
Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You say that while applauding the misshapen dork from FLA. Hypocrisy much?
I said take it elsewhere, it's super easy to do... Watch

Why don't you and Biggie take responsibility for what you made happen on this sub?
WTF did I do? I've not talked shit to anybody today... Lily, I cannot be bothered, I don't want to be part of any drama, just let it chill with me...

Biggie started shit blaming me for people leaving the forum and you went along with it shit talking me. Grow the fuck up, cunt.
People are leaving because of his childish debasement. That and his nutcase ex girlfriend that feels her opinions need to be heard over and over again.

They think I'm too hard on them. Misogyny and sexism in action. They want me to take the shit and say nothing, every single last one of them.

It's never going to happen.
I don't think anything about you so how does your fibs cope with reality? Just stop, there's nothing to say!

I struck a nerve, clearly. Look Mr. Macho Man, you can't control women. In real life or online. Stop being a douchebag and be a REAL man and talk to women like the equals that they are to you.
That's just in your head though, why are you trying to convince me that what I actually am isn't real? I love women, my gran is my fuckin hero who's ten times the person I am, what now?

Wow, you love your Gran. So do billions of people.
That's just completely changing the manner of the topic because you got an answer you don't like... I dunno why you're trying to convince me that I hate women when I don't? It's a fuckin weird game to play... Could I convince you you caught aids on a plane to Africa or something?

It's very typical. Anyone she doesnt like heard the same things. She will post nasty shitty posts at people who have posted something she doesnt like or disagrees with.

If you are a man, and you take a shot back at her uncalled for shitty post? You are a misogynist. You hate women. You have a small dick. You are a faggot. Et.

Dont bother trying to justify or defend yourself. She treats everyone who disagrees with her like garbage. We have all been on the receiving end of her irrational and self serving wrath. Shes controling and she uses insults instead of discussing things like a normal person.

Never try to defend yourself from hatefilled accusations of misogyny from a raging leftwing woman who calls other women "worthless whores" over politcal disagreements. Especailly when it's a woman laying out the case for womens rights, safety and dignity.

This person has more actual misogyny, genuine racism and bitterness than any of you guys put together.

She will find out who mods and admins are at a forum. She will start a bunch of drama and nasty bullshit. She starts fights because she doesnt know how to have respectful adult conversations. Then she will blame everyone for her vile behaviour towards them. She will then start running to whatever mod or admin will listen to her and start playing victim and going off about everyone else. She will claim the people shes complaining about wreck boards. Use PI. Manipulate. She will blame everything SHE does on whoever shes targeting to a mod/admin. She will lay on that victim narrative and pretend shes some moral hero.

She will start demanding who should get banned or modded and have actual tantrums is the mod/admin doesnt start running the board how she thinks it should be ran.

It's been the SAME cycle for YEARS. We have all seen it. We have all been played by her victim routine. We have all watched her literally start dramas and immediately start blaming others and crying victim wanting people banned.

Pretty soon Breakfall will see how she is. Right now he is being completely played the same way so many of us have by her. She will eventually start turning on him when he doesnt do or say whatever she wants. Since multiple people have warned him, she might extend her "nice woman being ganged up on by evil forum destroying bullies" routine but its definately gonna go the same way it always does.

If Break wants everyone besides like 3 people HE likes right now to be banned or leave the board....that's stupid but some people are just like that. The few people who took a time out from the board told me they were going to, and that it wasnt us, I won't get into private convos. One of them made an adorable Christmas picture of my kitties for me. I would hope that if someone had an issue with me, they would be adult enough to address it rationally just like I do if I have an issue with someone.

And of course.....there is an ignore feature that people need to start using if another person's content isnt something they enjoy. Usually the people who bitch the most about drama are the ones who thrive on it.

You cant make everyone happy. Mod the board the way you are supposed to. No matter how balanced you are....some people are going to be mad and claim "favorites". Its stupid. Let it roll off. I was a mod somewhere for several months.
....I didnt even tell anyone lol.
I didn’t necessarily mean a total banning. Assbox for serious repetition. You are a “repeat” offender too. It’s like we’re trying to talk and Biggie pops in like a stuck record every day for how many months straight. Don’t twist shit on me Dove.

I'm not twisting a thing. I dont even really repeat myself anymore then other people do. You've just decided you dont like MY view and you are on some bizzare campaign to have people penalized or modded for what.....posting posts you dont like?

Knock it off. You start doing that? No one will want to post. People are not props on the stage of the Breakfall show.

Unless there is a TOS violation or a post in a place a post doesnt belong....there is no need to "clean up" anything. You cant just penalize posters because YOU personally do not like them. Or YOU find them repetitive.....even when you completely ignore the reptitive shizz from those you dont mind. It really is the more left leaning people who are SO quick to start wielding a panel over other people because they dont personally LIKE things a person is posting.

And you are getting played BTW. Lily all over you wailing victim is something we have seen played out over and over for years. When that goes poorly for you......we will definately say we told you so.

Good luck!
Fucking hell you’re full of shit sometimes! I’m not even going to explain what happened, because you know exactly what went down. Fucking good luck to you too!

Give it five years or so. It will be interesting to see what happens. I have some predictions.
Yeah…a recovering druggie is never truly cured of their stupidity. I honestly hope she keeps it real and has the support of friends and family around her. Realising that they’re never truly out of the woods, is the first step on the road to recovery.

Frankly, I really don't give a fuck what happens to her. I'm not fake enough to pretend I care.
Yeah, we’ll hopefully her new bloke that she raves on about is able to handle her mood swings and frantic yapping, and treats her like the princess she always strived to be. I wish her all the best really…

I might rave about a man that took me back after stepping out on him if I were her too.

There is 0 excuse for cheating, ever. GTFO of the relationship if you want to sleep with other people. Don't fuck over the person you made a vow to so you can get a side piece.

Completely unconscionable.
Damn…that’s not good. Didn’t know that! I can’t stand relationship cheats either. Sad state of affairs! Poor bloke.

That's what the whole Martini drama is about. It was with him and they both posted about it at SG. Pages and pages of the bullshit. I am not talking about anything they didn't put out there first...
Yeah Flea warned us about their e-drama. I missed out on a lot of it. Years ago on a Canadian site, I had told Dove to pull her head in with regard to her drugs and that DOC’s would take her kids away if she wasn’t careful. Well she absolutely flipped and I ended up being banned from that forum, because she demanded it of the moderators. It was a low blow, when I was really looking out for all concerned, including herself. On a high note though, I got to miss out on that notorious drama and bad behaviour. Win/Win I guess! She was soooo mad tho!


The fuck? Lol.

So you are talking about back when I killed time on BC while working nights on the hospice/dementia floor of an assisted living facility.

About 2 years into recovery.

I had a lot of FOR FUN back and forths with Frued and a few of those conference calls. That's about it.

Who even were the mods besides you and Fash? Shes free to corroborate your bizzare claims here.

If you got banned, sir, you did it to yourself. I dont recall you saying anything about my kids in danger of state kidnapping .....of course that doesnt mean you didnt have some sort of ass hurt harry ass drunken tantrum and end up banned that I didnt even see.

Who knows though. I'm so used to seeing people flip their shit and delve right into psycho hysterics that I dont exactly keep track.

I would love a link on this one lol.

All my ACTUAL drug fueled meltdowns were on Vahalla and have been buried in a pixel cemetary somewhere, I'm afraid. Kinda jealous all your ragey drunken fits are well showcased on a few boards and my funny opiate episodes are gone forever :/

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Some people who have been applying for admission to The Furnace for years have been given an Admission Trial Challenge of flaming The Furnace.

The results have been less than impressive.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
And on and on it goes....

The Furnace has built its great reputation by never lowering its standards.

Stop dreaming and either prove yourself or find a goal that is more attainable.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The Furnace was just a running joke used by Prowler to up his "flaming" cred. In reality it was a deserted website on some cheap hosting site called "help me daddy, my forum sounds like a gay bar".

