Just a Moment, Then - Who Rigged the Election?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
And all
The entire world is stupider for my having scrolled through this thread.

It was fun to watch the racist, hate-filled Registered Democrat Leftist scum desperately flail to deny their overt racism.

Especially Lily. What hate that poor Tex-Mex girl has to live with.

I'm glad I make your butt hurt. Yay me! And you're always wrong about me. I have Tex-Mex heritage, but I am a California "girl" through and through.

My butt's just fine. I don't have to carry around a bagful of hate because of the color of my skin like you do.
Because you think your melanin levels are better than hers?

Reggie isnt YOU, Admin. We dont care about skin color. That nonissue you people are obsessed and driven into hatred over.

Actually, Reggie has a fifteen year track record that contradicts you. And your third sentence is merely purple prose, and factually wrong. Go to a MAGA rally sometime and see who is "obsessed and driven into hatred over" skin color and genetic heritage.

And also, isn't @Aryan part of your "we" also? His track record is all over this forum, you know.

They believe that redressing racial inequality is a form of anti-white racism.

This is the face of modern racism.
"blah blah blah, nigger"
"blah blah blah, nigger"
"blah blah blah, nigger"

^^^ I think he really likes me
I'm sure you dooooo, bimbo!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
And all
The entire world is stupider for my having scrolled through this thread.

It was fun to watch the racist, hate-filled Registered Democrat Leftist scum desperately flail to deny their overt racism.

Especially Lily. What hate that poor Tex-Mex girl has to live with.

I'm glad I make your butt hurt. Yay me! And you're always wrong about me. I have Tex-Mex heritage, but I am a California "girl" through and through.

My butt's just fine. I don't have to carry around a bagful of hate because of the color of my skin like you do.
Because you think your melanin levels are better than hers?

Reggie isnt YOU, Admin. We dont care about skin color. That nonissue you people are obsessed and driven into hatred over.

Actually, Reggie has a fifteen year track record that contradicts you. And your third sentence is merely purple prose, and factually wrong. Go to a MAGA rally sometime and see who is "obsessed and driven into hatred over" skin color and genetic heritage.

And also, isn't @Aryan part of your "we" also? His track record is all over this forum, you know.

They believe that redressing racial inequality is a form of anti-white racism.

This is the face of modern racism.
"blah blah blah, nigger"
"blah blah blah, nigger"
"blah blah blah, nigger"

^^^ I think he really likes me
I'm sure you dooooo, bimbo!

it was said tongue in cheek, you balding fat weirdo


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
And all
The entire world is stupider for my having scrolled through this thread.

It was fun to watch the racist, hate-filled Registered Democrat Leftist scum desperately flail to deny their overt racism.

Especially Lily. What hate that poor Tex-Mex girl has to live with.

I'm glad I make your butt hurt. Yay me! And you're always wrong about me. I have Tex-Mex heritage, but I am a California "girl" through and through.

My butt's just fine. I don't have to carry around a bagful of hate because of the color of my skin like you do.
Because you think your melanin levels are better than hers?

Reggie isnt YOU, Admin. We dont care about skin color. That nonissue you people are obsessed and driven into hatred over.

Actually, Reggie has a fifteen year track record that contradicts you. And your third sentence is merely purple prose, and factually wrong. Go to a MAGA rally sometime and see who is "obsessed and driven into hatred over" skin color and genetic heritage.

And also, isn't @Aryan part of your "we" also? His track record is all over this forum, you know.

They believe that redressing racial inequality is a form of anti-white racism.

This is the face of modern racism.
"blah blah blah, nigger"
"blah blah blah, nigger"
"blah blah blah, nigger"

^^^ I think he really likes me
I'm sure you dooooo, bimbo!

it was said tongue in cheek, you balding fat weirdo

Sure thing, tramp. I prefer "fat, bald" BTW. It seems symmetrical somehow.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
They believe that redressing racial inequality is a form of anti-white racism.

This is the face of modern racism.

It's stunning that they are so self-absorbed and at the same time so lacking in confidence that they believe redressing inequality is somehow an existential threat to them.

I know… it’s absolutely mind blowing. They actually believe they are victims.

My best friend went to live with her father in Augusta, Georgia the summer of 8th grade. She went to a McDonalds out in the sticks and watched in horror as an 80 yo white man went to the register and told the teenage black female “get me a cheeseburger, you fucking nigger!”

I’ve always been horrified by bigots.

You must hate yourself then for being a racist bigot. "To address past inequality" they want to hire and fire people based upon nothing more than race. Yes, that is racist. Yes, that is morally wrong and anyone who supports that is a racist bigot.

It also violates the equal protection clause of the constitution so we can conclusively say your racist dreams will never come true and the world is a better place because of it.


Factory Bastard
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If you ask President Donald Trump, he isn’t racist. To the contrary, he’s repeatedly
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that he’s “the least racist person that you’ve ever encountered.”

Trump’s actual record, however, tells a very different story.

On the campaign trail, Trump repeatedly made explicitly racist and otherwise bigoted remarks, from calling Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists, to proposing a ban on all Muslims entering the US, to suggesting a judge should recuse himself from a case solely because of the judge’s Mexican heritage.

The trend has continued into his presidency. From
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after they held a violent rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, to
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, Trump hasn’t stopped with racist acts after his 2016 election.

Most recently, Trump has
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the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus the “Chinese virus” and “kung flu” — racist terms that tap into the kind of xenophobia that he latched onto during his 2016 presidential campaign; Trump’s own adviser, Kellyanne Conway,
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“kung flu” a “highly offensive” term. And Trump
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that Sen. Kamala Harris, who’s Black, “doesn’t meet the requirements” to run for vice president — a repeat of the birther conspiracy theory that he perpetuated about former President Barack Obama.

This is nothing new for Trump. In fact, the
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Trump appeared in the pages of the New York Times, back in the 1970s, was when the US Department of Justice sued him for racial discrimination. Since then, he has repeatedly appeared in newspaper pages across the world as he inspired more similar controversies.

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This long history is important. It would be one thing if Trump misspoke one or two times. But when you take all of his actions and comments together, a clear pattern emerges — one that suggests that bigotry is not just political opportunism on Trump’s part but a real element of his personality, character, and career.

Trump has a long history of racist controversies
Here’s a breakdown of Trump’s history, taken largely from
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and an
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  • 1973: The US Department of Justice — under the Nixon administration, out of all administrations —
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    the Trump Management Corporation for violating the Fair Housing Act. Federal officials found
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    that Trump had refused to rent to Black tenants and lied to Black applicants about whether apartments were available, among other accusations. Trump said the federal government was trying to get him to rent to welfare recipients. In the aftermath, he signed an agreement in 1975 agreeing not to discriminate to renters of color without admitting to previous discrimination.
  • 1980s: Kip Brown, a former employee at Trump’s Castle, accused another one of Trump’s businesses of discrimination. “When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” Brown
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    . “It was the eighties, I was a teenager, but I remember it: They put us all in the back.”
  • 1989: In a controversial case that’s been characterized as a modern-day lynching, four Black teenagers and one Latino teenager — the “Central Park Five” — were accused of attacking and raping a jogger in New York City. Trump immediately took charge in the case, running
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    demanding, “BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY. BRING BACK OUR POLICE!” The teens’ convictions were later vacated after they spent
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    , and the city paid $41 million in a settlement to the teens. But Trump in October 2016
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    he still believes they’re guilty, despite the DNA evidence to the contrary.
  • 1991: A
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    by John O’Donnell, former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, quoted Trump’s criticism of a Black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.” Trump later said in a
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    that “the stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true.”
  • 1992: The Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino
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    because it transferred Black and women dealers off tables to accommodate a big-time gambler’s prejudices.
  • 1993: In congressional testimony, Trump
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    that some Native American reservations operating casinos shouldn’t be allowed because “they don’t look like Indians to me.”
  • 2000: In opposition to a casino proposed by the St. Regis Mohawk tribe, which he saw as a financial threat to his casinos in Atlantic City, Trump secretly ran a
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    suggesting the tribe had a “record of criminal activity [that] is well documented.”
  • 2004: In season two of The Apprentice, Trump
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    Kevin Allen, a Black contestant, for being overeducated. “You’re an unbelievably talented guy in terms of education, and you haven’t done anything,” Trump said on the show. “At some point you have to say, ‘That’s enough.’”
  • 2005: Trump
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    what was essentially The Apprentice: White People vs. Black People. He
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    he “wasn’t particularly happy” with the most recent season of his show, so he was considering “an idea that is fairly controversial — creating a team of successful African Americans versus a team of successful whites. Whether people like that idea or not, it is somewhat reflective of our very vicious world.”
  • 2010: In 2010, there was a huge national controversy over the “Ground Zero Mosque” — a proposal to build a Muslim community center in Lower Manhattan, near the site of the 9/11 attacks. Trump opposed the project, calling it “insensitive,” and
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    one of the investors in the project. On The Late Show With David Letterman, Trump
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    , referring to Muslims, “Well, somebody’s blowing us up. Somebody’s blowing up buildings, and somebody’s doing lots of bad stuff.”
  • 2011: Trump played a
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    in pushing false rumors that Obama — the country’s first Black president — was not born in the US. He claimed to send investigators to Hawaii to
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    . Obama later released his birth certificate, calling Trump a “
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    .” The
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    has found a strong correlation between birtherism, as the conspiracy theory is called, and racism. But Trump has
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    pushing this conspiracy theory in private.
  • 2011: While Trump suggested that Obama wasn’t born in the US, he also argued that maybe Obama wasn’t a good enough student to have gotten into Columbia or Harvard Law School, and demanded Obama release his university transcripts. Trump
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    , “I heard he was a terrible student. Terrible. How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard?”
For many people, none of these incidents, individually, may be damning: One of these alone might suggest that Trump is simply a bad speaker and perhaps racially insensitive (“politically incorrect,” as he would put it), but not overtly racist.

