School massacre suspect identified as totally MAGA Trump support and Putin Puppet. Details inside


Factory Bastard
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I honestly believe that is why Democrats and self declared "LGBT groups" (but only the radical leftist ones) all are calling for the manifesto to be hidden from the public. They know their hate filled incitement help drive that lunatic insane.


Factory Bastard
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A rare case of a Democrat being held accountable for inviting violence.


senior penor

Factory Bastard
Most leftists are subconsciously ashamed of their beliefs, thats why they're rarely honest about their intentions and prefer instead to gaslight anybody who challenges their ideals, by branding them a "conspiracy theorist" etc.
But its fun twisting them in knots because they are so dishonest about it. to watch them try so hard not to admit something, and then basically they put themselves in a rock and a hard place to the point the only way out is to admit it. they either lash out or run away.
The funny part it that it would be a mere fraction of the BS and come out looking far better if they just admit it instead of doing what they are doing.

well....on a lot of things. not all(like the PLEASE ASS BOX ME!)


Domestically feral
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United states
As I said @Dove, I'm not in support of either side.

I'm just observing what's happening.

And I suspect the same thing might also unravel in Florida where similar laws have been passed or proposed.

I honestly believe that if it's come to a boiling point in the US, that a new separate gender should be created for trans people like it has in India among other things to protect the rights of biological women:

...however I don't the US has come this point nor has a cultural history of transgender or alternate gender so it's difficult for many if not most Americans as well.

However, as you're probably aware alternate gender types have existed since the beginning of human civilization as many passages in the bible make references to them:

I know you probably don't like the idea, but that's the way I seez it...particularly since there's already 1 million Americans who identify themselves as transgender.

Joe no one cares if they are trans. People care that they are demanding to redefine womanhood and come into woman's spaces and force society to recognize gender over biological sex.

You should be on the side of protecting children from pervert adults wanting to provide them with sexual entertainment and on the side of women's rights and protections.

I'm sorry so many people are so fucking stupid and entitled where they can't understand how to exist without abusing and fucking with an entire group of other humans but because of that pure stupidity I hope we see violence returned to them. They are violent and predatory misogynists and if they cannot exist without harming others they should not get to fucking exist. Simple as that.

If they were just being trans and leaving people alone no one would care....just like no one cared for years until they started forcing themselves on women and showing their dicks to children and making unreasonable demands to the public. People calling for violence against innocent human beings should be opposed.

This should be common sense but hey....during civil rights there were people who didn't take a "side" either way so I guess it's always gonna be like that.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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People who enable this shit share in the culpability


As Jesus himself said. Either you are with us or against us. There is no middle ground anyone with scum that support these rodents
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Well..he obviously doesn't have a family to protect so the intention is likely nefarious.
My minions tell me he’s over at Cindy’s toilet lamenting about how bad his hood is

Thought the dude was living the high life with some rich punter. Lmao what’s he doing in the ghetto? And in need of some piece of shit 9 ?

Anyway you have love his predicament and when someone finally takes him out or forces him to throw away his sordid life on a homicide charge it won’t be a MAGA that does it but rather one of the criminals he supports

Typical lib pos scumbag


Factory Bastard
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Joe no one cares if they are trans. People care that they are demanding to redefine womanhood and come into woman's spaces and force society to recognize gender over biological sex.

You should be on the side of protecting children from pervert adults wanting to provide them with sexual entertainment and on the side of women's rights and protections.
@Dove I am aware of the threat which trans 'women' pose to biological women which you've frequently brought up expressing these fears.

Actually I agree with you that a boundary should be set between trans individuals seeking to enter women's institutions and sanctuaries. As a heterosexual male, I think like you that they should be kept out.

At the same time the Transgender question can no longer be ignored.

Let's face it...they exist, are out there and their community grows by the day large numbers. They've gone from the first trans person who appeared about 100 years ago, to well over one million in the USA alone.

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So you can't pretend they don' texist, particularly when they demand bathroom rights, to be allowed into women's change rooms, women's athletic competitions, women's prisons, waxing studios what have you.

I sympathize with your position. In fact even biologically female lesbians don't want Trans 'women' in their sanctuaries as well.

Nor do they recognize them as 'women'. And there have been several altercations between lesbians and trans women in recent years. Even in my city of Vancouver.

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Anyways Dove I don't think merely banning these types will solve the problem. Actually the problem will continue to grow and it's your children or girls who'll have to face these issues.

Fortunately it wasn't an issue with women when I was growing up. And if the social situation heats up, I can leave the city in the future to get away from it. But your children won't be so fortunate.

That's why I think they have to address this issue now rather than later when the problem really explodes. Yes - I think there should be boundaries set on the Trans community and that's why I think a bill of rights for them and a new separate gender recognized by the constitution might be appropriate.
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The Prowler

Factory Bastard
a new separate gender recognized by the constitution might be appropriate

@Joe What will that solve?

There are many transwomen (i.e. men pretending to be women) who want the same access to women's spaces as biological women. Defining a new gender will do nothing to satisfy them or end the conflict.

Repeating a stupid idea will not somehow make it less stupid.


Factory Bastard
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Wondering when the next school shooting will occur. Next Monday?


Factory Bastard
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Bet he will be reinstated once the fuss has blown over.

He was just suspended with pay. He could be fired, even a professor can be fired for threatening violence, but that will not happen. A year from now he will still be there.


Factory Bastard
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Who gives a rats ass about any of your drama surrounding this? Innocents died. Ban assault weapons.


Put your glasses on!
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Who gives a rats ass about any of your drama surrounding this? Innocents died. Ban assault weapons.

Wanna know what guns, cars, knives, hammers, and swords all have in common? They all lay very still, til someone uses it.

Guess what a lot of these "killers" have in common....... they are all mentally deranged!!! Bring back the Insane Asylums!!!

This lady aint even from America, and she knows the deal, spot on.....



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Another ignorant okie post. People died stupid. Lose the drama
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