Is Dovey Pregnant?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Did every one of Trump's picks for SCOTUS deny they wid interfere wiff Roe V's Wade?
They lied, or answered in a way to indicate they considered Roe settled law.
.Yes - they lied but isn't that what conservatives do?
Who was unsuspecting?

Those USSC justices aren't even judges. They are rightwing activist enablers who wish implement their own version of social values on the rest of society. America's highest judicial institution has become a glorified kangaroo court where outcomes are already pre determined. What's the point of having a supreme Court? May as well get a rubber stamping machine instead.

So consisting Canada literally has the same politcal landscape surrounding abortion do you feel the same way about your country?

Because any province or county or however your country is set up could vote to ban abortion and your federal government would allow it.

Where do get this rant from? Funny how if Roe had codified into law you wouldnt be throwing a fit about left wing extremists running America. But when the SCOTUS makes a decision you dont like that makes THEM extremists?

Joe what if you are the extremist here? Because the only thing over turning Roe has done has turned the decisions back over to the states for the PEOPLE to decide. Explain how allowing the people to decide the laws and regulations is the SCOTUS "implementing their own version" of anything? They literally just turned it over to the people. That's the OPPOSITE of inplementing their own values.

You are literally mad that the people now get to decide and we dont have the SCOTUS forcing values. Do you understand Roe was literally forcing left wing values?

But Canada doesn't criminalize doctors who perform abortions either.

US states like Texas are going off the deep end by refusing to compromise on the issue. Abortion is not a zero sum game or black and white issue.

What this criminalization of abortion will do in some states is to create a massive shortage of qualified obstetricians. Either they'll quit or move to a blue state or choose a new specialization or just refuse to practice in red states like Texas.

The ones who will be hardest hit are the poorer red states. Qualified specialit's won't want the hassle of having their credentials questioned. Ie the case of miscarriages. Since the state has ruled abortions illegal now they'll investigate whether it was a miscarriage or an abortion. Also they can be snitched and spied upon.

What qualified professional would want to put up with that? So you may end up with a situation where expectant mothers in red states will have to travel to a blue state just to get a check up because there are no obgyn's in their state. Never mind an abortion just routine procedures.

They could Joe if people voted on it and wanted it.

And Joe stop with the medical misinformation.

The point is that the SCOTUS literally just allowed the matter to be decided by the states. There was nothing activisty there. This is literally how out government works.

You have been having a tizzy and literally claiming that the SCOTUS should always cater to the left or there is no point in having one. That they are forcing something somehow when in reality....they stop forcing the abortion issue and now the people can decide.

That's democracy is it not?

You are willing to repeat propaganda that anti abortion is some male movement to control women(its not.....that's actually the opposite) that pro lifers offer nothing (another falsehood) and the usual lazy smears.

Perhaps now the discussion can be more rooted in the facts and truth surrounding this issue.

No clue where you get the miscarriage thing from but I'm sure the etopic thing will be mixed in. Miscarriages and etopics have never ever been part of elective abortion and these are all entirely separate. They are not the same.

Elective abortion are done in free standing clinics by abortionists who have no hospital admission priviledges. These are not done in hospitals, not offered by OBs, are not a normal "healthcare" service. There is not going to be investigations done on women who miscarry. Anywhere. That's not how this works. That is activist fear mongering.

You guys never ever actually listen. You run with your biases on this.

What about other banned medical procedures? Do these same standards apply to those?
There's so much misinformation Dove, including by our prime minister..

The American Supreme Court didn't ban abortion, but that is how too many ignorant people are spinning it.

Certain states are even in cases of rape and incest like Texas and Oklahoma.

How would feel @Fashionista if your daughter was raped impregnated against her will thru no fAult of her own and the forced to give birth to that child?


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter
I'm still waiting for my coffee cup: WORLD'S BEST AT ATTACKING UNARMED WOMEN.

If that doesn't come soon? Well, I suppose I'll need to keep proving it...

- Vote for me or you'll have to wear clothes covered in paisley the rest of your miserable lives.


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter

- Wears only 3 days of any given week.

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
Elective abortion are done in free standing clinics by abortionists who have no hospital admission priviledges. These are not done in hospitals, not offered by OBs, are not a normal "healthcare" service.

Can you see the problem here?

You talk about marginalising women but the current system marginalises womens healthcare at it's core by separating abortion from other OBGYN practices. If you agree that some abortion should be available for medical reasons and in the case of rape wouldn't these still be carried out in non medical surroundings thereby lowering the standard of care?

Also when does a baby exist Is it at the moment of conception which seems to be the argument here? If that is the case then both the mini pill and emergency contraception should be banned. One of the ways the mini pill works is that it doesn't allow a fertilised egg to attach to the uterus wall. Is that abortion?

As for the morning after pill

'Keep in mind that fertilization (the union of female ovum, or egg, and male sperm) occurs in the fallopian tube and that fertilization marks the beginning of a new human life - and the beginning of the pregnancy. The newly created child then travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus (womb) where he or she implants. Implantation is necessary for the new child to receive nourishment from the mother and continue developing. The journey from the fallopian tube to the womb takes between five and seven days during which pregnancy cannot be readily detected.
Therefore, if a woman ingests emergency contraception after fertilization has taken place, the third mode of action can occur. The lining of the uterus can be altered causing the woman's body to reject the living human embryo, making implantation impossible and the child will die. This result is called a chemical abortion; therefore emergency contraception is an abortifacient'.

This from a Catholic website called Not exactly unbiased but no views here are unbiased anyway. So is a child fertilisation? It seems to be what is being said and if so it has to be taken that the morning after pill should be outlawed.

Is that right and fair? If not then abortion should be allowed. It's the only answer.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Elective abortion are done in free standing clinics by abortionists who have no hospital admission priviledges. These are not done in hospitals, not offered by OBs, are not a normal "healthcare" service.

Can you see the problem here?

You talk about marginalising women but the current system marginalises womens healthcare at it's core by separating abortion from other OBGYN practices. If you agree that some abortion should be available for medical reasons and in the case of rape wouldn't these still be carried out in non medical surroundings thereby lowering the standard of care?

Also when does a baby exist Is it at the moment of conception which seems to be the argument here? If that is the case then both the mini pill and emergency contraception should be banned. One of the ways the mini pill works is that it doesn't allow a fertilised egg to attach to the uterus wall. Is that abortion?

As for the morning after pill

'Keep in mind that fertilization (the union of female ovum, or egg, and male sperm) occurs in the fallopian tube and that fertilization marks the beginning of a new human life - and the beginning of the pregnancy. The newly created child then travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus (womb) where he or she implants. Implantation is necessary for the new child to receive nourishment from the mother and continue developing. The journey from the fallopian tube to the womb takes between five and seven days during which pregnancy cannot be readily detected.
Therefore, if a woman ingests emergency contraception after fertilization has taken place, the third mode of action can occur. The lining of the uterus can be altered causing the woman's body to reject the living human embryo, making implantation impossible and the child will die. This result is called a chemical abortion; therefore emergency contraception is an abortifacient'.

This from a Catholic website called Not exactly unbiased but no views here are unbiased anyway. So is a child fertilisation? It seems to be what is being said and if so it has to be taken that the morning after pill should be outlawed.

Is that right and fair? If not then abortion should be allowed. It's the only answer.

A fertilized egg isn't a child.

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
A fertilized egg isn't a child.

I think the point as to when it becomes a child is the crux of the matter here.

If not at fertilisation then when? Who gets to decide? Should abortions then be legal to this point? It won't change anything because those who disagree with the ruling will just carry on fapping about murdering children.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Did every one of Trump's picks for SCOTUS deny they wid interfere wiff Roe V's Wade?
They lied, or answered in a way to indicate they considered Roe settled law.
.Yes - they lied but isn't that what conservatives do?
Who was unsuspecting?

Those USSC justices aren't even judges. They are rightwing activist enablers who wish implement their own version of social values on the rest of society. America's highest judicial institution has become a glorified kangaroo court where outcomes are already pre determined. What's the point of having a supreme Court? May as well get a rubber stamping machine instead.

So consisting Canada literally has the same politcal landscape surrounding abortion do you feel the same way about your country?

Because any province or county or however your country is set up could vote to ban abortion and your federal government would allow it.

Where do get this rant from? Funny how if Roe had codified into law you wouldnt be throwing a fit about left wing extremists running America. But when the SCOTUS makes a decision you dont like that makes THEM extremists?

