MTF Trannie, Forces "her" Tranny agenda onto Jeopardy, steals 3 games from heteroes, so far!



I'm in jail, send hamberders
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Amy the treasonous Genitalial Modified Organism, just stole another Jeopardy* game from us cisgendered patriots!

First they came for the public restrooms and I said nothing.....

*Faker just grabbed over $45,000.00 From Traditional American Values! (Very nice haul by Jeopardy standards, </angryblueeyessmiley>)

Yeah, but how miserable and fat am I? Asking for not a friend...
There are Uhygurs is Chinese Prison Camps that hate us for our miserable american obesity.


I think they also hate us for our short bald men. They hate short bald men.
That's true, I watched a Doc' on youtube all about that. Baldness is considered a blasphemy to Allah among the faithful.

Youtube is the bestest place to learn about all the important stuff in the worldz.
Agreed., that's why when I am in Bigfoot Country I am always armed!

"It was all biological...I blew my load in the Sasquatch!!"

bwaaaa hahahahhahahahahahahhaha

I'm dying here...

This guy is an animal trainer I'd watched a few of his Australian Cattle Dog training vids, which I'd liked even though the guy is kind of a 'rustic' after I'd got My Sadie, and then one day this video pops up in my feed....of course I was taken aback. (
All white males are cray cray!)

Well, the man is clearly traumatized. He was raped by a hairy 8 ft sasquatch. Cut him some slack.

When you're right, you're right, walk a mile in his sasquatch tracks and all that.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are

@Aryan runs to the shoutbox to shit talk because he's a chickenshit and wants to escape. PUSSY

Triggered much? It gets tedious very quickly having a meaningless shit flinging contest with a butthurt, low IQ, obnoxious bovine, hence my departure from the thread.

Hilarious to see you attempt to chalk it up as some kind of victory though. LOL

You're a twat. It's not tedious when I put up with your shit. When you get pushback, you run away, pussy.

Can you seethe any harder, oh portly one?

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Wouldn't dream of it.

Could you share your thoughts on the gender bender questions with me?

I don't understand how a male to female transwoman that has intimate relations with males is not in a gay relationship, especially if they aren't surgically altered.

I also don't understand transwomen where they do surgically transition aren't lesbians when they have same sex relationships.

If it is all supposed to be about how the individuals feel about their gender, how is the rest of the world supposed to interact with these individuals? How do we not offend or misunderstand.

To be completely honest, it feels like a mind fuck sometimes.
I admit, it is confusing, but I just try to live and let live.

I do. I want to live my life without being relegated to second class status because I was actually born a female.

I don’t understand the logic here that you become second class. Being a woman should give you an advantage over any male living as a female. Mostly because of the negative attitude towards the LGBTQ* community.

I watched a documentary showing that it’s mostly straight when men who are into pre-op trans pornography and the stars who still have their “junk” attached.

They tell us that they are more female than we are. Only a man...

That part.

I’m all for people living their truth. They need to stay in their lane and know their place tho.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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is seapedo talking about licking children by the kiddie pool again

sick fuck


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
A kiddie pool, eh. You realize that you leave yourself wide open posting shit like that?

Its for your fat, short friend, with a years pass to Disneyland Culo Demasiado. I bet Hubby has one? He needs to be extremely careful tho.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
Wouldn't dream of it.

Could you share your thoughts on the gender bender questions with me?

I don't understand how a male to female transwoman that has intimate relations with males is not in a gay relationship, especially if they aren't surgically altered.

I also don't understand transwomen where they do surgically transition aren't lesbians when they have same sex relationships.

If it is all supposed to be about how the individuals feel about their gender, how is the rest of the world supposed to interact with these individuals? How do we not offend or misunderstand.

To be completely honest, it feels like a mind fuck sometimes.
I admit, it is confusing, but I just try to live and let live.

I do. I want to live my life without being relegated to second class status because I was actually born a female.

I don’t understand the logic here that you become second class. Being a woman should give you an advantage over any male living as a female. Mostly because of the negative attitude towards the LGBTQ* community.

I watched a documentary showing that it’s mostly straight when men who are into pre-op trans pornography and the stars who still have their “junk” attached.

They tell us that they are more female than we are. Only a man...

and you believe them?

It’s hard to be a woman. Why any man would want to give up the benefits of being male in this world is beyond my comprehension… but to each their own. Who am I to tell anyone what they should or shouldn’t be?

I’ve had numerous gay men come up to me when I was out trying to figure out my sex appeal or how I was able to move a certain way on the dance floor and my response was always “I have a pussy!”

They can perfect the act as much as they want, but they will always envy us is my theory. My suggestion: Don’t fall for the bait. They can be caddy af and whoever said that to you was trolling/trying to get a rise out of you. Be secure in who you are and it won’t bother you as much.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Wouldn't dream of it.

Could you share your thoughts on the gender bender questions with me?

I don't understand how a male to female transwoman that has intimate relations with males is not in a gay relationship, especially if they aren't surgically altered.

I also don't understand transwomen where they do surgically transition aren't lesbians when they have same sex relationships.

If it is all supposed to be about how the individuals feel about their gender, how is the rest of the world supposed to interact with these individuals? How do we not offend or misunderstand.

To be completely honest, it feels like a mind fuck sometimes.
I admit, it is confusing, but I just try to live and let live.

I do. I want to live my life without being relegated to second class status because I was actually born a female.

I don’t understand the logic here that you become second class. Being a woman should give you an advantage over any male living as a female. Mostly because of the negative attitude towards the LGBTQ* community.

I watched a documentary showing that it’s mostly straight when men who are into pre-op trans pornography and the stars who still have their “junk” attached.

They tell us that they are more female than we are. Only a man...

and you believe them?

It’s hard to be a woman. Why any man would want to give up the benefits of being male in this world is beyond my comprehension… but to each their own. Who am I to tell anyone what they should or shouldn’t be?

I’ve had numerous gay men come up to me when I was out trying to figure out my sex appeal or how I was able to move a certain way on the dance floor and my response was always “I have a pussy!”

They can perfect the act as much as they want, but they will always envy us is my theory. My suggestion: Don’t fall for the bait. They can be caddy af and whoever said that to you was trolling/trying to get a rise out of you. Be secure in who you are and it won’t bother you as much.

I'm not insecure about being a woman. I want to know, from an intellectual perspective, how they square than round peg.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Lil, the answer is, they don't.

The difficulty lies, precisely, in living in a world where everyone (or nearly everyone) believes that all square pegs should be destined for square holes and all round pegs for round ones.

It's a cookie-cutter mentality that suits boiler-plate identities but, truth is, selfhood isn't like a pair of dollar store pantyhose: one size doesn't fit all.

Do some square pegs try to whittle themselves into round ones (presumably because they feel more affinity with a round hole over a square one)? Sure. Does this fact make you (as a round peg) any less of a round peg? No.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Wouldn't dream of it.

Could you share your thoughts on the gender bender questions with me?

I don't understand how a male to female transwoman that has intimate relations with males is not in a gay relationship, especially if they aren't surgically altered.

I also don't understand transwomen where they do surgically transition aren't lesbians when they have same sex relationships.

If it is all supposed to be about how the individuals feel about their gender, how is the rest of the world supposed to interact with these individuals? How do we not offend or misunderstand.

To be completely honest, it feels like a mind fuck sometimes.
I admit, it is confusing, but I just try to live and let live.

I do. I want to live my life without being relegated to second class status because I was actually born a female.

I don’t understand the logic here that you become second class. Being a woman should give you an advantage over any male living as a female. Mostly because of the negative attitude towards the LGBTQ* community.

I watched a documentary showing that it’s mostly straight when men who are into pre-op trans pornography and the stars who still have their “junk” attached.

They tell us that they are more female than we are. Only a man...

and you believe them?

It’s hard to be a woman. Why any man would want to give up the benefits of being male in this world is beyond my comprehension… but to each their own. Who am I to tell anyone what they should or shouldn’t be?

I’ve had numerous gay men come up to me when I was out trying to figure out my sex appeal or how I was able to move a certain way on the dance floor and my response was always “I have a pussy!”

They can perfect the act as much as they want, but they will always envy us is my theory. My suggestion: Don’t fall for the bait. They can be caddy af and whoever said that to you was trolling/trying to get a rise out of you. Be secure in who you are and it won’t bother you as much.

