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Have kink will travel.
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@The Countess, it's a proven fact that more money and more things do not make anyone happy. Once you have the basics and enough money to enjoy leisure activities, there is no need for more.

Said by a poor schoolteacher who sold her basic shitbox in California and fled to somewhere that she could afford....lulz

I think you're jealous that I'm happy. So sorry, pal. PS, you're the guy who said I'd run home after two years.

Bitch, I've spent 35 years moving all over this globe. You don't know jack or shit.

You're just a geriatric coward from Cali who doesn't have the good sense otherwise because it wasn't hamfisted down your throat while your cunt still had a bleeder valve... lulz

You're scum.

Yeah, yeah. I know, Arms Dealer Brat. You think you're special because daddy hauled your ass all over the world while he made war. You're just a spoiled brat who is unhappy and wants everyone else to be miserable like you.

Sorry, not sorry I'm happy.

You're happy being a hypocrite...

How much did you sell your shitbox in California for? Not enough to buy a better shitbox in California.

You were going broke and despite all your protests otherwise towards socialism, woke mantras, and sharing shit in a village, town, or community, you ACTUALLY fled the USA.

I normally wouldn't have a problem with anyone doing what they needed to do because of finances BUT you crowed on and on about the state of the US yet didn't ever once talk about your shit hole state which you fled from...

You could have gone anywhere in the Midwest and saved most of your monies...

Yet you chose to muscle your way into a distraught foreign economy and live higher on the hog than most of the locals.

You are a coward for that.

...a stupid little leftist schoolteacher douchebag that exposed her hypocrisy on an online forum for years now so that all can witness.


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
Why @RAVEN? Did you received spam calls for newspaper subscription from beta cocks? Did the Uber eATs cuck shout on you, because you haven’t tipped the swine and closed the door?


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
I am good. Happy for the next days to relax. Tomorrow I will eAT Thai food with my friends. One of them is a sick freak and clown. He is a phenomenon! We always crack up when he speaks!!! Cant explain! It will be a blast! LOL


Factory Bastard
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@The Countess, it's a proven fact that more money and more things do not make anyone happy. Once you have the basics and enough money to enjoy leisure activities, there is no need for more.

Said by a poor schoolteacher who sold her basic shitbox in California and fled to somewhere that she could afford....lulz

I think you're jealous that I'm happy. So sorry, pal. PS, you're the guy who said I'd run home after two years.

Bitch, I've spent 35 years moving all over this globe. You don't know jack or shit.

You're just a geriatric coward from Cali who doesn't have the good sense otherwise because it wasn't hamfisted down your throat while your cunt still had a bleeder valve... lulz

You're scum.

Yeah, yeah. I know, Arms Dealer Brat. You think you're special because daddy hauled your ass all over the world while he made war. You're just a spoiled brat who is unhappy and wants everyone else to be miserable like you.

Sorry, not sorry I'm happy.

You're happy being a hypocrite...

How much did you sell your shitbox in California for? Not enough to buy a better shitbox in California.

You were going broke and despite all your protests otherwise towards socialism, woke mantras, and sharing shit in a village, town, or community, you ACTUALLY fled the USA.

I normally wouldn't have a problem with anyone doing what they needed to do because of finances BUT you crowed on and on about the state of the US yet didn't ever once talk about your shit hole state which you fled from...

You could have gone anywhere in the Midwest and saved most of your monies...

Yet you chose to muscle your way into a distraught foreign economy and live higher on the hog than most of the locals.

You are a coward for that.

...a stupid little leftist schoolteacher douchebag that exposed her hypocrisy on an online forum for years now so that all can witness.

You've made a lot of assumptions about my life there ^^^^. Funnily enough, all wrong. You don't know what you're talking about.


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
☠️Private Forum Access
MeNs tOiLEts
Oi oi @SHAMPAIN . Sounds premium! Your premium stomach needs good food. I will eAT Thai tomorrow brother. Since we are in a restaurant I will eAT like a swine for my money. So a huge turd will be born in my stomach which will be released on Friday. It will be a huge mega turd.


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
☠️Private Forum Access
MeNs tOiLEts
@SHAMPAIN . Today I watcheded Britney Spears music videos. Of course back when she was young and in her prime. Not that fugly old skank she is today. “Hit me baby one more time!”. Can you imagine a young Britney Spears taking a dump? A huge one? In my world she never drop pressies. Siiiiiiiick!!!! :poop:


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
☠️Private Forum Access
MeNs tOiLEts
@RAVEN!! I couldn’t sleep 2 days ago!!! Yesterday I wen to bed at 9 pm and slept until 7 am. 10 to 11 of sleep!!!! I feel so good today!!!! Dont underestimate sleep! It is like a good diet!


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
@The Countess, it's a proven fact that more money and more things do not make anyone happy. Once you have the basics and enough money to enjoy leisure activities, there is no need for more.

Said by a poor schoolteacher who sold her basic shitbox in California and fled to somewhere that she could afford....lulz

I think you're jealous that I'm happy. So sorry, pal. PS, you're the guy who said I'd run home after two years.

Bitch, I've spent 35 years moving all over this globe. You don't know jack or shit.

You're just a geriatric coward from Cali who doesn't have the good sense otherwise because it wasn't hamfisted down your throat while your cunt still had a bleeder valve... lulz

You're scum.

Yeah, yeah. I know, Arms Dealer Brat. You think you're special because daddy hauled your ass all over the world while he made war. You're just a spoiled brat who is unhappy and wants everyone else to be miserable like you.

Sorry, not sorry I'm happy.

You're happy being a hypocrite...

How much did you sell your shitbox in California for? Not enough to buy a better shitbox in California.

You were going broke and despite all your protests otherwise towards socialism, woke mantras, and sharing shit in a village, town, or community, you ACTUALLY fled the USA.

I normally wouldn't have a problem with anyone doing what they needed to do because of finances BUT you crowed on and on about the state of the US yet didn't ever once talk about your shit hole state which you fled from...

You could have gone anywhere in the Midwest and saved most of your monies...

Yet you chose to muscle your way into a distraught foreign economy and live higher on the hog than most of the locals.

You are a coward for that.

...a stupid little leftist schoolteacher douchebag that exposed her hypocrisy on an online forum for years now so that all can witness.

You've made a lot of assumptions about my life there ^^^^. Funnily enough, all wrong. You don't know what you're talking about.

School teacher = broke

Sells her home in Cali to flee to a third world nation = broke

Struggles to acknowledge truths = broke

Sexually craves my touch and caress but knows I consider her pond scum = broke