Beaner coffee farmer
Site Supporter ☠️
Check that discussion out...it is interesting, knowing not that cw_ was going to die soon after.

Does anyone know if s/he was vaccinated?

@RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© ...?

I believe Ceedoobie passed away because it was her time

She didn't die doing anything stupid that risked her life and she took good care of her health

She mentioned a dream in which she was with me and we were both waiting for a "disaster". Maybe her passing was the disaster


Beaner coffee farmer
Site Supporter ☠️
Do you know if cw_ was vaccinated by a Covid shot?

Of course she was

I took that crap twice too

They were harassing people, calling our phones and telling us where to go to get it and saying that some sort of "vaccine passport" could be implemented and basically threatening people

When they called for the 3rd shot I just blocked their number


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
You trolling, right?

Can you even fake obituaries?
she may not have been rich but she had the means to disappear.. for good and off the grid the rest of her life. maybe she is next to you know smiling.. looking into your eyes kissing. than laughing with you at how many you have convinced this to be true. if you ain't involved maybe she just wanted out of her real life out of that new job, jury duty.. start somewhere new and away from everything even online shit. she said her goodbyes to loved ones with her "passing" or maybe is still in touch with them on some level

as for faking obits? i'm certain for the right amount of money and the right people one can fake anything. its not like the cops are going to investigate unless they think i'm on to something when readin this post. you know in your heart the cops don't give a fuck about my posting this so..

just think it about. i'm sure she cared for you but think if she really wanted to do this.. who would stop her? no one. i know she was helping someone special too.. what about that person? maybe thats where is or near.. still taking of that person or anybody else. she got sick of her life and wanted a new life. simple

she still cares for you but she can't came back to you..

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Of course she was

I took that crap twice too

They were harassing people, calling our phones and telling us where to go to get it and saying that some sort of "vaccine passport" could be implemented and basically threatening people

When they called for the 3rd shot I just blocked their number

Thanks for letting me know.

I still keep an open mind about all these people dying unexpectedly and the high number of people getting cancer and other illnesses. So many people I know are getting cancer in their 40's and 50's and 60's. I know it could be linked to Covid or the Covid vaccines, or there high incidence numbers might just be a coincidence and have nothing to do with Covid. But so far all the people I know who are getting sick were vaccinated...some of them were outspoken advocates of the vaccines.

I find it interesting that many people will embrace the idea of "Long Covid", but reject any possibility that the Covid vaccines (which were rushed through and used unproven (as far as safety measures go) mRNA methods) cause mid term and long term health complications.

If there was ever a time that I do not want to say "I told you so.", it would be in regards to the potential risks of the Covid vaccines.


Beaner coffee farmer
Site Supporter ☠️
Is it possible? Yes

And if someone could pull this out with even a fake obituary, it would be her

Does this make me lose any sleep? Not really

She's alive anyway, flesh vessel or not, it doesn't matter, our paths shall cross again


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
Is it possible? Yes

And if someone could pull this out with even a fake obituary, it would be her

Does this make me lose any sleep? Not really

She's alive anyway, flesh vessel or not, it doesn't matter, our paths shall cross again

I'm sorry all this trolling about a death "conspiracy" by CW is being played out. It must make your grief more difficult.

Just know we're not all toying with her passing.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Is it possible? Yes

And if someone could pull this out with even a fake obituary, it would be her

Does this make me lose any sleep? Not really

She's alive anyway, flesh vessel or not, it doesn't matter, our paths shall cross again

Unless she needed to escape something very serious....like an abusive relationship or legal troubles I cannot see it.

Although....if she was on jury duty on a case involving some high-powered organized crime operators...Witness Protection would be a possibility.


When you're a Alpha, you're an Alpha all the way!
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Where The Alpha Men Are!
Thanks for letting me know.

I still keep an open mind about all these people dying unexpectedly and the high number of people getting cancer and other illnesses. So many people I know are getting cancer in their 40's and 50's and 60's. I know it could be linked to Covid or the Covid vaccines, or there high incidence numbers might just be a coincidence and have nothing to do with Covid. But so far all the people I know who are getting sick were vaccinated...some of them were outspoken advocates of the vaccines.

I find it interesting that many people will embrace the idea of "Long Covid", but reject any possibility that the Covid vaccines (which were rushed through and used unproven (as far as safety measures go) mRNA methods) cause mid term and long term health complications.

If there was ever a time that I do not want to say "I told you so.", it would be in regards to the potential risks of the Covid vaccines.
Ikr? People never used to die before Hillary Clinton invented Covid!


Beaner coffee farmer
Site Supporter ☠️
I'm sorry all this trolling about a death "conspiracy" by CW is being played out. It must make your grief more difficult.

Just know we're not all toying with her passing.
Nah, not really, I've been around these boards long enough to know how things work

I feel my heart in peace, when I decided to ask her to help someone, I did it because I had this very strong feeling, almost an urge.

And I can't describe how relieved I am that I did


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
Nah, not really, I've been around these boards long enough to know how things work

I feel my heart in peace, when I decided to ask her to help someone, I did it because I had this very strong feeling, almost an urge.

And I can't describe how relieved I am that I did

You're a good egg, Rancy. I have a hard time comprehending that some people don't have a bottom. I guess at this point, I never will.

Adam Hitler

Aidsman sucks homeless cock
Factory Bastard
New Swabia
Check that discussion out...it is interesting, knowing not that cw_ was going to die soon after.

Does anyone know if s/he was vaccinated?

@RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© ...?
I believe she was. I'm not trolling here, before Lily or whoever chimes in, I've got respect for Rancid and didn't have a problem with CW so I wouldn't do that.

When someone dies suddenly though and they're not particularly old, it does arouse suspicion. It has happened on several other boards I frequent and the users were a similar age to CW, aswell as vaccinated.

This whole stigma about being an "anti-vaxxer" and it being socially unacceptable to ask questions about the covid vaccination needs to stop. It's ridiculous and clearly just another psy-op pushed by the elites to stifle criticism of big pharma.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Is it possible? Yes

And if someone could pull this out with even a fake obituary, it would be her

Does this make me lose any sleep? Not really

She's alive anyway, flesh vessel or not, it doesn't matter, our paths shall cross again
have you thought about ways to cross paths from this (your life) to the next (hers now)?
if you are truly are connected to her this deeply maybe do some research.. and find ways paths to finding her again. unite as one. you shouldn't have to wait until you die.. they must be a way in this life to do it
look up various beliefs, religion, hell even supernatural stuff about this
i'm sure you can find her if you really wanted.. needed to
it could be the most important journey of your life. you might even things about yourself you didn't know or didn't fully tap into. its not about the destination
what do you have to lose? you may encounter her or even others going through what you are going through
think deeply of this. don't dismiss. this isn't the only world..
there's more and maybe thats what she needs from you so your paths can cross wherever that maybe


Beaner coffee farmer
Site Supporter ☠️
have you thought about ways to cross paths from this (your life) to the next (hers now)?
if you are truly are connected to her this deeply maybe do some research.. and find ways paths to finding her again. unite as one. you shouldn't have to wait until you die.. they must be a way in this life to do it
look up various beliefs, religion, hell even supernatural stuff about this
i'm sure you can find her if you really wanted.. needed to
it could be the most important journey of your life. you might even things about yourself you didn't know or didn't fully tap into. its not about the destination
what do you have to lose? you may encounter her or even others going through what you are going through
think deeply of this. don't dismiss. this isn't the only world..
there's more and maybe thats what she needs from you so your paths can cross wherever that maybe

I've met friends and family that have passed in my dreams

I'm open for that, but I'm not actively seeking to meet anyone, not even cw

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard