HilariA Baldwin

Dr Bill Jiden

Dr Bill Jiden

Dr. Bill Jiden, Actual President elect of the US
The arrival of these black Africans in Portugal, coupled with their difficulty in accessing full
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, enhanced, from the 1970s onwards, the processes of
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This is the result of multiple factors, from institutional and juridical, to socio-cultural (the construction of
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), residential (with the concentration of black migrants in degraded
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in Lisbon area, although this does not occur elsewhere in the country) and economical (the poorly qualified professional and educational profile of the migrants).
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coupled with a parallel strengthening of black identity in African migrants, even surpassing national origins.
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In 2016, the UN committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination visited Portugal and recommended that Portugal implement specific measures for the Afro-descendent community, in as in cases where some black Portuguese, today full adults, are without citizenship even in cases where siblings can be full Portuguese citizens, such as those born before 1981 or after their parents become legal migrants.

Good thing we have our resident super secret undercover racist who's never been within 20ft of a black person in any intimate way to tell us this is all a lie.

Or we might get the unfounded idea that Portugal is actually far behind the US when it comes to overcoming the stain of slavery and the idiocy of racism.

Have you ever heard of anyone from a country that was colonized by Brazil being racist?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Los Angeles
Bill Jiden is taking you out to the woodshed and anyone boasting a room temperature IQ or above can see this for themselves

I read the entire thread just now, by daylight, skipping the article in the OP. You are mistaken as usual, probalby willfully so.

Dr. Bill is a troll, one I haven't recognized yet, pretty decent at the craft, and you've been sucking his cawk for the last five pages cause you hate Holliday and Lotus both equally and Lokmar isn't going to swing the argument cause all the parties know how he operates.

Whatever passes for a dispute here is merely prelude to a future conversation, because the jury is still out.

Are you decider of all things? Asking for a friend.

Not sure why you ask that. I believe you've quoted my ONLY post in this thread, and it is my style to make such a post as that when I deem the effort I've put into answering the question "What's this thread about, anyway?" to have been a waste of time that I shan't compound by spending more time on it.

So yes, I'm the decider of all things regarding where and how much I will post in any forum. Sure hope that doesn't cause any problems for you.
Dr Bill Jiden

Dr Bill Jiden

Dr. Bill Jiden, Actual President elect of the US
Bill Jiden is taking you out to the woodshed and anyone boasting a room temperature IQ or above can see this for themselves

I read the entire thread just now, by daylight, skipping the article in the OP. You are mistaken as usual, probalby willfully so.

Dr. Bill is a troll, one I haven't recognized yet, pretty decent at the craft, and you've been sucking his cawk for the last five pages cause you hate Holliday and Lotus both equally and Lokmar isn't going to swing the argument cause all the parties know how he operates.

Whatever passes for a dispute here is merely prelude to a future conversation, because the jury is still out.

Are you decider of all things? Asking for a friend.

Not sure why you ask that. I believe you've quoted my ONLY post in this thread, and it is my style to make such a post as that when I deem the effort I've put into answering the question "What's this thread about, anyway?" to have been a waste of time that I shan't compound by spending more time on it.

So yes, I'm the decider of all things regarding where and how much I will post in any forum. Sure hope that doesn't cause any problems for you.

I have no problem about where or how much you post at all. However, your post was more about others, myself mostly and not about you.

Yet, you also acknowledge you don't know me. Good luck with whatever you decide. I don't think anyone was asking to be quite frank.
Dr Bill Jiden

Dr Bill Jiden

Dr. Bill Jiden, Actual President elect of the US
There appears to be a clique at this forum that goes around propping up one another's posts. i wonder if they sliced open their palms and took a blood oath to defend one another until internet death? You know, like 3rd grade boys.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Los Angeles
I have no problem about where or how much you post at all. However, your post was more about others, myself mostly and not about you.

Yet, you also acknowledge you don't know me. Good luck with whatever you decide. I don't think anyone was asking to be quite frank.

You have NO PROBLEM, yet you clearly find my post offensive in some way. And you wonder at being characterized as a troll.

Monster just got bitch slapped again

Get some new pompoms, fluffer. The ones you're shaking are badly stained.

There appears to be a clique at this forum that goes around propping up one another's posts. i wonder if they sliced open their palms and took a blood oath to defend one another until internet death? You know, like 3rd grade boys.

Actually, there are three or four such cliques here. I imagine you're too "new" to have catalogued them all so soon.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I have no problem about where or how much you post at all. However, your post was more about others, myself mostly and not about you.

Yet, you also acknowledge you don't know me. Good luck with whatever you decide. I don't think anyone was asking to be quite frank.

You have NO PROBLEM, yet you clearly find my post offensive in some way. And you wonder at being characterized as a troll.

Monster just got bitch slapped again

Get some new pompoms, fluffer. The ones you're shaking are badly stained.

There appears to be a clique at this forum that goes around propping up one another's posts. i wonder if they sliced open their palms and took a blood oath to defend one another until internet death? You know, like 3rd grade boys.

Actually, there are three or four such cliques here. I imagine you're too "new" to have catalogued them all so soon.
Lol. You identify as a monster

A him/her or non binary monster?
Dr Bill Jiden

Dr Bill Jiden

Dr. Bill Jiden, Actual President elect of the US
I have no problem about where or how much you post at all. However, your post was more about others, myself mostly and not about you.

Yet, you also acknowledge you don't know me. Good luck with whatever you decide. I don't think anyone was asking to be quite frank.

You have NO PROBLEM, yet you clearly find my post offensive in some way. And you wonder at being characterized as a troll.

Monster just got bitch slapped again

Get some new pompoms, fluffer. The ones you're shaking are badly stained.

There appears to be a clique at this forum that goes around propping up one another's posts. i wonder if they sliced open their palms and took a blood oath to defend one another until internet death? You know, like 3rd grade boys.

Actually, there are three or four such cliques here. I imagine you're too "new" to have catalogued them all so soon.

The only thing offensive about your post is its self-importance.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I have no problem about where or how much you post at all. However, your post was more about others, myself mostly and not about you.

Yet, you also acknowledge you don't know me. Good luck with whatever you decide. I don't think anyone was asking to be quite frank.

You have NO PROBLEM, yet you clearly find my post offensive in some way. And you wonder at being characterized as a troll.

Monster just got bitch slapped again

Get some new pompoms, fluffer. The ones you're shaking are badly stained.

There appears to be a clique at this forum that goes around propping up one another's posts. i wonder if they sliced open their palms and took a blood oath to defend one another until internet death? You know, like 3rd grade boys.

Actually, there are three or four such cliques here. I imagine you're too "new" to have catalogued them all so soon.

The only thing offensive about your post is its self-importance.
You're talking to a guy who doesn't have a nose.

I shit you not. It's just not there. I saw a picture back in the day

It's like, while all the other highschool jokers were busy sticking pencils in their nostrils to annoy the teachers this idiot figured he'd out do everyone and stick a pair of firecrackers in his and light them. Now he has to go through life looking like a fucking Mr Potato head with a piece of playdough strapped to his face while sounding like a goblin screaming underwater every time he opens his rotten toothed mouth

He's a total fuckup and trying to be someone of merit on these boards is all he has to look forward to when he wakes up each morning.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
, the first
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woman to graduate from
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, who passed as white for socioeconomic reasons

Just one example among many.

Are you saying she's not also white? That's sort of racist isn't it?

Did I say that? I think you should stop putting words in my mouth. You're just being an ass now.

Why am I being an ass? You say that woman was black, when she's clearly not all black if she could pass a white woman. Why can't I question your assumptions and/or beliefs without being insulted?

Do you notice how leftist follow the one drop rule yet want to pretend it is other people who are racist instead of themselves? They are literally advocating rhe same ideas as the KKK yet claim they aren't the real racists.

There you go as you were just too stupid to go back a single page and find out what we were talking about. I give you this, man, you are probably the dumbest mother fucker on this entire forum and that says something.

And, yes, you really were too stupid to properly figure out the numerator and denominator of a fraction so that tells me all I need to know about your abilities.
Link - same challenge as Duhv - Link and don't come back till you post it.
Calm down, lil girl.


...PS: Broccoli is an excellent food.
Sulforaphane is the tops. Well - as you should know, Doc.

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I don't love broccoli, though I will eat it occasionally. I think asparagus is a far superior vegetable. I also prefer spinach to kale. I don't have to stampede like everyone else to meet my nutritional needs.
Your right - everyone else does stampede.
Thank god you've found a better way. And may you be a shining example to all.
Two words..... CLOSET CASE.

Wear it with pride, you've certainly earned it. :ROFL3:
What is with you degenerate liberal wankstains and your belief that if one hates something that means they really like it?

I hate asparagus too you hideous looking circus freak. Does that mean I'm seriously desiring it every time I ask a waiter to substitute it for something more palatable to my tastes you dumb testicle groping retard?

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks" is a line spoken by Queen Gertrude in Shakespeare's Hamlet.... you uncultured lout. It's nuanced even in Shakespeare's context, yet for centuries audiences have understood that, because someone is insisting too much about something, the opposite of what he or she is saying must be true.

In this context, as in several other ones, your posting behavior is a bigger TELL than your laborious scribblings are. Your detesting asparagus is understandable, as is your quietly asking the waiter for a substitution. OTOH, your following posters around the internet and incessantly fag laming them is not only unreasonable, 'tis cause for speculation.

Of course, Jung has said it better and more damningly, but you can consult his writings for yourself.
Two words..... CLOSET CASE.

Wear it with pride, you've certainly earned it. :ROFL3:
What is with you degenerate liberal wankstains and your belief that if one hates something that means they really like it?

I hate asparagus too you hideous looking circus freak. Does that mean I'm seriously desiring it every time I ask a waiter to substitute it for something more palatable to my tastes you dumb testicle groping retard?

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks" is a line spoken by Queen Gertrude in Shakespeare's Hamlet.... you uncultured lout. It's nuanced even in Shakespeare's context, yet for centuries audiences have understood that, because someone is insisting too much about something, the opposite of what he or she is saying must be true.

In this context, as in several other ones, your posting behavior is a bigger TELL than your laborious scribblings are. Your detesting asparagus is understandable, as is your quietly asking the waiter for a substitution. OTOH, your following posters around the internet and incessantly fag laming them is not only unreasonable, 'tis cause for speculation.

Of course, Jung has said it better and more damningly, but you can consult his writings for yourself.

Jake, I am a little surprised that you would write something like that to dear Strapon. I am certain that you understand the word choice, sentence structure, and logic used in your post are all far above his pay grade. In other words, he has no fucking idea what you're talking about.
Meanwhile I make over 200k per year as an exec whike you fled a minimum wage teaching job at some failing public school to live slightly above the poverty line in some socialist 2nd world handmedown

May we see your tax returns please.
That hairy balled faggot represents everything that is wrong with modern society.

I'd say it's your lurid fascination with other people's male genitals that is a modern social problem, stubby. And just because SG and BC are littered with the trophy threads you've created, doesn't mean it's okay for you to jack thread after thread here where people are trying to discuss adult topics.

Just go down to Meltdown and make a full-on trophy thread there, you can probably post as often as you like in it. You sick fuck.

OK. I admit this thread inspired me to look her up. She cray cray.

I was inspired because of people like Rachel Dolezal, that Jewish academic that said she was Afro-Latina, Warren saying she is Native, etc. I thought another one? What is this about? And they all seem to lean "left" of center politically.

Well, yeah, because righties believe white is right, so there you're only going to get people of color trying to pass as white, and that's not really a story anyone cares about.

Anyway, Hilaria just seems like a dumbass nutjob.

So, you're concerned that minorities are trying to pass as white? Like who, Michael Jackson? Can you name a live one?

I'm not concerned. What gave you that idea?

Whatever your actual "feeling" is, you seem to have some idea that minorities are trying to pass as white. Care to expand on that. I find it rather difficult to think an individual can pass as white when they're African American, Asian or Native American.

It's a well-documented historical fact that many minorities have passed as white, if their skin was light enough. Of course, they were more apt to do this during the Jim Crow era. You know -- in order to work and walk into a restaurant and such things.

What makes minorities pass as white if they don't have white DNA?

OMG. Are you serious?

No, how can someone pass as white when they don't have DNA from Caucasian ancestry?
Lotus is too stupid to grasp what you are getting at here

I don't know if she's stupid, but she may have a rigid definition of what a white person is. Maybe it just takes one drop of minority blood to condemn a person to a minority life.
Honestly, Doc - I think it's often the mixed heritage person who chooses that,
but the reason is often that "purer" whites see them as inferiors.

No, it was a white supremacist way of keeping minorities down.
See - why "no"?
I said this is the result of whites not accepting them.
You can't even state an agreement without trying to start an argument.

