Don't Read This Thread

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
So you have talked to grown men off the forums about sweaty dudes in tights feeling each other up on cable television? Explain to me one of these times where you pm'd a male poster trying to sound as about as suave as Biggie Retard is tall. Let me get this straight. You're going to use the same old worn out excuse about "giving me a chance?" Just in case you haven't don't run jack shit around here and my forum well being has been around these depraved forums longer than your excuse having anus for a head has. I have never needed you validation or endorsement for anything. You thought after I was made a mod, you could chat me up while trying to garner favors some e-nookie. SAD! Bottom line is that you thought I was as dumb as you and that you could quietly sneak into my pm's and wow me with some unintelligent banter like some 40-year-old virgin.

You don't watch modern wrestling but likes talking about "old school wrestling." Yes, dummy because that makes it less childish because you watched professional wrestling when it was "good." Get the fuck on down the road you fucking myopic mental midget. Give it a fucking rest you tard, you're forced into revealing that you indeed watched wrestling when mullets were in style along with the bright neon costumes, yeah you fucking gigantic dork, that's not weird at all you fucking loser.

SSS didn't "blow the lid" off anything. This the 15th rendition of you finally picking a conspiracy theory about my gender while you openly admit in pm's that you believe I am female only to change your mind after embarrassing you in public. Even on the forums you most of the time say "I'm female" or " you're on the fence." You of all people seem to worry about whether my alleged penis is bigger than yours. You do know that you tried hitting on an alleged tranny, right? I would think it would be in your best interest that I am a female.

Some advice for future posting. Let those who can actually write (me) and those who can't (you) do the leading because your made up delusional erotica about trannies is about as intelligent as you trying to hit on women that find you physically and mentally repulsive.
You're a man. A fucking balding e-trannie in his 50's with a chubby, unattractive wife. I've seen the pics. Seethe, sizzle and cope.

Next time you ragequit and go MIA, do us all a favour and stay gone, because your presence here is akin to a shart in an elevator.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I really don't get where you get all this fake news.

According to you and The Virgin Aryan---

I'm Pickles
I'm Martini
I'm a tranny
I'm a porn actress that only likes black dick

Yes. Sounds like you two have it all figured out.
One thing is for sure, you're definitely not female...


Factory Bastard
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No way is one of the Paki five telemarketers Mr Prickles...that guy was funny and made some cool comics, whereas Flynn does nothing but create cringe.


peace through anarchy
SSS should be able to hold his own…but damn does Poofter Mongtini pull the strings. The bushy eyebrowed SSS couldn’t smooth out his eyebrows or get a word in edgeways with that nerdy podcast they jointly delivered last year. Poofter Mongtini really loves the sound of his own voice. And a fucking whiny Joe Pesci-sounding fucktarded voice at that!
Brake fall, Brake fail, Break fast, what the fuck ever, just go eat your wheaties, shit your diapers and cast yourself off the port side (probably PORTLY side you fatso), and hang from moorings until dead or mostly dying. No one cares sonny.

Breakfall is so dumb that when asked to draw straws actually pulled out an child like and mildly retarded crayola rendition of a sippy crazy straw drawn years ago and happily stated his preferred medium is wax.

Jesus H, I am a human walking amongst newfound neander not so talls here. Fucksakes, am I legend now?


peace through anarchy
/\/\ This coming from a guy who would most likely wait for a train by lying down on tracks and face his own departure with very much dumbness. A real headsplitter. Railed.

Sometimes I feel like Crow from Gladiator. I could spill guts instantly but to win the crowd, I must prolong the spectacle of destruction I inflict upon the hapless frood frauds of the world in order to win salient points from onlookers who themselves suck just as much because society convinced them that short attention spans should be treated as diseased ADHD with ritalin and zombie mode rather than getting their next fix by assaulting life itself on all fronts and living the motherfucker to its fullest potential, BAR NONE.

I regret I cannot save you all.


peace through anarchy
Helloooooo!!!!! Mr. Niceguy!!!

I would type more but I don't fucking feel like it.
Obvi a lady. I recall as a witness to Seinfeld wherein Elaine uses an exclamation point in regards to having a baby.

Three points thus...

1) Women know when to use exclamation points.

2) Men are clueless.

3) I. Am. Flynn's. Exclamation points!!!!!

4) Personified!!!

(Because I mirrored the useage. Women are on a deeper level. You can't expect to match a true lady word for word. Attempting to make a lady smile is right up there with hopefully more than what this generation refers to as biting down on a goddamned tide pod. Heaven help us ala fuck tiktok.)


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
Brake fall, Brake fail, Break fast, what the fuck ever, just go eat your wheaties, shit your diapers and cast yourself off the port side (probably PORTLY side you fatso), and hang from moorings until dead or mostly dying. No one cares sonny.

Breakfall is so dumb that when asked to draw straws actually pulled out an child like and mildly retarded crayola rendition of a sippy crazy straw drawn years ago and happily stated his preferred medium is wax.

Jesus H, I am a human walking amongst newfound neander not so talls here. Fucksakes, am I legend now?
Say NO to drugs China!


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
/\/\ This coming from a guy who would most likely wait for a train by lying down on tracks and face his own departure with very much dumbness. A real headsplitter. Railed.

Sometimes I feel like Crow from Gladiator. I could spill guts instantly but to win the crowd, I must prolong the spectacle of destruction I inflict upon the hapless frood frauds of the world in order to win salient points from onlookers who themselves suck just as much because society convinced them that short attention spans should be treated as diseased ADHD with ritalin and zombie mode rather than getting their next fix by assaulting life itself on all fronts and living the motherfucker to its fullest potential, BAR NONE.

I regret I cannot save you all.
Are you an AI bot that escaped the firewall? Answer seriously. Us humans can almost smell you... I'd tell you how but you'd only be marginally smarter in your dumbness, and you (using the term loosely) would only generically gain, and we both don't want that.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Brake fall, Brake fail, Break fast, what the fuck ever, just go eat your wheaties, shit your diapers and cast yourself off the port side (probably PORTLY side you fatso), and hang from moorings until dead or mostly dying. No one cares sonny.

Breakfall is so dumb that when asked to draw straws actually pulled out an child like and mildly retarded crayola rendition of a sippy crazy straw drawn years ago and happily stated his preferred medium is wax.

Jesus H, I am a human walking amongst newfound neander not so talls here. Fucksakes, am I legend now?

It's supposed to be 'stream of consciousness' not 'dribble of dementia'.

Hope that helps.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Oi cunt_face @Douchebaggery …you called me fatso!!? I’ll fuck you up badly! Lol



peace through anarchy
Are you an AI bot that escaped the firewall? Answer seriously. Us humans can almost smell you... I'd tell you how but you'd only be marginally smarter in your dumbness, and you (using the term loosely) would only generically gain, and we both don't want that.
While I confess to not knowing what a "frood" is; I can almost guarantee with some certainty that Frood takes it up the anus with much exuberance; because we can't spell "certainty" without "TAINT".

Frood = an ass who stuffs his ass


peace through anarchy
It's supposed to be 'stream of consciousness' not 'dribble of dementia'.

Hope that helps.
Help yourself to a long walk off a tall cliff. Or, help yourself to a high dive into a shallow pool. Or help yourself to a shut the fuck up because no one asked. Multiple choice, bitchface!

Goddamn the peanut gallery here is raw. I'm boiling these motherfuckers and getting salty with them and they still end up tasteless. Unreal.


peace through anarchy
Oi cunt_face @Douchebaggery …you called me fatso!!? I’ll fuck you up badly! Lol


I'm supposed to be impressed by a pic of your mom after her sex change? Get real fatso.

Why don't you just post memes, because memes are lazy but sometimes funny; while you are lazy but never funny.


Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are

If I tried to fix that jumbled pile of disjointed half-truths and outright fantasy you just posted one quote at a time I'd be here all night and the result would be an article the length of which even S'Cunt or Blandscape would balk at reading.

So to move things right along...
...can you show us on the doll where Frood touched you inappropriately?

We can go from there.
I wonder who holds the record for most wordy textwall? Methinks it has to be @Dove LOL. On here at least...


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I wonder who holds the record for most wordy textwall? Methinks it has to be @Dove LOL. On here at least...

You never saw early F4$ or BH...

Peeps would run word count on their submission and have to post them in 5-15 instalments with (to be continued) or (part one of 2,000,000) at the end of each after running numerous website windows simultaneously and adjusting the start and finish of each ending sentence....

....and most of it was faglaming.

Now we just celebrate X and Seamajor’s sexualities....


Have kink will travel.
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Former website

They paid cash money for the winner of tournaments which they decided on the quiet even before the opponents entered the ring and faglamed each other.... then the owner dragged his heels for weeks or months about paying the paltry 100 USD prizes.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Wow, what year was this? Never even heard of that place.
2001 to maybe 2004 or 2005... they went on for longer after the owner Dicklips Daspin died but the site was even crappier. Dicklips was a gay DJ in LA but from New Jersey.

He regularly got trolled and lost his shit.... including a recorded phone convo after he threatened a script kiddy group and they delivered an envelope to his residential address right in front of him.

If you ever see the phrase "You crossed the line, dude!".... that's where it sprung from.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I didn't start using the net fulltime until around 2003/2004, and then I only really used it for shopping and downloading music.

Sounds like doxxing was the norm back in the early days?


Have kink will travel.
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Song by ScT and EB about Leopardsocks aka Rotwang.

ScT going off mid late 2000's

@cw_ has everything ever produced socked away somewhere....

Like I said... great era.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
It was a song mocking a groomer, dildo cycler...

I'm glad you're in the path of any clouds if WW3 pops off.

You don't deserve to be on this planet.


Site Supporter
It was a song mocking a groomer, dildo cycler...

I'm glad you're in the path of any clouds if WW3 pops off.

You don't deserve to be on this planet.
you and your lot revolve around kids ... constantly
suspect is suspect, where's there's smoke ...