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Factory Bastard
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Just to further demonstrate my point. ......do you remember what Martini had to say about politics?

Because that's exactly how many people in poor, democrat, high crime areas see it. (He lives in Chicago)

Remember how he said arguing politics is dumb and boring and it doesnt matter what anyones opinions are? That's how it is.

Most of the people in these areas(white and black....its not a race thing, it's a socioeconomic class thing) are low info, easily manipulated voters who do not invest very much time in getting informed or exploring other positions. They mostly do believe it doesnt matter much.

This is why the left uses slogans that sound good with key words ("hope and change"....."womens rights"....."black lives matter"...."build back better"). The left appeals to emotions. They know its effective and they know how its effective.

They know how to market themselves and they their base isnt going to dig in deep. They demonize and smear opposition as well to put voters off and make them believe the other platforms are for rich people, racists....et.

Not that long ago in Detroit, the Detroit news reported that most Detroit residents were fed up with voting for democrats and having nothing change. And even seeing things get worse. But they didnt know enough about the other parties. There was some talk of groups going to help them get informed but I'm sure it was just shilling for dems and mischaracterizing the other parties as always.

Politics is like that everywhere, Dovey.

We have some real doorknobs running the City of Vancouver & they're mostly Leftist and White.

Fuck, they run around like Chickens with their heads cut off in autopilot.

And just like in American cities, they dole out favours to their rich friends....even if they paste the word 'Liberal' on their heads. And pander to fringe groups/poor by throwing them a bone to keep 'em happy.

Vancouver politicians do nothing to clean up the homelessness problem which your friend Biggie Smiles audaciously and appropriately pointed out. They beautify the rich parts of the city and do little for the poor.

Vancouver could be a real kick ass city if they did everything right, but they don't.

And yes, the Left in Vancouver are largely to blame.

The city was actually much better run when right wing pro business types were in charge.

You think it's different everywhere or in another country, but it's not.

A lot of those Canadian politicians could easily immigrate to the States, get their green cards and they'd fit into the Modern Democratic Party just fine.

Imagine if they were as effective in actually serving the public as they are in scamming the public.

It's very sad and it's easy to feel like its hopeless. I actually already do feel like its hopeless and I wish I didnt care at all.

Politicians are greedy and power hungry everywhere.
And the most absurd thing I can think of is, giving them a pension once they leave office.
If they get a six figure income while they serve, taxpayer doesn't owe them anything after that.
But places like Canada and the States provide them with a comfortable pensionin 'retirement'.

I think if we got rid of hose perks, the ones running would try harder and do a better job.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Just to further demonstrate my point. ......do you remember what Martini had to say about politics?

Because that's exactly how many people in poor, democrat, high crime areas see it. (He lives in Chicago)

Remember how he said arguing politics is dumb and boring and it doesnt matter what anyones opinions are? That's how it is.

Most of the people in these areas(white and black....its not a race thing, it's a socioeconomic class thing) are low info, easily manipulated voters who do not invest very much time in getting informed or exploring other positions. They mostly do believe it doesnt matter much.

This is why the left uses slogans that sound good with key words ("hope and change"....."womens rights"....."black lives matter"...."build back better"). The left appeals to emotions. They know its effective and they know how its effective.

They know how to market themselves and they their base isnt going to dig in deep. They demonize and smear opposition as well to put voters off and make them believe the other platforms are for rich people, racists....et.

Not that long ago in Detroit, the Detroit news reported that most Detroit residents were fed up with voting for democrats and having nothing change. And even seeing things get worse. But they didnt know enough about the other parties. There was some talk of groups going to help them get informed but I'm sure it was just shilling for dems and mischaracterizing the other parties as always.

Politics is like that everywhere, Dovey.

We have some real doorknobs running the City of Vancouver & they're mostly Leftist and White.

Fuck, they run around like Chickens with their heads cut off in autopilot.

And just like in American cities, they dole out favours to their rich friends....even if they paste the word 'Liberal' on their heads. And pander to fringe groups/poor by throwing them a bone to keep 'em happy.

Vancouver politicians do nothing to clean up the homelessness problem which your friend Biggie Smiles audaciously and appropriately pointed out. They beautify the rich parts of the city and do little for the poor.

Vancouver could be a real kick ass city if they did everything right, but they don't.

And yes, the Left in Vancouver are largely to blame.

The city was actually much better run when right wing pro business types were in charge.

You think it's different everywhere or in another country, but it's not.

A lot of those Canadian politicians could easily immigrate to the States, get their green cards and they'd fit into the Modern Democratic Party just fine.

Imagine if they were as effective in actually serving the public as they are in scamming the public.

It's very sad and it's easy to feel like its hopeless. I actually already do feel like its hopeless and I wish I didnt care at all.

Politicians are greedy and power hungry everywhere.
And the most absurd thing I can think of is, giving them a pension once they leave office.
If they get a six figure income while they serve, taxpayer doesn't owe them anything after that.
But places like Canada and the States provide them with a comfortable pensionin 'retirement'.

I think if we got rid of hose perks, the ones running would try harder and do a better job.

People typically dont like to live below their means. So a 6 figure income will bring a 6 figure lifestyle.

Which is fine I suppose.. it's their money. But if something happens they super fucked. Everyone is really one tragedy away from getting fucked financially. Like if one of these people loses their pension .. ..unless they've saved or paid off everything and have enough for taxes they wont be able to maintain that lifestyle. But then using savings sucks.

Unless there is some secret way people with money survive if they take a serious loss and my poor ass just doesnt know how having money like that works lol.

Even living below my means I'm one tragic event or emergency away from being fucked lol. Most normal people are.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
BLM co-founder (and her lesbian "wife) caught embezzling and committing tax fraud.