Minorities may choose to "pass" for survival, but it wasn't really a choice was it? It was a coping mechanism in our race segregated history.

Since this is about Hillary, not about a minority, it's interesting that we're evening talking about race mixes minorities and passing. Apparently, Hillary is 100% white. As are Rachel Dolezal, the Jewish professor, and Elizabeth Warren.

If I go back and forth to Japan for the next several decades and learn to speak Japanese, does that make me Japanese?

You want to link to the post where I in any way defended Hilaria for her BS? I won't wait, because there is no post for you to link to, and I know that.
The Doc is in newb argument mode trying to prove how intelecshal she is.
In the process she's making a complete ass of herself.
I have already cautioned her.
..but - her programing doesn't allow for heeding friendly advice form her betters.

Talk about being blissfully unaware :ROFL:

I believe he wishes I was a girl so he could justify the tingly feelings in his wee wee for me.
No no.. that's his gonorrhea flaring up again

Perhaps. All I know is that he can't seem to stop following me about.
He has an insatiable ankle fetish rivaled only by his thirst for black cock

This thread went from picking on Hillary Baldwin to crazy overnight. What happened? The Lotus Bud character is melting down about things I don't understand.

The Lotus Bud character you know too well. You're not fooling me, Billary. This thread went precisely where YOU took it with your gaslighting, psycho. Don't pretend you don't know I've already busted you. Hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa!
Dr Bill Jiden

Dr Bill Jiden

Dr. Bill Jiden, Actual President elect of the US

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
, the first
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woman to graduate from
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, who passed as white for socioeconomic reasons

Just one example among many.

Are you saying she's not also white? That's sort of racist isn't it?

Did I say that? I think you should stop putting words in my mouth. You're just being an ass now.

Why am I being an ass? You say that woman was black, when she's clearly not all black if she could pass a white woman. Why can't I question your assumptions and/or beliefs without being insulted?

Do you notice how leftist follow the one drop rule yet want to pretend it is other people who are racist instead of themselves? They are literally advocating rhe same ideas as the KKK yet claim they aren't the real racists.

There you go as you were just too stupid to go back a single page and find out what we were talking about. I give you this, man, you are probably the dumbest mother fucker on this entire forum and that says something.

And, yes, you really were too stupid to properly figure out the numerator and denominator of a fraction so that tells me all I need to know about your abilities.
Link - same challenge as Duhv - Link and don't come back till you post it.
Calm down, lil girl.


...PS: Broccoli is an excellent food.
Sulforaphane is the tops. Well - as you should know, Doc.

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I don't love broccoli, though I will eat it occasionally. I think asparagus is a far superior vegetable. I also prefer spinach to kale. I don't have to stampede like everyone else to meet my nutritional needs.
Your right - everyone else does stampede.
Thank god you've found a better way. And may you be a shining example to all.
Two words..... CLOSET CASE.

Wear it with pride, you've certainly earned it. :ROFL3:
What is with you degenerate liberal wankstains and your belief that if one hates something that means they really like it?

I hate asparagus too you hideous looking circus freak. Does that mean I'm seriously desiring it every time I ask a waiter to substitute it for something more palatable to my tastes you dumb testicle groping retard?

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks" is a line spoken by Queen Gertrude in Shakespeare's Hamlet.... you uncultured lout. It's nuanced even in Shakespeare's context, yet for centuries audiences have understood that, because someone is insisting too much about something, the opposite of what he or she is saying must be true.

In this context, as in several other ones, your posting behavior is a bigger TELL than your laborious scribblings are. Your detesting asparagus is understandable, as is your quietly asking the waiter for a substitution. OTOH, your following posters around the internet and incessantly fag laming them is not only unreasonable, 'tis cause for speculation.

Of course, Jung has said it better and more damningly, but you can consult his writings for yourself.
Two words..... CLOSET CASE.

Wear it with pride, you've certainly earned it. :ROFL3:
What is with you degenerate liberal wankstains and your belief that if one hates something that means they really like it?

I hate asparagus too you hideous looking circus freak. Does that mean I'm seriously desiring it every time I ask a waiter to substitute it for something more palatable to my tastes you dumb testicle groping retard?

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks" is a line spoken by Queen Gertrude in Shakespeare's Hamlet.... you uncultured lout. It's nuanced even in Shakespeare's context, yet for centuries audiences have understood that, because someone is insisting too much about something, the opposite of what he or she is saying must be true.

In this context, as in several other ones, your posting behavior is a bigger TELL than your laborious scribblings are. Your detesting asparagus is understandable, as is your quietly asking the waiter for a substitution. OTOH, your following posters around the internet and incessantly fag laming them is not only unreasonable, 'tis cause for speculation.

Of course, Jung has said it better and more damningly, but you can consult his writings for yourself.

Jake, I am a little surprised that you would write something like that to dear Strapon. I am certain that you understand the word choice, sentence structure, and logic used in your post are all far above his pay grade. In other words, he has no fucking idea what you're talking about.
Meanwhile I make over 200k per year as an exec whike you fled a minimum wage teaching job at some failing public school to live slightly above the poverty line in some socialist 2nd world handmedown

May we see your tax returns please.
That hairy balled faggot represents everything that is wrong with modern society.

I'd say it's your lurid fascination with other people's male genitals that is a modern social problem, stubby. And just because SG and BC are littered with the trophy threads you've created, doesn't mean it's okay for you to jack thread after thread here where people are trying to discuss adult topics.

Just go down to Meltdown and make a full-on trophy thread there, you can probably post as often as you like in it. You sick fuck.

OK. I admit this thread inspired me to look her up. She cray cray.

I was inspired because of people like Rachel Dolezal, that Jewish academic that said she was Afro-Latina, Warren saying she is Native, etc. I thought another one? What is this about? And they all seem to lean "left" of center politically.

Well, yeah, because righties believe white is right, so there you're only going to get people of color trying to pass as white, and that's not really a story anyone cares about.

Anyway, Hilaria just seems like a dumbass nutjob.

So, you're concerned that minorities are trying to pass as white? Like who, Michael Jackson? Can you name a live one?

I'm not concerned. What gave you that idea?

Whatever your actual "feeling" is, you seem to have some idea that minorities are trying to pass as white. Care to expand on that. I find it rather difficult to think an individual can pass as white when they're African American, Asian or Native American.

It's a well-documented historical fact that many minorities have passed as white, if their skin was light enough. Of course, they were more apt to do this during the Jim Crow era. You know -- in order to work and walk into a restaurant and such things.

What makes minorities pass as white if they don't have white DNA?

OMG. Are you serious?

No, how can someone pass as white when they don't have DNA from Caucasian ancestry?
Lotus is too stupid to grasp what you are getting at here

I don't know if she's stupid, but she may have a rigid definition of what a white person is. Maybe it just takes one drop of minority blood to condemn a person to a minority life.
Honestly, Doc - I think it's often the mixed heritage person who chooses that,
but the reason is often that "purer" whites see them as inferiors.

No, it was a white supremacist way of keeping minorities down.
See - why "no"?
I said this is the result of whites not accepting them.
You can't even state an agreement without trying to start an argument.

Minorities may choose to "pass" for survival, but it wasn't really a choice was it? It was a coping mechanism in our race segregated history.

Since this is about Hillary, not about a minority, it's interesting that we're evening talking about race mixes minorities and passing. Apparently, Hillary is 100% white. As are Rachel Dolezal, the Jewish professor, and Elizabeth Warren.

If I go back and forth to Japan for the next several decades and learn to speak Japanese, does that make me Japanese?

You want to link to the post where I in any way defended Hilaria for her BS? I won't wait, because there is no post for you to link to, and I know that.
The Doc is in newb argument mode trying to prove how intelecshal she is.
In the process she's making a complete ass of herself.
I have already cautioned her.
..but - her programing doesn't allow for heeding friendly advice form her betters.

Talk about being blissfully unaware :ROFL:

I believe he wishes I was a girl so he could justify the tingly feelings in his wee wee for me.
No no.. that's his gonorrhea flaring up again

Perhaps. All I know is that he can't seem to stop following me about.
He has an insatiable ankle fetish rivaled only by his thirst for black cock

This thread went from picking on Hillary Baldwin to crazy overnight. What happened? The Lotus Bud character is melting down about things I don't understand.

The Lotus Bud character you know too well. You're not fooling me, Billary. This thread went precisely where YOU took it with your gaslighting, psycho. Don't pretend you don't know I've already busted you. Hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa!

