Satanic sick shit


The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Filthy fucking animal



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Wasn't he from San Fagdisco? You should have twatted the boy-fucker with your surfboard.
Harvey Milk and Mayor Moscone were murdered by Dan White. As I recall, White was Cop, and a Supervisor. There was something fucked up about him. Don’t think he did all that much time for the murders. He blamed his brain fade on Twinkies. I think he committed suicide.


Mr. Excitement
Moderator ☠️
See? That's just what I mean when I say that he's not a troll, he's simply an asshole as a person. I've seen many trolls in my time who posted some pretty harsh shit, but nothing like this.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
See? That's just what I mean when I say that he's not a troll, he's simply an asshole as a person. I've seen many trolls in my time who posted some pretty harsh shit, but nothing like this.

He is an asshole and will use children to "win the internet". That's some sick shit. As is @No One. I mean that shit is DARK.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I've been in his neck of the woods a few times in the last 20 years but he is funny, a good baseball player, host, and very accomadating. His wife is extremely nice. The cars he has are incredible. What a collection amongst his other collections. I think if people here gave him an honest chance they would see the side of him I've gotten to see and know. He is a man's man and one good friend. I trust in real life which far more important than online trust. He is a real believer in God and an avid church goer when his schedule allows. I think a fishing trip is in order soon @The Prowler what do you say, EH?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
I've been in his neck of the woods a few times in the last 20 years but he is funny, a good baseball player, host, and very accomadating. His wife is extremely nice. The cars he has are incredible. What a collection amongst his other collections. I think if people here gave him an honest chance they would see the side of him I've gotten to see and know. He is a man's man and one good friend. I trust in real life which far more important than online trust. He is a real believer in God and an avid church goer when his schedule allows. I think a fishing trip is in order soon @The Prowler what do you say, EH?

I suppose that this is what good men do in your neck of the woods.



Mr. Excitement
Moderator ☠️
I've been in his neck of the woods a few times in the last 20 years but he is funny, a good baseball player, host, and very accomadating. His wife is extremely nice. The cars he has are incredible. What a collection amongst his other collections. I think if people here gave him an honest chance they would see the side of him I've gotten to see and know. He is a man's man and one good friend. I trust in real life which far more important than online trust. He is a real believer in God and an avid church goer when his schedule allows. I think a fishing trip is in order soon @The Prowler what do you say, EH?
I tried to be cordial to that prick a couple of times and he played along until a week later and then did a complete 180 and started treating me like shit again. If he's the man that you say he is I can't see it. If you suggest that giving him a chance and getting to know him as a good man like you have, then maybe he should try demonstrating those qualities instead of taking pleasure in conducting himself like an asshole. Who the hell wants to try and get to know someone who shows the worst of themselves on a daily fucking basis.

I get you sticking up for him as a friend but he deserves every hateful response he gets. Fuck him.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I tried to be cordial to that prick a couple of times and he played along until a week later and then did a complete 180 and started treating me like shit again. If he's the man that you say he is I can't see it. If you suggest that giving him a chance and getting to know him as a good man like you have, then maybe he should try demonstrating those qualities instead of taking pleasure in conducting himself like an asshole. Who the hell wants to try and get to know someone who shows the worst of themselves on a daily fucking basis.

I get you sticking up for him as a friend but he deserves every hateful response he gets. Fuck him.
Have you ever tried to contact him off this site? like get his email or number? you do know there is life outside of this one measly site right? please tell you know that much? I'm sure if you tried to could work things out like adults do BUT YET.. you think this site is somehow the end all and be all why is that? I guarantee you if you talked to him on the phone you wouldn't have a singles issue with the man after one phone call. You do know this is a troll site? its not real? right? people have personas online right?

PM him exchange emails, other sites you both go to besides here, and or have a phone conversation with him. Skype or whatever people do. Get to know him and he is that religious in real life so you'd be able to talk about the Bible, God, and whatever else. Meet up with him in person. Don't believe in the persona and don't be a coward. He is a good man and friend. A hero even to a few. Beloved husband family man.

Its not fuck him. Its not fuck YOU either . its about connecting on a REAL Level that can not be achieved online my Son. God bless you


Mr. Excitement
Moderator ☠️
Have you ever tried to contact him off this site? like get his email or number? you do know there is life outside of this one measly site right? please tell you know that much? I'm sure if you tried to could work things out like adults do BUT YET.. you think this site is somehow the end all and be all why is that? I guarantee you if you talked to him on the phone you wouldn't have a singles issue with the man after one phone call. You do know this is a troll site? its not real? right? people have personas online right?

PM him exchange emails, other sites you both go to besides here, and or have a phone conversation with him. Skype or whatever people do. Get to know him and he is that religious in real life so you'd be able to talk about the Bible, God, and whatever else. Meet up with him in person. Don't believe in the persona and don't be a coward. He is a good man and friend. A hero even to a few. Beloved husband family man.

Its not fuck him. Its not fuck YOU either . its about connecting on a REAL Level that can not be achieved online my Son. God bless you
Please don't insult my intelligence. I'm well aware there's the real world outside of this forum and it's a dangerous and scary place. I don't trust him at all. I don't want to call him on the phone or exchange emails. Meet up with him in person?! You sir are dangerously naive about today's real and cyber world if you suggest trying these things. I could send him an email and have no idea if it is truly him replying. For all I know Prowler could be George Clooney ffs.

Because of the way he already blew my trust when I extended my hand in friendship before, the last fucking thing I'm going to is trust him and give him the benefit of the doubt by offering my hand in friendship again. When you break someone's trust many will often say that you can earn it back over time. That's a myth. Trust is like an ice cube. Once it melts it's gone. You will never be fully trusted again by the person's trust you broke.

I know this is a troll board, but there's trolling and then there is plain old fashioned assholes. Prowler is the latter. He's given me no reason to think otherwise.

"Your retarded grandson would blow SirSuperSouthern for a cookie."

You consider these disgusting words involving a child fellating a grown man trolling? Not only is he calling the kid retarded he has sexualized him. HE'S 8 FUCKING YEARS OLD!! Does that sound like a man you would want to be friends with on or offline? No, I'm sorry bro. Prowler disgusts me and I don't want a friendship with someone like that. I'm stopping this now because I'm getting very pissed off here.
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Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Please don't insult my intelligence. I'm well aware there's the real world outside of this forum and it's a dangerous and scary place. I don't trust him at all. I don't want to call him on the phone or exchange emails. Meet up with him in person?! You sir are dangerously naive about today's real and cyber world if you suggest trying these things. I could send him an email and have no idea if it is truly him replying. For all I know Prowler could be George Clooney ffs.

Because of the way he already blew my trust when I extended my hand in friendship before, the last fucking thing I'm going to is trust him and give him the benefit of the doubt by offering my hand in friendship again. When you break someone's trust many will often say that you can earn it back over time. That's a myth. Trust is like an ice cube. Once it melts it's gone. You will never be fully trusted again by the person's trust you broke.

I know this is a troll board, but there's trolling and then there is plain old fashioned assholes. Prowler is the latter. He's given me no reason to think otherwise.

"Your retarded grandson would blow SirSuperSouthern for a cookie."

You consider these disgusting words involving a child fellating a grown man trolling? Not only is he calling the kid retarded he has sexualized him. HE'S 8 FUCKING YEARS OLD!! Does that sound like a man you would want to be friends with on or offline? No, I'm sorry bro. Prowler disgusts me and I don't want a friendship with someone like that. I'm stopping this now because I'm getting very pissed off here.
why are kids so much on your mind? that has me wondering even more. Maybe you take that Bible and God's work too seriously and on the innocent. Look into the mirror before you judge others my son