


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Martini is one boring motherfucker

And you and Lily calling each other fat is the height or great entertainment, right? :Disagree:

I'm thinking of asking Bastard Factory, nicely naturally, of having you two lose permissions posting in this section. You two bury good content with inane spam.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Between the earnest talk of panicky pill-popping and Aussies being all moist about their convict ancestry, this thread delivers.

Imagine if Requiem for a Dream took place at Gallipoli and starred Yahoo Serious.
Requiem was a brilliant movie the first couple times I watched it, now it’s just a depressing tale about junkies living the life. I can’t even watch it for the story more so the cinematography which is still very, very good. Jennifer Connelly is a knock out tho.

Shelby’s masterpiece will always be Last exit to Brooklyn.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Martini is one boring motherfucker

And you and Lily calling each other fat is the height or great entertainment, right? :Disagree:

I'm thinking of asking Bastard Factory, nicely naturally, of having you two lose permissions posting in this section. You two bury good content with inane spam.
Eh, when you shit all over the usual garbage the rabble has no clue how to handle it. When the lights go off the bees stop flying.

Merry Christmas btw


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Between the earnest talk of panicky pill-popping and Aussies being all moist about their convict ancestry, this thread delivers.

Imagine if Requiem for a Dream took place at Gallipoli and starred Yahoo Serious.
Requiem was a brilliant movie the first couple times I watched it, now it’s just a depressing tale about junkies living the life. I can’t even watch it for the story more so the cinematography which is still very, very good. Jennifer Connelly is a knock out tho.

Shelby’s masterpiece will always be Last exit to Brooklyn.

If we're talking the junkie high life up on the silver screen, Naked Lunch beats all. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas comes in at a close second.

Right-o about Connelly.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
And then, of course, there's that Scottish stereotripe, I forgot the name.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Martini is one boring motherfucker

And you and Lily calling each other fat is the height or great entertainment, right? :Disagree:

I'm thinking of asking Bastard Factory, nicely naturally, of having you two lose permissions posting in this section. You two bury good content with inane spam.
Eh, when you shit all over the usual garbage the rabble has no clue how to handle it. When the lights go off the bees stop flying.

Merry Christmas btw

Merry Christmas to you and your family KM....:CooL:


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Yeah, Martino... Merry Christmas!

I'd have suggestions for toys for your kids but I don't want to re-open old wounds.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Between the earnest talk of panicky pill-popping and Aussies being all moist about their convict ancestry, this thread delivers.

Imagine if Requiem for a Dream took place at Gallipoli and starred Yahoo Serious.
Requiem was a brilliant movie the first couple times I watched it, now it’s just a depressing tale about junkies living the life. I can’t even watch it for the story more so the cinematography which is still very, very good. Jennifer Connelly is a knock out tho.

Shelby’s masterpiece will always be Last exit to Brooklyn.

If we're talking the junkie high life up on the silver screen, Naked Lunch beats all. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas comes in at a close second.

Right-o about Connelly.
Naked Lunch was ruined by Cronenbeegs commitment to disgust his audience. Not a fan, although Videodrome has its moments. Nothing beats James Woods having a big video tape eating pussy on his chest.

I never got into Fear and loathing, Depp is way over acting.

Panic in needle park is under rated as far as drug movies go.

The best drug movie is without a doubt Christiane F. Soundtrack by Bowie, just a fucked up downward spiral and the scene where the guy steals the girls dope and shoots it into his neck right in front of her is beyond fucked up.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I have no sympathy for druggies with the exception of a few who were made into druggies like the old man who took pictures of my house burning down... he hurt his back at work and was given methadone (sp?) of all things. He became addicted to methadone and needed it every 4 hours.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
I have no sympathy for druggies with the exception of a few who were made into druggies like the old man who took pictures of my house burning down... he hurt his back at work and was given methadone (sp?) of all things. He became addicted to methadone and needed it every 4 hours.
I have no sympathy for druggies.

You either clean yourself up or you don’t.
Seen too many ppl with everything going for themselves fall into that shit and never get out of it. Seen them get out of it and fall back into it.

You either don’t fuck with that shit in the first place, or you step up and get yourself out of it, the lifestyle and the circle of trash using with you, or you fucking become a statistic.

No sympathy


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
I have no sympathy for druggies with the exception of a few who were made into druggies like the old man who took pictures of my house burning down... he hurt his back at work and was given methadone (sp?) of all things. He became addicted to methadone and needed it every 4 hours.
I have no sympathy for druggies.

You either clean yourself up or you don’t.
Seen too many ppl with everything going for themselves fall into that shit and never get out of it. Seen them get out of it and fall back into it.

You either don’t fuck with that shit in the first place, or you step up and get yourself out of it, the lifestyle and the circle of trash using with you, or you fucking become a statistic.

