USSC could overturn Roe vs Wade soon


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Conservatives want to establish Shakira Law in the United States!

Because not being allowed to murder a human being is "Shakira law".

Getting raped and assaulted by men in prison cells is FREEDOM!!

You guys better fight so you can force tax payers to pay for all the rape baby abortions women are gonna need due to the EqUaLitY Act.

God you people are so backwards and draconian.


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
These people will succeed in completely terminating the United States of America. The only thing Americans will be free to do anymore is work for slave wages and buy guns with which to kill each other off.
  • Interesting
Reactions: Joe


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
These people will succeed in completely terminating the United States of America. The only thing Americans will be free to do anymore is work for slave wages and buy guns with which to kill each other off.

They don't seem to care about the morale of their country, whether 1/2 the country is unhappy as long as they get their way.

Overturning Roe v Wade will make exiting tensions even worse.


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
These people will succeed in completely terminating the United States of America. The only thing Americans will be free to do anymore is work for slave wages and buy guns with which to kill each other off.

They don't seem to care about the morale of their country, whether 1/2 the country is unhappy as long as they get their way.

Overturning Roe v Wade will make exiting tensions even worse.

They are narrow-minded bullies who don't even realize that when they get what they want, they will have destroyed everything that made America great.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You two hysterical clowns make me laugh! If you didnt support murdering healthy 6 month old babies that could live outside the womb, you wouldnt be about to lose all abortion rights. PWN3D!


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
These people will succeed in completely terminating the United States of America. The only thing Americans will be free to do anymore is work for slave wages and buy guns with which to kill each other off.

Just a bit hysterical, Lotus. America existed much longer than a bad SCOTUS decision.

So we arent free if we cant kill. Got it.

BTW....over turning Roe leaves abortion laws up to the states. Which a MUCH more American stance than using the federal government to force states to accept your partisan causes. So.....maybe attempt a more objective, less emotionally manipulative view of this.

Womens sex based rights are in the toilet and you are claiming the country wont be recognizable if states can make their own decisions regarding abortion. Right.

You guys want federal control over the whole country to it serves leftwing platforms. That's actual tyranny. You guys are completely blind to that. That other people live here, pay taxes here and have a right to vote here. Ramming your bias stances down everyones throat via federal government isnt what America is about.

And you guys are very all or nothing on everything. It's your way or burn it down. That's not how actual democracy works. And you bring this attitude to an issue that none of you have any real grasp on. You've just decided that women dead set on abortion are the only important ones. Women coerced and forced, or injured women or traumatized women or women drug in by rapists and released back to them are acceptable casualties to sweep under the rug so that you guys can uphold your partisan abortion doctrine.

You need to look at the entire thing. Not just cherry pick from it what bits you think help your position. There is big picture here. And part of that picture is Roe was a bad decision and should be overturned so states can make their own decisions regarding abortion.
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Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
These people will succeed in completely terminating the United States of America. The only thing Americans will be free to do anymore is work for slave wages and buy guns with which to kill each other off.

Just a bit hysterical, Lotus. America existed much longer than a bad SCOTUS decision.

So we arent free if we cant kill. Got it.

BTW....over turning Roe leaves abortion laws up to the states. Which a MUCH more American stance than using the federal government to force states to accept your partisan causes. So.....maybe attempt a more objective, less emotionally manipulative view of this.

Womens sex based rights are in the toilet and you are claiming the country wont be recognizable if states can make their own decisions regarding abortion. Right.

You guys want federal control over the whole country to it serves leftwing platforms. That's actual tyranny. You guys are completely blind to that. That other people live here, pay taxes here and have a right to vote here. Ramming your bias stances down everyones throat via federal government isnt what America is about.

And you guys are very all or nothing on everything. It's your way or burn it down. That's not how actual democracy works. And you bring this attitude to an issue that none of you have any real grasp on.

In which case there should be a referendum in each US state to decide the issue.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
These people will succeed in completely terminating the United States of America. The only thing Americans will be free to do anymore is work for slave wages and buy guns with which to kill each other off.

Just a bit hysterical, Lotus. America existed much longer than a bad SCOTUS decision.

So we arent free if we cant kill. Got it.

BTW....over turning Roe leaves abortion laws up to the states. Which a MUCH more American stance than using the federal government to force states to accept your partisan causes. So.....maybe attempt a more objective, less emotionally manipulative view of this.

Womens sex based rights are in the toilet and you are claiming the country wont be recognizable if states can make their own decisions regarding abortion. Right.

You guys want federal control over the whole country to it serves leftwing platforms. That's actual tyranny. You guys are completely blind to that. That other people live here, pay taxes here and have a right to vote here. Ramming your bias stances down everyones throat via federal government isnt what America is about.

