
Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
The copeage and projection is almost too much to bear....

When have I ever talked about selling my pics you fuckwit? It's basically unheard of and weird as fuck. Perhaps unsurprisingly, you're the only one who repeatedly mentions it, after stealing some poor cow's pics from a bulimia support forum.

If that isn't bad enough, your poverty-stricken ass is trying to cash in on it. I know you were clearly dragged up and have no morals or decency, but do you have absolutely no shame whatsoever?



Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
^^Christ. This is what being angry at the internet and the world in general looks like.

Right? :LOL3:

Angry and completely devoid of self awareness lol.

This wackjob could be put in a straight jacket and involuntarily hospitalized and still be screaming about how he owned the fuck out of everyone :Crazy:

That's what I thought cunt. Stay back. Hide and snipe. Otherwise, I'll fuck you up again and draw the pain out for 4 months this time around.


Ahahahaha Flynn is all stocked up on 4 months worth of meth and is ready to resume rage spam dumb shit until he has to recop.

4 months people. That or the nut house day passes are longer now.

Just try to pace yourself this time.....dont blow all your big guns in one post. Like Poofer butt sex and typos should be separate posts. Not just the same one copied and pasted 50 times.

Try not to OD.

Oh and PS.....glad you can spell your name now.

So you read this post between trying to seduce more helpless losers off a forum? I like how it's you that has all this drug experience, yet here you are trying to point your ugly little grilled cheese covered finger my way. Step off bitch, I'm not the one recounting how my NA meetings went and how about I'm in recovery; that would be you, you glass dick sucking drug addict. Aren't you the Karen always spouting off about other people and their projections?

4 months? As if you've been clean for that long ever. I can and will continue using using you for target practice and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it. Sure, you can meekly reply with your usual deluge of garbage that's based on a reality far far away from Earth. I've been uppercutting you and your ass kisding cronies for years, what's another four months, right skank?

I'll try not to post garbage like organizations that don't exist try my bestest to correctly 3 letter words, unlike you. Maybe when you get desperate enough, maybe your welfare collecting self and post a picture of some boxed macaroni and cheese in a well used plastic bowl, that'll really show me! As far as OD'ing goes, not to worry heroin addict, you'll bite the bullet sooner than me with all your made up health problems you no doubt use for sympathy on a sad forum.

I guess you never really ever had me on ignore?


More Dovey lies.
Bahahahahahaha JUNKIE NOBODY trying his heart out and still produces NOTHING!!! SLUG!

This is the person that goes out with someone like once.....gets ghosted for being intense and weird.....and than goes off on a psycho tangent until the police have to get involved.

Dovey is the person that jetted off with nimrods off a forum while being married with children.

Gee. Dovey isn't at all self centered.

Look, Dovey's melting....

"Nimrods"? Here we go again with the 1980's slang....

Looks like old fossil Flynn was using the handle last night.
Remember Beano! Lol…Desperate Dan, the numbskulls. There was a lot of that old-time jabber in those classics. Cor blimey!

Yeah man, did you ever watch the old US 80's show Saved By The Bell? Flynn must be an avid fan and still thinks it's 1985 LOL.

This coming from the wannabe that watches Hogan's Heroes. That's your extent at being a Nazi. How come you don't have any tattoos or any hallmark traits of being a Nazi. Kinda like your teeth and your so called heterosexual lifestyle.

I guess it's like one of those things that play off each other like "sauce" and "source?" Right? Fake picture poster?

What are you on about? I do have tats, you deranged mental case. :Crazy:

I don't know why you keep banging on about my beliefs, as though it's relevant to the topic at hand or anything to do with your batshit crazy ass.


You post fraudulent pictures. How does anyone know if you have "tats" of dicks on your chest and ass cheeks.

You've already been questioned about your pictures by others and yet you're so fucking smart that you think "sauce" and "source" can be interchanged.

What a fucking loser!

Questioned by who? I know multiple people use your account, but that doesn't really count does it?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
2 years ago and yes I was staying in a cheap motel.

Holy crap!!!!!

That's Dovey from the furure! Obviously, posting pictures still poses a problem for her.

You see me in every dark haired woman, dont you?

You gotta heal, Flyn.


(PS.....Iggy is adorable and I love her tats....but I dont think we look much alike and that's not an insult at all)

Yeah. Actually you and that other heroin junkie iggy could be related. You're both bonafide retards that couldn't finish a crossword unless it was about drug terms. Yes, both you drug addicts look haggard and old. Why don't you see if iggy has $3.5K? You could fuck her too.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
^^Christ. This is what being angry at the internet and the world in general looks like.

Right? :LOL3:

Angry and completely devoid of self awareness lol.

This wackjob could be put in a straight jacket and involuntarily hospitalized and still be screaming about how he owned the fuck out of everyone :Crazy:

That's what I thought cunt. Stay back. Hide and snipe. Otherwise, I'll fuck you up again and draw the pain out for 4 months this time around.


Ahahahaha Flynn is all stocked up on 4 months worth of meth and is ready to resume rage spam dumb shit until he has to recop.

4 months people. That or the nut house day passes are longer now.

Just try to pace yourself this time.....dont blow all your big guns in one post. Like Poofer butt sex and typos should be separate posts. Not just the same one copied and pasted 50 times.

Try not to OD.

Oh and PS.....glad you can spell your name now.

So you read this post between trying to seduce more helpless losers off a forum? I like how it's you that has all this drug experience, yet here you are trying to point your ugly little grilled cheese covered finger my way. Step off bitch, I'm not the one recounting how my NA meetings went and how about I'm in recovery; that would be you, you glass dick sucking drug addict. Aren't you the Karen always spouting off about other people and their projections?

4 months? As if you've been clean for that long ever. I can and will continue using using you for target practice and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it. Sure, you can meekly reply with your usual deluge of garbage that's based on a reality far far away from Earth. I've been uppercutting you and your ass kisding cronies for years, what's another four months, right skank?

I'll try not to post garbage like organizations that don't exist try my bestest to correctly 3 letter words, unlike you. Maybe when you get desperate enough, maybe your welfare collecting self and post a picture of some boxed macaroni and cheese in a well used plastic bowl, that'll really show me! As far as OD'ing goes, not to worry heroin addict, you'll bite the bullet sooner than me with all your made up health problems you no doubt use for sympathy on a sad forum.

I guess you never really ever had me on ignore?


More Dovey lies.
Bahahahahahaha JUNKIE NOBODY trying his heart out and still produces NOTHING!!! SLUG!

This is the person that goes out with someone like once.....gets ghosted for being intense and weird.....and than goes off on a psycho tangent until the police have to get involved.

Dovey is the person that jetted off with nimrods off a forum while being married with children.

Gee. Dovey isn't at all self centered.

Look, Dovey's melting....

"Nimrods"? Here we go again with the 1980's slang....

Looks like old fossil Flynn was using the handle last night.
Remember Beano! Lol…Desperate Dan, the numbskulls. There was a lot of that old-time jabber in those classics. Cor blimey!

Yeah man, did you ever watch the old US 80's show Saved By The Bell? Flynn must be an avid fan and still thinks it's 1985 LOL.

This coming from the wannabe that watches Hogan's Heroes. That's your extent at being a Nazi. How come you don't have any tattoos or any hallmark traits of being a Nazi. Kinda like your teeth and your so called heterosexual lifestyle.

I guess it's like one of those things that play off each other like "sauce" and "source?" Right? Fake picture poster?

What are you on about? I do have tats, you deranged mental case. :Crazy:

I don't know why you keep banging on about my beliefs, as though it's relevant to the topic at hand or anything to do with your batshit crazy ass.


You post fraudulent pictures. How does anyone know if you have "tats" of dicks on your chest and ass cheeks.

You've already been questioned about your pictures by others and yet you're so fucking smart that you think "sauce" and "source" can be interchanged.

What a fucking loser!

Questioned by who? I know multiple people use your account, but that doesn't really count does it?

Hey does that mean "sauce" and "source" have the same meaning? Why do you keep running away from this subject? Could it be that I'm owning you right now because you can't even back up your sad argument on how "sauce" and "source" mean the same.

Kerp deflecting fake picture poster.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!

Oh? What? You didn't want to argue how "sauce" and "source" are the same?

That's what I thought you weak bitch.

Imagine being such an unhinged headcase that something so trivial would trigger and upset you. LOL

Imagine being soo fucking stupid to post that "sauce" and "source" mean the same? Then trying to deflect when called out on it. Just like how you post pictures that aren't you.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Neither of them look "old and haggard".

You're full of shit and exist solely on here to try to annoy or upset people.

What happened in your life which made you such a bitter, hateful cunt?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Neither of them look "old and haggard".

You're full of shit and exist solely on here to try to annoy or upset people.

What happened in your life which made you such a bitter, hateful cunt?

More obvious meat shielding.

I like how you think I'm going to forget about your lesson in English on how "source" and "sauce" mean the same.

I love watching you squirm to avoid the subject in which you look absolutely silly, trying to defend your uneducated take on words that havetotally different meanings.

You're better at posting fake pictures. Don't try to act smart. You and Dovey fail miserably at that.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
See, that there is a "deflection"...

He tries to draw the conversation away from his bitter butthurt and focus instead on a trivial word play argument.

You will never be a woman. Seek help, faggot.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
See, that there is a "deflection"...

He tries to draw the conversation away from his bitter butthurt and focus instead on a trivial word play argument.

You will never be a woman. Seek help, faggot.

Reread the thread you illiterate fuckwit, anyone with your brain can clearly see you running away from the "sauce" subject faster than you do vaginas.

Like I stated before, stick to posting fake pictures. You're good at that.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Neither of them look "old and haggard".

You're full of shit and exist solely on here to try to annoy or upset people.

What happened in your life which made you such a bitter, hateful cunt?

If a yeast infection was a person, it would be Flynn.

He is just all kinds of big mad asshurt cry baby. Dont get caught up in trying to validate this wacko lol.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Neither of them look "old and haggard".

You're full of shit and exist solely on here to try to annoy or upset people.

What happened in your life which made you such a bitter, hateful cunt?

If a yeast infection was a person, it would be Flynn.

He is just all kinds of big mad asshurt cry baby. Dont get caught up in trying to validate this wacko lol.

And if there were ever an excuse for planned parenthood, it would be you.

How many of your children have ended up in foster care?

Oops! Did I say that?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
There goes the pervert trying to info phish for minors again.

There goes Dovey on how everyone who thinks she's a fucking stupid cunt, is now after the children she hasn't had since 2019.

Typical. You can actually time it when Dovey starts the "look at me! Look at me!" responses.

More of her bringing up her own P.I.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I've got a bit of OCD, I hate messy or dirty places.

For some reason, I tend to think about what comes next in existence than this life itself

When I was younger, I saw expressions on people's face when no one else could see them. Like when someone had evil intentions. I lost a bit of that when I grew up, but sometimes it still happens.

That disgust or mindfulness is a very South American thing...

I noticed it many times with how people cleaned their houses, their pavements, or even how they managed to clean their cars with only a litre of water.

I really respect it though.
Brazilians are tolerant with many things, but dirty, smelly people are not one of them

Especially if the person is expected to have access to water and soap.

You won't see people with dirty clothes inside stores here. Even if they pass right in front of it coming from work, they go home first, get clean and then they go out.

I hail from a blue collar and hidden wealth culture.

It doesn't or didn't matter what you looked like if you entered a store after work.

So I was 21 years old and getting off a 12 hour night shit (one of 6 nights per week) and I wanted to buy a coffee table because my wife was shitted off. I wouldn't pay 200 dollars for a pine thing. I wanted a hardwood table.... so I sat outside until this shop opened.

When I got inside, I was asked "wut you want" and I was eyed over.

Then this Greek whore says "how much you got?"

I explained to her that I would have the right amount for the right piece of furniture.

I made it a point to walk around and assess all their pieces... most of them pine but some of them Oak and cherry.

But she still insulted me, called me broke, told me that I couldn't even afford a Baltic pine table.

Because of my work clothes...

So I pulled out 1200 dollars in a wad (a sizeable sum in the mid nineties) and told her she was an ignorant and above all stupid cunt for thinking I'd ever throw away good money on most of her crap....and the few pieces she had that were worth a fuck would never sell because they were double priced.

So this Greek cunt starts going off on me and my wad of cash.

I told her I hoped she died of cancer but not before all her children died of venereal diseases.

Then I slammed her door.

The memory of her wailing is still music to my ears...

When you say wife, do you mean Frank?


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I've got a bit of OCD, I hate messy or dirty places.

For some reason, I tend to think about what comes next in existence than this life itself

When I was younger, I saw expressions on people's face when no one else could see them. Like when someone had evil intentions. I lost a bit of that when I grew up, but sometimes it still happens.

That disgust or mindfulness is a very South American thing...

I noticed it many times with how people cleaned their houses, their pavements, or even how they managed to clean their cars with only a litre of water.

I really respect it though.
Brazilians are tolerant with many things, but dirty, smelly people are not one of them

Especially if the person is expected to have access to water and soap.

You won't see people with dirty clothes inside stores here. Even if they pass right in front of it coming from work, they go home first, get clean and then they go out.

I hail from a blue collar and hidden wealth culture.

It doesn't or didn't matter what you looked like if you entered a store after work.

So I was 21 years old and getting off a 12 hour night shit (one of 6 nights per week) and I wanted to buy a coffee table because my wife was shitted off. I wouldn't pay 200 dollars for a pine thing. I wanted a hardwood table.... so I sat outside until this shop opened.

When I got inside, I was asked "wut you want" and I was eyed over.

Then this Greek whore says "how much you got?"

I explained to her that I would have the right amount for the right piece of furniture.

I made it a point to walk around and assess all their pieces... most of them pine but some of them Oak and cherry.

But she still insulted me, called me broke, told me that I couldn't even afford a Baltic pine table.

Because of my work clothes...

So I pulled out 1200 dollars in a wad (a sizeable sum in the mid nineties) and told her she was an ignorant and above all stupid cunt for thinking I'd ever throw away good money on most of her crap....and the few pieces she had that were worth a fuck would never sell because they were double priced.

So this Greek cunt starts going off on me and my wad of cash.

I told her I hoped she died of cancer but not before all her children died of venereal diseases.

Then I slammed her door.

The memory of her wailing is still music to my ears...

When you say wife, do you mean Frank?

When YOU say wife, do you mean random Tico kids you've kidnapped on the street?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Can your daughter really fart for 15 seconds without stopping? I dislike kids. Like you. How ya treating the deformed one? Must be time for a cigarette


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Harry McKnackers is NOW Known as Frood

By any other name he'll smell as rank.
Control yourself, witch

this is not the appropriate forum for your seething envy

just saying
Harry McKnackers is NOW Known as Frood

By any other name he'll smell as rank.
Control yourself, witch

this is not the appropriate forum for your seething envy

just saying

I envy you. You protect all your past lovers. Kudos.