Faggot book for four-year-olds


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
"Ohhhh, my god, I'm SO TIRED! SO TIRED of people objecting to kids being manipulated by perverts! SO TIRED of people saying that's wrong! OHHHH!"

Is that right. You're SO TIRED of people defending kids against slimy, sleazy freaks. Oh, bew fuckin' hew. Maybe what you should be tired of is slimy, sleazy freaks creepin' on little kids. Maybe you could try being tired of that, for the pure fuckin' novelty of it.

Okay, moron.

Obviously you can't or refuse to read. I never said, "I was tired of people objecting to kids being manipulated..."

What I said was I was tired of you fucks using kids as the basis of your never ending ring-around-the-rosie trolls because you stupid fucks can't get your idiotic points across any other way. That's what I said, retard. Your rewording and adding what YOU want to read may work on other's around here, but that's not going to fly with me you run of the mill tard.

How about, I'm tired of the likes of you that couldn't debate their way out of a wet paper bag without bringing up Pizza Gate or how every single Liberal is for indoctrination of every child under the age of 10 into the gay lifestyle.

So, if you don't like that children are being abused, go start a grass roots campaign and talk your never ending bullshit there. This IS a forum, not the FBI, CIA or a police department. You will not accuse members here of being in bed with perverts just because you need to bring up children to try to get your stupid point across.

No one here condones child abuse and if you keep this up, I will have you removed, that way you can have something to really cry about.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
"Ohhhh, my god, I'm SO TIRED! SO TIRED of people objecting to kids being manipulated by perverts! SO TIRED of people saying that's wrong! OHHHH!"

Is that right. You're SO TIRED of people defending kids against slimy, sleazy freaks. Oh, bew fuckin' hew. Maybe what you should be tired of is slimy, sleazy freaks creepin' on little kids. Maybe you could try being tired of that, for the pure fuckin' novelty of it.

You are a dumbass. The topic is not the problem. The problem is attacking fellow posters with accusations of child molestation with no evidence, implying that they groom children, etc.

That is utter bullshit. Get it, stupid?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
And Admin, don't think I haven't read how you're also adding onto the fire, don't think you're totally innocent in this. Everytime you answer a stupid post with a stupid answer, you're just as guilty as everyone else.


Not Important
Just Behind You
You will not accuse members here of being in bed with perverts just because you need to bring up children to try to get your stupid point across.
First: I'm not the one who brought it up.
Second: When members here defend the abuse of kids, yes I fucking will abuse the living shit out of those members for doing that.
Third: If you don't like the second point, fuck you, I'll abuse the fuck out of you, too, if you opt to defend people who promote the abuse of kids.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
First: I'm not the one who brought it up.
Second: When members here defend the abuse of kids, yes I fucking will abuse the living shit out of those members for doing that.
Third: If you don't like the second point, fuck you.

Was the subject "Who brought it up first?" No, it was not. I see you're trying to now make excuses for your shitty behavior.

Show me what member was "defending the abuse of children" and I'll show you where you are misguided and adding your own sad spin on post's that were clearly trying to state you are wrong about most Liberals.

As I said before, keep up your bullshit and I'll show you the fucking door faster than you can say, "All Libs are groomers."


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Yep, you still seem real angry that not everybody's on board with your wish for chomo fucks to creep on kids with impunity.

Pull your head out of your ass and read the rules. You don't have to like the rules. You can simply choose to follow them like a good standing member of this community should, or you can deal with the consequences. It's your choice.



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
And, just in general, you seem really intensely angry that anybody with a sense of morality is speaking up on this topic. Tell me in what way that doesn't make you immoral.

No one is angry about your "cause." What gets our attention is that you keep saying that members here are for child abuse, which they aren't. You're free to post whatever crap you want here, but the accusing others of being child abusers isn't going to happen.


Not Important
Just Behind You
What gets our attention is that you keep saying that members here are for child abuse, which they aren't. You're free to post whatever crap you want here, but the accusing others of being child abusers isn't going to happen.
I have only ever pointed out what it is that specific members here are defending. If that's an issue for you, it's not me that's creating the issue. I'm only pointing it out. Maybe you need to come down on those members who are actually doing the thing that I'm pointing out.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I have only ever pointed out what it is that specific members here are defending. If that's an issue for you, it's not me that's creating the issue. I'm only pointing it out. Maybe you need to come down on those members who are actually doing the thing that I'm pointing out.

No. You weren't. You were accusing them of child abuse because they were trying to defend the Liberals.

What you're doing is making it about them being child abusers.

Now I could care fucking less what you twats post, but when I start to see it going downhill with empty accusations and you pointing the finger at poster's here defending their positions and you calling them groomers, I have to step in.

