The hunter Biden Laptop


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Factory Bastard
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OK so this thing wont go away, as well as the various dimentions of corruption contained within I have heard seen the following.

1 Porn, specificly kiddy porn.

2 Hunter refers to blacks as niggers at least 27 times.

Got anything to add or enlighten on the topic?

It's the Republican version of a 'smoking gun', which they'll use to hound Joe Biden to the end of his presidency once they get control of Congress.

Just the same kinda witch hunt tactics the Democrats used on the Republicans and Trump with the Russia investigation which ultimately went nowhere and millions of dollars were spent on.

I fully expect the Republicans to the same to their Democratic opponents starting sometime later this year after the November elections.

The Democrats better get something done, work 24/7 while they still have control of Congress. After that, Joe Biden will be a lame duck President for the remainder of his term.
Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
Firstly The Muller enquirey went knowhere because it was a stitch up job as there have already been 3 arrests and at least one coonviction.

They wont hound Biden they will impeach him and remove him which needs to happen given his first year in charge as well as the various charges likely to come his way imo.

I do not see these 2 as comparable.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Firstly The Muller enquirey went knowhere because it was a stitch up job as there have already been 3 arrests and at least one coonviction.

They wont hound Biden they will impeach him and remove him which needs to happen given his first year in charge as well as the various charges likely to come his way imo.

I do not see these 2 as comparable.

I think both major parties in America do the same thing to each other.

None is better than the other.

But the Democrats actually do it to themselves as the Andrew Como case demonstrated.

They love the Witch Hunt

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
That isn't Biden fella, I looked into it a few weeks ago. Its just some random old dude with a Thai hooker.

I've been following the Hunter laptop hack on 4Chinz pretty closely and there's some very dubious stuff for sure, but nothing concrete as yet.

Supposedly Natalie (Hunter's niece) had Joe Biden saved in her contacts as "P.edo Pete", which is quite Lulzy.
Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
That isn't Biden fella, I looked into it a few weeks ago. Its just some random old dude with a Thai hooker.

I've been following the Hunter laptop hack on 4Chinz pretty closely and there's some very dubious stuff for sure, but nothing concrete as yet.

Supposedly Natalie (Hunter's niece) had Joe Biden saved in her contacts as "P.edo Pete", which is quite Lulzy.

aparently Biden had a fake account callaed Peter Hutchinson, still less cringy than Mit Romneys fake account but cant remember that name, which is where PLEASE ASS BOX ME! pete came from.
Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
That isn't Biden fella, I looked into it a few weeks ago. Its just some random old dude with a Thai hooker.

I've been following the Hunter laptop hack on 4Chinz pretty closely and there's some very dubious stuff for sure, but nothing concrete as yet.

Supposedly Natalie (Hunter's niece) had Joe Biden saved in her contacts as "P.edo Pete", which is quite Lulzy.

I wouldn't be so quick to judge if I was you..



Domestically feral
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United states
The fact is that none of these partisan dems/progs care what any of these people do.

They view us all as worse then child rapists. They cant go into why or provide any reasonable explaination for this. But they literally hate us more than anything and they'd rather the country was ran into the ground by sociopathic bags of shit than see it do well under another party.

They enjoy this hate and division. So there is really nothing anyone can do besides get involved, vote, do our best and let the chips fall where they may. Fight to defend ourselves and our communities if these psychos attack.

Because no one can talk to any of them. Look at what they are willing to allow in order to gain power......its horrific.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
That isn't Biden fella, I looked into it a few weeks ago. Its just some random old dude with a Thai hooker.

I've been following the Hunter laptop hack on 4Chinz pretty closely and there's some very dubious stuff for sure, but nothing concrete as yet.

Supposedly Natalie (Hunter's niece) had Joe Biden saved in her contacts as "P.edo Pete", which is quite Lulzy.

I wouldn't be so quick to judge if I was you..


Again, that's just some hooker, not underage or anythhing like that.... there's loads of pics taken of Hunter posing with escorts.

I'm beginning to sound like I'm shilling for the Bidens, but I'm really not.

I'd love it if something bad was found to fuck that family up, I'm just trying to keep it legit and seperate facts from disinfo.

The worst pic I've seen is of someone (can't be sure whether it's Hunter or not) holding the hand of what is almost certainly an Asian child dressed in lingerie.... no fucking chance I'm posting that on here.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
That isn't Biden fella, I looked into it a few weeks ago. Its just some random old dude with a Thai hooker.

I've been following the Hunter laptop hack on 4Chinz pretty closely and there's some very dubious stuff for sure, but nothing concrete as yet.

Supposedly Natalie (Hunter's niece) had Joe Biden saved in her contacts as "P.edo Pete", which is quite Lulzy.

aparently Biden had a fake account callaed Peter Hutchinson, still less cringy than Mit Romneys fake account but cant remember that name, which is where "BabyPumperAlert!" pete came from.

You seen the pics floating around where Natalie looks pregnant?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
That isn't Biden fella, I looked into it a few weeks ago. Its just some random old dude with a Thai hooker.

I've been following the Hunter laptop hack on 4Chinz pretty closely and there's some very dubious stuff for sure, but nothing concrete as yet.

Supposedly Natalie (Hunter's niece) had Joe Biden saved in her contacts as "P.edo Pete", which is quite Lulzy.

I wouldn't be so quick to judge if I was you..


Again, that's just some hooker, not underage or anythhing like that.... there's loads of pics taken of Hunter posing with escorts.

I'm beginning to sound like I'm shilling for the Bidens, but I'm really not.

I'd love it if something bad was found to fuck that family up, I'm just trying to keep it legit and seperate facts from disinfo.

The worst pic I've seen is of someone (can't be sure whether it's Hunter or not) holding the hand of what is almost certainly an Asian child dressed in lingerie.... no fucking chance I'm posting that on here.

That's a little girl.

Look at her.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
That isn't Biden fella, I looked into it a few weeks ago. Its just some random old dude with a Thai hooker.

I've been following the Hunter laptop hack on 4Chinz pretty closely and there's some very dubious stuff for sure, but nothing concrete as yet.

Supposedly Natalie (Hunter's niece) had Joe Biden saved in her contacts as "P.edo Pete", which is quite Lulzy.

I wouldn't be so quick to judge if I was you..


Again, that's just some hooker, not underage or anythhing like that.... there's loads of pics taken of Hunter posing with escorts.

I'm beginning to sound like I'm shilling for the Bidens, but I'm really not.

I'd love it if something bad was found to fuck that family up, I'm just trying to keep it legit and seperate facts from disinfo.

The worst pic I've seen is of someone (can't be sure whether it's Hunter or not) holding the hand of what is almost certainly an Asian child dressed in lingerie.... no fucking chance I'm posting that on here.

That's a little girl.

Look at her.

Well, neither of us know 100% for certain, but there's numerous other photos of him posing with a hooker who looks extremely similar and is not underage...

She's got painted nails too, which to me suggests she's not a kid.

Impossible to tell from a single photo. If I see any updates I'll drop em here.