The only members were Prowler and Sting.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
The Furnace was just a running joke used by Prowler to up his "flaming" cred. In reality it was a deserted website on some cheap hosting site called "help me daddy, my forum sounds like a gay bar".

The only members were Prowler and Sting.

Is Sting the assistant baseball "coach"?


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
The question was a dumb one posed by a simpleton who loves tongue bashing peenor like an Errol Flynn swashbuckling 30's action scene...


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Very happy to just fuck this place. All
Can you back up your claims with proof?

Of course.

@The Prowler …I heard sum cun’T is coming. You better run lmao

Is he the one that you wanted to fuck around with on your jailbird abusive husband?

Or was that someone else?
And there goes your style creeper!

He’s a sick fuck. Making light of domestic violence.

My husband used to cheat, not beat. Stupid fool can’t even get his info right.
Yep…I’ve heard him and Flynn, if I’m not mistaken, say it all before. The rules are so loose around here. I don’t agree with that kind of behaviour personally, particularly when they really know fuck all about your personal situation. Sorry that you need to endure it!

What's that you fucking forum lifer? No one gives one Aussie shark bitten fuck what you think.

Personally, you should take another sabbatical, that way all 9 members won't miss you and your pathetic low brow posts.

Additionally, no one is going to miss your flam"boy"ant cries for attention, every time you threaten to leave BF for good.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I moved this to meltdown because of all the SHIT in it, politics to name calling etc but it seems a waste as there's alright stuff here, any further shitty comments will be slung... Thank yaw

Gotdammit Shamp!

I swear is that dumb ass Flynn and Fartini start shitting it up with their endless drama cry baby shit. I'm gonna type stern words.


Once again it's always the "other people" who are "dumb." Because, it's never the slutty drug addict that has the brain power of a tire iron that brings this crap upon her moronic self.

Let me reiterate, as you seem to forget that it's you and always has been you that keeps this perpetual need for attention going. Not only will you start tardjacking a thread, but you'll derail threads in General Discussions all because you're still mad at me after kicking your bloated cunt to Mexico.

Needless to say that you can dress up your posts like some little dog with a sweater, but everyone has seen enough to know you'll start digressing how it's all about you again. Who wants to watch that train wreck? Yeah. That's. Fun.
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Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
@SHAMPAIN can someone mop up Flynns period blood out of this thread?

It seems the little asshurt bitch is frustrated i ignore it in meltdown so now it's coming into nonflaming threads to wail and cry.

The only reptile here that is "butthurt" is you and your gigantic ego, which is why you've been shaking your baby rattler at me for the last month trying soo desperately to garner my attention. Well, scrub, here I am.

As if you really have me on ignore you silly cunt. You and I both know you can't stand the fact that I point out your blissfull ignorance in a way that makes everyone laugh at you.

What are you going to do you mental midget? Dazzle me with your keen observations from Fox news that you copied from The Drudge Report? Or, maybe you can start ranting how everyone that thinks you're a clown wants to sexually assault your retarded kids? Oh. I. Know. Maybe you can also start hopping up and down on one leg and start screaming how I'm Kevin?

As far as your clueless accusation of me "crying," that's like saying you aren't a threadjacking spamming fucktard, hellbent on every single thread being about you, by you, for you, and it doesn't matter where the post is. It's one thing to spread your Dovey fecal matter in Meltdown, but you're soooo about Dovey that you'll derail threads in General Discussions just to show how jaded you still are, after getting embarrassed by me on many different occasions.
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Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
@SHAMPAIN can someone mop up Flynns period blood out of this thread?

It seems the little asshurt bitch is frustrated i ignore it in meltdown so now it's coming into nonflaming threads to wail and cry.

The only reptile here that is "butthurt" is you and your gigantic ego, which is why you've been shaking your baby rattler at me for the last month trying soo desperately to garner my attention. Well, scrub, here I am.

As if you really have me on ignore you silly cunt. You and I both know you can't stand the fact that I point out your blissfull ignorance in a way that makes everyone laugh at you.

What are you going to do you mental midget? Dazzle me with your keen observations from Fox news that you copied from The Drudge Report? Or, maybe you can start ranting how everyone that thinks you're a clown wants to sexually assault your retarded kids? Oh. I. Know. Maybe you can also start hopping up and down on one leg and start screaming how I'm Kevin?

As far as your clueless accusation of me "crying," that's like saying you aren't a threadjacking spamming fucktard, hellbent on every single thread being about you, by you, for you, and it doesn't matter where the post is. It's one thing to spread your Dovey fecal matter in Meltdown, but you're soooo about Dovey that you'll derail threads in General Discussions just to show how jaded you still are, after getting embarrassed by me on many different occasions.
This area is not for fighting, kindly refrain... :facepalm:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
@SHAMPAIN can someone mop up Flynns period blood out of this thread?

It seems the little asshurt bitch is frustrated i ignore it in meltdown so now it's coming into nonflaming threads to wail and cry.

The only reptile here that is "butthurt" is you and your gigantic ego, which is why you've been shaking your baby rattler at me for the last month trying soo desperately to garner my attention. Well, scrub, here I am.

As if you really have me on ignore you silly cunt. You and I both know you can't stand the fact that I point out your blissfull ignorance in a way that makes everyone laugh at you.

What are you going to do you mental midget? Dazzle me with your keen observations from Fox news that you copied from The Drudge Report? Or, maybe you can start ranting how everyone that thinks you're a clown wants to sexually assault your retarded kids? Oh. I. Know. Maybe you can also start hopping up and down on one leg and start screaming how I'm Kevin?

As far as your clueless accusation of me "crying," that's like saying you aren't a threadjacking spamming fucktard, hellbent on every single thread being about you, by you, for you, and it doesn't matter where the post is. It's one thing to spread your Dovey fecal matter in Meltdown, but you're soooo about Dovey that you'll derail threads in General Discussions just to show how jaded you still are, after getting embarrassed by me on many different occasions.
This area is not for fighting, kindly refrain...

You are asking a chimp not to throw its feces in the human restaurant.

You should put it back in the cage. Just a suggestion :D

It reads like its fresh from having its man labia drug across concrete.

"Dovey! Pay attention to me! Waaaahhh!"

What a stupid twunt.
Last edited:


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
@SHAMPAIN can someone mop up Flynns period blood out of this thread?

It seems the little asshurt bitch is frustrated i ignore it in meltdown so now it's coming into nonflaming threads to wail and cry.

The only reptile here that is "butthurt" is you and your gigantic ego, which is why you've been shaking your baby rattler at me for the last month trying soo desperately to garner my attention. Well, scrub, here I am.

As if you really have me on ignore you silly cunt. You and I both know you can't stand the fact that I point out your blissfull ignorance in a way that makes everyone laugh at you.

What are you going to do you mental midget? Dazzle me with your keen observations from Fox news that you copied from The Drudge Report? Or, maybe you can start ranting how everyone that thinks you're a clown wants to sexually assault your retarded kids? Oh. I. Know. Maybe you can also start hopping up and down on one leg and start screaming how I'm Kevin?

As far as your clueless accusation of me "crying," that's like saying you aren't a threadjacking spamming fucktard, hellbent on every single thread being about you, by you, for you, and it doesn't matter where the post is. It's one thing to spread your Dovey fecal matter in Meltdown, but you're soooo about Dovey that you'll derail threads in General Discussions just to show how jaded you still are, after getting embarrassed by me on many different occasions.
This area is not for fighting, kindly refrain...

You are asking a chimp not to throw its feces in the human restaurant.

You should put it back in the cage. Just a suggestion :D

It reads like its fresh from having its man labia drug across concrete.

"Dovey! Pay attention to me! Waaaahhh!"
Well at least I didn't get a mouthful of abuse like I anticipated... =)


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
@SHAMPAIN can someone mop up Flynns period blood out of this thread?

It seems the little asshurt bitch is frustrated i ignore it in meltdown so now it's coming into nonflaming threads to wail and cry.

The only reptile here that is "butthurt" is you and your gigantic ego, which is why you've been shaking your baby rattler at me for the last month trying soo desperately to garner my attention. Well, scrub, here I am.

As if you really have me on ignore you silly cunt. You and I both know you can't stand the fact that I point out your blissfull ignorance in a way that makes everyone laugh at you.

What are you going to do you mental midget? Dazzle me with your keen observations from Fox news that you copied from The Drudge Report? Or, maybe you can start ranting how everyone that thinks you're a clown wants to sexually assault your retarded kids? Oh. I. Know. Maybe you can also start hopping up and down on one leg and start screaming how I'm Kevin?

As far as your clueless accusation of me "crying," that's like saying you aren't a threadjacking spamming fucktard, hellbent on every single thread being about you, by you, for you, and it doesn't matter where the post is. It's one thing to spread your Dovey fecal matter in Meltdown, but you're soooo about Dovey that you'll derail threads in General Discussions just to show how jaded you still are, after getting embarrassed by me on many different occasions.
This area is not for fighting, kindly refrain... :facepalm:

Go fuck yourself you blind fucker. Once again, you fail to see the Dovey droppings you have all over the bottoms of your webbed feet.

Scroll back bitch boy and you can clearly see Dovey fucking around with the proverbial box from the Hellraiser movies, hoping to channel me once again so I can kick the heroin out of her.

Now slink back into the corner you useless crackhead.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
@SHAMPAIN can someone mop up Flynns period blood out of this thread?

It seems the little asshurt bitch is frustrated i ignore it in meltdown so now it's coming into nonflaming threads to wail and cry.

The only reptile here that is "butthurt" is you and your gigantic ego, which is why you've been shaking your baby rattler at me for the last month trying soo desperately to garner my attention. Well, scrub, here I am.

As if you really have me on ignore you silly cunt. You and I both know you can't stand the fact that I point out your blissfull ignorance in a way that makes everyone laugh at you.

What are you going to do you mental midget? Dazzle me with your keen observations from Fox news that you copied from The Drudge Report? Or, maybe you can start ranting how everyone that thinks you're a clown wants to sexually assault your retarded kids? Oh. I. Know. Maybe you can also start hopping up and down on one leg and start screaming how I'm Kevin?

As far as your clueless accusation of me "crying," that's like saying you aren't a threadjacking spamming fucktard, hellbent on every single thread being about you, by you, for you, and it doesn't matter where the post is. It's one thing to spread your Dovey fecal matter in Meltdown, but you're soooo about Dovey that you'll derail threads in General Discussions just to show how jaded you still are, after getting embarrassed by me on many different occasions.
This area is not for fighting, kindly refrain...

You are asking a chimp not to throw its feces in the human restaurant.

You should put it back in the cage. Just a suggestion :D

It reads like its fresh from having its man labia drug across concrete.

"Dovey! Pay attention to me! Waaaahhh!"

What a stupid twunt.

As for your retarded notion that I need your attention is well...like saying that your husband isn't a simple minded cuck that likes that his drug addled wife has slept with two fine turds off an online forum.

If anyone is throwing globs of unmitigated shit, that would be you. That's your M.O. You do this everywhere you spam. You throw up the equivalent of a snore bomb with made up and inaccurate facts. Your thoughts on politics is hilarious at best. The funniest part is where you tout Donald Trump as the man, but fail to realize he wanted to scale back the cost of Social Services..i.e..Tanf, food stamps, etc. Knowing your dirty and pathetic lifestyle that directly would impact you in a negative way, yet here you are pretty much being the stupid cunt you've proven yourself to be in the last few years.

You've been laughed at, beat up, and outted on the forums, which incidentally have become your real life. Everyone knows you're no smarter than Kevin and everyone knows what a conniving slag you are. You might have to ply your slutty act over at The Blue Cashew, because no one's buying any of your STD's today, tomorrow or ever.

Now come up with another attention seeking excuse on the forums should cater only to you. Make it believable this time.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
^^Christ. This is what being angry at the internet and the world in general looks like.

Right? :LOL3:

Angry and completely devoid of self awareness lol.

This wackjob could be put in a straight jacket and involuntarily hospitalized and still be screaming about how he owned the fuck out of everyone :Crazy: