Whiney Bastard of the Month August 2020
The Whiny BASTARD of the MONTH Award or WBOTM will be given to ONE member that the other members have nominated as the biggest, unfounded whiny bitch & moaner on this site over the last 30 days.
A new poll will be created and will allow up to 7+ days of voting.
WBOTM Awards
1st Time Winner =
+ 3 days and 2 nights in the
Ass Box.
2nd Time Winner =
+ 7 days and 6 nights in the
Ass Box.
3rd Time Winner =
+ Nameplates retired and quickly euthanized.
Award Presenter
Your Voting Criterium: In your opinion, what individual has seriously brought you down with their constant negativity over the last 30 days?
Any member who has posted in this forum over the last 30 days qualifies.
Voting closes September 13 @ 11:59 p.m. MST