I hear that I'm not loved at the Gook Cashew


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Your brain needs fat.

Your brain also needs protein and your body needs carbs.

If you’re going to restrict anything, you want to create a metabolic confusion and you can’t do that by restricting long term.

I’m healthy. Fuck a scale.

I get my complex carbs from legumes - beans, edamame, lentils, and fruit

I don't eat bread or pasta anymore. I infrequently will eat potatoes, but only air fried with herbs and seasoning.

According to Dr. Lustig the average American eats 161 lbs of sugar per year.

That is what is making us sick.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
For dumbell Dovid, that's like putting a lighter and can of gasoline in front of an arsonist and saying "stop lighting fires" then walking away.

Stupidity is the first ingredient on the wrapper of that morons DNA

Leave her alone!

She got bit by a spider on her ass. The spider is currently being treated for rabies. Dove is getting better by talking about her sex life all over a forum and bleating about her victimhood.

Important things are happening. Read and learn!

The Countess

Hood with it
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She can book every procedure known to man…

She will never achieve the level of clout I had on TV. Shit… no one ever will see that again :GiggleBitch:

No wonder you’re such a fucking fat mess. You actually relate clout to having 10k posts on a defunct troll messageboard.

The only “clout” you’re known for is fucking a fat trucker and paying for the hotel room. Make no mistake Lardass, I look better than you and you can’t whoop me. I suggest you just roll along and don’t address me.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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Leave her alone!

She got bit by a spider. The spider is currently being treated for rabies. Dove is getting better by talking about her sex life all over a forum and bleating about her victimhood.

Important things are happening. Read and learn!
Good lord you actually read those manifestos of woe?

Dovid is the only person I ever fell asleep to while talking on the phone....ever. The lummox is boredom powder to humanity

The Countess

Hood with it
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Influence and power. I had many of the major panel players wrapped around my little finger.

Yes. On a defunct troll board.

This big bitch is acting like she on Reddit and shit. Man what a fucked up existence this moose has.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Good lord you actually read those manifestos of woe?

Dovid is the only person I ever fell asleep to while talking on the phone....ever. The lummox is boredom powder to humanity

I don't ever read the scroll bombs, but I do skim her shorter posts for amusing information. It's always there, you just have to look.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I'm sure the water head crowd over at that grandma site a spouting "derp derp BF is deaded ".

Sure we are, from the shit posting.

They do say that often. However, they have new ownership, new management and are going to thrive.

I'm all for it. There needs to be a place for foreigners to express themselves about the goings on in the US. Not that any American gives a shit.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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This is just another notch in the belt of progression.

You take away the riff raff and this place starts moving forward.

It's gotta be painful that this place becomes readable when the idiots from the community are herded up and sent into the pasture of redundancy.

Flea, let's be honest. You couldn't make that place work and you actually had a successful forum with my help.....well....with alot of my help. If you couldn't move the chain there's no way anybody else can.

And this is what, the tenth forum BiggieBojangles has pretty much ruined? The bots there are registered users. If there's five ppl there three of then are AI.

Haw Haw

Ppl need to understand where I am is where the interest is. I don't go to dead forums.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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Ack, that shit gets old. We ain’t no internet gangbangers claiming territories. I left that behind when TDT disbanded.
Well anybody "claiming" BC is a fool. Let's be honest.

The point of a successful forum is to have interest. There's interest here, like it or not. If you are paying money for this shit and nobody but Google spiders are on your forum your doing it wrong.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Well anybody "claiming" BC is a fool. Let's be honest.

The point of a successful forum is to have interest. There's interest here, like it or not. If you are paying money for this shit and nobody but Google spiders are on your forum your doing it wrong.

You can't have a forum that functions, in essence, to ONLY talk smack about another forum and its members.

Even the politics they post is the same old shit they've been posting for years. Predictable and boring. It's why they've lost their membership over time. Like most forums.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
They do say that often. However, they have new ownership, new management and are going to thrive.

I'm all for it. There needs to be a place for foreigners to express themselves about the goings on in the US. Not that any American gives a shit.
That's the problem.

Nobody is going to go to that cesspool because there's nobody there worth investing your time in reading. Those fuckwads don't seem to comprehend as much even when you tell them the truth.

You would think shit like "admin sucks cock" was just shit posting to kill threads here but it turns out that's all they have to say.