I don't know you from Adam.
Dr Bill Jiden

Dr Bill Jiden

Dr. Bill Jiden, Actual President elect of the US
I have no problem about where or how much you post at all. However, your post was more about others, myself mostly and not about you.

Yet, you also acknowledge you don't know me. Good luck with whatever you decide. I don't think anyone was asking to be quite frank.

You have NO PROBLEM, yet you clearly find my post offensive in some way. And you wonder at being characterized as a troll.

Monster just got bitch slapped again

Get some new pompoms, fluffer. The ones you're shaking are badly stained.

There appears to be a clique at this forum that goes around propping up one another's posts. i wonder if they sliced open their palms and took a blood oath to defend one another until internet death? You know, like 3rd grade boys.

Actually, there are three or four such cliques here. I imagine you're too "new" to have catalogued them all so soon.

The only thing offensive about your post is its self-importance.
You're talking to a guy who doesn't have a nose.

I shit you not. It's just not there. I saw a picture back in the day

It's like, while all the other highschool jokers were busy sticking pencils in their nostrils to annoy the teachers this idiot figured he'd out do everyone and stick a pair of firecrackers in his and light them. Now he has to go through life looking like a fucking Mr Potato head with a piece of playdough strapped to his face while sounding like a goblin screaming underwater every time he opens his rotten toothed mouth

He's a total fuckup and trying to be someone of merit on these boards is all he has to look forward to when he wakes up each morning.

I'm unclear how this information, if true, has anything to do with what I was addressing. It isn't relevant.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
, the first
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
woman to graduate from
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
, who passed as white for socioeconomic reasons

Just one example among many.

Are you saying she's not also white? That's sort of racist isn't it?

Did I say that? I think you should stop putting words in my mouth. You're just being an ass now.

Why am I being an ass? You say that woman was black, when she's clearly not all black if she could pass a white woman. Why can't I question your assumptions and/or beliefs without being insulted?

Do you notice how leftist follow the one drop rule yet want to pretend it is other people who are racist instead of themselves? They are literally advocating rhe same ideas as the KKK yet claim they aren't the real racists.

There you go as you were just too stupid to go back a single page and find out what we were talking about. I give you this, man, you are probably the dumbest mother fucker on this entire forum and that says something.

And, yes, you really were too stupid to properly figure out the numerator and denominator of a fraction so that tells me all I need to know about your abilities.
Link - same challenge as Duhv - Link and don't come back till you post it.
Calm down, lil girl.


...PS: Broccoli is an excellent food.
Sulforaphane is the tops. Well - as you should know, Doc.

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I don't love broccoli, though I will eat it occasionally. I think asparagus is a far superior vegetable. I also prefer spinach to kale. I don't have to stampede like everyone else to meet my nutritional needs.
Your right - everyone else does stampede.
Thank god you've found a better way. And may you be a shining example to all.
Two words..... CLOSET CASE.

Wear it with pride, you've certainly earned it. :ROFL3:
What is with you degenerate liberal wankstains and your belief that if one hates something that means they really like it?

I hate asparagus too you hideous looking circus freak. Does that mean I'm seriously desiring it every time I ask a waiter to substitute it for something more palatable to my tastes you dumb testicle groping retard?

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks" is a line spoken by Queen Gertrude in Shakespeare's Hamlet.... you uncultured lout. It's nuanced even in Shakespeare's context, yet for centuries audiences have understood that, because someone is insisting too much about something, the opposite of what he or she is saying must be true.

In this context, as in several other ones, your posting behavior is a bigger TELL than your laborious scribblings are. Your detesting asparagus is understandable, as is your quietly asking the waiter for a substitution. OTOH, your following posters around the internet and incessantly fag laming them is not only unreasonable, 'tis cause for speculation.

Of course, Jung has said it better and more damningly, but you can consult his writings for yourself.
Two words..... CLOSET CASE.

Wear it with pride, you've certainly earned it. :ROFL3:
What is with you degenerate liberal wankstains and your belief that if one hates something that means they really like it?

I hate asparagus too you hideous looking circus freak. Does that mean I'm seriously desiring it every time I ask a waiter to substitute it for something more palatable to my tastes you dumb testicle groping retard?

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks" is a line spoken by Queen Gertrude in Shakespeare's Hamlet.... you uncultured lout. It's nuanced even in Shakespeare's context, yet for centuries audiences have understood that, because someone is insisting too much about something, the opposite of what he or she is saying must be true.

In this context, as in several other ones, your posting behavior is a bigger TELL than your laborious scribblings are. Your detesting asparagus is understandable, as is your quietly asking the waiter for a substitution. OTOH, your following posters around the internet and incessantly fag laming them is not only unreasonable, 'tis cause for speculation.

Of course, Jung has said it better and more damningly, but you can consult his writings for yourself.

Jake, I am a little surprised that you would write something like that to dear Strapon. I am certain that you understand the word choice, sentence structure, and logic used in your post are all far above his pay grade. In other words, he has no fucking idea what you're talking about.
Meanwhile I make over 200k per year as an exec whike you fled a minimum wage teaching job at some failing public school to live slightly above the poverty line in some socialist 2nd world handmedown

May we see your tax returns please.
That hairy balled faggot represents everything that is wrong with modern society.

I'd say it's your lurid fascination with other people's male genitals that is a modern social problem, stubby. And just because SG and BC are littered with the trophy threads you've created, doesn't mean it's okay for you to jack thread after thread here where people are trying to discuss adult topics.

Just go down to Meltdown and make a full-on trophy thread there, you can probably post as often as you like in it. You sick fuck.

OK. I admit this thread inspired me to look her up. She cray cray.

I was inspired because of people like Rachel Dolezal, that Jewish academic that said she was Afro-Latina, Warren saying she is Native, etc. I thought another one? What is this about? And they all seem to lean "left" of center politically.

Well, yeah, because righties believe white is right, so there you're only going to get people of color trying to pass as white, and that's not really a story anyone cares about.

Anyway, Hilaria just seems like a dumbass nutjob.

So, you're concerned that minorities are trying to pass as white? Like who, Michael Jackson? Can you name a live one?

I'm not concerned. What gave you that idea?

Whatever your actual "feeling" is, you seem to have some idea that minorities are trying to pass as white. Care to expand on that. I find it rather difficult to think an individual can pass as white when they're African American, Asian or Native American.

It's a well-documented historical fact that many minorities have passed as white, if their skin was light enough. Of course, they were more apt to do this during the Jim Crow era. You know -- in order to work and walk into a restaurant and such things.

What makes minorities pass as white if they don't have white DNA?

OMG. Are you serious?

No, how can someone pass as white when they don't have DNA from Caucasian ancestry?
Lotus is too stupid to grasp what you are getting at here

I don't know if she's stupid, but she may have a rigid definition of what a white person is. Maybe it just takes one drop of minority blood to condemn a person to a minority life.
Honestly, Doc - I think it's often the mixed heritage person who chooses that,
but the reason is often that "purer" whites see them as inferiors.

No, it was a white supremacist way of keeping minorities down.
See - why "no"?
I said this is the result of whites not accepting them.
You can't even state an agreement without trying to start an argument.

Minorities may choose to "pass" for survival, but it wasn't really a choice was it? It was a coping mechanism in our race segregated history.

Since this is about Hillary, not about a minority, it's interesting that we're evening talking about race mixes minorities and passing. Apparently, Hillary is 100% white. As are Rachel Dolezal, the Jewish professor, and Elizabeth Warren.

If I go back and forth to Japan for the next several decades and learn to speak Japanese, does that make me Japanese?

You want to link to the post where I in any way defended Hilaria for her BS? I won't wait, because there is no post for you to link to, and I know that.
The Doc is in newb argument mode trying to prove how intelecshal she is.
In the process she's making a complete ass of herself.
I have already cautioned her.
..but - her programing doesn't allow for heeding friendly advice form her betters.

Talk about being blissfully unaware :ROFL:

I believe he wishes I was a girl so he could justify the tingly feelings in his wee wee for me.
No no.. that's his gonorrhea flaring up again

Perhaps. All I know is that he can't seem to stop following me about.
He has an insatiable ankle fetish rivaled only by his thirst for black cock

This thread went from picking on Hillary Baldwin to crazy overnight. What happened? The Lotus Bud character is melting down about things I don't understand.

The Lotus Bud character you know too well. You're not fooling me, Billary. This thread went precisely where YOU took it with your gaslighting, psycho. Don't pretend you don't know I've already busted you. Hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa!

I don't know you from Adam.

Oh. OK. I'll go along with your troll. For awhile.