Anybody know if Biggie Smalls is out of the ICU yet?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
So, no explanation why you're pro mass immigration?

Well, we could discuss population and movement, but your due more than your hourly vowel movement.

Sidestep all you like, but you know full well that you libtards promote racial replacement.

With what...sentient thought?

You promote open borders and multiculturalism, dumb ass.

But you are not Aryan, and probably not even Anglo-Saxon. So what's your problem?

White Germanic, Anglo Saxon, you brain-washed, Celtic haggis-fucker.

So what's your problem? Other than that you appear to want moar black and brown cawk to feast on...

You can't prove that. You have no money to pay for DNA testing.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
surely you can't be reading your own press since you
Toddle off lassie/laddie/it/them/pronoun.

Have you been reading your own press reports in the "community" papers? You must have realized by now that you are and have always been a one-trick chihuahua confined to pissing on the rugs of the various troll boards in which you have been housed.

Can anyone recall the last time you wrote something that didn't sound like a combination of bum farts and ego masturbation climax moans?

You appear to have real brain damage as evidenced by your odd behavior and frequent habit off following up your own posts, never mind your bizarre rants about being at BH or thinking X was actually a Cunty alt.

I hope lily is wearing some UGGS, she needs to stomp on your swollen balls like they were grapes, hopefully that will relive some of the pressure and slow down your current spam fest.

You see, you can do better when I demand you do better lassie/laddie/it/dem/pronoun of your choice.

Of course I read my own press, I only need to read you to be reminded of it. That's your only function...and I mean ever. That's what makes you so special. You tell everyone else in your special way about what the consensus of your reportage has to say.

Now bear with me here, I'm going toooo trrooolll really slow, so even your disabled network can keep up. You don't have an opinion, all you are is a conglomeration of everyone else's opinion. It's like when Dovey's God created you in six days (and it did take six days), he had to rest wiff a hangover on the seventh.

What I'm trying to say in a way that even you can comprehend is, you never truly contribute to what you always demanded no-one in their right mind would contribute too. So, tell us all. If you are only capable of knee jerking, why are you surprised that that knee always end's up breaking your own nose... if not your will.

You are a fucking also ran, if an also ran was looking for the upside on what it failed to deliver when trying to deliver a parcel addressed to shame.

You hide behind politic. You hide behind mods and their sites. You hide behind lies, and you look horrific dressed in your own pinked arrogance.

Apart from dat, you're a cracking read.


It appears you are the only "flamer" who still resides full time in the "community".

You're basically trapped in Third Rail/SG mode all the time and have never had the "skill" to do anything other than massage your balls and fluff your swagger. Looking at your wayback "legacy", your only claim to fame is calling out everyone in every forum you have been stationed at then spending 3 fucking days doing nothing but arguing about stips and talking to yourself.

if you were as talented as you say, you would be doing more than spending your whole internet virtual life posting like a tweeking crack whore on the troll boards

Oh give it a rest old man, nobody gives a fuck what you think you are reporting on. Your time has come and gone....about 15 years ago, and paradoxically 15 minutes ago.

how old, bitch.

and if can't answer that here is an easier question, what day is it?

you are not even lucid anymore and have been head fucked by everyone from cunty to flea, to, well everyone.

you sad little know nutten cunt.

He really makes you mad, don't he?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
So, no explanation why you're pro mass immigration?

Well, we could discuss population and movement, but your due more than your hourly vowel movement.

Sidestep all you like, but you know full well that you libtards promote racial replacement.

You're an idiot.

You're a 60 yr old fat fuck....

What now?

If I'm 60, disabled, and a cleaning lady I'd like you to post actual evidence. If you cannot, then I too can make up things about you.

You're easily in your mid to late 40's in that infamous photo where you resemble Danny Devito's sister, which has been floating around for the last 10-15 years.

I'm no maths expert, but it isn't exactly dfficult to figure out roughly how old you are.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
So, no explanation why you're pro mass immigration?

Oh gawd not another mind numbingly boring reach around *face palms*

Always with the sex references.... What's wrong, is that imaginary boyfriend of yours not hitting the spot?

Poarka has a similar problem, although she uses food to take her mind off her non-existent sex life.

I’m infamous for the awww dirty dirty.

I am served the D on a very healthy and regular basis, creeper.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I liked the bit where you said "woke", as if empathy for humanity is a red flag to anything but blame.

Making police officers with questionable pasts accountable is a bad thing in their perverse narrative.

8 minutes to murder a man, while he could have been eating a fucking doughnut, or smoking a doubt. What a world we live in.

There would be no Kyle Rittenhouse if those cops were wearing body cams.

Am no expert on Rittenhouse, but if you travel wiff a fucking arsenal of weaponry to a BLM concert, are you going to be lighting your lighter and singing along, or lighting up the parade with semi-automatic gunfire?

I’m whiter than Aryan. English, Irish and Norwegian.

My surname and lineage is traceable to 15th century England.

So, he really dislikes me lol

No, I dislike you because you're an attention-seeking, bandwagon-hopping, woke airhead.

You're the stereotypical fickle, impressionable, self-absorbed western female to an absolute tee.

If you thought murdering kittens would make you look good to your peers, you'd do it.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
So, no explanation why you're pro mass immigration?

Well, we could discuss population and movement, but your due more than your hourly vowel movement.

Sidestep all you like, but you know full well that you libtards promote racial replacement.

With what...sentient thought?

You promote open borders and multiculturalism, dumb ass.

But you are not Aryan, and probably not even Anglo-Saxon. So what's your problem?

White Germanic, Anglo Saxon, you brain-washed, Celtic haggis-fucker.

So what's your problem? Other than that you appear to want moar black and brown cawk to feast on...

You can't prove that. You have no money to pay for DNA testing.

Pulling baseless accusations out of your ass huh?

You realise that it's possible to trace your ancestry without handing all your PI to some random Jewish website?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I liked the bit where you said "woke", as if empathy for humanity is a red flag to anything but blame.

Making police officers with questionable pasts accountable is a bad thing in their perverse narrative.

8 minutes to murder a man, while he could have been eating a fucking doughnut, or smoking a doubt. What a world we live in.

There would be no Kyle Rittenhouse if those cops were wearing body cams.

Am no expert on Rittenhouse, but if you travel wiff a fucking arsenal of weaponry to a BLM concert, are you going to be lighting your lighter and singing along, or lighting up the parade with semi-automatic gunfire?

I’m whiter than Aryan. English, Irish and Norwegian.

My surname and lineage is traceable to 15th century England.

So, he really dislikes me lol

No, I dislike you because you're an attention-seeking, bandwagon-hopping, woke airhead.

You're the stereotypical fickle, impressionable, self-absorbed western female to an absolute tee.

If you thought murdering kittens would make you look good to your peers, you'd do it.

I don’t need a gang behind me to speak up on an obscure message forum, chump.

I’m spoiled and bratty and you can’t handle me… except we all already knew that.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
No guy in his right mind would want to...

Pffft. I was the prettiest girl in my HS according to the beast sleeping next to me. I was also prom queen.

This is why Harry tries to hard to insult my looks and body-shame me. He thought he found his niche.

Be better than the spamtards.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
But you are not Aryan

Just to clarify;


Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
You mean, in other words you cannot stop mentioning faggots.

He succumbs to peer pressure,

Oh the absolute sheer irony....

If that was the case, I'd be a guilt-ridden, BLM supporter like you. In case you hadn't noticed, mainstream culture isn't very favourable towards White Nationalists, so accusing me of following the herd like a mindless sheep makes no sense whatsoever.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
PS...nuffing wrong wiff being a Hun, unless you are claiming racial superiority.

He is outnumbered and his ideologies are horrifically outdated.

That side is holding onto a past that no longer exists.

See, this is another thing that pisses me off about you lefties. You always claim that anything you don't like is outdated and how any new social trend is "progress", with the implication that it's automatically a good thing.

Well, sorry to break it to you, but not all new ideas are positive, quite the opposite in fact. For example, the modern woke SJW politics which you support are pure fucking cancer...

Traditional western values are not "outdated", it's just that they get demonised by Globalists because that way of life clashes with their worldview of no borders, no traditional family unit, 500 different genders and a racial melting pot of mongrels.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
No guy in his right mind would want to...

Pffft. I was the prettiest girl in my HS according to the beast sleeping next to me. I was also prom queen.

This is why Harry tries to hard to insult my looks and body-shame me. He thought he found his niche.

Be better than the spamtards.

Then wtf happened to your looks, dipstick?


You're shaped like a waterlogged lard barrel! lulz....
Last edited by a moderator:


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Her bikini band hangs like a sumo wrestler's strap and looks to be glued to her torso...

Aging is a thing.... but so is honesty about it.

Murdock ain't no catch...

She's not even beer goggles worthy.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Lol she can picture herself as some super hottie who all the boys fancy as much as she wants, it makes no difference to me...

It's her retarded pro-Vaxx and BLM nonsense which I can't be doing with.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
PS...nuffing wrong wiff being a Hun, unless you are claiming racial superiority.

He is outnumbered and his ideologies are horrifically outdated.

That side is holding onto a past that no longer exists.

See, this is another thing that pisses me off about you lefties. You always claim that anything you don't like is outdated and how any new social trend is "progress", with the implication that it's automatically a good thing.

Well, sorry to break it to you, but not all new ideas are positive, quite the opposite in fact. For example, the modern woke SJW politics which you support are pure fucking cancer...

Traditional western values are not "outdated", it's just that they get demonised by Globalists because that way of life clashes with their worldview of no borders, no traditional family unit, 500 different genders and a racial melting pot of mongrels.

I am not that Barbie… I’m a traditionalist when it comes to marriage/children/family.

“Woke” isn’t about politics. Woke is about keeping the public aware that they should film when cops are pulling over minorities and questionable activity is occurring. It’s about accountability. The riots/election have propelled this to mainstream politics.

Have you ever seen the video footage of an otherwise cooperating/law abiding minority being pulled over and beaten by police? I’ve seen many. They are alarming.

My reasoning for joining a peaceful protest supportive of equality: I want to live in a world where I’m not automatically presumed to be racist just because I’m white. I’m convinced not perpetuating racism is the only way to achieve that.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
surely you can't be reading your own press since you
Toddle off lassie/laddie/it/them/pronoun.

Have you been reading your own press reports in the "community" papers? You must have realized by now that you are and have always been a one-trick chihuahua confined to pissing on the rugs of the various troll boards in which you have been housed.

Can anyone recall the last time you wrote something that didn't sound like a combination of bum farts and ego masturbation climax moans?

You appear to have real brain damage as evidenced by your odd behavior and frequent habit off following up your own posts, never mind your bizarre rants about being at BH or thinking X was actually a Cunty alt.

I hope lily is wearing some UGGS, she needs to stomp on your swollen balls like they were grapes, hopefully that will relive some of the pressure and slow down your current spam fest.

You see, you can do better when I demand you do better lassie/laddie/it/dem/pronoun of your choice.

Of course I read my own press, I only need to read you to be reminded of it. That's your only function...and I mean ever. That's what makes you so special. You tell everyone else in your special way about what the consensus of your reportage has to say.

Now bear with me here, I'm going toooo trrooolll really slow, so even your disabled network can keep up. You don't have an opinion, all you are is a conglomeration of everyone else's opinion. It's like when Dovey's God created you in six days (and it did take six days), he had to rest wiff a hangover on the seventh.

What I'm trying to say in a way that even you can comprehend is, you never truly contribute to what you always demanded no-one in their right mind would contribute too. So, tell us all. If you are only capable of knee jerking, why are you surprised that that knee always end's up breaking your own nose... if not your will.

You are a fucking also ran, if an also ran was looking for the upside on what it failed to deliver when trying to deliver a parcel addressed to shame.

You hide behind politic. You hide behind mods and their sites. You hide behind lies, and you look horrific dressed in your own pinked arrogance.

Apart from dat, you're a cracking read.


It appears you are the only "flamer" who still resides full time in the "community".

You're basically trapped in Third Rail/SG mode all the time and have never had the "skill" to do anything other than massage your balls and fluff your swagger. Looking at your wayback "legacy", your only claim to fame is calling out everyone in every forum you have been stationed at then spending 3 fucking days doing nothing but arguing about stips and talking to yourself.

if you were as talented as you say, you would be doing more than spending your whole internet virtual life posting like a tweeking crack whore on the troll boards

Oh give it a rest old man, nobody gives a fuck what you think you are reporting on. Your time has come and gone....about 15 years ago, and paradoxically 15 minutes ago.

how old, bitch.

and if can't answer that here is an easier question, what day is it?

you are not even lucid anymore and have been head fucked by everyone from cunty to flea, to, well everyone.

you sad little know nutten cunt.

He really makes you mad, don't he?

You should have seen Obi back at Third Rail if you truly wanted to see someone get upset at this dumb fool. Obi would take off his belt and literally whip blandscape's ass when bland failed to show up to a call out thread obi set up for him

Since TRF's closure, bland hasn't posted anything "archivable," and all he's done is claim to be fighting everyone, a routine that another poster named OSAMA used to do on BH.

Despite his boasting about his "worth and talent," he hasn't progressed much past his nic at TRF, forum cocksucker.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
So, no explanation why you're pro mass immigration?

Well, we could discuss population and movement, but your due more than your hourly vowel movement.

Sidestep all you like, but you know full well that you libtards promote racial replacement.

You're an idiot.

You're a 60 yr old fat fuck....

What now?

If I'm 60, disabled, and a cleaning lady I'd like you to post actual evidence. If you cannot, then I too can make up things about you.

You're easily in your mid to late 40's in that infamous photo where you resemble Danny Devito's sister, which has been floating around for the last 10-15 years.

I'm no maths expert, but it isn't exactly dfficult to figure out roughly how old you are.

Wild speculation isn't proof.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
So, no explanation why you're pro mass immigration?

Well, we could discuss population and movement, but your due more than your hourly vowel movement.

Sidestep all you like, but you know full well that you libtards promote racial replacement.

With what...sentient thought?

You promote open borders and multiculturalism, dumb ass.

But you are not Aryan, and probably not even Anglo-Saxon. So what's your problem?

White Germanic, Anglo Saxon, you brain-washed, Celtic haggis-fucker.

So what's your problem? Other than that you appear to want moar black and brown cawk to feast on...

You can't prove that. You have no money to pay for DNA testing.

Pulling baseless accusations out of your ass huh?

You realise that it's possible to trace your ancestry without handing all your PI to some random Jewish website?

How is that different from what you do to me? What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, dumbass.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Selfish Asshole Alert!!!

My reasoning for joining a peaceful protest supportive of equality: I want to live in a world where I’m not automatically presumed to be racist just because I’m white. I’m convinced not perpetuating racism is the only way to achieve that.

So Murdock does not join the protests because she wants justice for all.

She does not give a shit about black people or any other group who may be oppressed.

Any of her actions do not come from a place of caring and compassion for other people.

She is only concerned about what other people think about her.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Selfish Asshole Alert!!!

My reasoning for joining a peaceful protest supportive of equality: I want to live in a world where I’m not automatically presumed to be racist just because I’m white. I’m convinced not perpetuating racism is the only way to achieve that.

So Murdock does not join the protests because she wants justice for all.

She does not give a shit about black people or any other group who may be oppressed.

Any of her actions do not come from a place of caring and compassion for other people.

She is only concerned about what other people think about her.

That's all any of them are concerned with.