Whiny BASTARD of the MONTH - [August 2020]

Who is Whiney Bastard of the Month for August 2020?

  • Spatula Khan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Scott

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • rancidmilko

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • rigor79

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tatum Riley

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kitty Zhang

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Oliver Shagnasty

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • CaseyK

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • scooter

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SirSuperSouthern

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blazor

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fred Jones

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Wise and Powerful

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kingsly

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Matt Smith

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • realgrimm

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cisco Gene

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • oldslowandugly

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Slappy Dyaboliko

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Freud

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ice

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SAWA

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • BEnzo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • bakerboy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Phatzo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Breakfall

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
Knock a nail in my head for kicks? A soldier A warrior like you...a so called one at that would do far worse than that for kicks. So I know you ain't either. You're thinking irrationally now. Use more logic and find a target. Than give that target all your might. If you can't. You're just nothing like your daughter and dead mother.

Never have and never will deny I hate women. A bitchy chick like your daughter or your dead mother have no value so they get treated accordingly. Not short nor bald but yes most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! so get your facts right next time. Micro penis? naw not me but you must be thinking of @maxis735 when he last raped you in the showers. He doesn't even have a tick tack of a cock and he still raped you good and you liked it. Sick and perverted prison shit. My avatar is a complete contradiction? Now I KNOW you don't know people online or in real life. Study people closely...you might actually learn something.
You’d piss involuntary in my presence. You’d be scared. I have that over you. But carry on...let people know of your vile nature. You’re not a troll...
Again you are nothing. Just like your daughter and dead mother. Hell even anybody you know. No value means die or be killed. Simple. Naw you will ramble on and on about me its all you are good at but never take the time to figure out and know yourself. I never tried to be a troll in my life. I am more honest than you could ever be. You are the try hard and harder wannabe troll. But please continue trying...maybe you'll get good at by the time you are meeting your worthless dead mother in the afterlife. Lmao not that one exists but I'm sure you wanna be fucking mommie there so you do believe in it.
I’m probably the sexiest troll alive today. My cock is huge, I’m handsome with a great tan, I’ve surfed waves that would make your anus shudder, I’m a soldier, I’m.....wait....who are you again?
talking about your daughter like that. sick shit. the only one with balls in your family huh? well send her my way and i will enlighten her cunt.
Arse flaps!

i prefer fishing.
You don’t know a thing about fishing!
Oh? oh yeah you know more about it than I do. Right. Just like your expertise is IN Surfing, Theology, A unkillable soldier WARRIOR, travelled all over the world...NO ONE KNOWS MORE THAN YOU. Sure.. No one has experienced more than you. Not very likely there.

fuck you should have been a lawyer. what a bullshitter you are in every way. yet you aren't one. So what have you done with your life? Nothing. Exactly bullshitter.
I’m an avid fisherman. I follow the almanac. You can’t fish! Where are you from again...Kazakhstan? Go fuck your sister’s sleeve of wizard you dumb cunt!
what do you mean? where was i born or where i have lived or where i live now? be specific jackass
You’re part Arab...that’s why you were so angry at KAM for calling you out that one time!
Lmao not ever. I will break it down for yeah nice and simple for you to remember kk?

fathers side of the fam. his dad and the rest is Scottish through and through for hundreds of years. his mom was german.
mother's side of the fam. her dad was irish through and through. her mom was portuese/greek/irish

now does this compute with you? CAN YOU remember this much about me?

oh i was born where a lot of snow was and near a BIG river. i lived near or on a river or lake for the first 15 years of my life. i fished often with my family. now i live where its loud, polluted, faggoty, and niggerly and i like it that way.

can you remember this
Then why do you act like a half Arab? I thought that made more sense since you hate women so much. Women braah! The reason why this whole planet makes revolutions! When you quoted the Quran that one time you let the goat out of the bag son!



Site Supporter
Knock a nail in my head for kicks? A soldier A warrior like you...a so called one at that would do far worse than that for kicks. So I know you ain't either. You're thinking irrationally now. Use more logic and find a target. Than give that target all your might. If you can't. You're just nothing like your daughter and dead mother.

Never have and never will deny I hate women. A bitchy chick like your daughter or your dead mother have no value so they get treated accordingly. Not short nor bald but yes most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! so get your facts right next time. Micro penis? naw not me but you must be thinking of @maxis735 when he last raped you in the showers. He doesn't even have a tick tack of a cock and he still raped you good and you liked it. Sick and perverted prison shit. My avatar is a complete contradiction? Now I KNOW you don't know people online or in real life. Study people closely...you might actually learn something.
You’d piss involuntary in my presence. You’d be scared. I have that over you. But carry on...let people know of your vile nature. You’re not a troll...
Again you are nothing. Just like your daughter and dead mother. Hell even anybody you know. No value means die or be killed. Simple. Naw you will ramble on and on about me its all you are good at but never take the time to figure out and know yourself. I never tried to be a troll in my life. I am more honest than you could ever be. You are the try hard and harder wannabe troll. But please continue trying...maybe you'll get good at by the time you are meeting your worthless dead mother in the afterlife. Lmao not that one exists but I'm sure you wanna be fucking mommie there so you do believe in it.

Holy fuck cocksucker ... did all those dick beatdowns in seg make you like this ,,,is that what forcibly taking black cock in prison do to a faggit :LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO:

fuck the only thing outta his mouth in prison was 'gurgle gurgle' and a mouthful of jizz spat up


Knock a nail in my head for kicks? A soldier A warrior like you...a so called one at that would do far worse than that for kicks. So I know you ain't either. You're thinking irrationally now. Use more logic and find a target. Than give that target all your might. If you can't. You're just nothing like your daughter and dead mother.

Never have and never will deny I hate women. A bitchy chick like your daughter or your dead mother have no value so they get treated accordingly. Not short nor bald but yes most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! so get your facts right next time. Micro penis? naw not me but you must be thinking of @maxis735 when he last raped you in the showers. He doesn't even have a tick tack of a cock and he still raped you good and you liked it. Sick and perverted prison shit. My avatar is a complete contradiction? Now I KNOW you don't know people online or in real life. Study people closely...you might actually learn something.
You’d piss involuntary in my presence. You’d be scared. I have that over you. But carry on...let people know of your vile nature. You’re not a troll...
Again you are nothing. Just like your daughter and dead mother. Hell even anybody you know. No value means die or be killed. Simple. Naw you will ramble on and on about me its all you are good at but never take the time to figure out and know yourself. I never tried to be a troll in my life. I am more honest than you could ever be. You are the try hard and harder wannabe troll. But please continue trying...maybe you'll get good at by the time you are meeting your worthless dead mother in the afterlife. Lmao not that one exists but I'm sure you wanna be fucking mommie there so you do believe in it.
I’m probably the sexiest troll alive today. My cock is huge, I’m handsome with a great tan, I’ve surfed waves that would make your anus shudder, I’m a soldier, I’m.....wait....who are you again?
talking about your daughter like that. sick shit. the only one with balls in your family huh? well send her my way and i will enlighten her cunt.
Arse flaps!

i prefer fishing.
You don’t know a thing about fishing!
Oh? oh yeah you know more about it than I do. Right. Just like your expertise is IN Surfing, Theology, A unkillable soldier WARRIOR, travelled all over the world...NO ONE KNOWS MORE THAN YOU. Sure.. No one has experienced more than you. Not very likely there.

fuck you should have been a lawyer. what a bullshitter you are in every way. yet you aren't one. So what have you done with your life? Nothing. Exactly bullshitter.
I’m an avid fisherman. I follow the almanac. You can’t fish! Where are you from again...Kazakhstan? Go fuck your sister’s sleeve of wizard you dumb cunt!
what do you mean? where was i born or where i have lived or where i live now? be specific jackass
You’re part Arab...that’s why you were so angry at KAM for calling you out that one time!
Lmao not ever. I will break it down for yeah nice and simple for you to remember kk?

fathers side of the fam. his dad and the rest is Scottish through and through for hundreds of years. his mom was german.
mother's side of the fam. her dad was irish through and through. her mom was portuese/greek/irish

now does this compute with you? CAN YOU remember this much about me?

oh i was born where a lot of snow was and near a BIG river. i lived near or on a river or lake for the first 15 years of my life. i fished often with my family. now i live where its loud, polluted, faggoty, and niggerly and i like it that way.

can you remember this
Then why do you act like a half Arab? I thought that made more sense since you hate women so much. Women braah! The reason why this whole planet makes revolutions! When you quoted the Quran that one time you let the goat out of the bag son!

cuz i can ACT however i please. on this or any site from the PAST. i hate women. Period. i don't need to go deep in motivation for things that have no value. no value no meaning. they have their place worthless, rapeable... and so on. I quote a lot of shit. Pay better attention.


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
Knock a nail in my head for kicks? A soldier A warrior like you...a so called one at that would do far worse than that for kicks. So I know you ain't either. You're thinking irrationally now. Use more logic and find a target. Than give that target all your might. If you can't. You're just nothing like your daughter and dead mother.

Never have and never will deny I hate women. A bitchy chick like your daughter or your dead mother have no value so they get treated accordingly. Not short nor bald but yes most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! so get your facts right next time. Micro penis? naw not me but you must be thinking of @maxis735 when he last raped you in the showers. He doesn't even have a tick tack of a cock and he still raped you good and you liked it. Sick and perverted prison shit. My avatar is a complete contradiction? Now I KNOW you don't know people online or in real life. Study people closely...you might actually learn something.
You’d piss involuntary in my presence. You’d be scared. I have that over you. But carry on...let people know of your vile nature. You’re not a troll...
Again you are nothing. Just like your daughter and dead mother. Hell even anybody you know. No value means die or be killed. Simple. Naw you will ramble on and on about me its all you are good at but never take the time to figure out and know yourself. I never tried to be a troll in my life. I am more honest than you could ever be. You are the try hard and harder wannabe troll. But please continue trying...maybe you'll get good at by the time you are meeting your worthless dead mother in the afterlife. Lmao not that one exists but I'm sure you wanna be fucking mommie there so you do believe in it.
I’m probably the sexiest troll alive today. My cock is huge, I’m handsome with a great tan, I’ve surfed waves that would make your anus shudder, I’m a soldier, I’m.....wait....who are you again?
talking about your daughter like that. sick shit. the only one with balls in your family huh? well send her my way and i will enlighten her cunt.
Arse flaps!

i prefer fishing.
You don’t know a thing about fishing!
Oh? oh yeah you know more about it than I do. Right. Just like your expertise is IN Surfing, Theology, A unkillable soldier WARRIOR, travelled all over the world...NO ONE KNOWS MORE THAN YOU. Sure.. No one has experienced more than you. Not very likely there.

fuck you should have been a lawyer. what a bullshitter you are in every way. yet you aren't one. So what have you done with your life? Nothing. Exactly bullshitter.
I’m an avid fisherman. I follow the almanac. You can’t fish! Where are you from again...Kazakhstan? Go fuck your sister’s sleeve of wizard you dumb cunt!
what do you mean? where was i born or where i have lived or where i live now? be specific jackass
You’re part Arab...that’s why you were so angry at KAM for calling you out that one time!
Lmao not ever. I will break it down for yeah nice and simple for you to remember kk?

fathers side of the fam. his dad and the rest is Scottish through and through for hundreds of years. his mom was german.
mother's side of the fam. her dad was irish through and through. her mom was portuese/greek/irish

now does this compute with you? CAN YOU remember this much about me?

oh i was born where a lot of snow was and near a BIG river. i lived near or on a river or lake for the first 15 years of my life. i fished often with my family. now i live where its loud, polluted, faggoty, and niggerly and i like it that way.

can you remember this
Then why do you act like a half Arab? I thought that made more sense since you hate women so much. Women braah! The reason why this whole planet makes revolutions! When you quoted the Quran that one time you let the goat out of the bag son!

cuz i can ACT however i please. on this or any site from the PAST. i hate women. Period. i don't need to go deep in motivation for things that have no value. no value no meaning. they have their place worthless, rapeable... and so on. I quote a lot of shit. Pay better attention.
You don’t even have your Red Wings, so stop trying to pull the wool! And an angry inch won’t get you deep at all! My nutz are longer than most dicks. Fly away little man...fly away!


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
Site Supporter
Thanks Duck,just spit out my donut - - - - - -


Knock a nail in my head for kicks? A soldier A warrior like you...a so called one at that would do far worse than that for kicks. So I know you ain't either. You're thinking irrationally now. Use more logic and find a target. Than give that target all your might. If you can't. You're just nothing like your daughter and dead mother.

Never have and never will deny I hate women. A bitchy chick like your daughter or your dead mother have no value so they get treated accordingly. Not short nor bald but yes most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! so get your facts right next time. Micro penis? naw not me but you must be thinking of @maxis735 when he last raped you in the showers. He doesn't even have a tick tack of a cock and he still raped you good and you liked it. Sick and perverted prison shit. My avatar is a complete contradiction? Now I KNOW you don't know people online or in real life. Study people closely...you might actually learn something.
You’d piss involuntary in my presence. You’d be scared. I have that over you. But carry on...let people know of your vile nature. You’re not a troll...
Again you are nothing. Just like your daughter and dead mother. Hell even anybody you know. No value means die or be killed. Simple. Naw you will ramble on and on about me its all you are good at but never take the time to figure out and know yourself. I never tried to be a troll in my life. I am more honest than you could ever be. You are the try hard and harder wannabe troll. But please continue trying...maybe you'll get good at by the time you are meeting your worthless dead mother in the afterlife. Lmao not that one exists but I'm sure you wanna be fucking mommie there so you do believe in it.
I’m probably the sexiest troll alive today. My cock is huge, I’m handsome with a great tan, I’ve surfed waves that would make your anus shudder, I’m a soldier, I’m.....wait....who are you again?
talking about your daughter like that. sick shit. the only one with balls in your family huh? well send her my way and i will enlighten her cunt.
Arse flaps!

i prefer fishing.
You don’t know a thing about fishing!
Oh? oh yeah you know more about it than I do. Right. Just like your expertise is IN Surfing, Theology, A unkillable soldier WARRIOR, travelled all over the world...NO ONE KNOWS MORE THAN YOU. Sure.. No one has experienced more than you. Not very likely there.

fuck you should have been a lawyer. what a bullshitter you are in every way. yet you aren't one. So what have you done with your life? Nothing. Exactly bullshitter.
I’m an avid fisherman. I follow the almanac. You can’t fish! Where are you from again...Kazakhstan? Go fuck your sister’s sleeve of wizard you dumb cunt!
what do you mean? where was i born or where i have lived or where i live now? be specific jackass
You’re part Arab...that’s why you were so angry at KAM for calling you out that one time!
Lmao not ever. I will break it down for yeah nice and simple for you to remember kk?

fathers side of the fam. his dad and the rest is Scottish through and through for hundreds of years. his mom was german.
mother's side of the fam. her dad was irish through and through. her mom was portuese/greek/irish

now does this compute with you? CAN YOU remember this much about me?

oh i was born where a lot of snow was and near a BIG river. i lived near or on a river or lake for the first 15 years of my life. i fished often with my family. now i live where its loud, polluted, faggoty, and niggerly and i like it that way.

can you remember this
Then why do you act like a half Arab? I thought that made more sense since you hate women so much. Women braah! The reason why this whole planet makes revolutions! When you quoted the Quran that one time you let the goat out of the bag son!

cuz i can ACT however i please. on this or any site from the PAST. i hate women. Period. i don't need to go deep in motivation for things that have no value. no value no meaning. they have their place worthless, rapeable... and so on. I quote a lot of shit. Pay better attention.
You don’t even have your Red Wings, so stop trying to pull the wool! And an angry inch won’t get you deep at all! My nutz are longer than most dicks. Fly away little man...fly away!
hows your wife? you seem like a really happy guy. just a couple things though if you satisfy and make your wife so happy vice versa why do you spend more time on here online than you ever do with her? what its all about the sex? you certainly don't love your wife when you spend more time online than ever with her. unless its about abusing her than WE could team up on here in various places situations and hide the dead cunt good. Wanna team up? but I get your daughter too. I won't hurt her in any way IF we're a team bro. I might even introduce you to some fine tight pussy in my family. Some of my family need a good beating in every way. WE can help each other in infinite ways bro.


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
Knock a nail in my head for kicks? A soldier A warrior like you...a so called one at that would do far worse than that for kicks. So I know you ain't either. You're thinking irrationally now. Use more logic and find a target. Than give that target all your might. If you can't. You're just nothing like your daughter and dead mother.

Never have and never will deny I hate women. A bitchy chick like your daughter or your dead mother have no value so they get treated accordingly. Not short nor bald but yes most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! so get your facts right next time. Micro penis? naw not me but you must be thinking of @maxis735 when he last raped you in the showers. He doesn't even have a tick tack of a cock and he still raped you good and you liked it. Sick and perverted prison shit. My avatar is a complete contradiction? Now I KNOW you don't know people online or in real life. Study people closely...you might actually learn something.
You’d piss involuntary in my presence. You’d be scared. I have that over you. But carry on...let people know of your vile nature. You’re not a troll...
Again you are nothing. Just like your daughter and dead mother. Hell even anybody you know. No value means die or be killed. Simple. Naw you will ramble on and on about me its all you are good at but never take the time to figure out and know yourself. I never tried to be a troll in my life. I am more honest than you could ever be. You are the try hard and harder wannabe troll. But please continue trying...maybe you'll get good at by the time you are meeting your worthless dead mother in the afterlife. Lmao not that one exists but I'm sure you wanna be fucking mommie there so you do believe in it.
I’m probably the sexiest troll alive today. My cock is huge, I’m handsome with a great tan, I’ve surfed waves that would make your anus shudder, I’m a soldier, I’m.....wait....who are you again?
talking about your daughter like that. sick shit. the only one with balls in your family huh? well send her my way and i will enlighten her cunt.
Arse flaps!

i prefer fishing.
You don’t know a thing about fishing!
Oh? oh yeah you know more about it than I do. Right. Just like your expertise is IN Surfing, Theology, A unkillable soldier WARRIOR, travelled all over the world...NO ONE KNOWS MORE THAN YOU. Sure.. No one has experienced more than you. Not very likely there.

fuck you should have been a lawyer. what a bullshitter you are in every way. yet you aren't one. So what have you done with your life? Nothing. Exactly bullshitter.
I’m an avid fisherman. I follow the almanac. You can’t fish! Where are you from again...Kazakhstan? Go fuck your sister’s sleeve of wizard you dumb cunt!
what do you mean? where was i born or where i have lived or where i live now? be specific jackass
You’re part Arab...that’s why you were so angry at KAM for calling you out that one time!
Lmao not ever. I will break it down for yeah nice and simple for you to remember kk?

fathers side of the fam. his dad and the rest is Scottish through and through for hundreds of years. his mom was german.
mother's side of the fam. her dad was irish through and through. her mom was portuese/greek/irish

now does this compute with you? CAN YOU remember this much about me?

oh i was born where a lot of snow was and near a BIG river. i lived near or on a river or lake for the first 15 years of my life. i fished often with my family. now i live where its loud, polluted, faggoty, and niggerly and i like it that way.

can you remember this
Then why do you act like a half Arab? I thought that made more sense since you hate women so much. Women braah! The reason why this whole planet makes revolutions! When you quoted the Quran that one time you let the goat out of the bag son!

cuz i can ACT however i please. on this or any site from the PAST. i hate women. Period. i don't need to go deep in motivation for things that have no value. no value no meaning. they have their place worthless, rapeable... and so on. I quote a lot of shit. Pay better attention.
You don’t even have your Red Wings, so stop trying to pull the wool! And an angry inch won’t get you deep at all! My nutz are longer than most dicks. Fly away little man...fly away!
hows your wife? you seem like a really happy guy. just a couple things though if you satisfy and make your wife so happy vice versa why do you spend more time on here online than you ever do with her? what its all about the sex? you certainly don't love your wife when you spend more time online than ever with her. unless its about abusing her than WE could team up on here in various places situations and hide the dead cunt good. Wanna team up? but I get your daughter too. I won't hurt her in any way IF we're a team bro. I might even introduce you to some fine tight pussy in my family. Some of my family need a good beating in every way. WE can help each other in infinite ways bro.
In answer to my wife: she enjoys lots of shows on tv and I’m often laying on her lap while fucking around on my tablet. I also have my own business and due to the Covid situation, I operate from home at the moment. Yesterday I had a marathon session here on Bastard Factory because I was hungover as fuck...dickhead!


Knock a nail in my head for kicks? A soldier A warrior like you...a so called one at that would do far worse than that for kicks. So I know you ain't either. You're thinking irrationally now. Use more logic and find a target. Than give that target all your might. If you can't. You're just nothing like your daughter and dead mother.

Never have and never will deny I hate women. A bitchy chick like your daughter or your dead mother have no value so they get treated accordingly. Not short nor bald but yes most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! so get your facts right next time. Micro penis? naw not me but you must be thinking of @maxis735 when he last raped you in the showers. He doesn't even have a tick tack of a cock and he still raped you good and you liked it. Sick and perverted prison shit. My avatar is a complete contradiction? Now I KNOW you don't know people online or in real life. Study people closely...you might actually learn something.
You’d piss involuntary in my presence. You’d be scared. I have that over you. But carry on...let people know of your vile nature. You’re not a troll...
Again you are nothing. Just like your daughter and dead mother. Hell even anybody you know. No value means die or be killed. Simple. Naw you will ramble on and on about me its all you are good at but never take the time to figure out and know yourself. I never tried to be a troll in my life. I am more honest than you could ever be. You are the try hard and harder wannabe troll. But please continue trying...maybe you'll get good at by the time you are meeting your worthless dead mother in the afterlife. Lmao not that one exists but I'm sure you wanna be fucking mommie there so you do believe in it.
I’m probably the sexiest troll alive today. My cock is huge, I’m handsome with a great tan, I’ve surfed waves that would make your anus shudder, I’m a soldier, I’m.....wait....who are you again?
talking about your daughter like that. sick shit. the only one with balls in your family huh? well send her my way and i will enlighten her cunt.
Arse flaps!

i prefer fishing.
You don’t know a thing about fishing!
Oh? oh yeah you know more about it than I do. Right. Just like your expertise is IN Surfing, Theology, A unkillable soldier WARRIOR, travelled all over the world...NO ONE KNOWS MORE THAN YOU. Sure.. No one has experienced more than you. Not very likely there.

fuck you should have been a lawyer. what a bullshitter you are in every way. yet you aren't one. So what have you done with your life? Nothing. Exactly bullshitter.
I’m an avid fisherman. I follow the almanac. You can’t fish! Where are you from again...Kazakhstan? Go fuck your sister’s sleeve of wizard you dumb cunt!
what do you mean? where was i born or where i have lived or where i live now? be specific jackass
You’re part Arab...that’s why you were so angry at KAM for calling you out that one time!
Lmao not ever. I will break it down for yeah nice and simple for you to remember kk?

fathers side of the fam. his dad and the rest is Scottish through and through for hundreds of years. his mom was german.
mother's side of the fam. her dad was irish through and through. her mom was portuese/greek/irish

now does this compute with you? CAN YOU remember this much about me?

oh i was born where a lot of snow was and near a BIG river. i lived near or on a river or lake for the first 15 years of my life. i fished often with my family. now i live where its loud, polluted, faggoty, and niggerly and i like it that way.

can you remember this
Then why do you act like a half Arab? I thought that made more sense since you hate women so much. Women braah! The reason why this whole planet makes revolutions! When you quoted the Quran that one time you let the goat out of the bag son!

cuz i can ACT however i please. on this or any site from the PAST. i hate women. Period. i don't need to go deep in motivation for things that have no value. no value no meaning. they have their place worthless, rapeable... and so on. I quote a lot of shit. Pay better attention.
You don’t even have your Red Wings, so stop trying to pull the wool! And an angry inch won’t get you deep at all! My nutz are longer than most dicks. Fly away little man...fly away!
hows your wife? you seem like a really happy guy. just a couple things though if you satisfy and make your wife so happy vice versa why do you spend more time on here online than you ever do with her? what its all about the sex? you certainly don't love your wife when you spend more time online than ever with her. unless its about abusing her than WE could team up on here in various places situations and hide the dead cunt good. Wanna team up? but I get your daughter too. I won't hurt her in any way IF we're a team bro. I might even introduce you to some fine tight pussy in my family. Some of my family need a good beating in every way. WE can help each other in infinite ways bro.
In answer to my wife: she enjoys lots of shows on tv and I’m often laying on her lap while fucking around on my tablet. I also have my own business and due to the Covid situation, I operate from home at the moment. Yesterday I had a marathon session here on Bastard Factory because I was hungover as fuck...dickhead!
how come she never surfs with you? its important to you this shit but you never mention her doing it with you? what she is afraid of Jaws or the Kraken? like seriously dude. You two seem to need more as a couple and I will shrink you both through these desperate perilous times. I was going to be a shrink. Fact. Why I didn't? well mental hospitals got in the way. Stop call me names or I will report you to @maxis735 and he will ban you immediately.


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
Knock a nail in my head for kicks? A soldier A warrior like you...a so called one at that would do far worse than that for kicks. So I know you ain't either. You're thinking irrationally now. Use more logic and find a target. Than give that target all your might. If you can't. You're just nothing like your daughter and dead mother.

Never have and never will deny I hate women. A bitchy chick like your daughter or your dead mother have no value so they get treated accordingly. Not short nor bald but yes most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! so get your facts right next time. Micro penis? naw not me but you must be thinking of @maxis735 when he last raped you in the showers. He doesn't even have a tick tack of a cock and he still raped you good and you liked it. Sick and perverted prison shit. My avatar is a complete contradiction? Now I KNOW you don't know people online or in real life. Study people closely...you might actually learn something.
You’d piss involuntary in my presence. You’d be scared. I have that over you. But carry on...let people know of your vile nature. You’re not a troll...
Again you are nothing. Just like your daughter and dead mother. Hell even anybody you know. No value means die or be killed. Simple. Naw you will ramble on and on about me its all you are good at but never take the time to figure out and know yourself. I never tried to be a troll in my life. I am more honest than you could ever be. You are the try hard and harder wannabe troll. But please continue trying...maybe you'll get good at by the time you are meeting your worthless dead mother in the afterlife. Lmao not that one exists but I'm sure you wanna be fucking mommie there so you do believe in it.
I’m probably the sexiest troll alive today. My cock is huge, I’m handsome with a great tan, I’ve surfed waves that would make your anus shudder, I’m a soldier, I’m.....wait....who are you again?
talking about your daughter like that. sick shit. the only one with balls in your family huh? well send her my way and i will enlighten her cunt.
Arse flaps!

i prefer fishing.
You don’t know a thing about fishing!
Oh? oh yeah you know more about it than I do. Right. Just like your expertise is IN Surfing, Theology, A unkillable soldier WARRIOR, travelled all over the world...NO ONE KNOWS MORE THAN YOU. Sure.. No one has experienced more than you. Not very likely there.

fuck you should have been a lawyer. what a bullshitter you are in every way. yet you aren't one. So what have you done with your life? Nothing. Exactly bullshitter.
I’m an avid fisherman. I follow the almanac. You can’t fish! Where are you from again...Kazakhstan? Go fuck your sister’s sleeve of wizard you dumb cunt!
what do you mean? where was i born or where i have lived or where i live now? be specific jackass
You’re part Arab...that’s why you were so angry at KAM for calling you out that one time!
Lmao not ever. I will break it down for yeah nice and simple for you to remember kk?

fathers side of the fam. his dad and the rest is Scottish through and through for hundreds of years. his mom was german.
mother's side of the fam. her dad was irish through and through. her mom was portuese/greek/irish

now does this compute with you? CAN YOU remember this much about me?

oh i was born where a lot of snow was and near a BIG river. i lived near or on a river or lake for the first 15 years of my life. i fished often with my family. now i live where its loud, polluted, faggoty, and niggerly and i like it that way.

can you remember this
Then why do you act like a half Arab? I thought that made more sense since you hate women so much. Women braah! The reason why this whole planet makes revolutions! When you quoted the Quran that one time you let the goat out of the bag son!

cuz i can ACT however i please. on this or any site from the PAST. i hate women. Period. i don't need to go deep in motivation for things that have no value. no value no meaning. they have their place worthless, rapeable... and so on. I quote a lot of shit. Pay better attention.
You don’t even have your Red Wings, so stop trying to pull the wool! And an angry inch won’t get you deep at all! My nutz are longer than most dicks. Fly away little man...fly away!
hows your wife? you seem like a really happy guy. just a couple things though if you satisfy and make your wife so happy vice versa why do you spend more time on here online than you ever do with her? what its all about the sex? you certainly don't love your wife when you spend more time online than ever with her. unless its about abusing her than WE could team up on here in various places situations and hide the dead cunt good. Wanna team up? but I get your daughter too. I won't hurt her in any way IF we're a team bro. I might even introduce you to some fine tight pussy in my family. Some of my family need a good beating in every way. WE can help each other in infinite ways bro.
In answer to my wife: she enjoys lots of shows on tv and I’m often laying on her lap while fucking around on my tablet. I also have my own business and due to the Covid situation, I operate from home at the moment. Yesterday I had a marathon session here on Bastard Factory because I was hungover as fuck...dickhead!
how come she never surfs with you? its important to you this shit but you never mention her doing it with you? what she is afraid of Jaws or the Kraken? like seriously dude. You two seem to need more as a couple and I will shrink you both through these desperate perilous times. I was going to be a shrink. Fact. Why I didn't? well mental hospitals got in the way. Stop call me names or I will report you to @maxis735 and he will ban you immediately.
She does surf with me brah! But those bigger waves are overseas “boyz trips away”...

Maxipad is in a fragile state at the moment. He’s bouncing off the walls...I’m sure that you can relate?!


Knock a nail in my head for kicks? A soldier A warrior like you...a so called one at that would do far worse than that for kicks. So I know you ain't either. You're thinking irrationally now. Use more logic and find a target. Than give that target all your might. If you can't. You're just nothing like your daughter and dead mother.

Never have and never will deny I hate women. A bitchy chick like your daughter or your dead mother have no value so they get treated accordingly. Not short nor bald but yes most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! so get your facts right next time. Micro penis? naw not me but you must be thinking of @maxis735 when he last raped you in the showers. He doesn't even have a tick tack of a cock and he still raped you good and you liked it. Sick and perverted prison shit. My avatar is a complete contradiction? Now I KNOW you don't know people online or in real life. Study people closely...you might actually learn something.
You’d piss involuntary in my presence. You’d be scared. I have that over you. But carry on...let people know of your vile nature. You’re not a troll...
Again you are nothing. Just like your daughter and dead mother. Hell even anybody you know. No value means die or be killed. Simple. Naw you will ramble on and on about me its all you are good at but never take the time to figure out and know yourself. I never tried to be a troll in my life. I am more honest than you could ever be. You are the try hard and harder wannabe troll. But please continue trying...maybe you'll get good at by the time you are meeting your worthless dead mother in the afterlife. Lmao not that one exists but I'm sure you wanna be fucking mommie there so you do believe in it.
I’m probably the sexiest troll alive today. My cock is huge, I’m handsome with a great tan, I’ve surfed waves that would make your anus shudder, I’m a soldier, I’m.....wait....who are you again?
talking about your daughter like that. sick shit. the only one with balls in your family huh? well send her my way and i will enlighten her cunt.
Arse flaps!

i prefer fishing.
You don’t know a thing about fishing!
Oh? oh yeah you know more about it than I do. Right. Just like your expertise is IN Surfing, Theology, A unkillable soldier WARRIOR, travelled all over the world...NO ONE KNOWS MORE THAN YOU. Sure.. No one has experienced more than you. Not very likely there.

fuck you should have been a lawyer. what a bullshitter you are in every way. yet you aren't one. So what have you done with your life? Nothing. Exactly bullshitter.
I’m an avid fisherman. I follow the almanac. You can’t fish! Where are you from again...Kazakhstan? Go fuck your sister’s sleeve of wizard you dumb cunt!
what do you mean? where was i born or where i have lived or where i live now? be specific jackass
You’re part Arab...that’s why you were so angry at KAM for calling you out that one time!
Lmao not ever. I will break it down for yeah nice and simple for you to remember kk?

fathers side of the fam. his dad and the rest is Scottish through and through for hundreds of years. his mom was german.
mother's side of the fam. her dad was irish through and through. her mom was portuese/greek/irish

now does this compute with you? CAN YOU remember this much about me?

oh i was born where a lot of snow was and near a BIG river. i lived near or on a river or lake for the first 15 years of my life. i fished often with my family. now i live where its loud, polluted, faggoty, and niggerly and i like it that way.

can you remember this
Then why do you act like a half Arab? I thought that made more sense since you hate women so much. Women braah! The reason why this whole planet makes revolutions! When you quoted the Quran that one time you let the goat out of the bag son!

cuz i can ACT however i please. on this or any site from the PAST. i hate women. Period. i don't need to go deep in motivation for things that have no value. no value no meaning. they have their place worthless, rapeable... and so on. I quote a lot of shit. Pay better attention.
You don’t even have your Red Wings, so stop trying to pull the wool! And an angry inch won’t get you deep at all! My nutz are longer than most dicks. Fly away little man...fly away!
hows your wife? you seem like a really happy guy. just a couple things though if you satisfy and make your wife so happy vice versa why do you spend more time on here online than you ever do with her? what its all about the sex? you certainly don't love your wife when you spend more time online than ever with her. unless its about abusing her than WE could team up on here in various places situations and hide the dead cunt good. Wanna team up? but I get your daughter too. I won't hurt her in any way IF we're a team bro. I might even introduce you to some fine tight pussy in my family. Some of my family need a good beating in every way. WE can help each other in infinite ways bro.
In answer to my wife: she enjoys lots of shows on tv and I’m often laying on her lap while fucking around on my tablet. I also have my own business and due to the Covid situation, I operate from home at the moment. Yesterday I had a marathon session here on Bastard Factory because I was hungover as fuck...dickhead!
how come she never surfs with you? its important to you this shit but you never mention her doing it with you? what she is afraid of Jaws or the Kraken? like seriously dude. You two seem to need more as a couple and I will shrink you both through these desperate perilous times. I was going to be a shrink. Fact. Why I didn't? well mental hospitals got in the way. Stop call me names or I will report you to @maxis735 and he will ban you immediately.
She does surf with me brah! But those bigger waves are overseas “boyz trips away”...

Maxipad is in a fragile state at the moment. He’s bouncing off the walls...I’m sure that you can relate?!
your wife is no doubt dead in your closet and you need to fuck her every night. its the only way you get off is they're dead or your daughter. Jesus so fucked up.
i am cool, calm, and collected 25/7 man you should try it.
don't hurt your brother @maxis735 he will soon need you more than ever. don't abandon him. if you do he will fuck your wife up real good and just for laughs