This goes out to all you fuckfaces.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Lol @ Gutterballs avatar. Mengele anyone?
Are you pregnant by chance?

I wasnt. But I probably am now that someone said the word around me during ovulation.


I’ll be ovulating in T-24 hours

I feel like I should be required to have a warning on my profile that reads something along the lines of: Ladies, lockup your boyfriends and husbands cause this alpha female is gonna be on the hunt for some vitamin D.
ok lets calm down

I’m gonna flip my shit if I don’t get dick... just sayin
do a booty call then


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Lol @ Gutterballs avatar. Mengele anyone?
Are you pregnant by chance?

I wasnt. But I probably am now that someone said the word around me during ovulation.


I’ll be ovulating in T-24 hours

I feel like I should be required to have a warning on my profile that reads something along the lines of: Ladies, lockup your boyfriends and husbands cause this alpha female is gonna be on the hunt for some vitamin D.
ok lets calm down

I’m gonna flip my shit if I don’t get dick... just sayin

@X is off limits but if its any consolation @Breakfall is hung like a horse. He even has piercings for extra stimulation!!! Hehehehe.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter
☠️Private Forum Access
La La Land
Lol @ Gutterballs avatar. Mengele anyone?
Are you pregnant by chance?

I wasnt. But I probably am now that someone said the word around me during ovulation.


I’ll be ovulating in T-24 hours

I feel like I should be required to have a warning on my profile that reads something along the lines of: Ladies, lockup your boyfriends and husbands cause this alpha female is gonna be on the hunt for some vitamin D.
ok lets calm down

I’m gonna flip my shit if I don’t get dick... just sayin

@X is off limits but if its any consolation @Breakfall is hung like a horse. He even has piercings for extra stimulation!!! Hehehehe.

I need someone with a strong jaw who can breathe through his ears tbh


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Lol @ Gutterballs avatar. Mengele anyone?
Are you pregnant by chance?

I wasnt. But I probably am now that someone said the word around me during ovulation.


I’ll be ovulating in T-24 hours

I feel like I should be required to have a warning on my profile that reads something along the lines of: Ladies, lockup your boyfriends and husbands cause this alpha female is gonna be on the hunt for some vitamin D.
ok lets calm down

I’m gonna flip my shit if I don’t get dick... just sayin

@X is off limits but if its any consolation @Breakfall is hung like a horse. He even has piercings for extra stimulation!!! Hehehehe.

I need someone with a strong jaw who can breathe through his ears tbh

@Blazor ?


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!

Its like.....I gotta ignore this fuckface. But then the troll in me is really wanting to get my lolololols.

This tubby ass fuck thought I passing a kidney stone out my fucking CLIT. There is so much material here it's like Christmas.

To bad he is too fucking psychotic to stay on the internet or shake it off lol.

Maybe if I let him lick my asshole it will cure his raging Dovid 19. But he is gonna pay for his own bus ticket this time. And its gotta be in a gas station several counties away from my house. And only after I use the toilet. And I'm not putting on make up for that.

I'll give him 5 minutes. Take or leave. Something has to calm this mess down.


As if your bloated version of reality is actually believed you fucking deadbeat. See, you're such a stupid bitch, that you couldn't let Biggie Retard and Mr. Martini duke it out. No. You see a chance to fucking fist fuck King Martini whom you let insert his penis into your rotten cunt. I don't think so you fucking charity case.

You fucked Biggie Jew and King Martini and here they both are sucking each other off because of you. You used both these two fucking idiots. You keep on using Shitty Smalls anytime King-Ding-A-Ling makes you shit yourself when his barbs hit too fucking close to home. You are a truly fucking pathetic basket case.




Hey dummy. This is how much of a fucking retard Biggie Cocksucker is. He swings into this thread posting a genius comment about, "this thread sucks." Yet him and King Dink are the two most active dickheads in this fucking thread. What a fucking brainless moron.

Notice how all the smart people don't fall for the "poor me" stories from you Dovey. Did you get a job, yet? Or are you using Covid-19 to sponge off someone else you Mr. Ed looking skank.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
48 years old and thinks women pee out of their clits.

oh, and rides the bus


As opposed to YOU? Remember? You're a fucking millionaire that hangs out on fringe forums and is a cab driver because with all your millions you'd rather drive people around in your nice shiny Hyundai.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Pulls up a chair (yawning)...eating popcorn....picks up remote control.....changes channel due to lack of entertainment.
hahaha... amen!!... It never stops... The thing is, this guy, Chad is from a forum where they post and talk about shit that happens here.. wtf? Who does that? lololol They can't get enough :facepalm:
Are you kidding?

Super Crab and OmniPigvomit talk about things that happened on forums 20 years ago

Lifers. Those two

where you think they get the idea that a person could become ""netdead""

take myself for example. I'm not really replying to you right now because I'm netdead. Must be my netspirit coming back to haunt us

I think it's kinda beautiful we net deaded together. It must have been romantic.

I almost wish I could have been there. Lulz.

I like how they are calling their current mental dysfunction "Dovid 19". So appropriate. These motherfuckers are definitely suffering and I'm glad they have found the vocabulary to support eachother through this.


Perhaps, because you're so fucking smart you could regale us with a story about that time you tried using a word you couldn't even fucking spell, let alone knowing the true definition of the word...

Remember, Dovey? What was that word? Do you remember? Or have you buried that memory of a whole fucking forum laughing at you because you couldn't even spell a 5th grade level word.

Shall we also talk about you being caught straight up in multiple lies? Only then to ignore all posts regarding you being a lying piece of shit.

Did you really think you were going to fool people here as well?



Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Hello you stupid bitches. I see that nothing has changed here. You fucking brainless puss-filled morons keep posting your banal tripe along with the typical juvenile gore pics. How most of you haven't been killed off in a Darwinian way is surprisingly shocking.

With all that being said, I'm looking for two chickenshit spammers that have a yellow stripe running up their emaciated spines. One being Uncle DILF. Bring your clown ass out from whatever male crotch you have your face buried into and be prepared to have your fucking vaginal lips wrapped tightly around that balloon you call a fucking head. I have yet to extract one of my expensive italian heels from your bloated rectum.

The other cowardly little mouthy slug is Rassenkrieg. Gee. I wonder who that fucking loser is? You seem to have a lot so say about me when i'm not here. Haven't I already on numerous occassion verbally boxed your ugly face in making you look like a transgender raccoon? Yet. You continue spouting off spamtastic crapolla you fucking think is pure fucking gold. You are a bonafide moron, not even capable of stringing two words together coherently.

To any other illiterate fucks that might think that Flynn wants to read your shit, stay the fuck out of my way or I fucking pull your labia over your head and use it as a fucking giant slingshot. Just ask that cunt RealGrimm aka RealWomann.

CiAo! You dickless wonders.
Oh look it's DorianGhey making a return to ravish us with TL~DR snooze posts!

Oh look! It's the fucking retard that wears his fathers Summer's Eve bottles as a Halloween costume. Idiot.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
I could have pissed in this idiots face and just told him I was a squirter.

He have been lapping it up like it was the cure for Dovid 19.

Yes. But he would have had to pay extra for that. He only had one Nintendo Switch he could pawn for you.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
@Q shut the fuck up. No one wants to hear your mouth or how interested you are in THEIR searches of YOUR USER NAME concerning child porn. You make me sick. I'm sick of hearing it, sick of seeing it, sick of it all. No one gives two fucks about child porn but you. I hope you get caught by the authorities. I really do. Do you know what they do to pedophiles in prison??? Do you???? You should seriously think about becoming a better person in this world instead of shit staining it with your fucking existence as is.

I tell ya. If I had a choice between sucking Dovey's dick or reading more fucking stupid posts like this one, well let's just say Dovey would be oweing me $$$.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Idk anything about
We now, it's obvious

Looks like you are finally making a friend, eh?

Maybe in 6 MONTHS you guys can suicide together ♡
Unless you know what this is about, shut up and fuck off.

Let me say this: you do not. So fuck off.

Says the chick getting friendly with an unhinged flaming icon who calls peoples jobs and searches for peoples personal info when he gets pissed.

Let's see. I know you keep logging on and getting angry. You claim people are breaking laws. And that in 6 months Raven will find out you are world famous.

Have I got that right?

Wow. Didn't you take private pictures at your last "job" which you goy fired for? Didn't you contact someones baby momma?


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Hello you stupid bitches. I see that nothing has changed here. You fucking brainless puss-filled morons keep posting your banal tripe along with the typical juvenile gore pics. How most of you haven't been killed off in a Darwinian way is surprisingly shocking.

With all that being said, I'm looking for two chickenshit spammers that have a yellow stripe running up their emaciated spines. One being Uncle DILF. Bring your clown ass out from whatever male crotch you have your face buried into and be prepared to have your fucking vaginal lips wrapped tightly around that balloon you call a fucking head. I have yet to extract one of my expensive italian heels from your bloated rectum.

The other cowardly little mouthy slug is Rassenkrieg. Gee. I wonder who that fucking loser is? You seem to have a lot so say about me when i'm not here. Haven't I already on numerous occassion verbally boxed your ugly face in making you look like a transgender raccoon? Yet. You continue spouting off spamtastic crapolla you fucking think is pure fucking gold. You are a bonafide moron, not even capable of stringing two words together coherently.

To any other illiterate fucks that might think that Flynn wants to read your shit, stay the fuck out of my way or I fucking pull your labia over your head and use it as a fucking giant slingshot. Just ask that cunt RealGrimm aka RealWomann.

CiAo! You dickless wonders.
Oh look it's DorianGhey making a return to ravish us with TL~DR snooze posts!

Oh look! It's the fucking retard that wears his fathers Summer's Eve bottles as a Halloween costume. Idiot.
So going by your logic everyone is actually their avatar which makes you a smoking monkey? Got it...


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Hello you stupid bitches. I see that nothing has changed here. You fucking brainless puss-filled morons keep posting your banal tripe along with the typical juvenile gore pics. How most of you haven't been killed off in a Darwinian way is surprisingly shocking.

With all that being said, I'm looking for two chickenshit spammers that have a yellow stripe running up their emaciated spines. One being Uncle DILF. Bring your clown ass out from whatever male crotch you have your face buried into and be prepared to have your fucking vaginal lips wrapped tightly around that balloon you call a fucking head. I have yet to extract one of my expensive italian heels from your bloated rectum.

The other cowardly little mouthy slug is Rassenkrieg. Gee. I wonder who that fucking loser is? You seem to have a lot so say about me when i'm not here. Haven't I already on numerous occassion verbally boxed your ugly face in making you look like a transgender raccoon? Yet. You continue spouting off spamtastic crapolla you fucking think is pure fucking gold. You are a bonafide moron, not even capable of stringing two words together coherently.

To any other illiterate fucks that might think that Flynn wants to read your shit, stay the fuck out of my way or I fucking pull your labia over your head and use it as a fucking giant slingshot. Just ask that cunt RealGrimm aka RealWomann.

CiAo! You dickless wonders.
Oh look it's DorianGhey making a return to ravish us with TL~DR snooze posts!

Idiot. Was this my avatar at SG?

Now go fuck your father's face.

Oh look! It's the fucking retard that wears his fathers Summer's Eve bottles as a Halloween costume. Idiot.
So going by your logic everyone is actually their avatar which makes you a smoking monkey? Got it...


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Hello you stupid bitches. I see that nothing has changed here. You fucking brainless puss-filled morons keep posting your banal tripe along with the typical juvenile gore pics. How most of you haven't been killed off in a Darwinian way is surprisingly shocking.

With all that being said, I'm looking for two chickenshit spammers that have a yellow stripe running up their emaciated spines. One being Uncle DILF. Bring your clown ass out from whatever male crotch you have your face buried into and be prepared to have your fucking vaginal lips wrapped tightly around that balloon you call a fucking head. I have yet to extract one of my expensive italian heels from your bloated rectum.

The other cowardly little mouthy slug is Rassenkrieg. Gee. I wonder who that fucking loser is? You seem to have a lot so say about me when i'm not here. Haven't I already on numerous occassion verbally boxed your ugly face in making you look like a transgender raccoon? Yet. You continue spouting off spamtastic crapolla you fucking think is pure fucking gold. You are a bonafide moron, not even capable of stringing two words together coherently.

To any other illiterate fucks that might think that Flynn wants to read your shit, stay the fuck out of my way or I fucking pull your labia over your head and use it as a fucking giant slingshot. Just ask that cunt RealGrimm aka RealWomann.

CiAo! You dickless wonders.
Oh look it's DorianGhey making a return to ravish us with TL~DR snooze posts!

Idiot. Was this my avatar at SG?

Now go fuck your father's face.

Oh look! It's the fucking retard that wears his fathers Summer's Eve bottles as a Halloween costume. Idiot.
So going by your logic everyone is actually their avatar which makes you a smoking monkey? Got it...



Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Hello you stupid bitches. I see that nothing has changed here. You fucking brainless puss-filled morons keep posting your banal tripe along with the typical juvenile gore pics. How most of you haven't been killed off in a Darwinian way is surprisingly shocking.

With all that being said, I'm looking for two chickenshit spammers that have a yellow stripe running up their emaciated spines. One being Uncle DILF. Bring your clown ass out from whatever male crotch you have your face buried into and be prepared to have your fucking vaginal lips wrapped tightly around that balloon you call a fucking head. I have yet to extract one of my expensive italian heels from your bloated rectum.

The other cowardly little mouthy slug is Rassenkrieg. Gee. I wonder who that fucking loser is? You seem to have a lot so say about me when i'm not here. Haven't I already on numerous occassion verbally boxed your ugly face in making you look like a transgender raccoon? Yet. You continue spouting off spamtastic crapolla you fucking think is pure fucking gold. You are a bonafide moron, not even capable of stringing two words together coherently.

To any other illiterate fucks that might think that Flynn wants to read your shit, stay the fuck out of my way or I fucking pull your labia over your head and use it as a fucking giant slingshot. Just ask that cunt RealGrimm aka RealWomann.

CiAo! You dickless wonders.
Oh look it's DorianGhey making a return to ravish us with TL~DR snooze posts!

Oh look! It's the fucking retard that wears his fathers Summer's Eve bottles as a Halloween costume. Idiot.
So going by your logic everyone is actually their avatar which makes you a smoking monkey? Got it...

How stupid are you? I didn't have this avatar at SG. You had your dad's vaginal cleanser on your av here and at SG you fucking tard.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Hello you stupid bitches. I see that nothing has changed here. You fucking brainless puss-filled morons keep posting your banal tripe along with the typical juvenile gore pics. How most of you haven't been killed off in a Darwinian way is surprisingly shocking.

With all that being said, I'm looking for two chickenshit spammers that have a yellow stripe running up their emaciated spines. One being Uncle DILF. Bring your clown ass out from whatever male crotch you have your face buried into and be prepared to have your fucking vaginal lips wrapped tightly around that balloon you call a fucking head. I have yet to extract one of my expensive italian heels from your bloated rectum.

The other cowardly little mouthy slug is Rassenkrieg. Gee. I wonder who that fucking loser is? You seem to have a lot so say about me when i'm not here. Haven't I already on numerous occassion verbally boxed your ugly face in making you look like a transgender raccoon? Yet. You continue spouting off spamtastic crapolla you fucking think is pure fucking gold. You are a bonafide moron, not even capable of stringing two words together coherently.

To any other illiterate fucks that might think that Flynn wants to read your shit, stay the fuck out of my way or I fucking pull your labia over your head and use it as a fucking giant slingshot. Just ask that cunt RealGrimm aka RealWomann.

CiAo! You dickless wonders.
Oh look it's DorianGhey making a return to ravish us with TL~DR snooze posts!

Oh look! It's the fucking retard that wears his fathers Summer's Eve bottles as a Halloween costume. Idiot.
So going by your logic everyone is actually their avatar which makes you a smoking monkey? Got it...

How stupid are you? I didn't have this avatar at SG. You had your dad's vaginal cleanser on your av here and at SG you fucking tard.
Assuming that was me... I don't even remember you being at SG but that's probably because I tend to skip by yards of nonsense...


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land

Its like.....I gotta ignore this fuckface. But then the troll in me is really wanting to get my lolololols.

This tubby ass fuck thought I passing a kidney stone out my fucking CLIT. There is so much material here it's like Christmas.

To bad he is too fucking psychotic to stay on the internet or shake it off lol.

Maybe if I let him lick my asshole it will cure his raging Dovid 19. But he is gonna pay for his own bus ticket this time. And its gotta be in a gas station several counties away from my house. And only after I use the toilet. And I'm not putting on make up for that.

I'll give him 5 minutes. Take or leave. Something has to calm this mess down.


As if your bloated version of reality is actually believed you fucking deadbeat. See, you're such a stupid bitch, that you couldn't let Biggie Retard and Mr. Martini duke it out. No. You see a chance to fucking fist fuck King Martini whom you let insert his penis into your rotten cunt. I don't think so you fucking charity case.

You fucked Biggie Jew and King Martini and here they both are sucking each other off because of you. You used both these two fucking idiots. You keep on using Shitty Smalls anytime King-Ding-A-Ling makes you shit yourself when his barbs hit too fucking close to home. You are a truly fucking pathetic basket case.




Hey dummy. This is how much of a fucking retard Biggie Cocksucker is. He swings into this thread posting a genius comment about, "this thread sucks." Yet him and King Dink are the two most active dickheads in this fucking thread. What a fucking brainless moron.

Notice how all the smart people don't fall for the "poor me" stories from you Dovey. Did you get a job, yet? Or are you using Covid-19 to sponge off someone else you Mr. Ed looking skank.
Get the fuck off this forum you piece of shit! I’ll fucking break you boi. Get the fuck out of my sight!


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Dunno? Perhaps @SHAMPAIN could charge a fee on a "how to flame" tutorial. He may even give you a discount.. ya know.. since you're a burger flipper and all.. lmao!
Oh yes! That's what we need here... the dude who beats up his girlfriends and goes to jail for that.... Classy dude!
Ok I'll bite, show me where I said I beat up anybody you intolerable little deviant... Oh you can't because I didn't, it was you when you got PWNED for joining a jailbait teens website you sick fuckin halfwit, who posts pictures of their nude wife on a porn forum? Sick freak! Poor woman :SickFace::Welcome8:
Everybody here knows what I said :LMAO:
I know what the police told me, when checking you out.... Would that be reliable enough? :)


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Idk anything about
We now, it's obvious

Looks like you are finally making a friend, eh?

Maybe in 6 MONTHS you guys can suicide together ♡
Unless you know what this is about, shut up and fuck off.

Let me say this: you do not. So fuck off.

Says the chick getting friendly with an unhinged flaming icon who calls peoples jobs and searches for peoples personal info when he gets pissed.

Let's see. I know you keep logging on and getting angry. You claim people are breaking laws. And that in 6 months Raven will find out you are world famous.

Have I got that right?
Q is not a chick...he used to be maxis735...Until it was found out that he is a SICK FUCK.....He thinks he can hide behind his girly avatar and new name ...WRONG:LOL1:
@RAVEN is a dude searching for child porn on Google and then gets caught be posting screenshots that prove it.
Talking about stupid....

Btw, changing my name here was for you, apparently my previous name was too difficult for you, so I decreased the length. :LOL2:
And the reason for the avatar? Well... none of your business! :)


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Dude.. you can't flame.. Give it up.. :facepalm: You are a grease whore nigger that flips burgers for a living... No matter what you say.. THAT is who you are.... a fuckin loser keyboard warrior and burger flipper... pathetic, really hahaha
Says the little cry babe... Why don't you go "photoshop" the wrong people? Keeps you busy and at least gives us a laugh about how childish your "photoshops" look

Whats the matter, you look in the closet and find out your wife wasnt getting you that double headed dildo you wanted? So now you and your "vacation buddy" cant go ass to ass on each other?



Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Dude.. you can't flame.. Give it up.. :facepalm: You are a grease whore nigger that flips burgers for a living... No matter what you say.. THAT is who you are.... a fuckin loser keyboard warrior and burger flipper... pathetic, really hahaha
No, that's what you are trying to portray yours truly as and failing miserablely at it.

I'm like this sites security certificate, nobody can fix me even when they say they can.
I ain't portraying shit... You let the cat out of the bag.. you fucking JOKE.. jfc.. Benzo's funnier than you are, ffs. :LMAO:
Irrelevant. Still doesn't change the fact that you are a child porn lover

@Super Chad do you know that this @RAVEN voluntarily posted a screenshot that proves she has done sarches for child porn? That's how stupid this specimen is....
It was you @maxis735 and don't deny it you fucking pervert.


Image aint there. FOr someone who says its not it him, sure is crying a lot about it. I feel bad for the mods that are falling for the fake cries.
The image just makes me very sad. Poeple like @RAVEN are despicable, searching for child porn and then being too stupid to understand how Google works and blaming others for it. He is a real sick freak. Very very sad...


No posts for over 30 hrs now at TheStomperRoom.

.Destruction completed.
Bigly Smellz, Making the Internets Great Again.
Last edited:


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Dude.. you can't flame.. Give it up.. :facepalm: You are a grease whore nigger that flips burgers for a living... No matter what you say.. THAT is who you are.... a fuckin loser keyboard warrior and burger flipper... pathetic, really hahaha
No, that's what you are trying to portray yours truly as and failing miserablely at it.

I'm like this sites security certificate, nobody can fix me even when they say they can.
I ain't portraying shit... You let the cat out of the bag.. you fucking JOKE.. jfc.. Benzo's funnier than you are, ffs. :LMAO:
Irrelevant. Still doesn't change the fact that you are a child porn lover

@Super Chad do you know that this @RAVEN voluntarily posted a screenshot that proves she has done sarches for child porn? That's how stupid this specimen is....
It was you @maxis735 and don't deny it you fucking pervert.


Image aint there. FOr someone who says its not it him, sure is crying a lot about it. I feel bad for the mods that are falling for the fake cries.
It's been removed from the host site, no editing here... Seems Ice is having his images deleted or something...

Ah ok, glad you wasnt being a lil bitch :Grin3:

WRONG! @SHAMPAIN is definitely a lil bitch.... Sad fucker, beating up women...


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Maxis should thank me for being such a If i were a horrible person, with the collection of PI he has spewed on this site...Id simply send a small envelope of goodies to the 3 largest banks in his country....:Grin3:...hmmmm.
Bullshit, as always :)