And you guys are very all or nothing on everything. It's your way or burn it down. That's not how actual democracy works. And you bring this attitude to an issue that none of you have any real grasp on.

In which case there should be a referendum in each US state to decide the issue.

Yes.....that's the point.

States want to decide their laws on this. The majority of the country is more pro life than pro abortion. Most people who consider themselves pro choice want restrictions on abortion.

Leftwing activists want the federal government to force states to allow it through the entire pregnancy and no one can vote on it or have a say about it.

The same people who want a constitutional right restricted and infringed even though doing so doesnt stop the violence they claim they want to stop(restricting gun rights) think its tyranny if states are allowed to vote on their abortion laws.

They seriously want to use the federal government to force what they want.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Conservatives want to establish Shakira Law in the United States!

Because not being allowed to murder a human being is "Shakira law".

Getting raped and assaulted by men in prison cells is FREEDOM!!

You guys better fight so you can force tax payers to pay for all the rape baby abortions women are gonna need due to the EqUaLitY Act.

God you people are so backwards and draconian.

But that's a separate issue Dove.

The US & Other countries should recognize trans people as a separate gender.

That's the only way to protect the rights of biological women IMHO.

Some countries already recognize trans people but not as men or women.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Conservatives want to establish Shakira Law in the United States!

Because not being allowed to murder a human being is "Shakira law".

Getting raped and assaulted by men in prison cells is FREEDOM!!

You guys better fight so you can force tax payers to pay for all the rape baby abortions women are gonna need due to the EqUaLitY Act.

God you people are so backwards and draconian.

But that's a separate issue Dove.

The US & Other countries should recognize trans people as a separate gender.

That's the only way to protect the rights of biological women IMHO.

Some countries already recognize trans people but not as men or women.
Should execute em, period.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Conservatives want to establish Shakira Law in the United States!

Because not being allowed to murder a human being is "Shakira law".

Getting raped and assaulted by men in prison cells is FREEDOM!!

You guys better fight so you can force tax payers to pay for all the rape baby abortions women are gonna need due to the EqUaLitY Act.

God you people are so backwards and draconian.

But that's a separate issue Dove.

The US & Other countries should recognize trans people as a separate gender.

That's the only way to protect the rights of biological women IMHO.

Some countries already recognize trans people but not as men or women.

That's transphobic Joe.

"Transwomen are real women" <---- the battle cry of leftwing activism.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Conservatives want to establish Shakira Law in the United States!

Because not being allowed to murder a human being is "Shakira law".

Getting raped and assaulted by men in prison cells is FREEDOM!!

You guys better fight so you can force tax payers to pay for all the rape baby abortions women are gonna need due to the EqUaLitY Act.

God you people are so backwards and draconian.

But that's a separate issue Dove.

The US & Other countries should recognize trans people as a separate gender.

That's the only way to protect the rights of biological women IMHO.

Some countries already recognize trans people but not as men or women.

That's transphobic Joe.

"Transwomen are real women" <---- the battle cry of leftwing activism.

Well @Dove if ya wanna preserve your precious biological female gender you & other woman will have to demand that boundaries are set & laws are introduced to protect it.

Otherwise you'll lose it.

....Just sayin'


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
preserve your precious biological female gender

@Joe does not need to be "preserved" @Joe.

It is a biological fact @Joe

Just because you have a problem with biological women @Joe does not mean everyone else does @Joe.

Actually Prowler I think that trans women do constitute an existential threat to biological women. And while this threat doesn't affect me, I believe it affects them.

This was an example of someone who was later ruled ineligible for women's competitions who actually denied a biological woman her rightful glory at the Olympics.

The Canadian woman finished 4th but Caster Semanya got the gold even tho she was later disqualified from future events for being biologically male.

She should be stripped of the gold and the bronze awarded to the Canadian.
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The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
trans women do constitute an existential threat to biological women.

So @Joe you think biological women will cease to exist because of dudes who dress up as chicks?

That is what you think @Joe?

She should be stripped of the gold


You can call a dude "She" all you want @Joe. it does not change the fact that he is dude. @Joe

Actually @Joe just because a dude was given a gold medal does not make women cease to exist @Joe

Actually @Joe the biological female gender does not need your help @Joe or anyone's help to be "preserved" because it will continue to exist no matter how much you bastardize the English language @Joe

Actually @Joe you do not seem to understand what you are saying half the time @Joe

@Joe Not "She" @Joe. "He"


That is the masculine pronoun. That is the pronoun used for men. @Joe

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Its amazing that before acceptance of faggotry and trannyism, we didnt have these problems.

There are too many idiots like @Joe who think they can actually cause biological women to cease to exist because freaks like him accept the trannie fucks.

That clown @Joe actually thinks reality can be be changed just because he says so.

trans women do constitute an existential threat to biological women

What a ridiculous thing to claim.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
trans women do constitute an existential threat to biological women.

So @Joe you think biological women will cease to exist because of dudes who dress up as chicks?

That is what you think @Joe?

She should be stripped of the gold


You can call a dude "She" all you want @Joe. it does not change the fact that he is dude. @Joe

Actually @Joe just because a dude was given a gold medal does not make women cease to exist @Joe

Actually @Joe the biological female gender does not need your help @Joe or anyone's help to be "preserved" because it will continue to exist no matter how much you bastardize the English language @Joe

Actually @Joe you do not seem to understand what you are saying half the time @Joe

@Joe Not "She" @Joe. "He"


That is the masculine pronoun. That is the pronoun used for men. @Joe

So how do you think inclusion of trans women will affect women's traditional activities, sanctuaries & what can/should be done about it @The Prowler?

What do you think should be done to prevent the erosion of female self worth & the invasion of their privacy which @Dove often talks about? It's becoming a problem in American high schools where trans females take over girls sports.

You attack me but then fail to offer a solution to the problem.

So what is your solution Prowler?


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
@Dove here is a Canadian woman's experience of Trans persons in their prisons:



Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
@Dove here is a Canadian woman's experience of Trans persons in their prisons:

Yep. They are coming into prison cells, domestic violence shelters, even immigration centers and women and girls are being raped and assaulted. Beaten. These people have specail protection. When it comes down to a womans rights or a trans person's priviledges? The trans person's priviledges come first.

Try to bring awareness to this you get called a bigot. These people are supremacists. You cant say shit about them. These are mentally ill predatory MEN.

And fake ass liberal feminists....all a bunch of mostly white middle/upper class air heads who think feminism is for "everyone" and it's all about "empowerment" will all out verbally attack and degrade REAL feminists who are fighting to get this known. What it actually MEANS to allow MEN to "self identify" as women.

Activists call for violence against women who say anything

One fuckhead tranny who has a record of sex offenders made some sort of browser thing that Mark's websites, businesses and people who are "transphobic". Fucked up, isnt it?

There are a lot of women who are afraid to speak out. As you hear in the video.

These leftwing fuckwads here dont even CARE. All they give a shit about is hating and disagreeing with everyone not left.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
@Dove here is a Canadian woman's experience of Trans persons in their prisons:

Yep. They are coming into prison cells, domestic violence shelters, even immigration centers and women and girls are being raped and assaulted. Beaten. These people have specail protection. When it comes down to a womans rights or a trans person's priviledges? The trans person's priviledges come first.

Try to bring awareness to this you get called a bigot. These people are supremacists. You cant say shit about them. These are mentally ill predatory MEN.

And fake ass liberal feminists....all a bunch of mostly white middle/upper class air heads who think feminism is for "everyone" and it's all about "empowerment" will all out verbally attack and degrade REAL feminists who are fighting to get this known. What it actually MEANS to allow MEN to "self identify" as women.

Activists call for violence against women who say anything

One fuckhead tranny who has a record of sex offenders made some sort of browser thing that Mark's websites, businesses and people who are "transphobic". Fucked up, isnt it?

There are a lot of women who are afraid to speak out. As you hear in the video.

These leftwing fuckwads here dont even CARE. All they give a shit about is hating and disagreeing with everyone not left.

I think trans people need protection and rights but they also should be designated a separate legal status.

India has legally recognized them as a 3rd gender:

Many people here would think this is an abomination but in reality it might enhance or improve protections for biological women. Because if prisons or sanctuaries were provided for them then they couldnt claim refuge in those of biological women.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
That's the thing with these middle/upper class libtard feminists. They like virtue signaling and "empowerment"

They wont have to worry about going to prison or needing a domestic violence shelter. So they are completely out of touch women entire global demographics of women. Poor, rural, oppressed. They really are so first world spoiled and priviledged they dont think they will be impacted by this issue.

It's just women in prison. Society doesnt have to see it or care about it. Trans gender queer shit is the new cause and it isnt going to hurt anyone of importance. Just trashy poor women who are broke fleeing abuse or in prison or immigration detention. And not many women play sports anyway so....who cares about those opportunities.

They can gather onto the streets with pink hats blather incoherent nonsense about how Republicans are "threatening democracy" with no clear examples, bitching about white Republican men while they are ushering in the trans patriarchy and expecting women to shut the fuck up and swallow the sexual violence this brings upon them because they dont want their stupid bullshit to look bad.

They care about their partisanship and trying to fight right wingers and whatever sacrifice other women of lower status have to make is fine with them. Attacking and silencing rape victims and everything.

Leftists are not feminists. I've said for years they are fake advocates and they are really proving it now.