I did a colon cleanse and now I’m running to the bathroom every twenty minutes. I’m sitting here waiting for the urge to hit again.
Does that actually work? Is it worth it?
I was looking at that colonx(?) That comes with probiotics so you can blow all the gunk out of there and then replenish normal flora.
The one I use gets rid of the nasty bloat. It’s called super colon cleanse by Health Plus. Use the powder form tho. The pills never work for me.
I mix a scoop with 8 oz of sweet tea. Makes it easier to drink.
I tried a "yoni cleanse" last year where you shove these pearls up your hoo ha and it's supposed to detox your business. Like it claims to help cramps and bloating.
I SHOULD know better. Day 2 it felt like I had sex with a power sander and I really considered going to the hospital. It was a bad.....BAD idea.
If you ever run across anything to detox your "yoni" DONT do it. In fact stay away from anything that even uses that word "yoni" all together lol.
But yeah I'm down to try the colon cleanse :D the one I was looking at was powder. There were whole testimonials with people showing pictures of what came out of them.....so gross....but it kinda sold me.