Blowback from Texas abortion BS continues to mount



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later
Those countries and the WHO can fund it themselves. democRATs funded these programs for eons yet we STILL had caravans showing up! josephine, you're a POS liar!

Well then, just be prepared to accept or deal with more illegals tring to break into your country, Lokmeer.

You guys pumped $2.5 trillion into Afghanistan with failed military intervention.

Why not just pump a couple billion into brith control for these poor countries

The net benefit might be exponentially greater.

It's not our job to take care of other countries. It's just not.

I didnt support being in Afganistan and I dont support American tax payers being forced to pay for people in other countries....especailly when so many of our own citizens are on the streets.

Well, I support Canada donating funds for birth control programs in poorer countries.

The net beneift is that scores of the yet to be born don't try to enter wealthy countries like the USA.

and make no mistake about it - if they hava a choice between Canada and the United States, they'll gladly take a b-line to bypass Canada in favor of America. Most of these migrants see America as the promised land.

So Canada's efforts to combat birth control actually benefit America more than us.

They'll come to you, before they come to Canada.

And despite what you think these poorer countries - especially their women - really want family planning and birth control programs to avoid an even worse fate.

...otherwise you end up with results like this when they grow up:


Okay but you understand everyone who wants to financially help this cause if totally free to do so?

But tax payers should not be FORCED to pay for this, especailly when we have so many of our own problems.

And really, Joe, the democrat lock downs? Those starved thousands of children to DEATH in those same impoverished countries. That was one of the many costs of that. Are you aware of that?

"Virus-linked hunger tied to 10,000 child deaths each month"
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And I'm not saying YOU do this, but HOW am I supposed to take any democrat voter seriously when they start talking about compassion and helping the poor? Because as soon as their partisan side flips and does something that directly causes harm and death.....their hearts suddenly stop bleeding and they get pretty sociopathic.

You know how much rape and trafficking is occurring at the border now? We have humanitarian crisis that none of those people care about.

But they want American tax dollars to buy birth control for third world women and if we dont agree we are uncaring?

Sure. I just dont buy it. Maybe if these pricks didnt starve 10k kids a month, cause that Afganistan fuckery and cause a humanitarian crisis.....maybe if they ever lifted a finger to help with outreach here (they wont because they hate "cons") I would take this more seriously.

Are you aware that third world poor people STILL havent had ANY Covid vaccines? And we are being pushed into BOOSTERS and these poor people who dont have a quarter of the resources WE do havent even received ONE DOSE?

Are you aware Biden just bombed children? That he bombed a clinic and a school before pulling out of Afghanistan? See most democrat/progs dont know ANY of this shit but want to pretend they give a fuck about the impoverished. All of a sudden if they think it helps their political stance.

Btw....its been shown that when people are able to keep more of their earnings, they give more to help their communities. I have no idea why you guys think that only the state can do anything. It's like if the state isnt doing it....its not valid. And the state gives SHIT assistance. People do a much better job helping other people. Wouldnt you rather have that kind of community where people will help eachother? Instead of the cold dehumanizing state? Because welfare has fucked up a lot of important things.

I wish you guys would start seeing humanity in these issues.

They're too fukin stupid to even know what does and doesnt exist! Fukin josephine doesnt even realize we fund 3/4 of the WHO which provides among other things, BIRTH CONTROL!!!!!

I like Joe and I view him as more centrist.

He does get very stuck on narrative when the topic is abortion though.

Dovey, I thnk some of your points about abortion are valid, but the laws have to fair to both sides.

You made some points such as:

ie - women who continually go in for abortions non stop. therby putting a strain on the health system/costs. so perhaps there should be training to prevent or change that kind of behaviour.

ie - abortions performed too late in the cycle.

Perhaps there need to be improved contraception programs to lower abortion rates or teen pregnancies?

However,...ieven f it is a pro life law, then will it acheive its goals and really save lives? Not just the unborn child, but the mother too? Will it prevent mothers from abandoning children? Will it prevent back alley abortions?

Will there be social supports once the child arrives in the world?

Is there protection for women/girls in trouble, like those raped by some predator or incested by their fathers through no fault of their own? A lot of them are victims

They need protection too.

It can't be a top down directive or one way street.

Social policy isn't that simplistic. You're dealing with human lives, not widgets.

The vast majority of abortions are performed before the 2nd trimester, I think 90%. The next 9% are performed before through the 20th week, after that only 1% are performed. Most of which are do to fetal malformities or viability issues or the mother's health.

All this drama is about ending abortion. End of.

Naw, thats not even close to accurate. I'll hear back from my friend at the state in a few days.

You mean more than 90% of abortions are performed in the first trimester? Yes, do get back to us with those stats.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

Even if the child was conceived out of incest?
josephine, I'ma fence straddler on this. If it doesnt look like a fully developed baby yet, even though I still find it morally reprehensible, I wouldnt stop someone. For fuck sakes though, then it has fingers and toes and you idiots wanna be able to murder it? I mean how the fuck do you live with yourself? Sheesh! But hey, these clowns are gonna lose the whole enchilada by digging in their heels which I'll feel even better about!

But a girl/woman shouldn't have to bring a child into the world she never wanted because she was raped.

She never asked to have sexual relations with her assailant. It was forced against her will.

I think there was some woman who was raped as a teenager, and she later posted billboards about her experience.


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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later
Those countries and the WHO can fund it themselves. democRATs funded these programs for eons yet we STILL had caravans showing up! josephine, you're a POS liar!

Well then, just be prepared to accept or deal with more illegals tring to break into your country, Lokmeer.

You guys pumped $2.5 trillion into Afghanistan with failed military intervention.

Why not just pump a couple billion into brith control for these poor countries

The net benefit might be exponentially greater.

It's not our job to take care of other countries. It's just not.

I didnt support being in Afganistan and I dont support American tax payers being forced to pay for people in other countries....especailly when so many of our own citizens are on the streets.

Well, I support Canada donating funds for birth control programs in poorer countries.

The net beneift is that scores of the yet to be born don't try to enter wealthy countries like the USA.

and make no mistake about it - if they hava a choice between Canada and the United States, they'll gladly take a b-line to bypass Canada in favor of America. Most of these migrants see America as the promised land.

So Canada's efforts to combat birth control actually benefit America more than us.

They'll come to you, before they come to Canada.

And despite what you think these poorer countries - especially their women - really want family planning and birth control programs to avoid an even worse fate.

...otherwise you end up with results like this when they grow up:


Okay but you understand everyone who wants to financially help this cause if totally free to do so?

But tax payers should not be FORCED to pay for this, especailly when we have so many of our own problems.

And really, Joe, the democrat lock downs? Those starved thousands of children to DEATH in those same impoverished countries. That was one of the many costs of that. Are you aware of that?

"Virus-linked hunger tied to 10,000 child deaths each month"
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And I'm not saying YOU do this, but HOW am I supposed to take any democrat voter seriously when they start talking about compassion and helping the poor? Because as soon as their partisan side flips and does something that directly causes harm and death.....their hearts suddenly stop bleeding and they get pretty sociopathic.

You know how much rape and trafficking is occurring at the border now? We have humanitarian crisis that none of those people care about.

But they want American tax dollars to buy birth control for third world women and if we dont agree we are uncaring?

Sure. I just dont buy it. Maybe if these pricks didnt starve 10k kids a month, cause that Afganistan fuckery and cause a humanitarian crisis.....maybe if they ever lifted a finger to help with outreach here (they wont because they hate "cons") I would take this more seriously.

Are you aware that third world poor people STILL havent had ANY Covid vaccines? And we are being pushed into BOOSTERS and these poor people who dont have a quarter of the resources WE do havent even received ONE DOSE?

Are you aware Biden just bombed children? That he bombed a clinic and a school before pulling out of Afghanistan? See most democrat/progs dont know ANY of this shit but want to pretend they give a fuck about the impoverished. All of a sudden if they think it helps their political stance.

Btw....its been shown that when people are able to keep more of their earnings, they give more to help their communities. I have no idea why you guys think that only the state can do anything. It's like if the state isnt doing it....its not valid. And the state gives SHIT assistance. People do a much better job helping other people. Wouldnt you rather have that kind of community where people will help eachother? Instead of the cold dehumanizing state? Because welfare has fucked up a lot of important things.

I wish you guys would start seeing humanity in these issues.

They're too fukin stupid to even know what does and doesnt exist! Fukin josephine doesnt even realize we fund 3/4 of the WHO which provides among other things, BIRTH CONTROL!!!!!

I like Joe and I view him as more centrist.

He does get very stuck on narrative when the topic is abortion though.

Dovey, I thnk some of your points about abortion are valid, but the laws have to fair to both sides.

You made some points such as:

ie - women who continually go in for abortions non stop. therby putting a strain on the health system/costs. so perhaps there should be training to prevent or change that kind of behaviour.

ie - abortions performed too late in the cycle.

Perhaps there need to be improved contraception programs to lower abortion rates or teen pregnancies?

However,...ieven f it is a pro life law, then will it acheive its goals and really save lives? Not just the unborn child, but the mother too? Will it prevent mothers from abandoning children? Will it prevent back alley abortions?

Will there be social supports once the child arrives in the world?

Is there

I was gonna isolate your first sentence but your last one IS my point.

Yes Joe.....this IS about lives. Should the courts have been fair to both sides in slavery? How about rape? Murder of born people?

Because we are talking about whether or not we should be able to kill other human beings.

The "sides" here are those who dont think human beings in the womb should have any rights, and those who believe ALL human beings have rights. And most people who believe the former are very off base with reality on this so it's not a valid stance.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

I love this so much I'll listen to it unironically lol

It's so good lol

Oh shit its the girl who talked me around to "abortion is absolutely immoral but its a public good and a required evil.".

Please ban her account before she talks me into anything else.

We have not hit the climax YET.

You'll be protesting abortuaries when I'm done with you.


I'll never truly be done with you. ♡


Shitposting Idiot
Not even going to lie to you Doevy.

If we don't have souls and theirs no supernatural element involved in human existence the surely it would follow that humanity is conferred onto a person at conception by default.
Really its only people that believe in the Judeo Christian gad that can even begin to justify abortion.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Not even going to lie to you Doevy.

If we don't have souls and theirs no supernatural element involved in human existence the surely it would follow that humanity is conferred onto a person at conception by default.
Really its only people that believe in the Judeo Christian gad that can even begin to justify abortion.


And Judeo Christianity views as worship of Molech. Pagan nations engaged in human sacrifice. Throwing their children into the fire so the "gods" would bless them with prosperity.

Sound familiar?

Why do people abort?

Its rotten on every level. On a secular human level, it's a crime against humanity. Spiritually, its ritual worship to evil for the promise of material gain.

And it's the same philosophical concept of "personhood" that has been used to justify brutalities all through history. That some humans are not "persons" and thusly have no rights. And it's always to the benefit of the stronger.

You would think we would do better by now.


Shitposting Idiot
Imagine throwing an actual human being into a blender because you could be bothered wanking on the back of your dates dates leg or fucking them in the arse.

If you cant afford to pay for a human life you probs can't afford to do penis in vagoo.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later
Those countries and the WHO can fund it themselves. democRATs funded these programs for eons yet we STILL had caravans showing up! josephine, you're a POS liar!

Well then, just be prepared to accept or deal with more illegals tring to break into your country, Lokmeer.

You guys pumped $2.5 trillion into Afghanistan with failed military intervention.

Why not just pump a couple billion into brith control for these poor countries

The net benefit might be exponentially greater.

It's not our job to take care of other countries. It's just not.

I didnt support being in Afganistan and I dont support American tax payers being forced to pay for people in other countries....especailly when so many of our own citizens are on the streets.

Well, I support Canada donating funds for birth control programs in poorer countries.

The net beneift is that scores of the yet to be born don't try to enter wealthy countries like the USA.

and make no mistake about it - if they hava a choice between Canada and the United States, they'll gladly take a b-line to bypass Canada in favor of America. Most of these migrants see America as the promised land.

So Canada's efforts to combat birth control actually benefit America more than us.

They'll come to you, before they come to Canada.

And despite what you think these poorer countries - especially their women - really want family planning and birth control programs to avoid an even worse fate.

...otherwise you end up with results like this when they grow up:


Okay but you understand everyone who wants to financially help this cause if totally free to do so?

But tax payers should not be FORCED to pay for this, especailly when we have so many of our own problems.

And really, Joe, the democrat lock downs? Those starved thousands of children to DEATH in those same impoverished countries. That was one of the many costs of that. Are you aware of that?

"Virus-linked hunger tied to 10,000 child deaths each month"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

And I'm not saying YOU do this, but HOW am I supposed to take any democrat voter seriously when they start talking about compassion and helping the poor? Because as soon as their partisan side flips and does something that directly causes harm and death.....their hearts suddenly stop bleeding and they get pretty sociopathic.

You know how much rape and trafficking is occurring at the border now? We have humanitarian crisis that none of those people care about.

But they want American tax dollars to buy birth control for third world women and if we dont agree we are uncaring?

Sure. I just dont buy it. Maybe if these pricks didnt starve 10k kids a month, cause that Afganistan fuckery and cause a humanitarian crisis.....maybe if they ever lifted a finger to help with outreach here (they wont because they hate "cons") I would take this more seriously.

Are you aware that third world poor people STILL havent had ANY Covid vaccines? And we are being pushed into BOOSTERS and these poor people who dont have a quarter of the resources WE do havent even received ONE DOSE?

Are you aware Biden just bombed children? That he bombed a clinic and a school before pulling out of Afghanistan? See most democrat/progs dont know ANY of this shit but want to pretend they give a fuck about the impoverished. All of a sudden if they think it helps their political stance.

Btw....its been shown that when people are able to keep more of their earnings, they give more to help their communities. I have no idea why you guys think that only the state can do anything. It's like if the state isnt doing it....its not valid. And the state gives SHIT assistance. People do a much better job helping other people. Wouldnt you rather have that kind of community where people will help eachother? Instead of the cold dehumanizing state? Because welfare has fucked up a lot of important things.

I wish you guys would start seeing humanity in these issues.

They're too fukin stupid to even know what does and doesnt exist! Fukin josephine doesnt even realize we fund 3/4 of the WHO which provides among other things, BIRTH CONTROL!!!!!

I like Joe and I view him as more centrist.

He does get very stuck on narrative when the topic is abortion though.

Dovey, I thnk some of your points about abortion are valid, but the laws have to fair to both sides.

You made some points such as:

ie - women who continually go in for abortions non stop. therby putting a strain on the health system/costs. so perhaps there should be training to prevent or change that kind of behaviour.

ie - abortions performed too late in the cycle.

Perhaps there need to be improved contraception programs to lower abortion rates or teen pregnancies?

However,...ieven f it is a pro life law, then will it acheive its goals and really save lives? Not just the unborn child, but the mother too? Will it prevent mothers from abandoning children? Will it prevent back alley abortions?

Will there be social supports once the child arrives in the world?

Is there

I was gonna isolate your first sentence but your last one IS my point.

Yes Joe.....this IS about lives. Should the courts have been fair to both sides in slavery? How about rape? Murder of born people?

Because we are talking about whether or not we should be able to kill other human beings.

The "sides" here are those who dont think human beings in the womb should have any rights, and those who believe ALL human beings have rights. And most people who believe the former are very off base with reality on this so it's not a valid stance.

You may have a point about aborting too late in the cycle. Or those who come back continuously over a short period. However I think abortions should be allowed within the first 3 months.

And no girl or woman should be forced to give birth to a child if she was raped or the pregnancy was the result of incest.

Wouldn’t you at least agree on the last 2 conditions? By making no exceptions, the Texas law legitimizes rape. In those situations those girls or women never asked for it. They're victims, whose pregnancies were the result of criminal acts, where they were not willing participants.
Last edited:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later
Those countries and the WHO can fund it themselves. democRATs funded these programs for eons yet we STILL had caravans showing up! josephine, you're a POS liar!

Well then, just be prepared to accept or deal with more illegals tring to break into your country, Lokmeer.

You guys pumped $2.5 trillion into Afghanistan with failed military intervention.

Why not just pump a couple billion into brith control for these poor countries

The net benefit might be exponentially greater.

It's not our job to take care of other countries. It's just not.

I didnt support being in Afganistan and I dont support American tax payers being forced to pay for people in other countries....especailly when so many of our own citizens are on the streets.

Well, I support Canada donating funds for birth control programs in poorer countries.

The net beneift is that scores of the yet to be born don't try to enter wealthy countries like the USA.

and make no mistake about it - if they hava a choice between Canada and the United States, they'll gladly take a b-line to bypass Canada in favor of America. Most of these migrants see America as the promised land.

So Canada's efforts to combat birth control actually benefit America more than us.

They'll come to you, before they come to Canada.

And despite what you think these poorer countries - especially their women - really want family planning and birth control programs to avoid an even worse fate.

...otherwise you end up with results like this when they grow up:


Okay but you understand everyone who wants to financially help this cause if totally free to do so?

But tax payers should not be FORCED to pay for this, especailly when we have so many of our own problems.

And really, Joe, the democrat lock downs? Those starved thousands of children to DEATH in those same impoverished countries. That was one of the many costs of that. Are you aware of that?

"Virus-linked hunger tied to 10,000 child deaths each month"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

And I'm not saying YOU do this, but HOW am I supposed to take any democrat voter seriously when they start talking about compassion and helping the poor? Because as soon as their partisan side flips and does something that directly causes harm and death.....their hearts suddenly stop bleeding and they get pretty sociopathic.

You know how much rape and trafficking is occurring at the border now? We have humanitarian crisis that none of those people care about.

But they want American tax dollars to buy birth control for third world women and if we dont agree we are uncaring?

Sure. I just dont buy it. Maybe if these pricks didnt starve 10k kids a month, cause that Afganistan fuckery and cause a humanitarian crisis.....maybe if they ever lifted a finger to help with outreach here (they wont because they hate "cons") I would take this more seriously.

Are you aware that third world poor people STILL havent had ANY Covid vaccines? And we are being pushed into BOOSTERS and these poor people who dont have a quarter of the resources WE do havent even received ONE DOSE?

Are you aware Biden just bombed children? That he bombed a clinic and a school before pulling out of Afghanistan? See most democrat/progs dont know ANY of this shit but want to pretend they give a fuck about the impoverished. All of a sudden if they think it helps their political stance.

Btw....its been shown that when people are able to keep more of their earnings, they give more to help their communities. I have no idea why you guys think that only the state can do anything. It's like if the state isnt doing it....its not valid. And the state gives SHIT assistance. People do a much better job helping other people. Wouldnt you rather have that kind of community where people will help eachother? Instead of the cold dehumanizing state? Because welfare has fucked up a lot of important things.

I wish you guys would start seeing humanity in these issues.

They're too fukin stupid to even know what does and doesnt exist! Fukin josephine doesnt even realize we fund 3/4 of the WHO which provides among other things, BIRTH CONTROL!!!!!

I like Joe and I view him as more centrist.

He does get very stuck on narrative when the topic is abortion though.

Dovey, I thnk some of your points about abortion are valid, but the laws have to fair to both sides.

You made some points such as:

ie - women who continually go in for abortions non stop. therby putting a strain on the health system/costs. so perhaps there should be training to prevent or change that kind of behaviour.

ie - abortions performed too late in the cycle.

Perhaps there need to be improved contraception programs to lower abortion rates or teen pregnancies?

However,...ieven f it is a pro life law, then will it acheive its goals and really save lives? Not just the unborn child, but the mother too? Will it prevent mothers from abandoning children? Will it prevent back alley abortions?

Will there be social supports once the child arrives in the world?

Is there

I was gonna isolate your first sentence but your last one IS my point.

Yes Joe.....this IS about lives. Should the courts have been fair to both sides in slavery? How about rape? Murder of born people?

Because we are talking about whether or not we should be able to kill other human beings.

The "sides" here are those who dont think human beings in the womb should have any rights, and those who believe ALL human beings have rights. And most people who believe the former are very off base with reality on this so it's not a valid stance.

You may have a point about aborting too late in the cycle. Or those who come back continuously over a number of years However I think abortions should be allowed within the first 3 months.

And no girl or woman should be forced to birth a child if she was raped or the pregnancy was the result of incest.

Wouldn’t you at least agree on the last 2 conditions? By making no exceptions, the Texas law legitimizes rape. In those situations those girls or women never asked for it. They're victims, whose pregnancies were the result of criminal acts, where they were not willing participants.

Joe, no one cares about rape survivors being forced to get an abortion and that happens a lot.

Why should continue allowing rapists to take their victims for abortions and release the victim back to abusers with no reporting? No abortion supporters want to talk about that. They just want abortion available so they play a rape card.

Rape survivors are always given a pill that stops pregnancy from occurring. I think you can even get Plan B at any drug store.

So why do we need legal abortion for rape survivors when we have a pill widely available that stops pregnancy from occurring?

Why do we never talk about support for rape survivors? How there are more options than "PP is that way"?

I really think people should delve deeper into this topic than this surface "women shouldnt be forced to birth a rapists baby". That line of thinking is always a projection of fear and bias, and no one is concerned with how the one going through it REALLY feels.

There are A LOT of women out there who have conceived via rape who challange this, and openly talk about how they felt obligated to abort because of pressure from family and friends. Women have talked about how they were shamed for not aborting the "rape baby".

Looks like abortion being thrown at rape survivors is more a judgement from the court of public opinion than it is about the actual survivor.

Outside of rape, saying someone is "forced" to give birth is so idiotic it's like me saying I'm forced to be a mother because I cant kill my born children. If you were not forced to have sex, you got your own self in the position to give birth. Not being allowed to kill and dispose of a human being your actions caused to exist is not being "forced" to do anything.

We have moved so far away from personal responsibility and basic human compassion that people actually feel victimized by the natural outcomes of their decisions.

Our very thinking of this issue is barbaric. Take a moment to think about your thinking and how your thinking has been shaped and influenced, and consider how all the messages we take in guide your thinking.

Abortion makes A LOT of money. They buy politicains. We know media is marketing.

Look at why you assume rape survivors need abortion. Your knee jerk conclusion is "well they were forced to have sex, so without abortion they are forced to birth this rape baby". Okay now WHY do you think that is how these women think? Have you listened to any of them?

Also it's common for people to assume that a rape survivor having the baby would be "constantly reminded everyday of their rape"......when literally NO ONE has actually said "yeah, I look at that rape and relive my rape".....every woman who had and kept the baby says this I'd just completely WRONG.

So perhaps we have these biases and assumptions because they were marketed and propagated to us to help protect the wealth of those profiting from the abortion industry?

Anyone can get and take plan b, Joe. There is a whole we could be doing to help and support rape survivors(of which I am, btw). Legalizing abortion and ignoring them because "well they can get abortions, so my work here is done" really isnt helping anyone.

Especailly when rapists and traffickers can safely use abortion clinics to "take care of" their problems and no reports are ever made.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later
Those countries and the WHO can fund it themselves. democRATs funded these programs for eons yet we STILL had caravans showing up! josephine, you're a POS liar!

Well then, just be prepared to accept or deal with more illegals tring to break into your country, Lokmeer.

You guys pumped $2.5 trillion into Afghanistan with failed military intervention.

Why not just pump a couple billion into brith control for these poor countries

The net benefit might be exponentially greater.

It's not our job to take care of other countries. It's just not.

I didnt support being in Afganistan and I dont support American tax payers being forced to pay for people in other countries....especailly when so many of our own citizens are on the streets.

Well, I support Canada donating funds for birth control programs in poorer countries.

The net beneift is that scores of the yet to be born don't try to enter wealthy countries like the USA.

and make no mistake about it - if they hava a choice between Canada and the United States, they'll gladly take a b-line to bypass Canada in favor of America. Most of these migrants see America as the promised land.

So Canada's efforts to combat birth control actually benefit America more than us.

They'll come to you, before they come to Canada.

And despite what you think these poorer countries - especially their women - really want family planning and birth control programs to avoid an even worse fate.

...otherwise you end up with results like this when they grow up:


Okay but you understand everyone who wants to financially help this cause if totally free to do so?

But tax payers should not be FORCED to pay for this, especailly when we have so many of our own problems.

And really, Joe, the democrat lock downs? Those starved thousands of children to DEATH in those same impoverished countries. That was one of the many costs of that. Are you aware of that?

"Virus-linked hunger tied to 10,000 child deaths each month"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

And I'm not saying YOU do this, but HOW am I supposed to take any democrat voter seriously when they start talking about compassion and helping the poor? Because as soon as their partisan side flips and does something that directly causes harm and death.....their hearts suddenly stop bleeding and they get pretty sociopathic.

You know how much rape and trafficking is occurring at the border now? We have humanitarian crisis that none of those people care about.

But they want American tax dollars to buy birth control for third world women and if we dont agree we are uncaring?

Sure. I just dont buy it. Maybe if these pricks didnt starve 10k kids a month, cause that Afganistan fuckery and cause a humanitarian crisis.....maybe if they ever lifted a finger to help with outreach here (they wont because they hate "cons") I would take this more seriously.

Are you aware that third world poor people STILL havent had ANY Covid vaccines? And we are being pushed into BOOSTERS and these poor people who dont have a quarter of the resources WE do havent even received ONE DOSE?

Are you aware Biden just bombed children? That he bombed a clinic and a school before pulling out of Afghanistan? See most democrat/progs dont know ANY of this shit but want to pretend they give a fuck about the impoverished. All of a sudden if they think it helps their political stance.

Btw....its been shown that when people are able to keep more of their earnings, they give more to help their communities. I have no idea why you guys think that only the state can do anything. It's like if the state isnt doing it....its not valid. And the state gives SHIT assistance. People do a much better job helping other people. Wouldnt you rather have that kind of community where people will help eachother? Instead of the cold dehumanizing state? Because welfare has fucked up a lot of important things.

I wish you guys would start seeing humanity in these issues.

They're too fukin stupid to even know what does and doesnt exist! Fukin josephine doesnt even realize we fund 3/4 of the WHO which provides among other things, BIRTH CONTROL!!!!!

I like Joe and I view him as more centrist.

He does get very stuck on narrative when the topic is abortion though.

Dovey, I thnk some of your points about abortion are valid, but the laws have to fair to both sides.

You made some points such as:

ie - women who continually go in for abortions non stop. therby putting a strain on the health system/costs. so perhaps there should be training to prevent or change that kind of behaviour.

ie - abortions performed too late in the cycle.

Perhaps there need to be improved contraception programs to lower abortion rates or teen pregnancies?

However,...ieven f it is a pro life law, then will it acheive its goals and really save lives? Not just the unborn child, but the mother too? Will it prevent mothers from abandoning children? Will it prevent back alley abortions?

Will there be social supports once the child arrives in the world?

Is there

I was gonna isolate your first sentence but your last one IS my point.

Yes Joe.....this IS about lives. Should the courts have been fair to both sides in slavery? How about rape? Murder of born people?

Because we are talking about whether or not we should be able to kill other human beings.

The "sides" here are those who dont think human beings in the womb should have any rights, and those who believe ALL human beings have rights. And most people who believe the former are very off base with reality on this so it's not a valid stance.

You may have a point about aborting too late in the cycle. Or those who come back continuously over a number of years However I think abortions should be allowed within the first 3 months.

And no girl or woman should be forced to birth a child if she was raped or the pregnancy was the result of incest.

Wouldn’t you at least agree on the last 2 conditions? By making no exceptions, the Texas law legitimizes rape. In those situations those girls or women never asked for it. They're victims, whose pregnancies were the result of criminal acts, where they were not willing participants.

Joe, no one cares about rape survivors being forced to get an abortion and that happens a lot.

Why should continue allowing rapists to take their victims for abortions and release the victim back to abusers with no reporting? No abortion supporters want to talk about that. They just want abortion available so they play a rape card.

Rape survivors are always given a pill that stops pregnancy from occurring. I think you can even get Plan B at any drug store.

So why do we need legal abortion for rape survivors when we have a pill widely available that stops pregnancy from occurring?

Why do we never talk about support for rape survivors? How there are more options than "PP is that way"?

I really think people should delve deeper into this topic than this surface "women shouldnt be forced to birth a rapists baby". That line of thinking is always a projection of fear and bias, and no one is concerned with how the one going through it REALLY feels.

There are A LOT of women out there who have conceived via rape who challange this, and openly talk about how they felt obligated to abort because of pressure from family and friends. Women have talked about how they were shamed for not aborting the "rape baby".

Looks like abortion being thrown at rape survivors is more a judgement from the court of public opinion than it is about the actual survivor.

Outside of rape, saying someone is "forced" to give birth is so idiotic it's like me saying I'm forced to be a mother because I cant kill my born children. If you were not forced to have sex, you got your own self in the position to give birth. Not being allowed to kill and dispose of a human being your actions caused to exist is not being "forced" to do anything.

We have moved so far away from personal responsibility and basic human compassion that people actually feel victimized by the natural outcomes of their decisions.

Our very thinking of this issue is barbaric. Take a moment to think about your thinking and how your thinking has been shaped and influenced, and consider how all the messages we take in guide your thinking.

Abortion makes A LOT of money. They buy politicains. We know media is marketing.

Look at why you assume rape survivors need abortion. Your knee jerk conclusion is "well they were forced to have sex, so without abortion they are forced to birth this rape baby". Okay now WHY do you think that is how these women think? Have you listened to any of them?

Also it's common for people to assume that a rape survivor having the baby would be "constantly reminded everyday of their rape"......when literally NO ONE has actually said "yeah, I look at that rape and relive my rape".....every woman who had and kept the baby says this I'd just completely WRONG.

So perhaps we have these biases and assumptions because they were marketed and propagated to us to help protect the wealth of those profiting from the abortion industry?

Anyone can get and take plan b, Joe. There is a whole we could be doing to help and support rape survivors(of which I am, btw). Legalizing abortion and ignoring them because "well they can get abortions, so my work here is done" really isnt helping anyone.

Especailly when rapists and traffickers can safely use abortion clinics to "take care of" their problems and no reports are ever made.

But should a girl be forced to carry & birth a child because it was a result of incest? Even if she reported the incident to the authorities & they acknowledged her account to be true? By denying her request, the State is protecting her rapist & condoning an illegal act. And what about the health issues the child may have once it is born due to inbreeding?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later
Those countries and the WHO can fund it themselves. democRATs funded these programs for eons yet we STILL had caravans showing up! josephine, you're a POS liar!

Well then, just be prepared to accept or deal with more illegals tring to break into your country, Lokmeer.

You guys pumped $2.5 trillion into Afghanistan with failed military intervention.

Why not just pump a couple billion into brith control for these poor countries

The net benefit might be exponentially greater.

It's not our job to take care of other countries. It's just not.

I didnt support being in Afganistan and I dont support American tax payers being forced to pay for people in other countries....especailly when so many of our own citizens are on the streets.

Well, I support Canada donating funds for birth control programs in poorer countries.

The net beneift is that scores of the yet to be born don't try to enter wealthy countries like the USA.

and make no mistake about it - if they hava a choice between Canada and the United States, they'll gladly take a b-line to bypass Canada in favor of America. Most of these migrants see America as the promised land.

So Canada's efforts to combat birth control actually benefit America more than us.

They'll come to you, before they come to Canada.

And despite what you think these poorer countries - especially their women - really want family planning and birth control programs to avoid an even worse fate.

...otherwise you end up with results like this when they grow up:


Okay but you understand everyone who wants to financially help this cause if totally free to do so?

But tax payers should not be FORCED to pay for this, especailly when we have so many of our own problems.

And really, Joe, the democrat lock downs? Those starved thousands of children to DEATH in those same impoverished countries. That was one of the many costs of that. Are you aware of that?

"Virus-linked hunger tied to 10,000 child deaths each month"
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And I'm not saying YOU do this, but HOW am I supposed to take any democrat voter seriously when they start talking about compassion and helping the poor? Because as soon as their partisan side flips and does something that directly causes harm and death.....their hearts suddenly stop bleeding and they get pretty sociopathic.

You know how much rape and trafficking is occurring at the border now? We have humanitarian crisis that none of those people care about.

But they want American tax dollars to buy birth control for third world women and if we dont agree we are uncaring?

Sure. I just dont buy it. Maybe if these pricks didnt starve 10k kids a month, cause that Afganistan fuckery and cause a humanitarian crisis.....maybe if they ever lifted a finger to help with outreach here (they wont because they hate "cons") I would take this more seriously.

Are you aware that third world poor people STILL havent had ANY Covid vaccines? And we are being pushed into BOOSTERS and these poor people who dont have a quarter of the resources WE do havent even received ONE DOSE?

Are you aware Biden just bombed children? That he bombed a clinic and a school before pulling out of Afghanistan? See most democrat/progs dont know ANY of this shit but want to pretend they give a fuck about the impoverished. All of a sudden if they think it helps their political stance.

Btw....its been shown that when people are able to keep more of their earnings, they give more to help their communities. I have no idea why you guys think that only the state can do anything. It's like if the state isnt doing it....its not valid. And the state gives SHIT assistance. People do a much better job helping other people. Wouldnt you rather have that kind of community where people will help eachother? Instead of the cold dehumanizing state? Because welfare has fucked up a lot of important things.

I wish you guys would start seeing humanity in these issues.

They're too fukin stupid to even know what does and doesnt exist! Fukin josephine doesnt even realize we fund 3/4 of the WHO which provides among other things, BIRTH CONTROL!!!!!

I like Joe and I view him as more centrist.

He does get very stuck on narrative when the topic is abortion though.

Dovey, I thnk some of your points about abortion are valid, but the laws have to fair to both sides.

You made some points such as:

ie - women who continually go in for abortions non stop. therby putting a strain on the health system/costs. so perhaps there should be training to prevent or change that kind of behaviour.

ie - abortions performed too late in the cycle.

Perhaps there need to be improved contraception programs to lower abortion rates or teen pregnancies?

However,...ieven f it is a pro life law, then will it acheive its goals and really save lives? Not just the unborn child, but the mother too? Will it prevent mothers from abandoning children? Will it prevent back alley abortions?

Will there be social supports once the child arrives in the world?

Is there protection for women/girls in trouble, like those raped by some predator or incested by their fathers through no fault of their own? A lot of them are victims

They need protection too.

It can't be a top down directive or one way street.

Social policy isn't that simplistic. You're dealing with human lives, not widgets.

The vast majority of abortions are performed before the 2nd trimester, I think 90%. The next 9% are performed before through the 20th week, after that only 1% are performed. Most of which are do to fetal malformities or viability issues or the mother's health.

All this drama is about ending abortion. End of.

Naw, thats not even close to accurate. I'll hear back from my friend at the state in a few days.

You mean more than 90% of abortions are performed in the first trimester? Yes, do get back to us with those stats.

Will do. Of course this will only be valid for abortions in Illinois.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

Even if the child was conceived out of incest?
josephine, I'ma fence straddler on this. If it doesnt look like a fully developed baby yet, even though I still find it morally reprehensible, I wouldnt stop someone. For fuck sakes though, then it has fingers and toes and you idiots wanna be able to murder it? I mean how the fuck do you live with yourself? Sheesh! But hey, these clowns are gonna lose the whole enchilada by digging in their heels which I'll feel even better about!

But a girl/woman shouldn't have to bring a child into the world she never wanted because she was raped.

She never asked to have sexual relations with her assailant. It was forced against her will.

I think there was some woman who was raped as a teenager, and she later posted billboards about her experience.


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If she's 5 fukin months preggers she sure as fuk should be forced to have that kid, ya idiot!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later
Those countries and the WHO can fund it themselves. democRATs funded these programs for eons yet we STILL had caravans showing up! josephine, you're a POS liar!

Well then, just be prepared to accept or deal with more illegals tring to break into your country, Lokmeer.

You guys pumped $2.5 trillion into Afghanistan with failed military intervention.

Why not just pump a couple billion into brith control for these poor countries

The net benefit might be exponentially greater.

It's not our job to take care of other countries. It's just not.

I didnt support being in Afganistan and I dont support American tax payers being forced to pay for people in other countries....especailly when so many of our own citizens are on the streets.

Well, I support Canada donating funds for birth control programs in poorer countries.

The net beneift is that scores of the yet to be born don't try to enter wealthy countries like the USA.

and make no mistake about it - if they hava a choice between Canada and the United States, they'll gladly take a b-line to bypass Canada in favor of America. Most of these migrants see America as the promised land.

So Canada's efforts to combat birth control actually benefit America more than us.

They'll come to you, before they come to Canada.

And despite what you think these poorer countries - especially their women - really want family planning and birth control programs to avoid an even worse fate.

...otherwise you end up with results like this when they grow up:


Okay but you understand everyone who wants to financially help this cause if totally free to do so?

But tax payers should not be FORCED to pay for this, especailly when we have so many of our own problems.

And really, Joe, the democrat lock downs? Those starved thousands of children to DEATH in those same impoverished countries. That was one of the many costs of that. Are you aware of that?

"Virus-linked hunger tied to 10,000 child deaths each month"
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And I'm not saying YOU do this, but HOW am I supposed to take any democrat voter seriously when they start talking about compassion and helping the poor? Because as soon as their partisan side flips and does something that directly causes harm and death.....their hearts suddenly stop bleeding and they get pretty sociopathic.

You know how much rape and trafficking is occurring at the border now? We have humanitarian crisis that none of those people care about.

But they want American tax dollars to buy birth control for third world women and if we dont agree we are uncaring?

Sure. I just dont buy it. Maybe if these pricks didnt starve 10k kids a month, cause that Afganistan fuckery and cause a humanitarian crisis.....maybe if they ever lifted a finger to help with outreach here (they wont because they hate "cons") I would take this more seriously.

Are you aware that third world poor people STILL havent had ANY Covid vaccines? And we are being pushed into BOOSTERS and these poor people who dont have a quarter of the resources WE do havent even received ONE DOSE?

Are you aware Biden just bombed children? That he bombed a clinic and a school before pulling out of Afghanistan? See most democrat/progs dont know ANY of this shit but want to pretend they give a fuck about the impoverished. All of a sudden if they think it helps their political stance.

Btw....its been shown that when people are able to keep more of their earnings, they give more to help their communities. I have no idea why you guys think that only the state can do anything. It's like if the state isnt doing it....its not valid. And the state gives SHIT assistance. People do a much better job helping other people. Wouldnt you rather have that kind of community where people will help eachother? Instead of the cold dehumanizing state? Because welfare has fucked up a lot of important things.

I wish you guys would start seeing humanity in these issues.

They're too fukin stupid to even know what does and doesnt exist! Fukin josephine doesnt even realize we fund 3/4 of the WHO which provides among other things, BIRTH CONTROL!!!!!

I like Joe and I view him as more centrist.

He does get very stuck on narrative when the topic is abortion though.

Dovey, I thnk some of your points about abortion are valid, but the laws have to fair to both sides.

You made some points such as:

ie - women who continually go in for abortions non stop. therby putting a strain on the health system/costs. so perhaps there should be training to prevent or change that kind of behaviour.

ie - abortions performed too late in the cycle.

Perhaps there need to be improved contraception programs to lower abortion rates or teen pregnancies?

However,...ieven f it is a pro life law, then will it acheive its goals and really save lives? Not just the unborn child, but the mother too? Will it prevent mothers from abandoning children? Will it prevent back alley abortions?

Will there be social supports once the child arrives in the world?

Is there

I was gonna isolate your first sentence but your last one IS my point.

Yes Joe.....this IS about lives. Should the courts have been fair to both sides in slavery? How about rape? Murder of born people?

Because we are talking about whether or not we should be able to kill other human beings.

The "sides" here are those who dont think human beings in the womb should have any rights, and those who believe ALL human beings have rights. And most people who believe the former are very off base with reality on this so it's not a valid stance.

You may have a point about aborting too late in the cycle. Or those who come back continuously over a number of years However I think abortions should be allowed within the first 3 months.

And no girl or woman should be forced to birth a child if she was raped or the pregnancy was the result of incest.

Wouldn’t you at least agree on the last 2 conditions? By making no exceptions, the Texas law legitimizes rape. In those situations those girls or women never asked for it. They're victims, whose pregnancies were the result of criminal acts, where they were not willing participants.

Joe, no one cares about rape survivors being forced to get an abortion and that happens a lot.

Why should continue allowing rapists to take their victims for abortions and release the victim back to abusers with no reporting? No abortion supporters want to talk about that. They just want abortion available so they play a rape card.

Rape survivors are always given a pill that stops pregnancy from occurring. I think you can even get Plan B at any drug store.

So why do we need legal abortion for rape survivors when we have a pill widely available that stops pregnancy from occurring?

Why do we never talk about support for rape survivors? How there are more options than "PP is that way"?

I really think people should delve deeper into this topic than this surface "women shouldnt be forced to birth a rapists baby". That line of thinking is always a projection of fear and bias, and no one is concerned with how the one going through it REALLY feels.

There are A LOT of women out there who have conceived via rape who challange this, and openly talk about how they felt obligated to abort because of pressure from family and friends. Women have talked about how they were shamed for not aborting the "rape baby".

Looks like abortion being thrown at rape survivors is more a judgement from the court of public opinion than it is about the actual survivor.

Outside of rape, saying someone is "forced" to give birth is so idiotic it's like me saying I'm forced to be a mother because I cant kill my born children. If you were not forced to have sex, you got your own self in the position to give birth. Not being allowed to kill and dispose of a human being your actions caused to exist is not being "forced" to do anything.

We have moved so far away from personal responsibility and basic human compassion that people actually feel victimized by the natural outcomes of their decisions.

Our very thinking of this issue is barbaric. Take a moment to think about your thinking and how your thinking has been shaped and influenced, and consider how all the messages we take in guide your thinking.

Abortion makes A LOT of money. They buy politicains. We know media is marketing.

Look at why you assume rape survivors need abortion. Your knee jerk conclusion is "well they were forced to have sex, so without abortion they are forced to birth this rape baby". Okay now WHY do you think that is how these women think? Have you listened to any of them?

Also it's common for people to assume that a rape survivor having the baby would be "constantly reminded everyday of their rape"......when literally NO ONE has actually said "yeah, I look at that rape and relive my rape".....every woman who had and kept the baby says this I'd just completely WRONG.

So perhaps we have these biases and assumptions because they were marketed and propagated to us to help protect the wealth of those profiting from the abortion industry?

Anyone can get and take plan b, Joe. There is a whole we could be doing to help and support rape survivors(of which I am, btw). Legalizing abortion and ignoring them because "well they can get abortions, so my work here is done" really isnt helping anyone.

Especailly when rapists and traffickers can safely use abortion clinics to "take care of" their problems and no reports are ever made.

But should a girl be forced to carry & birth a child because it was a result of incest? Even if she reported the incident to the authorities & they acknowledged her account to be true? By denying her request, the State is protecting her rapist & condoning an illegal act. And what about the health issues the child may have once it is born due to inbreeding?

I'm pretty sure you were a product of repeated incest, you brain dead bitch!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

Even if the child was conceived out of incest?
josephine, I'ma fence straddler on this. If it doesnt look like a fully developed baby yet, even though I still find it morally reprehensible, I wouldnt stop someone. For fuck sakes though, then it has fingers and toes and you idiots wanna be able to murder it? I mean how the fuck do you live with yourself? Sheesh! But hey, these clowns are gonna lose the whole enchilada by digging in their heels which I'll feel even better about!

But a girl/woman shouldn't have to bring a child into the world she never wanted because she was raped.

She never asked to have sexual relations with her assailant. It was forced against her will.

I think there was some woman who was raped as a teenager, and she later posted billboards about her experience.


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If she's 5 fukin months preggers she sure as fuk should be forced to have that kid, ya idiot!

...just 1 more reason why people/the world now perceive Texas to be socially backward state.

By supporting the Texas law, you're supporting the actions of incesters & rapists, Lokmeer.
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

Even if the child was conceived out of incest?
josephine, I'ma fence straddler on this. If it doesnt look like a fully developed baby yet, even though I still find it morally reprehensible, I wouldnt stop someone. For fuck sakes though, then it has fingers and toes and you idiots wanna be able to murder it? I mean how the fuck do you live with yourself? Sheesh! But hey, these clowns are gonna lose the whole enchilada by digging in their heels which I'll feel even better about!

But a girl/woman shouldn't have to bring a child into the world she never wanted because she was raped.

She never asked to have sexual relations with her assailant. It was forced against her will.

I think there was some woman who was raped as a teenager, and she later posted billboards about her experience.


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If she's 5 fukin months preggers she sure as fuk should be forced to have that kid, ya idiot!

...just 1 more reason why people/the world now perceive Texas to be socially backward state.
josephine, if you would actually pull a fully developed, normal 5 month old fetus out of a woman, piece by piece, you should be surrounded by a mob and beaten until you body pieces were the same size as the fetus.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

Even if the child was conceived out of incest?
josephine, I'ma fence straddler on this. If it doesnt look like a fully developed baby yet, even though I still find it morally reprehensible, I wouldnt stop someone. For fuck sakes though, then it has fingers and toes and you idiots wanna be able to murder it? I mean how the fuck do you live with yourself? Sheesh! But hey, these clowns are gonna lose the whole enchilada by digging in their heels which I'll feel even better about!

But a girl/woman shouldn't have to bring a child into the world she never wanted because she was raped.

She never asked to have sexual relations with her assailant. It was forced against her will.

I think there was some woman who was raped as a teenager, and she later posted billboards about her experience.


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If she's 5 fukin months preggers she sure as fuk should be forced to have that kid, ya idiot!

...just 1 more reason why people/the world now perceive Texas to be socially backward state.
josephine, if you would actually pull a fully developed, normal 5 month old fetus out of a woman, piece by piece, you should be surrounded by a mob and beaten until you body pieces were the same size as the fetus.

And the girl or woman was raped or incest ed?

That's what they do in shithole countries like Afghanistan.

Oh well I guess Texas has become a shithole US state.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

Even if the child was conceived out of incest?
josephine, I'ma fence straddler on this. If it doesnt look like a fully developed baby yet, even though I still find it morally reprehensible, I wouldnt stop someone. For fuck sakes though, then it has fingers and toes and you idiots wanna be able to murder it? I mean how the fuck do you live with yourself? Sheesh! But hey, these clowns are gonna lose the whole enchilada by digging in their heels which I'll feel even better about!

But a girl/woman shouldn't have to bring a child into the world she never wanted because she was raped.

She never asked to have sexual relations with her assailant. It was forced against her will.

I think there was some woman who was raped as a teenager, and she later posted billboards about her experience.


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If she's 5 fukin months preggers she sure as fuk should be forced to have that kid, ya idiot!

...just 1 more reason why people/the world now perceive Texas to be socially backward state.
josephine, if you would actually pull a fully developed, normal 5 month old fetus out of a woman, piece by piece, you should be surrounded by a mob and beaten until you body pieces were the same size as the fetus.

And the girl or woman was raped or incest ed?

That's what they do in shithole countries like Afghanistan.

Oh well I guess Texas has become a shithole US state.
You'd be dead so no worry for you. What kind of sick motherfucker dismembers a 5 month old fetus out of convenience? Josephine, thats what kind!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

Even if the child was conceived out of incest?
josephine, I'ma fence straddler on this. If it doesnt look like a fully developed baby yet, even though I still find it morally reprehensible, I wouldnt stop someone. For fuck sakes though, then it has fingers and toes and you idiots wanna be able to murder it? I mean how the fuck do you live with yourself? Sheesh! But hey, these clowns are gonna lose the whole enchilada by digging in their heels which I'll feel even better about!

But a girl/woman shouldn't have to bring a child into the world she never wanted because she was raped.

She never asked to have sexual relations with her assailant. It was forced against her will.

I think there was some woman who was raped as a teenager, and she later posted billboards about her experience.


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If she's 5 fukin months preggers she sure as fuk should be forced to have that kid, ya idiot!

...just 1 more reason why people/the world now perceive Texas to be socially backward state.
josephine, if you would actually pull a fully developed, normal 5 month old fetus out of a woman, piece by piece, you should be surrounded by a mob and beaten until you body pieces were the same size as the fetus.

And the girl or woman was raped or incest ed?

That's what they do in shithole countries like Afghanistan.

Oh well I guess Texas has become a shithole US state.
You'd be dead so no worry for you. What kind of sick motherfucker dismembers a 5 month old fetus out of convenience? Josephine, thats what kind!

...and what kind of Lawmaker would force a girl to give birth to an inrbed child?

Doesn't your Holy Bible forbid the practice of inbreeding due to incest, Lokmeer?

So it would appear that these Christian lawmakers in Texas are going against their scriptures and enabling a practice forbidden by them.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

Even if the child was conceived out of incest?
josephine, I'ma fence straddler on this. If it doesnt look like a fully developed baby yet, even though I still find it morally reprehensible, I wouldnt stop someone. For fuck sakes though, then it has fingers and toes and you idiots wanna be able to murder it? I mean how the fuck do you live with yourself? Sheesh! But hey, these clowns are gonna lose the whole enchilada by digging in their heels which I'll feel even better about!

But a girl/woman shouldn't have to bring a child into the world she never wanted because she was raped.

She never asked to have sexual relations with her assailant. It was forced against her will.

I think there was some woman who was raped as a teenager, and she later posted billboards about her experience.


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If she's 5 fukin months preggers she sure as fuk should be forced to have that kid, ya idiot!

...just 1 more reason why people/the world now perceive Texas to be socially backward state.

By supporting the Texas law, you're supporting the actions of incesters & rapists, Lokmeer.

Legal abortion supports rapists and traffickers as seen by how they continually drag in victims and never get reported.

You cannot ignore that.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

Even if the child was conceived out of incest?
josephine, I'ma fence straddler on this. If it doesnt look like a fully developed baby yet, even though I still find it morally reprehensible, I wouldnt stop someone. For fuck sakes though, then it has fingers and toes and you idiots wanna be able to murder it? I mean how the fuck do you live with yourself? Sheesh! But hey, these clowns are gonna lose the whole enchilada by digging in their heels which I'll feel even better about!

But a girl/woman shouldn't have to bring a child into the world she never wanted because she was raped.

She never asked to have sexual relations with her assailant. It was forced against her will.

I think there was some woman who was raped as a teenager, and she later posted billboards about her experience.


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If she's 5 fukin months preggers she sure as fuk should be forced to have that kid, ya idiot!

...just 1 more reason why people/the world now perceive Texas to be socially backward state.
josephine, if you would actually pull a fully developed, normal 5 month old fetus out of a woman, piece by piece, you should be surrounded by a mob and beaten until you body pieces were the same size as the fetus.

And the girl or woman was raped or incest ed?

That's what they do in shithole countries like Afghanistan.

Oh well I guess Texas has become a shithole US state.
You'd be dead so no worry for you. What kind of sick motherfucker dismembers a 5 month old fetus out of convenience? Josephine, thats what kind!

...and what kind of Lawmaker would force a girl to give birth to an inrbed child?

Doesn't your Holy Bible forbid the practice of inbreeding due to incest, Lokmeer?

So it would appear that these Christian lawmakers in Texas are going against their scriptures and enabling a practice forbidden by them.

We have readily available pills that stop pregnancy from occuring.

That makes this a nonissue.

"Emergency Contraception: Where Is It Available?"
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

Even if the child was conceived out of incest?
josephine, I'ma fence straddler on this. If it doesnt look like a fully developed baby yet, even though I still find it morally reprehensible, I wouldnt stop someone. For fuck sakes though, then it has fingers and toes and you idiots wanna be able to murder it? I mean how the fuck do you live with yourself? Sheesh! But hey, these clowns are gonna lose the whole enchilada by digging in their heels which I'll feel even better about!

But a girl/woman shouldn't have to bring a child into the world she never wanted because she was raped.

She never asked to have sexual relations with her assailant. It was forced against her will.

I think there was some woman who was raped as a teenager, and she later posted billboards about her experience.


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If she's 5 fukin months preggers she sure as fuk should be forced to have that kid, ya idiot!

...just 1 more reason why people/the world now perceive Texas to be socially backward state.
josephine, if you would actually pull a fully developed, normal 5 month old fetus out of a woman, piece by piece, you should be surrounded by a mob and beaten until you body pieces were the same size as the fetus.

And the girl or woman was raped or incest ed?

That's what they do in shithole countries like Afghanistan.

Oh well I guess Texas has become a shithole US state.
You'd be dead so no worry for you. What kind of sick motherfucker dismembers a 5 month old fetus out of convenience? Josephine, thats what kind!

...and what kind of Lawmaker would force a girl to give birth to an inrbed child?

Doesn't your Holy Bible forbid the practice of inbreeding due to incest, Lokmeer?

So it would appear that these Christian lawmakers in Texas are going against their scriptures and enabling a practice forbidden by them.
It does. And the penalty is death if they were both willing participants. If the girl was raped, he dies. The only reference that comes to mind is when God ordered the Israelites to commit genocide against a people, killing all of them, even the pregnant women and babies.

Now just how the fuck is it OK in your demented mind to rip out a perfectly healthy baby out of a woman when the kid is so close to surviving outside the womb? Seriously, if she's been knocked up with a rapists kid for 5 months, how is 2 or 3 more months worse? And then if you decide thats ok, do you then justify murdering this kid when she's 7 months pregnant and the kid can survive? Where does your acceptance for murder stop, josephine? How about if she's 8 months pregnant? Would you rip it out then? If then, how about a week before its born?

You're sick.


Factory Bastard
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Imagine being raped and not noticing until 6 weeks later...

You're a fucking moron here, Deport. What you may not notice is that you are pregnant. Or, when you do find out, you may not have fucking time to schedule an abortion or get the money together within the six weeks. Or deal with the totalitarian parents if it's an underage girl. Jesus H Christ. WTF is wrong with you?