Omnipotent is Here !


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
No wonder the pig is posting there now

Mooooooo hoooooooooo


Or it could be that being a place that you can't access with your spam is refreshing.
If you only knew, Jabba. :LOL3:

@The Countess is lying to everyone then?

lying about what??? What are you talking about??

He said I was at BC/Flea Trap to chase Breakfall

I said I was there because it was nice being somewhere he wasn't.

He said "You don't even know" implying that he was there and I just didn't know about it.

You've said he isn't there.

Only one person can be telling the truth.

I think it's you.

He’s not on my sub. He doesn’t want to follow the rules and I’m not trying to play games.

From what I’m hearing, he asked to be the mod of the Rejected forum over there. I guess after my sub was created. If you don’t want to deal with him, don’t go to the Rejected sub.

What is this? Mod addition month? Why would anyone make Biggie a mod? He's shown in the past he cannot be trusted with a simple panel and he's far from being open minded and neutral.

I don't know why this sort of thing has to become a competition between the forums, everyone loses in this case when the forums try to poach each others members.

Lulz, you're still salty about him banning you on SG.

He didn't ban me, the stupid trite fuck erased my whole account. I'm more "salty" that Flea in her infinite wisdom just sat there like some bloated bull frog catching flies to eat with her 3 foot tongue.

Bitch, I had you reinstated. We all know I was limited in what I could and could not do there.

OMG!!! Really??? Seriously!!!

I remember being...yes...pissed off at you, where I wasn't even going to acknowledge you or anyone else from SG.

And what happened???

You people, yes, I said it, "you people" (you, Biggie, Aryan and RancidBucketHead) came hunting for me here and at TBC. I can pull up those lovely, "Flynn comeback" threads if you want me to. You guys fuck up my account then get mad at ME for being mad at you guys? Girl, you got some nerve!

The only "ban" that happened was when Bonesaw banned me for fucking with Caskur because she was neg flaming me along with her stupid comments associated with the neg bombs, which in turn made me talk about her dead son, for which I am still sorry about to this day. Oh and the fact I posted one of Lemon's (Bless her soul) pm's to me as she tried trolling me via pm, which hurt no one because well there wasn't anything important posted. And later Bonesaw even admitted there was no cause for the ban...and not long after that he stepped down as mod.

All I'm saying is, I thought everyone was born with a backbone, what happened to yours?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
He didn't ban me, the stupid trite fuck erased my whole account. I'm more "salty" that Flea in her infinite wisdom just sat there like some bloated bull frog catching flies to eat with her 3 foot tongue.

LOL she actually stated numerous times that she wanted you back if I recall.

I’ve always been a Flynn fan. Even when she’s attacking me lol

And I've always held you in high regard, though that got a tad bit lower after all this happened. None the less, you're just too fucking nice sometimes...