King Martini's time in prison and his crimes against minors.


Mr. Excitement
Site Supporter ☠️
An abusive male dragging his personal ax to grind to the forum to spam it for years is content.

That person simply saying something true that can be proven is "destroying someone on a forum"

Maybe he shouldn't have drug his issues to the forum then? Maybe he should have just respected the fact I ended personal contact with him, paid for his Switch instead of demanding other people pay for it and moved on?

Just a thought. If you were not sick and deranged as fuck and willing to defend such a disgusting'd understand this clearly but alas you are sick and deranged.

He destroys himself. It's not my job to protect his reputation or image. He shouldn't be a piece of shit and things like this wouldn't happen. He isn't some victim. Js.
Hi Dove You and Martini are seeing each other? Like an online relationship?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
It's what she's doing.

That is "not harmful" is a justification for the behavior.


I don't need to justify fuck all. I don't care how his own actions impact him anywhere.

Since when is telling the truth some horrible offense? Oh yeah.... when they are someone Oak has deemed "matters". How dare anyone point out the reality of someone Oak buddies up with!

Go send him a fruit basket and comfort him. I'm sure it's really hard when your bad and predatory conduct gets discussed on a message board.


Mr. Excitement
Site Supporter ☠️
I don't need to justify fuck all. I don't care how his own actions impact him anywhere.

Since when is telling the truth some horrible offense? Oh yeah.... when they are someone Oak has deemed "matters". How dare anyone point out the reality of someone Oak buddies up with!

Go send him a fruit basket and comfort him. I'm sure it's really hard when your bad and predatory conduct gets discussed on a message board.
I fucking love fruit baskets! All kinds of healthy goodies!


Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
Hi Dove You and Martini are seeing each other? Like an online relationship?
As I understand it they saw each other a few times and there was intimacy between them and clearly a lot of unresolved issues following what seemed to be a rather uncomplicated brief offline romance.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Hi Dove You and Martini are seeing each other? Like an online relationship?

Like 5 years ago. We chatted for like a month and met up 3 times.

And it's been a psychotic shit show since I decided to end that personal interaction. He could NOT keep it off the boards and then when I ended it he went off the damn deep end and it's been a issue ever since. He even sucked in other people to keep endlessly fighting this "battle".

He is absolutely a narcissistic abuser and that's why he has to demonize me and keep this shit going for years on end.


Mr. Excitement
Site Supporter ☠️
Like 5 years ago. We chatted for like a month and met up 3 times.

And it's been a psychotic shit show since I decided to end that personal interaction. He could NOT keep it off the boards and then when I ended it he went off the damn deep end and it's been a issue ever since. He even sucked in other people to keep endlessly fighting this "battle".

He is absolutely a narcissistic abuser and that's why he has to demonize me and keep this shit going for years on end.
So basically, you ended the relationship and he is still bitter over it?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I am completely lost...

And Dovey.... you are your own worst enemy.

It would be good if you stopped justifying what happened all those years ago. You already stated your position you dont need to keep saying it and feeding your detractors .... fuck 'em.

They don't believe you. Apparently 66% of people don't believe other people so you are pushing shit up hill.

Personally I think you both did wrong at the time but you have to move forward because you aren't likely to make the same mistakes again are you?

Lily is a very judgemental person and Flynn.... well, Flynn is Flynn...nuff said.


Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
He is absolutely a narcissistic abuser and that's why he has to demonize me and keep this shit going for years on end.
He got really offended- to the point of blocking me, when I said I listened to one of his podcasts and was taken aback at his weird squeaky voice. I sort of wondered if that was just an unwanted effect of the recording, but now.. not so sure.

Was that a thing with him?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
As I understand it they saw each other a few times and there was intimacy between them and clearly a lot of unresolved issues following what seemed to be a rather uncomplicated brief offline romance.

I'm completely resolved. I was absolutely done with any real life interactions with him and he has been raging and mad ever since.

Him and his retarded and bitter flying monkeys have been wanting to run me off the boards for years. And now they are wailing and crying victim because I'm saying one of my many reasons for ending that contact. Destroy him....yes I'm really powerful. Maybe he should have shut up years ago. I was willing to move on and not discuss it. Couldn't have that.

You can't make this up lol.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
An abusive male dragging his personal ax to grind to the forum to spam it for years is content.

That person simply saying something true that can be proven is "destroying someone on a forum"

Maybe he shouldn't have drug his issues to the forum then? Maybe he should have just respected the fact I ended personal contact with him, paid for his Switch instead of demanding other people pay for it and moved on?

Just a thought. If you were not sick and deranged as fuck and willing to defend such a disgusting'd understand this clearly but alas you are sick and deranged.

He destroys himself. It's not my job to protect his reputation or image. He shouldn't be a piece of shit and things like this wouldn't happen. He isn't some victim. Js.

If you don't like the "game" GTFO!

You're a weak cunt that can't handle words on a fucking screen.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
He got really offended- to the point of blocking me, when I said I listened to one of his podcasts and was taken aback at his weird squeaky voice. I sort of wondered if that was just an unwanted effect of the recording, but now.. not so sure.

Was that a thing with him?

Yeah he sounds like that lol. He is a spazz.

Imagine answering your phone and hearing that shrieking and yelling and accusing you of rape and "sharing his shit" and that was our last convo.

He was constantly picking stupid fights and escalating them. That's how predators form a trauma bond. Fights and negging And love bombing.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You just might want to edit this part of your post.

Just say'en.

It doesn't read how you probably meant it.

Well i don't harbor any hatred.

Okay my standards don't change to allow for people being shit bags simply because they go after people I don't like.

Oak here would buddy up with and defend Caligula is he was going after some woman she decides to hate. It's disturbing and sad. He is everything she accuses me of being and worse but she buddies up with him and excuses him calling my damn job.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Geez it's true then, @King Martini is also known as @Mickey Mouse.

Damn it must have been hard to hear "Dovey let me stick it in you now" in that squeaky ass voice of his.

That was the only time he ever shut the fuck up. All three minutes lol.

ALL I wanted was to fuck. I just wanted sex. Hot....dirty... crazy sex.

And this is what I got instead. Blah. I never do shit like that and I never will again. There goes my experiment lol.


Site Supporter
Geez it's true then, @King Martini is also known as @Mickey Mouse.

Damn it must have been hard to hear "Dovey let me stick it in you now" in that squeaky ass voice of his.
Oi ! little limbs ... how the fuck you drive with those miniture arms :LOL3:

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
And how is this in anyway harming the guys life?

This happened in his life. He was convicted and it's literally on his record. It can be looked up. That's how I know about it.

I have absolutely nothing to do with what he did and how he was held accountable for it. All I did was see it in his back ground check.

And I don't think I'm obligated to keep something like that private but I intended to until he was all over the boards bragging about calling my job and accusing my ex of using the hospital "Computor system" to track down his ex wife and get her info and stalk her. And telling people he saw me give drugs to my kids which is just an unhinged fucking lie.

I'm not gonna feel bad for him at all. Oh well some people I told decided to post about it. Too bad so sad.

Oerdin said you told him Poofer went to prison for abusing a female child, amongst other things. I love you dearly but this is so wrong.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I don't see how this being a topic on this forum can mess with his life when he was already convicted in his life and it's already on his record. That's how I know about it.

That just makes no sense whatsoever. How is this convo going to impact his actual life? He was convicted and it's already on his record so I dont see how this is going to matter.

And I'm not ever going to protect anyone who acts inappropriately with minors. I hope that destroys their life. People like that destroy lives of innocent people. BUT again...he was already convicted. It's already impacted his life.