A HUGE sign that you butthurt.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Good lord you have all kinds of foul cretins littering up this joint

Flynn fucks dogs
Admin sucks cock
sewage major rapes children
Regan masturbates to Japanese cartoons

Christ almight is there any bottom to the debauchery around here?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Don’t really know why lily Oak a.k.a Nick the pig is trying to act all holier than thou when it comes to doxxximg

especically after she laughed and cheered it on over at cindys testicles dot com when that freak was getting people fired from their jobs

She was fine when Murd was throwing a personal incident with my daughter all over the board, as well. She joined right in.

Shes a nasty, petty hypocritical bag of shit. Just hateful.

I hate their political views and the sanctimonious way they express them. But I've never just started bashing them personally (until they did it to me) and I never drug anything about their families onto a forum to twist and use to make them look bad.

They really have no credibility or right to bitch or act above it. They are too stupid and self absorbed to get that, though. Because they think hating someone is a pass to use personal stuff as a weapon.

WTF do people who do this expect will happen? Do they think their target is going to run off crying in embarrassment and the board will all jump in to join the hate fest? LOL

Because NO ONE cares about other peoples personal lives and most people understand there are more sides than 1.

They act like it's the end of the world and everyone is just quivering with excitement dying to have personal info on them. You know what that's called? It's called narcissism.
I now know why Flithrecwhore and the rest of that gang hated her guts so much. It's not because she's some superior troll it's because she's a pretentious self righteous slob who cannot keep her oily snout of other peoples biz. And the wanton hypocrisy does her no favors either

I suspect this is why even her so called friends like Admin and Peaches stood idle when gayboy kicked her fatass off his forum. They were probably relieved to get rid of that obnoxious cow

Shes controlling, entitled and hateful. She demands compliance to HER standards. Never takes responsibility for HER words or actions.

Anytime she gets called out, she immediately points her finger at anyone but herself.

Its ALL she does. It's her reflex to blame and "no yuo!" other people.

And it's always HER that starts the shit.

Yeah no doubt people get sick of her childish drama whoring and hypocritical bullshit. And how hateful she gets if shes being bested in a discussion.

She cant have a respectful or gracious exchange where she learns anything or really hears anyone. They are all like that. Their premise going in is they are right, they have the correct view, and they are going to inform. And if that view is questioned, and challenged... they go right for insults. Murd is the same fucking way.
Hence the reason she is miserable, single and unemployed

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Don’t really know why lily Oak a.k.a Nick the pig is trying to act all holier than thou when it comes to doxxximg

especically after she laughed and cheered it on over at cindys testicles dot com when that freak was getting people fired from their jobs

I detest that kind of shit. No doubt it was for the heinous crime of "transphobia" or something equally as meaningless.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Don’t really know why lily Oak a.k.a Nick the pig is trying to act all holier than thou when it comes to doxxximg

especically after she laughed and cheered it on over at cindys testicles dot com when that freak was getting people fired from their jobs

I detest that kind of shit. No doubt it was for the heinous crime of "transphobia" or something equally as meaningless.
No they was raycist..... typical


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
This is the "trouble" with you, besides dressing like a fruit on purpose. You're too retarded and dumb to realize that your attempts at human interaction with posters on a dead fucking forum, while spouting Nazi propaganda isn't the best combination in regard to making "new friends." YOU give the distinct impression that you're trying to make e-buddies on a subforum dedicated to spam and moronic pictures all the while jumping on any kind of bandwagon just so your lonely cross-dressing Mein Kampf looking ass can be part of something. In other words, like most of these mopes out here, you're looking for acceptance from complete strangers that are mostly braindead.

As far as being "emotionally invested," if that were true then I'd have to lump in your fairy dressed dumbass. I've seen you hound Lily/Oak for months, yet you have the faggoty nerve to call someone else "emotionally invested?" You must love the taste of your semen flavored feet as many times as you like sticking them in your one resident tooth mouth. I've read enough of your poorly written out thoughts that makes me think you're letting your pussy ghostwrite most of your replies.

"Detailed files?" You mean my memory of all the idiotic things you've done along with your butt pirate buddies? Then yes, my memory is running on 20 Terabytes on a T-9 line, while yours is still running on 56k and a dial up modem.

If you don't like the way I verbally rape you and your "friends," you're always welcome to take a shit in the "political" sub forum and not read responses from someone that's smarter than you and your whole inbred village of slack jawed African Jews.

