Why Do Conservatives Love Book Burnings?



The books burned by the National Socialists were Communist literature,.....
But I thought Nazis were socialists, and socialists are communists - I read that here all of the time.
You contards need to coordinate your bullshit.

National Socialism and regular socialism are very different. I can't be bothered explaining, you can easily research it yourself...
Oh oh, yes, regular socialism. That's different... 2,3,4 :LOL3:


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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The books burned by the National Socialists were Communist literature,.....
But I thought Nazis were socialists, and socialists are communists - I read that here all of the time.
You contards need to coordinate your bullshit.

National Socialism and regular socialism are very different. I can't be bothered explaining, you can easily research it yourself...

As you can see, National Socialism goes up to 11


Domestically feral
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United states
Leftists hate Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mocking bird and want them banned from schools.

But throw fits and accuse people of "book burning" when parents dont want sexually explicit material and literature describing sex acts between adults and minors in the school library.

Make it make sense.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Leftists hate Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mocking bird and want them banned from schools.

But throw fits and accuse people of "book burning" when parents dont want sexually explicit material and literature describing sex acts between adults and minors in the school library.

Make it make sense.
No sense makes sense.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Leftists hate Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mocking bird and want them banned from schools.

But throw fits and accuse people of "book burning" when parents dont want sexually explicit material and literature describing sex acts between adults and minors in the school library.

Make it make sense.
No sense makes sense.

Why do you hate Huck Finn, why?!


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Leftists hate Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mocking bird and want them banned from schools.

But throw fits and accuse people of "book burning" when parents dont want sexually explicit material and literature describing sex acts between adults and minors in the school library.

Make it make sense.
No sense makes sense.

Why do you hate Huck Finn, why?!
Well I think it was cuz my pappy did and his pappy done before him.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Leftists hate Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mocking bird and want them banned from schools.

But throw fits and accuse people of "book burning" when parents dont want sexually explicit material and literature describing sex acts between adults and minors in the school library.

Make it make sense.
No sense makes sense.

Why do you hate Huck Finn, why?!
Well I think it was cuz my pappy did and his pappy done before him.

Well, at least you have a good reason.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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I remember when Holidickdork first showed up at SG and lily sent me no less than 30 angry PMs demanding he be banned or she would leave the internet forever again


Domestically feral
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United states
Leftists hate Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mocking bird and want them banned from schools.

But throw fits and accuse people of "book burning" when parents dont want sexually explicit material and literature describing sex acts between adults and minors in the school library.

Make it make sense.
No sense makes sense.

Yeah apparently to you guys.

It might help if you guys took the time to find out what is going on before barking at the wind just because your "side" says so.

You guys didnt give a shit when classics were being removed because you were told they were racist, right?

But explicit sexual material, racist slurs in the sexually explicit material, adult sex with minors should be in schools?

I think if the left wants public schools to be used as political indoctrination camps, then only the left should fund them and parents should be able to keep their money and put it towards their childs actual education. That's a big win/win.


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Why are Texans like Governor Abbott such "authoritarians"?

The fight is particularly heated in Texas, where Republican state officials, including Gov. Greg Abbott, have gone as far as
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against any school staff member who provides children with access to young adult novels that some conservatives have labeled as “pornography.” Separately, state Rep. Matt Krause, a Republican, made a list of 850 titles dealing with racism or sexuality that might “make students feel discomfort” and demanded that Texas school districts investigate whether the books were in their libraries.

A group of Texas school librarians has launched a social media campaign to push back.

“There have always been efforts to censor books, but what we’re seeing right now is frankly unprecedented,” said Carolyn Foote, a retired school librarian in Austin who’s helping lead the #FReadom campaign. “A library is a place of voluntary inquiry. That means when a student walks in, they’re not forced to check out a book that they or their parents find objectionable. But they also don’t have authority to say what books should or shouldn’t be available to other students.”


Domestically feral
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Why are Texans like Governor Abbott such "authoritarians"?

The fight is particularly heated in Texas, where Republican state officials, including Gov. Greg Abbott, have gone as far as
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against any school staff member who provides children with access to young adult novels that some conservatives have labeled as “pornography.” Separately, state Rep. Matt Krause, a Republican, made a list of 850 titles dealing with racism or sexuality that might “make students feel discomfort” and demanded that Texas school districts investigate whether the books were in their libraries.

A group of Texas school librarians has launched a social media campaign to push back.

“There have always been efforts to censor books, but what we’re seeing right now is frankly unprecedented,” said Carolyn Foote, a retired school librarian in Austin who’s helping lead the #FReadom campaign. “A library is a place of voluntary inquiry. That means when a student walks in, they’re not forced to check out a book that they or their parents find objectionable. But they also don’t have authority to say what books should or shouldn’t be available to other students.”

The material is next level fucking vulgar and explicitly describes a MINOR giving a blow job to an ADULT.

So this is how stupid and fucked up H is. He thinks it's not authoritarian to coerce and force medical interventions on people.

But if you dont want sexually vulgar porn given to minors in school? You are a fucking authoritarian

Yeah okay, H. What's next? You gonna call laws against fucking kids tyranny? Because predators already do that. You may as well fucking join them.

I feel so bad for you scum bags who dont have the freedom to groom and prey upon children....waaaahhh.

I'm go find the material Hollowbrain thinks adults should be giving to minors and let's see if he stands by this drooling fucking BS. Notice no one shows the fucking material? Yeah there is a reason for that. One of these books describes an actual rape.

Yeah I totally support criminal charges against any adult who pushed this material on minors. You HAVE to be a fucked up predator to give this material to them. The material directly violates child porn laws.


Domestically feral
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United states

This material is actually so graphic it cant even be shown on youtube.

Its graphic descriptions of adults having sex with fucking CHILDREN. Illustrations of sex acts. Sex acts between children.

It's absolutely porn. They cant even read it on the news, ffs. It's that explicit.

You know people like HollowBrain dont give a single fuck about anyone. This is being presented to him as some "conservatives" making some huge deal over nothing.

In reality its PARENTS. Tax paying parents on both ends who are horrified by this material in the schools. Anyone with a fucking brain would be horrified.

Someone explain exactly why we need material in schools that describes 4th grade boys giving blow jobs to adults?

Leftists wanted Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird out. And now they are defending pornographic descriptions of PLEASE ASS BOX ME! rape. What the actual FUCK?


Conservative snowflakes are a sick lot.

"Another parent in Katy, a Houston suburb, asked the district to remove a children’s biography of Michelle Obama, arguing that it promotes “reverse racism” against white people, according to the records obtained by NBC News. A parent in the Dallas suburb of Prosper wanted the school district to ban a children’s picture book about the life of Black Olympian Wilma Rudolph, because it mentions racism that Rudolph faced growing up in Tennessee in the 1940s. In the affluent Eanes Independent School District in Austin, a parent proposed replacing four books about racism, including “How to Be an Antiracist,” by Ibram X. Kendi, with copies of the Bible."

..and you know - it's so much better for youngsters to read about sex from their dad's porn collection because their frigid, bible thumping mom won't fuck him. (which is why Dad has a porn collection)
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Domestically feral
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United states
Conservative snowflakes are a sick lot.

"Another parent in Katy, a Houston suburb, asked the district to remove a children’s biography of Michelle Obama, arguing that it promotes “reverse racism” against white people, according to the records obtained by NBC News. A parent in the Dallas suburb of Prosper wanted the school district to ban a children’s picture book about the life of Black Olympian Wilma Rudolph, because it mentions racism that Rudolph faced growing up in Tennessee in the 1940s. In the affluent Eanes Independent School District in Austin, a parent proposed replacing four books about racism, including “How to Be an Antiracist,” by Ibram X. Kendi, with copies of the Bible."

"Conservatives are sick"

Says the guy who defends providing sexually explicit PLEASE ASS BOX ME! porn in schools. Who JUST said adults should be "free" to peddle vulgar sexual material to minors and charges are "authoritarian".

The books parents dont want are all the "anti racist" themed books. Even democrats are part of that effort to get the woke doctrines out of schools.


Domestically feral
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United states
Hollowbrain says "cons are sick!" because they do not want "anti racist" woke cult material in the schools PLEASE ASS BOX ME! children to be racist leftwing activists.

But where was he when dems/progs were banning classics on the basis they were "racist"?

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Now he just wants to make sure your 13 year old reads about kids her age sucking off grown men. What a warrior!