This goes out to all you fuckfaces.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter
☠️Private Forum Access
La La Land
I guess some people enjoy looking at Islamic porn on reddit... *edit to say... Just saying :D

I can’t help you here. I just dropped my kids off at school and I’m still dressed like Glenda the good witch.

I’ll start taking pics when I change into latex and start fingering my butthole for my only fans page @ $5 a pop. PM me if you’re interested.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Idk anything about
We now, it's obvious

Looks like you are finally making a friend, eh?

Maybe in 6 MONTHS you guys can suicide together ♡
Unless you know what this is about, shut up and fuck off.

Let me say this: you do not. So fuck off.

Says the chick getting friendly with an unhinged flaming icon who calls peoples jobs and searches for peoples personal info when he gets pissed.

Let's see. I know you keep logging on and getting angry. You claim people are breaking laws. And that in 6 months Raven will find out you are world famous.

Have I got that right?

Wow. Didn't you take private pictures at your last "job" which you goy fired for? Didn't you contact someones baby momma?

Oh, but you’ve left out the BEST parts ~

Why did she contact his baby mama? Cause King of the Pussy Whipped Bitch Boys was crying about a video game that he left at her house and told her to pawn? He resorted to claiming it belonged to his child for public sympathy (the child lives with the baby mama and she has FULL custody) which compelled Dove to return it instead of selling it to get the money back she gave him to return his sorry ass on the bus.

I see you’re content with accepting everything a man says as fact lololol

I’d probably resort to smoking meth too if I were this daft, you selective memory cunt.

This fucking idiot will literally go into melt down spam mode if you respond to it about that situation. I'm not kidding.

It will spazz and start repeating the same post over and over and raging.

Any sort of reasoning, or even trolling this fucktard results in it all cap melting down and spamming triple posts and crying about being lied to on the internet.

This shit never says anything new or funny. It's just disturbing idiocy and innapropriate anger.

I’ll argue with stupid ALL day and night... anyone with 2 brain cells of common sense will see that King Herpes created this situation when he decided to involve his exwife and children in forum life.

It’s painful that people do not realize and fail to accept that he was going to contact your job regardless of what happened to that stupid tucking switch.... it’s like watching monkeys use tools for the first time.... *sigh*

This entire situation never belonged on the internet or forums in the first place.

Let alone get repeated on the internet for years to come.

I've even showed receipts .....this jack ass just screamed about how Joo made photochops.

People are gonna believe whatever they want regardless. Arguing the same topic, that never belonged online to begin with, with people who just rage and spazz and blame "drama" on other people even when they are being ignored is completely a waste of time.

I'm just giving you the heads up if you argue this with this rabid fucktard... .all its gonna do is start spamming and raging. Repeating the same post upwards of 5 times in a row like it did at SG.

It's almost like it deputized itself as Peechodes forum PR team and is only interested in saving his "reputation" by demonizing me and drowning out any truth with rage fests.

Even though absolutely no one on the internet cares about this in the slightest.

Flynn and Fartini Chode hadn't even been here for a year. That's why I came over here. But of course because I started posting here.....poof here they are.

I would say they are angry that I'm not just gone off the boards entirely, but Fartini Chode tries to dox me when I'm on breaks. So who knows wtf they want.
Id never trust a middle aged pleb who had "I fucked Belle Delphine" as a banner under his handle...:LOL1:


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter
☠️Private Forum Access
La La Land
Idk anything about
We now, it's obvious

Looks like you are finally making a friend, eh?

Maybe in 6 MONTHS you guys can suicide together ♡
Unless you know what this is about, shut up and fuck off.

Let me say this: you do not. So fuck off.

Says the chick getting friendly with an unhinged flaming icon who calls peoples jobs and searches for peoples personal info when he gets pissed.

Let's see. I know you keep logging on and getting angry. You claim people are breaking laws. And that in 6 months Raven will find out you are world famous.

Have I got that right?

Wow. Didn't you take private pictures at your last "job" which you goy fired for? Didn't you contact someones baby momma?

Oh, but you’ve left out the BEST parts ~

Why did she contact his baby mama? Cause King of the Pussy Whipped Bitch Boys was crying about a video game that he left at her house and told her to pawn? He resorted to claiming it belonged to his child for public sympathy (the child lives with the baby mama and she has FULL custody) which compelled Dove to return it instead of selling it to get the money back she gave him to return his sorry ass on the bus.

I see you’re content with accepting everything a man says as fact lololol

I’d probably resort to smoking meth too if I were this daft, you selective memory cunt.

This fucking idiot will literally go into melt down spam mode if you respond to it about that situation. I'm not kidding.

It will spazz and start repeating the same post over and over and raging.

Any sort of reasoning, or even trolling this fucktard results in it all cap melting down and spamming triple posts and crying about being lied to on the internet.

This shit never says anything new or funny. It's just disturbing idiocy and innapropriate anger.

I’ll argue with stupid ALL day and night... anyone with 2 brain cells of common sense will see that King Herpes created this situation when he decided to involve his exwife and children in forum life.

It’s painful that people do not realize and fail to accept that he was going to contact your job regardless of what happened to that stupid tucking switch.... it’s like watching monkeys use tools for the first time.... *sigh*

This entire situation never belonged on the internet or forums in the first place.

Let alone get repeated on the internet for years to come.

I've even showed receipts .....this jack ass just screamed about how Joo made photochops.

People are gonna believe whatever they want regardless. Arguing the same topic, that never belonged online to begin with, with people who just rage and spazz and blame "drama" on other people even when they are being ignored is completely a waste of time.

I'm just giving you the heads up if you argue this with this rabid fucktard... .all its gonna do is start spamming and raging. Repeating the same post upwards of 5 times in a row like it did at SG.

It's almost like it deputized itself as Peechodes forum PR team and is only interested in saving his "reputation" by demonizing me and drowning out any truth with rage fests.

Even though absolutely no one on the internet cares about this in the slightest.

Flynn and Fartini Chode hadn't even been here for a year. That's why I came over here. But of course because I started posting here.....poof here they are.

I would say they are angry that I'm not just gone off the boards entirely, but Fartini Chode tries to dox me when I'm on breaks. So who knows wtf they want.

... but... but.... sending some societal reject into an epic meltdown is what I do best :Excited1:

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Is it true tho that Super Spazzoid rides the bus?

he is either too shook or too twacked out of his mind to drive

the DMV revoked his driving privileges like he is a 90 yo woman bwahahhahah
I heard they took away his license for owing too much back child support
they should take away his switch? That might light a fire under his ass like it did when Dove sent it back to his baby mama instead of him

oh how he cried :ROFL3:


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Is it true tho that Super Spazzoid rides the bus?


I really wish there was an internet equivalent to Grey Hound.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Idk anything about
We now, it's obvious

Looks like you are finally making a friend, eh?

Maybe in 6 MONTHS you guys can suicide together ♡
Unless you know what this is about, shut up and fuck off.

Let me say this: you do not. So fuck off.

Says the chick getting friendly with an unhinged flaming icon who calls peoples jobs and searches for peoples personal info when he gets pissed.

Let's see. I know you keep logging on and getting angry. You claim people are breaking laws. And that in 6 months Raven will find out you are world famous.

Have I got that right?

Wow. Didn't you take private pictures at your last "job" which you goy fired for? Didn't you contact someones baby momma?

Oh, but you’ve left out the BEST parts ~

Why did she contact his baby mama? Cause King of the Pussy Whipped Bitch Boys was crying about a video game that he left at her house and told her to pawn? He resorted to claiming it belonged to his child for public sympathy (the child lives with the baby mama and she has FULL custody) which compelled Dove to return it instead of selling it to get the money back she gave him to return his sorry ass on the bus.

I see you’re content with accepting everything a man says as fact lololol

I’d probably resort to smoking meth too if I were this daft, you selective memory cunt.

This fucking idiot will literally go into melt down spam mode if you respond to it about that situation. I'm not kidding.

It will spazz and start repeating the same post over and over and raging.

Any sort of reasoning, or even trolling this fucktard results in it all cap melting down and spamming triple posts and crying about being lied to on the internet.

This shit never says anything new or funny. It's just disturbing idiocy and innapropriate anger.

I’ll argue with stupid ALL day and night... anyone with 2 brain cells of common sense will see that King Herpes created this situation when he decided to involve his exwife and children in forum life.

It’s painful that people do not realize and fail to accept that he was going to contact your job regardless of what happened to that stupid tucking switch.... it’s like watching monkeys use tools for the first time.... *sigh*

This entire situation never belonged on the internet or forums in the first place.

Let alone get repeated on the internet for years to come.

I've even showed receipts .....this jack ass just screamed about how Joo made photochops.

People are gonna believe whatever they want regardless. Arguing the same topic, that never belonged online to begin with, with people who just rage and spazz and blame "drama" on other people even when they are being ignored is completely a waste of time.

I'm just giving you the heads up if you argue this with this rabid fucktard... .all its gonna do is start spamming and raging. Repeating the same post upwards of 5 times in a row like it did at SG.

It's almost like it deputized itself as Peechodes forum PR team and is only interested in saving his "reputation" by demonizing me and drowning out any truth with rage fests.

Even though absolutely no one on the internet cares about this in the slightest.

Flynn and Fartini Chode hadn't even been here for a year. That's why I came over here. But of course because I started posting here.....poof here they are.

I would say they are angry that I'm not just gone off the boards entirely, but Fartini Chode tries to dox me when I'm on breaks. So who knows wtf they want.
Id never trust a middle aged pleb who had "I fucked Belle Delphine" as a banner under his handle...:LOL1:

He is gonna be 50 in a year.

He lied about his age to me. Told me he was 45 when he was 48. Lmao.

Makes no sense.....until his tearful rages about age. He is super insecure about getting older.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
How them fucking tricks at LSA doing?

Been about a year since I trolled those obnoxious man hating cunts

I kinda want them to know it's me so somebody give me a good variant of Biggie Smiles to use there

They used to call me the purple asshole there. I felt so at home

until they banned me :(

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Idk anything about
We now, it's obvious

Looks like you are finally making a friend, eh?

Maybe in 6 MONTHS you guys can suicide together ♡
Unless you know what this is about, shut up and fuck off.

Let me say this: you do not. So fuck off.

Says the chick getting friendly with an unhinged flaming icon who calls peoples jobs and searches for peoples personal info when he gets pissed.

Let's see. I know you keep logging on and getting angry. You claim people are breaking laws. And that in 6 months Raven will find out you are world famous.

Have I got that right?

Wow. Didn't you take private pictures at your last "job" which you goy fired for? Didn't you contact someones baby momma?

Oh, but you’ve left out the BEST parts ~

Why did she contact his baby mama? Cause King of the Pussy Whipped Bitch Boys was crying about a video game that he left at her house and told her to pawn? He resorted to claiming it belonged to his child for public sympathy (the child lives with the baby mama and she has FULL custody) which compelled Dove to return it instead of selling it to get the money back she gave him to return his sorry ass on the bus.

I see you’re content with accepting everything a man says as fact lololol

I’d probably resort to smoking meth too if I were this daft, you selective memory cunt.

This fucking idiot will literally go into melt down spam mode if you respond to it about that situation. I'm not kidding.

It will spazz and start repeating the same post over and over and raging.

Any sort of reasoning, or even trolling this fucktard results in it all cap melting down and spamming triple posts and crying about being lied to on the internet.

This shit never says anything new or funny. It's just disturbing idiocy and innapropriate anger.

I’ll argue with stupid ALL day and night... anyone with 2 brain cells of common sense will see that King Herpes created this situation when he decided to involve his exwife and children in forum life.

It’s painful that people do not realize and fail to accept that he was going to contact your job regardless of what happened to that stupid tucking switch.... it’s like watching monkeys use tools for the first time.... *sigh*

This entire situation never belonged on the internet or forums in the first place.

Let alone get repeated on the internet for years to come.

I've even showed receipts .....this jack ass just screamed about how Joo made photochops.

People are gonna believe whatever they want regardless. Arguing the same topic, that never belonged online to begin with, with people who just rage and spazz and blame "drama" on other people even when they are being ignored is completely a waste of time.

I'm just giving you the heads up if you argue this with this rabid fucktard... .all its gonna do is start spamming and raging. Repeating the same post upwards of 5 times in a row like it did at SG.

It's almost like it deputized itself as Peechodes forum PR team and is only interested in saving his "reputation" by demonizing me and drowning out any truth with rage fests.

Even though absolutely no one on the internet cares about this in the slightest.

Flynn and Fartini Chode hadn't even been here for a year. That's why I came over here. But of course because I started posting here.....poof here they are.

I would say they are angry that I'm not just gone off the boards entirely, but Fartini Chode tries to dox me when I'm on breaks. So who knows wtf they want.
Id never trust a middle aged pleb who had "I fucked Belle Delphine" as a banner under his handle...:LOL1:

He is gonna be 50 in a year.

He lied about his age to me. Told me he was 45 when he was 48. Lmao.

Makes no sense.....until his tearful rages about age. He is super insecure about getting older.
he 50 life bucks and still works at Red Robins

nuff said :ROFL3: :ROFL:


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Is it true tho that Super Spazzoid rides the bus?

he is either too shook or too twacked out of his mind to drive

the DMV revoked his driving privileges like he is a 90 yo woman bwahahhahah
I heard they took away his license for owing too much back child support
they should take away his switch? That might light a fire under his ass like it did when Dove sent it back to his baby mama instead of him

oh how he cried :ROFL3:


He hasnt stopped crying in over a year. And he recruited Casket and Assflynt to cry along with him.

Did I really get accused of sexual assault of a disabled man in this mess of rage, tears and drama? Lmao.

Say it ain't so. :D


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
How them fucking tricks at LSA doing?

Been about a year since I trolled those obnoxious man hating cunts

I kinda want them to know it's me so somebody give me a good variant of Biggie Smiles to use there

They used to call me the purple asshole there. I felt so at home

until they banned me :(

Bigger Smiles?


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Idk anything about
We now, it's obvious

Looks like you are finally making a friend, eh?

Maybe in 6 MONTHS you guys can suicide together ♡
Unless you know what this is about, shut up and fuck off.

Let me say this: you do not. So fuck off.

Says the chick getting friendly with an unhinged flaming icon who calls peoples jobs and searches for peoples personal info when he gets pissed.

Let's see. I know you keep logging on and getting angry. You claim people are breaking laws. And that in 6 months Raven will find out you are world famous.

Have I got that right?

Wow. Didn't you take private pictures at your last "job" which you goy fired for? Didn't you contact someones baby momma?

Oh, but you’ve left out the BEST parts ~

Why did she contact his baby mama? Cause King of the Pussy Whipped Bitch Boys was crying about a video game that he left at her house and told her to pawn? He resorted to claiming it belonged to his child for public sympathy (the child lives with the baby mama and she has FULL custody) which compelled Dove to return it instead of selling it to get the money back she gave him to return his sorry ass on the bus.

I see you’re content with accepting everything a man says as fact lololol

I’d probably resort to smoking meth too if I were this daft, you selective memory cunt.

This fucking idiot will literally go into melt down spam mode if you respond to it about that situation. I'm not kidding.

It will spazz and start repeating the same post over and over and raging.

Any sort of reasoning, or even trolling this fucktard results in it all cap melting down and spamming triple posts and crying about being lied to on the internet.

This shit never says anything new or funny. It's just disturbing idiocy and innapropriate anger.

I’ll argue with stupid ALL day and night... anyone with 2 brain cells of common sense will see that King Herpes created this situation when he decided to involve his exwife and children in forum life.

It’s painful that people do not realize and fail to accept that he was going to contact your job regardless of what happened to that stupid tucking switch.... it’s like watching monkeys use tools for the first time.... *sigh*

This entire situation never belonged on the internet or forums in the first place.

Let alone get repeated on the internet for years to come.

I've even showed receipts .....this jack ass just screamed about how Joo made photochops.

People are gonna believe whatever they want regardless. Arguing the same topic, that never belonged online to begin with, with people who just rage and spazz and blame "drama" on other people even when they are being ignored is completely a waste of time.

I'm just giving you the heads up if you argue this with this rabid fucktard... .all its gonna do is start spamming and raging. Repeating the same post upwards of 5 times in a row like it did at SG.

It's almost like it deputized itself as Peechodes forum PR team and is only interested in saving his "reputation" by demonizing me and drowning out any truth with rage fests.

Even though absolutely no one on the internet cares about this in the slightest.

Flynn and Fartini Chode hadn't even been here for a year. That's why I came over here. But of course because I started posting here.....poof here they are.

I would say they are angry that I'm not just gone off the boards entirely, but Fartini Chode tries to dox me when I'm on breaks. So who knows wtf they want.
Id never trust a middle aged pleb who had "I fucked Belle Delphine" as a banner under his handle...:LOL1:

He is gonna be 50 in a year.

He lied about his age to me. Told me he was 45 when he was 48. Lmao.

Makes no sense.....until his tearful rages about age. He is super insecure about getting older.
It's just a part of life FS, what a pussy lol

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
How them fucking tricks at LSA doing?

Been about a year since I trolled those obnoxious man hating cunts

I kinda want them to know it's me so somebody give me a good variant of Biggie Smiles to use there

They used to call me the purple asshole there. I felt so at home

until they banned me :(

Bigger Smiles?
BIgger Smiles

I like that

same avatar? Just to piss them off?

How many hours will I last? :ROFL:


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Idk anything about
We now, it's obvious

Looks like you are finally making a friend, eh?

Maybe in 6 MONTHS you guys can suicide together ♡
Unless you know what this is about, shut up and fuck off.

Let me say this: you do not. So fuck off.

Says the chick getting friendly with an unhinged flaming icon who calls peoples jobs and searches for peoples personal info when he gets pissed.

Let's see. I know you keep logging on and getting angry. You claim people are breaking laws. And that in 6 months Raven will find out you are world famous.

Have I got that right?

Wow. Didn't you take private pictures at your last "job" which you goy fired for? Didn't you contact someones baby momma?

Oh, but you’ve left out the BEST parts ~

Why did she contact his baby mama? Cause King of the Pussy Whipped Bitch Boys was crying about a video game that he left at her house and told her to pawn? He resorted to claiming it belonged to his child for public sympathy (the child lives with the baby mama and she has FULL custody) which compelled Dove to return it instead of selling it to get the money back she gave him to return his sorry ass on the bus.

I see you’re content with accepting everything a man says as fact lololol

I’d probably resort to smoking meth too if I were this daft, you selective memory cunt.

This fucking idiot will literally go into melt down spam mode if you respond to it about that situation. I'm not kidding.

It will spazz and start repeating the same post over and over and raging.

Any sort of reasoning, or even trolling this fucktard results in it all cap melting down and spamming triple posts and crying about being lied to on the internet.

This shit never says anything new or funny. It's just disturbing idiocy and innapropriate anger.

I’ll argue with stupid ALL day and night... anyone with 2 brain cells of common sense will see that King Herpes created this situation when he decided to involve his exwife and children in forum life.

It’s painful that people do not realize and fail to accept that he was going to contact your job regardless of what happened to that stupid tucking switch.... it’s like watching monkeys use tools for the first time.... *sigh*

This entire situation never belonged on the internet or forums in the first place.

Let alone get repeated on the internet for years to come.

I've even showed receipts .....this jack ass just screamed about how Joo made photochops.

People are gonna believe whatever they want regardless. Arguing the same topic, that never belonged online to begin with, with people who just rage and spazz and blame "drama" on other people even when they are being ignored is completely a waste of time.

I'm just giving you the heads up if you argue this with this rabid fucktard... .all its gonna do is start spamming and raging. Repeating the same post upwards of 5 times in a row like it did at SG.

It's almost like it deputized itself as Peechodes forum PR team and is only interested in saving his "reputation" by demonizing me and drowning out any truth with rage fests.

Even though absolutely no one on the internet cares about this in the slightest.

Flynn and Fartini Chode hadn't even been here for a year. That's why I came over here. But of course because I started posting here.....poof here they are.

I would say they are angry that I'm not just gone off the boards entirely, but Fartini Chode tries to dox me when I'm on breaks. So who knows wtf they want.
Id never trust a middle aged pleb who had "I fucked Belle Delphine" as a banner under his handle...:LOL1:

He is gonna be 50 in a year.

He lied about his age to me. Told me he was 45 when he was 48. Lmao.

Makes no sense.....until his tearful rages about age. He is super insecure about getting older.
he 50 life bucks and still works at Red Robins

nuff said :ROFL3: :ROFL:


He is going to be 50 and is lying about working at RR.

So ......yeah.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Idk anything about
We now, it's obvious

Looks like you are finally making a friend, eh?

Maybe in 6 MONTHS you guys can suicide together ♡
Unless you know what this is about, shut up and fuck off.

Let me say this: you do not. So fuck off.

Says the chick getting friendly with an unhinged flaming icon who calls peoples jobs and searches for peoples personal info when he gets pissed.

Let's see. I know you keep logging on and getting angry. You claim people are breaking laws. And that in 6 months Raven will find out you are world famous.

Have I got that right?

Wow. Didn't you take private pictures at your last "job" which you goy fired for? Didn't you contact someones baby momma?

Oh, but you’ve left out the BEST parts ~

Why did she contact his baby mama? Cause King of the Pussy Whipped Bitch Boys was crying about a video game that he left at her house and told her to pawn? He resorted to claiming it belonged to his child for public sympathy (the child lives with the baby mama and she has FULL custody) which compelled Dove to return it instead of selling it to get the money back she gave him to return his sorry ass on the bus.

I see you’re content with accepting everything a man says as fact lololol

I’d probably resort to smoking meth too if I were this daft, you selective memory cunt.

This fucking idiot will literally go into melt down spam mode if you respond to it about that situation. I'm not kidding.

It will spazz and start repeating the same post over and over and raging.

Any sort of reasoning, or even trolling this fucktard results in it all cap melting down and spamming triple posts and crying about being lied to on the internet.

This shit never says anything new or funny. It's just disturbing idiocy and innapropriate anger.

I’ll argue with stupid ALL day and night... anyone with 2 brain cells of common sense will see that King Herpes created this situation when he decided to involve his exwife and children in forum life.

It’s painful that people do not realize and fail to accept that he was going to contact your job regardless of what happened to that stupid tucking switch.... it’s like watching monkeys use tools for the first time.... *sigh*

This entire situation never belonged on the internet or forums in the first place.

Let alone get repeated on the internet for years to come.

I've even showed receipts .....this jack ass just screamed about how Joo made photochops.

People are gonna believe whatever they want regardless. Arguing the same topic, that never belonged online to begin with, with people who just rage and spazz and blame "drama" on other people even when they are being ignored is completely a waste of time.

I'm just giving you the heads up if you argue this with this rabid fucktard... .all its gonna do is start spamming and raging. Repeating the same post upwards of 5 times in a row like it did at SG.

It's almost like it deputized itself as Peechodes forum PR team and is only interested in saving his "reputation" by demonizing me and drowning out any truth with rage fests.

Even though absolutely no one on the internet cares about this in the slightest.

Flynn and Fartini Chode hadn't even been here for a year. That's why I came over here. But of course because I started posting here.....poof here they are.

I would say they are angry that I'm not just gone off the boards entirely, but Fartini Chode tries to dox me when I'm on breaks. So who knows wtf they want.
Id never trust a middle aged pleb who had "I fucked Belle Delphine" as a banner under his handle...:LOL1:

He is gonna be 50 in a year.

He lied about his age to me. Told me he was 45 when he was 48. Lmao.

Makes no sense.....until his tearful rages about age. He is super insecure about getting older.
he 50 life bucks and still works at Red Robins

nuff said :ROFL3: :ROFL:


He is going to be 50 and is lying about working at RR.

So ......yeah.
Oh shit

you mean he's unemployed entirely?



Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
How them fucking tricks at LSA doing?

Been about a year since I trolled those obnoxious man hating cunts

I kinda want them to know it's me so somebody give me a good variant of Biggie Smiles to use there

They used to call me the purple asshole there. I felt so at home

until they banned me :(

Bigger Smiles?
BIgger Smiles

I like that

same avatar? Just to piss them off?

How many hours will I last? :ROFL:

Knowing you? I wouldnt even give you an hour lol.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter
☠️Private Forum Access
La La Land
Idk anything about
We now, it's obvious

Looks like you are finally making a friend, eh?

Maybe in 6 MONTHS you guys can suicide together ♡
Unless you know what this is about, shut up and fuck off.

Let me say this: you do not. So fuck off.

Says the chick getting friendly with an unhinged flaming icon who calls peoples jobs and searches for peoples personal info when he gets pissed.

Let's see. I know you keep logging on and getting angry. You claim people are breaking laws. And that in 6 months Raven will find out you are world famous.

Have I got that right?

Wow. Didn't you take private pictures at your last "job" which you goy fired for? Didn't you contact someones baby momma?

Oh, but you’ve left out the BEST parts ~

Why did she contact his baby mama? Cause King of the Pussy Whipped Bitch Boys was crying about a video game that he left at her house and told her to pawn? He resorted to claiming it belonged to his child for public sympathy (the child lives with the baby mama and she has FULL custody) which compelled Dove to return it instead of selling it to get the money back she gave him to return his sorry ass on the bus.

I see you’re content with accepting everything a man says as fact lololol

I’d probably resort to smoking meth too if I were this daft, you selective memory cunt.

This fucking idiot will literally go into melt down spam mode if you respond to it about that situation. I'm not kidding.

It will spazz and start repeating the same post over and over and raging.

Any sort of reasoning, or even trolling this fucktard results in it all cap melting down and spamming triple posts and crying about being lied to on the internet.

This shit never says anything new or funny. It's just disturbing idiocy and innapropriate anger.

I’ll argue with stupid ALL day and night... anyone with 2 brain cells of common sense will see that King Herpes created this situation when he decided to involve his exwife and children in forum life.

It’s painful that people do not realize and fail to accept that he was going to contact your job regardless of what happened to that stupid tucking switch.... it’s like watching monkeys use tools for the first time.... *sigh*

This entire situation never belonged on the internet or forums in the first place.

Let alone get repeated on the internet for years to come.

I've even showed receipts .....this jack ass just screamed about how Joo made photochops.

People are gonna believe whatever they want regardless. Arguing the same topic, that never belonged online to begin with, with people who just rage and spazz and blame "drama" on other people even when they are being ignored is completely a waste of time.

I'm just giving you the heads up if you argue this with this rabid fucktard... .all its gonna do is start spamming and raging. Repeating the same post upwards of 5 times in a row like it did at SG.

It's almost like it deputized itself as Peechodes forum PR team and is only interested in saving his "reputation" by demonizing me and drowning out any truth with rage fests.

Even though absolutely no one on the internet cares about this in the slightest.

Flynn and Fartini Chode hadn't even been here for a year. That's why I came over here. But of course because I started posting here.....poof here they are.

I would say they are angry that I'm not just gone off the boards entirely, but Fartini Chode tries to dox me when I'm on breaks. So who knows wtf they want.
Id never trust a middle aged pleb who had "I fucked Belle Delphine" as a banner under his handle...:LOL1:

He is gonna be 50 in a year.

He lied about his age to me. Told me he was 45 when he was 48. Lmao.

Makes no sense.....until his tearful rages about age. He is super insecure about getting older.

a narcissist will often confess their insecurities in their accusations

that jerkoff loves to try to play the age card with me... I’m growing old gracefully and you won’t see me out there implanting PFDs in my chest trying to look 20 forever.

Plus, I’m almost a cougar and it would ruin my image with the 20somethings if I looked like a 20something lol

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
How them fucking tricks at LSA doing?

Been about a year since I trolled those obnoxious man hating cunts

I kinda want them to know it's me so somebody give me a good variant of Biggie Smiles to use there

They used to call me the purple asshole there. I felt so at home

until they banned me :(

Bigger Smiles?
BIgger Smiles

I like that

same avatar? Just to piss them off?

How many hours will I last? :ROFL:

Knowing you? I wouldnt even give you an hour lol.

that's if they even approve my registration

back in NY they had all of Nassau County banned because of me


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
How them fucking tricks at LSA doing?

Been about a year since I trolled those obnoxious man hating cunts

I kinda want them to know it's me so somebody give me a good variant of Biggie Smiles to use there

They used to call me the purple asshole there. I felt so at home

until they banned me :(

Bigger Smiles?
BIgger Smiles

I like that

same avatar? Just to piss them off?

How many hours will I last? :ROFL:
Less than 1 hour


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Idk anything about
We now, it's obvious

Looks like you are finally making a friend, eh?

Maybe in 6 MONTHS you guys can suicide together ♡
Unless you know what this is about, shut up and fuck off.

Let me say this: you do not. So fuck off.

Says the chick getting friendly with an unhinged flaming icon who calls peoples jobs and searches for peoples personal info when he gets pissed.

Let's see. I know you keep logging on and getting angry. You claim people are breaking laws. And that in 6 months Raven will find out you are world famous.

Have I got that right?

Wow. Didn't you take private pictures at your last "job" which you goy fired for? Didn't you contact someones baby momma?

Oh, but you’ve left out the BEST parts ~

Why did she contact his baby mama? Cause King of the Pussy Whipped Bitch Boys was crying about a video game that he left at her house and told her to pawn? He resorted to claiming it belonged to his child for public sympathy (the child lives with the baby mama and she has FULL custody) which compelled Dove to return it instead of selling it to get the money back she gave him to return his sorry ass on the bus.

I see you’re content with accepting everything a man says as fact lololol

I’d probably resort to smoking meth too if I were this daft, you selective memory cunt.

This fucking idiot will literally go into melt down spam mode if you respond to it about that situation. I'm not kidding.

It will spazz and start repeating the same post over and over and raging.

Any sort of reasoning, or even trolling this fucktard results in it all cap melting down and spamming triple posts and crying about being lied to on the internet.

This shit never says anything new or funny. It's just disturbing idiocy and innapropriate anger.

I’ll argue with stupid ALL day and night... anyone with 2 brain cells of common sense will see that King Herpes created this situation when he decided to involve his exwife and children in forum life.

It’s painful that people do not realize and fail to accept that he was going to contact your job regardless of what happened to that stupid tucking switch.... it’s like watching monkeys use tools for the first time.... *sigh*

This entire situation never belonged on the internet or forums in the first place.

Let alone get repeated on the internet for years to come.

I've even showed receipts .....this jack ass just screamed about how Joo made photochops.

People are gonna believe whatever they want regardless. Arguing the same topic, that never belonged online to begin with, with people who just rage and spazz and blame "drama" on other people even when they are being ignored is completely a waste of time.

I'm just giving you the heads up if you argue this with this rabid fucktard... .all its gonna do is start spamming and raging. Repeating the same post upwards of 5 times in a row like it did at SG.

It's almost like it deputized itself as Peechodes forum PR team and is only interested in saving his "reputation" by demonizing me and drowning out any truth with rage fests.

Even though absolutely no one on the internet cares about this in the slightest.

Flynn and Fartini Chode hadn't even been here for a year. That's why I came over here. But of course because I started posting here.....poof here they are.

I would say they are angry that I'm not just gone off the boards entirely, but Fartini Chode tries to dox me when I'm on breaks. So who knows wtf they want.
Id never trust a middle aged pleb who had "I fucked Belle Delphine" as a banner under his handle...:LOL1:

He is gonna be 50 in a year.

He lied about his age to me. Told me he was 45 when he was 48. Lmao.

Makes no sense.....until his tearful rages about age. He is super insecure about getting older.
he 50 life bucks and still works at Red Robins

nuff said :ROFL3: :ROFL:


He is going to be 50 and is lying about working at RR.

So ......yeah.
Oh shit

you mean he's unemployed entirely?


I told you I called there to check his ass when I caught on he was a pathological liar.

And I wouldnt even have posted a damn thing about this if he hadnt drug all the drama to the internet and started trying to use personal things about me in his nonstop grudge.

The problem with these assholes is they love to spark up all the bullshit but feel they should be immune and protected from getting it handed back.

Like how it's okay for Casket to weaponize peoples children and families.....but the minute anything gets said back to her, its suddenly uncalled for and family is "off limits".

Like they wanna be able to scream and spam about this drama unfettered but when anyone they are spewing at serves it back they fucking hyperventilate and play victim.

It's boring as fuck at this point.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Idk anything about
We now, it's obvious

Looks like you are finally making a friend, eh?

Maybe in 6 MONTHS you guys can suicide together ♡
Unless you know what this is about, shut up and fuck off.

Let me say this: you do not. So fuck off.

Says the chick getting friendly with an unhinged flaming icon who calls peoples jobs and searches for peoples personal info when he gets pissed.

Let's see. I know you keep logging on and getting angry. You claim people are breaking laws. And that in 6 months Raven will find out you are world famous.

Have I got that right?

Wow. Didn't you take private pictures at your last "job" which you goy fired for? Didn't you contact someones baby momma?

Oh, but you’ve left out the BEST parts ~

Why did she contact his baby mama? Cause King of the Pussy Whipped Bitch Boys was crying about a video game that he left at her house and told her to pawn? He resorted to claiming it belonged to his child for public sympathy (the child lives with the baby mama and she has FULL custody) which compelled Dove to return it instead of selling it to get the money back she gave him to return his sorry ass on the bus.

I see you’re content with accepting everything a man says as fact lololol

I’d probably resort to smoking meth too if I were this daft, you selective memory cunt.

This fucking idiot will literally go into melt down spam mode if you respond to it about that situation. I'm not kidding.

It will spazz and start repeating the same post over and over and raging.

Any sort of reasoning, or even trolling this fucktard results in it all cap melting down and spamming triple posts and crying about being lied to on the internet.

This shit never says anything new or funny. It's just disturbing idiocy and innapropriate anger.

I’ll argue with stupid ALL day and night... anyone with 2 brain cells of common sense will see that King Herpes created this situation when he decided to involve his exwife and children in forum life.

It’s painful that people do not realize and fail to accept that he was going to contact your job regardless of what happened to that stupid tucking switch.... it’s like watching monkeys use tools for the first time.... *sigh*

This entire situation never belonged on the internet or forums in the first place.

Let alone get repeated on the internet for years to come.

I've even showed receipts .....this jack ass just screamed about how Joo made photochops.

People are gonna believe whatever they want regardless. Arguing the same topic, that never belonged online to begin with, with people who just rage and spazz and blame "drama" on other people even when they are being ignored is completely a waste of time.

I'm just giving you the heads up if you argue this with this rabid fucktard... .all its gonna do is start spamming and raging. Repeating the same post upwards of 5 times in a row like it did at SG.

It's almost like it deputized itself as Peechodes forum PR team and is only interested in saving his "reputation" by demonizing me and drowning out any truth with rage fests.

Even though absolutely no one on the internet cares about this in the slightest.

Flynn and Fartini Chode hadn't even been here for a year. That's why I came over here. But of course because I started posting here.....poof here they are.

I would say they are angry that I'm not just gone off the boards entirely, but Fartini Chode tries to dox me when I'm on breaks. So who knows wtf they want.
Id never trust a middle aged pleb who had "I fucked Belle Delphine" as a banner under his handle...:LOL1:

He is gonna be 50 in a year.

He lied about his age to me. Told me he was 45 when he was 48. Lmao.

Makes no sense.....until his tearful rages about age. He is super insecure about getting older.

a narcissist will often confess their insecurities in their accusations

that jerkoff loves to try to play the age card with me... I’m growing old gracefully and you won’t see me out there implanting PFDs in my chest trying to look 20 forever.

Plus, I’m almost a cougar and it would ruin my image with the 20somethings if I looked like a 20something lol

Yep. Its textbook.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
They have a full 1000 page thread dedicated to people complaining about people giving them thumbs down ratings

I always get the majority of my kicks right there

I hope they let me back in