Gun Control in America


Factory Bastard
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I think the key to owning guns is to act responsibly … Where I used to live, I had someone enter my home at 2 in the morning... I WAS SCARED SHITLESS... .. I reach for my phone 1st thing and called the police.. I listened for a sec and didn't hear anymore sound.. so I peeked down the hallway.. and there was a man on my couch in his underwear passed out laying like a baby in the fetal position HAHA.. I snuck passed him and waited outside for the police to come... I did NOT OWN a gun at the time.. Lemme tell you how strange it is to be outside of your own house at 230a.m in your PJ's, while a stranger is sleeping on your couch lol.... I noticed a bike on my front lawn and blue jeans laying outside of my front door.. Anyway.. the police came and enter my home... They took their HUGE Maglite and rapped the guy on the head to wake him up.. I KNOW that guy had to have a welt the size of baseball the next day.. To make a long story short... The guy was riding his bike home from the bar.. crashed it in my front yard and came in for a snooze. The cops were TOTAL DICKS... I actually felt sorry for the dude when all was said and done... The cop said if this had happened in his home the guy wouldn't be living.. :( FFS... shit happens... I refused to press charges.. Outside we watched the guy put his jeans back on and drive away on his bike.. He was weaving all over the place.. The cop made a comment.. " With any luck, he'll get run over on the way home" Fuckin dick :/ The funniest thing about this whole story, is that I owned 2 cocker spaniels that were still sleeping on their dog bed after all of this commotion ..lmao.. Truly the dumbest most useless dog you can own lol
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knife wielder

Factory Bastard
It's rare when cops aren't thuggish assholes. You can't tell me having an authoritative job doesn't appeal to some of the worst people.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Cops are like teachers. They are paid so poorly that anyone with any sense finds something else to do. With Teachers there is the whole "But I am enriching the next generation" to motivate some good people to take the job, but with cops all they get is "I will probably be shot in the line of duty" which, let's face it, isn't nearly as motivating or rewarding.

What you are left with is incompetent idiots who cannot do anything else, assholes with a chip on their shoulder, and the occasional sociopath who just wants to milk the system from the inside.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I agree... and what really pisses me off is when cops protect each other from city to city... We had a incident happen here years ago, where a cop was driving a city owned vehicle out on the town, drinking.... He side swiped someone in a neighboring city and kept driving... He literally had a piece of the car he hit, stuck to the side of his vehicle...He was pulled over and aloud to go home.. Never heard another word about it :/

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
And then you've got the idiots who minimize the issue by chalking it down to "a few bad apples". They really see no issue with cops breaking the law and being thugs because, wait for it... they're cops! They're allowed to do anything simply because they're cops. If someone does wrong they should be held accountable regardless of who they are or what their job is. Bad people exploit this and take a job where accountability is kept to a sickening minimum.


Factory Bastard
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So true... If anything, the police should be held to a HIGHER STANDARD then the rest of the public... but sadly that's not the case :(


Factory Bastard
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quite a few years ago in New Orleans there was a cop-war. It's kind of a funny story really.

There is a bridge in New Orleans that spans the Mississippi river, it also spans two different police municipalities. Because neither side has jurisdiction, a special police force was created just for that bridge. Keep in mind in order to enter or leave New Orleans you (back in those days) had to cross one of 2 bridges, and this particular bridge was the most widely used because it goes right into the down town district.

So one night an off-duty cop from one side of the bridge decided to get drunk on the other side of the bridge and then drive home. When he was pulled over for DWI and apparently wasn't happy about the fact that the other cops didn't let him go, some words were exchanged, some blows were exchanged, and drunk cop went home with a broken bone or three and a really bad attitude. This sparked his co-cops on his side of the bridge to decide to exact a little bit of revenge. Well things being as they are some of the cops on the OTHER side of the bridge actually lived on asshole's side of the river. a few of the city cops got beat up on their way home. Of course this couldn't be allowed to pass without some form of recompense so they started ambushing cops on their side of the river. This went back and forth a couple months and actually made the news. The really good part is when they started actually ambushing each other ON the bridge which of course brought the bridge cops into the fray. A couple bridge cops beat the shit out of both sides and managed to start a three way war.

The bridge cops obviously lost, it was a small force to begin with, and since no one actually lived on the bridge they had to go home to one side or the other to sleep. Poor bastards were getting their asses handed to them on both sides. I don't know if either side was declared the winner, and honestly I think when a couple of the bridge cops got sent to the hospital both sides realized how silly they looked beating up on rent-a-cops with a 2 mile long by 6-lane wide jurisdiction and an uneasy peace was found.

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
I agree... and what really pisses me off is when cops protect each other from city to city... We had a incident happen here years ago, where a cop was driving a city owned vehicle out on the town, drinking.... He side swiped someone in a neighboring city and kept driving... He literally had a piece of the car he hit, stuck to the side of his vehicle...He was pulled over and aloud to go home.. Never heard another word about it :/

I thought they were concerned about safety?!

Actually it's kind of funny because a major cause of cops dying "in the line of duty" is from their own reckless driving.


Site Supporter
I think the key to owning guns is to act responsibly … Where I used to live, I had someone enter my home at 2 in the morning... I WAS SCARED SHITLESS... .. I reach for my phone 1st thing and called the police.. I listened for a sec and didn't hear anymore sound.. so I peeked down the hallway.. and there was a man on my couch in his underwear passed out laying like a baby in the fetal position HAHA.. I snuck passed him and waited outside for the police to come... I did NOT OWN a gun at the time.. Lemme tell you how strange it is to be outside of your own house at 230a.m in your PJ's, while a stranger is sleeping on your couch lol.... I noticed a bike on my front lawn and blue jeans laying outside of my front door.. Anyway.. the police came and enter my home... They took their HUGE Maglite and rapped the guy on the head to wake him up.. I KNOW that guy had to have a welt the size of baseball the next day.. To make a long story short... The guy was riding his bike home from the bar.. crashed it in my front yard and came in for a snooze. The cops were TOTAL DICKS... I actually felt sorry for the dude when all was said and done... The cop said if this had happened in his home the guy wouldn't be living.. :( FFS... shit happens... I refused to press charges.. Outside we watched the guy put his jeans back on and drive away on his bike.. He was weaving all over the place.. The cop made a comment.. " With any luck, he'll get run over on the way home" Fuckin dick :/ The funniest thing about this whole story, is that I owned 2 cocker spaniels that were still sleeping on their dog bed after all of this commotion ..lmao.. Truly the dumbest most useless dog you can own lol
lol That is some story, glad you're okay ..


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I think the key to owning guns is to act responsibly … Where I used to live, I had someone enter my home at 2 in the morning... I WAS SCARED SHITLESS... .. I reach for my phone 1st thing and called the police.. I listened for a sec and didn't hear anymore sound.. so I peeked down the hallway.. and there was a man on my couch in his underwear passed out laying like a baby in the fetal position HAHA.. I snuck passed him and waited outside for the police to come... I did NOT OWN a gun at the time.. Lemme tell you how strange it is to be outside of your own house at 230a.m in your PJ's, while a stranger is sleeping on your couch lol.... I noticed a bike on my front lawn and blue jeans laying outside of my front door.. Anyway.. the police came and enter my home... They took their HUGE Maglite and rapped the guy on the head to wake him up.. I KNOW that guy had to have a welt the size of baseball the next day.. To make a long story short... The guy was riding his bike home from the bar.. crashed it in my front yard and came in for a snooze. The cops were TOTAL DICKS... I actually felt sorry for the dude when all was said and done... The cop said if this had happened in his home the guy wouldn't be living.. :( FFS... shit happens... I refused to press charges.. Outside we watched the guy put his jeans back on and drive away on his bike.. He was weaving all over the place.. The cop made a comment.. " With any luck, he'll get run over on the way home" Fuckin dick :/ The funniest thing about this whole story, is that I owned 2 cocker spaniels that were still sleeping on their dog bed after all of this commotion ..lmao.. Truly the dumbest most useless dog you can own lol
lol That is some story, glad you're okay ..
I was truly lucky, sf.. I do own a couple of guns now due to this incident... The guy could have easily had criminal intent. Also... I had been out riding my MC that day and was tired when I got home and thought I'd take a "short" nap... tis why my door wasn't locked... I fell asleep and never got back up to lock it... :(

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
I agree... and what really pisses me off is when cops protect each other from city to city... We had a incident happen here years ago, where a cop was driving a city owned vehicle out on the town, drinking.... He side swiped someone in a neighboring city and kept driving... He literally had a piece of the car he hit, stuck to the side of his vehicle...He was pulled over and aloud to go home.. Never heard another word about it :/

I'm sure the person he ran into would have loved to know he was a cop, and that another cop let him go!
Big Sexy

Big Sexy

narcoleptic mattress salesman
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I'm all for taking the guns away! I even signed a petition last week
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This way they can focus on who HAS them and the noose over the years will tighten.


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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The damn poeleece ain't gonna save you. You'd better be packing your own heat.

That's about the only thing you ever posted that is about halfway right- - - - - - -


So KW what do you carry- - - - - - - - - - - -
Big Sexy

Big Sexy

narcoleptic mattress salesman
Site Supporter
I’m thinking about buying a gun. The thing will sit in my closet until the apocalypse


white wine divorcee
If we need to kill the radicals in the smokey mountains, lets do it! 95% of the population gun free is better than the present.

Look at the statistics!!

If u have a gun I strongly suggest u turn it over to local law authorities and just get a dog.



Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
If we need to kill the radicals in the smokey mountains, lets do it! 95% of the population gun free is better than the present.

Look at the statistics!!

If u have a gun I strongly suggest u turn it over to local law authorities and just get a dog.


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If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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Want to stop crime,get rid of all the people - - - - - - !


Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
I think the key to owning guns is to act responsibly … Where I used to live, I had someone enter my home at 2 in the morning... I WAS SCARED SHITLESS... .. I reach for my phone 1st thing and called the police.. I listened for a sec and didn't hear anymore sound.. so I peeked down the hallway.. and there was a man on my couch in his underwear passed out laying like a baby in the fetal position HAHA.. I snuck passed him and waited outside for the police to come... I did NOT OWN a gun at the time.. Lemme tell you how strange it is to be outside of your own house at 230a.m in your PJ's, while a stranger is sleeping on your couch lol.... I noticed a bike on my front lawn and blue jeans laying outside of my front door.. Anyway.. the police came and enter my home... They took their HUGE Maglite and rapped the guy on the head to wake him up.. I KNOW that guy had to have a welt the size of baseball the next day.. To make a long story short... The guy was riding his bike home from the bar.. crashed it in my front yard and came in for a snooze. The cops were TOTAL DICKS... I actually felt sorry for the dude when all was said and done... The cop said if this had happened in his home the guy wouldn't be living.. :( FFS... shit happens... I refused to press charges.. Outside we watched the guy put his jeans back on and drive away on his bike.. He was weaving all over the place.. The cop made a comment.. " With any luck, he'll get run over on the way home" Fuckin dick :/ The funniest thing about this whole story, is that I owned 2 cocker spaniels that were still sleeping on their dog bed after all of this commotion ..lmao.. Truly the dumbest most useless dog you can own lol
lol That is some story, glad you're okay ..

That IS some story. I don't see the cops letting a guy drive impaired like that. Story is right.


Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
If we need to kill the radicals in the smokey mountains, lets do it! 95% of the population gun free is better than the present.

Look at the statistics!!

If u have a gun I strongly suggest u turn it over to local law authorities and just get a dog.


Sooooooo you're against gun violence, therefore you advocate mass murder. Yeah, seems legit. Dumb twat.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I think the key to owning guns is to act responsibly … Where I used to live, I had someone enter my home at 2 in the morning... I WAS SCARED SHITLESS... .. I reach for my phone 1st thing and called the police.. I listened for a sec and didn't hear anymore sound.. so I peeked down the hallway.. and there was a man on my couch in his underwear passed out laying like a baby in the fetal position HAHA.. I snuck passed him and waited outside for the police to come... I did NOT OWN a gun at the time.. Lemme tell you how strange it is to be outside of your own house at 230a.m in your PJ's, while a stranger is sleeping on your couch lol.... I noticed a bike on my front lawn and blue jeans laying outside of my front door.. Anyway.. the police came and enter my home... They took their HUGE Maglite and rapped the guy on the head to wake him up.. I KNOW that guy had to have a welt the size of baseball the next day.. To make a long story short... The guy was riding his bike home from the bar.. crashed it in my front yard and came in for a snooze. The cops were TOTAL DICKS... I actually felt sorry for the dude when all was said and done... The cop said if this had happened in his home the guy wouldn't be living.. :( FFS... shit happens... I refused to press charges.. Outside we watched the guy put his jeans back on and drive away on his bike.. He was weaving all over the place.. The cop made a comment.. " With any luck, he'll get run over on the way home" Fuckin dick :/ The funniest thing about this whole story, is that I owned 2 cocker spaniels that were still sleeping on their dog bed after all of this commotion ..lmao.. Truly the dumbest most useless dog you can own lol
lol That is some story, glad you're okay ..

That IS some story. I don't see the cops letting a guy drive impaired like that. Story is right.

maybe the bike was just a bicycle


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
6,595 was a bicycle....i lived in a subdivision...all look alike 50's homes.....He lived 2 streets over :)...