Flynn for one.
King Martini for another.
Now watch
@Joe get called on his
Is that strange to you that the whack job I ended contact with who went nuts and called my job would blather this whack job shit on the internet with his gross brother?
No shit they blame ME. Poofer is a total lying dirt bag.....what do you expect?
@Joe tries to ignore this.
The fantasy world he has created is not meshing well with reality.
Dove tries again, encouraging
@Joe to confront his illness:
To be fair, you realize Poofer and Flynn lie about me?
@Joe is not ready.
He avoids an honest analysis of his behaviour. His irrational responses. His inability to understand simple communication. They all stem from
@Joe's desperate struggle to avoid facing his reality.
In Dovey,
@Joe has found a woman who needs him.
@Joe is her hero. In his fantasy,
@Joe sent Dovey money. That money helped feed her kids. Provided a roof over their heads. Helped Dovey get her feet back on the ground. Dovey and her children owe
@Joe everything. They know it.
@Joe knows it.
It makes
@Joe feel.
I really don't know what the details of that/Dovey's incident were.
I just pointed out that I'd offered to help out in a perceived time of need.And she acknowledged this so it must be true.
The parallel situation to hers was when a friend of mine in Vancouver couldn't pay his rent so I gave him $200.
Y'know Prowler my own experience has been that when we don't offer people out when they need it, it can mean the difference between life and death.
I've known at least 2 people who died in poverty because they didn't have enough money to get by. One of these was a 27 year old single Mother in the States. Her name was Donna. And she died of meningitis leaving 3 children behind. That incident bothered me and it still does.
Sometimes if you don't step up to the plate to help others when you have the ability, it can have dire consequences for others
It's quite noticeable that you're often lacking in compassion for others
@The Prowler.
Worse yet, you think nothing about profiting off their misery.
And by the way, You don't help others help 'to become a hero'.
If you have any concern for others, you step up to the plate because you don't want to see others suffer.
Maybe you don't understand it, but it becomes your duty and for some you become the end of the line. I saved a woman once from sexual assault. It was not a pleasant experience. It sickened me at the time and the memory of it still does. But it had be done. Other than victim, no one else patted me on the back. The company I worked for didn't congratulate me for saving her. It's always assume that men have to be strong, we're never supposed to cry and we're supposed to 'man up'.
similarly, I had to save myself once from being mauled to death and torn apart by a wild bear. So, I've saved myself and saved a woman and saved a child. It's not heroics. It's just necessity what we do for ourselves and others in order to survive. It's what society expects of us.
That's just the way it is Prowler.