So basically Ohio knows mental illness when they see it


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
'read a bible' yea okay
let ppl live as they like, im not their moral judge until they threaten me

live and let live

People that can't control their own internal mess want to control others. This is true of straight, gay, and every other kind of human out there that doesn't have their own shit together internally.
Dont blame me for God's rules. He also says execute murderers and we dont do that. He says execute kidnappers. He says to execute people fucking close relatives. Why aint it happening? We are a nation founded on the authority given by the same God.

He says a lot of things. Including this in the new testament Hebrews 8:13

By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.
that doesn't mean he's suddenly cool with fags tho

Says who? Can you cite anything that Jesus said? Because if it was a problem, he would have mentioned it, don't you think?
I think the more important question is: what would have made God do a 180 degree turn on the issue all of the sudden?

Who said God did a 180?

Romans 3:23

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”
exactly. But notice what was said in that very same book

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Right. So what do you do? It is contradictory. No one is right when the Bible itself says something different. More importantly, there is recognition that everyone is a sinner.

Cheating on a spouse - sin. Having relations out of wedlock - sin. Putting anything above God - sin. Yeah, even being obsessive about the internet and spending more time on it than on God - sin. Anything that compromises your relationship with God - money, possessions, other people, etc. SIN

We're all fucked and no on is getting off better than anyone else. What Lokmar does, condemning everyone - SIN.

When people convert to Christianity, they throw off the old sinful personality and adopt their new one... I've already shown you all the scripture that says that...

1 Corinthians 6:11...

11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

That scripture comes after the scriptures that scare Dovey because she won't read past this...

9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God

So greedy people, idol worshippers, thieves, poofs can make up their minds up to CHANGE their sinful ways. Stop being greedy, stop being a thief, stop committing adultery, stop being a poof... yadda yadda.

None of it scares me. I posted that entire chapter several times. I've never left out anything.

It benefits no one to be in denial of their sin nature, and no one is gonna "make up their" to simply stop sinning.

Several chapters of the bible go into this and the epistles themselves are a testimony to perpetual struggle against the flesh.

People proclaiming to follow Christ while boasting a sin free life are going to be humbled eventually. Scripture states that as well.

Lokmar doesn't deny he is sinful. He fully owns it. Pride is one of the worst as it causes a delusion of self righteousness. No one is righteous by their own works. The holy standard condemns all of humanity.

Then no one should cast stones.


Call out sin in love and grace? Yes.

Lokmar casts stones and talks about murdering those he judges. It's soooooo Christian.

Yes. And I've called him out many times and have presented scripture.

At some point it just becomes repetitive and people just start whining that I'm "bible thumping".

Perhaps you shouldn't defend him at all in that case. He can stand up for his own hate, don't you think?

I'm not defending him either.

Your issue is you are kinda controlling, so you get more invested in peoples posts than you should.

You cant control what others say on the internet.

Who is controlling anyone? I'm not trying to control what they say, I respond to what they post. You defended him in that one post on this thread. I responded with the comment that he cast stones. You eventually agreed that he does. So, I ask why defend him in that case.

You read too much into my posts.

You respond by trying to correct how people post.

I have never "defended" Lok on his stance that we need to kill homosexuals ever. In fact I've directly challenged it on SEVERAL occasions both on the basis of scripture AND the constitution.

The difference is is that I dont get my panties all wadded in the process and devolve into a shit flinging contest with him. Lok is a troll, and we are seeing dramatized versions of important men in his life. He enjoys riling people up.

If he wants to believe God wants us to kill gays and he is set in that belief than leave him to it. No one here is gonna change him. In fact the responses double him down. He is so understandably vapid towards left wing politics that he enjoys pissing off the leftists however he can.

If his stances here ever start getting legislated than yeah...that's a problem. That isnt ever gonna happen.

The only legislations we have that violate human rights and kill off minorities, homosexuals, women, et is legal abortion. And even though 9 Republican justices decided that off the back of an exploited homeless teenager they didnt even help......the death cult DNC has adopted it as their sacred cow.

I'm questioning your judgment. If you don't like it, don't post.

And I took the time to respond to your falliscious judgement.

If you dont like that.....dont share your opinion.

I don't have falliscious arguments, they don't exist.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
'read a bible' yea okay
let ppl live as they like, im not their moral judge until they threaten me

live and let live

People that can't control their own internal mess want to control others. This is true of straight, gay, and every other kind of human out there that doesn't have their own shit together internally.
Dont blame me for God's rules. He also says execute murderers and we dont do that. He says execute kidnappers. He says to execute people fucking close relatives. Why aint it happening? We are a nation founded on the authority given by the same God.

He says a lot of things. Including this in the new testament Hebrews 8:13

By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.
that doesn't mean he's suddenly cool with fags tho

Says who? Can you cite anything that Jesus said? Because if it was a problem, he would have mentioned it, don't you think?
I think the more important question is: what would have made God do a 180 degree turn on the issue all of the sudden?

Who said God did a 180?

