Face it liberals, you're not smart or "woke"



Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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No they stole a lot of technology from the USA and the rest of the world.
Same way the west used technology they found with the nazis after WW2.

I don't like many of the things that goes on in China, but they are doing a much, MUCH better job in being the dominant empire, while you guys seem to be ok with going down the drain.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Admire is a strong word. China is just the endgame of what you people are playing in the US.

I hate the way China controls their citizens, but at least they have an excuse, having 1.5 billion people there. They have no room for error or shenanigans if they want to keep existing as one single nation.

But I have to say I do admire the way they keep much of the filth that infests the west today away from their people.

Yes, they are fascists. We both can agree on that.

And they're having massive demonstrations. Are the two related you think?


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Follow the money.
Only they didn't break our industry. China is having massive problems, including economics. I guess you don't know that.
People bitch about our National Debt, China wishes they had our debt and not theirs.


Factory Bastard
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Same way the west used technology they found with the nazis after WW2.

I don't like many of the things that goes on in China, but they are doing a much, MUCH better job in being the dominant empire, while you guys seem to be ok with going down the drain.
One of the biggest reasons the US is circling the drain is because they shipped all of their manufacturing to China. So, China's success has a lot to do with having the US as a market. It's a kind of closed circle of success of one on the back of another.


Have kink will travel.
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Recessions and depressions get wiped out by global conflict.... hint hint, leftards.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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The opposite of "woke", is being asleep, unaware, paralyzed, reactionary and full of hate for others that don't have their privileges.

That is where they want to be.

With exception that the term is used sarcastically, because you are the ones sleeping and dreaming with something that will never work.

After all, you can't have your eyes open and not see the results of your policies in the real world, can you?
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Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Only they didn't break our industry. China is having massive problems, including economics. I guess you don't know that.
Of course I do and they are doing that because in the US, warehouses are full, since people aren't buying as much as they used to.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Yes, they are fascists. We both can agree on that.

And they're having massive demonstrations. Are the two related you think?
The protests are because of the insane lockdowns that are making people go insane, starve and die in building fires because their government weld their doors shut.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
With exception that the term is used sarcastically, because you are the ones sleeping and dreaming with something that will never work.

After all, you can't have your eyes open and not see the results of your policies in the real world, can you?

Which policies? Be specific. You make vague allegations and never back them up with actual examples.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Of course I do and they are doing that because in the US, warehouses are full, since people aren't buying as much as they used to.

How long has it been since you've been in the US? 10 years or more? The average American has more shit in their house than any previous generation. People in the US have their homes full of crap, and many then have storage units to store more crap.

It's a good thing Americans are slowing down on buying crap. It's just a circle of buying crap to fill a void of hopelessness at their jobs that they are tied to so that they can pay the bills for the useless crap that they buy. It's insanity, Rancid.


Have kink will travel.
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When do you report to Boot Camp?

I don't look good in pink camo skirts and purple hair. You can have my time slot in the cry room and allotment of lentils in the disco ball outfitted mess hall, Ze/Zem....

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
The opposite of "woke", is being asleep, unaware, paralyzed, reactionary and full of hate for others that don't have their privileges.

That is where they want to be.
What fucking "privileges"? Don't give me this Marxist crap, because the truth of the matter is that nowadays it's you ethnic minorities who are "privileged" and the only group which can openly be discriminated against is White people.

Woke politics is just more of the same anti-white nonsense from the joo-sual suspects and you useful idiot NPC leftards lap it up without question.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I cannot get behind any forced anything lol. But I get the logic.

I dont know what the answer is. Its gonna continue to be messy and unpleasant and have increasing violence. I know getting schools normal is key but it very well may be too late for rational and reasonable compromise. Cant even get the lot of these psychos to talk.

There is a whole page of them "Denver communists" who want to kill Christian's because they blame Focus on the Family for the gay club shooting. They actually used the crusades to justify their violent rage. As if communism isnt inherently violent and hasnt caused the suffering and death of millions?

Rational people dont think this way. They just dont.
Denver Communists LOL, they all should be rounded up at 3am.

Clown World gets more ridiculous by the day and things are rapidly coming to a head where the likelihood is it's going to be an us or them scenario, where we are forced to submit to their degeneracy or face potential incarceration or maybe worse.

When homosexual men in wigs and dresses are openly PLEASE ASS BOX ME! children in public buildings with the blessing of the establishment and are guarded outside by fellow groomers with assault rifles, you know that another push to legalise peeedophilla and accept "minor attracted persons" in society is just around the corner.

At what point would you feel comfortable forcibly rounding up the insane left and their paymasters?

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Yeah, but the thing that really fucking kills me is they always take something sensible, like social justice, CRT, etc., and demonize it and spread this mass fucking hysteria over simple common fucking sense. Then these terms/names/ideas become weaponized and too loaded to talk about rationally. It's so fucking stupid.
Because the blame is focused entirely on White people. It's easy to verify that both blacks and jews played a large role in slavery, but this is either glossed over or completely ignored.

How is promoting homosexuality and transgenderism to kids "social justice"?

The problem with you leftards is that you were given an inch, but took a mile. You were given a platform to promote your divisive, grievance politics, but it wasn't enough. So you decided to push harder and harder with the loony SJW nonsense, and by doing so, you have alienated traditional liberals, who tend to be more rational and oppose the woke insanity, and the general public, many of which don't normally take an interest in politics, but are sick of having their noses rubbed in your degenerate garbage.

Clap fucking clap Lotty, you clowns really do know how to make yourselves hated.


Factory Bastard
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Because the blame is focused entirely on White people. It's easy to verify that both blacks and jews played a large role in slavery, but this is either glossed over or completely ignored.

How is promoting homosexuality and transgenderism to kids "social justice"?

The problem with you leftards is that you were given an inch, but took a mile. You were given a platform to promote your divisive, grievance politics, but it wasn't enough. So you decided to push harder and harder with the loony SJW nonsense, and by doing so, you have alienated traditional liberals, who tend to be more rational and oppose the woke insanity, and the general public, many of which don't normally take an interest in politics, but are sick of having their noses rubbed in your degenerate garbage.

Clap fucking clap Lotty, you clowns really do know how to make yourselves hated.
No. The blame is focused on whomsoever is guilty. Lefties were given an inch? By whom? And is that supposed to be a big deal? We were given an inch? An inch of fucking what?


Factory Bastard
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Sunshine State ☀️
Even people living in China are sick of it. They're the world's most brainwashed and controlled country but that didn't stop them from having enough.

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a man’s son in china was having an allergic episode and the lockdown prevented him to get help. So many cases like this no one is reporting. It’s fucking murder and how can no one see what’s truly going on.


Factory Bastard
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What fucking "privileges"? Don't give me this Marxist crap, because the truth of the matter is that nowadays it's you ethnic minorities who are "privileged" and the only group which can openly be discriminated against is White people.

Woke politics is just more of the same anti-white nonsense from the joo-sual suspects and you useful idiot NPC leftards lap it up without question.
Why should any group be openly discriminated against? You sound like you're whinging because you can't be openly prejudiced (which you are here, on the daily, and no one is stopping you. So what the fuck are you whinging about again?)


Factory Bastard
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United States
***Longish post alert.....this response is directed to RANCID....so if you are NOT Rancid, I do not care whether or not you read this. Not everything is about you....scroll on by and take your cluster b with you****

It starts in elementary school. Building the foundations. Raising two Gen Zs....I can tell you, the schools the kids are growing up in are NOT the schools I grew up.

Columbine flipped everything on its head and things shifted there.

My daughter had 4 friends spend the nights over the weekend. They all ran errands with me yesterday and they were hanging out around me the whole time. 3 girls and a boy (he is gay so we dont mind he comes for sleep overs with the girls). So they all talk right in front of me. And I started asking some pointed questions because some things I noticed that are alarming are that all of these kids are on psych meds.

From elementary school....these kids have piled on homework and over complicated math(common core). They experience random lock down drills and are told frequently that they could have a shooter(yet nothing is ever done if a kid is showing red flags). If this wasnt enough to keep kids in hieghten state of anxiety....every year on 9/11, the kids are shown videos of the trade centers being hit and they are talked to about terrorism.

In the 5th grade.....they are given a test and "placed" in their future career. And check this out....its ALWAYS something you need a 4 year uni for.

The boy who was at my house went on about how much he loves art and wants to be a tat artist but when he said this at school....the teacher started telling him that job wouldnt "suit him" and he should go into the field his quiz gave to him and make more money. And he told me he thought "fuck that I wanna do art". And all them started talking about the pressure for college.....these are fucking KIDS. They arent ready to decide what their career should be. Some are sure....but this is a standard. He also said a teacher pulled him aside and tried to get him to tell her if he was questioning HIS GENDER. He told me it made him uncomfortable and he really had to tell her that he is FINE. It's like they target the gay kids and tell them they are just afraid to "come out" as trans but they are "safe" there. Because that's totally not PLEASE ASS BOX ME! right?

They have "mental health awareness month" where they do "workshops" and EVERY kid is told their normal personality quirks are symptoms of mental illness. So schools lay on all this unhinged stress at a vulnerable time in the kids lives and then tell them they are mentally ill....and the kids believe this.

They are in or fresh out puberty. So they have that going on. Now add all the anxiety and pressure thrusted on them. No fucking shit these kids are stressed and depressed. They all think they need a diagnosis for NORMAL stress. And doctors are putting these kids on psych meds.

What the FUCK?

Anyway I dropped some knowledge on them( itold them studies have shown these meds dont even help depression). And they all said they KNOW. They are aware the meds do not help and they are not listened to. These kids dont need drugs. They need to be supported in where they are in their life. I told them the reason school staff pushes uni is because of financial incentives and how predatory student loans are and that if they are feeling stressed over choosing a career.....take a deep breath, draw a boundary, and shut it down. These kids are being gaslit something fierce. They KNOW they are too young to figure out the rest of their gotdamn lives. They KNOW these meds arent working and they are being told the meds ARE working. And if that boy wants to be a tattoo artist, than fucking so be it. Why is that a problem? Why would his teacher shit on that?

The one girl told me she gave up trying to tell her parents and doctor the meds make her feel worse. They make her physically feel like shit and they dont help her at all and shes been on them a year. So she just accepted defeat and takes it because it's easier than fighting. Shes waiting until shes 18 to get off them. HOW SAD IS THAT?! They ALL said they talk to their therapists but. ....and I quote....they "know the boundaries of what they can and cannot say" in order to avoid forced treatment, forced in patient hospitalization, and possible CPS interference. None of them want to talk to therapists. They know it's all tactical and they have to be careful what they say. They dont deserve that at all. They dont really have the language to say that either(they do now. I gave it to them....I basically led a workshop on what manipulation and gaslighting is and they all were floored and felt validated....what does that tell you?)

And before I get shit for messing with the programming these kids are being psychologically molested with.....these "kids" are all on the cusp of legal adulthood. If someone supports the brainwashing and manipulation going on in the schools right now with these mental health workshops, sexual identity "pride" politics, eco emotional terrorism(showing little girls pictures of emaciated polar bears and telling them the bears are dying horribly and starving due to global warming....which is a fucking LIE because polar bears are flourishing and even mating with grizzlies because they simply spend more time on land. Adaptation, bitches. Nature is a bad ass).

So it's all kinds of fucking awful and unhealthy when we have a whole generation experiencing psychological ABUSE who are learning to manipulate in order to PROTECT themselves.

If you look it up.... Gen Z is the least educated and most mentally ill generation.

And yeah....the weird love bombing like telling these kids that everyone is counting on them to "change the world"....they really drill that message in. All of the socail ills and injustices and all of this bullshit is placed on these kids shoulders from elementary school and it gets heavier with every grade. They are specail. They are hope. They will heal the world. It's ridiculous. Sending them off stressed, scared and pissed. That's pretty much what schools are cranking out. They are being taught to hate.

When you get these kids in an environment where they feel safe to speak their minds its shocking what they have to say. I knew it was weird and bad because of my own daughters and things my own have told me. But we have a strong family bond in my house and my daughters KNOW that I'm their protector and their teacher. My daughters always come to me and we have an open line of communication.

My oldest daughters first girlfriend was so fucked up. Mom was a single mom...very left wing. I allowed the girl to spend a weekend with us. Before hand I spoke with the mother and the LIST I got just to accommodate this girl was unhinged. It was intimidating. This poor thing was also on a bunch of meds. I mean Rancid this girl had a fucking BAG of meds. On top of all these "mental health" problems she also had asthma....that was understandable but this kid had morning meds and nighttime meds because her morning and afternoon meds had her speedy so she needed nighttime meds to sleep....fucking insane. How the fuck is this healthy?

The WORK i put into finding a counselor for MY daughter when she was struggling ....finding one that was not going to force drugs (because theyll call CPS if they want your kid on drugs and you say no...that's "neglect" now) was insane. And guess what? Now that shes at home and doesnt have to go to school? Shes VASTLY better. I mean night and day better. Public school was destroying my daughter. Theyll tell these kids that theyll end up commiting suicide or harming themselves if they dont cooperate with "treatment"(drugs).

And I live in a mostly conservative area now and its even infecting the schools here just as bad. It's not just sex PLEASE ASS BOX ME!......its ideological PLEASE ASS BOX ME!. They are intentionally fucking these kids up, telling them they are sick and need mental health care (meds) and that the fate of the world is on them and training them to be fucking activists.

When I was in school I never heard that word "activist" and these kids hear it all the time. In some districts they will make the kids protest....and them claim the kids just did it on their own organically. I know this because my daughter plays online games and has talked to some kids who have told her about it.

So when ever you see some media report about kids walking out in protest or having a "sit in" or ANY form of political protest regarding ADULT politcal issues and you see them parroting some leftwing nonsense (like the "dont say gay" shit that was lied about)
.....you can bet that is all coached by the fucking teachers. Because when kids decide to protest something at school its something like dress code issues or some cafeteria thing. Normal kids dont give a fuck about politcs....and they shouldn't be forced to and told the unhinged bullshit they are told.

The logic here is the left wing activists have penetrated schools and think they are going to change the world for the better via the kids. And they are doing massive amounts of harm. Teens were being encouraged to dox SC Justices over Roe and none of them understood what Roe even was. It's obvious they are being programmed to think and parrot the current mainstream left narratives and causes. They have no balanced view. They are low info. And they are trained to be angry and frightened.

Gay teens are made to believe they are hated, black kids are told racism and systemic racism is going to harm them and they need to fight.

Its fucking psychological abuse and it's scary seeing such a messed up generation that is going to be the people running the country in the future. I really hope I'm dead before gen z really gets the wheel.

The hope on the horizon is now that so many families are wise to all this....homeschool rates are rising.

Just look at this shit

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Covid 19 impact my ass.....these kids were seriously struggling before hand. It's the fucking schools.
Momma says public schools are now liberal indoctrination brainwashing centers


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Because the blame is focused entirely on White people. It's easy to verify that both blacks and jews played a large role in slavery, but this is either glossed over or completely ignored.

How is promoting homosexuality and transgenderism to kids "social justice"?

The problem with you leftards is that you were given an inch, but took a mile. You were given a platform to promote your divisive, grievance politics, but it wasn't enough. So you decided to push harder and harder with the loony SJW nonsense, and by doing so, you have alienated traditional liberals, who tend to be more rational and oppose the woke insanity, and the general public, many of which don't normally take an interest in politics, but are sick of having their noses rubbed in your degenerate garbage.

Clap fucking clap Lotty, you clowns really do know how to make yourselves hated.

It takes such an effort to hate. Ho hum. So many other things to be interested in.


Factory Bastard
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I don't look good in pink camo skirts and purple hair. You can have my time slot in the cry room and allotment of lentils in the disco ball outfitted mess hall, Ze/Zem....

Purple hair?


Factory Bastard
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Italy just elected a far right president!! All of europe is moving to the right!!
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Fuck Italy. What non-thinkers will never understand is this shift right is all about immigration. And what causes massive immigration? War and poverty. What drives war and poverty in the world? First world countries who are shitting on the rest of the world. Don't want people to emigrate? Challenge the oligarchy who are starting wars and causing massive poverty.