You're not all at fault here as other's kept the embers burning. So STOP with the child abuse accusations towards certain members here. Other than that, you can have a field day calling the Liberal party perverts and groomers, just not the poster's here.


Not Important
Just Behind You
A further, only-semi-related thought: How fucking sad are you faggots that your entire identity is summed up by who puts what piece of anatomy into whose orifice?

How fucking pathetic is that? You have no personality, no hobbies, no interests, all you are is summed up by who puts what into the other person's whatever. How the fuck is that a fulfilling life?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
A further, only-semi-related thought: How fucking sad are you faggots that your entire identity is summed up by who puts what piece of anatomy into whose orifice?

How fucking pathetic is that? You have no personality, no hobbies, no interests, all you are is summed up by who puts what into the other person's whatever. How the fuck is that a fulfilling life?

See. That's much better. You can get your point across by not accusing the membership of approving child abuse.

I knew you could do it.


Not Important
Just Behind You
No. You weren't. You were accusing them of child abuse because they were trying to defend the Liberals.
No, I was accusing them of approving of child abuse because they defend the abusers. Which is self-evidently true. If they weren't approving of that abuse, they wouldn't defend it.

And I don't fucking care if you like that connection or not, the connection is self-evident. And it deserves to be pointed out. And I'm going to point it out, whether you like it or not. If you defend those who prey on children, your defense of predators indicates approval of their predation.

Like it or fucking lump it.

Instead of coming down on me for pointing out villainy, why don't you grow a fucking spine and oppose the fucking villains.


Not Important
Just Behind You
Just tell me if I'm making it difficult or uncomfortable for the communists of this board to defend those who prey on kids. I want to hear you cry and snivel and whimper and bitch about me making it tough on commies and kid-touchers.


An Claidheam Anam
As I pointed out earlier in this very thread. Not one single Leftie/Prog member here has disavowed or expressed disagreement with with the Leftist educational policies designed to sexualize children.

Not a single one.

Bringing up these policies, as The Question has pointed out, makes the Leftie/Prog membership here very upset for some reason, as if the very voicing of opposition to such policies is a personal affront to them personally.

Miss Flynn seems to equate pointing this out with accusing members here of being pedophilic child abusers, even though no member has been expressly accused of any such thing.

Miss Flynn is kind of stupid, depending upon whom is driving Miss Flynn at any given time, and also quite busy governing this very busy forum due to her duties as Global Moderator, so she can be forgiven for not fully grasping the nuance of the arguments being had in this thread. One of so very many she is tasked with overseeing.

The real culprits for this latest bit of drama are the Leftie/Progs, not one of whom has expressed disagreement with these evil and disgusting Leftists educational policies that are designed to inculcate small children with sexualized propaganda.

Not a single one.


Not Important
Just Behind You
As I pointed out earlier in this very thread. Not one single Leftie/Prog member here has disavowed or expressed disagreement with with the Leftist educational policies designed to sexualize children.

Not a single one.

Bringing up these policies, as The Question has pointed out, makes the Leftie/Prog membership here very upset for some reason, as if the very voicing of opposition to such policies is a personal affront to them personally.

Miss Flynn seems to equate pointing this out with accusing members here of being pedophilic child abusers, even though no member has been expressly accused of any such thing.

Miss Flynn is kind of stupid, depending upon whom is driving Miss Flynn at any given time, and also quite busy governing this very busy forum due to her duties as Global Moderator, so she can be forgiven for not fully grasping the nuance of the arguments being had in this thread. One of so very many she is tasked with overseeing.

The real culprits for this latest bit of drama are the Leftie/Progs, not one of whom has expressed disagreement with these evil and disgusting Leftists educational policies that are designed to inculcate small children with sexualized propaganda.

Not a single one.
Let me simplify it for ya:

"We're gonna fuck up your kids, because we hate the nuclear family unit." -Commies

It's as simple as that. That's the core tenet of the Communists, on this issue. And you'll note, I don't call them "leftists" much less "progressives" in observation of the fact that they simply stole the term "progressives."

What they're pushing is not progress. Because they're not progressive, they're aiming for Communism, a shabby fucking failure of 19th century philosophy from a gaggle of coddled, pampered bitches none of whom ever put in a day's real work in their entire fucking lives.

But part of that system is, they have to detach children from the values of their parents -- so that the Commies can shove their own "values" into those kids.

So the nuclear family has to be shoved aside.

But it's not going to work. Not here. Not now. Not ever. And there are plenty of helicopters and lamp-posts just waiting. Keep working and you'll get fucking paid.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Miss Flynn seems to equate pointing this out with accusing members here of being pedophilic child abusers, even though no member has been expressly accused of any such thing.

Oh really?

The Question:
So what we're all left to conclude is that you two defend corrupting kids because you want to act like "allies" to the LGBTWTF kooks

The Question:
Just tell me if I'm making it difficult or uncomfortable for the communists of this board to defend those who prey on kids.

The only conclusion any sane person can arrive at is that they all want young children to be sexualized at five years old and they all want more young people to "identify as some kind of sexual pervert.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Re-read your remarks and tell me again how you're not accusing anyone of being child abusers. By saying the Liberal/Communists are defending child abuse, you are accusing them of being what they "defend."


An Claidheam Anam
Nice rant!

There was a time when such a rant would engender pages-long threads where Lefties and Righties would discuss such things as the Three Pillars of Bourgeois Society that Karl Marx proclaimed need to be extirpated from society, or the wild works of the Dago Italian Communist, Antonio Gramsci, who "prophesied" about the need for a Long March through the Cultural Institutions of the West for Communism to succeed, or the Frankfurt School Marxists who fled Europe between the world wars to America ... and to our detriment ever since. And all of this, mind you, interspersed with galling and exquisite bits of flame between the participants.

But I'm afraid those days are long over. Registered Democrats in America today become increasingly and hysterically more insane with each passing day the closer we get to Election Day 2024.

I'm afraid their TDS is quite terminal.

Take my advice. It's best just to mock and ridicule them. That's what I do.


An Claidheam Anam
Oh really?

The Question:

The Question:


And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Re-read your remarks and tell me again how you're not accusing anyone of being child abusers. By saying the Liberal/Communists are defending child abuse, you are accusing them of being what they "defend."

I know you are rather thick and stupid, Flynn, but none of your examples is "expressly accusing any member here of being a pedophilic child abuser."

You don't have to like it, Skank, but that's the Truth of it. Take it up with @Bastard Factory. If in his estimation voicing opposition to Leftist educational policies equates with accusing members here who refuse to voice disagreement with said policies of being pedophilic child abusers themselves, the BF can ban me. He needn't bother with assboxing.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I know you are rather thick and stupid, Flynn, but none of your examples is "expressly accusing any member here of being a pedophilic child abuser."

You don't have to like it, Skank, but that's the Truth of it. Take it up with @Bastard Factory. If in his estimation voicing opposition to Leftist educational policies equates with accusing members here who refuse to voice disagreement with said policies of being pedophilic child abusers themselves, the BF can ban me. He needn't bother with assboxing.

Yes, actually they do. No amount of beating around the bush will change that. No matter what angles you come from, or how you want to word your responses, the fact remains you are indeed calling some posters here child abusers.

Just you tagging BF is another sign that you can't defend your position. If you really want to get banned that can be arranged. You were asked to quit with bringing in children along with your empty accusations of child abuse towards certain members. You're trying to disrupt this forum by using children as bait and you know this. I see that you don't pull this kind of garbage at TBC, which also tells me this is nothing more than an attempt at trying to point out that the mods here panel abuse and that the members here stand behind the abuse of children.


Site Supporter
"Ohhhh, my god, I'm SO TIRED! SO TIRED of people objecting to kids being manipulated by perverts! SO TIRED of people saying that's wrong! OHHHH!"

Is that right. You're SO TIRED of people defending kids against slimy, sleazy freaks. Oh, bew fuckin' hew. Maybe what you should be tired of is slimy, sleazy freaks creepin' on little kids. Maybe you could try being tired of that, for the pure fuckin' novelty of it.
You have in your closet right now don't you ???
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Not Important
Just Behind You
No matter what angles you come from, or how you want to word your responses, the fact remains you are indeed calling some posters here child abusers.
Except, no, he isn't. You wanting somebody to do a thing so that you can censor them does not, in fact, equate to that person actually doing that thing. Nobody has explicitly accused any identifiable member of this board of breaking the law -- which would indeed be ban-worthy. And you don't get to make that leap on another poster's behalf just so you have an excuse to censor somebody.

And, no, your inability or unwillingness to read precisely what is written does not excuse you from the responsibility to read precisely what is written. If you're going to wield mod tools, you have no excuse to "read between the lines." You get to read what is written, exclusively, not whatever it is you wish posters had written so that you can censor them.

I rip on people who defend unlawful activity. I did not, at any point, accuse any poster of breaking the law themselves.

Yeah, it's probably against the rules to accuse @Admin of being a Chester; but I haven't done that. What I have done is accused @Admin and his little anti-American commie pals of simping for Chester. But that isn't against the rules. So what you are gonna do is sit the fuck down, and shut the fuck up. 'kay? :)
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