Should we limit Posters to saying "Admin sucks cocks" and its variants to once per week?



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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We did it guise, we did it and they can never take that away from you guys!



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Maybe call that sub-board Juvie Hall.

Revisiting the place where you lost your virginity Hols?

Perhaps in this one they could put Bromide in the tea? Saves for gaping anuses in the dorm rooms eh?

Could be the only jail where cons try to form a dildo rather than a shiv out of melted toothbrushes.
Was this post meant for your internet psychotic-therapist?


Maybe call that sub-board Juvie Hall.

Revisiting the place where you lost your virginity Hols?

Perhaps in this one they could put Bromide in the tea? Saves for gaping anuses in the dorm rooms eh?

Could be the only jail where cons try to form a dildo rather than a shiv out of melted toothbrushes.
Was this post meant for your internet psychotic-therapist?
It was the retard's best effort to make my case for me Re: the flametards. LoLz


Domestically feral
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United states
Hey, we're still waiting for those Brawl Hall legends and content creators that King Martini promised BF.

The stipulation on that was Big and I need to be banned because none of these legends will sign up as long as me and Big are here. Because we are stupid.

Who would have thought they would all share Poofers opinions? Lmao


An Claidheam Anam
Bwa Hahahahahahaha!

Pity reply.

Didn't you use to be an admin at a forum where Biggie lost his key to the executive washroom for spamming?

Tell me, did you ever imagine at the time that a decade later he'd still be so itraumatized by the dismissal that he'd still be looking for forums where he could spam ad nauseam and NOT get tossed out?

Yeah, but I was famous for being an Admin that never once Admined anything. No one can come close to my perfection of never once ever using a panel for any reason whatsoever.

You can't say that because I distinctly remember you abusing the panel we granted you within a day of that grant being given.

Some can't handle Power, other don't give the slightest fuck about it.

Which category do you think I fit into?

Wait, what?

I don't think your memory is so hot. What was my nic, the "me" that you "remember??" I ask because I never had a panel at that place. Also, I wanna know how you, the admin who famously never adminned, know about some peon to whom the collective "you" GRANTED a panel and who immediately abused it? That seems like a pitifully minute thing for a magisterial blindfolded admin such as yerself to take note of.

To answer your question, it looks like you fit into both categories.

Just because I never pressed a button at Valhalla doesn't mean I didn't know all and see all.

I believe the Spoon iteration that was given and then immediately abused the Panel was the very first Peaches, when you were partial to the avatar of that chick with the hot ass straddling a 10-speed. That was before you discovered the Vermeer.

Yes, my memory is quite acute.


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
Yes, my memory is quite acute.

If so, you may have the better of me in this story. I wasn't actually much of a particiipant in the Valhalla of that era, and of course as I've already mentioned I was not that guy, who is more like my pop's age. I wonder what sort of abuse was alleged, since he still had a panel later on.

But since your memory is so sharp, howzabout you answer the question I called you in for? I'll repeat it to save you wading through the nested quotes. (actually I see it's 2 questions)

Didn't you use to be an admin at a forum where Biggie lost his key to the executive washroom for spamming?

Tell me, did you ever imagine at the time that a decade later he'd still be so traumatized by the dismissal that he'd still be looking for forums where he could spam ad nauseam and NOT get tossed out?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
This will encourage some our our more 'limited' posters a chance to stretch themselves and find something new to obsess over.
This will encourage some our our more 'limited' posters a chance to stretch themselves and find something new to obsess over.
I thought it was funny the first few times, but alas, I become bored very easily, particularly given my lifestyle of intrepidation of massive waves. The Biggie Smalls needs a limit.
Mooooooooo Hooooooooooo

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
If Big was into dick......why would he want YOURS?

Big is a successful man, you know. He could pull a fitter, younger guy with stamina and intellectual coherence.

Why the fuck would he want his 6 figure balls gummed by some divorced leftarded Gay Larson look alike from fucking Oregon?!

I think you misspelled "meat head."
I think you misplaced your nose

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Myself and Cocks
Go together like a hand and glove
Bigly Bungholefelcher is hopelessly addict to the gumming of cocks.
Hiya cock squirt. Don't you think it's a little too early in the morning to be gumming my ankles ?

just sayin
You came into MY thread to tell me to stop following you around? You really are a fucking retard aren't you?


