So Reagan must have somehow mistakenly thought that communist authoritarianism was not Liberalism. How do you explain that AiryAnn? DementiaBy whose definition, AiryAnn?It can't - Liberalism and Totalitarianism are incompatible.PS: that's a very nice, clean shaven pussy you got there, Flynn.
Yeah, no doubt it resembles what you've got down there lurking underneath your miniskirt.
I guess you and Dovey won't be citing any sources contrary to what I posted about the TRUE definition of "Fascism."
I'd like you to explain to me, in your own words, not those of a Jewish Politically Correct mouthpiece, why exactly it is that you're claiming that Fascism, aka draconian, authoritarian government control of a nation, is something which cannot be attributed to the left and is solely a Nationalist or right wing phenomenon.
Why would I describe "Fascism" in my "own words" when the question was the definition?
Is this how you try and debate? Without ANY FACTS?
Are you fucking kidding me? I though you morons played stupid as part of your personas, I didn't know it was a what you see is what you get.
I've asked you to use your own brain, instead of copy n pasta'ing the typical mainstream generic definition of something which is widely regarded as a taboo subject.
So, given your assertion that left wing politics, no matter what they may be, can never be regarded as Fascist, I'd like you to explain this theory?
Man. You are dense.
A definition is what it is...a definition. That's the fucking point you fucking moronic simpleton.
Keep on filibustering about jack shit clown and show us how fucking well read you really are.
Not mention you're an admitted Nazi.
So you're stupid and apparently a lefty, ok good to know.
No wonder that cockless old cuck Swallowgay is humping your hairy ankle.
So. No sources. All you have to do is cite reliable sources that prove me wrong.
And Dovey's Nanna throwing old chicken bones on the table, doesn't count either.
Forget sources, I've asked you to explain to me why you think totalitarian measures can be implemented and enforced by a government on one side of the political spectrum and branded as Fascism, yet when the exact same thing happens on the opposite end of the political scale, the same accusation can't be made?
Double standard much?
For example - a government which prohibits abortion as a personal choice or use of MaryJane as a personal choice (as Cons propose) - because those things are victimless crimes, authoritarian and therefore conservative.
Now - here is whereretardsconservatives get confused
No one has the "right" to violate another person's rights.
For Example - no one has a right to compromise another's health in exercising their "FREEDUMB".
All persons living in a liberal society have responsibilities to their fellow citizens which supersedes
their "rights" to do whatever they please.
One of the first principles of Liberalism is "Rule of Law".
So in that case, why are there so many liberals who identify with far left causes?
BLM, Antifa etc are full of liberals and those who consider themselves to be on the political left.
Again - definitions, AiryAnn (who knows not the definition of Aryan even)
What do YOU mean by left wing?
I have to ask, is English your first language?
Do you ever stfu, bro?
his mouth is always open.
you wonder why?
He's like a baby bird screaming for a worm...