Romans 3:23

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”
exactly. But notice what was said in that very same book

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Right. So what do you do? It is contradictory. No one is right when the Bible itself says something different. More importantly, there is recognition that everyone is a sinner.

Cheating on a spouse - sin. Having relations out of wedlock - sin. Putting anything above God - sin. Yeah, even being obsessive about the internet and spending more time on it than on God - sin. Anything that compromises your relationship with God - money, possessions, other people, etc. SIN

We're all fucked and no on is getting off better than anyone else. What Lokmar does, condemning everyone - SIN.

When people convert to Christianity, they throw off the old sinful personality and adopt their new one... I've already shown you all the scripture that says that...

1 Corinthians 6:11...

11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

That scripture comes after the scriptures that scare Dovey because she won't read past this...

9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God

So greedy people, idol worshippers, thieves, poofs can make up their minds up to CHANGE their sinful ways. Stop being greedy, stop being a thief, stop committing adultery, stop being a poof... yadda yadda.

None of it scares me. I posted that entire chapter several times. I've never left out anything.

It benefits no one to be in denial of their sin nature, and no one is gonna "make up their" to simply stop sinning.

Several chapters of the bible go into this and the epistles themselves are a testimony to perpetual struggle against the flesh.

People proclaiming to follow Christ while boasting a sin free life are going to be humbled eventually. Scripture states that as well.

Lokmar doesn't deny he is sinful. He fully owns it. Pride is one of the worst as it causes a delusion of self righteousness. No one is righteous by their own works. The holy standard condemns all of humanity.

Then no one should cast stones.


Call out sin in love and grace? Yes.

Lokmar casts stones and talks about murdering those he judges. It's soooooo Christian.

Yes. And I've called him out many times and have presented scripture.

At some point it just becomes repetitive and people just start whining that I'm "bible thumping".

Perhaps you shouldn't defend him at all in that case. He can stand up for his own hate, don't you think?

I'm not defending him either.

Your issue is you are kinda controlling, so you get more invested in peoples posts than you should.

You cant control what others say on the internet.

Who is controlling anyone? I'm not trying to control what they say, I respond to what they post. You defended him in that one post on this thread. I responded with the comment that he cast stones. You eventually agreed that he does. So, I ask why defend him in that case.

You read too much into my posts.

You respond by trying to correct how people post.

I have never "defended" Lok on his stance that we need to kill homosexuals ever. In fact I've directly challenged it on SEVERAL occasions both on the basis of scripture AND the constitution.

The difference is is that I dont get my panties all wadded in the process and devolve into a shit flinging contest with him. Lok is a troll, and we are seeing dramatized versions of important men in his life. He enjoys riling people up.

If he wants to believe God wants us to kill gays and he is set in that belief than leave him to it. No one here is gonna change him. In fact the responses double him down. He is so understandably vapid towards left wing politics that he enjoys pissing off the leftists however he can.

If his stances here ever start getting legislated than yeah...that's a problem. That isnt ever gonna happen.

The only legislations we have that violate human rights and kill off minorities, homosexuals, women, et is legal abortion. And even though 9 Republican justices decided that off the back of an exploited homeless teenager they didnt even help......the death cult DNC has adopted it as their sacred cow.

I'm questioning your judgment. If you don't like it, don't post.

And I took the time to respond to your falliscious judgement.

If you dont like that.....dont share your opinion.

I don't have falliscious arguments, they don't exist.

You came with false accusations and I responded to them.

It seems when a conversation doesnt go your way and your judgements are challenged, you resort to some nonsense like "you are triggered" or "if you dont like it dont post"

Which tells me and other readers that taking your posts seriously enough to take the time to type a thought out response is a waste of time. That you dont truly want to advance discussions because you've already boxed everyone somehow and are only interested in reinforcing your biases.


Otherwise you wouldnt throw up blockers mid convo by focusing on the person and not the points. It's an ad hom. Which is a fallacy.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
'read a bible' yea okay
let ppl live as they like, im not their moral judge until they threaten me

live and let live

People that can't control their own internal mess want to control others. This is true of straight, gay, and every other kind of human out there that doesn't have their own shit together internally.
Dont blame me for God's rules. He also says execute murderers and we dont do that. He says execute kidnappers. He says to execute people fucking close relatives. Why aint it happening? We are a nation founded on the authority given by the same God.

He says a lot of things. Including this in the new testament Hebrews 8:13

By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.
that doesn't mean he's suddenly cool with fags tho

Says who? Can you cite anything that Jesus said? Because if it was a problem, he would have mentioned it, don't you think?
I think the more important question is: what would have made God do a 180 degree turn on the issue all of the sudden?

Who said God did a 180?

Romans 3:23

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”
exactly. But notice what was said in that very same book

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Right. So what do you do? It is contradictory. No one is right when the Bible itself says something different. More importantly, there is recognition that everyone is a sinner.

Cheating on a spouse - sin. Having relations out of wedlock - sin. Putting anything above God - sin. Yeah, even being obsessive about the internet and spending more time on it than on God - sin. Anything that compromises your relationship with God - money, possessions, other people, etc. SIN

We're all fucked and no on is getting off better than anyone else. What Lokmar does, condemning everyone - SIN.

