An Interview With Flynn

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Evs is cool people, Mimi not so much. Although she did used to be alot worse...

Evs is cool as shit and we're different politically.

Mimi is very arrogant and condescending besides being a Chardonnay Socialist but she has improved a smidge....

Mel got her good a few years back over her outrage about a plan for low cost housing being built in her neighbourhood.

"Diversity for thee, but not for me!" liberals are the worst.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
@Lily I have a flame forum... all I have to do is turn it back to a paid forum... we all know each other or someone knows how to contact someone... we can regroup very quickly.

Is there any reason y'all haven't? Why fuss with these places you don't seem to care for? I mean life is short, shouldn't you all spend your time doing what you love?

We do and reading politics continually isn't one of them.

Then don't read it. Also, I was referring to reopening a forum where all these awesome content creators could enjoy one another.

I conquered them all except Evil Blood. I want his head on a platter. He posted my real name address and phone numbers on a porn site.

He will keep... I have a long memory and I am very patient.

That's foul.


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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It didn't fail. We had all gathered at 3rd Rail. The owner Bra1n started to worry about being the centre of legal action and pulled the plug.

I never once registered at other fake ass flame sites, I'm a loyal guy. Then when "we" gathered at 3rd Rail, I took it down in less than a month, like the BH Reg I am. I won their meaningless flaming title in less than two weeks, then started shitting the best of my worst all over the place. That's what made Bra1n nervous about legal action, and for good reason. Go on, ask Poofer, who says to this day that my abhorrent activities there made him lose all respect for me, which he had in spades.

I guess he likes Bra1n or something *shrug*. I just did it because I'm BH - through and through - and that's the kinda shit we do whenever we wanna. Just ask The Iron Duke about the time he misused the panel Bra1n innocently gave him at FC that he turned around and heartlessly deleted just about everything there, beginning from the rear. Nobody noticed him doing it because they all naturally focused on the present, which was naturally a result of all the activities in the site's past - simple as that. Bra1n knew his site was mostly fucked because he couldn't retrieve all those threads and everyone there just felt stupid, played, duped, and paranoid about their My Space accounts.

This site was never considered to be part of the 'Net Wreckers world, so I've never sunk this ship like I did Bra1n's then cw_'s, where I posted what I consider the vilest thread of all time: Broken Hoof. Taking HUGE risks on fake ass flame sites is really fun and exciting to see the horrified reactions to it, so I do it. I don't have the slightest urge to do anything like that here, promise...

- Likes the movie Gummo.


Factory Bastard
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I heard Bra1in was getting threats from the transsexual community because those "cunt wrangler" fucks were shouting faggot every second and spamming tranny porn.

Brent also threatened to sue his stupid site when Brent's family PI was vandalized and abused.

Bra1n was also running an illegal "football" game which was slang for "whore house".

Bra1in worked on Hillary's presidential election campaign and had a mental breakdown when she lost to Trump.

Braiin was very unstable and pretended to go on vacation around the world then as proof of him being in Italy he would post a photo of a coke bottle sitting on a cafe table, the guy was certifiably crazy.


Factory Bastard
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That was Flame Champs that was being deleted NOT 3rd Rail.... Alpo tried to do my flame forum Flame Damnation. I caught him. Behind my back he made all these admin handles and then they started deleting my forum from the oldest posts first... I went to the admin panel and cancelled them... maybe one of the characters was poofa I don't know who they were but I thwarted the attempt ... no other flamer ever owned up to helping Alpo. I don't care that much these days though. I seriously enjoyed being entertained by most of you at one time or another.

I personally LOVE Bra1n. He is a true heroic person to me. (Even though that bastard once said he would represent my husband in a divorce instead of me)

I would LOVE Bra1n to start another forum but without Cardie, he might not wish to. Cardie used to like to talk politics with him and he liked his politics.

If I was you SSS, I would think now that BH was boy cubs rather, somewhere your teeth were cut and now another forum should/could start up for boy scouts. We're smarter now.

But you SSS should not go around posting naked kids. That will take all your money off you and land you in prison. Anyway, you are a bit of a shockie and that might give you a secret thrill but doesn't attract the broad church. The broad church is what makes it unpredictable and fun.


Factory Bastard
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SSS posting a photo of his poodles wearing funny hats is shocking enough.

They had so much shitty porn at BH that people were becoming porn addicts and would start getting into weirder and weirder shit like lactating, hermaphrodite midget porn. It was really pathetic.


Factory Bastard
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SSS posting a photo of his poodles wearing funny hats is shocking enough.

They had so much shitty porn at BH that people were becoming porn addicts and would start getting into weirder and weirder shit like lactating, hermaphrodite midget porn. It was really pathetic.

Well I never wandered into that section... but now you've admitted to doing that... did you get addicted? O. M. G. Don't let flea read


Factory Bastard
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I used to post posts with titles like "Big breasted, german piss whores with peg legs" and watch as these fools clicked on it then I would accuse them of being addicted to porn

I had a whole bit where I would accuse everyone of being addicted to porn.

I did not look at that porn at BH because it was low class garbage only fit for degenerates, I don't even go into the erotic section here even though I notice Lotus and others are in there sometimes.


Factory Bastard
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I used to post posts with titles like "Big breasted, german piss whores with peg legs" and watch as these fools clicked on it then I would accuse them of being addicted to porn

I had a whole bit where I would accuse everyone of being addicted to porn.

I did not look at that porn at BH because it was low class garbage only fit for degenerates, I don't even go into the erotic section here even though I notice Lotus and others are in there sometimes.

Now that is funny. You should do it or at the new bc flea section.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Breakfall isn't posting here. Why is there a buzz about him when anyone is free to go to BC and confront him directly?

Because this is what morons do. They wait for someone that isn't posting anymore and start their avalanche of shit talking, knowing that the poster in question can't call them out on the deluge of bulk bullshit they're posting. Theyz feelz very saferz thiz wayz.



Have kink will travel.
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Bra1n had his election night meltdown and banned Hoot Gibson and me for rubbing in Hillary's defeat.

....but he was nervous anyways. The years of depravity that he hosted was quickly shaping up to sink his personal life via wokeness and cancel culture. He wanted that stink buried before it buried him.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Breakfall isn't posting here. Why is there a buzz about him when anyone is free to go to BC and confront him directly?

Because this is what morons do. They wait for someone that isn't posting anymore and start their avalanche of shit talking, knowing that the poster in question can't call them out on the deluge of bulk bullshit they're posting. Theyz feelz very saferz thiz wayz.


I don't understand all the shit talking on other forums, in pm, some of these idiots email and text one another. WTF is going to happen if they directly confront the person they talk shit about? Will their dentures melt, assholes prolapse, or ovaries dry up?

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, lol

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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In other news

Orca is rank mad at Flea cause she thinks I'm going to invade her safe space



Factory Bastard
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Breakfall isn't posting here. Why is there a buzz about him when anyone is free to go to BC and confront him directly?

Tsk... I know you think we are stupid but at least we are not dumb enough to poke wounded animals when they are sleeping... he will be told soon enough... it won't do any good though, leopards don't change their spots.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Breakfall isn't posting here. Why is there a buzz about him when anyone is free to go to BC and confront him directly?

Tsk... I know you think we are stupid but at least we are not dumb enough to poke wounded animals when they are sleeping... he will be told soon enough... it won't do any good though, leopards don't change their spots.

I don't think anyone is stupid for that. I do find it a bit cowardly.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Breakfall isn't posting here. Why is there a buzz about him when anyone is free to go to BC and confront him directly?

Tsk... I know you think we are stupid but at least we are not dumb enough to poke wounded animals when they are sleeping... he will be told soon enough... it won't do any good though, leopards don't change their spots.

I don't think anyone is stupid for that. I do find it a bit cowardly.
Does he still log off immediately when he sees you login like he did here?


mooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooo

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I do... I love gossip on all the forums... how do you dudes think I know everything? Duh!!!
Is that why there are like 14 threads about bastard factory over at the safe space because they don't want the bastard factory over there?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Bra1n had his election night meltdown and banned Hoot Gibson and me for rubbing in Hillary's defeat.

....but he was nervous anyways. The years of depravity that he hosted was quickly shaping up to sink his personal life via wokeness and cancel culture. He wanted that stink buried before it buried him.

It doesn't matter.. he isn't perfect... it was his hopes that were dashed and he melted down... so what?.. if a guy is an 8 out of 10 or 9 out of 10 then that is good enough for me.

Hoot died. Just so you know.


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter
That was Flame Champs that was being deleted NOT 3rd Rail.

Which part of this sentence I typed above confuses you?

"Just ask The Iron Duke about the time he misused the panel Bra1n innocently gave him at FC that he turned around and heartlessly deleted just about everything there, beginning from the rear." ~ SSS

I was one of the toxic apples who got 3rd Rail in hot water.

But you SSS should not go around posting naked kids.

They were also dead - hung by their father. It was no hoax because they both had small coils of hot shit right under them in the bed they shared...

- My last shit will be bigger.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Sincere question: Golden flame era, what happened to it? Has anyone recreated it successfully? If not, why not?

I was never into flaming, so I am wholly unaware of why it failed.

I didn't fail. We had all gathered at 3rd Rail. The owner Bra1n started to worry about being the centre of legal action (I surmise) and pulled the plug. So the shepherd was struck and the flock scattered.

the flamers are still around.

Why did he think he was in legal jeopardy?

he had an open forum and cancel culture is out there.

Yes, I suppose it is. I just don't know how likely it would be for that any one of these obscure forums would be at high risk for cancelling.

No one else was willing to start up a replacement forum? There seem to be a lot left that is unspoken.

The former flamers seem to be at one another's throats as much as any long term trolls. I think it must go deeper.

Anyone else? Seriously, if it was so much better, how did you all let it go by the wayside so far that you all sound like old timers chatting about the "good old days"?


The forum that brought us together was....yes....this again was Brawl-Hall. This was like the Roman Empire at one time where even Joe Rogan's now defunct forum knew of BH. The flaming forum had content for the noobs all the way to the experts. I was like a boot camp of sorts with many talented writers and chop being H.C. Trouble who could flame and chop, which made him very lethal.

It was a melting pot of creative minds coming together and just destroying other forums and leaving pieces of them in its wake. I've said this many times over that there were posters there that made me look like a Catholic Nun in regard to written barbs. In the end just like any empire, we destroyed ourselves from the inside out with jealousy and this is the big one...egos.

The downfall came when Evil Blood a gifted flamer/troll tried to gather an army for a board mutiny which failed, failed soo very miserably that alliances were fractured and the board owner being stabbed in the back either sold the place or just shut it down completely. It was probably the most gruesome net death I have ever witnessed.

Then like the Ronin of old, the flamers and trolls scattered all over the place. In that time between then and now, people have died, others quit. There have been attempts to revive flaming but those failed miserably because of what went down at BH. There was nothing to fight for, nothing to be gained and so flaming has never gotten the traction it once had.

Is this the plot of the new season of Stranger Things??

It's pretty fucking weird

I like the whole eye and hand of Vecna tie in (as I qctually played a bit of that back in 1st and 2nd edition AD&D) but wish they had done even the slightest amount of set up or foreshadowing in previous seasons. Disclaimer: I am only on episode 4 of the new season; my youngest likes to watch Stranger Things with me.