Biden is senile folks...


Have kink will travel.
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This is not NEW news... Biden's slide into dementia has been accelerating for years.

If the US isn't careful, he'll start WW3 with Russia and China (the hot war portion).

Flight plans out of Moscow over the last 2 or so weeks show non-stop activity, and not just for passenger or commercial flights. Shit is getting moved pre-emptively.

And it was all avoidable.... Trump likes to beat his chest like a baboon and say it would have never happened if he was still in charge....and there might be at least a few grains of truth in that if only because for all Trump's faults, he never underestimated or disrespected an adversary.... not like Biden has. Even Obama was more measured dealing with Russia.

Biden should be eating tapioca pudding in a Shady Acres sun room with a tartan blanket over his lap...

But the alternative (should the 25th amendment be invoked) is that Kamala "Dirt Stupid Knee-pad Whore" Harris takes over....and that could even possibly be worse.

If Biden and Harris could in the unlikely event both be removed, I believe Nancy "Vodka Racer" Pelosi would assume the position (the presidential one, aside from all fours one every day over the bowl)...

The US is fucked....

There is no easy out. 6k plus nuclear missiles are potentially being aimed at it.

Good fucking luck. I'm just happy I'm so far south.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Then it will drift towards the east....

Like all the radiological stations in the Midwest and East Coast taken off-line for "repair" after 2011 Japan...


Factory Bastard
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The US is fucked....

There is no easy out. 6k plus nuclear missiles are potentially being aimed at it.

...more like....Russia is fucked @Frood.

And they are losing that Ukraine War quite badly. It's apparent China doesn't wanna get involved there to help them either. It was Putin who miscalculated underestimating the Ukraine army & the firepower + the financial clout of the USA/West.

US/UK military technology is so superior destroying the Russian Army & all its tanks. At this rate Russia will run out of ammo & even manpower.

Mind you there should be a peace Treaty soon just because Putin is so unpredictable. He's willing to drag his own country down with him.

USA -it doesn't matter who's at the helm because they have a shadow government ready to take over whichever figurehead is at the helm - be it Biden or Trump.

At least the USA isn't run by a madman.
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