I'm not insecure about being a woman. I want to know, from an intellectual perspective, how they square than round peg.

Yeah you are sponge Bob square oak


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Lil, the answer is, they don't.

The difficulty lies, precisely, in living in a world where everyone (or nearly everyone) believes that all square pegs should be destined for square holes and all round pegs for round ones.

It's a cookie-cutter mentality that suits boiler-plate identities but, truth is, selfhood isn't like a pair of dollar store pantyhose: one size doesn't fit all.

Do some square pegs try to whittle themselves into round ones (presumably because they feel more affinity with a round hole over a square one)? Sure. Does this fact make you (as a round peg) any less of a round peg? No.

The problem is that the percentage of young people that believe they're LGBTAIA is upwards of 30% between the ages of 18-24.

I'm not buying that number. There is a psycho-social component to this that isn't being addressed because people fear asking questions that they will be excoriated for daring to ask.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
There is a psycho-social component to this that isn't being addressed because people fear asking questions that they will be excoriated for daring to ask.

I'm sure there is.

It's sort of like asking someone if they believe in QAnon.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Wouldn't dream of it.

Could you share your thoughts on the gender bender questions with me?

I don't understand how a male to female transwoman that has intimate relations with males is not in a gay relationship, especially if they aren't surgically altered.

I also don't understand transwomen where they do surgically transition aren't lesbians when they have same sex relationships.

If it is all supposed to be about how the individuals feel about their gender, how is the rest of the world supposed to interact with these individuals? How do we not offend or misunderstand.

To be completely honest, it feels like a mind fuck sometimes.
I admit, it is confusing, but I just try to live and let live.

I do. I want to live my life without being relegated to second class status because I was actually born a female.

I don’t understand the logic here that you become second class. Being a woman should give you an advantage over any male living as a female. Mostly because of the negative attitude towards the LGBTQ* community.

I watched a documentary showing that it’s mostly straight when men who are into pre-op trans pornography and the stars who still have their “junk” attached.

They tell us that they are more female than we are. Only a man...

and you believe them?

It’s hard to be a woman. Why any man would want to give up the benefits of being male in this world is beyond my comprehension… but to each their own. Who am I to tell anyone what they should or shouldn’t be?

I’ve had numerous gay men come up to me when I was out trying to figure out my sex appeal or how I was able to move a certain way on the dance floor and my response was always “I have a pussy!”

They can perfect the act as much as they want, but they will always envy us is my theory. My suggestion: Don’t fall for the bait. They can be caddy af and whoever said that to you was trolling/trying to get a rise out of you. Be secure in who you are and it won’t bother you as much.

I'm not insecure about being a woman. I want to know, from an intellectual perspective, how they square than round peg.

Yeah you are sponge Bob square oak

OMG she actually has the same frame as Spongebob bwahahaha

She could be Spongeblob Shitpants...

Another perfect opportunity for @RAVEN to put her photoshop skills to use. LOL

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Wouldn't dream of it.

Could you share your thoughts on the gender bender questions with me?

I don't understand how a male to female transwoman that has intimate relations with males is not in a gay relationship, especially if they aren't surgically altered.

I also don't understand transwomen where they do surgically transition aren't lesbians when they have same sex relationships.

If it is all supposed to be about how the individuals feel about their gender, how is the rest of the world supposed to interact with these individuals? How do we not offend or misunderstand.

To be completely honest, it feels like a mind fuck sometimes.
I admit, it is confusing, but I just try to live and let live.

I do. I want to live my life without being relegated to second class status because I was actually born a female.

I don’t understand the logic here that you become second class. Being a woman should give you an advantage over any male living as a female. Mostly because of the negative attitude towards the LGBTQ* community.

I watched a documentary showing that it’s mostly straight when men who are into pre-op trans pornography and the stars who still have their “junk” attached.

They tell us that they are more female than we are. Only a man...

and you believe them?

It’s hard to be a woman. Why any man would want to give up the benefits of being male in this world is beyond my comprehension… but to each their own. Who am I to tell anyone what they should or shouldn’t be?

I’ve had numerous gay men come up to me when I was out trying to figure out my sex appeal or how I was able to move a certain way on the dance floor and my response was always “I have a pussy!”

They can perfect the act as much as they want, but they will always envy us is my theory. My suggestion: Don’t fall for the bait. They can be caddy af and whoever said that to you was trolling/trying to get a rise out of you. Be secure in who you are and it won’t bother you as much.

I'm not insecure about being a woman. I want to know, from an intellectual perspective, how they square than round peg.

Yeah you are sponge Bob square oak

OMG she actually has the same frame as Spongebob bwahahaha

She could be Spongeblob Shitpants...

Another perfect opportunity for @RAVEN to put her photoshop skills to use. LOL
Did you see flea slapping that fucking warthog upside her leaky snout in the other thread?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Wouldn't dream of it.

Could you share your thoughts on the gender bender questions with me?

I don't understand how a male to female transwoman that has intimate relations with males is not in a gay relationship, especially if they aren't surgically altered.

I also don't understand transwomen where they do surgically transition aren't lesbians when they have same sex relationships.

If it is all supposed to be about how the individuals feel about their gender, how is the rest of the world supposed to interact with these individuals? How do we not offend or misunderstand.

To be completely honest, it feels like a mind fuck sometimes.
I admit, it is confusing, but I just try to live and let live.

I do. I want to live my life without being relegated to second class status because I was actually born a female.

I don’t understand the logic here that you become second class. Being a woman should give you an advantage over any male living as a female. Mostly because of the negative attitude towards the LGBTQ* community.

I watched a documentary showing that it’s mostly straight when men who are into pre-op trans pornography and the stars who still have their “junk” attached.

They tell us that they are more female than we are. Only a man...

and you believe them?

It’s hard to be a woman. Why any man would want to give up the benefits of being male in this world is beyond my comprehension… but to each their own. Who am I to tell anyone what they should or shouldn’t be?

I’ve had numerous gay men come up to me when I was out trying to figure out my sex appeal or how I was able to move a certain way on the dance floor and my response was always “I have a pussy!”

They can perfect the act as much as they want, but they will always envy us is my theory. My suggestion: Don’t fall for the bait. They can be caddy af and whoever said that to you was trolling/trying to get a rise out of you. Be secure in who you are and it won’t bother you as much.

I'm not insecure about being a woman. I want to know, from an intellectual perspective, how they square than round peg.

Yeah you are sponge Bob square oak

OMG she actually has the same frame as Spongebob bwahahaha

She could be Spongeblob Shitpants...

Another perfect opportunity for @RAVEN to put her photoshop skills to use. LOL
Did you see flea slapping that fucking warthog upside her leaky snout in the other thread?

No, I haven't been online much today. Which thread?


Factory Bastard
Wouldn't dream of it.

Could you share your thoughts on the gender bender questions with me?

I don't understand how a male to female transwoman that has intimate relations with males is not in a gay relationship, especially if they aren't surgically altered.

I also don't understand transwomen where they do surgically transition aren't lesbians when they have same sex relationships.

If it is all supposed to be about how the individuals feel about their gender, how is the rest of the world supposed to interact with these individuals? How do we not offend or misunderstand.

To be completely honest, it feels like a mind fuck sometimes.

Like most CIS people you're all hung up on genitalia. It isn't your genitals that decide your gender, your genitalia decide your sex which isn't the same thing as gender. You'd think as a public health professional you'd be a little bit more educated.

I haven't met a gay man yet who is into trans women, it's straight men who like us. Gay men like dudes. I'm a chick with a dick.

Does this look like a gay couple to you? Two gay men?

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How are you being relegated to the back of society by giving trans women rights and recognizing us as women too? Typical TERFY bs... Nobody is saying you aren't a woman, I'm a woman too just a different kind of woman, there's all kinds of women. Some men like thin women, some men like women with big boobs, some men like fat women, some guys like trans chicks... get over yourself, I probably have way more estrogen and way less testosterone flowing through my body than you do. It's all about the hormones not your genitals.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Meanwhile in reality

I only watched 3mins but that shit is JUST disgusting! 38 SECONDS faster in the longest race is just an absolute slap in the face to the real women who've trained hard just to feel like falures because of their anatomy and some queer cunts feelings!!! It's hard for women to be fit enough for athletics type sports because their bodies naturally store fat etc preparing for motherhood... This shit boils my blood why can't the queeer swim with other males and what difference does it make to him/it?