Get busy Pauncho Pugsley!

Let's be honest about something real quick

If Big was into dick......why would he want YOURS?

Big is a successful man, you know. He could pull a fitter, younger guy with stamina and intellectual coherence.

Why the fuck would he want his 6 figure balls gummed by some divorced leftarded Gay Larson look alike from fucking Oregon?!
Bigly Buffon talks about MY Cock every single day. End of Story.

No, no he isnt. He is talking you sucking cock.

That's a pretty clear distinction, A.
Tell that to his shrink.
Myself and Cocks
Go together like a hand and glove
Bigly Bungholefelcher is hopelessly addict to the gumming of cocks.
Hiya cock squirt. Don't you think it's a little too early in the morning to be gumming my ankles ?

just sayin
You came into MY thread to tell me to stop following you around? You really are a fucking retard aren't you?


Get busy Pauncho Pugsley!

Let's be honest about something real quick

If Big was into dick......why would he want YOURS?

Big is a successful man, you know. He could pull a fitter, younger guy with stamina and intellectual coherence.

Why the fuck would he want his 6 figure balls gummed by some divorced leftarded Gay Larson look alike from fucking Oregon?!
PS, who is Gay Larson?

A cartoonist well known for a comic called Far Side.

Sorry Bigly probably resembles Gary far more than me, Gary is rather Short and by this point, probably bald. I met Gary several years ago, we had breakfast together at a B&B with our Wives, he is very quiet and shy, his wife was a motormouth.
You have a motormouth too. When there's a dick in it


An Claidheam Anam
Yes, my memory is quite acute.

If so, you may have the better of me in this story. I wasn't actually much of a particiipant in the Valhalla of that era, and of course as I've already mentioned I was not that guy, who is more like my pop's age. I wonder what sort of abuse was alleged, since he still had a panel later on.

But since your memory is so sharp, howzabout you answer the question I called you in for? I'll repeat it to save you wading through the nested quotes. (actually I see it's 2 questions)

Didn't you use to be an admin at a forum where Biggie lost his key to the executive washroom for spamming?

Tell me, did you ever imagine at the time that a decade later he'd still be so traumatized by the dismissal that he'd still be looking for forums where he could spam ad nauseam and NOT get tossed out?

I vaguely recall a dispute in the heavens involving Biggie. I believe Edna was a participant, perhaps you should run to Facebook and ask for her recollections.

The dispute was resolved high away in Asgard. I think my voice of calm and reason helped smooth things out. Maybe it did, maybe it didn't. Who knows?

Speaking of spamming, did I ever mention the time I was permabanned from the Cucks Been Tarded board for posting humorous negro memes in an Apey (Admin) white-hate thread?

Now THERE was some irony!


An Claidheam Anam
Apey (Admin)

There was a poster about 10 years ago at Conquer Club in the Flame Wars forum that went by Apey.

I ended-up calling "her" Gapey because I would textually fist-fuck her so viciously.

I wonder if that was Admin in drag.

Could be. Fucker's been around for years. Was Gapey a dumbass Leftist meme spammer with an incongruous good taste in music?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Yes, my memory is quite acute.

If so, you may have the better of me in this story. I wasn't actually much of a particiipant in the Valhalla of that era, and of course as I've already mentioned I was not that guy, who is more like my pop's age. I wonder what sort of abuse was alleged, since he still had a panel later on.

But since your memory is so sharp, howzabout you answer the question I called you in for? I'll repeat it to save you wading through the nested quotes. (actually I see it's 2 questions)

Didn't you use to be an admin at a forum where Biggie lost his key to the executive washroom for spamming?

Tell me, did you ever imagine at the time that a decade later he'd still be so traumatized by the dismissal that he'd still be looking for forums where he could spam ad nauseam and NOT get tossed out?

I vaguely recall a dispute in the heavens involving Biggie. I believe Edna was a participant, perhaps you should run to Facebook and ask for her recollections.

The dispute was resolved high away in Asgard. I think my voice of calm and reason helped smooth things out. Maybe it did, maybe it didn't. Who knows?

Speaking of spamming, did I ever mention the time I was permabanned from the Cucks Been Tarded board for posting humorous negro memes in an Apey (Admin) white-hate thread?

Now THERE was some irony!
who was it that I trolled the fuck out of up there?

Was it Dukie or that misfit bitch lady dragon?

it was one of those two tards that got their panties all up in a bunch cause I wouldn't stop making fun of the big Peaches face pussy

lmao... fragile cunts ... I think that shit is funny... sue me

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter


An Claidheam Anam
Yes, my memory is quite acute.

If so, you may have the better of me in this story. I wasn't actually much of a particiipant in the Valhalla of that era, and of course as I've already mentioned I was not that guy, who is more like my pop's age. I wonder what sort of abuse was alleged, since he still had a panel later on.

But since your memory is so sharp, howzabout you answer the question I called you in for? I'll repeat it to save you wading through the nested quotes. (actually I see it's 2 questions)

Didn't you use to be an admin at a forum where Biggie lost his key to the executive washroom for spamming?

Tell me, did you ever imagine at the time that a decade later he'd still be so traumatized by the dismissal that he'd still be looking for forums where he could spam ad nauseam and NOT get tossed out?

I vaguely recall a dispute in the heavens involving Biggie. I believe Edna was a participant, perhaps you should run to Facebook and ask for her recollections.

The dispute was resolved high away in Asgard. I think my voice of calm and reason helped smooth things out. Maybe it did, maybe it didn't. Who knows?

Speaking of spamming, did I ever mention the time I was permabanned from the Cucks Been Tarded board for posting humorous negro memes in an Apey (Admin) white-hate thread?

Now THERE was some irony!
who was it that I trolled the fuck out of up there?

Was it Dukie or that misfit bitch lady dragon?

it was one of those two tards that got their panties all up in a bunch cause I wouldn't stop making fun of the big Peaches face pussy

lmao... fragile cunts ... I think that shit is funny... sue me

Was it dragon lady or Schrodie? I can't remember exactly. I know there were some Admins who cringed at your incessant nose-hole troll.

I never commented on any of it because Peachy is a big boy and should know how to pull up his pants, and he has stood in the face of the barrage, you must admit ... even though Levon from the West Coast isn't him and is young enough to be Spoon's kid.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Yes, my memory is quite acute.

If so, you may have the better of me in this story. I wasn't actually much of a particiipant in the Valhalla of that era, and of course as I've already mentioned I was not that guy, who is more like my pop's age. I wonder what sort of abuse was alleged, since he still had a panel later on.

But since your memory is so sharp, howzabout you answer the question I called you in for? I'll repeat it to save you wading through the nested quotes. (actually I see it's 2 questions)

Didn't you use to be an admin at a forum where Biggie lost his key to the executive washroom for spamming?

Tell me, did you ever imagine at the time that a decade later he'd still be so traumatized by the dismissal that he'd still be looking for forums where he could spam ad nauseam and NOT get tossed out?

I vaguely recall a dispute in the heavens involving Biggie. I believe Edna was a participant, perhaps you should run to Facebook and ask for her recollections.

The dispute was resolved high away in Asgard. I think my voice of calm and reason helped smooth things out. Maybe it did, maybe it didn't. Who knows?

Speaking of spamming, did I ever mention the time I was permabanned from the Cucks Been Tarded board for posting humorous negro memes in an Apey (Admin) white-hate thread?

Now THERE was some irony!
who was it that I trolled the fuck out of up there?

Was it Dukie or that misfit bitch lady dragon?

it was one of those two tards that got their panties all up in a bunch cause I wouldn't stop making fun of the big Peaches face pussy

lmao... fragile cunts ... I think that shit is funny... sue me

Was it dragon lady or Schrodie? I can't remember exactly. I know there were some Admins who cringed at your incessant nose-hole troll.

I never commented on any of it because Peachy is a big boy and should know how to pull up his pants, and he has stood in the face of the barrage, you must admit ... even though Levon from the West Coast isn't him and is young enough to be Spoon's kid.
I think it's funny tho... imagine waking up in the morning and not seeing a nose on your face

omg that's disgusting


An Claidheam Anam
I never comment

Actually you comment altogether too much, ya fuckin boring asshole.
.Why don't you shut the fuck up for a second once in awhile, a-kay Raggedy.

Look who dragged himself away from whatever cheap swill keeps him up past 10 PM.

Did you eat any of them three-eyed mercury-laden smallies you catch with your Zebco 202 in that polluted slough behind your house tonight?