When people convert to Christianity, they throw off the old sinful personality and adopt their new one... I've already shown you all the scripture that says that...

1 Corinthians 6:11...

11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

That scripture comes after the scriptures that scare Dovey because she won't read past this...

9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God

So greedy people, idol worshippers, thieves, poofs can make up their minds up to CHANGE their sinful ways. Stop being greedy, stop being a thief, stop committing adultery, stop being a poof... yadda yadda.

None of it scares me. I posted that entire chapter several times. I've never left out anything.

It benefits no one to be in denial of their sin nature, and no one is gonna "make up their" to simply stop sinning.

Several chapters of the bible go into this and the epistles themselves are a testimony to perpetual struggle against the flesh.

People proclaiming to follow Christ while boasting a sin free life are going to be humbled eventually. Scripture states that as well.

Lokmar doesn't deny he is sinful. He fully owns it. Pride is one of the worst as it causes a delusion of self righteousness. No one is righteous by their own works. The holy standard condemns all of humanity.

Then no one should cast stones.


Call out sin in love and grace? Yes.

Lokmar casts stones and talks about murdering those he judges. It's soooooo Christian.

Yes. And I've called him out many times and have presented scripture.

At some point it just becomes repetitive and people just start whining that I'm "bible thumping".

Perhaps you shouldn't defend him at all in that case. He can stand up for his own hate, don't you think?

I'm not defending him either.

Your issue is you are kinda controlling, so you get more invested in peoples posts than you should.

You cant control what others say on the internet.

Who is controlling anyone? I'm not trying to control what they say, I respond to what they post. You defended him in that one post on this thread. I responded with the comment that he cast stones. You eventually agreed that he does. So, I ask why defend him in that case.

You read too much into my posts.

You respond by trying to correct how people post.

I have never "defended" Lok on his stance that we need to kill homosexuals ever. In fact I've directly challenged it on SEVERAL occasions both on the basis of scripture AND the constitution.

The difference is is that I dont get my panties all wadded in the process and devolve into a shit flinging contest with him. Lok is a troll, and we are seeing dramatized versions of important men in his life. He enjoys riling people up.

If he wants to believe God wants us to kill gays and he is set in that belief than leave him to it. No one here is gonna change him. In fact the responses double him down. He is so understandably vapid towards left wing politics that he enjoys pissing off the leftists however he can.

If his stances here ever start getting legislated than yeah...that's a problem. That isnt ever gonna happen.

The only legislations we have that violate human rights and kill off minorities, homosexuals, women, et is legal abortion. And even though 9 Republican justices decided that off the back of an exploited homeless teenager they didnt even help......the death cult DNC has adopted it as their sacred cow.

I'm questioning your judgment. If you don't like it, don't post.

And I took the time to respond to your falliscious judgement.

If you dont like that.....dont share your opinion.

I don't have falliscious arguments, they don't exist.

You came with false accusations and I responded to them.

It seems when a conversation doesnt go your way and your judgements are challenged, you resort to some nonsense like "you are triggered" or "if you dont like it dont post"

Which tells me and other readers that taking your posts seriously enough to take the time to type a thought out response is a waste of time. That you dont truly want to advance discussions because you've already boxed everyone somehow and are only interested in reinforcing your biases.


I don't care about your opinions. I didn't accuse you falsely. You defended Lokmar and it's in this thread.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Just wondering what liberal women find fascinating about murdering children?

Does it give you a sense of power to snuff a defenseless life?

If you think only liberal women have abortions, you have another think coming.
I have another think coming? What's inside that think and will it be arriving via Fedex or UPS?

Abortion isn't murder as defined by law. Period. Figure.It.Out
it should be.

But it isn't. So calling it murder is a lie.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
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"(Attacking the person): This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument. The fallacious attack can also be direct to membership in a group or institution."


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
'read a bible' yea okay
let ppl live as they like, im not their moral judge until they threaten me

live and let live

People that can't control their own internal mess want to control others. This is true of straight, gay, and every other kind of human out there that doesn't have their own shit together internally.
Dont blame me for God's rules. He also says execute murderers and we dont do that. He says execute kidnappers. He says to execute people fucking close relatives. Why aint it happening? We are a nation founded on the authority given by the same God.

He says a lot of things. Including this in the new testament Hebrews 8:13

By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.
that doesn't mean he's suddenly cool with fags tho

Says who? Can you cite anything that Jesus said? Because if it was a problem, he would have mentioned it, don't you think?
I think the more important question is: what would have made God do a 180 degree turn on the issue all of the sudden?

Who said God did a 180?

Romans 3:23

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”
exactly. But notice what was said in that very same book

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Right. So what do you do? It is contradictory. No one is right when the Bible itself says something different. More importantly, there is recognition that everyone is a sinner.

Cheating on a spouse - sin. Having relations out of wedlock - sin. Putting anything above God - sin. Yeah, even being obsessive about the internet and spending more time on it than on God - sin. Anything that compromises your relationship with God - money, possessions, other people, etc. SIN

We're all fucked and no on is getting off better than anyone else. What Lokmar does, condemning everyone - SIN.

When people convert to Christianity, they throw off the old sinful personality and adopt their new one... I've already shown you all the scripture that says that...

1 Corinthians 6:11...

11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

That scripture comes after the scriptures that scare Dovey because she won't read past this...

9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God

So greedy people, idol worshippers, thieves, poofs can make up their minds up to CHANGE their sinful ways. Stop being greedy, stop being a thief, stop committing adultery, stop being a poof... yadda yadda.

None of it scares me. I posted that entire chapter several times. I've never left out anything.

It benefits no one to be in denial of their sin nature, and no one is gonna "make up their" to simply stop sinning.

Several chapters of the bible go into this and the epistles themselves are a testimony to perpetual struggle against the flesh.

People proclaiming to follow Christ while boasting a sin free life are going to be humbled eventually. Scripture states that as well.

Lokmar doesn't deny he is sinful. He fully owns it. Pride is one of the worst as it causes a delusion of self righteousness. No one is righteous by their own works. The holy standard condemns all of humanity.

Then no one should cast stones.


Call out sin in love and grace? Yes.

Lokmar casts stones and talks about murdering those he judges. It's soooooo Christian.

Yes. And I've called him out many times and have presented scripture.

At some point it just becomes repetitive and people just start whining that I'm "bible thumping".

Perhaps you shouldn't defend him at all in that case. He can stand up for his own hate, don't you think?

I'm not defending him either.

Your issue is you are kinda controlling, so you get more invested in peoples posts than you should.

You cant control what others say on the internet.

Who is controlling anyone? I'm not trying to control what they say, I respond to what they post. You defended him in that one post on this thread. I responded with the comment that he cast stones. You eventually agreed that he does. So, I ask why defend him in that case.

You read too much into my posts.

You respond by trying to correct how people post.

I have never "defended" Lok on his stance that we need to kill homosexuals ever. In fact I've directly challenged it on SEVERAL occasions both on the basis of scripture AND the constitution.

The difference is is that I dont get my panties all wadded in the process and devolve into a shit flinging contest with him. Lok is a troll, and we are seeing dramatized versions of important men in his life. He enjoys riling people up.

If he wants to believe God wants us to kill gays and he is set in that belief than leave him to it. No one here is gonna change him. In fact the responses double him down. He is so understandably vapid towards left wing politics that he enjoys pissing off the leftists however he can.

If his stances here ever start getting legislated than yeah...that's a problem. That isnt ever gonna happen.

The only legislations we have that violate human rights and kill off minorities, homosexuals, women, et is legal abortion. And even though 9 Republican justices decided that off the back of an exploited homeless teenager they didnt even help......the death cult DNC has adopted it as their sacred cow.

I'm questioning your judgment. If you don't like it, don't post.

And I took the time to respond to your falliscious judgement.

If you dont like that.....dont share your opinion.

I don't have falliscious arguments, they don't exist.

You came with false accusations and I responded to them.

It seems when a conversation doesnt go your way and your judgements are challenged, you resort to some nonsense like "you are triggered" or "if you dont like it dont post"

Which tells me and other readers that taking your posts seriously enough to take the time to type a thought out response is a waste of time. That you dont truly want to advance discussions because you've already boxed everyone somehow and are only interested in reinforcing your biases.


I don't care about your opinions.

Then dont engage them.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
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"(Attacking the person): This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument. The fallacious attack can also be direct to membership in a group or institution."

No one made an ad hominem attack. I simply pointed out that he can defend his own hateful positions. How is that an attack on you?

You're the stupidest person that I've ever run across that thinks it's smart.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Just wondering what liberal women find fascinating about murdering children?

Does it give you a sense of power to snuff a defenseless life?

If you think only liberal women have abortions, you have another think coming.
I have another think coming? What's inside that think and will it be arriving via Fedex or UPS?

Abortion isn't murder as defined by law. Period. Figure.It.Out
it should be.

But it isn't. So calling it murder is a lie.

No it isnt. Saying it isnt is a lie.

The only difference between slavery and trafficking is a legal definition.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
'read a bible' yea okay
let ppl live as they like, im not their moral judge until they threaten me

live and let live

People that can't control their own internal mess want to control others. This is true of straight, gay, and every other kind of human out there that doesn't have their own shit together internally.
Dont blame me for God's rules. He also says execute murderers and we dont do that. He says execute kidnappers. He says to execute people fucking close relatives. Why aint it happening? We are a nation founded on the authority given by the same God.

He says a lot of things. Including this in the new testament Hebrews 8:13

By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.
that doesn't mean he's suddenly cool with fags tho

Says who? Can you cite anything that Jesus said? Because if it was a problem, he would have mentioned it, don't you think?
I think the more important question is: what would have made God do a 180 degree turn on the issue all of the sudden?

Who said God did a 180?

Romans 3:23

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”
exactly. But notice what was said in that very same book

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Right. So what do you do? It is contradictory. No one is right when the Bible itself says something different. More importantly, there is recognition that everyone is a sinner.

Cheating on a spouse - sin. Having relations out of wedlock - sin. Putting anything above God - sin. Yeah, even being obsessive about the internet and spending more time on it than on God - sin. Anything that compromises your relationship with God - money, possessions, other people, etc. SIN

We're all fucked and no on is getting off better than anyone else. What Lokmar does, condemning everyone - SIN.

When people convert to Christianity, they throw off the old sinful personality and adopt their new one... I've already shown you all the scripture that says that...

1 Corinthians 6:11...

11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

That scripture comes after the scriptures that scare Dovey because she won't read past this...

9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God

So greedy people, idol worshippers, thieves, poofs can make up their minds up to CHANGE their sinful ways. Stop being greedy, stop being a thief, stop committing adultery, stop being a poof... yadda yadda.

None of it scares me. I posted that entire chapter several times. I've never left out anything.

It benefits no one to be in denial of their sin nature, and no one is gonna "make up their" to simply stop sinning.

Several chapters of the bible go into this and the epistles themselves are a testimony to perpetual struggle against the flesh.

People proclaiming to follow Christ while boasting a sin free life are going to be humbled eventually. Scripture states that as well.

Lokmar doesn't deny he is sinful. He fully owns it. Pride is one of the worst as it causes a delusion of self righteousness. No one is righteous by their own works. The holy standard condemns all of humanity.

Then no one should cast stones.


Call out sin in love and grace? Yes.

Lokmar casts stones and talks about murdering those he judges. It's soooooo Christian.

Yes. And I've called him out many times and have presented scripture.

At some point it just becomes repetitive and people just start whining that I'm "bible thumping".

Perhaps you shouldn't defend him at all in that case. He can stand up for his own hate, don't you think?

I'm not defending him either.

Your issue is you are kinda controlling, so you get more invested in peoples posts than you should.

You cant control what others say on the internet.

Who is controlling anyone? I'm not trying to control what they say, I respond to what they post. You defended him in that one post on this thread. I responded with the comment that he cast stones. You eventually agreed that he does. So, I ask why defend him in that case.

You read too much into my posts.

You respond by trying to correct how people post.

I have never "defended" Lok on his stance that we need to kill homosexuals ever. In fact I've directly challenged it on SEVERAL occasions both on the basis of scripture AND the constitution.

The difference is is that I dont get my panties all wadded in the process and devolve into a shit flinging contest with him. Lok is a troll, and we are seeing dramatized versions of important men in his life. He enjoys riling people up.

If he wants to believe God wants us to kill gays and he is set in that belief than leave him to it. No one here is gonna change him. In fact the responses double him down. He is so understandably vapid towards left wing politics that he enjoys pissing off the leftists however he can.

If his stances here ever start getting legislated than yeah...that's a problem. That isnt ever gonna happen.

The only legislations we have that violate human rights and kill off minorities, homosexuals, women, et is legal abortion. And even though 9 Republican justices decided that off the back of an exploited homeless teenager they didnt even help......the death cult DNC has adopted it as their sacred cow.

I'm questioning your judgment. If you don't like it, don't post.

And I took the time to respond to your falliscious judgement.

If you dont like that.....dont share your opinion.

I don't have falliscious arguments, they don't exist.

You came with false accusations and I responded to them.

It seems when a conversation doesnt go your way and your judgements are challenged, you resort to some nonsense like "you are triggered" or "if you dont like it dont post"

Which tells me and other readers that taking your posts seriously enough to take the time to type a thought out response is a waste of time. That you dont truly want to advance discussions because you've already boxed everyone somehow and are only interested in reinforcing your biases.


I don't care about your opinions.

Then dont engage them.

Don't try to control how I post. I see you miss the irony.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Just wondering what liberal women find fascinating about murdering children?

Does it give you a sense of power to snuff a defenseless life?

If you think only liberal women have abortions, you have another think coming.
I have another think coming? What's inside that think and will it be arriving via Fedex or UPS?

Abortion isn't murder as defined by law. Period. Figure.It.Out
it should be.

But it isn't. So calling it murder is a lie.
so then what is it when you end a life?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Just wondering what liberal women find fascinating about murdering children?

Does it give you a sense of power to snuff a defenseless life?

If you think only liberal women have abortions, you have another think coming.
I have another think coming? What's inside that think and will it be arriving via Fedex or UPS?

Abortion isn't murder as defined by law. Period. Figure.It.Out
it should be.

But it isn't. So calling it murder is a lie.

No it isnt. Saying it isnt is a lie.

The only difference between slavery and trafficking is a legal definition.

It is a lie. The one thing that the law is about is precision and words. It's not murder and isn't defined as such. Get a brain.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Just wondering what liberal women find fascinating about murdering children?

Does it give you a sense of power to snuff a defenseless life?

If you think only liberal women have abortions, you have another think coming.
I have another think coming? What's inside that think and will it be arriving via Fedex or UPS?

Abortion isn't murder as defined by law. Period. Figure.It.Out
it should be.

But it isn't. So calling it murder is a lie.
so then what is it when you end a life?

According to the law, it is called an abortion. It's not illegal or called murder in any state in this Union.


Domestically feral
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United states
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"(Attacking the person): This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument. The fallacious attack can also be direct to membership in a group or institution."

No one made an ad hominem attack. I simply pointed out that he can defend his own hateful positions. How is that an attack on you?

You're the stupidest person that I've ever run across that thinks it's smart.

You did when you responded to my post "I'm questioning your judgement. If you dont like it, dont post"

Instead of addressing what I SAID, you once again directed your focus on me as a person and what you think I'm feeling.

You do this A LOT. It is an ad hom. When you ignore points made and take a shot or judgement on the person and not the words...that's what an ad hom is.

That's funny because I also kinda think you are the stupidest person that pretends to be smart. Only I dont need to SAY that to demonstrate its truth lol.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Just wondering what liberal women find fascinating about murdering children?

Does it give you a sense of power to snuff a defenseless life?

If you think only liberal women have abortions, you have another think coming.
I have another think coming? What's inside that think and will it be arriving via Fedex or UPS?

Abortion isn't murder as defined by law. Period. Figure.It.Out
it should be.

But it isn't. So calling it murder is a lie.

No it isnt. Saying it isnt is a lie.

The only difference between slavery and trafficking is a legal definition.

It is a lie. The one thing that the law is about is precision and words. It's not murder and isn't defined as such. Get a brain.

Under law black slaves were not person's.

So if we went back to Dred Scott America and I was telling you black slaves are could say "that's a lie. They law says they are only 3/5s".

I reject your premise that law is the arbiter of truth.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Just wondering what liberal women find fascinating about murdering children?

Does it give you a sense of power to snuff a defenseless life?

If you think only liberal women have abortions, you have another think coming.
I have another think coming? What's inside that think and will it be arriving via Fedex or UPS?

Abortion isn't murder as defined by law. Period. Figure.It.Out
it should be.

But it isn't. So calling it murder is a lie.
so then what is it when you end a life?

According to the law, it is called an abortion. It's not illegal or called murder in any state in this Union.
But it is ending a life. Which is commonly known as murder

unless of course you do the whole white supremacy thing and marginalize another human being


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
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"(Attacking the person): This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument. The fallacious attack can also be direct to membership in a group or institution."

No one made an ad hominem attack. I simply pointed out that he can defend his own hateful positions. How is that an attack on you?

You're the stupidest person that I've ever run across that thinks it's smart.

You did when you responded to my post "I'm questioning your judgement. If you dont like it, dont post"

Instead of addressing what I SAID, you once again directed your focus on me as a person and what you think I'm feeling.

You do this A LOT. It is an ad hom. When you ignore points made and take a shot or judgement on the person and not the words...that's what an ad hom is.

That's funny because I also kinda think you are the stupidest person that pretends to be smart. Only I dont need to SAY that to demonstrate its truth lol.

Coming from someone that does nothing than make ad hom attacks to several posters all day long, that's rich.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Just wondering what liberal women find fascinating about murdering children?

Does it give you a sense of power to snuff a defenseless life?

If you think only liberal women have abortions, you have another think coming.
I have another think coming? What's inside that think and will it be arriving via Fedex or UPS?

Abortion isn't murder as defined by law. Period. Figure.It.Out
it should be.

But it isn't. So calling it murder is a lie.
so then what is it when you end a life?

According to the law, it is called an abortion. It's not illegal or called murder in any state in this Union.
But it is ending a life. Which is commonly known as murder

unless of course you do the whole white supremacy thing and marginalize another human being

Left leaners: it's a systemic racists system of white supremacy and injustice!!

Also Left leaners: it's not murder to kill these nonperson human beings! The law said so!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Just wondering what liberal women find fascinating about murdering children?

Does it give you a sense of power to snuff a defenseless life?

If you think only liberal women have abortions, you have another think coming.
I have another think coming? What's inside that think and will it be arriving via Fedex or UPS?

Abortion isn't murder as defined by law. Period. Figure.It.Out
it should be.

But it isn't. So calling it murder is a lie.

No it isnt. Saying it isnt is a lie.

The only difference between slavery and trafficking is a legal definition.

It is a lie. The one thing that the law is about is precision and words. It's not murder and isn't defined as such. Get a brain.

Under law black slaves were not person's.

So if we went back to Dred Scott America and I was telling you black slaves are could say "that's a lie. They law says they are only 3/5s".

I reject your premise that law is the arbiter of truth.

I didn't say that the law is the arbiter of the "truth". You did. I said it's the law. And we're a country that operates under the rule of law, at least we used to be.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Just wondering what liberal women find fascinating about murdering children?

Does it give you a sense of power to snuff a defenseless life?

If you think only liberal women have abortions, you have another think coming.
I have another think coming? What's inside that think and will it be arriving via Fedex or UPS?

Abortion isn't murder as defined by law. Period. Figure.It.Out
it should be.

But it isn't. So calling it murder is a lie.
so then what is it when you end a life?

According to the law, it is called an abortion. It's not illegal or called murder in any state in this Union.
But it is ending a life. Which is commonly known as murder

unless of course you do the whole white supremacy thing and marginalize another human being

It's not murder, look it up. Find one state where it is called murder and it's illegal, then we have a discussion that makes sense.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Just wondering what liberal women find fascinating about murdering children?

Does it give you a sense of power to snuff a defenseless life?

If you think only liberal women have abortions, you have another think coming.
I have another think coming? What's inside that think and will it be arriving via Fedex or UPS?

Abortion isn't murder as defined by law. Period. Figure.It.Out
it should be.

But it isn't. So calling it murder is a lie.

No it isnt. Saying it isnt is a lie.

The only difference between slavery and trafficking is a legal definition.

It is a lie. The one thing that the law is about is precision and words. It's not murder and isn't defined as such. Get a brain.

Under law black slaves were not person's.

So if we went back to Dred Scott America and I was telling you black slaves are could say "that's a lie. They law says they are only 3/5s".

I reject your premise that law is the arbiter of truth.
Then what is the law? I ask, in fear of another tossed word salad.


Domestically feral
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United states
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"(Attacking the person): This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument. The fallacious attack can also be direct to membership in a group or institution."

No one made an ad hominem attack. I simply pointed out that he can defend his own hateful positions. How is that an attack on you?

You're the stupidest person that I've ever run across that thinks it's smart.

You did when you responded to my post "I'm questioning your judgement. If you dont like it, dont post"

Instead of addressing what I SAID, you once again directed your focus on me as a person and what you think I'm feeling.

You do this A LOT. It is an ad hom. When you ignore points made and take a shot or judgement on the person and not the words...that's what an ad hom is.

That's funny because I also kinda think you are the stupidest person that pretends to be smart. Only I dont need to SAY that to demonstrate its truth lol.

Coming from someone that does nothing than make ad hom attacks to several posters all day long, that's rich.

No one of team blue even makes any arguments, so you are wrong on that.

If they did make arguments I would simply wreck those. But when they just spew partisan insults and memes.....that's not an argument.

And in our exchanges it's always you that starts the personal jabs.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Just wondering what liberal women find fascinating about murdering children?

Does it give you a sense of power to snuff a defenseless life?

If you think only liberal women have abortions, you have another think coming.
I have another think coming? What's inside that think and will it be arriving via Fedex or UPS?

Abortion isn't murder as defined by law. Period. Figure.It.Out
it should be.

But it isn't. So calling it murder is a lie.

No it isnt. Saying it isnt is a lie.

The only difference between slavery and trafficking is a legal definition.

It is a lie. The one thing that the law is about is precision and words. It's not murder and isn't defined as such. Get a brain.

Under law black slaves were not person's.

So if we went back to Dred Scott America and I was telling you black slaves are could say "that's a lie. They law says they are only 3/5s".

I reject your premise that law is the arbiter of truth.

I didn't say that the law is the arbiter of the "truth". You did. I said it's the law. And we're a country that operates under the rule of law, at least we used to be.
I believe the law is the arbiter of the Truth as it is understood by society in that time and place.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Just wondering what liberal women find fascinating about murdering children?

Does it give you a sense of power to snuff a defenseless life?

If you think only liberal women have abortions, you have another think coming.
I have another think coming? What's inside that think and will it be arriving via Fedex or UPS?

Abortion isn't murder as defined by law. Period. Figure.It.Out
it should be.

But it isn't. So calling it murder is a lie.
so then what is it when you end a life?

According to the law, it is called an abortion. It's not illegal or called murder in any state in this Union.
But it is ending a life. Which is commonly known as murder

unless of course you do the whole white supremacy thing and marginalize another human being

It's not murder, look it up. Find one state where it is called murder and it's illegal, then we have a discussion that makes sense.
So if the govrenment suddenly decides stealing isn’t stealing then it isn’t stealing?

oh wait. They’re already doing just that in San Franstupid


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
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"(Attacking the person): This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument. The fallacious attack can also be direct to membership in a group or institution."

No one made an ad hominem attack. I simply pointed out that he can defend his own hateful positions. How is that an attack on you?

You're the stupidest person that I've ever run across that thinks it's smart.

You did when you responded to my post "I'm questioning your judgement. If you dont like it, dont post"

Instead of addressing what I SAID, you once again directed your focus on me as a person and what you think I'm feeling.

You do this A LOT. It is an ad hom. When you ignore points made and take a shot or judgement on the person and not the words...that's what an ad hom is.

That's funny because I also kinda think you are the stupidest person that pretends to be smart. Only I dont need to SAY that to demonstrate its truth lol.

Coming from someone that does nothing than make ad hom attacks to several posters all day long, that's rich.