But when you put all these events together, a clear pattern emerges. At the very least, Trump has a history of playing into people’s racism to bolster himself — and that likely says something about him, too.

And, of course, there’s everything that’s happened through and since his presidential campaign.


Can't wait for the whataboutisms to begin.
Is there an audio transcription of this for our Conservitarded friends to listen to?

I just provided and hour and 13 minutes of audio debunking most of this Vox leftwing propaganda

You're welcome. I think it even has pictures.
if there are no pictures of cock he won't be interested

Cock. It’s what Stubbys world revolves around.

He sees cock everywhere.
Not everywhere.

For example: I don't see cock anywhere near your fat miserable porky ass.

Must bum you out Stubby.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Why is the hook nose jew PLEASE ASS BOX ME! in this thread? Did someone mention kids?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
what a try too hard fuckhead without a nose :facepalm: :facepalm:
The doesn't try at all fuckhead says what?
The don't need to try because he's surrounded by dumb liberal cretins says you don't have a nose and that's pretty fucking disgusting

^^^ votes for draft dodgers
^^^ votes for geriatric cripples who give eulogies for KKK klansmen

I didn’t vote for Biden…

I took a political stance when I was 15 to never vote and you know this. However, the forum is searchable….

Key words:

Desert Storm
LA National Cemetery
Grave of 18 yo soldier
I know you're doubling down on your bullshit

go fetch… you’re losing your touch
whereas you lost yours long long ago

Now that’s a strange turn of events since according to you I never had one… but I digress….

In the midst of chaos and liminality… I want to save the dying planet, make sure that all citizens experience liberty and justice… and be a genuinely good person.

Whereas you harass a nam vet, a navy vet, and a 2nd generation college educated Chicana on a daily basis and have the audacity to call yourself a “patriot.”

5th generation dear...but who's counting?

And I don't care what he says about me, it's way past childish at this point and doesn't impact me. It tells me how much he's seething and that, my friend, is funny.
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An Claidheam Anam
And all
The entire world is stupider for my having scrolled through this thread.

It was fun to watch the racist, hate-filled Registered Democrat Leftist scum desperately flail to deny their overt racism.

Especially Lily. What hate that poor Tex-Mex girl has to live with.

I'm glad I make your butt hurt. Yay me! And you're always wrong about me. I have Tex-Mex heritage, but I am a California "girl" through and through.

My butt's just fine. I don't have to carry around a bagful of hate because of the color of my skin like you do.
Because you think your melanin levels are better than hers?

Reggie isnt YOU, Admin. We dont care about skin color. That nonissue you people are obsessed and driven into hatred over.

Actually, Reggie has a fifteen year track record that contradicts you. And your third sentence is merely purple prose, and factually wrong. Go to a MAGA rally sometime and see who is "obsessed and driven into hatred over" skin color and genetic heritage.

And also, isn't @Aryan part of your "we" also? His track record is all over this forum, you know.

You mean my 15 year record of repeatedly explaining to historically ignorant dullards that the very concept of "racism" is an artificial ideological/social construct devised by late 19th century European communist vermin to create social mayhem and advance the cause of universal communist revolution?

That 15 year record?

... or was it all the ethnic jokes?


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
The "record" is spotty, inasmuch as you may actually not even be a racist IRL . But in the early days yer racist schtick did seem a lot like just that... a schtick. Easiest way to troll as a political extremist, for a lazy person, is to adorn one's online self with as many caricatures as possible so one can fit seamlessly into the fabric of any conversation. Also, yer turgid fantasies about having sex with Semitic women was hard to fit into the overall troll.

I don't recall much of yer record where jokes are concerned.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Reggie has always made ethnic jokes. Not unlike many known comedians.

Normally it's very easy to peg an actual racist but with the new "anti racist" trend, racism is now considered everything right of Stalin. Even minorities who are not dem/prog are suffering "internalized racism" and represent "white supremacy" in this convoluted manufactured world being thrusted on everyone just so democrats can continue exploiting the vulnerable for votes.

Some of the most genuinely racist people I've seen wear the "anti racist" label.


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
Reggie has always made ethnic jokes. Not unlike many known comedians.

Normally it's very easy to peg an actual racist but with the new "anti racist" trend, racism is now considered everything right of Stalin. Even minorities who are not dem/prog are suffering "internalized racism" and represent "white supremacy" in this convoluted manufactured world being thrusted on everyone just so democrats can continue exploiting the vulnerable for votes.

Some of the most genuinely racist people I've seen wear the "anti racist" label.

Interesting notion, but evidently I'm using a different definition of racism than you are.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Reggie has always made ethnic jokes. Not unlike many known comedians.

Normally it's very easy to peg an actual racist but with the new "anti racist" trend, racism is now considered everything right of Stalin. Even minorities who are not dem/prog are suffering "internalized racism" and represent "white supremacy" in this convoluted manufactured world being thrusted on everyone just so democrats can continue exploiting the vulnerable for votes.

Some of the most genuinely racist people I've seen wear the "anti racist" label.

Interesting notion, but evidently I'm using a different definition of racism than you are.

That's kinda been our point. We use the dictionary definition. Where you think one color is superior to the other.

"Anti racist" people call anything that isnt within the leftwing framework "racism". Capitalism, the liberal order, the justice system.....all white supremacy.

And also dem/prog voters will simply slap the "racist" label on everything that contradicts their opinions.

Like mentioning black on black crime is racism. Even though it's a problem that needs to be discussed because it kills and harms innocent people. The entire concept that acknowledging this is "racist" is actual racism. Youd have to think violence is so natural from black people....that they dont know better and cant be held to the same standards as everyone else....is racist.

Saying we cant have voter ID laws because black people cant be expected to have ID is racist AF.

If you use the actual definition.


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
Reggie has always made ethnic jokes. Not unlike many known comedians.

Normally it's very easy to peg an actual racist but with the new "anti racist" trend, racism is now considered everything right of Stalin. Even minorities who are not dem/prog are suffering "internalized racism" and represent "white supremacy" in this convoluted manufactured world being thrusted on everyone just so democrats can continue exploiting the vulnerable for votes.

Some of the most genuinely racist people I've seen wear the "anti racist" label.

Interesting notion, but evidently I'm using a different definition of racism than you are.

That's kinda been our point. We use the dictionary definition. Where you think one color is superior to the other.

"Anti racist" people call anything that isnt within the leftwing framework "racism". Capitalism, the liberal order, the justice system.....all white supremacy.

And also dem/prog voters will simply slap the "racist" label on everything that contradicts their opinions.

Like mentioning black on black crime is racism. Even though it's a problem that needs to be discussed because it kills and harms innocent people. The entire concept that acknowledging this is "racist" is actual racism. Youd have to think violence is so natural from black people....that they dont know better and cant be held to the same standards as everyone else....is racist.

Saying we cant have voter ID laws because black people cant be expected to have ID is racist AF.

If you use the actual definition.
The "actual" definiton is pretty much the one I'm working with.

But unlike you, I haven't grafted five or six different narratives onto it. And I'm pretty sure some if not most of your trees are artificial, just constructs for the sake of your narrative.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
They believe that redressing racial inequality is a form of anti-white racism.

This is the face of modern racism.

It's stunning that they are so self-absorbed and at the same time so lacking in confidence that they believe redressing inequality is somehow an existential threat to them.

I know… it’s absolutely mind blowing. They actually believe they are victims.

My best friend went to live with her father in Augusta, Georgia the summer of 8th grade. She went to a McDonalds out in the sticks and watched in horror as an 80 yo white man went to the register and told the teenage black female “get me a cheeseburger, you fucking nigger!”

I’ve always been horrified by bigots.

You must hate yourself then for being a racist bigot. "To address past inequality" they want to hire and fire people based upon nothing more than race. Yes, that is racist. Yes, that is morally wrong and anyone who supports that is a racist bigot.

It also violates the equal protection clause of the constitution so we can conclusively say your racist dreams will never come true and the world is a better place because of it.

Where's the "oh, for fuck's sake" rating smily face?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Reggie has always made ethnic jokes. Not unlike many known comedians.

Normally it's very easy to peg an actual racist but with the new "anti racist" trend, racism is now considered everything right of Stalin. Even minorities who are not dem/prog are suffering "internalized racism" and represent "white supremacy" in this convoluted manufactured world being thrusted on everyone just so democrats can continue exploiting the vulnerable for votes.

Some of the most genuinely racist people I've seen wear the "anti racist" label.

Interesting notion, but evidently I'm using a different definition of racism than you are.

That's kinda been our point. We use the dictionary definition. Where you think one color is superior to the other.

"Anti racist" people call anything that isnt within the leftwing framework "racism". Capitalism, the liberal order, the justice system.....all white supremacy.

And also dem/prog voters will simply slap the "racist" label on everything that contradicts their opinions.

Like mentioning black on black crime is racism. Even though it's a problem that needs to be discussed because it kills and harms innocent people. The entire concept that acknowledging this is "racist" is actual racism. Youd have to think violence is so natural from black people....that they dont know better and cant be held to the same standards as everyone else....is racist.

Saying we cant have voter ID laws because black people cant be expected to have ID is racist AF.

If you use the actual definition.
The "actual" definiton is pretty much the one I'm working with.

But unlike you, I haven't grafted five or six different narratives onto it. And I'm pretty sure some if not most of your trees are artificial, just constructs for the sake of your narrative.

I havent "grafted a narrative" on anything. I'm making an observation that is really not hard to make.

I'm thinking there is probably some projection here and perhaps you feel you have to ignore how "racism" is being altered and weaponized as a partisan tool. I'm far from the only one who has noticed this, but anyone who points it out becomes "teh right" and that's the label used to dismiss any feedback someone doesnt like.

I've noticed those that align firm with a dem/prog narrative go through a lot of denial of observable truths for months and sometimes years before they phase into justifying the thing that was being observed. We cant ever just lay it on the table and discuss it as it is. It's a partisan battle as far as dem/progs are concerned and anyone who criticizes them is bias, right wing, has a narrative, is dumb...so on.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Whereas you harass a nam vet, a navy vet, and a 2nd generation college educated Chicana on a daily basis and have the audacity to call yourself a “patriot.”
I do. ANd I don't give the first fuck how much you cry about it either

you dressed in drag and got vaxxed, wannabe patriot
Are you drunk and drooling again ?

no… but thanks for your “concern”


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
Reggie has always made ethnic jokes. Not unlike many known comedians.

Normally it's very easy to peg an actual racist but with the new "anti racist" trend, racism is now considered everything right of Stalin. Even minorities who are not dem/prog are suffering "internalized racism" and represent "white supremacy" in this convoluted manufactured world being thrusted on everyone just so democrats can continue exploiting the vulnerable for votes.

Some of the most genuinely racist people I've seen wear the "anti racist" label.

Interesting notion, but evidently I'm using a different definition of racism than you are.

That's kinda been our point. We use the dictionary definition. Where you think one color is superior to the other.

"Anti racist" people call anything that isnt within the leftwing framework "racism". Capitalism, the liberal order, the justice system.....all white supremacy.

And also dem/prog voters will simply slap the "racist" label on everything that contradicts their opinions.

Like mentioning black on black crime is racism. Even though it's a problem that needs to be discussed because it kills and harms innocent people. The entire concept that acknowledging this is "racist" is actual racism. Youd have to think violence is so natural from black people....that they dont know better and cant be held to the same standards as everyone else....is racist.

Saying we cant have voter ID laws because black people cant be expected to have ID is racist AF.

If you use the actual definition.
The "actual" definiton is pretty much the one I'm working with.

But unlike you, I haven't grafted five or six different narratives onto it. And I'm pretty sure some if not most of your trees are artificial, just constructs for the sake of your narrative.

I havent "grafted a narrative" on anything. I'm making an observation that is really not hard to make.

I'm thinking there is probably some projection here and perhaps you feel you have to ignore how "racism" is being altered and weaponized as a partisan tool. I'm far from the only one who has noticed this, but anyone who points it out becomes "teh right" and that's the label used to dismiss any feedback someone doesnt like.

I've noticed those that align firm with a dem/prog narrative go through a lot of denial of observable truths for months and sometimes years before they phase into justifying the thing that was being observed. We cant ever just lay it on the table and discuss it as it is. It's a partisan battle as far as dem/progs are concerned and anyone who criticizes them is bias, right wing, has a narrative, is dumb...so on.

This ^^^ I find a little more comprehensible.

I tend to agree that some shit out there is not based in actual racism, and that the term has been weaponized by both (shudder, grit my teeth, spit it out)...by both SIDES as if there were only two sides. I've been known to point this out quite frequently, Dove. Yet, no one has called me "teh right" but merely tried to ignore the comment.

As to your beloved "dem/prog narative" I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people who vote, or have voted, dem who operate completely outside of any party narrative. Unfortunatively, the things you call "observable truths" are frequently things they have also observed, but have evaluated differently than you have. And I'd guess that in the face of the narrative you bring to any conversation with them, which is liberally sprinkled with aspersions about their intelligence and character, they probably don't have a lot of spare time to engage you any further.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
They believe that redressing racial inequality is a form of anti-white racism.

This is the face of modern racism.

It's stunning that they are so self-absorbed and at the same time so lacking in confidence that they believe redressing inequality is somehow an existential threat to them.

I know… it’s absolutely mind blowing. They actually believe they are victims.

My best friend went to live with her father in Augusta, Georgia the summer of 8th grade. She went to a McDonalds out in the sticks and watched in horror as an 80 yo white man went to the register and told the teenage black female “get me a cheeseburger, you fucking nigger!”

I’ve always been horrified by bigots.

You must hate yourself then for being a racist bigot. "To address past inequality" they want to hire and fire people based upon nothing more than race. Yes, that is racist. Yes, that is morally wrong and anyone who supports that is a racist bigot.

It also violates the equal protection clause of the constitution so we can conclusively say your racist dreams will never come true and the world is a better place because of it.

you only had a 200 year head start, white boy

and if you actually think that companies are not going to hire qualified applicants… then you’re more ignorant that I initially suspected

Or did you mean that you don’t think blacks and minorities are qualified?

that would make more sense….


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
And all
The entire world is stupider for my having scrolled through this thread.

It was fun to watch the racist, hate-filled Registered Democrat Leftist scum desperately flail to deny their overt racism.

Especially Lily. What hate that poor Tex-Mex girl has to live with.

I'm glad I make your butt hurt. Yay me! And you're always wrong about me. I have Tex-Mex heritage, but I am a California "girl" through and through.

My butt's just fine. I don't have to carry around a bagful of hate because of the color of my skin like you do.
Because you think your melanin levels are better than hers?

Reggie isnt YOU, Admin. We dont care about skin color. That nonissue you people are obsessed and driven into hatred over.

Actually, Reggie has a fifteen year track record that contradicts you. And your third sentence is merely purple prose, and factually wrong. Go to a MAGA rally sometime and see who is "obsessed and driven into hatred over" skin color and genetic heritage.

And also, isn't @Aryan part of your "we" also? His track record is all over this forum, you know.

They believe that redressing racial inequality is a form of anti-white racism.

This is the face of modern racism.
"blah blah blah, nigger"
"blah blah blah, nigger"
"blah blah blah, nigger"

^^^ I think he really likes me
I'm sure you dooooo, bimbo!

it was said tongue in cheek, you balding fat weirdo

Sure thing, tramp. I prefer "fat, bald" BTW. It seems symmetrical somehow.

I bet you have more hair on your neck and shoulders than you have on your head…

Amirite? :GiggleBitch: