This goes out to all you fuckfaces.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Nobody can flame Dorian.

There is the odd, "Keep your pointy nose out of Dovey's business" ... even though Dovey posted the info online herself.

Along with allegations that Dorian is a bunch of mean gay men sharing one account.

Some said Dorian sucked up to Martini and Caskur ... and then she blasted them.

Kudo's Dorian, it's their mama's fault these fuckers are dumb.

remember that splatter flame written at sg for good ole flynn that had her yelling and screaming. bonesaw and vitty gave it a like, and those two have opposite senses of humor, so it was not over the top or anything.
it was not even as splattery as the one written about SSS at BF.

someone needs to write a good story type flame that stars flynn.

same with dovey, write a PI free story flame that is actually funny about dovey, can you do that HC?

can anyone?
Nobody can flame Dorian.

There is the odd, "Keep your pointy nose out of Dovey's business" ... even though Dovey posted the info online herself.

Except I did NOT.

Pooftard blasted it all over the internet.

Why cant you people be normal? Ever since Pooftard got excited I was giving him attention and started mouth breathing and slobbering into his podcast this has been ridiculous.

I'd say I would have been better off paying someone but I had to do that to.

I didn't even know what a Switch was before this.

Slag, you have posted everything on the net about your dumb self but omitted two important horrifying facts about your incredibly obtuse and exceptionally nasty self .....

1.You assaulted a disabled person in your care.
2. You ran up bills totaling 5,078.
3. You lie about KM and contacted his family.

Caskur, the patient was not assaulted. You can’t even tell who he is in the pic. Yes, his poop was part of him when it was still in his butthole.... but seriously?

Did she act with malice towards anyone when she took that pic that she only shared with her boyfriend? No. It’s one of those things that teeters in a grey area of law and is looked down upon because it could create liability issues for the hospital. She thought it was funny and he was her romantic interest at the time. I was also not speaking to her at thar time or I would have been the recipient who was ROFLMAO with her.

He called her job to be a dick. You’re justifying this behavior because she called his exwife to return the kids switch. This is not remotely eye for an eye because the actions are so different by means of intention.

No nurse or nursing aid or careers

No stupid bitches from the internet should be stalking and harassing people from the internet.

But you've been enmeshing your miserable self in personal drama and cyberstalking since 2005. And you are on disability.

stfu, you lowlife scumbag who give women a bad name. I would see you were flogged Malaysian style and thrown in jail.... To me you are as evil as Satan.


The both of you do not belong on forums, you belong in psych wards.

Oh, is a shout box convo of Casket telling people about her affair with a psycho, how she set him up for proof he was psycho, how he wanted to kill her

Dont ever call Big a liar. You and your lik are disgusting, revolting liars.

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You are literally without a doubt the most stupidist whore that has ever posted on these forums ever. You did break the law posting pictures of a vulnerable handicapped person covered in their own shit and sending them to your friends to laugh at. That was illegal. And anyone telling you, you're still an OK person is enabling you on your criminal course is a criminal just like you.

Now, I am a big believer in what goes around, comes around so all I have to do is bide time and watch until you hang yourelf over your own criminal deeds.

You are not allowed to sexually abuse patients, EVER you fucking lowlife fucking whore. You got sacked because you're an unprofessional dimwit.

ok Caskur... we all know she cheated on her husband

I believe that is between her and her husband now

You don’t have to me married to her, so I fail to see how this is your problem

Are you drunk? the fucking posts again dullard.... Pigeon is talking about husbands...NOT ME. Grow a fucking backbone and point your advice to her..... in other words, FUCK OFF.
You mad now you bloated old bat?

Go find a cave and hang yourself upsidedown. It’ll make you feel better


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Nobody can flame Dorian.

There is the odd, "Keep your pointy nose out of Dovey's business" ... even though Dovey posted the info online herself.

Along with allegations that Dorian is a bunch of mean gay men sharing one account.

Some said Dorian sucked up to Martini and Caskur ... and then she blasted them.

Kudo's Dorian, it's their mama's fault these fuckers are dumb.

remember that splatter flame written at sg for good ole flynn that had her yelling and screaming. bonesaw and vitty gave it a like, and those two have opposite senses of humor, so it was not over the top or anything.
it was not even as splattery as the one written about SSS at BF.

someone needs to write a good story type flame that stars flynn.

same with dovey, write a PI free story flame that is actually funny about dovey, can you do that HC?

can anyone?
Nobody can flame Dorian.

There is the odd, "Keep your pointy nose out of Dovey's business" ... even though Dovey posted the info online herself.

Except I did NOT.

Pooftard blasted it all over the internet.

Why cant you people be normal? Ever since Pooftard got excited I was giving him attention and started mouth breathing and slobbering into his podcast this has been ridiculous.

I'd say I would have been better off paying someone but I had to do that to.

I didn't even know what a Switch was before this.

Slag, you have posted everything on the net about your dumb self but omitted two important horrifying facts about your incredibly obtuse and exceptionally nasty self .....

1.You assaulted a disabled person in your care.
2. You ran up bills totaling 5,078.
3. You lie about KM and contacted his family.

Caskur, the patient was not assaulted. You can’t even tell who he is in the pic. Yes, his poop was part of him when it was still in his butthole.... but seriously?

Did she act with malice towards anyone when she took that pic that she only shared with her boyfriend? No. It’s one of those things that teeters in a grey area of law and is looked down upon because it could create liability issues for the hospital. She thought it was funny and he was her romantic interest at the time. I was also not speaking to her at thar time or I would have been the recipient who was ROFLMAO with her.

He called her job to be a dick. You’re justifying this behavior because she called his exwife to return the kids switch. This is not remotely eye for an eye because the actions are so different by means of intention.

No nurse or nursing aid or careers

No stupid bitches from the internet should be stalking and harassing people from the internet.

But you've been enmeshing your miserable self in personal drama and cyberstalking since 2005. And you are on disability.

stfu, you lowlife scumbag who give women a bad name. I would see you were flogged Malaysian style and thrown in jail.... To me you are as evil as Satan.


The both of you do not belong on forums, you belong in psych wards.

Oh, is a shout box convo of Casket telling people about her affair with a psycho, how she set him up for proof he was psycho, how he wanted to kill her

Dont ever call Big a liar. You and your lik are disgusting, revolting liars.

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

You are literally without a doubt the most stupidist whore that has ever posted on these forums ever. You did break the law posting pictures of a vulnerable handicapped person covered in their own shit and sending them to your friends to laugh at. That was illegal. And anyone telling you, you're still an OK person is enabling you on your criminal course is a criminal just like you.

Now, I am a big believer in what goes around, comes around so all I have to do is bide time and watch until you hang yourelf over your own criminal deeds.

You are not allowed to sexually abuse patients, EVER you fucking lowlife fucking whore. You got sacked because you're an unprofessional dimwit.

ok Caskur... we all know she cheated on her husband

I believe that is between her and her husband now

You don’t have to me married to her, so I fail to see how this is your problem

Are you drunk? the fucking posts again dullard.... Pigeon is talking about husbands...NOT ME. Grow a fucking backbone and point your advice to her..... in other words, FUCK OFF.
You mad now you bloated old bat?

Go find a cave and hang yourself upsidedown. It’ll make you feel better

Go find some more dick cheese and gobble down on it rodent.

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Nobody can flame Dorian.

There is the odd, "Keep your pointy nose out of Dovey's business" ... even though Dovey posted the info online herself.

Along with allegations that Dorian is a bunch of mean gay men sharing one account.

Some said Dorian sucked up to Martini and Caskur ... and then she blasted them.

Kudo's Dorian, it's their mama's fault these fuckers are dumb.

remember that splatter flame written at sg for good ole flynn that had her yelling and screaming. bonesaw and vitty gave it a like, and those two have opposite senses of humor, so it was not over the top or anything.
it was not even as splattery as the one written about SSS at BF.

someone needs to write a good story type flame that stars flynn.

same with dovey, write a PI free story flame that is actually funny about dovey, can you do that HC?

can anyone?
Nobody can flame Dorian.

There is the odd, "Keep your pointy nose out of Dovey's business" ... even though Dovey posted the info online herself.

Except I did NOT.

Pooftard blasted it all over the internet.

Why cant you people be normal? Ever since Pooftard got excited I was giving him attention and started mouth breathing and slobbering into his podcast this has been ridiculous.

I'd say I would have been better off paying someone but I had to do that to.

I didn't even know what a Switch was before this.

Slag, you have posted everything on the net about your dumb self but omitted two important horrifying facts about your incredibly obtuse and exceptionally nasty self .....

1.You assaulted a disabled person in your care.
2. You ran up bills totaling 5,078.
3. You lie about KM and contacted his family.

Caskur, the patient was not assaulted. You can’t even tell who he is in the pic. Yes, his poop was part of him when it was still in his butthole.... but seriously?

Did she act with malice towards anyone when she took that pic that she only shared with her boyfriend? No. It’s one of those things that teeters in a grey area of law and is looked down upon because it could create liability issues for the hospital. She thought it was funny and he was her romantic interest at the time. I was also not speaking to her at thar time or I would have been the recipient who was ROFLMAO with her.

He called her job to be a dick. You’re justifying this behavior because she called his exwife to return the kids switch. This is not remotely eye for an eye because the actions are so different by means of intention.

No nurse or nursing aid or careers

No stupid bitches from the internet should be stalking and harassing people from the internet.

But you've been enmeshing your miserable self in personal drama and cyberstalking since 2005. And you are on disability.

stfu, you lowlife scumbag who give women a bad name. I would see you were flogged Malaysian style and thrown in jail.... To me you are as evil as Satan.


The both of you do not belong on forums, you belong in psych wards.

Oh, is a shout box convo of Casket telling people about her affair with a psycho, how she set him up for proof he was psycho, how he wanted to kill her

Dont ever call Big a liar. You and your lik are disgusting, revolting liars.

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

You are literally without a doubt the most stupidist whore that has ever posted on these forums ever. You did break the law posting pictures of a vulnerable handicapped person covered in their own shit and sending them to your friends to laugh at. That was illegal. And anyone telling you, you're still an OK person is enabling you on your criminal course is a criminal just like you.

Now, I am a big believer in what goes around, comes around so all I have to do is bide time and watch until you hang yourelf over your own criminal deeds.

You are not allowed to sexually abuse patients, EVER you fucking lowlife fucking whore. You got sacked because you're an unprofessional dimwit.

ok Caskur... we all know she cheated on her husband

I believe that is between her and her husband now

You don’t have to me married to her, so I fail to see how this is your problem

Are you drunk? the fucking posts again dullard.... Pigeon is talking about husbands...NOT ME. Grow a fucking backbone and point your advice to her..... in other words, FUCK OFF.

YOU fuck off, Casket. You arent even part of this shit. You just saw a drama and wanted attention.

Go see if your husband is even HOME right now and stop bleating on your hateful hypocrisy on boards, you pathetic peice of shit.

Telling Murd to fuck off, you fuck right off you withered old disabled cunt.

just breathe... two wrongs don’t make a right

you’ve endured a lot of scrutiny and personal attacks..... Big and I still love you dearly and would do anything for you... none of this matters when you look at the bigger picture

I'm enduring obsessed mentally ill people searching for my address. I could wipe my ass with their "scrunity".

The PROBLEM is the stalking.

They arent invited in my life. They are trying to force their way in.

Your mistake right now is that you are talking like these are reasonable people who use logic. They are NOT.

Cascur just realized you cant be manipulated. So get ready.

Yeah relax Pigeon... Biggie thought so much of you it took him 6 whole weeks to throw you out in the cold and Murdock also thought a lot of you copulating with your ex... Good Christians all of you now lets see another 30,000 posts why abortions are wrong.

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STFU Casket. You ruin your perfectly hilarious chops with your shitty narratives of hate.

Dont you get free mental health care if you are on disability down under? You should really have a home nurse or something.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Nobody can flame Dorian.

There is the odd, "Keep your pointy nose out of Dovey's business" ... even though Dovey posted the info online herself.

Along with allegations that Dorian is a bunch of mean gay men sharing one account.

Some said Dorian sucked up to Martini and Caskur ... and then she blasted them.

Kudo's Dorian, it's their mama's fault these fuckers are dumb.

remember that splatter flame written at sg for good ole flynn that had her yelling and screaming. bonesaw and vitty gave it a like, and those two have opposite senses of humor, so it was not over the top or anything.
it was not even as splattery as the one written about SSS at BF.

someone needs to write a good story type flame that stars flynn.

same with dovey, write a PI free story flame that is actually funny about dovey, can you do that HC?

can anyone?
Nobody can flame Dorian.

There is the odd, "Keep your pointy nose out of Dovey's business" ... even though Dovey posted the info online herself.

Except I did NOT.

Pooftard blasted it all over the internet.

Why cant you people be normal? Ever since Pooftard got excited I was giving him attention and started mouth breathing and slobbering into his podcast this has been ridiculous.

I'd say I would have been better off paying someone but I had to do that to.

I didn't even know what a Switch was before this.

Slag, you have posted everything on the net about your dumb self but omitted two important horrifying facts about your incredibly obtuse and exceptionally nasty self .....

1.You assaulted a disabled person in your care.
2. You ran up bills totaling 5,078.
3. You lie about KM and contacted his family.

Caskur, the patient was not assaulted. You can’t even tell who he is in the pic. Yes, his poop was part of him when it was still in his butthole.... but seriously?

Did she act with malice towards anyone when she took that pic that she only shared with her boyfriend? No. It’s one of those things that teeters in a grey area of law and is looked down upon because it could create liability issues for the hospital. She thought it was funny and he was her romantic interest at the time. I was also not speaking to her at thar time or I would have been the recipient who was ROFLMAO with her.

He called her job to be a dick. You’re justifying this behavior because she called his exwife to return the kids switch. This is not remotely eye for an eye because the actions are so different by means of intention.

No nurse or nursing aid or careers

No stupid bitches from the internet should be stalking and harassing people from the internet.

But you've been enmeshing your miserable self in personal drama and cyberstalking since 2005. And you are on disability.

stfu, you lowlife scumbag who give women a bad name. I would see you were flogged Malaysian style and thrown in jail.... To me you are as evil as Satan.


The both of you do not belong on forums, you belong in psych wards.

Oh, is a shout box convo of Casket telling people about her affair with a psycho, how she set him up for proof he was psycho, how he wanted to kill her

Dont ever call Big a liar. You and your lik are disgusting, revolting liars.

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

You are literally without a doubt the most stupidist whore that has ever posted on these forums ever. You did break the law posting pictures of a vulnerable handicapped person covered in their own shit and sending them to your friends to laugh at. That was illegal. And anyone telling you, you're still an OK person is enabling you on your criminal course is a criminal just like you.

Now, I am a big believer in what goes around, comes around so all I have to do is bide time and watch until you hang yourelf over your own criminal deeds.

You are not allowed to sexually abuse patients, EVER you fucking lowlife fucking whore. You got sacked because you're an unprofessional dimwit.

ok Caskur... we all know she cheated on her husband

I believe that is between her and her husband now

You don’t have to me married to her, so I fail to see how this is your problem

Are you drunk? the fucking posts again dullard.... Pigeon is talking about husbands...NOT ME. Grow a fucking backbone and point your advice to her..... in other words, FUCK OFF.
oooohhhhhhhh the wombat is mad now

I bet you she's gnawing on a live rodent right now


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Nobody can flame Dorian.

There is the odd, "Keep your pointy nose out of Dovey's business" ... even though Dovey posted the info online herself.

Along with allegations that Dorian is a bunch of mean gay men sharing one account.

Some said Dorian sucked up to Martini and Caskur ... and then she blasted them.

Kudo's Dorian, it's their mama's fault these fuckers are dumb.

remember that splatter flame written at sg for good ole flynn that had her yelling and screaming. bonesaw and vitty gave it a like, and those two have opposite senses of humor, so it was not over the top or anything.
it was not even as splattery as the one written about SSS at BF.

someone needs to write a good story type flame that stars flynn.

same with dovey, write a PI free story flame that is actually funny about dovey, can you do that HC?

can anyone?
Nobody can flame Dorian.

There is the odd, "Keep your pointy nose out of Dovey's business" ... even though Dovey posted the info online herself.

Except I did NOT.

Pooftard blasted it all over the internet.

Why cant you people be normal? Ever since Pooftard got excited I was giving him attention and started mouth breathing and slobbering into his podcast this has been ridiculous.

I'd say I would have been better off paying someone but I had to do that to.

I didn't even know what a Switch was before this.

Slag, you have posted everything on the net about your dumb self but omitted two important horrifying facts about your incredibly obtuse and exceptionally nasty self .....

1.You assaulted a disabled person in your care.
2. You ran up bills totaling 5,078.
3. You lie about KM and contacted his family.

Caskur, the patient was not assaulted. You can’t even tell who he is in the pic. Yes, his poop was part of him when it was still in his butthole.... but seriously?

Did she act with malice towards anyone when she took that pic that she only shared with her boyfriend? No. It’s one of those things that teeters in a grey area of law and is looked down upon because it could create liability issues for the hospital. She thought it was funny and he was her romantic interest at the time. I was also not speaking to her at thar time or I would have been the recipient who was ROFLMAO with her.

He called her job to be a dick. You’re justifying this behavior because she called his exwife to return the kids switch. This is not remotely eye for an eye because the actions are so different by means of intention.

No nurse or nursing aid or careers

No stupid bitches from the internet should be stalking and harassing people from the internet.

But you've been enmeshing your miserable self in personal drama and cyberstalking since 2005. And you are on disability.

stfu, you lowlife scumbag who give women a bad name. I would see you were flogged Malaysian style and thrown in jail.... To me you are as evil as Satan.


The both of you do not belong on forums, you belong in psych wards.

Oh, is a shout box convo of Casket telling people about her affair with a psycho, how she set him up for proof he was psycho, how he wanted to kill her

Dont ever call Big a liar. You and your lik are disgusting, revolting liars.

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

You are literally without a doubt the most stupidist whore that has ever posted on these forums ever. You did break the law posting pictures of a vulnerable handicapped person covered in their own shit and sending them to your friends to laugh at. That was illegal. And anyone telling you, you're still an OK person is enabling you on your criminal course is a criminal just like you.

Now, I am a big believer in what goes around, comes around so all I have to do is bide time and watch until you hang yourelf over your own criminal deeds.

You are not allowed to sexually abuse patients, EVER you fucking lowlife fucking whore. You got sacked because you're an unprofessional dimwit.

ok Caskur... we all know she cheated on her husband

I believe that is between her and her husband now

You don’t have to me married to her, so I fail to see how this is your problem

Are you drunk? the fucking posts again dullard.... Pigeon is talking about husbands...NOT ME. Grow a fucking backbone and point your advice to her..... in other words, FUCK OFF.
oooohhhhhhhh the wombat is mad now

I bet you she's gnawing on a live rodent right now
Yeah it makes me cringe when i imagine my gran posting her posts, not much difference tbh...

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Nobody can flame Dorian.

There is the odd, "Keep your pointy nose out of Dovey's business" ... even though Dovey posted the info online herself.

Along with allegations that Dorian is a bunch of mean gay men sharing one account.

Some said Dorian sucked up to Martini and Caskur ... and then she blasted them.

Kudo's Dorian, it's their mama's fault these fuckers are dumb.

remember that splatter flame written at sg for good ole flynn that had her yelling and screaming. bonesaw and vitty gave it a like, and those two have opposite senses of humor, so it was not over the top or anything.
it was not even as splattery as the one written about SSS at BF.

someone needs to write a good story type flame that stars flynn.

same with dovey, write a PI free story flame that is actually funny about dovey, can you do that HC?

can anyone?
Nobody can flame Dorian.

There is the odd, "Keep your pointy nose out of Dovey's business" ... even though Dovey posted the info online herself.

Except I did NOT.

Pooftard blasted it all over the internet.

Why cant you people be normal? Ever since Pooftard got excited I was giving him attention and started mouth breathing and slobbering into his podcast this has been ridiculous.

I'd say I would have been better off paying someone but I had to do that to.

I didn't even know what a Switch was before this.

Slag, you have posted everything on the net about your dumb self but omitted two important horrifying facts about your incredibly obtuse and exceptionally nasty self .....

1.You assaulted a disabled person in your care.
2. You ran up bills totaling 5,078.
3. You lie about KM and contacted his family.

Caskur, the patient was not assaulted. You can’t even tell who he is in the pic. Yes, his poop was part of him when it was still in his butthole.... but seriously?

Did she act with malice towards anyone when she took that pic that she only shared with her boyfriend? No. It’s one of those things that teeters in a grey area of law and is looked down upon because it could create liability issues for the hospital. She thought it was funny and he was her romantic interest at the time. I was also not speaking to her at thar time or I would have been the recipient who was ROFLMAO with her.

He called her job to be a dick. You’re justifying this behavior because she called his exwife to return the kids switch. This is not remotely eye for an eye because the actions are so different by means of intention.

No nurse or nursing aid or careers

No stupid bitches from the internet should be stalking and harassing people from the internet.

But you've been enmeshing your miserable self in personal drama and cyberstalking since 2005. And you are on disability.

stfu, you lowlife scumbag who give women a bad name. I would see you were flogged Malaysian style and thrown in jail.... To me you are as evil as Satan.


The both of you do not belong on forums, you belong in psych wards.

Oh, is a shout box convo of Casket telling people about her affair with a psycho, how she set him up for proof he was psycho, how he wanted to kill her

Dont ever call Big a liar. You and your lik are disgusting, revolting liars.

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

You are literally without a doubt the most stupidist whore that has ever posted on these forums ever. You did break the law posting pictures of a vulnerable handicapped person covered in their own shit and sending them to your friends to laugh at. That was illegal. And anyone telling you, you're still an OK person is enabling you on your criminal course is a criminal just like you.

Now, I am a big believer in what goes around, comes around so all I have to do is bide time and watch until you hang yourelf over your own criminal deeds.

You are not allowed to sexually abuse patients, EVER you fucking lowlife fucking whore. You got sacked because you're an unprofessional dimwit.

ok Caskur... we all know she cheated on her husband

I believe that is between her and her husband now

You don’t have to me married to her, so I fail to see how this is your problem

Are you drunk? the fucking posts again dullard.... Pigeon is talking about husbands...NOT ME. Grow a fucking backbone and point your advice to her..... in other words, FUCK OFF.
oooohhhhhhhh the wombat is mad now

I bet you she's gnawing on a live rodent right now
Yeah it makes me cringe when i imagine my gran posting her posts, not much difference tbh...

Bro, she's like 74 and her ankles look like watermelons.

Nobody loves her.

Make BF great again.... ban caskur


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
We don
I think the people who should be blocked are Pigeon aka Dovid... Murdock and Biggie Smelliballs.

They need to delete SG and make a new forum and fuck off back there.

Good riddance to bad rubbish!~

Merry fucking Christmas!~
Not going to happen, they're appreciated here and their input is welcome along with yours... Go easy caskur as it can be a perilous journey requesting the removal of others...

Ahhh, but it's OK for them to request removals right?

Listen... as I said before while these backward cows post here, this place isn't fun.

I support Dorian's posts... for now they are the funniest, hard hitting, posts I enjoy reading otherwise, this place is full of tossers.

Carry on!~

We didnt request you drooling mutants get booted.

That was the regulars. Turns out no one besides you idiots enjoys personal real life drama.....go figure.

Its amusing that you think boards like this have some sort of morality litmus test and if you list off things as immoral about expect them to be kicked out.

These boards dont care about peoples lives. Thats why you belong in a psych ward. You do. You shouldnt....but you do. You've been doing this same ridiculous bullshit for well over a decade. Just fucking chill.

I can speak for Big and myself when say none of us care if you get banned or not. We dont take this shit nearly as serious as you and your ilk evidently do. You are the ones trying to run people off, trying to dox and use pi and lying and manipulating.

Get the fuck over it. No one cares. You are a complete nonentity in this situation. And Pooftard is just a nonentity all around. This bullshit isnt even a conversation in my house hasnt been for sometime now.

Time for you to butt the fuck out, stop cyberstalking, and take care of your own life. And dont try to say your life is one with a truly good fulfilling life would be doing the shit you do on these boards.

Its cringey and disturbing seeing someone your age behave this way.


Queenie Weenie
☠️Private Forum Access
La La Land

Flea started bitching and taking shots (with Casket) and I ignored them. Because I came here to avoid this bullshit.

Then they run and get Chode.

And now its "omg I warned you!".

I've never seen people that cowardly. If you wanna start fights, start a fight and stand by it. Dont play some stupid game that it was the other persons fault and you are so sick of their "drama" that you had to throw a fit until that person responds and then be like "see! I told you!"

It reminds me of when my oldest daughters were younger and they would be sitting next to each other, and the little one would poke at the bigger one until the bigger one lost her temper....then the little one would play victim and yell "mommmm shes being so mean!"

Only my kids grew out of that.

Well this topic has been dug up and repeated way beyond its expectation and it's way past redundant. They wanted a fight and they got one(as usual) so if they wanna whine about it now, that's predictable.

I dont gaf what these wack jobs do as long as it doesnt involve my address and or anything outside these forums, a concept that isnt difficult for anyone that is not part this zombie drama cult that keeps repeating itself.

You didn’t give a fight. You put me on ignore, only to take me off when I put your spamming ass on it. I don’t give two fucks about your address, your life or whether you shit twice and die. You swear everyone is stalking you yet you’re here still with your alleged stalkers. You came here starting with your victim “he’s harassing my family” crap and I disputed it. End of. I didn’t go get Poofer but everyone should believe I did because you said so, right?

I’ll bet my life you’ve been PMing everyone here with your scrollbomb sob story. And whoever doesn’t buy it is a piece of shit, right? <Big bad flea is a shitty person because she doesn’t condone me contacting someone’s relative offline!>Boo fucking hoo. I bet it’s killing you that no one is attacking me for you. Cry harder. Go talk crap at the forum you killed or BC like you were doing when I left.

To the rest of the forum, I apologize for any part I’ve played in this. I don’t take back anything I’ve said tho cuz it’s all true.
She's never sent me a PM for what it's worth...
I wish everybody would chill and wipe the slate clean for a new year, we could ALL enjoy the factory without the personal drama that NOBODY wants except the sad bastards with nothing else but other peoples misery to get kicks from...

I was enjoying it until she got here. Like I said hundreds of times, I left SG and BC to get away from their fucking drama. I wouldn’t have said shit if she hadn’t started with her stalking accusations. Once that switch was hit, I knew this forum was gonna suffer.
If you truly believe that why not have your buddy caskur cut the shit and have Doofer do the same?

I'm certain Dove will go back to not talking about it until someone decides to strike at her first again

Let me be clear on this. There will be no "deal" unless she leaves.

You are very easily ignored, jack ass.

No one gives a shit about your spazzy retarded tantrums. You arent even hardly part of the convo.

Is it time for Chode to fuel you back up by shitting down your throat yet? I've often wondered where your stamina for stupid comes from.

Well. You don't own this forum. Neithet does Joo. So keep me on ignore and get the fuck out of my thread and start your own fucking thread and keep your bullshit contained there.

How fucking clear was that?

but we have earned our place at this table... I’m sure even the haters will agree


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I live outside the grid so I don't have to pay rent.

We know!

Weren't you going to cook something whore?

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Casket this is just sad. What is that a snap chat filter? Lol.

You are absolutely drowning in bitterness and hatred and have been for a very very long time.

You are in your 70s....during a pandemic. You need to figure out who you are truly angry with and deal with that head on.

Because spending decades frothing at your aging maw and bleeding on people who....due to the restraints of the internet....cant punch you, isnt working.

It's just not. This isnt impressive at all. Its pathetic.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I need you worthless fahgets to join me on skype.... add yncreport NOW or else

Why, what are you going to do? Swap squatting on people's properties stories?
You're heading straight in the sin bin... When I can be bothered of course

Oh do fuck off... there's a nice little Pigeon enabler!~
I'll hit you when you're not expecting it, you'll cry and i'll laugh...