Permanent thread for whining about political threads


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
The forum has a Politics subforum, ergo people will post about politics. If a forum wanted zero politics it would not have a politics forum.

75%+ of the posts now are about politics or people complaining about the political threads.

And the other 25% are people who complain about political threads posting about politics in non-political threads.
We need to curb the politics, it’s not what @Bastard Factory is about or what the majority of the membership want. Most want to relax and have a laugh here with some light-hearted banter.
This is has all been explained to you on more than a few occasions. You’re not too good on the uptake are you?

You want to relax and have a laugh by posting right wing bs and not having anyone argue with your bs. You want a forum that is 100% rightie, is what you want.
We don’t want a political forum period you stupid fucking cunt. Get that into your fucking head!

So? Stop posting in the political threads and stop commenting on politics. If that's what the majority here wants, then how is that so difficult, you fucking tiny dicked fuckwit. Stop posting about politics and the board won't be about politics. I never post just to see myself post. I always post because people post back, you fucking dumbfuck.
PS: one would say, “tiny-dicked fuckwit” if proper grammar were to be used by-the-by! Thank me. :rightON:

You're so busted.
My dick is a worthy component of my overall masculinity lady, he’s right up there with my massive chin!

So you're proud of your tiny dick. Good on ya. You still have no argument.
Are you saying that my chin is tiny?

I wasn't commenting on your chin.
You’re not getting a dick pic!!!


Factory Bastard
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Case in point: How many times does Strapon bring up liberal men and "soy boys" in the "Guys who don't eat pussy" thread? How many times? And Dove managed to bring white supremacy into that thread. Sorry, but that's politics. I am not suggesting you disallow such comments. I am suggesting cons look to their own side of the street before they start melting over political comments that they don't happen to agree with. Right now, most cons seem not to see how they do it ALL THE TIME.


Factory Bastard
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The forum has a Politics subforum, ergo people will post about politics. If a forum wanted zero politics it would not have a politics forum.

75%+ of the posts now are about politics or people complaining about the political threads.

And the other 25% are people who complain about political threads posting about politics in non-political threads.
We need to curb the politics, it’s not what @Bastard Factory is about or what the majority of the membership want. Most want to relax and have a laugh here with some light-hearted banter.
This is has all been explained to you on more than a few occasions. You’re not too good on the uptake are you?

You want to relax and have a laugh by posting right wing bs and not having anyone argue with your bs. You want a forum that is 100% rightie, is what you want.
We don’t want a political forum period you stupid fucking cunt. Get that into your fucking head!

So? Stop posting in the political threads and stop commenting on politics. If that's what the majority here wants, then how is that so difficult, you fucking tiny dicked fuckwit. Stop posting about politics and the board won't be about politics. I never post just to see myself post. I always post because people post back, you fucking dumbfuck.
PS: one would say, “tiny-dicked fuckwit” if proper grammar were to be used by-the-by! Thank me. :rightON:

You're so busted.
My dick is a worthy component of my overall masculinity lady, he’s right up there with my massive chin!

So you're proud of your tiny dick. Good on ya. You still have no argument.
Are you saying that my chin is tiny?

I wasn't commenting on your chin.
You’re not getting a dick pic!!!

Thank the lord.


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
Case in point: How many times does Strapon bring up liberal men and soy boys in the "Men who don't eat pussy" thread? How many times? Sorry, but that's politics. I am not suggesting you disallow such comments. I am suggesting cons look to their own side of the street before they start melting over political comments that they don't happen to agree with.
The point is that Bastard Factory is not all about politics, but you are consumed by it and encourage it on a daily basis. Try exploring the rest of the forum and allow yourself a bit of a chuckle you bitter old crone...
Now I have to fuck off to sleep and perhaps invest in another penis pump!


Factory Bastard
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Case in point: How many times does Strapon bring up liberal men and soy boys in the "Men who don't eat pussy" thread? How many times? Sorry, but that's politics. I am not suggesting you disallow such comments. I am suggesting cons look to their own side of the street before they start melting over political comments that they don't happen to agree with.
The point is that Bastard Factory is not all about politics, but you are consumed by it and encourage it on a daily basis. Try exploring the rest of the forum and allow yourself a bit of a chuckle you bitter old crone...
Now I have to fuck off to sleep and perhaps invest in another penis pump!

Try not telling me what to do. We'll get along better that way. No one likes a post cop.


When you're a Alpha, you're an Alpha all the way!
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More Alpha than Alpha.
"I welcome differences of opinion, as long as they are not too different from my own"



Domestically feral
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United states
Case in point: How many times does Strapon bring up liberal men and "soy boys" in the "Guys who don't eat pussy" thread? How many times? And Dove managed to bring white supremacy into that thread. Sorry, but that's politics. I am not suggesting you disallow such comments. I am suggesting cons look to their own side of the street before they start melting over political comments that they don't happen to agree with. Right now, most cons seem not to see how they do it ALL THE TIME.

Lotus, try to chill. Seriously. It's not the off the Cliff random silly comments about the political culture that's the issue people are having. You guys could do likewise.

It's the constant direct politically driven shit slinging invading other threads. That's what I'm getting.


Factory Bastard
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Case in point: How many times does Strapon bring up liberal men and "soy boys" in the "Guys who don't eat pussy" thread? How many times? And Dove managed to bring white supremacy into that thread. Sorry, but that's politics. I am not suggesting you disallow such comments. I am suggesting cons look to their own side of the street before they start melting over political comments that they don't happen to agree with. Right now, most cons seem not to see how they do it ALL THE TIME.

Lotus, try to chill. Seriously. It's not the off the Cliff random silly comments about the political culture that's the issue people are having. You guys could do likewise.

It's the constant direct politically driven shit slinging invading other threads. That's what I'm getting.

Dovey, I'll chill when you acknowledge that that's not what I'm pissed about, damnit. I don't care about off the cuff political comments, either. When I make some off the cuff comment about life in Portugal, and Strapon goes onto a ten-page rant about how I am a loser, and I live in a third world country, and everyone in Portugal stinks, and he has a mansion and he's so awesome, and how I'm ugly, and my pussy is disgusting, and my husband is a soy boy who is afraid of pussies, and he thinks every liberal should be shot, and he would laugh to see us murdered, and he wishes there were more Kyles to shoot liberals, I'm sorry, none of you give a flying rat's ass about that shit, but your comrades will go off on a never-ending whinge about me posting something reasonable and non-insulting that's politically oriented, well, I have to come to the conclusion that you're a bunch of sorry-assed hypocrites.

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Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Case in point: How many times does Strapon bring up liberal men and "soy boys" in the "Guys who don't eat pussy" thread? How many times? And Dove managed to bring white supremacy into that thread. Sorry, but that's politics. I am not suggesting you disallow such comments. I am suggesting cons look to their own side of the street before they start melting over political comments that they don't happen to agree with. Right now, most cons seem not to see how they do it ALL THE TIME.

Lotus, try to chill. Seriously. It's not the off the Cliff random silly comments about the political culture that's the issue people are having. You guys could do likewise.

It's the constant direct politically driven shit slinging invading other threads. That's what I'm getting.
Try to look for the evidence of it and try not to believe the people saying it. Your vision will change

Edit: or not since you might be blind for it. Well, your loss in that case
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Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Biden ends the ban on communist state own firms from Communist China from "investing" in America's critical infrastructure. U.S. Intelligence said China was building backdoors into its systems to allow it to take down the US energy grid thus the original ban. China Biden says that is no big deal though.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
For once, I agree. If you dislike discussing politics then maybe don't visit the politics subforum. That seems an easy fix.
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