I just don't see the point of being a forum reg who goes out of their way to annoy everyone and be a general pain in the ass. Sure, I did the troll schtick when I was younger, but surely your boney, feral, middle aged ass has grown out of that shit by now?

Trying to make e-buddies ? LOL, don't be stupid. Dilf is more or less the only person I speak to regularly in PM's and elsewhere. I use this place for a laugh when I'm bored, not somewhere to make long term friendships.

As for Poarkzilla, that beached whale tried to get me banned on SG and is a thoroughly loathsome, unpleasant, disgusting specimen who deserves to be verbally bitch slapped with a sock full of snooker balls whenever her foul-smelling, bloated carcass surfaces.

I'm not sure how you arrive at the conclusion of being "smarter" than me. I had to explain to you the difference between White Nationalism and National Socialism ffs.... but then you are from Soyattle, where the boys are girls and the girls are boys, so there is that to consider.

Flynn is stuck in perpetual "flame board" mode. He is from an old flamer community.

And while the flame thing has predictably died out on forums, Flynn is still very stuck there. So no growing out of it.

He thinks this is a flame board rather than a discussion board for trolls with a fight section. But....at least Flynn keeps it down here and isnt shitting up other threads.

And Flynn is a dogfucker. Puppy pumper. Canine cock hound.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Does anyone remember MikeTX from TRF and the time I got him to literally say that he "meaasures dog dicks"




Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Don’t really know why lily Oak a.k.a Nick the pig is trying to act all holier than thou when it comes to doxxximg

especically after she laughed and cheered it on over at cindys testicles dot com when that freak was getting people fired from their jobs

I detest that kind of shit. No doubt it was for the heinous crime of "transphobia" or something equally as meaningless.

They were finding random Trump supporters on face book and Twitter....finding their jobs and contacting their employers to report them for "racism".

And justified by saying "thats what racists get!"

Their ignorance, their lies and their hate has rotted their fucking brains.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
So Flynn's changed gender again? Dayuuum, I thought Norman Blurts was the worst offender for that kind of fruity behaviour.
"Norman Blurts" :LOL3:

oh, man, that was funny
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
This is the "trouble" with you, besides dressing like a fruit on purpose. You're too retarded and dumb to realize that your attempts at human interaction with posters on a dead fucking forum, while spouting Nazi propaganda isn't the best combination in regard to making "new friends." YOU give the distinct impression that you're trying to make e-buddies on a subforum dedicated to spam and moronic pictures all the while jumping on any kind of bandwagon just so your lonely cross-dressing Mein Kampf looking ass can be part of something. In other words, like most of these mopes out here, you're looking for acceptance from complete strangers that are mostly braindead.

As far as being "emotionally invested," if that were true then I'd have to lump in your fairy dressed dumbass. I've seen you hound Lily/Oak for months, yet you have the faggoty nerve to call someone else "emotionally invested?" You must love the taste of your semen flavored feet as many times as you like sticking them in your one resident tooth mouth. I've read enough of your poorly written out thoughts that makes me think you're letting your pussy ghostwrite most of your replies.

"Detailed files?" You mean my memory of all the idiotic things you've done along with your butt pirate buddies? Then yes, my memory is running on 20 Terabytes on a T-9 line, while yours is still running on 56k and a dial up modem.

If you don't like the way I verbally rape you and your "friends," you're always welcome to take a shit in the "political" sub forum and not read responses from someone that's smarter than you and your whole inbred village of slack jawed African Jews.

I just don't see the point of being a forum reg who goes out of their way to annoy everyone and be a general pain in the ass. Sure, I did the troll schtick when I was younger, but surely your boney, feral, middle aged ass has grown out of that shit by now?

Trying to make e-buddies ? LOL, don't be stupid. Dilf is more or less the only person I speak to regularly in PM's and elsewhere. I use this place for a laugh when I'm bored, not somewhere to make long term friendships.

As for Poarkzilla, that beached whale tried to get me banned on SG and is a thoroughly loathsome, unpleasant, disgusting specimen who deserves to be verbally bitch slapped with a sock full of snooker balls whenever her foul-smelling, bloated carcass surfaces.

I'm not sure how you arrive at the conclusion of being "smarter" than me. I had to explain to you the difference between White Nationalism and National Socialism ffs.... but then you are from Soyattle, where the boys are girls and the girls are boys, so there is that to consider.

You are so full of shit.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Don’t really know why lily Oak a.k.a Nick the pig is trying to act all holier than thou when it comes to doxxximg

especically after she laughed and cheered it on over at cindys testicles dot com when that freak was getting people fired from their jobs

I detest that kind of shit. No doubt it was for the heinous crime of "transphobia" or something equally as meaningless.

They were finding random Trump supporters on face book and Twitter....finding their jobs and contacting their employers to report them for "racism".

And justified by saying "thats what racists get!"

Their ignorance, their lies and their hate has rotted their fucking brains.
I saw that a lot on FB, there was a couple groups promoting that, I gotta tell you the people I saw being targeted were clearly representing and espousing racist bullshit.

Think of it like the new Texas snitch out your friends and neighbor laws. I wouldn't be surprised to see Pauncho Burro move to Texas soon, since he loves being a snitch so much.


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
Site Supporter ☠️
MeNs tOiLEts
Your trouble Flynn, is that you're too angry and spiteful. You give the distinct impression that you desperately want to hurt the feelings of whoever you're arguing with, rather than just jokingly tease or troll them.

You're also too emotionally invested in your various e-feuds for some reason, which is another of your downsides. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that you keep detailed files on us all, to remind you what insults to use during an altercation.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, go wash your salty prosthetic snatch in the sink, reattach it and lighten the fuck up.

This is the "trouble" with you, besides dressing like a fruit on purpose. You're too retarded and dumb to realize that your attempts at human interaction with posters on a dead fucking forum, while spouting Nazi propaganda isn't the best combination in regard to making "new friends." YOU give the distinct impression that you're trying to make e-buddies on a subforum dedicated to spam and moronic pictures all the while jumping on any kind of bandwagon just so your lonely cross-dressing Mein Kampf looking ass can be part of something. In other words, like most of these mopes out here, you're looking for acceptance from complete strangers that are mostly braindead.

As far as being "emotionally invested," if that were true then I'd have to lump in your fairy dressed dumbass. I've seen you hound Lily/Oak for months, yet you have the faggoty nerve to call someone else "emotionally invested?" You must love the taste of your semen flavored feet as many times as you like sticking them in your one resident tooth mouth. I've read enough of your poorly written out thoughts that makes me think you're letting your pussy ghostwrite most of your replies.

"Detailed files?" You mean my memory of all the idiotic things you've done along with your butt pirate buddies? Then yes, my memory is running on 20 Terabytes on a T-9 line, while yours is still running on 56k and a dial up modem.

If you don't like the way I verbally rape you and your "friends," you're always welcome to take a shit in the "political" sub forum and not read responses from someone that's smarter than you and your whole inbred village of slack jawed African Jews.

Too long. Didn't read. Lol:KMA:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Don’t really know why lily Oak a.k.a Nick the pig is trying to act all holier than thou when it comes to doxxximg

especically after she laughed and cheered it on over at cindys testicles dot com when that freak was getting people fired from their jobs

I detest that kind of shit. No doubt it was for the heinous crime of "transphobia" or something equally as meaningless.

They were finding random Trump supporters on face book and Twitter....finding their jobs and contacting their employers to report them for "racism".

And justified by saying "thats what racists get!"

Their ignorance, their lies and their hate has rotted their fucking brains.
I saw that a lot on FB, there was a couple groups promoting that, I gotta tell you the people I saw being targeted were clearly representing and espousing racist bullshit.

Think of it like the new Texas snitch out your friends and neighbor laws. I wouldn't be surprised to see Pauncho Burro move to Texas soon, since he loves being a snitch so much.

But here is the problem I have.

I have WATCHED left wingers....even you guys, label things as racist or "white supremacy" that are just NOT. I see over and over things being label "racism" ....that are just NOT.

Bringing up gang violence as a legitimate problem gets called racism.

Any argument against a left wing claim gets called racism.

As I said, I've seen people labeled racists or nazis JUST because they disagree with a leftist.

Either you guys really see racism in literally everything or you are knowingly lying. I dont know.

But notifying someone's employer because you dont like things they said on the internet? You know you guys like to see people punished for not agreeing with you.

What you just said about TX is blatantly false. I checked it myself. It's a distortion. I posted the bill.

And I didnr see you offended when Biden went full Orwell and told people to turn their family or friends in ...."report them"....if they think they "might be radicalized".

The fact is you guys are VERY one sided, very "my way or fuck you", and I'm sorry but you guys lie a lot. You lie about people. Lie about policies. You smear and run with smearing.

So WHY would I believe....or anyone here believe....the people Cindy doxxed and harrassed were spewing REAL racist language? AND....even if they were, is this not a free country? Should people be punished...have their jobs taken so WE have to pay for them....because they are assholes?

It might help if you guys were more open to talking about things but instead it seems you guys just hate everyone outside the leftwing bubbles and dont want any of us to exist or live or have rights. And you dont want to see us as human beings, either.

I wish you could see my inbox at all the unhinged hatred I get....from MEN....for arguing for human life. I've been labeled a "nazi" and once a lefty labels you? Its completely okay for them to ruthless attack you, even call for violence. Call jobs. Et. All you have to do is disagree with them or hold your own debating it and you get labeled all kinds of hateful shit.

So.... forgive me if I wonder if it was actual racism.


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
Site Supporter ☠️
MeNs tOiLEts
„salty prosthetic snatch in the sink“


Bahahah!!! Aryan, you always find the right word.

Poor slut and cock carousel riding whore @Flynn. Always on her periods and being bitter. She must be a social loser in real life.

Lily has financial problems. I mean huge trouble. But at least she is not a hater like Flynn.

Then there's you...

My favorite barking door mat.

I guess me calling you a faglaming clown that wouldn't know his own cock even if it smacked you across the gums and then proceeded to sodomize Aryan, is an understatement?

UncleMiLf, if you continue to play with your clit out here in the middle of the road at BF, you're going to get run over by Biggie Ass-Bandit and his 4 volt remote control car, OR Dovey will try and offer you "roofing services" for $3.5K.

P.S.-Are you a father fucker?

I ain't no fatherfucker... you are I bet. Are you a Fatherfucker?

And don't call me like that. I am UncleDiLF. I ain't no filth

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
This is the "trouble" with you, besides dressing like a fruit on purpose. You're too retarded and dumb to realize that your attempts at human interaction with posters on a dead fucking forum, while spouting Nazi propaganda isn't the best combination in regard to making "new friends." YOU give the distinct impression that you're trying to make e-buddies on a subforum dedicated to spam and moronic pictures all the while jumping on any kind of bandwagon just so your lonely cross-dressing Mein Kampf looking ass can be part of something. In other words, like most of these mopes out here, you're looking for acceptance from complete strangers that are mostly braindead.

As far as being "emotionally invested," if that were true then I'd have to lump in your fairy dressed dumbass. I've seen you hound Lily/Oak for months, yet you have the faggoty nerve to call someone else "emotionally invested?" You must love the taste of your semen flavored feet as many times as you like sticking them in your one resident tooth mouth. I've read enough of your poorly written out thoughts that makes me think you're letting your pussy ghostwrite most of your replies.

"Detailed files?" You mean my memory of all the idiotic things you've done along with your butt pirate buddies? Then yes, my memory is running on 20 Terabytes on a T-9 line, while yours is still running on 56k and a dial up modem.

If you don't like the way I verbally rape you and your "friends," you're always welcome to take a shit in the "political" sub forum and not read responses from someone that's smarter than you and your whole inbred village of slack jawed African Jews.

I just don't see the point of being a forum reg who goes out of their way to annoy everyone and be a general pain in the ass. Sure, I did the troll schtick when I was younger, but surely your boney, feral, middle aged ass has grown out of that shit by now?

Trying to make e-buddies ? LOL, don't be stupid. Dilf is more or less the only person I speak to regularly in PM's and elsewhere. I use this place for a laugh when I'm bored, not somewhere to make long term friendships.

As for Poarkzilla, that beached whale tried to get me banned on SG and is a thoroughly loathsome, unpleasant, disgusting specimen who deserves to be verbally bitch slapped with a sock full of snooker balls whenever her foul-smelling, bloated carcass surfaces.

I'm not sure how you arrive at the conclusion of being "smarter" than me. I had to explain to you the difference between White Nationalism and National Socialism ffs.... but then you are from Soyattle, where the boys are girls and the girls are boys, so there is that to consider.

You are so full of shit.

Have you shaved your armpits yet, you filthy beast?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Don’t really know why lily Oak a.k.a Nick the pig is trying to act all holier than thou when it comes to doxxximg

especically after she laughed and cheered it on over at cindys testicles dot com when that freak was getting people fired from their jobs

I detest that kind of shit. No doubt it was for the heinous crime of "transphobia" or something equally as meaningless.

They were finding random Trump supporters on face book and Twitter....finding their jobs and contacting their employers to report them for "racism".

And justified by saying "thats what racists get!"

Their ignorance, their lies and their hate has rotted their fucking brains.

Imagine living in a first world country where voting for a legal and legitimate politician can potentially cost you your livelihood and put your family at risk...

We had the same nonsense here in the past when the British National Party were gaining popularity and Nick Griffin was basically the UK equivalent of Trump.

The left are fucking vermin and will stoop lower than a sewer rat to get what they want.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Think of it like the new Texas snitch out your friends and neighbor laws. I wouldn't be surprised to see Pauncho Burro move to Texas soon, since he loves being a snitch so much.

But it isn't really "new" if you filthy vermin democrats have been using the tactic for years now is it?

And yes, I love snitching on little fairy cock suckers filled with strange semen like you and watching you cry all over again.

Cope, cunt.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
„salty prosthetic snatch in the sink“


Bahahah!!! Aryan, you always find the right word.

Poor slut and cock carousel riding whore @Flynn. Always on her periods and being bitter. She must be a social loser in real life.

Lily has financial problems. I mean huge trouble. But at least she is not a hater like Flynn.

Then there's you...

My favorite barking door mat.

I guess me calling you a faglaming clown that wouldn't know his own cock even if it smacked you across the gums and then proceeded to sodomize Aryan, is an understatement?

UncleMiLf, if you continue to play with your clit out here in the middle of the road at BF, you're going to get run over by Biggie Ass-Bandit and his 4 volt remote control car, OR Dovey will try and offer you "roofing services" for $3.5K.

P.S.-Are you a father fucker?

I ain't no fatherfucker... you are I bet. Are you a Fatherfucker?

And don't call me like that. I am UncleDiLF. I ain't no filth
She actually admitted to having a canine fetish

No seriously, she really did that


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Well, Poark is gigantically fat....

Really? Cuz that’s not what I see in that pic. You know, there’s a lot worse things to be in this world than fat. People that send others posters PI in hopes that they post it…I’d say those types are far worse. I’ve always respected you for NOT engaging in that behavior, @Aryan

Surely by now you must have realised that it isn't her morbid obesity which has attracted the huge amount of hostility?

It's her personality.

I get that. I’m just saying

Yeah, because
Well, Poark is gigantically fat....

Really? Cuz that’s not what I see in that pic. You know, there’s a lot worse things to be in this world than fat. People that send others posters PI in hopes that they post it…I’d say those types are far worse. I’ve always respected you for NOT engaging in that behavior, @Aryan

Surely by now you must have realised that it isn't her morbid obesity which has attracted the huge amount of hostility?

It's her personality.

I get that. I’m just saying
Well, Poark is gigantically fat....

Really? Cuz that’s not what I see in that pic. You know, there’s a lot worse things to be in this world than fat. People that send others posters PI in hopes that they post it…I’d say those types are far worse. I’ve always respected you for NOT engaging in that behavior, @Aryan

Surely by now you must have realised that it isn't her morbid obesity which has attracted the huge amount of hostility?

It's her personality.

I get that. I’m just saying

So the remedy for not liking someone's personality is to try to find their personal information from some butthurt loser and then doxx them?

That's the remedy? There are several people I wouldn't give the time of day to in real life. I also wouldn't spend 5 minutes trying to get their PI and post in anywhere.

That's for the mentally ill and tragically butthurt to do.

What are you prattling on about you humongous heifer?

I haven't gone after your PI ffs, nor do I give a fuck about you or your pointless, subhuman existence.

Please, just STFU with the constant whining and complaining.
Well, Poark is gigantically fat....

Really? Cuz that’s not what I see in that pic. You know, there’s a lot worse things to be in this world than fat. People that send others posters PI in hopes that they post it…I’d say those types are far worse. I’ve always respected you for NOT engaging in that behavior, @Aryan

Surely by now you must have realised that it isn't her morbid obesity which has attracted the huge amount of hostility?

It's her personality.

I get that. I’m just saying

Yeah, because
Well, Poark is gigantically fat....

Really? Cuz that’s not what I see in that pic. You know, there’s a lot worse things to be in this world than fat. People that send others posters PI in hopes that they post it…I’d say those types are far worse. I’ve always respected you for NOT engaging in that behavior, @Aryan

Surely by now you must have realised that it isn't her morbid obesity which has attracted the huge amount of hostility?

It's her personality.

I get that. I’m just saying
Well, Poark is gigantically fat....

Really? Cuz that’s not what I see in that pic. You know, there’s a lot worse things to be in this world than fat. People that send others posters PI in hopes that they post it…I’d say those types are far worse. I’ve always respected you for NOT engaging in that behavior, @Aryan

Surely by now you must have realised that it isn't her morbid obesity which has attracted the huge amount of hostility?

It's her personality.

I get that. I’m just saying

So the remedy for not liking someone's personality is to try to find their personal information from some butthurt loser and then doxx them?

That's the remedy? There are several people I wouldn't give the time of day to in real life. I also wouldn't spend 5 minutes trying to get their PI and post in anywhere.

That's for the mentally ill and tragically butthurt to do.

What are you prattling on about you humongous heifer?

I haven't gone after your PI ffs, nor do I give a fuck about you or your pointless, subhuman existence.

Please, just STFU with the constant whining and complaining.

I wasn't referring to you, mouthbreather. Your reaction is telling, however. If you didn't care about my existence you would never respond to anything that I post.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
This is the "trouble" with you, besides dressing like a fruit on purpose. You're too retarded and dumb to realize that your attempts at human interaction with posters on a dead fucking forum, while spouting Nazi propaganda isn't the best combination in regard to making "new friends." YOU give the distinct impression that you're trying to make e-buddies on a subforum dedicated to spam and moronic pictures all the while jumping on any kind of bandwagon just so your lonely cross-dressing Mein Kampf looking ass can be part of something. In other words, like most of these mopes out here, you're looking for acceptance from complete strangers that are mostly braindead.

As far as being "emotionally invested," if that were true then I'd have to lump in your fairy dressed dumbass. I've seen you hound Lily/Oak for months, yet you have the faggoty nerve to call someone else "emotionally invested?" You must love the taste of your semen flavored feet as many times as you like sticking them in your one resident tooth mouth. I've read enough of your poorly written out thoughts that makes me think you're letting your pussy ghostwrite most of your replies.

"Detailed files?" You mean my memory of all the idiotic things you've done along with your butt pirate buddies? Then yes, my memory is running on 20 Terabytes on a T-9 line, while yours is still running on 56k and a dial up modem.

If you don't like the way I verbally rape you and your "friends," you're always welcome to take a shit in the "political" sub forum and not read responses from someone that's smarter than you and your whole inbred village of slack jawed African Jews.

I just don't see the point of being a forum reg who goes out of their way to annoy everyone and be a general pain in the ass. Sure, I did the troll schtick when I was younger, but surely your boney, feral, middle aged ass has grown out of that shit by now?

Trying to make e-buddies ? LOL, don't be stupid. Dilf is more or less the only person I speak to regularly in PM's and elsewhere. I use this place for a laugh when I'm bored, not somewhere to make long term friendships.

As for Poarkzilla, that beached whale tried to get me banned on SG and is a thoroughly loathsome, unpleasant, disgusting specimen who deserves to be verbally bitch slapped with a sock full of snooker balls whenever her foul-smelling, bloated carcass surfaces.

I'm not sure how you arrive at the conclusion of being "smarter" than me. I had to explain to you the difference between White Nationalism and National Socialism ffs.... but then you are from Soyattle, where the boys are girls and the girls are boys, so there is that to consider.

I'm sorry that Oak gave you a boo boo and it hurts so very bad. However, it seems like you have raged and ranted about me, Lily, a lot. I have two, maybe more trophy threads about me or include me in them. The evidence shows, very clearly, that my existence does very much bother you.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Don’t really know why lily Oak a.k.a Nick the pig is trying to act all holier than thou when it comes to doxxximg

especically after she laughed and cheered it on over at cindys testicles dot com when that freak was getting people fired from their jobs

She was fine when Murd was throwing a personal incident with my daughter all over the board, as well. She joined right in.

Shes a nasty, petty hypocritical bag of shit. Just hateful.

I hate their political views and the sanctimonious way they express them. But I've never just started bashing them personally (until they did it to me) and I never drug anything about their families onto a forum to twist and use to make them look bad.

They really have no credibility or right to bitch or act above it. They are too stupid and self absorbed to get that, though. Because they think hating someone is a pass to use personal stuff as a weapon.

WTF do people who do this expect will happen? Do they think their target is going to run off crying in embarrassment and the board will all jump in to join the hate fest? LOL

Because NO ONE cares about other peoples personal lives and most people understand there are more sides than 1.

They act like it's the end of the world and everyone is just quivering with excitement dying to have personal info on them. You know what that's called? It's called narcissism.
I now know why Flithrecwhore and the rest of that gang hated her guts so much. It's not because she's some superior troll it's because she's a pretentious self righteous slob who cannot keep her oily snout of other peoples biz. And the wanton hypocrisy does her no favors either

I suspect this is why even her so called friends like Admin and Peaches stood idle when gayboy kicked her fatass off his forum. They were probably relieved to get rid of that obnoxious cow

Shes controlling, entitled and hateful. She demands compliance to HER standards. Never takes responsibility for HER words or actions.

Anytime she gets called out, she immediately points her finger at anyone but herself.

Its ALL she does. It's her reflex to blame and "no yuo!" other people.

And it's always HER that starts the shit.

Yeah no doubt people get sick of her childish drama whoring and hypocritical bullshit. And how hateful she gets if shes being bested in a discussion.

She cant have a respectful or gracious exchange where she learns anything or really hears anyone. They are all like that. Their premise going in is they are right, they have the correct view, and they are going to inform. And if that view is questioned, and challenged... they go right for insults. Murd is the same fucking way.

The irony is delicious.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
The truth is that the moment I registered here and posted in the introduction thread I was attacked by all of the above whiner,s teeth gnashers and snarlers.

I put up with it until I realized, yeah I'm on bastard factory and I can be a bastard too. Those are the facts and no one that can reason will dispute them. You don't like your itty bitty feelings being hurt, fuck off. That simple.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
If someone is a PI fiend and a doxxing hound, how likely is it that they're liars? Bigly liars. HUGE liars.
Your mates are PI fiends and doxxing hounds!!!


Actually, there is. A certain person was PMing members info to other posters at SG. Very very personal info too. I didn’t know about it til I was already gone or he’d have been gone.

I’m just waiting to see any instance of it being mentioned.

People that do that shit behind the scenes don't ever talk about it openly. They're cowards. They use dupes to post it for them.
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
If someone is a PI fiend and a doxxing hound, how likely is it that they're liars? Bigly liars. HUGE liars.
Your mates are PI fiends and doxxing hounds!!!


No shit.

NO one was on here dragging anyones personal life or off board anything until her and Murd showed up and started foaming at the fucking mouth dragging things about daughter into their shitty tantrums. And all kinds of twisted real life stuff about Big that doesnt need to be plastered on a forum

It's ridiculous they think it's okay for themselves to do it but they throw fits if anyone repeats stuff that was already posted in the past about them.

How about not bringing personal stuff into board dramas or inserting it into political discussions in the first place?

Just a thought.

I guess when you are full of fucking hatred and cant have a civilized discussion, resorting to trashy personal drama in desperate attempts to degrade your opposition on a personal level is all you can manage.
I know...it’s unbelievable. That Flynn is a cheeky shit innit? Fucking stirring the pot and getting stupid. I wish she would drop her slacks and relax...and pipe down! Lol

Fact check -EVERYONE is doing it. You don’t know the history and probably skip over a lot of it anyway. It’s been happening for weeks.
This is the problem with multiple forums don’t you reckon?

If I pinged BF every time I see someone’s info being mentioned in a subtle manner, he’d probably want to kill me. Just letting you know that Flynn isn’t the only one.

All you have to do is warn the owner about the individual you're referring to. If they're only contribution is to share PI, why have them here?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
The truth is that the moment I registered here and posted in the introduction thread I was attacked by all of the above whiner,s teeth gnashers and snarlers.

I put up with it until I realized, yeah I'm on bastard factory and I can be a bastard too. Those are the facts and no one that can reason will dispute them. You don't like your itty bitty feelings being hurt, fuck off. That simple.
Sorry to hear you went through all that as a brand new user who just happened to know all the histories and nuances of these boards, Oak.

Next time we shall do a better job of pretending that which walks like a duck is not a duck.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
If someone is a PI fiend and a doxxing hound, how likely is it that they're liars? Bigly liars. HUGE liars.
Your mates are PI fiends and doxxing hounds!!!


No shit.

NO one was on here dragging anyones personal life or off board anything until her and Murd showed up and started foaming at the fucking mouth dragging things about daughter into their shitty tantrums. And all kinds of twisted real life stuff about Big that doesnt need to be plastered on a forum

It's ridiculous they think it's okay for themselves to do it but they throw fits if anyone repeats stuff that was already posted in the past about them.

How about not bringing personal stuff into board dramas or inserting it into political discussions in the first place?

Just a thought.

I guess when you are full of fucking hatred and cant have a civilized discussion, resorting to trashy personal drama in desperate attempts to degrade your opposition on a personal level is all you can manage.
I know...it’s unbelievable. That Flynn is a cheeky shit innit? Fucking stirring the pot and getting stupid. I wish she would drop her slacks and relax...and pipe down! Lol

Fact check -EVERYONE is doing it. You don’t know the history and probably skip over a lot of it anyway. It’s been happening for weeks.
This is the problem with multiple forums don’t you reckon?

If I pinged BF every time I see someone’s info being mentioned in a subtle manner, he’d probably want to kill me. Just letting you know that Flynn isn’t the only one.

All you have to do is warn the owner about the individual you're referring to. If they're only contribution is to share PI, why have them here?

Like I said

I see any of it being repeated and I’ll tell BF


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
If someone is a PI fiend and a doxxing hound, how likely is it that they're liars? Bigly liars. HUGE liars.
Your mates are PI fiends and doxxing hounds!!!


No shit.

NO one was on here dragging anyones personal life or off board anything until her and Murd showed up and started foaming at the fucking mouth dragging things about daughter into their shitty tantrums. And all kinds of twisted real life stuff about Big that doesnt need to be plastered on a forum

It's ridiculous they think it's okay for themselves to do it but they throw fits if anyone repeats stuff that was already posted in the past about them.

How about not bringing personal stuff into board dramas or inserting it into political discussions in the first place?

Just a thought.

I guess when you are full of fucking hatred and cant have a civilized discussion, resorting to trashy personal drama in desperate attempts to degrade your opposition on a personal level is all you can manage.
I know...it’s unbelievable. That Flynn is a cheeky shit innit? Fucking stirring the pot and getting stupid. I wish she would drop her slacks and relax...and pipe down! Lol

Fact check -EVERYONE is doing it. You don’t know the history and probably skip over a lot of it anyway. It’s been happening for weeks.
This is the problem with multiple forums don’t you reckon?

If I pinged BF every time I see someone’s info being mentioned in a subtle manner, he’d probably want to kill me. Just letting you know that Flynn isn’t the only one.

All you have to do is warn the owner about the individual you're referring to. If they're only contribution is to share PI, why have them here?

Like I said

I see any of it being repeated and I’ll tell BF

It's poison.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
If someone is a PI fiend and a doxxing hound, how likely is it that they're liars? Bigly liars. HUGE liars.
Your mates are PI fiends and doxxing hounds!!!


No shit.

NO one was on here dragging anyones personal life or off board anything until her and Murd showed up and started foaming at the fucking mouth dragging things about daughter into their shitty tantrums. And all kinds of twisted real life stuff about Big that doesnt need to be plastered on a forum

It's ridiculous they think it's okay for themselves to do it but they throw fits if anyone repeats stuff that was already posted in the past about them.

How about not bringing personal stuff into board dramas or inserting it into political discussions in the first place?

Just a thought.

I guess when you are full of fucking hatred and cant have a civilized discussion, resorting to trashy personal drama in desperate attempts to degrade your opposition on a personal level is all you can manage.
I know...it’s unbelievable. That Flynn is a cheeky shit innit? Fucking stirring the pot and getting stupid. I wish she would drop her slacks and relax...and pipe down! Lol

Fact check -EVERYONE is doing it. You don’t know the history and probably skip over a lot of it anyway. It’s been happening for weeks.
This is the problem with multiple forums don’t you reckon?

If I pinged BF every time I see someone’s info being mentioned in a subtle manner, he’d probably want to kill me. Just letting you know that Flynn isn’t the only one.

All you have to do is warn the owner about the individual you're referring to. If they're only contribution is to share PI, why have them here?

Like I said

I see any of it being repeated and I’ll tell BF
Morning munchkin! :Happy5: