Blowback from Texas abortion BS continues to mount


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

Even if the child was conceived out of incest?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

you are so fucked in the head I hope you have accidentally blow your head off in some freak gun cleaning incident
Yea, cause that will make baby murder A-OK! Hell, maybe you'll even be able to convince yourself that God is on your side then! Oh wait, you already did! Shitbag!

I do not make baby murder ok. I support the laws of this nation and not just your one sided argument in favor of everyone finding salvation through Jesus, you reject from hell


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
How backwoods, inbred, country bumpkin does one have to be to actually believe that being a total POS in every arena of life while serving a *cough* Christian “GOD” and impeding on the rights of everyone else in this nation by attempting a hostile takeover of the courts in one state is going to get you into heaven???

You both are fuckin NUTS :Crazy:
What kind of sick fuk of a dirty whore fights for ripped apart babies in a bucket? YOU!

You sound like a disgruntled man who was trapped into marriage by an unplanned pregnancy… who now wants revenge in the form of force feeding your religion on the masses. Thank GAWD we have a constitution protecting us from dumb fuck hicks cracked out on Jesus:LOL3:
Wait, a bad marriage "trapped by kids" makes me want to force kids on others? Did you fall off your mattress and bump your dead head, bitch? And BTW, the Constitution is silent on ripping babies from the womb but the entire government is founded upon God given inalienable rights. I'm guessing God isnt pro abortion, skank.

no it’s not you ignorant fucktard… it’s protected by our right to privacy with all things concerning medical treatment

You are too fucking stupid to live.
LMFAO! OK, killing babies is now "medical treatment"! Good one, skank!

I have never had an abortion… I’m just not going to dilude myself into this kumbaya trance of retardation believing that these pieces of shit deserve to be parents *rolls eyes*

But you go ahead and let the Republitard party drag you around by the nostrils thinking that you’re more important than you actually are, you savage piece of dog shit who voted against free lunches in school and is against health insurance for everyone.

In the interum, my state has to endure your BS in the form of its poor who would rather come here and be homeless than stay in your neck of the woods.

Maybe after we go back to infiltrating society with all these unwanted children that we can implement the RepubliTARD work for welfare AGAIN… cause that didn’t churn out children shooting them selves and others with guns while their mom’s worked 60+ hour weeks. But hey, as long as they don’t take away your right to conceal and carry *rolls eyes*
Nice hysterical outrage, tramp! If parents dont take care of their kids, take em away. If you dont want to raise a kid, its easier than ever to give it away. There are years long lines of people waiting to adopt babies. YEARS! As far as voting against school lunches, you overly dramatic gutter whore, WE GIVE FREE FOOD ALREADY! If you cant get up and make your kid lunch, take the kid away. Simple, really. Sorry if I didnt hit all of the unassociated points you were trying to muddy the waters with. My ignorant tramp tolerance is low today.

Oh wow… you just have all the answers and it’s that simple, isn’t it???

Do you even know what child services is like in Texas? Thank GAWD you’re not in charge.
Its called common sense, dumb ass. And the food assistance program is FEDERAL! PWN3D! You're cornered, idiot.

FREE FUKIN FOOD!!!!! LMAO! I keep telling you retards that any kid that's starving in America is doing so in spite of the FACT that kids get free food AND healthcare EVERYWHERE in America. Read a fukin book, clown. They even got WIC in Texas!

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except lunch debt at public schools is a HUGE issue

and no not every woman qualifies for food stamps and medical for their children, anal wart for a brain
You stupid tramp, tell me, whats the fukin level that you qualify for food stamps in Texas? Is it enough to send your kid to school with a hot dog and a bologna sammie? PWN3D! I gave you the fukin link FFS!

There are several hundred outreaches in TX that have been helping women and people from all over the country have been donating and helping. Thousands have been pulling together to help.

You know who wont help? Abortion supports. They just want abortion pushed.

no, actually we want people like you to mind your own fucking business
Thats what normal babies would tell their moms.

normal mothers feel a connection to their baby immediately…

I support those moms wholeheartedly
Well, as I've pointed out before, there's a very long like of people waiting for babies.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

Even if the child was conceived out of incest?
josephine, I'ma fence straddler on this. If it doesnt look like a fully developed baby yet, even though I still find it morally reprehensible, I wouldnt stop someone. For fuck sakes though, then it has fingers and toes and you idiots wanna be able to murder it? I mean how the fuck do you live with yourself? Sheesh! But hey, these clowns are gonna lose the whole enchilada by digging in their heels which I'll feel even better about!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

you are so fucked in the head I hope you have accidentally blow your head off in some freak gun cleaning incident
Yea, cause that will make baby murder A-OK! Hell, maybe you'll even be able to convince yourself that God is on your side then! Oh wait, you already did! Shitbag!

I do not make baby murder ok. I support the laws of this nation and not just your one sided argument in favor of everyone finding salvation through Jesus, you reject from hell
^^^ Says she doesnt support murdering babies, supports murdering babies.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

you are so fucked in the head I hope you have accidentally blow your head off in some freak gun cleaning incident
Yea, cause that will make baby murder A-OK! Hell, maybe you'll even be able to convince yourself that God is on your side then! Oh wait, you already did! Shitbag!

I do not make baby murder ok. I support the laws of this nation and not just your one sided argument in favor of everyone finding salvation through Jesus, you reject from hell
^^^ Says she doesnt support murdering babies, supports murdering babies.

Well you see how passionately opposed to Biden bombing children they are.

And that Wi Spa mom whose daughter had the pervert expose himself to was attacked ruthlessly by leftwing activists.... for advocating for her own daughter.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.

oh no… you mean some batshit crazy emotional loon who decided to kill her baby has regrets?

sounds like a series of bad decisions… one after the other

Sorry NOT sorry I don’t want to plague society with these sorts of DNA lineages


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

you are so fucked in the head I hope you have accidentally blow your head off in some freak gun cleaning incident
Yea, cause that will make baby murder A-OK! Hell, maybe you'll even be able to convince yourself that God is on your side then! Oh wait, you already did! Shitbag!

I do not make baby murder ok. I support the laws of this nation and not just your one sided argument in favor of everyone finding salvation through Jesus, you reject from hell
^^^ Says she doesnt support murdering babies, supports murdering babies.

Correction…. I recognize not every woman is fit to be a mother


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
You’ll have to excuse me now… but I have a household to tend to and dinner to make. This is our week without his


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

Remember how none of them cared when BLM "protesters" shot an 8 year little black girl?

A mother....a black mother, had to bury her 8 year old baby girl, because a group called "black lives matter" fucking MURDERED her. And none of these people gave a SHIT.

The most you could pull out of them? They would start making excuses blaming the mother for driving there.

So in leftard sociopathic authoritarian land.....if you are in the wrong place, and the leftwing mob is there, they are fine to murder you. You cant fight back either.

They also were mad that cop shot that girl, even though she was about to STAB another girl in the head.

So they dont care about human life or human rights. What they care about is putting arbitrary standards on it so THEY can dictate whose life is valuable and whose life is not.

Not by objective THEIR partisan standards.

That's why their arguments make no sense and are idiotic. They think they make good arguments.... they just sound like sociopaths


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.

oh no… you mean some batshit crazy emotional loon who decided to kill her baby has regrets?

sounds like a series of bad decisions… one after the other

Sorry NOT sorry I don’t want to plague society with these sorts of DNA lineages
Well, if you wanna play eugenics, maybe start by keeping the masses of illegals out of the fukin country, hypocrite. It would seem easy to argue they made poor life choices.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

you are so fucked in the head I hope you have accidentally blow your head off in some freak gun cleaning incident
Yea, cause that will make baby murder A-OK! Hell, maybe you'll even be able to convince yourself that God is on your side then! Oh wait, you already did! Shitbag!

I do not make baby murder ok. I support the laws of this nation and not just your one sided argument in favor of everyone finding salvation through Jesus, you reject from hell
^^^ Says she doesnt support murdering babies, supports murdering babies.

Correction…. I recognize not every woman is fit to be a mother
And not every father is fit. Take their kids away! Dont kill em!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

The flow of illegals is not just spreading Covid either. They are bringing measles :/

And the unfettered human trafficking.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You’ll have to excuse me now… but I have a household to tend to and dinner to make. This is our week without his
Oh shit! Some escaped the abortionists vacuum! How inconvenient! Wait, why should some fetus' have the privilege of living while others get flushed? Sounds racist AF!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

Remember how none of them cared when BLM "protesters" shot an 8 year little black girl?

A mother....a black mother, had to bury her 8 year old baby girl, because a group called "black lives matter" fucking MURDERED her. And none of these people gave a SHIT.

The most you could pull out of them? They would start making excuses blaming the mother for driving there.

So in leftard sociopathic authoritarian land.....if you are in the wrong place, and the leftwing mob is there, they are fine to murder you. You cant fight back either.

They also were mad that cop shot that girl, even though she was about to STAB another girl in the head.

So they dont care about human life or human rights. What they care about is putting arbitrary standards on it so THEY can dictate whose life is valuable and whose life is not.

Not by objective THEIR partisan standards.

That's why their arguments make no sense and are idiotic. They think they make good arguments.... they just sound like sociopaths
Well, she just woulda grew up being slighted because of her skin color anyway, so better off dead, right? Fuk sakes!!!!!!! I cant even.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
You’ll have to excuse me now… but I have a household to tend to and dinner to make. This is our week without his
Oh shit! Some escaped the abortionists vacuum! How inconvenient! Wait, why should some fetus' have the privilege of living while others get flushed? Sounds racist AF!

have you lost your shit or did you just officially grow a vagina?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

Remember how none of them cared when BLM "protesters" shot an 8 year little black girl?

A mother....a black mother, had to bury her 8 year old baby girl, because a group called "black lives matter" fucking MURDERED her. And none of these people gave a SHIT.

The most you could pull out of them? They would start making excuses blaming the mother for driving there.

So in leftard sociopathic authoritarian land.....if you are in the wrong place, and the leftwing mob is there, they are fine to murder you. You cant fight back either.

They also were mad that cop shot that girl, even though she was about to STAB another girl in the head.

So they dont care about human life or human rights. What they care about is putting arbitrary standards on it so THEY can dictate whose life is valuable and whose life is not.

Not by objective THEIR partisan standards.

That's why their arguments make no sense and are idiotic. They think they make good arguments.... they just sound like sociopaths
Well, she just woulda grew up being slighted because of her skin color anyway, so better off dead, right? Fuk sakes!!!!!!! I cant even.

it is not viable life until it’s 3 trimester…


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

you are so fucked in the head I hope you have accidentally blow your head off in some freak gun cleaning incident
Yea, cause that will make baby murder A-OK! Hell, maybe you'll even be able to convince yourself that God is on your side then! Oh wait, you already did! Shitbag!

I do not make baby murder ok. I support the laws of this nation and not just your one sided argument in favor of everyone finding salvation through Jesus, you reject from hell
^^^ Says she doesnt support murdering babies, supports murdering babies.

Correction…. I recognize not every woman is fit to be a mother
And not every father is fit. Take their kids away! Dont kill em!

and put them where exactly?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

Remember how none of them cared when BLM "protesters" shot an 8 year little black girl?

A mother....a black mother, had to bury her 8 year old baby girl, because a group called "black lives matter" fucking MURDERED her. And none of these people gave a SHIT.

The most you could pull out of them? They would start making excuses blaming the mother for driving there.

So in leftard sociopathic authoritarian land.....if you are in the wrong place, and the leftwing mob is there, they are fine to murder you. You cant fight back either.

They also were mad that cop shot that girl, even though she was about to STAB another girl in the head.

So they dont care about human life or human rights. What they care about is putting arbitrary standards on it so THEY can dictate whose life is valuable and whose life is not.

Not by objective THEIR partisan standards.

That's why their arguments make no sense and are idiotic. They think they make good arguments.... they just sound like sociopaths
Well, she just woulda grew up being slighted because of her skin color anyway, so better off dead, right? Fuk sakes!!!!!!! I cant even.

That's pretty much the thought process.

All they see really is hate. The outlook is incredibly nihilistic, and they think its realistic.

They have generally low opinion of humans. They see people as generally not smart(except themselves, they view themselves as smart and enlightened...and thusly able to assign worth to others). Everything sucks. Everything is impossible. No reason to try.....just give clean needles to the junkies and make sure abortions are as available as possible. People who were abused or neglected should have never lived.

I read that studies have shown that those of the left suffer more mental illness. Lots of depression, anxiety and mood disorders. They really are a bunch of miserable people with low levels of human empathy who want the government to step in and "solve" all the issues. They dont want to see or deal with anyone who has difficult circumstances. And you see how they devalue and dehumanize those they see as below them.

Their foster care card is so disgusting because they literally vote to create poor circumstances for poor/working people and the state often removes children from POOR mothers, for reasons that are because of poverty. So instead of helping they rip kids from poor or working them in foster care...(where kids end up getting abused)....and then they use the amount of kids in foster care(who the majority of have parents fighting for them) to promote abortion.

They dont even recognize this as classist abuse from the state and exploitation.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later

The issue is we address this all the time and for some reason you guys just ignore the response and pretend it wasnt addressed.

Why do you do that?

No one is opposed to birth control. The issue is people shouldnt forced to pay for birth control for other people, which is perfectly reasonable.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

Remember how none of them cared when BLM "protesters" shot an 8 year little black girl?

A mother....a black mother, had to bury her 8 year old baby girl, because a group called "black lives matter" fucking MURDERED her. And none of these people gave a SHIT.

The most you could pull out of them? They would start making excuses blaming the mother for driving there.

So in leftard sociopathic authoritarian land.....if you are in the wrong place, and the leftwing mob is there, they are fine to murder you. You cant fight back either.

They also were mad that cop shot that girl, even though she was about to STAB another girl in the head.

So they dont care about human life or human rights. What they care about is putting arbitrary standards on it so THEY can dictate whose life is valuable and whose life is not.

Not by objective THEIR partisan standards.

That's why their arguments make no sense and are idiotic. They think they make good arguments.... they just sound like sociopaths
Well, she just woulda grew up being slighted because of her skin color anyway, so better off dead, right? Fuk sakes!!!!!!! I cant even.

it is not viable life until it’s 3 trimester…
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Lyin bitch.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

you are so fucked in the head I hope you have accidentally blow your head off in some freak gun cleaning incident
Yea, cause that will make baby murder A-OK! Hell, maybe you'll even be able to convince yourself that God is on your side then! Oh wait, you already did! Shitbag!

I do not make baby murder ok. I support the laws of this nation and not just your one sided argument in favor of everyone finding salvation through Jesus, you reject from hell
^^^ Says she doesnt support murdering babies, supports murdering babies.

Correction…. I recognize not every woman is fit to be a mother
And not every father is fit. Take their kids away! Dont kill em!

and put them where exactly?
Wait, your argument is put em in an oven? Again, people are waiting YEARS to adopt newborns.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem
Holy shit! You are the biggest fukin liar EVER! My ex wife got sterilized in Illinois at under 25 years of age! Her uterus was falling down and she didnt want to go through having it propped up. They literally have FREE mobile health clinics that travel and give out free birth control!

Bitch I've been poor, I know first hand how all the freebees work. Shit, we bought filet mignon on food stamps when I was in my early 20's! I had free fukin health care to boot!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later
Those countries and the WHO can fund it themselves. democRATs funded these programs for eons yet we STILL had caravans showing up! josephine, you're a POS liar!