No sympathy
Fuck off you joker. Go and play with your teenagers in Fortnite you creep!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I stopped chain smoking 7.5 years ago.

I miss the taste of smokes but they are $60 a packet here now.

I brought a few extra years of life by giving up...

If only you could smoke 1 cigarette a week and not revert back to chain smoking..... I would be cool with that.


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
I stopped chain smoking 7.5 years ago.

I miss the taste of smokes but they are $60 a packet here now.

I brought a few extra years of life by giving up...

If only you could smoke 1 cigarette a week and not revert back to chain smoking..... I would be cool with that.
You’re aging fast…don’t do it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I have no sympathy for druggies with the exception of a few who were made into druggies like the old man who took pictures of my house burning down... he hurt his back at work and was given methadone (sp?) of all things. He became addicted to methadone and needed it every 4 hours.
I have no sympathy for druggies.

You either clean yourself up or you don’t.
Seen too many ppl with everything going for themselves fall into that shit and never get out of it. Seen them get out of it and fall back into it.

You either don’t fuck with that shit in the first place, or you step up and get yourself out of it, the lifestyle and the circle of trash using with you, or you fucking become a statistic.

No sympathy
Fuck off you joker. Go and play with your teenagers in Fortnite you creep!

This is my thread.....we are all having nice discussion and you show up?

Fuck off, Fucker.


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
I have no sympathy for druggies with the exception of a few who were made into druggies like the old man who took pictures of my house burning down... he hurt his back at work and was given methadone (sp?) of all things. He became addicted to methadone and needed it every 4 hours.
I have no sympathy for druggies.

You either clean yourself up or you don’t.
Seen too many ppl with everything going for themselves fall into that shit and never get out of it. Seen them get out of it and fall back into it.

You either don’t fuck with that shit in the first place, or you step up and get yourself out of it, the lifestyle and the circle of trash using with you, or you fucking become a statistic.

No sympathy
Fuck off you joker. Go and play with your teenagers in Fortnite you creep!

This is my thread.....we are all having nice discussion and you show up?

Fuck off, Fucker.
Don’t cry ugly…smoking is a bad habit. Period. Cunt.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
But, before I go here my methadone story.

First time club bartending this one waitress had a case of the Kevin’s. Hung out with her once and she was cool. Couple weeks later we were fucking. She wasn’t a hottie, just average but she was cool as fuck. She would spend the night but would leave really early every morning then come back. She was taking her junkie brother to get his methadone. He would always tell her I’m bad news, which was funny cuz this guy was a complete junkie who robbed his own family of everything they had.

Turns out, I grew up with this kid and the ppl I associated with beat his ass mercilessly on more then one occasion. I grew up in the burbs and this loser was toiling around a dangerous city by a club I worked at that wasn’t in a good area.

Well, we used to call him “Fast Eddie” because after the last beating he took he talked really slow. When I said “Holy shit, your Fast Eddie’s sister?” She started spazzing out. I told her to hit the fucking bricks.

She then tried to get me fired from my job. But the managers were like “lol wat? He’s money behind the bar, we will fire you”.

So they did, which was ironically around Christmas time. When she came in to get her last tip share I let the managers know all the shots she was drinking so her final payout was less then five bucks.

You just can’t give an enabler money.

Merry Christmas!!!


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
I stopped chain smoking 7.5 years ago.

I miss the taste of smokes but they are $60 a packet here now.

I brought a few extra years of life by giving up...

If only you could smoke 1 cigarette a week and not revert back to chain smoking..... I would be cool with that.
Cigs are 60 bucks a pack?

And here I think 20 bucks a pack is robbery


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I stopped chain smoking 7.5 years ago.

I miss the taste of smokes but they are $60 a packet here now.

I brought a few extra years of life by giving up...

If only you could smoke 1 cigarette a week and not revert back to chain smoking..... I would be cool with that.
Cigs are 60 bucks a pack?

And here I think 20 bucks a pack is robbery

They are trying to force people to give up by out pricing them... I gave up when they were $27-30 a packet of 30 cigarettes.


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
I stopped chain smoking 7.5 years ago.

I miss the taste of smokes but they are $60 a packet here now.

I brought a few extra years of life by giving up...

If only you could smoke 1 cigarette a week and not revert back to chain smoking..... I would be cool with that.
Cigs are 60 bucks a pack?

And here I think 20 bucks a pack is robbery

They are trying to force people to give up by out pricing them... I gave up when they were $27-30 a packet of 30 cigarettes.
Shut the fuck up you gap-toothed mole ffs!


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
They are trying to force people to give up by out pricing them... I gave up when they were $27-30 a packet of 30 cigarettes.
They would just love to do this here, but they can't: Raise the price too high, and people start buying contraband tobacco. Canada already loses $1,000,000,000/year in lost tobacco taxes due to contraband.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
I stopped chain smoking 7.5 years ago.

I miss the taste of smokes but they are $60 a packet here now.

I brought a few extra years of life by giving up...

If only you could smoke 1 cigarette a week and not revert back to chain smoking..... I would be cool with that.
Cigs are 60 bucks a pack?

And here I think 20 bucks a pack is robbery

They are trying to force people to give up by out pricing them... I gave up when they were $27-30 a packet of 30 cigarettes.
If it works, I wouldn’t knock it.

I have no issue with the ridiculous taxes on cigarettes in the county I live in. If I really need to cheap it I just go two streets over into a different county where they’re 9 bucks a pack.

I thankfully have lowered my cigarette intake to half a pack when I was at two packs a day there for a bit. My taste buds were shot because of it. My moment of clarity came when I was smoking while I was eating a subway while on break. One of my old bosses used to smoke while they were eating and I thought it was disgusting and here I was doing the same thing.

Spicy foods wernt spicy. Sweet treats wernt sweet. Everything was just bland. That’s not a way to live. Now I just smoke while at work. Don’t even touch them too much any more while I’m at home. One of the kids picked it up then stopped when they saw me hacking out half my lung one morning. Best intervention ever. I told him straight up “I’m not going to stop you because I’d be a hypocrite, but look at what it does”.

Now he lifts. Can’t say I did the wrong thing but he eats like a horse. So used to hearing the clanging and banging every morning it doesn’t even wake me up any more.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
I have no sympathy for druggies with the exception of a few who were made into druggies like the old man who took pictures of my house burning down... he hurt his back at work and was given methadone (sp?) of all things. He became addicted to methadone and needed it every 4 hours.
I have no sympathy for druggies.

You either clean yourself up or you don’t.
Seen too many ppl with everything going for themselves fall into that shit and never get out of it. Seen them get out of it and fall back into it.

You either don’t fuck with that shit in the first place, or you step up and get yourself out of it, the lifestyle and the circle of trash using with you, or you fucking become a statistic.

No sympathy
Fuck off you joker. Go and play with your teenagers in Fortnite you creep!
Hey fuckwit, nobody is talking to you or paying your drivel any kind of attention.

If you were smart, and not some attention whoring tard, you would;

A) use your scroll wheel
B) Go find your little victim group of incels and bleat your bullshit there

Or C) Log the fuck out and know that nobody will miss you.

But since your a forgetful shit poster who needs to stick his ass in convos looking to be dominated like a worthless sub, my advice is, do better.

Nobody wants to read a grown ass man groveling like a lil bitch. And while I understand it’s in your DNA, it’s still rather pathetic.

If that’s the image you are trying to project, a fucking illiterate bumpkin, your doing a marvelous job.

See, as the last of the elite flamers left, my words, unlike yours, matter. And the sad reality is you, and a few others here are nothing but bottom grazing clowns who would be laughed off any forum outside of this one that doesn’t have a choice but be stuck with you….

Until that day comes when things change. And trust me, that days coming.


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
I have no sympathy for druggies with the exception of a few who were made into druggies like the old man who took pictures of my house burning down... he hurt his back at work and was given methadone (sp?) of all things. He became addicted to methadone and needed it every 4 hours.
I have no sympathy for druggies.

You either clean yourself up or you don’t.
Seen too many ppl with everything going for themselves fall into that shit and never get out of it. Seen them get out of it and fall back into it.

You either don’t fuck with that shit in the first place, or you step up and get yourself out of it, the lifestyle and the circle of trash using with you, or you fucking become a statistic.

No sympathy
Fuck off you joker. Go and play with your teenagers in Fortnite you creep!
Hey fuckwit, nobody is talking to you or paying your drivel any kind of attention.

If you were smart, and not some attention whoring tard, you would;

A) use your scroll wheel
B) Go find your little victim group of incels and bleat your bullshit there

Or C) Log the fuck out and know that nobody will miss you.

But since your a forgetful shit poster who needs to stick his ass in convos looking to be dominated like a worthless sub, my advice is, do better.

Nobody wants to read a grown ass man groveling like a lil bitch. And while I understand it’s in your DNA, it’s still rather pathetic.

If that’s the image you are trying to project, a fucking illiterate bumpkin, your doing a marvelous job.

See, as the last of the elite flamers left, my words, unlike yours, matter. And the sad reality is you, and a few others here are nothing but bottom grazing clowns who would be laughed off any forum outside of this one that doesn’t have a choice but be stuck with you….

Until that day comes when things change. And trust me, that days coming.
Oh I couldn’t read all that tripe creepy!