This goes out to all you fuckfaces.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......

Flea started bitching and taking shots (with Casket) and I ignored them. Because I came here to avoid this bullshit.

Then they run and get Chode.

And now its "omg I warned you!".

I've never seen people that cowardly. If you wanna start fights, start a fight and stand by it. Dont play some stupid game that it was the other persons fault and you are so sick of their "drama" that you had to throw a fit until that person responds and then be like "see! I told you!"

It reminds me of when my oldest daughters were younger and they would be sitting next to each other, and the little one would poke at the bigger one until the bigger one lost her temper....then the little one would play victim and yell "mommmm shes being so mean!"

Only my kids grew out of that.

Well this topic has been dug up and repeated way beyond its expectation and it's way past redundant. They wanted a fight and they got one(as usual) so if they wanna whine about it now, that's predictable.

I dont gaf what these wack jobs do as long as it doesnt involve my address and or anything outside these forums, a concept that isnt difficult for anyone that is not part this zombie drama cult that keeps repeating itself.

You didn’t give a fight. You put me on ignore, only to take me off when I put your spamming ass on it. I don’t give two fucks about your address, your life or whether you shit twice and die. You swear everyone is stalking you yet you’re here still with your alleged stalkers. You came here starting with your victim “he’s harassing my family” crap and I disputed it. End of. I didn’t go get Poofer but everyone should believe I did because you said so, right?

I’ll bet my life you’ve been PMing everyone here with your scrollbomb sob story. And whoever doesn’t buy it is a piece of shit, right? <Big bad flea is a shitty person because she doesn’t condone me contacting someone’s relative offline!>Boo fucking hoo. I bet it’s killing you that no one is attacking me for you. Cry harder. Go talk crap at the forum you killed or BC like you were doing when I left.

To the rest of the forum, I apologize for any part I’ve played in this. I don’t take back anything I’ve said tho cuz it’s all true.
She's never sent me a PM for what it's worth...
I wish everybody would chill and wipe the slate clean for a new year, we could ALL enjoy the factory without the personal drama that NOBODY wants except the sad bastards with nothing else but other peoples misery to get kicks from...

I was enjoying it until she got here. Like I said hundreds of times, I left SG and BC to get away from their fucking drama. I wouldn’t have said shit if she hadn’t started with her stalking accusations. Once that switch was hit, I knew this forum was gonna suffer.
If you truly believe that why not have your buddy caskur cut the shit and have Doofer do the same?

I'm certain Dove will go back to not talking about it until someone decides to strike at her first again

No one struck at her first here. She brought it up. No one listens when I tell them to stop, remember SG?
No she didn't Flea, Flynn, caskur and poofer did... I thought you and Dovey got along? I don't like it when you two sling shit at each other ffs make peace, move forward and let the miserable among us suffer with ignorance...

Oh woe is me.....I'm so miserable. I'm suffering, too.....but ignorance isn't one of my best features.


Kisses kissy poo!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

Just throwing this out there to show you fine folks the kind of person Casktard and Super fag are

this is a video parody he made of her dead son

Now tell me what kind of mother sucks up the way she does to a guy who has done this to the memory of her son?

What a fucking low class whoreson!

Hold on amigo. There seems to be more to the story.


Let's wait for an excuse for Casket aligning with Poofturd....the guy who made that parady of her deceased his endeavor to real life stalk a woman who broke off a thing with him.

I'm sure theyll have kinds of excuses why Casket probably lied to everyone about the deceased that's why she isnt really mad about it being used, and why they need to look for my address and personal info.


There is no story. Not to anyone but them. The bottom line it's my decision who I want to have my off board personal info/address and that is enough for anyone who isnt a psycho stalker. So people should pay attention to that. I am not public property and neither is my family so when I say back off searching that's the only side that matters, period. It's all rapist logic, trying to get around this.

Do you expect a creepy pedophile like sewage major to understand this?

Stubby why is it always with the kids? Nice to know the donkey gets treated well. Soiled animal

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter

Flea started bitching and taking shots (with Casket) and I ignored them. Because I came here to avoid this bullshit.

Then they run and get Chode.

And now its "omg I warned you!".

I've never seen people that cowardly. If you wanna start fights, start a fight and stand by it. Dont play some stupid game that it was the other persons fault and you are so sick of their "drama" that you had to throw a fit until that person responds and then be like "see! I told you!"

It reminds me of when my oldest daughters were younger and they would be sitting next to each other, and the little one would poke at the bigger one until the bigger one lost her temper....then the little one would play victim and yell "mommmm shes being so mean!"

Only my kids grew out of that.

Well this topic has been dug up and repeated way beyond its expectation and it's way past redundant. They wanted a fight and they got one(as usual) so if they wanna whine about it now, that's predictable.

I dont gaf what these wack jobs do as long as it doesnt involve my address and or anything outside these forums, a concept that isnt difficult for anyone that is not part this zombie drama cult that keeps repeating itself.

You didn’t give a fight. You put me on ignore, only to take me off when I put your spamming ass on it. I don’t give two fucks about your address, your life or whether you shit twice and die. You swear everyone is stalking you yet you’re here still with your alleged stalkers. You came here starting with your victim “he’s harassing my family” crap and I disputed it. End of. I didn’t go get Poofer but everyone should believe I did because you said so, right?

I’ll bet my life you’ve been PMing everyone here with your scrollbomb sob story. And whoever doesn’t buy it is a piece of shit, right? <Big bad flea is a shitty person because she doesn’t condone me contacting someone’s relative offline!>Boo fucking hoo. I bet it’s killing you that no one is attacking me for you. Cry harder. Go talk crap at the forum you killed or BC like you were doing when I left.

To the rest of the forum, I apologize for any part I’ve played in this. I don’t take back anything I’ve said tho cuz it’s all true.
She's never sent me a PM for what it's worth...
I wish everybody would chill and wipe the slate clean for a new year, we could ALL enjoy the factory without the personal drama that NOBODY wants except the sad bastards with nothing else but other peoples misery to get kicks from...

I was enjoying it until she got here. Like I said hundreds of times, I left SG and BC to get away from their fucking drama. I wouldn’t have said shit if she hadn’t started with her stalking accusations. Once that switch was hit, I knew this forum was gonna suffer.
If you truly believe that why not have your buddy caskur cut the shit and have Doofer do the same?

I'm certain Dove will go back to not talking about it until someone decides to strike at her first again

No one struck at her first here. She brought it up. No one listens when I tell them to stop, remember SG?
THat's bullshit. I saw you bring it up several times before she even started posting here. Then caskur went balls to the wall as soon as she arrived.

If you want this to stop then just stop talking about it all together. Tell caskur she should do the same and it's pretty a done deal cause I am 100% certain I can ask dove to stop and she'll comply without hesitation.

Can you find the quote? Cuz I know I never mentioned her. I called her a drama queef after she mentioned the stalking crap because that’s what she is.
You didn't mention her by name. That much is true. But you included enough context in your posts that anyone with a reasonable IQ could tell who you were talking about

Like I said, there's an easy fix to this. Caskur goes back to blowing swamp bubbles in whatever clogged toilet she crawled out of and Dove goes back to arguing politics with retards like Cockaday

@Bastard Factory disposes of that unfunny meth head train wreck DOrian and this site goes back to being fun for everyone

Why should Caskur leave? She was posting here first?


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis

Flea started bitching and taking shots (with Casket) and I ignored them. Because I came here to avoid this bullshit.

Then they run and get Chode.

And now its "omg I warned you!".

I've never seen people that cowardly. If you wanna start fights, start a fight and stand by it. Dont play some stupid game that it was the other persons fault and you are so sick of their "drama" that you had to throw a fit until that person responds and then be like "see! I told you!"

It reminds me of when my oldest daughters were younger and they would be sitting next to each other, and the little one would poke at the bigger one until the bigger one lost her temper....then the little one would play victim and yell "mommmm shes being so mean!"

Only my kids grew out of that.

Well this topic has been dug up and repeated way beyond its expectation and it's way past redundant. They wanted a fight and they got one(as usual) so if they wanna whine about it now, that's predictable.

I dont gaf what these wack jobs do as long as it doesnt involve my address and or anything outside these forums, a concept that isnt difficult for anyone that is not part this zombie drama cult that keeps repeating itself.

You didn’t give a fight. You put me on ignore, only to take me off when I put your spamming ass on it. I don’t give two fucks about your address, your life or whether you shit twice and die. You swear everyone is stalking you yet you’re here still with your alleged stalkers. You came here starting with your victim “he’s harassing my family” crap and I disputed it. End of. I didn’t go get Poofer but everyone should believe I did because you said so, right?

I’ll bet my life you’ve been PMing everyone here with your scrollbomb sob story. And whoever doesn’t buy it is a piece of shit, right? <Big bad flea is a shitty person because she doesn’t condone me contacting someone’s relative offline!>Boo fucking hoo. I bet it’s killing you that no one is attacking me for you. Cry harder. Go talk crap at the forum you killed or BC like you were doing when I left.

To the rest of the forum, I apologize for any part I’ve played in this. I don’t take back anything I’ve said tho cuz it’s all true.
She's never sent me a PM for what it's worth...
I wish everybody would chill and wipe the slate clean for a new year, we could ALL enjoy the factory without the personal drama that NOBODY wants except the sad bastards with nothing else but other peoples misery to get kicks from...

I was enjoying it until she got here. Like I said hundreds of times, I left SG and BC to get away from their fucking drama. I wouldn’t have said shit if she hadn’t started with her stalking accusations. Once that switch was hit, I knew this forum was gonna suffer.
If you truly believe that why not have your buddy caskur cut the shit and have Doofer do the same?

I'm certain Dove will go back to not talking about it until someone decides to strike at her first again

No one struck at her first here. She brought it up. No one listens when I tell them to stop, remember SG?
No she didn't Flea, Flynn, caskur and poofer did... I thought you and Dovey got along? I don't like it when you two sling shit at each other ffs make peace, move forward and let the miserable among us suffer with ignorance...

How you gonna tell me when I saw it myself? You weren’t even here when it started so miss me with that shit.

why I gotta be a dunce for? Cuz Im not buying into the victim act? I thought mods were supposed to stay neutral?
What are you on about? I'm allowed an opinion on everything, we ARE neutral on things that matter but this doesn't fall under that catagory... I was here on BF when this started and it was poofer who brought it first and that IS A FACT!


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
A number struggle with basic English as well...

So now it's my fault that you're stupid?

^^^ "A number struggle with basic English as well..." ^^^

So now you're a broken record stuck on stupid?

Only if I can't break the vapour lock of your arse around my boot...

Freud. Quit with your attempts at sounding smart. It makes you seem generic and sound as retarded as Dovey.
Truth is you have a cock-n-ballsack between your legs.

And how would you know this? I'll tell you how. As soon as LasagnaBreasts limped by in his dress you promptly threw your insipid anus out of your rusty wheelchair onto the ground and looked up and saw what in your mind equates to a pot of gold.


P.S.-I'll understand if you rebuttal with "tldr;."
Get some game-
Borian has a 4K Forehead.
Her family projects a 'yule log' vid on that wide-screen Xmas eve, bet on that much.

Oh, BEnzo! You are so funny! What makes me really like you is that you're a real man. A man that does not soil himself at the first sign of Flynn. Plus, you come up with the most awesome faglames. They're each a piece of artisen crafted jibes only a true genius like you could come up with. What really gets me hot is how you're able to get in and out of your wheelchair all by yourself like a big boy without breaking your neck.

Did I ever tell you that you are one of my favorite posters?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Why should Caskur leave? She was posting here first?
What are we, in the 4th grade? What fucking difference does it make who was posting here first? Caksur is being an uninteresting psychotic stalker. And she has bad breath

that right there is enough of a reason for her to be ostracized like she has been on nearly every other forum besides this one.

but she's not being asked to leave in this instance. Is she?

She's being asked to keep those rotting seal carcasses which allow that musty odor to leave her throat closed when it comes to Dove and Dove will be asked to avoid that unwashed Sasquatch like the plague and then no one has to whine about all this unwanted drama anymore.

See how easy it all can be?

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter

Flea started bitching and taking shots (with Casket) and I ignored them. Because I came here to avoid this bullshit.

Then they run and get Chode.

And now its "omg I warned you!".

I've never seen people that cowardly. If you wanna start fights, start a fight and stand by it. Dont play some stupid game that it was the other persons fault and you are so sick of their "drama" that you had to throw a fit until that person responds and then be like "see! I told you!"

It reminds me of when my oldest daughters were younger and they would be sitting next to each other, and the little one would poke at the bigger one until the bigger one lost her temper....then the little one would play victim and yell "mommmm shes being so mean!"

Only my kids grew out of that.

Well this topic has been dug up and repeated way beyond its expectation and it's way past redundant. They wanted a fight and they got one(as usual) so if they wanna whine about it now, that's predictable.

I dont gaf what these wack jobs do as long as it doesnt involve my address and or anything outside these forums, a concept that isnt difficult for anyone that is not part this zombie drama cult that keeps repeating itself.

You didn’t give a fight. You put me on ignore, only to take me off when I put your spamming ass on it. I don’t give two fucks about your address, your life or whether you shit twice and die. You swear everyone is stalking you yet you’re here still with your alleged stalkers. You came here starting with your victim “he’s harassing my family” crap and I disputed it. End of. I didn’t go get Poofer but everyone should believe I did because you said so, right?

I’ll bet my life you’ve been PMing everyone here with your scrollbomb sob story. And whoever doesn’t buy it is a piece of shit, right? <Big bad flea is a shitty person because she doesn’t condone me contacting someone’s relative offline!>Boo fucking hoo. I bet it’s killing you that no one is attacking me for you. Cry harder. Go talk crap at the forum you killed or BC like you were doing when I left.

To the rest of the forum, I apologize for any part I’ve played in this. I don’t take back anything I’ve said tho cuz it’s all true.
She's never sent me a PM for what it's worth...
I wish everybody would chill and wipe the slate clean for a new year, we could ALL enjoy the factory without the personal drama that NOBODY wants except the sad bastards with nothing else but other peoples misery to get kicks from...

I was enjoying it until she got here. Like I said hundreds of times, I left SG and BC to get away from their fucking drama. I wouldn’t have said shit if she hadn’t started with her stalking accusations. Once that switch was hit, I knew this forum was gonna suffer.
If you truly believe that why not have your buddy caskur cut the shit and have Doofer do the same?

I'm certain Dove will go back to not talking about it until someone decides to strike at her first again

No one struck at her first here. She brought it up. No one listens when I tell them to stop, remember SG?
No she didn't Flea, Flynn, caskur and poofer did... I thought you and Dovey got along? I don't like it when you two sling shit at each other ffs make peace, move forward and let the miserable among us suffer with ignorance...

How you gonna tell me when I saw it myself? You weren’t even here when it started so miss me with that shit.

why I gotta be a dunce for? Cuz Im not buying into the victim act? I thought mods were supposed to stay neutral?
What are you on about? I'm allowed an opinion on everything, we ARE neutral on things that matter but this doesn't fall under that catagory... I was here on BF when this started and it was poofer who brought it first and that IS A FACT!

I’ll tell you what I’m gonna do..

I’ll stick to avatar hacking and having fun. I guarantee she’ll keep dropping my name cuz I won’t agree that she’s a victim.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter

Flea started bitching and taking shots (with Casket) and I ignored them. Because I came here to avoid this bullshit.

Then they run and get Chode.

And now its "omg I warned you!".

I've never seen people that cowardly. If you wanna start fights, start a fight and stand by it. Dont play some stupid game that it was the other persons fault and you are so sick of their "drama" that you had to throw a fit until that person responds and then be like "see! I told you!"

It reminds me of when my oldest daughters were younger and they would be sitting next to each other, and the little one would poke at the bigger one until the bigger one lost her temper....then the little one would play victim and yell "mommmm shes being so mean!"

Only my kids grew out of that.

Well this topic has been dug up and repeated way beyond its expectation and it's way past redundant. They wanted a fight and they got one(as usual) so if they wanna whine about it now, that's predictable.

I dont gaf what these wack jobs do as long as it doesnt involve my address and or anything outside these forums, a concept that isnt difficult for anyone that is not part this zombie drama cult that keeps repeating itself.

You didn’t give a fight. You put me on ignore, only to take me off when I put your spamming ass on it. I don’t give two fucks about your address, your life or whether you shit twice and die. You swear everyone is stalking you yet you’re here still with your alleged stalkers. You came here starting with your victim “he’s harassing my family” crap and I disputed it. End of. I didn’t go get Poofer but everyone should believe I did because you said so, right?

I’ll bet my life you’ve been PMing everyone here with your scrollbomb sob story. And whoever doesn’t buy it is a piece of shit, right? <Big bad flea is a shitty person because she doesn’t condone me contacting someone’s relative offline!>Boo fucking hoo. I bet it’s killing you that no one is attacking me for you. Cry harder. Go talk crap at the forum you killed or BC like you were doing when I left.

To the rest of the forum, I apologize for any part I’ve played in this. I don’t take back anything I’ve said tho cuz it’s all true.
She's never sent me a PM for what it's worth...
I wish everybody would chill and wipe the slate clean for a new year, we could ALL enjoy the factory without the personal drama that NOBODY wants except the sad bastards with nothing else but other peoples misery to get kicks from...

I was enjoying it until she got here. Like I said hundreds of times, I left SG and BC to get away from their fucking drama. I wouldn’t have said shit if she hadn’t started with her stalking accusations. Once that switch was hit, I knew this forum was gonna suffer.
If you truly believe that why not have your buddy caskur cut the shit and have Doofer do the same?

I'm certain Dove will go back to not talking about it until someone decides to strike at her first again

No one struck at her first here. She brought it up. No one listens when I tell them to stop, remember SG?
No she didn't Flea, Flynn, caskur and poofer did... I thought you and Dovey got along? I don't like it when you two sling shit at each other ffs make peace, move forward and let the miserable among us suffer with ignorance...

How you gonna tell me when I saw it myself? You weren’t even here when it started so miss me with that shit.

why I gotta be a dunce for? Cuz Im not buying into the victim act? I thought mods were supposed to stay neutral?
What are you on about? I'm allowed an opinion on everything, we ARE neutral on things that matter but this doesn't fall under that catagory... I was here on BF when this started and it was poofer who brought it first and that IS A FACT!

I’ll tell you what I’m gonna do..

I’ll stick to avatar hacking and having fun. I guarantee she’ll keep dropping my name cuz I won’t agree that she’s a victim.
And I guarantee she'll have nothing to say about you provided you keep the passive aggressive thinly veiled digs on ice.


The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter

Flea started bitching and taking shots (with Casket) and I ignored them. Because I came here to avoid this bullshit.

Then they run and get Chode.

And now its "omg I warned you!".

I've never seen people that cowardly. If you wanna start fights, start a fight and stand by it. Dont play some stupid game that it was the other persons fault and you are so sick of their "drama" that you had to throw a fit until that person responds and then be like "see! I told you!"

It reminds me of when my oldest daughters were younger and they would be sitting next to each other, and the little one would poke at the bigger one until the bigger one lost her temper....then the little one would play victim and yell "mommmm shes being so mean!"

Only my kids grew out of that.

Well this topic has been dug up and repeated way beyond its expectation and it's way past redundant. They wanted a fight and they got one(as usual) so if they wanna whine about it now, that's predictable.

I dont gaf what these wack jobs do as long as it doesnt involve my address and or anything outside these forums, a concept that isnt difficult for anyone that is not part this zombie drama cult that keeps repeating itself.

You didn’t give a fight. You put me on ignore, only to take me off when I put your spamming ass on it. I don’t give two fucks about your address, your life or whether you shit twice and die. You swear everyone is stalking you yet you’re here still with your alleged stalkers. You came here starting with your victim “he’s harassing my family” crap and I disputed it. End of. I didn’t go get Poofer but everyone should believe I did because you said so, right?

I’ll bet my life you’ve been PMing everyone here with your scrollbomb sob story. And whoever doesn’t buy it is a piece of shit, right? <Big bad flea is a shitty person because she doesn’t condone me contacting someone’s relative offline!>Boo fucking hoo. I bet it’s killing you that no one is attacking me for you. Cry harder. Go talk crap at the forum you killed or BC like you were doing when I left.

To the rest of the forum, I apologize for any part I’ve played in this. I don’t take back anything I’ve said tho cuz it’s all true.
She's never sent me a PM for what it's worth...
I wish everybody would chill and wipe the slate clean for a new year, we could ALL enjoy the factory without the personal drama that NOBODY wants except the sad bastards with nothing else but other peoples misery to get kicks from...

I was enjoying it until she got here. Like I said hundreds of times, I left SG and BC to get away from their fucking drama. I wouldn’t have said shit if she hadn’t started with her stalking accusations. Once that switch was hit, I knew this forum was gonna suffer.
If you truly believe that why not have your buddy caskur cut the shit and have Doofer do the same?

I'm certain Dove will go back to not talking about it until someone decides to strike at her first again

No one struck at her first here. She brought it up. No one listens when I tell them to stop, remember SG?
No she didn't Flea, Flynn, caskur and poofer did... I thought you and Dovey got along? I don't like it when you two sling shit at each other ffs make peace, move forward and let the miserable among us suffer with ignorance...

How you gonna tell me when I saw it myself? You weren’t even here when it started so miss me with that shit.

why I gotta be a dunce for? Cuz Im not buying into the victim act? I thought mods were supposed to stay neutral?
What are you on about? I'm allowed an opinion on everything, we ARE neutral on things that matter but this doesn't fall under that catagory... I was here on BF when this started and it was poofer who brought it first and that IS A FACT!

I’ll tell you what I’m gonna do..

I’ll stick to avatar hacking and having fun. I guarantee she’ll keep dropping my name cuz I won’t agree that she’s a victim.
And I guarantee she'll have nothing to say about you provided you keep the passive aggressive thinly veiled digs on ice.


500.00 bucks bet? lol

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter

Flea started bitching and taking shots (with Casket) and I ignored them. Because I came here to avoid this bullshit.

Then they run and get Chode.

And now its "omg I warned you!".

I've never seen people that cowardly. If you wanna start fights, start a fight and stand by it. Dont play some stupid game that it was the other persons fault and you are so sick of their "drama" that you had to throw a fit until that person responds and then be like "see! I told you!"

It reminds me of when my oldest daughters were younger and they would be sitting next to each other, and the little one would poke at the bigger one until the bigger one lost her temper....then the little one would play victim and yell "mommmm shes being so mean!"

Only my kids grew out of that.

Well this topic has been dug up and repeated way beyond its expectation and it's way past redundant. They wanted a fight and they got one(as usual) so if they wanna whine about it now, that's predictable.

I dont gaf what these wack jobs do as long as it doesnt involve my address and or anything outside these forums, a concept that isnt difficult for anyone that is not part this zombie drama cult that keeps repeating itself.

You didn’t give a fight. You put me on ignore, only to take me off when I put your spamming ass on it. I don’t give two fucks about your address, your life or whether you shit twice and die. You swear everyone is stalking you yet you’re here still with your alleged stalkers. You came here starting with your victim “he’s harassing my family” crap and I disputed it. End of. I didn’t go get Poofer but everyone should believe I did because you said so, right?

I’ll bet my life you’ve been PMing everyone here with your scrollbomb sob story. And whoever doesn’t buy it is a piece of shit, right? <Big bad flea is a shitty person because she doesn’t condone me contacting someone’s relative offline!>Boo fucking hoo. I bet it’s killing you that no one is attacking me for you. Cry harder. Go talk crap at the forum you killed or BC like you were doing when I left.

To the rest of the forum, I apologize for any part I’ve played in this. I don’t take back anything I’ve said tho cuz it’s all true.
She's never sent me a PM for what it's worth...
I wish everybody would chill and wipe the slate clean for a new year, we could ALL enjoy the factory without the personal drama that NOBODY wants except the sad bastards with nothing else but other peoples misery to get kicks from...

I was enjoying it until she got here. Like I said hundreds of times, I left SG and BC to get away from their fucking drama. I wouldn’t have said shit if she hadn’t started with her stalking accusations. Once that switch was hit, I knew this forum was gonna suffer.
If you truly believe that why not have your buddy caskur cut the shit and have Doofer do the same?

I'm certain Dove will go back to not talking about it until someone decides to strike at her first again

No one struck at her first here. She brought it up. No one listens when I tell them to stop, remember SG?
No she didn't Flea, Flynn, caskur and poofer did... I thought you and Dovey got along? I don't like it when you two sling shit at each other ffs make peace, move forward and let the miserable among us suffer with ignorance...

How you gonna tell me when I saw it myself? You weren’t even here when it started so miss me with that shit.

why I gotta be a dunce for? Cuz Im not buying into the victim act? I thought mods were supposed to stay neutral?
What are you on about? I'm allowed an opinion on everything, we ARE neutral on things that matter but this doesn't fall under that catagory... I was here on BF when this started and it was poofer who brought it first and that IS A FACT!

I’ll tell you what I’m gonna do..

I’ll stick to avatar hacking and having fun. I guarantee she’ll keep dropping my name cuz I won’t agree that she’s a victim.
And I guarantee she'll have nothing to say about you provided you keep the passive aggressive thinly veiled digs on ice.


500.00 bucks bet? lol
Are you looking to lose 500.00?

I am 100% confident that when asked my friends will respect my wishes. Especially when they know I have their best interests in mind when asking.

Can you get Caskur to do that for you?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
A number struggle with basic English as well...

So now it's my fault that you're stupid?

^^^ "A number struggle with basic English as well..." ^^^

So now you're a broken record stuck on stupid?

Only if I can't break the vapour lock of your arse around my boot...

Freud. Quit with your attempts at sounding smart. It makes you seem generic and sound as retarded as Dovey.
Truth is you have a cock-n-ballsack between your legs.

And how would you know this? I'll tell you how. As soon as LasagnaBreasts limped by in his dress you promptly threw your insipid anus out of your rusty wheelchair onto the ground and looked up and saw what in your mind equates to a pot of gold.


P.S.-I'll understand if you rebuttal with "tldr;."
Get some game-
Borian has a 4K Forehead.
Her family projects a 'yule log' vid on that wide-screen Xmas eve, bet on that much.
We need her pic posted again, I need to reflect on it! :LOL1:


Oh my belly hurts! Breakfall you are a real comedian! Only a literary savant could put all those meaningless words together and make a great smelling word pie. I have been way too hard on you. I take back calling you "stupid," and any other negative adjectives I might have used to describe your overall mental acumen.

You are what makes this forum exist. Without all your funnay candy sprinkles you throw around in a school girlish kind of way puts those who are easily soothed in good moods. You are so talented!

By the way. Did you know that you are one of my favorite posters?

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter

Flea started bitching and taking shots (with Casket) and I ignored them. Because I came here to avoid this bullshit.

Then they run and get Chode.

And now its "omg I warned you!".

I've never seen people that cowardly. If you wanna start fights, start a fight and stand by it. Dont play some stupid game that it was the other persons fault and you are so sick of their "drama" that you had to throw a fit until that person responds and then be like "see! I told you!"

It reminds me of when my oldest daughters were younger and they would be sitting next to each other, and the little one would poke at the bigger one until the bigger one lost her temper....then the little one would play victim and yell "mommmm shes being so mean!"

Only my kids grew out of that.

Well this topic has been dug up and repeated way beyond its expectation and it's way past redundant. They wanted a fight and they got one(as usual) so if they wanna whine about it now, that's predictable.

I dont gaf what these wack jobs do as long as it doesnt involve my address and or anything outside these forums, a concept that isnt difficult for anyone that is not part this zombie drama cult that keeps repeating itself.

You didn’t give a fight. You put me on ignore, only to take me off when I put your spamming ass on it. I don’t give two fucks about your address, your life or whether you shit twice and die. You swear everyone is stalking you yet you’re here still with your alleged stalkers. You came here starting with your victim “he’s harassing my family” crap and I disputed it. End of. I didn’t go get Poofer but everyone should believe I did because you said so, right?

I’ll bet my life you’ve been PMing everyone here with your scrollbomb sob story. And whoever doesn’t buy it is a piece of shit, right? <Big bad flea is a shitty person because she doesn’t condone me contacting someone’s relative offline!>Boo fucking hoo. I bet it’s killing you that no one is attacking me for you. Cry harder. Go talk crap at the forum you killed or BC like you were doing when I left.

To the rest of the forum, I apologize for any part I’ve played in this. I don’t take back anything I’ve said tho cuz it’s all true.
She's never sent me a PM for what it's worth...
I wish everybody would chill and wipe the slate clean for a new year, we could ALL enjoy the factory without the personal drama that NOBODY wants except the sad bastards with nothing else but other peoples misery to get kicks from...

I was enjoying it until she got here. Like I said hundreds of times, I left SG and BC to get away from their fucking drama. I wouldn’t have said shit if she hadn’t started with her stalking accusations. Once that switch was hit, I knew this forum was gonna suffer.
If you truly believe that why not have your buddy caskur cut the shit and have Doofer do the same?

I'm certain Dove will go back to not talking about it until someone decides to strike at her first again

No one struck at her first here. She brought it up. No one listens when I tell them to stop, remember SG?
No she didn't Flea, Flynn, caskur and poofer did... I thought you and Dovey got along? I don't like it when you two sling shit at each other ffs make peace, move forward and let the miserable among us suffer with ignorance...

How you gonna tell me when I saw it myself? You weren’t even here when it started so miss me with that shit.

why I gotta be a dunce for? Cuz Im not buying into the victim act? I thought mods were supposed to stay neutral?
What are you on about? I'm allowed an opinion on everything, we ARE neutral on things that matter but this doesn't fall under that catagory... I was here on BF when this started and it was poofer who brought it first and that IS A FACT!

I’ll tell you what I’m gonna do..

I’ll stick to avatar hacking and having fun. I guarantee she’ll keep dropping my name cuz I won’t agree that she’s a victim.
And I guarantee she'll have nothing to say about you provided you keep the passive aggressive thinly veiled digs on ice.


500.00 bucks bet? lol
Are you looking to lose 500.00?

I am 100% confident that when asked my friends will respect my wishes. Especially when they know I have their best interests in mind when asking.

Can you get Caskur to do that for you?

Probably not. I can only control what I do. Let’s see if my name gets mentioned anymore.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis

Flea started bitching and taking shots (with Casket) and I ignored them. Because I came here to avoid this bullshit.

Then they run and get Chode.

And now its "omg I warned you!".

I've never seen people that cowardly. If you wanna start fights, start a fight and stand by it. Dont play some stupid game that it was the other persons fault and you are so sick of their "drama" that you had to throw a fit until that person responds and then be like "see! I told you!"

It reminds me of when my oldest daughters were younger and they would be sitting next to each other, and the little one would poke at the bigger one until the bigger one lost her temper....then the little one would play victim and yell "mommmm shes being so mean!"

Only my kids grew out of that.

Well this topic has been dug up and repeated way beyond its expectation and it's way past redundant. They wanted a fight and they got one(as usual) so if they wanna whine about it now, that's predictable.

I dont gaf what these wack jobs do as long as it doesnt involve my address and or anything outside these forums, a concept that isnt difficult for anyone that is not part this zombie drama cult that keeps repeating itself.

You didn’t give a fight. You put me on ignore, only to take me off when I put your spamming ass on it. I don’t give two fucks about your address, your life or whether you shit twice and die. You swear everyone is stalking you yet you’re here still with your alleged stalkers. You came here starting with your victim “he’s harassing my family” crap and I disputed it. End of. I didn’t go get Poofer but everyone should believe I did because you said so, right?

I’ll bet my life you’ve been PMing everyone here with your scrollbomb sob story. And whoever doesn’t buy it is a piece of shit, right? <Big bad flea is a shitty person because she doesn’t condone me contacting someone’s relative offline!>Boo fucking hoo. I bet it’s killing you that no one is attacking me for you. Cry harder. Go talk crap at the forum you killed or BC like you were doing when I left.

To the rest of the forum, I apologize for any part I’ve played in this. I don’t take back anything I’ve said tho cuz it’s all true.
She's never sent me a PM for what it's worth...
I wish everybody would chill and wipe the slate clean for a new year, we could ALL enjoy the factory without the personal drama that NOBODY wants except the sad bastards with nothing else but other peoples misery to get kicks from...

I was enjoying it until she got here. Like I said hundreds of times, I left SG and BC to get away from their fucking drama. I wouldn’t have said shit if she hadn’t started with her stalking accusations. Once that switch was hit, I knew this forum was gonna suffer.
If you truly believe that why not have your buddy caskur cut the shit and have Doofer do the same?

I'm certain Dove will go back to not talking about it until someone decides to strike at her first again

No one struck at her first here. She brought it up. No one listens when I tell them to stop, remember SG?
No she didn't Flea, Flynn, caskur and poofer did... I thought you and Dovey got along? I don't like it when you two sling shit at each other ffs make peace, move forward and let the miserable among us suffer with ignorance...

How you gonna tell me when I saw it myself? You weren’t even here when it started so miss me with that shit.

why I gotta be a dunce for? Cuz Im not buying into the victim act? I thought mods were supposed to stay neutral?
What are you on about? I'm allowed an opinion on everything, we ARE neutral on things that matter but this doesn't fall under that catagory... I was here on BF when this started and it was poofer who brought it first and that IS A FACT!

I’ll tell you what I’m gonna do..

I’ll stick to avatar hacking and having fun. I guarantee she’ll keep dropping my name cuz I won’t agree that she’s a victim.
You don't need to stick to anything, i know you were anxious about this happening and foresaw it but you also need to stop taking it personally, it's not your doing ma'am...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Nobody can flame Dorian.

There is the odd, "Keep your pointy nose out of Dovey's business" ... even though Dovey posted the info online herself.

Along with allegations that Dorian is a bunch of mean gay men sharing one account.

Some said Dorian sucked up to Martini and Caskur ... and then she blasted them.

Kudo's Dorian, it's their mama's fault these fuckers are dumb.

remember that splatter flame written at sg for good ole flynn that had her yelling and screaming. bonesaw and vitty gave it a like, and those two have opposite senses of humor, so it was not over the top or anything.
it was not even as splattery as the one written about SSS at BF.

someone needs to write a good story type flame that stars flynn.

same with dovey, write a PI free story flame that is actually funny about dovey, can you do that HC?

can anyone?
Nobody can flame Dorian.

There is the odd, "Keep your pointy nose out of Dovey's business" ... even though Dovey posted the info online herself.

Except I did NOT.

Pooftard blasted it all over the internet.

Why cant you people be normal? Ever since Pooftard got excited I was giving him attention and started mouth breathing and slobbering into his podcast this has been ridiculous.

I'd say I would have been better off paying someone but I had to do that to.

I didn't even know what a Switch was before this.

Slag, you have posted everything on the net about your dumb self but omitted two important horrifying facts about your incredibly obtuse and exceptionally nasty self .....

1.You assaulted a disabled person in your care.
2. You ran up bills totaling 5,078.
3. You lie about KM and contacted his family.

Caskur, the patient was not assaulted. You can’t even tell who he is in the pic. Yes, his poop was part of him when it was still in his butthole.... but seriously?

Did she act with malice towards anyone when she took that pic that she only shared with her boyfriend? No. It’s one of those things that teeters in a grey area of law and is looked down upon because it could create liability issues for the hospital. She thought it was funny and he was her romantic interest at the time. I was also not speaking to her at thar time or I would have been the recipient who was ROFLMAO with her.

He called her job to be a dick. You’re justifying this behavior because she called his exwife to return the kids switch. This is not remotely eye for an eye because the actions are so different by means of intention.

No nurse or nursing aid or careers

No stupid bitches from the internet should be stalking and harassing people from the internet.

But you've been enmeshing your miserable self in personal drama and cyberstalking since 2005. And you are on disability.

stfu, you lowlife scumbag who give women a bad name. I would see you were flogged Malaysian style and thrown in jail.... To me you are as evil as Satan.


The both of you do not belong on forums, you belong in psych wards.

Oh, is a shout box convo of Casket telling people about her affair with a psycho, how she set him up for proof he was psycho, how he wanted to kill her

Dont ever call Big a liar. You and your lik are disgusting, revolting liars.

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You are literally without a doubt the most stupidist whore that has ever posted on these forums ever. You did break the law posting pictures of a vulnerable handicapped person covered in their own shit and sending them to your friends to laugh at. That was illegal. And anyone telling you, you're still an OK person is enabling you on your criminal course is a criminal just like you.

Now, I am a big believer in what goes around, comes around so all I have to do is bide time and watch until you hang yourelf over your own criminal deeds.

You are not allowed to sexually abuse patients, EVER you fucking lowlife fucking whore. You got sacked because you're an unprofessional dimwit.
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Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
This is her doppelganger seriously...


That is hilarious! Good one! You are the bestest at posting pictures that make me look retarded! Ha! Ha! You are smart!

I apologize for making fun of your face. In reality I am jealous of the way you look. I wish I didn't have so much hair. I spend a fortune on conditioner. I wish I had only a shimmer of your premature balding gene, that way I could make my life more streamlined. Also, I am totally green with envy at your Capital Hill style of dressing. You really have to be really secure in your homosexuality to let everyone know your sexual orientation from all the pink and light blue shades of neon you like parading around in. You go boy! One day maybe you can introduce me to your boyfriend?

You are also one of my favorite posters.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I am going to ask that Lasagna breath be put on mute until they can act right. You can attack a person all you want online.
So Flea is saying that because I returned a Switch directly to the child it belonged to, I deserve having my job called and my personal info looked up and posted for years.

That's how much of a sick, terrible shitty friend and horrible person she is.

My husband and I were going to ship that Chode idiots Switch to him when we were able to leave work.

And instead of waiting for us to able to run to the post office, Chode started sending me threatening PMs on SG. Threatening my family and and threatening to interfer with my life.

This was not even a situation that belonged on the boards. This was a real life situation HE brought to them.

So I reported his threatening PMs. I told her he was making threats. The whole time guy drug this real life situation to that board and began using MY personal business nothing was done about that at all. It wasnt until I fought BACK that it became an issue and "both sides using PI".

She never ONCE held him accountable. She either blames me or when people witness them doing it becomes "they both do it".

So after this Chode prick started threatening me saying "I want a tracking number by 4pm or enjoy your life" and threatening ultimatums and nothing was done about it, I showed my husband.

And at that point my husband slammed his foot down and said we are NOT shipping it back at ALL. Not unless he paid us for the costs of getting it out of pawn for him and any shipping or insurance cost. Chose refused and continued the threats.

He claimed it was his autistic childs, and we were terrorizing his kid. So my HUSAND made the decision that we reach out to the childs mother, verify the Switch belonged to the child, to apologize and to return it.

And that is exactly what we did.

And since then, this has been spun as me just tracking down another posters "family" and that him calling my job was just him hitting back. And now he gets a pass searching for info on my family over a year later.

My husband and contacted this woman for the purpose of returning property as Chode was completely unreasonable, uncooperative and threatening and we had had it trying to deal with him, but didnt want a child to suffer the idiotic and selfish choices of his father. We did this to do the right thing, and to this day I stand by that.

Chose called my job in an attempt to destroy me and my kids lives by removing an income from my family out of pure hatred and spite. And the continued harrassment on and off the boards.

And this is perfectly reasonable to these absolute fucking mental cases. And she is a complete hypocrite and was totally fine with him using my personal stuff and threatening me but then jumps in blaming me when I defend myself.

I still have all these threats and exchanges. Not that I need to prove myself, I know the truth and so does he. So does Big, who saw this entire thing.


Dovey just wants you all to know that just because she posts her own intimate details of her PERSONAL life on a public forum, you are not allowed to use any of it against her. She will classify you as a "psycho stalker."


Flyn thinks explaining a situation other people cant shut the fuck up about that involves something that was blasted all over the internet by POOFTURD is "intimate details of peoples lives"

Largely because as others have pointed out, these cretins take these boards so seriously they cannot tell the difference between this clarification and intimate life details.

Which says a very sad something about these peoples lives.

Also Flea here told me a few times privately that she understood why we did that.

As you see, she constantly flips flips and lies depending on whoever shes bias towards. ...which is always this low life group of cyber stalking and vindictive scum bags.

Now it's Flea's fault, eh?

Yes it’s all my fault that she met Poofer and fucked him.

you’re definitely right that when they took their e-romance off the boards it was no longer a board issue

all of the forum owners could have pushed it back on them to sort it out ... but we didn’t...

I explained the issues of forum owner liability to Big and I think he made decisions with respect to that situation accordingly

but KM was and always will be a toxic person and he had his own agenda to ou... there was no stopping him
I’m a shitty person that’s NEVER contacted anyones family offline. Get it right.

I’m a shitty person because I’m not here falling for your bullshit. You stabbed me in the back and then had the audacity to claim you never said that Joo gave you SG when you both posted about it repeatedly at BC. Shitty people lie and that’s all you do. You never take responsibility for your shit. I do, others do...yet we’re the shitty ones?

I am a fucked up as bitch. At least I ain’t a fucking LIAR

So, now you decide to fucking grow a backbone?

I had her ass on ignore cuz she’s in every gawddamn thread. She dropped my name so I replied. I won’t be logging in here after today. They let her drown this forum with this bullshit
I'll link you the new forum. It's a Dovid free zone and the three stooges IPs are blocked (Thanx Murdoch)

I wouldn’t go there if you had a live feed streaming of you eating cupcakes out of Mr. Pickles ass crack. But thanks for the honorable mention xoxo
You couldn't fit thru the portal, omega moo.

Did you ask santa for a full salt block this year?

I’m on the naughty list :Crazy:
Does it read like a buffet menu?

It’s goes like this:


Santa saw us when we were... errr, um *cough* *ghasp* sleeping? :SmokeBreak2:

But Santa wiped your name completely out of the book entirely last year. I’m pretty sure the idea of tiptoeing past that bathroom made him blow chunks hard.
Thank God for that one. Nobody wants to be associated with the trinity for forum death any more and I never did in the first place so....

Shut your whore mouth, you 2 bit wanna be hustler slack.

SG was already dying when we were all asked to come out of retirement in May 2019... all we did was delay the inevitable by returning to watch you commit cyber suicide over some puss, chump.
Lol wat?

I had that place averaging 10k posts a month and over 150k views and towards the end of my run I was hitting 15k and 200k, so no, that place was next level until you clods crushed it into MMP V2.O.

You idiots killed it, just like your slowly killing this place and why the forum I had for two months as smacking SG up and down until I pulled the plug to make it better.

You clowns are scuffed, cope. And no offense, trying to put me in your little group of mentally unstable stooges isn't getting you clout points. You idiots just don't comprehend your better off being known as victims of yours truly because there's a bigger reach for you. Honest.


welcome to Tort Law 101

why is sharing HIPAA information against the law? Because it is personal and private information that could potentially harm an individual via the privacy breach.

Who would be liable? The hospital.

But where are the damaged this “assaulted” patient endured??

Did he have to hire an attorney to do damage control after this poop pic was leaked? No.

Did he incur any expenses from this “assault?” No.

Is it reasonable to conclude that this man will live the rest of his life without experiencing any pain and suffering from his anonymous poop pic being released to a fucktard like KM? Probably.

There is no case here and Dove resigned before we ever got an answer from corporate legal on this issue. She also hasn’t been sued by the hospital... so.......
lol... castard says the disabled person was assaulted.

Can anyone here tell us his name?

His home address?

Date of birth?

His full Medical history ?

Was there so much as a single item in the pic that could so much as identify the hospital he was in?


Then Dovey didn't break a single law and then only reason this resulted in termination is because the hospital gambled on the fact that she wouldn't put up a fight. But as far as HIPAA was concerned as long as she maintained she had no idea what the fuck this asshole was talking about she'd have floated through this thing with ease

I advised her as much as it went down but she decided to just let it all go and move on.

So. AGAIN. It was her employers fault for firing her for being a royal shitbag.

Truthfully, Joo. You'll be a lot better off when you don't enable Dovey. But, then again. That's just my opinion.

she wasn’t fired

she quit because she didn’t want him knowing where she works

you keep trying to repeat the same shit that has been clarified 10x over like it’s going to make what he did any better and it’s not

Grrrrr, she told everyone at SG, KM got her fired...

so was she lying then or lying now?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
A number struggle with basic English as well...

So now it's my fault that you're stupid?

^^^ "A number struggle with basic English as well..." ^^^

So now you're a broken record stuck on stupid?

Only if I can't break the vapour lock of your arse around my boot...

Freud. Quit with your attempts at sounding smart. It makes you seem generic and sound as retarded as Dovey.
Truth is you have a cock-n-ballsack between your legs.

And how would you know this? I'll tell you how. As soon as LasagnaBreasts limped by in his dress you promptly threw your insipid anus out of your rusty wheelchair onto the ground and looked up and saw what in your mind equates to a pot of gold.


P.S.-I'll understand if you rebuttal with "tldr;."
Get some game-
Borian has a 4K Forehead.
Her family projects a 'yule log' vid on that wide-screen Xmas eve, bet on that much.
We need her pic posted again, I need to reflect on it! :LOL1:
Its old. Reflect how time has taken its toll and then you understand her anger.
Ahhhh...the old bitter resentment towards the youth. Like Lotusbutt essentially but without being overly leftarded yeah?
Yup, Borian had Botox treatments. She has The Joker face by now for sure.

You are the funniest man on the Earth in a wheelchair! You are simply too funnay! You stop it! Stop picking on me with your funnay half-sentences that literally say the same funnay thing each and everytime you post. Stop it you naughty wheelchair bound literary talent.

Did I already tell you that you're one of my favorite posters?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
A shitty person who allows someone you call a friend to be harrassed on her board with her personal business, allows one member to pm real actual threats to another(I still have them) and then when my husband and I make a decision on how to go forward based on those threats... which was contacting the childs mother(not just me contacting someone fucking family for the hell of it, or to be malicious in ANY way) to return the kids Switch.....

.......lies telling me she gets why we did that.

Then turns around and justifies this Chode peice of shit attacking my family off the boards by calling my job with malisciouz intent and then nonstop attacking me over it, looking me up to dox me.

Shes absolutely fine with the "drama". She allowed it from day fucking one and ONLY has a problem when I fight back.

How stupid, and self absorbed and sick in your mind and heart do you have to be to equate me and husband returning the Switch to the child because Poofer was flinging threats and refusing to take responsibility for HIS costs with him intentionally attacking me in real life to "clap back".

Oh yeah I'm so awful. My husband and I refused to cater to threats and demands from a deadbeat stalking psycho who pawned his own kids Switch and tried to put the cost on other people to pay for and return it "or else" I contacted the mom because I didnt want the kid to suffer because his dad is a selfish fucking aszhole.

Yeah I can see how that justifies him "clapping back" by trying to get me fired and my kids left homeless. Then spending a year and half ranting and looking up personal info.

Gotdamn you are the most fucked up, disgusting and horrible people who really should never ever be running or moderating boards. Like ever. You cannot be trusted to use any sort of balanced and proper judgement and only care about personal business when its flung back at you.

Flea is a shitty untrustworthy "friend" who treated Big like an asshole, threw him under the bus and who turns on others so she can suck the ass of cyberstalking scum bags.

Dont ever think I'm going to ever accept an apology or ever have shit to do with people like this in any manner again whatsoever that isnt public. Manipulative drama causing liars.

This shit never should have been tolerated on the forum when HE brought it there and started blasting MY personal business and threatening me to begin with. I ignored it for days, told them(her and Big) and finally Big and Bonesaw told me to do what I needed to do. So yeah....I fucking dealt with it myself. Then the minute I fight back its "omg drama" and "both sides do it".

Such a two faced hypocrite.

Who the fuck thinks returning a childs toy warrants a full blown PI attack and phone calls to jobs. I cannot believe she has the utter audacity to blame ME for this drama because I fight back. We are three different stories deep now into why she left her AND Bigs board. I see its evolved into MY fault.

Yanno what it's not even worth it with these peices of shit. They love this kind of nasty personal drama and are pretty much always engaged in one or hating someone. The main thing is Flea is absolutely no ones friend and I feel bad for anyone who thinks so. Except for Casket and Chode....those three deserve eachother.

I'm not addressing Flea or the topic of Flea again. It's a waste of time. I have wasted time even bothering to post this.

I just think it's very important that if this bullshit is once again gonna get plastered in public, that my reasons to for contacting this mans EX wife are pretty gotdamn relevant. Miss "both sides do it" STILL doesn't grasp this critical difference even after telling me she did.

DAMN. That was a RANT. But it felt good and I'm leaving it.


Hello, Blurt! I have missed you. You speak so much truth but these people won't listen to your beliefs that are still rooted in 13th century ideology and superstitions. Only a true master of intellect would continue to spread these funnay political spin offs of real life. You are a master at your craft. You are the ultimate funnay!

You are one of my favorite posters.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Hey it's Christmas eve morn' and the BF drama queen losers are still at it not content until EVERY member is sick and tired of the redundant fucking whines ....
I wish to thank you fucking losers for sucking the life out of this place with your countless ALTS not one shred of content
This place WAS fun
This place was Diff
Now I know what happened to SG, you bored it to fucking death, and that's why I never joined there because it was shitty AF and ya'll won't be happy until you drag this place through the shit as well

Thanks :rightON:

it’s maintained on one thread.... it’s not like it’s spamming the entire board or forum... just sayin


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Hey Flynn.... were you aware of a person with 4 neglected kids and owing thousands in back rent quitting their job? (Snicker).

And did you know that stupid whore rang 4 of Poofer's colleagues trying to get him fired?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Hey Blurt, Flynn said that your ass looks big in your new cocktail dress...

Surely you're not gonna stand for such cheek from a meth-mouthed junkie?

Oh man! You are the best at making me look like a jacked up mule! You are thee funniest White Nationalist I have ever had the pleasure of meeting!

I love how you don't give a damn about what other non-whites think of your anvil shaped face. Only a man very secure with his homosexual lifestyle could walk tall and proud even when your dentures do accidentally fall out of your mouth from time to time. I admire you very much that you're very proud of a nose that looks like the end of a crowbar because its been broke so many times in that gay underground fighting club you belong to.

You have been one of my favorite posters.