Basically liberals are bums


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
BTW, you cancel culture fuktards are offended by Uncle Ben too! Or did you forget?
I'm not offended by it, never was. (or link if you think so)

. Not offended by the Redskins football team etc either.

btw - I was at the shoppers today and noticed the rice package now just says Ben's, not Uncle Ben's.

Sorry asshole, I'd gas you with the rest of the libs. Zero fucks given when it comes to differentiating one lib from another. BTW cunt, I got that standard from YOU PEOPLE! PWN3D!


BTW, you cancel culture fuktards are offended by Uncle Ben too! Or did you forget?
I'm not offended by it, never was. (or link if you think so)

. Not offended by the Redskins football team etc either.

btw - I was at the shoppers today and noticed the rice package now just says Ben's, not Uncle Ben's.

Sorry asshole, I'd gas you with the rest of the libs. Zero fucks given when it comes to differentiating one lib from another. BTW cunt, I got that standard from YOU PEOPLE! PWN3D!
So no Link?

Nooooo problem.
I gotcher Link right here, pal.

Link was Shawnee, ya know. (so if you don't like this song - yer racist)



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
BTW, you cancel culture fuktards are offended by Uncle Ben too! Or did you forget?
I'm not offended by it, never was. (or link if you think so)

. Not offended by the Redskins football team etc either.

btw - I was at the shoppers today and noticed the rice package now just says Ben's, not Uncle Ben's.

Sorry asshole, I'd gas you with the rest of the libs. Zero fucks given when it comes to differentiating one lib from another. BTW cunt, I got that standard from YOU PEOPLE! PWN3D!
So no Link?

Nooooo problem.
I gotcher Link right here, pal.

Link was Shawnee, ya know. (so if you don't like this song - yer racist)

Surrender noted, faggit.


BTW, you cancel culture fuktards are offended by Uncle Ben too! Or did you forget?
I'm not offended by it, never was. (or link if you think so)

. Not offended by the Redskins football team etc either.

btw - I was at the shoppers today and noticed the rice package now just says Ben's, not Uncle Ben's.

Sorry asshole, I'd gas you with the rest of the libs. Zero fucks given when it comes to differentiating one lib from another. BTW cunt, I got that standard from YOU PEOPLE! PWN3D!
So no Link?

Nooooo problem.
I gotcher Link right here, pal.

Link was Shawnee, ya know. (so if you don't like this song - yer racist)

Surrender noted, faggit.

Is that some sick reference to Native Americans being massacred and put on reservations, ya creep?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
BTW, you cancel culture fuktards are offended by Uncle Ben too! Or did you forget?
I'm not offended by it, never was. (or link if you think so)

. Not offended by the Redskins football team etc either.

btw - I was at the shoppers today and noticed the rice package now just says Ben's, not Uncle Ben's.

Sorry asshole, I'd gas you with the rest of the libs. Zero fucks given when it comes to differentiating one lib from another. BTW cunt, I got that standard from YOU PEOPLE! PWN3D!
So no Link?

Nooooo problem.
I gotcher Link right here, pal.

Link was Shawnee, ya know. (so if you don't like this song - yer racist)

Surrender noted, faggit.

Is that some sick reference to Native Americans being massacred and put on reservations, ya creep?



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
BTW, you cancel culture fuktards are offended by Uncle Ben too! Or did you forget?
I'm not offended by it, never was. (or link if you think so)

. Not offended by the Redskins football team etc either.

btw - I was at the shoppers today and noticed the rice package now just says Ben's, not Uncle Ben's.

Sorry asshole, I'd gas you with the rest of the libs. Zero fucks given when it comes to differentiating one lib from another. BTW cunt, I got that standard from YOU PEOPLE! PWN3D!
So no Link?

Nooooo problem.
I gotcher Link right here, pal.

Link was Shawnee, ya know. (so if you don't like this song - yer racist)

Surrender noted, faggit.

Is that some sick reference to Native Americans being massacred and put on reservations, ya creep?

My oldest daughter is Native, her dad and his family are native. I've been around their tribe on a reservation.

They all think white leftists are idiots.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I'm going to suggest that Uncle Ben's repackage their rice in pyramid shaped containers and have their new Celebrity image, Ben Carson, dressed as Joseph on the package.

Oh and PS: So you say I'm not supposed to criticize ol Ben because he's black,
but I say if I treat him special because he's black, give him a wide berth,
give him a pass - that's racist. He'll get fair criticism just like anyone else.

PS to the PS: By all accounts he was a terrible surgeon, and he's clearly dummer'n shit.
He's 70-80 IQ points below me even if he's one of the smarter retards conservatives. LoLz

Listen you drooling fuckwit saliva spreading fecal fairy, this man was busy saving the lives of children, practically holding their brains in the palm of his hands, while you were busy throwing coat hangers at old sailor boots floating somewhere in a Jersey cesspool and calling it dinner you mumbling harelipped bottom feeder with bad breath.

I'm willing to bet this man has thrown farts which are more intellectually capable than you or anyone in your brood of toothless spastics from Backwash USA so fuck off back into your imbecile incubator you fucking offiensive looking shit smear.
Last edited:
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
And because they lack the tools to be anything but bums they’d rather drag everyone down to their low level than aspire to do better

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Yep, bums absolutely LOVE communism!
Yep - putinist/trumptardians love that shit.

Why is your head so far up Putin's ass for Christ's sakes. Russia hasn't been a thing since the late 80's you hyena & confused monkey halfbreed.

The state of Texas is more economically viable and militarilaly capable than Russia at this point and there you are stuck in the 80's with your sippy cup crazy glued to your bottom lip yelling Russia Russia Russia like some foul odored bum on 42st street telling passerby to praise Jesus; while real communisists are fucking roller skating up and down your wide asshole like it were some kind of amusement park you knuckle dragging moron.

Fuck off and die somewhere all alone already you simp.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
...and you can believe everything Uncle Tom Ben Carson says about where the rice is stored. LoLz

He's worse than the evil MSM.

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How fucking DARE you. I swear you people are the racists in this country.

Judging how a black man should think because he is black. And using uncle tom as a racist slur.

It's disgusting. I really hope you get knocked on your ass saying that shit to a black man in person. I'm so sick of you cultists trying to use racist slurs to delegitimize any black person who doesnt buy into your cult bullshit.

If you were right, your shit could stand against scrutiny but you guys NEED to use tactics like this because you got nothing. Just like every other cult.

Carson is more educated, classier and has more accomplishments than you. He is stronger and braver. I guess that hurts your white fragility and sense of white superiority, so you need to invalidate him by using his color. Smh.

^^^^^ and that's what you call Dove breaking out the barbed wire strapon and fucking Holiday deep in his dirty asshole with it
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
...and you can believe everything Uncle Tom Ben Carson says about where the rice is stored. LoLz

He's worse than the evil MSM.

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OMG. That guy is so fucking stupid.
meanwhile he's regarded as one of the best brain surgeons in the history of mankind while you'll be remembered as the doofy looking lunch lady with the really long neck who they stuck in a small room somewhere to teach breathing exercises to plants

Go fuck yourself with a spiked bat you miserable old witch


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I'm going to suggest that Uncle Ben's repackage their rice in pyramid shaped containers and have their new Celebrity image, Ben Carson, dressed as Joseph on the package.

Oh and PS: So you say I'm not supposed to criticize ol Ben because he's black,
but I say if I treat him special because he's black, give him a wide berth,
give him a pass - that's racist. He'll get fair criticism just like anyone else.

PS to the PS: By all accounts he was a terrible surgeon, and he's clearly dummer'n shit.
He's 70-80 IQ points below me even if he's one of the smarter retards conservatives. LoLz

Listen you drooling fuckwit saliva spreading fecal fairy, this man was busy saving the lives of children, practically holding their brains in the palm of his hands, while you were busy throwing coat hangers at old sailor boots floating somewhere in a Jersey cesspool and calling it dinner you mumbling harelipped bottom feeder with bad breath.

I'm willing to bet this man has thrown farts which are more intellectually capable than you or anyone in your brood of toothless spastics from Backwash USA so fuck off back into your imbecile incubator you fucking offiensive looking shit smear.

I laughed at this so hard, I almost came.

"Fecal fairy" lmao
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Safe to say Holiglaze got his funny looking face pressed deep down into the toilet on this thread

the wicked witch of weasel world too

It's one thing to say you fundamentally disagree with someone; it's another thing entirely to try and sell the idea that someone capable of rewiring the human brain is "stupid"

Especially when you're a fucking nobody who hasn't done a damn thing to contribute positively towards mankind that won't even be remembered by your own descendants 100 years from let alone anyone else

Give yourselves a punch in the back, dolts