Joe what if you are the extremist here? Because the only thing over turning Roe has done has turned the decisions back over to the states for the PEOPLE to decide. Explain how allowing the people to decide the laws and regulations is the SCOTUS "implementing their own version" of anything? They literally just turned it over to the people. That's the OPPOSITE of inplementing their own values.

You are literally mad that the people now get to decide and we dont have the SCOTUS forcing values. Do you understand Roe was literally forcing left wing values?

But Canada doesn't criminalize doctors who perform abortions either.

US states like Texas are going off the deep end by refusing to compromise on the issue. Abortion is not a zero sum game or black and white issue.

What this criminalization of abortion will do in some states is to create a massive shortage of qualified obstetricians. Either they'll quit or move to a blue state or choose a new specialization or just refuse to practice in red states like Texas.

The ones who will be hardest hit are the poorer red states. Qualified specialit's won't want the hassle of having their credentials questioned. Ie the case of miscarriages. Since the state has ruled abortions illegal now they'll investigate whether it was a miscarriage or an abortion. Also they can be snitched and spied upon.

What qualified professional would want to put up with that? So you may end up with a situation where expectant mothers in red states will have to travel to a blue state just to get a check up because there are no obgyn's in their state. Never mind an abortion just routine procedures.

They could Joe if people voted on it and wanted it.

And Joe stop with the medical misinformation.

The point is that the SCOTUS literally just allowed the matter to be decided by the states. There was nothing activisty there. This is literally how out government works.

You have been having a tizzy and literally claiming that the SCOTUS should always cater to the left or there is no point in having one. That they are forcing something somehow when in reality....they stop forcing the abortion issue and now the people can decide.

That's democracy is it not?

You are willing to repeat propaganda that anti abortion is some male movement to control women(its not.....that's actually the opposite) that pro lifers offer nothing (another falsehood) and the usual lazy smears.

Perhaps now the discussion can be more rooted in the facts and truth surrounding this issue.

No clue where you get the miscarriage thing from but I'm sure the etopic thing will be mixed in. Miscarriages and etopics have never ever been part of elective abortion and these are all entirely separate. They are not the same.

Elective abortion are done in free standing clinics by abortionists who have no hospital admission priviledges. These are not done in hospitals, not offered by OBs, are not a normal "healthcare" service. There is not going to be investigations done on women who miscarry. Anywhere. That's not how this works. That is activist fear mongering.

You guys never ever actually listen. You run with your biases on this.

What about other banned medical procedures? Do these same standards apply to those?

Heres an article about obgyn's reconsiderING their careers in Texas because the laws are so severe:

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And because there are so many legal landmines, patients will have to go out of state to a blue one just to receive adequate care.

This article is NOT about OBs. It's about abortion providers


"Women’s health care providers are holding back when counseling pregnant patients about treatment options, doctors report pharmacists are hesitant to distribute some prescriptions, and OB-GYN training is diminishing for Texas medical school students"

Let me translate. Anytime you see "womens health care providers" that means "abortion provider". "Treament options" means "abortion".

"OB-GYN training diminishing" means abortion care education diminishing.

Joe.....miscarriages are not the same as elective abortion anywhere in this country. A miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion. An elective abortion is what Roe was dealing with.

This is fear mongering and loaded with misinfo.

Abortion promoters would have you believe that elective abortions are a normal and essential medical treament. Elective abortion is not. It's something most OBs do NOT even DO. It's done by a small percentage of doctors. In free standing clinics.

The use the fact that a D&C is done after a miscarriage. They also use a D&C in some elective abortions. So they want people to think that banning/restricting elective abortion is the same as banning the D&C procedure. This is not how it works in the medical feild.

All these procedures are still legal so long as they are done in an elective abortion. Because elective abortion is what is being dealt with. Not miscarriages.

My husband works in an OR. He knows how all these things are coded. MI trigger laws havent even been a conversation in any hospital. People are lying though and saying women are being left with dangerous etopic ruptures while doctors talk to lawyers .....which is fucking insanely stupid and would never happen.

Patients die all the time. Is that same as staff killing them?

This is all absurd, Joe. Your article is talking about abortion providers. Not regular OBs. And no one is wondering what to do if a patient has a miscarriage. Because miscarriage and etopics are not elective abortion.

Absolutely no law in any state in this country impacts regular OBs with regular OB business. It ONLY impacts elective abortion. There is a SHIT ton of misinfo flying around.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
For example. Admin is a miscarriage that happened when the donkey ate something that made her profoundly sick but somehow he managed to survive

whereas holiday was a failed attempt at relieving the world of his idiotic pressence with a chisel and mallet that didn’t quite go as planned which is why the top of his head is sloped like a childrens water slide


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Elective abortion are done in free standing clinics by abortionists who have no hospital admission priviledges. These are not done in hospitals, not offered by OBs, are not a normal "healthcare" service.

Can you see the problem here?

You talk about marginalising women but the current system marginalises womens healthcare at it's core by separating abortion from other OBGYN practices. If you agree that some abortion should be available for medical reasons and in the case of rape wouldn't these still be carried out in non medical surroundings thereby lowering the standard of care?

Also when does a baby exist Is it at the moment of conception which seems to be the argument here? If that is the case then both the mini pill and emergency contraception should be banned. One of the ways the mini pill works is that it doesn't allow a fertilised egg to attach to the uterus wall. Is that abortion?

As for the morning after pill

'Keep in mind that fertilization (the union of female ovum, or egg, and male sperm) occurs in the fallopian tube and that fertilization marks the beginning of a new human life - and the beginning of the pregnancy. The newly created child then travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus (womb) where he or she implants. Implantation is necessary for the new child to receive nourishment from the mother and continue developing. The journey from the fallopian tube to the womb takes between five and seven days during which pregnancy cannot be readily detected.
Therefore, if a woman ingests emergency contraception after fertilization has taken place, the third mode of action can occur. The lining of the uterus can be altered causing the woman's body to reject the living human embryo, making implantation impossible and the child will die. This result is called a chemical abortion; therefore emergency contraception is an abortifacient'.

This from a Catholic website called Not exactly unbiased but no views here are unbiased anyway. So is a child fertilisation? It seems to be what is being said and if so it has to be taken that the morning after pill should be outlawed.

Is that right and fair? If not then abortion should be allowed. It's the only answer.

The morning after pill is given with rape kits. It has to be taken in the first 36 hours.....the sooner the better....and it is VERY effective.

Yes a new human life occurs at fertilization. But the fertilized egg has to implant in order to continue growing. We actually flush out fertilized eggs during periods if we are sexually active.

Two things have to happen. Fertilization is the beginning of a new human life. Implanting has to happen for that new human life to have a chance.

I strongly disagree with you that health care "marginalizes" women by keeping elective abortion separate. More times than not an abortion is for the benefit of a man, medically unnecessary and destructive to the woman and its ending a human life. People do not go into medicine to destroy human life......and we really dont WANT people indifferent to human life in the medical feild. Believe me that would not be good.

During my pregnancies I would have gotten a midwife and done it at home before allowing a man who dismembers human beings in utero even so much as checked my breasts.

There are many groups of women who conceived in rape. They have a lot to say. And they dont have the resources the abortion industry the rhetoric is decided FOR them.

Keep in mind we are talking about industry where A LOT of money is made and politicains are bought. The pro life lobby isnt that different. No one is invested in banning abortion. Because legal abortion makes a lot of money.....and opposing abortion makes a lot of money. And it's a good vote grabber. Leaving it up to the people is not something the abortion industry OR any politicains who use the matter for votes isnt something any of the rich people we get to hear from wanted.

And no one is more marginalized than women with abortion trauma or who were pressured and coerced or forced. Trafficking victims. All that gnarly stuff associated with these free standing abortion clinics. If you suffer post abortion trauma, the abortion advocates would prefer you shut up and go kill yourself because they dont want reality bothering their cause. Or income.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
For example. Admin is a miscarriage that happened when the donkey ate something that made her profoundly sick but somehow he managed to survive

It's literally the difference between someone dying on their own and intentionally killing them.

None of these things are coded the same.....its absurd fear mongering. My husband has been correcting people nonstop. So have a few nurses I'm friends with are correcting people on socail media who think miscarriage is being banned. Smh.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
For example. Admin is a miscarriage that happened when the donkey ate something that made her profoundly sick but somehow he managed to survive

It's literally the difference between someone dying on their own and intentionally killing them.

None of these things are coded the same.....its absurd fear mongering. My husband has been correcting people nonstop. So have a few nurses I'm friends with are correcting people on socail media who think miscarriage is being banned. Smh.
But let’s put admins most ardent fears to rest and reiterate that this ruling will have zero impact on his ability to suck as much dick as his little mermaid heart desires


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
For example. Admin is a miscarriage that happened when the donkey ate something that made her profoundly sick but somehow he managed to survive

It's literally the difference between someone dying on their own and intentionally killing them.

None of these things are coded the same.....its absurd fear mongering. My husband has been correcting people nonstop. So have a few nurses I'm friends with are correcting people on socail media who think miscarriage is being banned. Smh.
But let’s put admins most ardent fears to rest and reiterate that this ruling will have zero impact on his ability to suck as much dick as his little mermaid heart desires

I'm seeing pro abortion men on FB post shit about how men shouldnt have a say in abortion and how they should keep their opinions off our fallopian tubes and they have no self awareness of the irony they are committing.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Did every one of Trump's picks for SCOTUS deny they wid interfere wiff Roe V's Wade?
They lied, or answered in a way to indicate they considered Roe settled law.
.Yes - they lied but isn't that what conservatives do?
Who was unsuspecting?

Those USSC justices aren't even judges. They are rightwing activist enablers who wish implement their own version of social values on the rest of society. America's highest judicial institution has become a glorified kangaroo court where outcomes are already pre determined. What's the point of having a supreme Court? May as well get a rubber stamping machine instead.

So consisting Canada literally has the same politcal landscape surrounding abortion do you feel the same way about your country?

Because any province or county or however your country is set up could vote to ban abortion and your federal government would allow it.

Where do get this rant from? Funny how if Roe had codified into law you wouldnt be throwing a fit about left wing extremists running America. But when the SCOTUS makes a decision you dont like that makes THEM extremists?

Joe what if you are the extremist here? Because the only thing over turning Roe has done has turned the decisions back over to the states for the PEOPLE to decide. Explain how allowing the people to decide the laws and regulations is the SCOTUS "implementing their own version" of anything? They literally just turned it over to the people. That's the OPPOSITE of inplementing their own values.

You are literally mad that the people now get to decide and we dont have the SCOTUS forcing values. Do you understand Roe was literally forcing left wing values?

But Canada doesn't criminalize doctors who perform abortions either.

US states like Texas are going off the deep end by refusing to compromise on the issue. Abortion is not a zero sum game or black and white issue.

What this criminalization of abortion will do in some states is to create a massive shortage of qualified obstetricians. Either they'll quit or move to a blue state or choose a new specialization or just refuse to practice in red states like Texas.

The ones who will be hardest hit are the poorer red states. Qualified specialit's won't want the hassle of having their credentials questioned. Ie the case of miscarriages. Since the state has ruled abortions illegal now they'll investigate whether it was a miscarriage or an abortion. Also they can be snitched and spied upon.

What qualified professional would want to put up with that? So you may end up with a situation where expectant mothers in red states will have to travel to a blue state just to get a check up because there are no obgyn's in their state. Never mind an abortion just routine procedures.

They could Joe if people voted on it and wanted it.

And Joe stop with the medical misinformation.

The point is that the SCOTUS literally just allowed the matter to be decided by the states. There was nothing activisty there. This is literally how out government works.

You have been having a tizzy and literally claiming that the SCOTUS should always cater to the left or there is no point in having one. That they are forcing something somehow when in reality....they stop forcing the abortion issue and now the people can decide.

That's democracy is it not?

You are willing to repeat propaganda that anti abortion is some male movement to control women(its not.....that's actually the opposite) that pro lifers offer nothing (another falsehood) and the usual lazy smears.

Perhaps now the discussion can be more rooted in the facts and truth surrounding this issue.

No clue where you get the miscarriage thing from but I'm sure the etopic thing will be mixed in. Miscarriages and etopics have never ever been part of elective abortion and these are all entirely separate. They are not the same.

Elective abortion are done in free standing clinics by abortionists who have no hospital admission priviledges. These are not done in hospitals, not offered by OBs, are not a normal "healthcare" service. There is not going to be investigations done on women who miscarry. Anywhere. That's not how this works. That is activist fear mongering.

You guys never ever actually listen. You run with your biases on this.

What about other banned medical procedures? Do these same standards apply to those?
There's so much misinformation Dove, including by our prime minister..

The American Supreme Court didn't ban abortion, but that is how too many ignorant people are spinning it.

Certain states are even in cases of rape and incest like Texas and Oklahoma.

How would feel @Fashionista if your daughter was raped impregnated against her will thru no fAult of her own and the forced to give birth to that child?

I think that abortion supporters should have a shock apparatus on and everytime one of you says "what if your daughter gets raped!" you get a shock.

If our daughters get raped? It's not your problem. I know if my daughter gets raped we will be taking ever nessesary action including two rounds of emergency contraception and I am not allowing abortion activists anywhere near my family.

You guys stop caring about rape victims real quick when they talk about how abortion isnt a cure for rape. Every woman pregnant via rape talks about how everyone shoved abortion in their face and assumed they'd want the abortion. They also push back on the "rapist baby" bullshit as they say its THEIR baby.

This should not be the go to argument for abortion.

Especailly when you never acknowledge that abuse victims being taken for abortions and released back to abusers with no report is not a good thing and should be dealt with.

I know a woman who was raped and went to PP for help. They asked her if she was pregnant and when she said no....they told her they have nothing for her and to go to the ER. They had no rape kit. They didnt check her for STIs. No counselor. Nothing. And we are supposed to believe these places are essential for rape survivors?

If you would be quiet while my minor is drug into a PP by a trafficker, given an abortion and released back to the trafficker with no fucking report made please stop pretending you care about them being assaulted. You just want rape to be some trump card. I survived a rape and I KNOW unless that can used politically most people just dont give a fuck.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I notice the "what if your daughter gets raped" never comes up when we are talking about letting men who self identify as women into womens spaces and prison cells even as peoples daughter actually get raped in womens spaces and prison cells.

Color me shocked leftists dont care about that. They just want abortion available and feel like rape is a good argument.

Why dont we kill rapists? And treat the victim(s)? Why cant we see a human being who was forced into existence as the other victim and care about both of them?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
A fertilized egg isn't a child.

I think the point as to when it becomes a child is the crux of the matter here.

If not at fertilisation then when? Who gets to decide? Should abortions then be legal to this point? It won't change anything because those who disagree with the ruling will just carry on fapping about murdering children.

If up to the American people? Most Americans are pro choice.

But the majority who are pro choice want it restricted to the first trimester.

It IS a human life from the moment of fertilization. However because of situations like rape, incest, medical problems, most are fine to allow it during the first trimester only. This will probably end up being the abortion landscape in most all the states.

I oppose it period. But I'm relieved that most Americans understand its barbaric and must be restricted.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Let me just say that I am all for prog cunts killing prog babies in prog states

the less of those filthy vermin the better


I think the point as to when it becomes a child is the crux of the matter here.
Since we have so many xtians here who take the Old Testament as gospel,
perhaps we should lean on Jews for understanding.

They believe the body is ensouled at the time of birth, or as it passes out of the womb through the birth canal.
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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I think the point as to when it becomes a child is the crux of the matter here.
Since we have so many xtians here who take the Old Testament as gospel,
perhaps were should lean on Jews for understanding.

They believe the body is ensouled at the time of birth, or as it passes out of the womb through the birth canal.
actually we believe you are a dipshit with no common sense who is in desperate need of some kind of electric shock leash to help you charge up when your brain energy dips this low

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Well well well, if it isn't the Alzheimer's express right on time to wetten up my ankles with his drool

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
Turn the AC down to 80 at least, Smigs.
The heat is poaching your thought process.
You make no sense.


Factory Bastard
Dovey and her kin seem quite capable of trying to make cognisant points, but at what point do we really just say Mhhh?

It makes no sense, a cell attached to a membrane that allows it to safely divide is not life. You are claiming that sentience is achieved by every cell in your body. Trillions of them. Dovey there is not one cell in your body that is the same as when you were birthed. Doesn't make them viable as independent life.

And I don't think anyone is suggesting you abort a small package of wonderfulness at 8 months. Even if it is going to break your heart and sleep with that guy you don't like down the road, from where you probably live. Even though you told her he is a wrong ung. You know the one, that cunt with nice hair and eyelashes that fucking double as a fan if he fucking flicked long enough in a heatwave. And he doesn't have a fucking job.

Nah, reproductive rights don't belong to the church or the state.
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Factory Bastard