School massacre suspect identified as totally MAGA Trump support and Putin Puppet. Details inside


Factory Bastard
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So accurate.


Put your glasses on!
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ha ha ha you retards been getting guns fer years what with being retarded so there goes that mental check hoopla huh :LOL3::LOL3:

Sorry about your mum's abortion, she tried. Was pretty clever of you to come out her asshole instead. I hear that was the first thing the Dr. saw, was your finger sticking out her anus, hence your name, Stinkyfinger. How cute.


Factory Bastard
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I saw this on another forum and thought I would share.

What to do about all this "rage" from trans types.

'It sure seems as if there’s a consensus on one aspect of the trans community – they’re all ragey – gggrrrr. Mad and pissed off because things aren’t going their way.'

'The Colorado Springs shooter identified as non binary.
The Denver shooter identified as trans.
The Aberdeen shooter identified as trans.
The Nashville shooter identified as trans.
One thing is VERY clear: the modern trans movement is radicalizing activists into terrorists.'

Gender Dysphoria is a serious mental condition.

'activists were planning a “Trans Day of Vengeance” to stop the trans “genocide.”

'Their genocide claims are pretty pathetic and easily debunked as well, using FBI stats. Hurt feelings aren’t meant to be violently actionable, except in trans-world. Physically lashing out is now the accepted mode of response.'

'Based on the FBI data, a black person’s chance of being the victim of a hate crime in a given year is 98 in a million, a Jewish person stands a 109 in a million chance, and Muslims and transgenders’ chance is less than half of that.'


Domestically feral
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United states
The recent passage of laws in Tennessee may have pushed the shooter over the edge:

Which js even worse

So the people don't want children being exposed to sexual entertainment and drag shows and that "pushed" this psycho "over the edge" and proceeded to murder children in response.

"Let us sexualize and molest children or we will murder them!!"

You know why not just leave children the fuck alone? That's all people want. Just leave children alone to be children. Only fucking monsters have a problem with that.


Domestically feral
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United states
I saw this on another forum and thought I would share.


No one hates them (that is changing due to their own actions, their psychotic hatred of other people), no one wants to stop them from existing and no one is harming them.

People just want that same respect. Don't stop women from existing (which is exactly what they are doing. Erasing women). Respect our spaces that exist for reasons purely based on our biology....not our "gender".

Don't push your gender religion and politcs in public schools....that are funded by tax payers and supposed to be a neutral place where objective education is the primary business. Do not peddle hyper sexual and graphic material to children. Do not meddle in that child's life or mental health and help or encourage them to keep secrets from parents. This is so harmful and dangerous I cannot believe it's happening.

They are demanding supremacy and attacking the rights and existence of other people....that's why people are pushing back. These psychos act like they are the most important people in the universe and no one is allowed to have boundaries or yell them "no".....but they can dictate everyone else.

Fuck them. Now they are committing politcal violence and murdering innocent children. I hope they get it served back. They are consistently targeting women and children with hatred and violence. They are misogynist sociopaths.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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notice how a piece of shit like lotus suddenly has nothing to say about gun violence

because the attacker was trans and the victims were Christians.

But let Kyle Rittenhouse dispatch 2 vermin ped0s to hell where they belong and she'll have a fucking conniption for weeks


Domestically feral
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United states
That poor girl in VA who was ass raped by a boy in a skirt? Her father was pushed over the edge. By a shit school board who tried to cover up and rug sweep that violent attack on his daughter and a transactivist who attended a school board meeting that he didn't belong in, within a district he doesn't pay taxes call that girl a mentally ill liar and a bitch.

And the father was the one who was arrested.

You think something like this just might push someone over the edge? And parents aren't going out murdering innocent people because of this either. They are fighting back for our own rights and protections. With truth. The proper way. The democratic way.

The gender cult is a vile, hateful, dishonest group of unhinged authoritarian perverts who engage in and promote acts of violence against innocent people including helpless children. They are showing us we need to genocide them before they can murder or rape or assault another innocent person or child. They are not reasonable or safe to be amongst us. They are a threat to our rights and our safety and our Iives and the lives of our children.

When your response to a piece of legislation that prevents adults from acting sexual in front of children is to go shoot up a school? Fuck your disgusting movement. And fuck you.


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the whole thing is a shitshow, welcome to America ....




Put your glasses on!
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If a guy can shoot up a church, and he flew a Confederate flag in his social media, and after that shooting the corrupt nitwits in the government wanted to ban that flag. Then I dont see any reason why if an IT can shoot up a school, and fly the faggit flag, then that flag should be banned too from all government locations.

Btw, I saw something interesting last night. The trans shooter, has on 2 different pairs of shoes! It goes in with one pair on, comes out with a different pair. Very strange.
  • LOL
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Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Let the mentally ill trannies teach your little boys how to suck cock or else!!!

The tolerant and inclusive left

Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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and I'd bet money all the other tards who previously attacked anyone who owned a gun as a MAGA overcompensating douche are not saying a word to him about the blatant hypocrisy


Domestically feral
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United states
Over at cocks been tucking Cindy is bragging about buying a gun...

Which is perfectly fine. I fully support responsible gun ownership and US citizens taking advantage of our hard won rights.

The minute he turns it onto an innocent person he can rot in fucking hell.


Site Supporter
The gun aint the problem. Shouldnt you be saying....

and there you have it America
with retarded citizens like this you're ensured to be a shithole for years to come :LOL3:


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
and there you have it America
with retarded citizens like this you're ensured to be a shithole for years to come :LOL3:

Because obviously that gun jus walked in by itself and started blasting lol, nimrod.

No One

Factory Bastard
Which is perfectly fine. I fully support responsible gun ownership and US citizens taking advantage of our hard won rights.

The minute he turns it onto an innocent person he can rot in fucking hell.
Well..he obviously doesn't have a family to protect so the intention is likely nefarious.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
notice how a piece of shit like lotus suddenly has nothing to say about gun violence

because the attacker was trans and the victims were Christians.

But let Kyle Rittenhouse dispatch 2 vermin ped0s to hell where they belong and she'll have a fucking conniption for weeks

That is obvious. She and people like her are such hypocritical pieces of shit.


Put your glasses on!
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Turns out Audrey planned to shoot up other places as well. Like a mall, and even her parents.

Police are not gonna release the manifesto. And the lying media is saying "no motive".


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The manifesto has the motive and it is going to be the usual unhongeted radical left wing conspiracy theories about non-existent"trans genocide", killing the oppressed, anti-christian conspiracy theories, and all the usual leftist justifications for terrorism and violence. The trans community is the most radicalized with hate in the country and filled with violent mentally ill psychopaths.

They constantly call for violence and murder yet everyone is expected to look the other way and pretend not to notice.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Which js even worse

So the people don't want children being exposed to sexual entertainment and drag shows and that "pushed" this psycho "over the edge" and proceeded to murder children in response.

"Let us sexualize and molest children or we will murder them!!"

You know why not just leave children the fuck alone? That's all people want. Just leave children alone to be children. Only fucking monsters have a problem with that.
I'm not supporting lgbtq in this case, just saying that the two incidents appear to be related. Now you gotta war on both sides. one against the trans community & now the trans are arming themselves and fighting back.

vicious cycle, eh @Dove? Once the genie is outta the bottle...well you know the rest, eh.