2k stimulus checks back in play



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Nope, you're the lunatic wasting the money that someone gave to you, because they wanted to help you. That's pretty sad
If you had a clue, you'd know that studies have been done in the past and have revealed that a great deal of stimulus money gets spent on hosehold items like a TV. The rest gets spent on booze and partying. I'd say buying a new TV is a much better use of money than blowing it on booze!

Thanks for demonstrating your ignorance.

You may be correct, but the $2,000 stimulus cheque issue likely cost the Republicans the US Senate.

I mean, was it worth it for Mitch MocConnell to haggle over such a relatively small amount when the balance of the Senate was at stake? Especially right before an election & it was a major issue in the Georgia runoffs?

Sure, it may have been a bribe as you indicated, but it was the difference between who controls the Senate then it seems like no brainer to dole it out.

And with a Democratic legislative agenda coming, it's gonna mean higher taxes for someone like yourself who claims he made all this money during the Trump administration. So in your case & those of other Trump supporters it was critical for the Republicans to win those Senate seats.

So McConnell and the entire Republican Party should've supported those stimulus cheques. Now you and Bigly Smiles are gonna have to pay more taxes, less money in your pockets, Lokmeer. Fewer toys for you!

Anyways I can't see how the Knives wouldn't be out for Mitch McConnell within the Republican Party, Lockmeer.

That man needs to be gone. So does Pelosi.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I don't think there's anything wrong with a person becoming a billionaire in their lifetime, but when they die, they should be forced to give up to charities of their choosing.

People don't need money when they are in the grave.

So fuck their loved ones?

Why should the government own people and their assets like that?

No. I think it could still be substantial amount, just not $40 or $100 billion.

ie - Would Jeff Bezos children be badly off & in danger of becoming homeless if they were each forced to live off a mere $1 billion each as opposed to $1 trillion?

What good does it do the system to trap the wealth at the top like that?

Money should find its way down to working families and aspiring entrepreneurs.

Anyways Dovey, that's the story of fallen Empires throughout history.

They became stodgy, fat, corrupt and less resilient to foreign powers trying to tear it down.

But they all fell because of all these bloated family dynasties.

America would be better off breaking up those dynasties and passing it down to its people.

I think a lot of issues would be solved if the government stopped stealing our income and laundering it through "foriegn aid" and wasting it on establishment wars that make politicains richer.

Leave billionaires alone. They provide thousands of jobs and give to charities. They are not our problem....the government is.

Dovey, many of those billionaires are billionaires because of establishment wars, because of the housing crisis, because of the high cost of medical care and pharmaceuticals, etc., and Congress is doing their bidding (keeping prices inflated, starting wars, etc) because those billionaires gives lots and lots of money to reps on both sides of the aisle.

Here's an idea: No one should be allowed to post about politics unless they first spend time following the money. That is the ONLY way to understand what is going on in DC.

You are pretty ignorant. Most billionaires are billions because they founded a companies which consumers found improved their life in some way. They built a better mouse trap in one way or another and mostly not for the government. The housing crisis is because of government regulations mostly at the state and local level where they block new housing construction and outlaw greater urban density. Often for corrupt intentions as the politicians demand to personally get paid "campaign donations" before they approve any project. That is why so little gets built.


An Claidheam Anam
Is this thread interesting?

I don't wanna read a thread if it isn't interesting and my time is quite precious.

I see Lotus and Oerdin are poasting in it and they usually say interesting things, but I am far too impatient to delve into it only to find out 3 pagers of utter fucking crap.

So someone give me a clue. I'll check in tomorrow, or maybe Monday when I have to check things ... or maybe later next week when I think of coming around here ...

Why do you all suck! Didn't I say "entertain me" with the very first post I made here!?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Nope, you're the lunatic wasting the money that someone gave to you, because they wanted to help you. That's pretty sad
If you had a clue, you'd know that studies have been done in the past and have revealed that a great deal of stimulus money gets spent on hosehold items like a TV. The rest gets spent on booze and partying. I'd say buying a new TV is a much better use of money than blowing it on booze!

Thanks for demonstrating your ignorance.

You may be correct, but the $2,000 stimulus cheque issue likely cost the Republicans the US Senate.

I mean, was it worth it for Mitch MocConnell to haggle over such a relatively small amount when the balance of the Senate was at stake? Especially right before an election & it was a major issue in the Georgia runoffs?

Sure, it may have been a bribe as you indicated, but it was the difference between who controls the Senate then it seems like no brainer to dole it out.

And with a Democratic legislative agenda coming, it's gonna mean higher taxes for someone like yourself who claims he made all this money during the Trump administration. So in your case & those of other Trump supporters it was critical for the Republicans to win those Senate seats.

So McConnell and the entire Republican Party should've supported those stimulus cheques. Now you and Bigly Smiles are gonna have to pay more taxes, less money in your pockets, Lokmeer. Fewer toys for you!

Anyways I can't see how the Knives wouldn't be out for Mitch McConnell within the Republican Party, Lockmeer.

That man needs to be gone. So does Pelosi.

Most of the people I know who made it into the millionaire club (which I admit is pretty small potatoes these days especially compared to the true big money people) were pretty regular folks who were just good savers and investors. They are the sort of people who listen to the Dave Ramsey show, who rarely if ever bought a new car (most bought used normally five years old), they never had the flashy toys people who appear rich but who are actually in debt up to their eyeballs have, and they were always diligent savers.

Literally just about anyone can do it if they make enough sacrifices and start early enough. Try looking into the F.I.R.E. (Financial Independence Retire Early) movement and connect with your local realestate investors club. Many of them never eat out, frequently buy second hand clothing, eat inexpensive food at home (lots of rice and beans), but most of all they save, save, save. These are all good things and you can do them too if you out your mind to it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Nope, you're the lunatic wasting the money that someone gave to you, because they wanted to help you. That's pretty sad
If you had a clue, you'd know that studies have been done in the past and have revealed that a great deal of stimulus money gets spent on hosehold items like a TV. The rest gets spent on booze and partying. I'd say buying a new TV is a much better use of money than blowing it on booze!

Thanks for demonstrating your ignorance.

You may be correct, but the $2,000 stimulus cheque issue likely cost the Republicans the US Senate.

I mean, was it worth it for Mitch MocConnell to haggle over such a relatively small amount when the balance of the Senate was at stake? Especially right before an election & it was a major issue in the Georgia runoffs?

Sure, it may have been a bribe as you indicated, but it was the difference between who controls the Senate then it seems like no brainer to dole it out.

And with a Democratic legislative agenda coming, it's gonna mean higher taxes for someone like yourself who claims he made all this money during the Trump administration. So in your case & those of other Trump supporters it was critical for the Republicans to win those Senate seats.

So McConnell and the entire Republican Party should've supported those stimulus cheques. Now you and Bigly Smiles are gonna have to pay more taxes, less money in your pockets, Lokmeer. Fewer toys for you!

Anyways I can't see how the Knives wouldn't be out for Mitch McConnell within the Republican Party, Lockmeer.
Too bad that had no influence on the election fraud. They put up the barriers and counted in secret just like they did last time.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Is this thread interesting?

I don't wanna read a thread if it isn't interesting and my time is quite precious.

I see Lotus and Oerdin are poasting in it and they usually say interesting things, but I am far too impatient to delve into it only to find out 3 pagers of utter fucking crap.

So someone give me a clue. I'll check in tomorrow, or maybe Monday when I have to check things ... or maybe later next week when I think of coming around here ...

Why do you all suck! Didn't I say "entertain me" with the very first post I made here!?

The last page or so has been Lotus ranting that anyone who makes anything of themselves is actually a thief and undeserving and me trying to show her that she is wrong.


An Claidheam Anam
Is this thread interesting?

I don't wanna read a thread if it isn't interesting and my time is quite precious.

I see Lotus and Oerdin are poasting in it and they usually say interesting things, but I am far too impatient to delve into it only to find out 3 pagers of utter fucking crap.

So someone give me a clue. I'll check in tomorrow, or maybe Monday when I have to check things ... or maybe later next week when I think of coming around here ...

Why do you all suck! Didn't I say "entertain me" with the very first post I made here!?

The last page or so has been Lotus ranting that anyone who makes anything of themselves is actually a thief and undeserving and me trying to show her that she is wrong.


Yeah, she doesn't understand some very basic things.

That's our Lotus.

She's the type of girl that can be quite socialist because no one she's ever been around has ever had to worry about money.

That's the best kind of Leftie to be, I suppose.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Nope, you're the lunatic wasting the money that someone gave to you, because they wanted to help you. That's pretty sad
If you had a clue, you'd know that studies have been done in the past and have revealed that a great deal of stimulus money gets spent on hosehold items like a TV. The rest gets spent on booze and partying. I'd say buying a new TV is a much better use of money than blowing it on booze!

Thanks for demonstrating your ignorance.

You may be correct, but the $2,000 stimulus cheque issue likely cost the Republicans the US Senate.

I mean, was it worth it for Mitch MocConnell to haggle over such a relatively small amount when the balance of the Senate was at stake? Especially right before an election & it was a major issue in the Georgia runoffs?

Sure, it may have been a bribe as you indicated, but it was the difference between who controls the Senate then it seems like no brainer to dole it out.

And with a Democratic legislative agenda coming, it's gonna mean higher taxes for someone like yourself who claims he made all this money during the Trump administration. So in your case & those of other Trump supporters it was critical for the Republicans to win those Senate seats.

So McConnell and the entire Republican Party should've supported those stimulus cheques. Now you and Bigly Smiles are gonna have to pay more taxes, less money in your pockets, Lokmeer. Fewer toys for you!

Anyways I can't see how the Knives wouldn't be out for Mitch McConnell within the Republican Party, Lockmeer.
Too bad that had no influence on the election fraud. They put up the barriers and counted in secret just like they did last time.

Not sure what happened.

Tho I've indicated to you on many occasions that I think the USA needs election reform.

But that would entail that your privacy might also disappear, as every ballot would be marked and traceable by anybody back to its owner. everybody's identity and whom they voted for would be known. If a large portion the USA electorate believes there are suspected cases of voter fraud, then it should implement a tracing system like FEDEX tracks its packages. So you'd know when the yvoted, how they did, where the ballot was cast, when it was picked up and when it was counted.

People might not like that, but if they want fair and honest elections whoever every vote counts & verified, then they have to be willing to give up their privacy as well.

Would you be willing to that, Lokmeer? Have the government id and fingerprint everything you do whenever you walk into a voting booth, videotape you, then ask for some RFID with a chip in it and phone you while they're at it?

It'd also be very expensive too and no doubt the government would ask for more taxes to implement such a system.

And I know how many Americans feel about paying more taxes.