fucking clown.
:LMAO: Do it then... :LOL2:


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Dude.. you can't flame.. Give it up.. :facepalm: You are a grease whore nigger that flips burgers for a living... No matter what you say.. THAT is who you are.... a fuckin loser keyboard warrior and burger flipper... pathetic, really hahaha
No, that's what you are trying to portray yours truly as and failing miserablely at it.

I'm like this sites security certificate, nobody can fix me even when they say they can.
I ain't portraying shit... You let the cat out of the bag.. you fucking JOKE.. jfc.. Benzo's funnier than you are, ffs. :LMAO:
Irrelevant. Still doesn't change the fact that you are a child porn lover

@Super Chad do you know that this @RAVEN voluntarily posted a screenshot that proves she has done sarches for child porn? That's how stupid this specimen is....
It was you @maxis735 and don't deny it you fucking pervert.


Image aint there. FOr someone who says its not it him, sure is crying a lot about it. I feel bad for the mods that are falling for the fake cries.
It's been removed from the host site, no editing here... Seems Ice is having his images deleted or something...

Ah ok, glad you wasnt being a lil bitch :Grin3:

WRONG! @SHAMPAIN is definitely a lil bitch.... Sad fucker, beating up women...
Poor Chumplain ran from a call out at a forum he mods.

That, is a bitch move.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
48 years old and thinks women pee out of their clits.

oh, and rides the bus


As opposed to YOU? Remember? You're a fucking millionaire that hangs out on fringe forums and is a cab driver because with all your millions you'd rather drive people around in your nice shiny Hyundai.
I own 5 cars actually & my monthly insurance bill is probably more than your rent.

2016 audi a6
2019 bmw 550i
2020 Acura ILX
2011 Mazda 6
2009 Ford F150

nope... don't see a hyundai on that list

What do you slide around in, A refrigerator shipping box with Vaseline smeared on the bottom?

Yeah. Okay. While you're making shit up you fucking Dean Troyer wannabe, why don't you also include your 12 yachts, 2 jets and the 9 private islands you own.

Fucking illiterate dwarf.



Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Idk anything about
We now, it's obvious

Looks like you are finally making a friend, eh?

Maybe in 6 MONTHS you guys can suicide together ♡
Unless you know what this is about, shut up and fuck off.

Let me say this: you do not. So fuck off.

Says the chick getting friendly with an unhinged flaming icon who calls peoples jobs and searches for peoples personal info when he gets pissed.

Let's see. I know you keep logging on and getting angry. You claim people are breaking laws. And that in 6 months Raven will find out you are world famous.

Have I got that right?

Wow. Didn't you take private pictures at your last "job" which you goy fired for? Didn't you contact someones baby momma?

Oh, but you’ve left out the BEST parts ~

Why did she contact his baby mama? Cause King of the Pussy Whipped Bitch Boys was crying about a video game that he left at her house and told her to pawn? He resorted to claiming it belonged to his child for public sympathy (the child lives with the baby mama and she has FULL custody) which compelled Dove to return it instead of selling it to get the money back she gave him to return his sorry ass on the bus.

I see you’re content with accepting everything a man says as fact lololol

I’d probably resort to smoking meth too if I were this daft, you selective memory cunt.

This fucking idiot will literally go into melt down spam mode if you respond to it about that situation. I'm not kidding.

It will spazz and start repeating the same post over and over and raging.

Any sort of reasoning, or even trolling this fucktard results in it all cap melting down and spamming triple posts and crying about being lied to on the internet.

This shit never says anything new or funny. It's just disturbing idiocy and innapropriate anger.

I’ll argue with stupid ALL day and night... anyone with 2 brain cells of common sense will see that King Herpes created this situation when he decided to involve his exwife and children in forum life.

It’s painful that people do not realize and fail to accept that he was going to contact your job regardless of what happened to that stupid tucking switch.... it’s like watching monkeys use tools for the first time.... *sigh*

This entire situation never belonged on the internet or forums in the first place.

Let alone get repeated on the internet for years to come.

I've even showed receipts .....this jack ass just screamed about how Joo made photochops.

People are gonna believe whatever they want regardless. Arguing the same topic, that never belonged online to begin with, with people who just rage and spazz and blame "drama" on other people even when they are being ignored is completely a waste of time.

I'm just giving you the heads up if you argue this with this rabid fucktard... .all its gonna do is start spamming and raging. Repeating the same post upwards of 5 times in a row like it did at SG.

It's almost like it deputized itself as Peechodes forum PR team and is only interested in saving his "reputation" by demonizing me and drowning out any truth with rage fests.

Even though absolutely no one on the internet cares about this in the slightest.

Flynn and Fartini Chode hadn't even been here for a year. That's why I came over here. But of course because I started posting here.....poof here they are.

I would say they are angry that I'm not just gone off the boards entirely, but Fartini Chode tries to dox me when I'm on breaks. So who knows wtf they want.
Id never trust a middle aged pleb who had "I fucked Belle Delphine" as a banner under his handle...:LOL1:

He is gonna be 50 in a year.

He lied about his age to me. Told me he was 45 when he was 48. Lmao.

Makes no sense.....until his tearful rages about age. He is super insecure about getting older.
he 50 life bucks and still works at Red Robins

nuff said :ROFL3: :ROFL:


He is going to be 50 and is lying about working at RR.

So ......yeah.
Oh shit

you mean he's unemployed entirely?


I told you I called there to check his ass when I caught on he was a pathological liar.

And I wouldnt even have posted a damn thing about this if he hadnt drug all the drama to the internet and started trying to use personal things about me in his nonstop grudge.

The problem with these assholes is they love to spark up all the bullshit but feel they should be immune and protected from getting it handed back.

Like how it's okay for Casket to weaponize peoples children and families.....but the minute anything gets said back to her, its suddenly uncalled for and family is "off limits".

Like they wanna be able to scream and spam about this drama unfettered but when anyone they are spewing at serves it back they fucking hyperventilate and play victim.

It's boring as fuck at this point.

The entire feud between Flea & I started on CO when she was going all in on Cakur’s kid.

I’m an elitist Valhallan and this goes against code.

I defended Casket on numerous occasions. But these are the people that ALWAYS go there and than cry foul.

Casket lies about things I supposedly said in PM at CO about my family. And then tells people i told her my "life story" in the one fucking phone call I had with her when I lived in FL. I probably said some things, but nothing deep that I wouldnt want online. As if I got much word in to do so had I wanted to.

She knows what she is saying is absolute bullshit. She knows CO pms are gone, and a claims about a phone call cannot be backed.

It's not about truth for any if them. Its directly about their narcissistic and unhealthy need to be enmeshed in nasty, PI personal dramas on the internet.

There is a long list of other posters they have done the same damn thing to. So its not like I'm the first, and I doubt I'll be the last.

It's pretty gross and sad.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Oh boy... Stooper Spazz is back for another full day of crying and mincing


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
48 years old and thinks women pee out of their clits.

oh, and rides the bus


As opposed to YOU? Remember? You're a fucking millionaire that hangs out on fringe forums and is a cab driver because with all your millions you'd rather drive people around in your nice shiny Hyundai.
I own 5 cars actually & my monthly insurance bill is probably more than your rent.

2016 audi a6
2019 bmw 550i
2020 Acura ILX
2011 Mazda 6
2009 Ford F150

nope... don't see a hyundai on that list

What do you slide around in, A refrigerator shipping box with Vaseline smeared on the bottom?

Yeah. Okay. While you're making shit up you fucking Dean Troyer wannabe, why don't you also include your 12 yachts, 2 jets and the 9 private islands you own.

Fucking illiterate dwarf.

Umm.....don't believe any of that bullshit. I actually know the facts.

Tee Hee

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
48 years old and thinks women pee out of their clits.

oh, and rides the bus


As opposed to YOU? Remember? You're a fucking millionaire that hangs out on fringe forums and is a cab driver because with all your millions you'd rather drive people around in your nice shiny Hyundai.
I own 5 cars actually & my monthly insurance bill is probably more than your rent.

2016 audi a6
2019 bmw 550i
2020 Acura ILX
2011 Mazda 6
2009 Ford F150

nope... don't see a hyundai on that list

What do you slide around in, A refrigerator shipping box with Vaseline smeared on the bottom?

Yeah. Okay. While you're making shit up you fucking Dean Troyer wannabe, why don't you also include your 12 yachts, 2 jets and the 9 private islands you own.

Fucking illiterate dwarf.

Umm.....don't believe any of that bullshit. I actually know the facts.

Tee Hee
The only fact here is that you ride the bus :ROFL:

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Idk anything about
We now, it's obvious

Looks like you are finally making a friend, eh?

Maybe in 6 MONTHS you guys can suicide together ♡
Unless you know what this is about, shut up and fuck off.

Let me say this: you do not. So fuck off.

Says the chick getting friendly with an unhinged flaming icon who calls peoples jobs and searches for peoples personal info when he gets pissed.

Let's see. I know you keep logging on and getting angry. You claim people are breaking laws. And that in 6 months Raven will find out you are world famous.

Have I got that right?

Wow. Didn't you take private pictures at your last "job" which you goy fired for? Didn't you contact someones baby momma?

Oh, but you’ve left out the BEST parts ~

Why did she contact his baby mama? Cause King of the Pussy Whipped Bitch Boys was crying about a video game that he left at her house and told her to pawn? He resorted to claiming it belonged to his child for public sympathy (the child lives with the baby mama and she has FULL custody) which compelled Dove to return it instead of selling it to get the money back she gave him to return his sorry ass on the bus.

I see you’re content with accepting everything a man says as fact lololol

I’d probably resort to smoking meth too if I were this daft, you selective memory cunt.

This fucking idiot will literally go into melt down spam mode if you respond to it about that situation. I'm not kidding.

It will spazz and start repeating the same post over and over and raging.

Any sort of reasoning, or even trolling this fucktard results in it all cap melting down and spamming triple posts and crying about being lied to on the internet.

This shit never says anything new or funny. It's just disturbing idiocy and innapropriate anger.

I’ll argue with stupid ALL day and night... anyone with 2 brain cells of common sense will see that King Herpes created this situation when he decided to involve his exwife and children in forum life.

It’s painful that people do not realize and fail to accept that he was going to contact your job regardless of what happened to that stupid tucking switch.... it’s like watching monkeys use tools for the first time.... *sigh*

This entire situation never belonged on the internet or forums in the first place.

Let alone get repeated on the internet for years to come.

I've even showed receipts .....this jack ass just screamed about how Joo made photochops.

People are gonna believe whatever they want regardless. Arguing the same topic, that never belonged online to begin with, with people who just rage and spazz and blame "drama" on other people even when they are being ignored is completely a waste of time.

I'm just giving you the heads up if you argue this with this rabid fucktard... .all its gonna do is start spamming and raging. Repeating the same post upwards of 5 times in a row like it did at SG.

It's almost like it deputized itself as Peechodes forum PR team and is only interested in saving his "reputation" by demonizing me and drowning out any truth with rage fests.

Even though absolutely no one on the internet cares about this in the slightest.

Flynn and Fartini Chode hadn't even been here for a year. That's why I came over here. But of course because I started posting here.....poof here they are.

I would say they are angry that I'm not just gone off the boards entirely, but Fartini Chode tries to dox me when I'm on breaks. So who knows wtf they want.
Id never trust a middle aged pleb who had "I fucked Belle Delphine" as a banner under his handle...:LOL1:

He is gonna be 50 in a year.

He lied about his age to me. Told me he was 45 when he was 48. Lmao.

Makes no sense.....until his tearful rages about age. He is super insecure about getting older.
he 50 life bucks and still works at Red Robins

nuff said :ROFL3: :ROFL:


He is going to be 50 and is lying about working at RR.

So ......yeah.
Oh shit

you mean he's unemployed entirely?


I told you I called there to check his ass when I caught on he was a pathological liar.

And I wouldnt even have posted a damn thing about this if he hadnt drug all the drama to the internet and started trying to use personal things about me in his nonstop grudge.

The problem with these assholes is they love to spark up all the bullshit but feel they should be immune and protected from getting it handed back.

Like how it's okay for Casket to weaponize peoples children and families.....but the minute anything gets said back to her, its suddenly uncalled for and family is "off limits".

Like they wanna be able to scream and spam about this drama unfettered but when anyone they are spewing at serves it back they fucking hyperventilate and play victim.

It's boring as fuck at this point.

The entire feud between Flea & I started on CO when she was going all in on Cakur’s kid.

I’m an elitist Valhallan and this goes against code.

This happened years ago and I’ve since apologized for it. I don’t play that way anymore. Can I ask a favor? Don’t include me in this shit anymore, please. It’s draining and I’m over it.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Yeah there the lump of piss and blood calling itself a chode goes....claiming he has me on ignore for the 20th time yet is quoting my posts.

He had Big on ignore too but interacted all day with him.

They just spew endless dramatic bullshit and dont even bother keeping track of any of it.


And FTR.....I dont give a fuck what anyone believes about this. Only a liar/narc cares if people on the internet believe them. I know what happened. He knows what happened. And he really needs to let it the fuck go

Their entire goal is to sell this bullshit everywhere.....even though they get told constantly that no one even fucking cares.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Oh boy... Stooper Spazz is back for another full day of crying and mincing
Who's crying, Herve?

I had you spastics talking to yourselves yesterday coast is clear posting while I was Xmas shopping.

Oh hey, did I mention certain ppl here actually see how you kill forums and are getting sick of your shit already?

Security certificate?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter
☠️Private Forum Access
La La Land
Idk anything about
We now, it's obvious

Looks like you are finally making a friend, eh?

Maybe in 6 MONTHS you guys can suicide together ♡
Unless you know what this is about, shut up and fuck off.

Let me say this: you do not. So fuck off.

Says the chick getting friendly with an unhinged flaming icon who calls peoples jobs and searches for peoples personal info when he gets pissed.

Let's see. I know you keep logging on and getting angry. You claim people are breaking laws. And that in 6 months Raven will find out you are world famous.

Have I got that right?

Wow. Didn't you take private pictures at your last "job" which you goy fired for? Didn't you contact someones baby momma?

Oh, but you’ve left out the BEST parts ~

Why did she contact his baby mama? Cause King of the Pussy Whipped Bitch Boys was crying about a video game that he left at her house and told her to pawn? He resorted to claiming it belonged to his child for public sympathy (the child lives with the baby mama and she has FULL custody) which compelled Dove to return it instead of selling it to get the money back she gave him to return his sorry ass on the bus.

I see you’re content with accepting everything a man says as fact lololol

I’d probably resort to smoking meth too if I were this daft, you selective memory cunt.

This fucking idiot will literally go into melt down spam mode if you respond to it about that situation. I'm not kidding.

It will spazz and start repeating the same post over and over and raging.

Any sort of reasoning, or even trolling this fucktard results in it all cap melting down and spamming triple posts and crying about being lied to on the internet.

This shit never says anything new or funny. It's just disturbing idiocy and innapropriate anger.

I’ll argue with stupid ALL day and night... anyone with 2 brain cells of common sense will see that King Herpes created this situation when he decided to involve his exwife and children in forum life.

It’s painful that people do not realize and fail to accept that he was going to contact your job regardless of what happened to that stupid tucking switch.... it’s like watching monkeys use tools for the first time.... *sigh*

This entire situation never belonged on the internet or forums in the first place.

Let alone get repeated on the internet for years to come.

I've even showed receipts .....this jack ass just screamed about how Joo made photochops.

People are gonna believe whatever they want regardless. Arguing the same topic, that never belonged online to begin with, with people who just rage and spazz and blame "drama" on other people even when they are being ignored is completely a waste of time.

I'm just giving you the heads up if you argue this with this rabid fucktard... .all its gonna do is start spamming and raging. Repeating the same post upwards of 5 times in a row like it did at SG.

It's almost like it deputized itself as Peechodes forum PR team and is only interested in saving his "reputation" by demonizing me and drowning out any truth with rage fests.

Even though absolutely no one on the internet cares about this in the slightest.

Flynn and Fartini Chode hadn't even been here for a year. That's why I came over here. But of course because I started posting here.....poof here they are.

I would say they are angry that I'm not just gone off the boards entirely, but Fartini Chode tries to dox me when I'm on breaks. So who knows wtf they want.
Id never trust a middle aged pleb who had "I fucked Belle Delphine" as a banner under his handle...:LOL1:

He is gonna be 50 in a year.

He lied about his age to me. Told me he was 45 when he was 48. Lmao.

Makes no sense.....until his tearful rages about age. He is super insecure about getting older.
he 50 life bucks and still works at Red Robins

nuff said :ROFL3: :ROFL:


He is going to be 50 and is lying about working at RR.

So ......yeah.
Oh shit

you mean he's unemployed entirely?


I told you I called there to check his ass when I caught on he was a pathological liar.

And I wouldnt even have posted a damn thing about this if he hadnt drug all the drama to the internet and started trying to use personal things about me in his nonstop grudge.

The problem with these assholes is they love to spark up all the bullshit but feel they should be immune and protected from getting it handed back.

Like how it's okay for Casket to weaponize peoples children and families.....but the minute anything gets said back to her, its suddenly uncalled for and family is "off limits".

Like they wanna be able to scream and spam about this drama unfettered but when anyone they are spewing at serves it back they fucking hyperventilate and play victim.

It's boring as fuck at this point.

The entire feud between Flea & I started on CO when she was going all in on Cakur’s kid.

I’m an elitist Valhallan and this goes against code.

This happened years ago and I’ve since apologized for it. I don’t play that way anymore. Can I ask a favor? Don’t include me in this shit anymore, please. It’s draining and I’m over it.

huat trying to
Idk anything about
We now, it's obvious

Looks like you are finally making a friend, eh?

Maybe in 6 MONTHS you guys can suicide together ♡
Unless you know what this is about, shut up and fuck off.

Let me say this: you do not. So fuck off.

Says the chick getting friendly with an unhinged flaming icon who calls peoples jobs and searches for peoples personal info when he gets pissed.

Let's see. I know you keep logging on and getting angry. You claim people are breaking laws. And that in 6 months Raven will find out you are world famous.

Have I got that right?

Wow. Didn't you take private pictures at your last "job" which you goy fired for? Didn't you contact someones baby momma?

Oh, but you’ve left out the BEST parts ~

Why did she contact his baby mama? Cause King of the Pussy Whipped Bitch Boys was crying about a video game that he left at her house and told her to pawn? He resorted to claiming it belonged to his child for public sympathy (the child lives with the baby mama and she has FULL custody) which compelled Dove to return it instead of selling it to get the money back she gave him to return his sorry ass on the bus.

I see you’re content with accepting everything a man says as fact lololol

I’d probably resort to smoking meth too if I were this daft, you selective memory cunt.

This fucking idiot will literally go into melt down spam mode if you respond to it about that situation. I'm not kidding.

It will spazz and start repeating the same post over and over and raging.

Any sort of reasoning, or even trolling this fucktard results in it all cap melting down and spamming triple posts and crying about being lied to on the internet.

This shit never says anything new or funny. It's just disturbing idiocy and innapropriate anger.

I’ll argue with stupid ALL day and night... anyone with 2 brain cells of common sense will see that King Herpes created this situation when he decided to involve his exwife and children in forum life.

It’s painful that people do not realize and fail to accept that he was going to contact your job regardless of what happened to that stupid tucking switch.... it’s like watching monkeys use tools for the first time.... *sigh*

This entire situation never belonged on the internet or forums in the first place.

Let alone get repeated on the internet for years to come.

I've even showed receipts .....this jack ass just screamed about how Joo made photochops.

People are gonna believe whatever they want regardless. Arguing the same topic, that never belonged online to begin with, with people who just rage and spazz and blame "drama" on other people even when they are being ignored is completely a waste of time.

I'm just giving you the heads up if you argue this with this rabid fucktard... .all its gonna do is start spamming and raging. Repeating the same post upwards of 5 times in a row like it did at SG.

It's almost like it deputized itself as Peechodes forum PR team and is only interested in saving his "reputation" by demonizing me and drowning out any truth with rage fests.

Even though absolutely no one on the internet cares about this in the slightest.

Flynn and Fartini Chode hadn't even been here for a year. That's why I came over here. But of course because I started posting here.....poof here they are.

I would say they are angry that I'm not just gone off the boards entirely, but Fartini Chode tries to dox me when I'm on breaks. So who knows wtf they want.
Id never trust a middle aged pleb who had "I fucked Belle Delphine" as a banner under his handle...:LOL1:

He is gonna be 50 in a year.

He lied about his age to me. Told me he was 45 when he was 48. Lmao.

Makes no sense.....until his tearful rages about age. He is super insecure about getting older.
he 50 life bucks and still works at Red Robins

nuff said :ROFL3: :ROFL:


He is going to be 50 and is lying about working at RR.

So ......yeah.
Oh shit

you mean he's unemployed entirely?


I told you I called there to check his ass when I caught on he was a pathological liar.

And I wouldnt even have posted a damn thing about this if he hadnt drug all the drama to the internet and started trying to use personal things about me in his nonstop grudge.

The problem with these assholes is they love to spark up all the bullshit but feel they should be immune and protected from getting it handed back.

Like how it's okay for Casket to weaponize peoples children and families.....but the minute anything gets said back to her, its suddenly uncalled for and family is "off limits".

Like they wanna be able to scream and spam about this drama unfettered but when anyone they are spewing at serves it back they fucking hyperventilate and play victim.

It's boring as fuck at this point.

The entire feud between Flea & I started on CO when she was going all in on Cakur’s kid.

I’m an elitist Valhallan and this goes against code.

This happened years ago and I’ve since apologized for it. I don’t play that way anymore. Can I ask a favor? Don’t include me in this shit anymore, please. It’s draining and I’m over it.

My point is and remains that the majority of us believe this sort of thing is WRONG.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Hello you stupid bitches. I see that nothing has changed here. You fucking brainless puss-filled morons keep posting your banal tripe along with the typical juvenile gore pics. How most of you haven't been killed off in a Darwinian way is surprisingly shocking.

With all that being said, I'm looking for two chickenshit spammers that have a yellow stripe running up their emaciated spines. One being Uncle DILF. Bring your clown ass out from whatever male crotch you have your face buried into and be prepared to have your fucking vaginal lips wrapped tightly around that balloon you call a fucking head. I have yet to extract one of my expensive italian heels from your bloated rectum.

The other cowardly little mouthy slug is Rassenkrieg. Gee. I wonder who that fucking loser is? You seem to have a lot so say about me when i'm not here. Haven't I already on numerous occassion verbally boxed your ugly face in making you look like a transgender raccoon? Yet. You continue spouting off spamtastic crapolla you fucking think is pure fucking gold. You are a bonafide moron, not even capable of stringing two words together coherently.

To any other illiterate fucks that might think that Flynn wants to read your shit, stay the fuck out of my way or I fucking pull your labia over your head and use it as a fucking giant slingshot. Just ask that cunt RealGrimm aka RealWomann.

CiAo! You dickless wonders.

as soon 2 vote from vacaroo cums in, I will tear your boi hole apart you pondscum.

There's my little man-bitch. What did I tell you last time I was here slapnuts? In case you forgot because of semen overload in your mouth and brain, i'll refresh your memory. I bitchslapped your saggy ass to the SG and then pimpslapped your what was left of your anus back here.

Now. If you would like a fucking rerun of that episode, just let me know and i'll the lightning right up your fucking loosened butthole.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Idk anything about
We now, it's obvious

Looks like you are finally making a friend, eh?

Maybe in 6 MONTHS you guys can suicide together ♡
Unless you know what this is about, shut up and fuck off.

Let me say this: you do not. So fuck off.

Says the chick getting friendly with an unhinged flaming icon who calls peoples jobs and searches for peoples personal info when he gets pissed.

Let's see. I know you keep logging on and getting angry. You claim people are breaking laws. And that in 6 months Raven will find out you are world famous.

Have I got that right?

Wow. Didn't you take private pictures at your last "job" which you goy fired for? Didn't you contact someones baby momma?

Oh, but you’ve left out the BEST parts ~

Why did she contact his baby mama? Cause King of the Pussy Whipped Bitch Boys was crying about a video game that he left at her house and told her to pawn? He resorted to claiming it belonged to his child for public sympathy (the child lives with the baby mama and she has FULL custody) which compelled Dove to return it instead of selling it to get the money back she gave him to return his sorry ass on the bus.

I see you’re content with accepting everything a man says as fact lololol

I’d probably resort to smoking meth too if I were this daft, you selective memory cunt.

This fucking idiot will literally go into melt down spam mode if you respond to it about that situation. I'm not kidding.

It will spazz and start repeating the same post over and over and raging.

Any sort of reasoning, or even trolling this fucktard results in it all cap melting down and spamming triple posts and crying about being lied to on the internet.

This shit never says anything new or funny. It's just disturbing idiocy and innapropriate anger.

I’ll argue with stupid ALL day and night... anyone with 2 brain cells of common sense will see that King Herpes created this situation when he decided to involve his exwife and children in forum life.

It’s painful that people do not realize and fail to accept that he was going to contact your job regardless of what happened to that stupid tucking switch.... it’s like watching monkeys use tools for the first time.... *sigh*

This entire situation never belonged on the internet or forums in the first place.

Let alone get repeated on the internet for years to come.

I've even showed receipts .....this jack ass just screamed about how Joo made photochops.

People are gonna believe whatever they want regardless. Arguing the same topic, that never belonged online to begin with, with people who just rage and spazz and blame "drama" on other people even when they are being ignored is completely a waste of time.

I'm just giving you the heads up if you argue this with this rabid fucktard... .all its gonna do is start spamming and raging. Repeating the same post upwards of 5 times in a row like it did at SG.

It's almost like it deputized itself as Peechodes forum PR team and is only interested in saving his "reputation" by demonizing me and drowning out any truth with rage fests.

Even though absolutely no one on the internet cares about this in the slightest.

Flynn and Fartini Chode hadn't even been here for a year. That's why I came over here. But of course because I started posting here.....poof here they are.

I would say they are angry that I'm not just gone off the boards entirely, but Fartini Chode tries to dox me when I'm on breaks. So who knows wtf they want.
Id never trust a middle aged pleb who had "I fucked Belle Delphine" as a banner under his handle...:LOL1:

He is gonna be 50 in a year.

He lied about his age to me. Told me he was 45 when he was 48. Lmao.

Makes no sense.....until his tearful rages about age. He is super insecure about getting older.
he 50 life bucks and still works at Red Robins

nuff said :ROFL3: :ROFL:


He is going to be 50 and is lying about working at RR.

So ......yeah.
Oh shit

you mean he's unemployed entirely?


I told you I called there to check his ass when I caught on he was a pathological liar.

And I wouldnt even have posted a damn thing about this if he hadnt drug all the drama to the internet and started trying to use personal things about me in his nonstop grudge.

The problem with these assholes is they love to spark up all the bullshit but feel they should be immune and protected from getting it handed back.

Like how it's okay for Casket to weaponize peoples children and families.....but the minute anything gets said back to her, its suddenly uncalled for and family is "off limits".

Like they wanna be able to scream and spam about this drama unfettered but when anyone they are spewing at serves it back they fucking hyperventilate and play victim.

It's boring as fuck at this point.

The entire feud between Flea & I started on CO when she was going all in on Cakur’s kid.

I’m an elitist Valhallan and this goes against code.

This happened years ago and I’ve since apologized for it. I don’t play that way anymore. Can I ask a favor? Don’t include me in this shit anymore, please. It’s draining and I’m over it.

huat trying to
Idk anything about
We now, it's obvious

Looks like you are finally making a friend, eh?

Maybe in 6 MONTHS you guys can suicide together ♡
Unless you know what this is about, shut up and fuck off.

Let me say this: you do not. So fuck off.

Says the chick getting friendly with an unhinged flaming icon who calls peoples jobs and searches for peoples personal info when he gets pissed.

Let's see. I know you keep logging on and getting angry. You claim people are breaking laws. And that in 6 months Raven will find out you are world famous.

Have I got that right?

Wow. Didn't you take private pictures at your last "job" which you goy fired for? Didn't you contact someones baby momma?

Oh, but you’ve left out the BEST parts ~

Why did she contact his baby mama? Cause King of the Pussy Whipped Bitch Boys was crying about a video game that he left at her house and told her to pawn? He resorted to claiming it belonged to his child for public sympathy (the child lives with the baby mama and she has FULL custody) which compelled Dove to return it instead of selling it to get the money back she gave him to return his sorry ass on the bus.

I see you’re content with accepting everything a man says as fact lololol

I’d probably resort to smoking meth too if I were this daft, you selective memory cunt.

This fucking idiot will literally go into melt down spam mode if you respond to it about that situation. I'm not kidding.

It will spazz and start repeating the same post over and over and raging.

Any sort of reasoning, or even trolling this fucktard results in it all cap melting down and spamming triple posts and crying about being lied to on the internet.

This shit never says anything new or funny. It's just disturbing idiocy and innapropriate anger.

I’ll argue with stupid ALL day and night... anyone with 2 brain cells of common sense will see that King Herpes created this situation when he decided to involve his exwife and children in forum life.

It’s painful that people do not realize and fail to accept that he was going to contact your job regardless of what happened to that stupid tucking switch.... it’s like watching monkeys use tools for the first time.... *sigh*

This entire situation never belonged on the internet or forums in the first place.

Let alone get repeated on the internet for years to come.

I've even showed receipts .....this jack ass just screamed about how Joo made photochops.

People are gonna believe whatever they want regardless. Arguing the same topic, that never belonged online to begin with, with people who just rage and spazz and blame "drama" on other people even when they are being ignored is completely a waste of time.

I'm just giving you the heads up if you argue this with this rabid fucktard... .all its gonna do is start spamming and raging. Repeating the same post upwards of 5 times in a row like it did at SG.

It's almost like it deputized itself as Peechodes forum PR team and is only interested in saving his "reputation" by demonizing me and drowning out any truth with rage fests.

Even though absolutely no one on the internet cares about this in the slightest.

Flynn and Fartini Chode hadn't even been here for a year. That's why I came over here. But of course because I started posting here.....poof here they are.

I would say they are angry that I'm not just gone off the boards entirely, but Fartini Chode tries to dox me when I'm on breaks. So who knows wtf they want.
Id never trust a middle aged pleb who had "I fucked Belle Delphine" as a banner under his handle...:LOL1:

He is gonna be 50 in a year.

He lied about his age to me. Told me he was 45 when he was 48. Lmao.

Makes no sense.....until his tearful rages about age. He is super insecure about getting older.
he 50 life bucks and still works at Red Robins

nuff said :ROFL3: :ROFL:


He is going to be 50 and is lying about working at RR.

So ......yeah.
Oh shit

you mean he's unemployed entirely?


I told you I called there to check his ass when I caught on he was a pathological liar.

And I wouldnt even have posted a damn thing about this if he hadnt drug all the drama to the internet and started trying to use personal things about me in his nonstop grudge.

The problem with these assholes is they love to spark up all the bullshit but feel they should be immune and protected from getting it handed back.

Like how it's okay for Casket to weaponize peoples children and families.....but the minute anything gets said back to her, its suddenly uncalled for and family is "off limits".

Like they wanna be able to scream and spam about this drama unfettered but when anyone they are spewing at serves it back they fucking hyperventilate and play victim.

It's boring as fuck at this point.

The entire feud between Flea & I started on CO when she was going all in on Cakur’s kid.

I’m an elitist Valhallan and this goes against code.

This happened years ago and I’ve since apologized for it. I don’t play that way anymore. Can I ask a favor? Don’t include me in this shit anymore, please. It’s draining and I’m over it.

My point is and remains that the majority of us believe this sort of thing is WRONG.

it IS wrong. It’s all wrong.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Dude.. you can't flame.. Give it up.. :facepalm: You are a grease whore nigger that flips burgers for a living... No matter what you say.. THAT is who you are.... a fuckin loser keyboard warrior and burger flipper... pathetic, really hahaha
No, that's what you are trying to portray yours truly as and failing miserablely at it.

I'm like this sites security certificate, nobody can fix me even when they say they can.
I ain't portraying shit... You let the cat out of the bag.. you fucking JOKE.. jfc.. Benzo's funnier than you are, ffs. :LMAO:
Irrelevant. Still doesn't change the fact that you are a child porn lover

@Super Chad do you know that this @RAVEN voluntarily posted a screenshot that proves she has done sarches for child porn? That's how stupid this specimen is....
It was you @maxis735 and don't deny it you fucking pervert.


Image aint there. FOr someone who says its not it him, sure is crying a lot about it. I feel bad for the mods that are falling for the fake cries.
It's been removed from the host site, no editing here... Seems Ice is having his images deleted or something...

Ah ok, glad you wasnt being a lil bitch :Grin3:

WRONG! @SHAMPAIN is definitely a lil bitch.... Sad fucker, beating up women...
Poor Chumplain ran from a call out at a forum he mods.

That, is a bitch move.
I guess you missed out page 19 of this thread Mr "I fucked Belle Delphine" ... You two are like BUSES, wait all day then two come along at once... You'd know that story well you've lived it for nearly half a century... :Sad:


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
48 years old and thinks women pee out of their clits.

oh, and rides the bus


As opposed to YOU? Remember? You're a fucking millionaire that hangs out on fringe forums and is a cab driver because with all your millions you'd rather drive people around in your nice shiny Hyundai.
I own 5 cars actually & my monthly insurance bill is probably more than your rent.

2016 audi a6
2019 bmw 550i
2020 Acura ILX
2011 Mazda 6
2009 Ford F150

nope... don't see a hyundai on that list

What do you slide around in, A refrigerator shipping box with Vaseline smeared on the bottom?
I cant see a Lambo or Ferrari here. You bought 5 shitty mass car while my Lambo crushes you. LoL, you poedo . Also, I get pussy with my Lambo, while you git bois with your sissy Mazda. Lol

Biggie Fool gets face planted by none other than fucktard on live wire, Uncle Clit.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Hello you stupid bitches. I see that nothing has changed here. You fucking brainless puss-filled morons keep posting your banal tripe along with the typical juvenile gore pics. How most of you haven't been killed off in a Darwinian way is surprisingly shocking.

With all that being said, I'm looking for two chickenshit spammers that have a yellow stripe running up their emaciated spines. One being Uncle DILF. Bring your clown ass out from whatever male crotch you have your face buried into and be prepared to have your fucking vaginal lips wrapped tightly around that balloon you call a fucking head. I have yet to extract one of my expensive italian heels from your bloated rectum.

The other cowardly little mouthy slug is Rassenkrieg. Gee. I wonder who that fucking loser is? You seem to have a lot so say about me when i'm not here. Haven't I already on numerous occassion verbally boxed your ugly face in making you look like a transgender raccoon? Yet. You continue spouting off spamtastic crapolla you fucking think is pure fucking gold. You are a bonafide moron, not even capable of stringing two words together coherently.

To any other illiterate fucks that might think that Flynn wants to read your shit, stay the fuck out of my way or I fucking pull your labia over your head and use it as a fucking giant slingshot. Just ask that cunt RealGrimm aka RealWomann.

CiAo! You dickless wonders.

as soon 2 vote from vacaroo cums in, I will tear your boi hole apart you pondscum.

There's my little man-bitch. What did I tell you last time I was here slapnuts? In case you forgot because of semen overload in your mouth and brain, i'll refresh your memory. I bitchslapped your saggy ass to the SG and then pimpslapped your what was left of your anus back here.

Now. If you would like a fucking rerun of that episode, just let me know and i'll the lightning right up your fucking loosened butthole.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
"Heeerrrr deeerrr tons of people at BF put Dovid on ignore ferpa derp"

Like okay? So? If someone doesnt want to read my posts the rational thing to do is hit ignore.

Why is this such a talking point? Lmao.

Fucking idiots. So a bunch of people here can do something it took these lumps of drama humping spamming shit over a year to figure out.

Get them a gotdamn e trophy.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
while I was Xmas shopping.

Did you buy a new bed sheet for your dirty pissed stained mattress?

asking for a friend
Have you fixed that security certificate yet or are you still using that as an excuse because even before you fucked that shit up the biggest forum in this community was a ghost town because the staff picked are nothing but posterized victims?


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
while I was Xmas shopping.

Did you buy a new bed sheet for your dirty pissed stained mattress?

asking for a friend
Have you fixed that security certificate yet or are you still using that as an excuse because even before you fucked that shit up the biggest forum in this community was a ghost town because the staff picked are nothing but posterized victims?


Tell you what. Bring your bathroom's sanitary levels up to that of let's say a truck stop toilet and get a sheet for your mattress and I'll think about fixing the security certificate

deal? Deadbeat?