No one of team blue even makes any arguments, so you are wrong on that.

If they did make arguments I would simply wreck those. But when they just spew partisan insults and memes.....that's not an argument.

And in our exchanges it's always you that starts the personal jabs.
You poor thing, so brave!


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Just wondering what liberal women find fascinating about murdering children?

Does it give you a sense of power to snuff a defenseless life?

If you think only liberal women have abortions, you have another think coming.
I have another think coming? What's inside that think and will it be arriving via Fedex or UPS?

Abortion isn't murder as defined by law. Period. Figure.It.Out
it should be.

But it isn't. So calling it murder is a lie.
so then what is it when you end a life?

According to the law, it is called an abortion. It's not illegal or called murder in any state in this Union.
But it is ending a life. Which is commonly known as murder

unless of course you do the whole white supremacy thing and marginalize another human being

It's not murder, look it up. Find one state where it is called murder and it's illegal, then we have a discussion that makes sense.
So if the govrenment suddenly decides stealing isn’t stealing then it isn’t stealing?

oh wait. They’re already doing just that in San Franstupid
Citations fuckface.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
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"(Attacking the person): This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument. The fallacious attack can also be direct to membership in a group or institution."

No one made an ad hominem attack. I simply pointed out that he can defend his own hateful positions. How is that an attack on you?

You're the stupidest person that I've ever run across that thinks it's smart.

You did when you responded to my post "I'm questioning your judgement. If you dont like it, dont post"

Instead of addressing what I SAID, you once again directed your focus on me as a person and what you think I'm feeling.

You do this A LOT. It is an ad hom. When you ignore points made and take a shot or judgement on the person and not the words...that's what an ad hom is.

That's funny because I also kinda think you are the stupidest person that pretends to be smart. Only I dont need to SAY that to demonstrate its truth lol.

Coming from someone that does nothing than make ad hom attacks to several posters all day long, that's rich.

No one of team blue even makes any arguments, so you are wrong on that.

If they did make arguments I would simply wreck those. But when they just spew partisan insults and memes.....that's not an argument.

And in our exchanges it's always you that starts the personal jabs.

You're an easy target. You're a stupid woman that posts authoritatively, as if what you said means something in the real world. It doesn't even mean anything online.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Just wondering what liberal women find fascinating about murdering children?

Does it give you a sense of power to snuff a defenseless life?

If you think only liberal women have abortions, you have another think coming.
I have another think coming? What's inside that think and will it be arriving via Fedex or UPS?

Abortion isn't murder as defined by law. Period. Figure.It.Out
it should be.

But it isn't. So calling it murder is a lie.
so then what is it when you end a life?

According to the law, it is called an abortion. It's not illegal or called murder in any state in this Union.
But it is ending a life. Which is commonly known as murder

unless of course you do the whole white supremacy thing and marginalize another human being

It's not murder, look it up. Find one state where it is called murder and it's illegal, then we have a discussion that makes sense.

Do you understand we are telling you the law on this is wrong, unjust and bullshit?

Any law that attacks human rights is an injustice. No amount of legal jargon changes that fact.

If the law decided tomorrow that sex with children was okay ......that doesnt make it less rape.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Just wondering what liberal women find fascinating about murdering children?

Does it give you a sense of power to snuff a defenseless life?

If you think only liberal women have abortions, you have another think coming.
I have another think coming? What's inside that think and will it be arriving via Fedex or UPS?

Abortion isn't murder as defined by law. Period. Figure.It.Out
it should be.

But it isn't. So calling it murder is a lie.
so then what is it when you end a life?

According to the law, it is called an abortion. It's not illegal or called murder in any state in this Union.
But it is ending a life. Which is commonly known as murder

unless of course you do the whole white supremacy thing and marginalize another human being

It's not murder, look it up. Find one state where it is called murder and it's illegal, then we have a discussion that makes sense.

Do you understand we are telling you the law on this is wrong, unjust and bullshit?

Any law that attacks human rights is an injustice. No amount of legal jargon changes that fact.

If the law decided tomorrow that sex with children was okay ......that doesnt make it less rape.

I understand your argument. It's your opinion. Your opinion doesn't matter. It is still the law.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Just wondering what liberal women find fascinating about murdering children?

Does it give you a sense of power to snuff a defenseless life?

If you think only liberal women have abortions, you have another think coming.
I have another think coming? What's inside that think and will it be arriving via Fedex or UPS?

Abortion isn't murder as defined by law. Period. Figure.It.Out
it should be.

But it isn't. So calling it murder is a lie.
so then what is it when you end a life?

According to the law, it is called an abortion. It's not illegal or called murder in any state in this Union.
But it is ending a life. Which is commonly known as murder

unless of course you do the whole white supremacy thing and marginalize another human being

It's not murder, look it up. Find one state where it is called murder and it's illegal, then we have a discussion that makes sense.
So if the govrenment suddenly decides stealing isn’t stealing then it isn’t stealing?

oh wait. They’re already doing just that in San Franstupid
Citations fuckface.
get back in your hole dickglove