The Kanye got barred from Twitter thread...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Can you turn that into something rooted in reality? Probably not.

That was the most insane nonsense I've ever heard, what...oh forget it, you must be insane or you got trolled really badly and I am not sure by who, let me email and text a few people and see if I can figure it all out.

This is why you aren't on our family's holiday card are a true nut.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
I don't mind you feeling that or any other way.
I was making the observation that when you poast so many YAS's that it becomes your entire repertoire then maybe, just maybe, you suck too.

I guess we all deserve each other, eh wot?

I'm not asking you to be serious. I merely posited for your consideration the possibility that you're becoming a broken fucking record.

Be silly.
Be weird.
Be mysterious.
Be inscrutable.
Be anything you want aside from serious...

...just please stop being repetitious.
In the past, he used to moan about this place on other forums, mainly on FT and B.C. Now he does the moaning on here, seemingly blissfully unaware of how people are questioning why an individual who supposedly hates a board so much would spend so much time on there.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
The best trolls are never other people. It's when we are so wrapped up in our own bullshit that we troll ourselves. And that, my "friends" refers to every single person that is registered here.

To circle back: Just like Kanye.
Whenever you try to sound smart, you always manage to make yourself sound even more stupid.


Factory Bastard
Can you turn that into something rooted in reality? Probably not.

That was the most insane nonsense I've ever heard, what...oh forget it, you must be insane or you got trolled really badly and I am not sure by who, let me email and text a few people and see if I can figure it all out.

This is why you aren't on our family's holiday card are a true nut.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Hi Stan,

I can hear the anguish in your voice, how you fidget nervously with your lighter as you regain your composure. Though your voice may waver, I still hear you, man. I knock back every time you knock on wood, sending you a virtual fist bump across the ocean, hoping you got it.

Damn, so how are things going? I guess not too well since you're still talking to me on this obscure forum, but talking helps, it helps me too, even if it's just talking to the walls. Anyway, I understand that some people go insane from time to time, but there are limits, and you vocaroos are very concerning to me. I honestly have no idea what the fuck you're talking you? Enough already, Stan. If you truly have something important to say, say it in the appropriate section and not Meltdown, which is considered the asshole of the forum. You've spent hours disassembling old trolls or inventing entirely new ones. It's completely ridiculous.

This proxy sounds like a mash-up of at least five different Brawl Hall you even remember who was who at that forum, do you remember anything about the forums you were at, and were you ever in the Hell Flame Wars? Listening to you, it's clear that you're befuddled by the various nics and names that people have posted under. You also believe that posting at and only at troll forums for the rest of your internet career is how one wins the internet, which is unfortunate.

But, Stan, be the best Stan you can be.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
In the past, he used to moan about this place on other forums, mainly on FT and B.C. Now he does the moaning on here, seemingly blissfully unaware of how people are questioning why an individual who supposedly hates a board so much would spend so much time on there.
This was explained. Schadenfreude.

I thought your knowledge of German went beyond zie, die, Bruder, Freund, and Scheiße-fürs-Gehirn.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
^^And then we have one of the other members of Team e-trannie, whose main reason for visiting this forum seems to be to undermine and argue with everything I say...

Oh hi, Blurt. Slow night at the Swingin' Sailor I take it? Perhaps you ought to consider allowing straight people into the bar again, the "No breeders or straight white males" policy seems to be hurting business.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA

Don't be mad... you were one of the people I included as being pleasant enough to converse with.

Now if you had an accent like Fiona Ritchie's I might even prefer you to Blandy. Nothing personal ol' boy, but I could listen to Fiona talk *about* Irish and Scottish music all day and wouldn't even mind if she never actually played any.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

Don't be mad... you were one of the people I included as being pleasant enough to converse with.

Now if you had an accent like Fiona Ritchie's I might even prefer you to Blandy. Nothing personal ol' boy, but I could listen to Fiona talk *about* Irish and Scottish music all day and wouldn't even mind if she never actually played any.

I'm not mad. That was more of a stink face of oh, I don't know, frustration? Exasperation? "Pleasant enough" is BO-RING though.

You're barely getting to know me. I'm an onion, I have one here has gotten to meet the person behind the Lily persona, even those that have heard me on Discord. That's still my public facing personality.

@Blandscape is Blandscape from the get go. I wish I was like that, but I'm not. Oh well.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I want to add one comment to my previous comments. I was more open when I first joined forums. My first screen name was "Outonalimb" because that is closest to me.

I will go out on a limb and be myself knowing that someone, especially online, will take their saw out and do their best to saw that limb off...

That is what I think is my best quality, taking scary steps knowing that there might be peril. However, the sweetest fruit is also far out on those limbs. It takes risk to achieve the best of outcomes.

And if I fall, and I have many times in my life, I just pick myself up, dust myself off and carry on. There is no other option.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
I'm not mad. That was more of a stink face of oh, I don't know, frustration? Exasperation? "Pleasant enough" is BO-RING though.

<makes a note>

You really shouldn't take much that I poast so literally.
I know I don't take it seriously, even when I absolutely believe every word.
I'll phrase things for comedic effect without a first much less second thought.

Some folks may put on their mean or deliberate faces when they type stuff and hit the Poast button but I'm exactly the opposite. If I can't have fun I probably won't even bother.