Why Do Conservatives Hate Butterflies?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
What kind of bullshit thread is this? Why do a political side hate an insect? Really?

Honey, try reading the op. Thanks in advance for your diligence.

I read the OP. And I have more questions because of it.

Like what bizzare conspiracy?

And it also has nothing to do with butterflies. This place apparently tried to stop the border wall from being built. One of the bigger reasons why people want a border wall is to combat human trafficking.

You know people kidnap children to get access over the border and than either dump them in the desert, chuck them in the water or sell them into sex/labor trafficking?

But sure let's pretend people just hate butterflies and than maybe people wont notice the left just doesnt care about human trafficking. Make it about bugs.

BTW i do not agree with them being harrassed to the point of needing to close. I'm sure there are reasonable solutions that no one is interested in. Its definately not about "conservatives hating butterflies" though. That's just a good example of gaslighting.

Oh, right. So now this is a thing about how the left doesn't care about human trafficking, which is a straight up FUCKING LIE. You lie, Dove. All the fucking time. Stop it.

Supporting open borders and attacking the vetting process as "ripping children out of their mothers arms" is not caring about human trafficking.

I'm not lying at all. I have watched dems/progs directly fight to help human trafficking. Accusing everyone of being racist or cruel for supporting anti trafficking measures.

Why do you think we separate children? Do you really thinks it's just to be mean?

Dems/progs never talk about trafficking. It's always chattel slavery of Africans that was abolished over 100 years ago. And black women and children today get trafficked and we dont bring that to front of the discussion.

Dems/progs fight for things like open borders and defunding police that HELP human trafficking. And more black women will be murdered with a defunded police.

Please explain to me how doing things like that helps deal with trafficking?

I'm calling it exactly how I see it. And considering all the shit dems/progs say about everyone not on their "side", you might rethink calling people liars. This threads OP that conservatives hate butterflies is a lie. I do NOT believe, based on narrative and actions, that the left gives a single shit about human trafficking.
The constant sky is falling talk of libruls demanding open borders is false and retarded. And you should feel bad for parroting that canard.
Liar. You cunts are for open borders.
Economic conservatives are for open borders - both money and people.
I don't know how many times it has to be pointed out that Libertarians, the business community, Chamber of Commerce etc are the open borders advocates. Liberals (people who are Liberals, not those you call libs) believe in the protection of native workers, and environmental protections, not in cheap labor, and income disparity, so capitalists can line their pockets.
STFU until you are for deporting every illegal here and not giving their kids auto citizenship.

Let's watch them inform us on what our stances really are and then call us "uneducated" lmao.

I dont think they will ever figure it out.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
What kind of bullshit thread is this? Why do a political side hate an insect? Really?

Honey, try reading the op. Thanks in advance for your diligence.

I read the OP. And I have more questions because of it.

Like what bizzare conspiracy?

And it also has nothing to do with butterflies. This place apparently tried to stop the border wall from being built. One of the bigger reasons why people want a border wall is to combat human trafficking.

You know people kidnap children to get access over the border and than either dump them in the desert, chuck them in the water or sell them into sex/labor trafficking?

But sure let's pretend people just hate butterflies and than maybe people wont notice the left just doesnt care about human trafficking. Make it about bugs.

BTW i do not agree with them being harrassed to the point of needing to close. I'm sure there are reasonable solutions that no one is interested in. Its definately not about "conservatives hating butterflies" though. That's just a good example of gaslighting.

Oh, right. So now this is a thing about how the left doesn't care about human trafficking, which is a straight up FUCKING LIE. You lie, Dove. All the fucking time. Stop it.

Supporting open borders and attacking the vetting process as "ripping children out of their mothers arms" is not caring about human trafficking.

I'm not lying at all. I have watched dems/progs directly fight to help human trafficking. Accusing everyone of being racist or cruel for supporting anti trafficking measures.

Why do you think we separate children? Do you really thinks it's just to be mean?

Dems/progs never talk about trafficking. It's always chattel slavery of Africans that was abolished over 100 years ago. And black women and children today get trafficked and we dont bring that to front of the discussion.

Dems/progs fight for things like open borders and defunding police that HELP human trafficking. And more black women will be murdered with a defunded police.

Please explain to me how doing things like that helps deal with trafficking?

I'm calling it exactly how I see it. And considering all the shit dems/progs say about everyone not on their "side", you might rethink calling people liars. This threads OP that conservatives hate butterflies is a lie. I do NOT believe, based on narrative and actions, that the left gives a single shit about human trafficking.
The constant sky is falling talk of libruls demanding open borders is false and retarded. And you should feel bad for parroting that canard.
Liar. You cunts are for open borders.
Economic conservatives are for open borders - both money and people.
I don't know how many times it has to be pointed out that Libertarians, the business community, Chamber of Commerce etc are the open boarders advocates. Liberals (people who are Liberals, not those you call libs) believe in the protection of native workers, and environmental protections, not in cheap labor, and income disparity, so capitalists can line their pockets.
Arguing The Economics of Public Policy with these poorly educated pawns is so enervating, but one must endeavor to persevere.

And this is part of why everyone points out the late liberal leftists are completely out of touch with the regular American worker.


What kind of bullshit thread is this? Why do a political side hate an insect? Really?

Honey, try reading the op. Thanks in advance for your diligence.

I read the OP. And I have more questions because of it.

Like what bizzare conspiracy?

And it also has nothing to do with butterflies. This place apparently tried to stop the border wall from being built. One of the bigger reasons why people want a border wall is to combat human trafficking.

You know people kidnap children to get access over the border and than either dump them in the desert, chuck them in the water or sell them into sex/labor trafficking?

But sure let's pretend people just hate butterflies and than maybe people wont notice the left just doesnt care about human trafficking. Make it about bugs.

BTW i do not agree with them being harrassed to the point of needing to close. I'm sure there are reasonable solutions that no one is interested in. Its definately not about "conservatives hating butterflies" though. That's just a good example of gaslighting.

Oh, right. So now this is a thing about how the left doesn't care about human trafficking, which is a straight up FUCKING LIE. You lie, Dove. All the fucking time. Stop it.

Supporting open borders and attacking the vetting process as "ripping children out of their mothers arms" is not caring about human trafficking.

I'm not lying at all. I have watched dems/progs directly fight to help human trafficking. Accusing everyone of being racist or cruel for supporting anti trafficking measures.

Why do you think we separate children? Do you really thinks it's just to be mean?

Dems/progs never talk about trafficking. It's always chattel slavery of Africans that was abolished over 100 years ago. And black women and children today get trafficked and we dont bring that to front of the discussion.

Dems/progs fight for things like open borders and defunding police that HELP human trafficking. And more black women will be murdered with a defunded police.

Please explain to me how doing things like that helps deal with trafficking?

I'm calling it exactly how I see it. And considering all the shit dems/progs say about everyone not on their "side", you might rethink calling people liars. This threads OP that conservatives hate butterflies is a lie. I do NOT believe, based on narrative and actions, that the left gives a single shit about human trafficking.
The constant sky is falling talk of libruls demanding open borders is false and retarded. And you should feel bad for parroting that canard.
Liar. You cunts are for open borders.
Economic conservatives are for open borders - both money and people.
I don't know how many times it has to be pointed out that Libertarians, the business community, Chamber of Commerce etc are the open boarders advocates. Liberals (people who are Liberals, not those you call libs) believe in the protection of native workers, and environmental protections, not in cheap labor, and income disparity, so capitalists can line their pockets.
Arguing The Economics of Public Policy with these poorly educated pawns is so enervating, but one must endeavor to persevere.
.Did you ever notice that some people never, no matter how many times that you explain it to them, understand that an economic conservative and a social conservative are two different things, or that although capitalism is a cornerstone of American Liberalism it doesn't mean completely unrestricted and unregulated like Libertarians want? They are just retarded people who aren't capable of making that sort of distinction.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
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The left had people terrified of getting deported even though there are avenues to citizenship if people have been here working for years and years. The immigration issue was attacked with so much ridiculous propaganda that people who support dems/progs dont even know what they are supporting anymore. And you cant tell them because they think they know everything.

The "concentration camps" are nessesary to make sure people coming over here are not violent criminals and are not trafficking other humans. But yeah let's tell the public these are concentration camps heartlessly ripping families apart. That's just one load of bullshit.

As far as dem/prog voters go, I think people are just done because the only thing about them anyone knows is that hate their politcal opposition and will oppose anything their opposition is for.

As far as their stances and platforms? Its different and nonsensical everytime you encounter one. They are never ever clear or coherent so people are left to figure it out and watch what their politicains are doing. Because these people dont communicate and are always in shit fight mode and its exhausting and stupid.

You guys need to get together and figure what the fuck you want beyond throwing everyone who disagrees with you in gulags.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
As any moron can see by this chart The efforts to control the flow of immigrants crossing our southern border saw a continual decline in border crossing for the last several decades, and was at an all time low, before Trump used the issue to gin up fear and paranoia in his base, he knew his base loved to be scared, and having a whipping boy to take it's anger on....think of the Immigrants of the last decade as Trump's "Jewish Problem"



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
What kind of bullshit thread is this? Why do a political side hate an insect? Really?

Honey, try reading the op. Thanks in advance for your diligence.

I read the OP. And I have more questions because of it.

Like what bizzare conspiracy?

And it also has nothing to do with butterflies. This place apparently tried to stop the border wall from being built. One of the bigger reasons why people want a border wall is to combat human trafficking.

You know people kidnap children to get access over the border and than either dump them in the desert, chuck them in the water or sell them into sex/labor trafficking?

But sure let's pretend people just hate butterflies and than maybe people wont notice the left just doesnt care about human trafficking. Make it about bugs.

BTW i do not agree with them being harrassed to the point of needing to close. I'm sure there are reasonable solutions that no one is interested in. Its definately not about "conservatives hating butterflies" though. That's just a good example of gaslighting.

Oh, right. So now this is a thing about how the left doesn't care about human trafficking, which is a straight up FUCKING LIE. You lie, Dove. All the fucking time. Stop it.

Supporting open borders and attacking the vetting process as "ripping children out of their mothers arms" is not caring about human trafficking.

I'm not lying at all. I have watched dems/progs directly fight to help human trafficking. Accusing everyone of being racist or cruel for supporting anti trafficking measures.

Why do you think we separate children? Do you really thinks it's just to be mean?

Dems/progs never talk about trafficking. It's always chattel slavery of Africans that was abolished over 100 years ago. And black women and children today get trafficked and we dont bring that to front of the discussion.

Dems/progs fight for things like open borders and defunding police that HELP human trafficking. And more black women will be murdered with a defunded police.

Please explain to me how doing things like that helps deal with trafficking?

I'm calling it exactly how I see it. And considering all the shit dems/progs say about everyone not on their "side", you might rethink calling people liars. This threads OP that conservatives hate butterflies is a lie. I do NOT believe, based on narrative and actions, that the left gives a single shit about human trafficking.
The constant sky is falling talk of libruls demanding open borders is false and retarded. And you should feel bad for parroting that canard.
Liar. You cunts are for open borders.
Economic conservatives are for open borders - both money and people.
I don't know how many times it has to be pointed out that Libertarians, the business community, Chamber of Commerce etc are the open boarders advocates. Liberals (people who are Liberals, not those you call libs) believe in the protection of native workers, and environmental protections, not in cheap labor, and income disparity, so capitalists can line their pockets.
Arguing The Economics of Public Policy with these poorly educated pawns is so enervating, but one must endeavor to persevere.
.Did you ever notice that some people never, no matter how many times that you explain it to them, understand that an economic conservative and a social conservative are two different things, or that although capitalism is a cornerstone of American Liberalism it doesn't mean completely unrestricted and unregulated like Libertarians want? They are just retarded people who aren't capable of making that sort of distinction.

Probably because you are not correct. You've got some elitest bullshit about people who literally tell you themselves exactly what they want and why.

And you disqualified yourself to most of us when you said Islam is American conservatism and that Trump was a wanna be dictator and the policies passed by his administration didnt happen.

Sorry, bruh. You live in your own world and it's not shared by us.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
We need a new right wing, too many frauds if you ask me and the commieservitives tag isn't at all far fetched... Take the British Cons they're just Labour with a different name, the zionist elites have their greedy fuckn devil claws in EVERYTHING!


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
What kind of bullshit thread is this? Why do a political side hate an insect? Really?

Honey, try reading the op. Thanks in advance for your diligence.

I read the OP. And I have more questions because of it.

Like what bizzare conspiracy?

And it also has nothing to do with butterflies. This place apparently tried to stop the border wall from being built. One of the bigger reasons why people want a border wall is to combat human trafficking.

You know people kidnap children to get access over the border and than either dump them in the desert, chuck them in the water or sell them into sex/labor trafficking?

But sure let's pretend people just hate butterflies and than maybe people wont notice the left just doesnt care about human trafficking. Make it about bugs.

BTW i do not agree with them being harrassed to the point of needing to close. I'm sure there are reasonable solutions that no one is interested in. Its definately not about "conservatives hating butterflies" though. That's just a good example of gaslighting.

Oh, right. So now this is a thing about how the left doesn't care about human trafficking, which is a straight up FUCKING LIE. You lie, Dove. All the fucking time. Stop it.

Supporting open borders and attacking the vetting process as "ripping children out of their mothers arms" is not caring about human trafficking.

I'm not lying at all. I have watched dems/progs directly fight to help human trafficking. Accusing everyone of being racist or cruel for supporting anti trafficking measures.

Why do you think we separate children? Do you really thinks it's just to be mean?

Dems/progs never talk about trafficking. It's always chattel slavery of Africans that was abolished over 100 years ago. And black women and children today get trafficked and we dont bring that to front of the discussion.

Dems/progs fight for things like open borders and defunding police that HELP human trafficking. And more black women will be murdered with a defunded police.

Please explain to me how doing things like that helps deal with trafficking?

I'm calling it exactly how I see it. And considering all the shit dems/progs say about everyone not on their "side", you might rethink calling people liars. This threads OP that conservatives hate butterflies is a lie. I do NOT believe, based on narrative and actions, that the left gives a single shit about human trafficking.
The constant sky is falling talk of libruls demanding open borders is false and retarded. And you should feel bad for parroting that canard.
Liar. You cunts are for open borders.
Economic conservatives are for open borders - both money and people.
I don't know how many times it has to be pointed out that Libertarians, the business community, Chamber of Commerce etc are the open boarders advocates. Liberals (people who are Liberals, not those you call libs) believe in the protection of native workers, and environmental protections, not in cheap labor, and income disparity, so capitalists can line their pockets.
Arguing The Economics of Public Policy with these poorly educated pawns is so enervating, but one must endeavor to persevere.
.Did you ever notice that some people never, no matter how many times that you explain it to them, understand that an economic conservative and a social conservative are two different things, or that although capitalism is a cornerstone of American Liberalism it doesn't mean completely unrestricted and unregulated like Libertarians want? They are just retarded people who aren't capable of making that sort of distinction.

Probably because you are not correct. You've got some elitest bullshit about people who literally tell you themselves exactly what they want and why.

And you disqualified yourself to most of us when you said Islam is American conservatism and that Trump was a wanna be dictator and the policies passed by his administration didnt happen.

Sorry, bruh. You live in your own world and it's not shared by us.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
As any moron can see by this chart The efforts to control the flow of immigrants crossing our southern border saw a continual decline in border crossing for the last several decades, and was at an all time low, before Trump used the issue to gin up fear and paranoia in his base, he knew his base loved to be scared, and having a whipping boy to take it's anger on....think of the Immigrants of the last decade as Trump's "Jewish Problem"


ALL Trump did? Was give a voice to millions of people who were not being heard. He didnt "drum up" shit.

Do you ever wonder why people openly say "fucking hell they dont even know why Trump happened"?

There is a whole group on socail media of people who live by the border talking about all the shit media doesnt. Maybe you should check that out.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
As any moron can see by this chart The efforts to control the flow of immigrants crossing our southern border saw a continual decline in border crossing for the last several decades, and was at an all time low, before Trump used the issue to gin up fear and paranoia in his base, he knew his base loved to be scared, and having a whipping boy to take it's anger on....think of the Immigrants of the last decade as Trump's "Jewish Problem"


ALL Trump did? Was give a voice to millions of people who were not being heard. He didnt "drum up" shit.

Do you ever wonder why people openly say "fucking hell they dont even know why Trump happened"?

There is a whole group on socail media of people who live by the border talking about all the shit media doesnt. Maybe you should check that out.
He gave voice to fear and loathing. 'They're sending rapists and murders and drug cartels!!!!"


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
As any moron can see by this chart The efforts to control the flow of immigrants crossing our southern border saw a continual decline in border crossing for the last several decades, and was at an all time low, before Trump used the issue to gin up fear and paranoia in his base, he knew his base loved to be scared, and having a whipping boy to take it's anger on....think of the Immigrants of the last decade as Trump's "Jewish Problem"


ALL Trump did? Was give a voice to millions of people who were not being heard. He didnt "drum up" shit.

Do you ever wonder why people openly say "fucking hell they dont even know why Trump happened"?

There is a whole group on socail media of people who live by the border talking about all the shit media doesnt. Maybe you should check that out.
He gave voice to fear and loathing. 'They're sending rapists and murders and drug cartels!!!!"

No, he gave a voice to regular people who already knew that rapists and murderers get in here illegally and the government doesnt do shit.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I actually had an hour long discussion with Murd about cheap labor by exploiting illegal immigrants. She was the one supporting it.

So again.... the only think leftists have in common is their hatred of people who are not left. Who dont support DEMOCRATS. The few of them willing to have a coherent discussion all have various different stances.

You literally have to watch what their politicains do and most of the time the supporters dont even know what these people do. And they get pissed when you tell them.

They are nicely locked into their paradigm where anyone not parroting their latest narrative is bad and "teh right". Like Joe Rogan. Another life long lefty being attacked as "teh right".


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
I actually had an hour long discussion with Murd about cheap labor by exploiting illegal immigrants. She was the one supporting it.

So again.... the only think leftists have in common is their hatred of people who are not left. Who dont support DEMOCRATS. The few of them willing to have a coherent discussion all have various different stances.
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As senile as Ronnie may have been, Old Ronnie Raygun had a much better understanding on the issues of Immigration than the Trump shoot from the hip, strawman approach.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
We need a new right wing, too many frauds if you ask me and the commieservitives tag isn't at all far fetched... Take the British Cons they're just Labour with a different name, the zionist elites have their greedy fuckn devil claws in EVERYTHING!

The UK Tory party is more KIKED than the Labour party...


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I actually had an hour long discussion with Murd about cheap labor by exploiting illegal immigrants. She was the one supporting it.

So again.... the only think leftists have in common is their hatred of people who are not left. Who dont support DEMOCRATS. The few of them willing to have a coherent discussion all have various different stances.
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Your point?

Seriously what is your point?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What kind of bullshit thread is this? Why do a political side hate an insect? Really?

Honey, try reading the op. Thanks in advance for your diligence.

I read the OP. And I have more questions because of it.

Like what bizzare conspiracy?

And it also has nothing to do with butterflies. This place apparently tried to stop the border wall from being built. One of the bigger reasons why people want a border wall is to combat human trafficking.

You know people kidnap children to get access over the border and than either dump them in the desert, chuck them in the water or sell them into sex/labor trafficking?

But sure let's pretend people just hate butterflies and than maybe people wont notice the left just doesnt care about human trafficking. Make it about bugs.

BTW i do not agree with them being harrassed to the point of needing to close. I'm sure there are reasonable solutions that no one is interested in. Its definately not about "conservatives hating butterflies" though. That's just a good example of gaslighting.

Oh, right. So now this is a thing about how the left doesn't care about human trafficking, which is a straight up FUCKING LIE. You lie, Dove. All the fucking time. Stop it.

Supporting open borders and attacking the vetting process as "ripping children out of their mothers arms" is not caring about human trafficking.

I'm not lying at all. I have watched dems/progs directly fight to help human trafficking. Accusing everyone of being racist or cruel for supporting anti trafficking measures.

Why do you think we separate children? Do you really thinks it's just to be mean?

Dems/progs never talk about trafficking. It's always chattel slavery of Africans that was abolished over 100 years ago. And black women and children today get trafficked and we dont bring that to front of the discussion.

Dems/progs fight for things like open borders and defunding police that HELP human trafficking. And more black women will be murdered with a defunded police.

Please explain to me how doing things like that helps deal with trafficking?

I'm calling it exactly how I see it. And considering all the shit dems/progs say about everyone not on their "side", you might rethink calling people liars. This threads OP that conservatives hate butterflies is a lie. I do NOT believe, based on narrative and actions, that the left gives a single shit about human trafficking.
The constant sky is falling talk of libruls demanding open borders is false and retarded. And you should feel bad for parroting that canard.
Liar. You cunts are for open borders.
Economic conservatives are for open borders - both money and people.
I don't know how many times it has to be pointed out that Libertarians, the business community, Chamber of Commerce etc are the open boarders advocates. Liberals (people who are Liberals, not those you call libs) believe in the protection of native workers, and environmental protections, not in cheap labor, and income disparity, so capitalists can line their pockets.
Arguing The Economics of Public Policy with these poorly educated pawns is so enervating, but one must endeavor to persevere.

And this is part of why everyone points out the late liberal leftists are completely out of touch with the regular American worker.
Believe me, I'd love to see Trump execute Pelosi via Howitzer!


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
We need a new right wing, too many frauds if you ask me and the commieservitives tag isn't at all far fetched... Take the British Cons they're just Labour with a different name, the zionist elites have their greedy fuckn devil claws in EVERYTHING!

The UK Tory party is more KIKED than the Labour party...
Yeah I know mate, every party that gets anywhere near power will be/is, these fucks are at war with us and everybody just ignores it, my hate for them is immeasurable lol


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
What kind of bullshit thread is this? Why do a political side hate an insect? Really?

Honey, try reading the op. Thanks in advance for your diligence.

I read the OP. And I have more questions because of it.

Like what bizzare conspiracy?

And it also has nothing to do with butterflies. This place apparently tried to stop the border wall from being built. One of the bigger reasons why people want a border wall is to combat human trafficking.

You know people kidnap children to get access over the border and than either dump them in the desert, chuck them in the water or sell them into sex/labor trafficking?

But sure let's pretend people just hate butterflies and than maybe people wont notice the left just doesnt care about human trafficking. Make it about bugs.

BTW i do not agree with them being harrassed to the point of needing to close. I'm sure there are reasonable solutions that no one is interested in. Its definately not about "conservatives hating butterflies" though. That's just a good example of gaslighting.

Oh, right. So now this is a thing about how the left doesn't care about human trafficking, which is a straight up FUCKING LIE. You lie, Dove. All the fucking time. Stop it.

Supporting open borders and attacking the vetting process as "ripping children out of their mothers arms" is not caring about human trafficking.

I'm not lying at all. I have watched dems/progs directly fight to help human trafficking. Accusing everyone of being racist or cruel for supporting anti trafficking measures.

Why do you think we separate children? Do you really thinks it's just to be mean?

Dems/progs never talk about trafficking. It's always chattel slavery of Africans that was abolished over 100 years ago. And black women and children today get trafficked and we dont bring that to front of the discussion.

Dems/progs fight for things like open borders and defunding police that HELP human trafficking. And more black women will be murdered with a defunded police.

Please explain to me how doing things like that helps deal with trafficking?

I'm calling it exactly how I see it. And considering all the shit dems/progs say about everyone not on their "side", you might rethink calling people liars. This threads OP that conservatives hate butterflies is a lie. I do NOT believe, based on narrative and actions, that the left gives a single shit about human trafficking.
The constant sky is falling talk of libruls demanding open borders is false and retarded. And you should feel bad for parroting that canard.
Liar. You cunts are for open borders.
Economic conservatives are for open borders - both money and people.
I don't know how many times it has to be pointed out that Libertarians, the business community, Chamber of Commerce etc are the open boarders advocates. Liberals (people who are Liberals, not those you call libs) believe in the protection of native workers, and environmental protections, not in cheap labor, and income disparity, so capitalists can line their pockets.
Arguing The Economics of Public Policy with these poorly educated pawns is so enervating, but one must endeavor to persevere.

And this is part of why everyone points out the late liberal leftists are completely out of touch with the regular American worker.

Most ironic meme ever made.

Seriously this is incredible. From a site that does NOTHING but spread pro establishment propaganda. Wow.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
What kind of bullshit thread is this? Why do a political side hate an insect? Really?

Honey, try reading the op. Thanks in advance for your diligence.

I read the OP. And I have more questions because of it.

Like what bizzare conspiracy?

And it also has nothing to do with butterflies. This place apparently tried to stop the border wall from being built. One of the bigger reasons why people want a border wall is to combat human trafficking.

You know people kidnap children to get access over the border and than either dump them in the desert, chuck them in the water or sell them into sex/labor trafficking?

But sure let's pretend people just hate butterflies and than maybe people wont notice the left just doesnt care about human trafficking. Make it about bugs.

BTW i do not agree with them being harrassed to the point of needing to close. I'm sure there are reasonable solutions that no one is interested in. Its definately not about "conservatives hating butterflies" though. That's just a good example of gaslighting.

Oh, right. So now this is a thing about how the left doesn't care about human trafficking, which is a straight up FUCKING LIE. You lie, Dove. All the fucking time. Stop it.

Supporting open borders and attacking the vetting process as "ripping children out of their mothers arms" is not caring about human trafficking.

I'm not lying at all. I have watched dems/progs directly fight to help human trafficking. Accusing everyone of being racist or cruel for supporting anti trafficking measures.

Why do you think we separate children? Do you really thinks it's just to be mean?

Dems/progs never talk about trafficking. It's always chattel slavery of Africans that was abolished over 100 years ago. And black women and children today get trafficked and we dont bring that to front of the discussion.

Dems/progs fight for things like open borders and defunding police that HELP human trafficking. And more black women will be murdered with a defunded police.

Please explain to me how doing things like that helps deal with trafficking?

I'm calling it exactly how I see it. And considering all the shit dems/progs say about everyone not on their "side", you might rethink calling people liars. This threads OP that conservatives hate butterflies is a lie. I do NOT believe, based on narrative and actions, that the left gives a single shit about human trafficking.
The constant sky is falling talk of libruls demanding open borders is false and retarded. And you should feel bad for parroting that canard.
Liar. You cunts are for open borders.
Economic conservatives are for open borders - both money and people.
I don't know how many times it has to be pointed out that Libertarians, the business community, Chamber of Commerce etc are the open boarders advocates. Liberals (people who are Liberals, not those you call libs) believe in the protection of native workers, and environmental protections, not in cheap labor, and income disparity, so capitalists can line their pockets.
Arguing The Economics of Public Policy with these poorly educated pawns is so enervating, but one must endeavor to persevere.

And this is part of why everyone points out the late liberal leftists are completely out of touch with the regular American worker.

Most ironic meme ever made.

Seriously this is incredible. From a site that does NOTHING but spread pro establishment propaganda. Wow.
Forgive me Padre, for I have Singed.



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I was gonna respond with something similar regarding the hypocrisy, but then I realised who posted it and thought whats the fucking point....

With everyone that doesnt vote for dems or progs? You can have a discussion with them. You can disagree on shit and explain what you are thinking and they can clearly explain what they are thinking.

Because they are actually thinking and have thoughts.

These people cant. They just fly with whatever they are supposed to fly with and they just attack people who dont. Even other lefties. They dont ever clearly and coherently explain themselves. Everything they say is rooted in slamming opposition. And they barely grasp what anyone actually thinks.

They dont even hear it when you try. They view everyone through the lense of media.

I feel like these were the people in highschool who ganged up on other kids due to rumors and all you ever heard from them was mindless taunting.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
What kind of bullshit thread is this? Why do a political side hate an insect? Really?

Honey, try reading the op. Thanks in advance for your diligence.

I read the OP. And I have more questions because of it.

Like what bizzare conspiracy?

And it also has nothing to do with butterflies. This place apparently tried to stop the border wall from being built. One of the bigger reasons why people want a border wall is to combat human trafficking.

You know people kidnap children to get access over the border and than either dump them in the desert, chuck them in the water or sell them into sex/labor trafficking?

But sure let's pretend people just hate butterflies and than maybe people wont notice the left just doesnt care about human trafficking. Make it about bugs.

BTW i do not agree with them being harrassed to the point of needing to close. I'm sure there are reasonable solutions that no one is interested in. Its definately not about "conservatives hating butterflies" though. That's just a good example of gaslighting.

Oh, right. So now this is a thing about how the left doesn't care about human trafficking, which is a straight up FUCKING LIE. You lie, Dove. All the fucking time. Stop it.

Supporting open borders and attacking the vetting process as "ripping children out of their mothers arms" is not caring about human trafficking.

I'm not lying at all. I have watched dems/progs directly fight to help human trafficking. Accusing everyone of being racist or cruel for supporting anti trafficking measures.

Why do you think we separate children? Do you really thinks it's just to be mean?

Dems/progs never talk about trafficking. It's always chattel slavery of Africans that was abolished over 100 years ago. And black women and children today get trafficked and we dont bring that to front of the discussion.

Dems/progs fight for things like open borders and defunding police that HELP human trafficking. And more black women will be murdered with a defunded police.

Please explain to me how doing things like that helps deal with trafficking?

I'm calling it exactly how I see it. And considering all the shit dems/progs say about everyone not on their "side", you might rethink calling people liars. This threads OP that conservatives hate butterflies is a lie. I do NOT believe, based on narrative and actions, that the left gives a single shit about human trafficking.
The constant sky is falling talk of libruls demanding open borders is false and retarded. And you should feel bad for parroting that canard.
Liar. You cunts are for open borders.
Economic conservatives are for open borders - both money and people.
I don't know how many times it has to be pointed out that Libertarians, the business community, Chamber of Commerce etc are the open boarders advocates. Liberals (people who are Liberals, not those you call libs) believe in the protection of native workers, and environmental protections, not in cheap labor, and income disparity, so capitalists can line their pockets.
Arguing The Economics of Public Policy with these poorly educated pawns is so enervating, but one must endeavor to persevere.

And this is part of why everyone points out the late liberal leftists are completely out of touch with the regular American worker.

Most ironic meme ever made.

Seriously this is incredible. From a site that does NOTHING but spread pro establishment propaganda. Wow.
Forgive me Padre, for I have Singed.


Yes yes your media told you that if anyone calls out the lies you are being told about other people....its because we WORSHIP that person. That's it!

Fucking hell wake up.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
What kind of bullshit thread is this? Why do a political side hate an insect? Really?

Honey, try reading the op. Thanks in advance for your diligence.

I read the OP. And I have more questions because of it.

Like what bizzare conspiracy?

And it also has nothing to do with butterflies. This place apparently tried to stop the border wall from being built. One of the bigger reasons why people want a border wall is to combat human trafficking.

You know people kidnap children to get access over the border and than either dump them in the desert, chuck them in the water or sell them into sex/labor trafficking?

But sure let's pretend people just hate butterflies and than maybe people wont notice the left just doesnt care about human trafficking. Make it about bugs.

BTW i do not agree with them being harrassed to the point of needing to close. I'm sure there are reasonable solutions that no one is interested in. Its definately not about "conservatives hating butterflies" though. That's just a good example of gaslighting.

Oh, right. So now this is a thing about how the left doesn't care about human trafficking, which is a straight up FUCKING LIE. You lie, Dove. All the fucking time. Stop it.

Supporting open borders and attacking the vetting process as "ripping children out of their mothers arms" is not caring about human trafficking.

I'm not lying at all. I have watched dems/progs directly fight to help human trafficking. Accusing everyone of being racist or cruel for supporting anti trafficking measures.

Why do you think we separate children? Do you really thinks it's just to be mean?

Dems/progs never talk about trafficking. It's always chattel slavery of Africans that was abolished over 100 years ago. And black women and children today get trafficked and we dont bring that to front of the discussion.

Dems/progs fight for things like open borders and defunding police that HELP human trafficking. And more black women will be murdered with a defunded police.

Please explain to me how doing things like that helps deal with trafficking?

I'm calling it exactly how I see it. And considering all the shit dems/progs say about everyone not on their "side", you might rethink calling people liars. This threads OP that conservatives hate butterflies is a lie. I do NOT believe, based on narrative and actions, that the left gives a single shit about human trafficking.
The constant sky is falling talk of libruls demanding open borders is false and retarded. And you should feel bad for parroting that canard.
Liar. You cunts are for open borders.
Economic conservatives are for open borders - both money and people.
I don't know how many times it has to be pointed out that Libertarians, the business community, Chamber of Commerce etc are the open boarders advocates. Liberals (people who are Liberals, not those you call libs) believe in the protection of native workers, and environmental protections, not in cheap labor, and income disparity, so capitalists can line their pockets.
Arguing The Economics of Public Policy with these poorly educated pawns is so enervating, but one must endeavor to persevere.

And this is part of why everyone points out the late liberal leftists are completely out of touch with the regular American worker.

Most ironic meme ever made.

Seriously this is incredible. From a site that does NOTHING but spread pro establishment propaganda. Wow.
Forgive me Padre, for I have Singed.


Yes yes your media told you that if anyone calls out the lies you are being told about other people....its because we WORSHIP that person. That's it!

Fucking hell wake up.
I am very thankful that finger pointing is so beneath you.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Funny used the school yard comparison right as Admin demonstrates it

In elementary school there was this fat boy named Brian. People called him the "ham sandwhich" because he got caught in closet eating his lunch before lunch time. This is was so offensive it made him an outcast for years.

And I stuck up for him because a lot of the stuff being said was not true and was just hate.

And guess what happened? I also became an outcast and was accused of wanting to marry him. Yep. So because I stuck up for the outcast, it HAD to be because I wanted to marry him. It couldnt possibly be the LIES I was challenging.

Same gotdamn mentality here. We either jump on the anti Trump media bandwagon and parrot blatant falsehoods or we worship Trump. Those are the options.

And THAT is the effect of propaganda. When reason has left the building and you either parrot lies or YOU are the brainwashed one.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
What kind of bullshit thread is this? Why do a political side hate an insect? Really?

Honey, try reading the op. Thanks in advance for your diligence.

I read the OP. And I have more questions because of it.

Like what bizzare conspiracy?

And it also has nothing to do with butterflies. This place apparently tried to stop the border wall from being built. One of the bigger reasons why people want a border wall is to combat human trafficking.

You know people kidnap children to get access over the border and than either dump them in the desert, chuck them in the water or sell them into sex/labor trafficking?

But sure let's pretend people just hate butterflies and than maybe people wont notice the left just doesnt care about human trafficking. Make it about bugs.

BTW i do not agree with them being harrassed to the point of needing to close. I'm sure there are reasonable solutions that no one is interested in. Its definately not about "conservatives hating butterflies" though. That's just a good example of gaslighting.

Oh, right. So now this is a thing about how the left doesn't care about human trafficking, which is a straight up FUCKING LIE. You lie, Dove. All the fucking time. Stop it.

Supporting open borders and attacking the vetting process as "ripping children out of their mothers arms" is not caring about human trafficking.

I'm not lying at all. I have watched dems/progs directly fight to help human trafficking. Accusing everyone of being racist or cruel for supporting anti trafficking measures.

Why do you think we separate children? Do you really thinks it's just to be mean?

Dems/progs never talk about trafficking. It's always chattel slavery of Africans that was abolished over 100 years ago. And black women and children today get trafficked and we dont bring that to front of the discussion.

Dems/progs fight for things like open borders and defunding police that HELP human trafficking. And more black women will be murdered with a defunded police.

Please explain to me how doing things like that helps deal with trafficking?

I'm calling it exactly how I see it. And considering all the shit dems/progs say about everyone not on their "side", you might rethink calling people liars. This threads OP that conservatives hate butterflies is a lie. I do NOT believe, based on narrative and actions, that the left gives a single shit about human trafficking.
The constant sky is falling talk of libruls demanding open borders is false and retarded. And you should feel bad for parroting that canard.
Liar. You cunts are for open borders.
Economic conservatives are for open borders - both money and people.
I don't know how many times it has to be pointed out that Libertarians, the business community, Chamber of Commerce etc are the open boarders advocates. Liberals (people who are Liberals, not those you call libs) believe in the protection of native workers, and environmental protections, not in cheap labor, and income disparity, so capitalists can line their pockets.
Arguing The Economics of Public Policy with these poorly educated pawns is so enervating, but one must endeavor to persevere.

And this is part of why everyone points out the late liberal leftists are completely out of touch with the regular American worker.

Most ironic meme ever made.

Seriously this is incredible. From a site that does NOTHING but spread pro establishment propaganda. Wow.
Forgive me Padre, for I have Singed.


Yes yes your media told you that if anyone calls out the lies you are being told about other people....its because we WORSHIP that person. That's it!

Fucking hell wake up.
I am very thankful that finger pointing is so beneath you.

I have no problem pointing the finger when it's true, Admin.

Isnt this meme claiming we either parrot lies or we must be worshippers?

If someone was lying about you and I called it out and I'm your disciple?