Hey Biggie-Shit

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Leftists hate guns because they dont want anyone to be able to defend themselves against thier violence.

That's just the obvious reality.

But what if one lives in a country that outlaws guns?

Then that's where they live lol. I encourage people to go live in countries more suited to thier values.

Personally I would not want to live anywhere were I couldnt arm myself either for self defense or hunting.

I rather like it. Ever hear of mass murder In CR? Most crooks don’t even pack.
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Dayum, it's like fucking South Africa over there.

Remote locations always have the potential of being dangerous, but especially in third world countries.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Leftists hate guns because they dont want anyone to be able to defend themselves against thier violence.

That's just the obvious reality.

But what if one lives in a country that outlaws guns?

Then that's where they live lol. I encourage people to go live in countries more suited to thier values.

Personally I would not want to live anywhere were I couldnt arm myself either for self defense or hunting.

I rather like it. Ever hear of mass murder In CR? Most crooks don’t even pack.

Well our American criminals all have guns. And that's not ever going to change in a country the size of the US.

Its gonna be much easier in a country like CR to keep guns away from criminals. Here in the US where we have strict gun control, we have heaps of gang violence.

Also the founders found it very important that the people remain able to arm themselves as a means of defense if our government goes tyrannical, we can fight them. It's a balance of power.

These are two very different countries with very different cultures and demographics.


Factory Bastard
Leftists hate guns because they dont want anyone to be able to defend themselves against thier violence.

That's just the obvious reality.

But what if one lives in a country that outlaws guns?

Then that's where they live lol. I encourage people to go live in countries more suited to thier values.

Personally I would not want to live anywhere were I couldnt arm myself either for self defense or hunting.

I rather like it. Ever hear of mass murder In CR? Most crooks don’t even pack.

Well our American criminals all have guns. And that's not ever going to change in a country the size of the US.

Its gonna be much easier in a country like CR to keep guns away from criminals. Here in the US where we have strict gun control, we have heaps of gang violence.

Also the founders found it very important that the people remain able to arm themselves as a means of defense if our government goes tyrannical, we can fight them. It's a balance of power.

These are two very different countries with very different cultures and demographics.

Your founding fathers constitutuionally armed you to protect yourself from the greatest power on the planet at that time. Not to ride roughshod over what some scally bastard from West Virginia thought it would be OK to take up arms over.

Governance was kept in check by the state system, the Congress , the Senate and the judiciary. All operating out with the potential dictate of the executive.

Bearing arms had fuck all to do with insurrection, and was never meant too.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Leftists hate guns because they dont want anyone to be able to defend themselves against thier violence.

That's just the obvious reality.

But what if one lives in a country that outlaws guns?

Then that's where they live lol. I encourage people to go live in countries more suited to thier values.

Personally I would not want to live anywhere were I couldnt arm myself either for self defense or hunting.

I rather like it. Ever hear of mass murder In CR? Most crooks don’t even pack.

Well our American criminals all have guns. And that's not ever going to change in a country the size of the US.

Its gonna be much easier in a country like CR to keep guns away from criminals. Here in the US where we have strict gun control, we have heaps of gang violence.

Also the founders found it very important that the people remain able to arm themselves as a means of defense if our government goes tyrannical, we can fight them. It's a balance of power.

These are two very different countries with very different cultures and demographics.

Your founding fathers constitutuionally armed you to protect yourself from the greatest power on the planet at that time. Not to ride roughshod over what some scally bastard from West Virginia thought it would be OK to take up arms over.

Governance was kept in check by the state system, the Congress , the Senate and the judiciary. All operating out with the potential dictate of the executive.

Bearing arms had fuck all to do with insurrection, and was never meant too.
Wrong dipshit. Read:
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the
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and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
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"We hold these truths to be
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, that
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, that they are endowed by their
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with certain
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, that among these are
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.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the
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,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the
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, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute
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, it is their right, it is their duty, to
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, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

Feel free to STFU now, stupid fukwit.


Factory Bastard
You also under Jefferson's original draught promised that you would execute all Scotsmen and their families on site.

These truths were never self evident, just a clusterfuck of idioms of worth that you seem desperate to prove right in a Sodom and Gomorra of national self loathing.

You didn't invent democracy, and you have spent 100's of years proving why you never once as a nation lived up to an ideal that shames you.

We cannot resurrect Adam. And we cannot ask Jefferson, what he actually meant. What we can do is assume that even your constitutional right to bear arms has been outstripped by your responsibility while wielding them.


Factory Bastard
You might see unarmed insurrection as democracy, but nobody else in democracy does. Not when you bring your own gallows to hang a vice president who supported your vainglorious leader for 4 years.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Racism has been declared a NY city public health crisis. Ironically, they have some of the strictest gun laws in the nation.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You also under Jefferson's original draught promised that you would execute all Scotsmen and their families on site.

These truths were never self evident, just a clusterfuck of idioms of worth that you seem desperate to prove right in a Sodom and Gomorra of national self loathing.

You didn't invent democracy, and you have spent 100's of years proving why you never once as a nation lived up to an ideal that shames you.

We cannot resurrect Adam. And we cannot ask Jefferson, what he actually meant. What we can do is assume that even your constitutional right to bear arms has been outstripped by your responsibility while wielding them.
Sorry dickhead but its black and white. We have an enshrined God given right and duty to overthrow our government when we deem it necessary and the 2nd Amendment secures the right to military grade arms to get the job done. ALL federal gun control laws are illegal.


Factory Bastard
You also under Jefferson's original draught promised that you would execute all Scotsmen and their families on site.

These truths were never self evident, just a clusterfuck of idioms of worth that you seem desperate to prove right in a Sodom and Gomorra of national self loathing.

You didn't invent democracy, and you have spent 100's of years proving why you never once as a nation lived up to an ideal that shames you.

We cannot resurrect Adam. And we cannot ask Jefferson, what he actually meant. What we can do is assume that even your constitutional right to bear arms has been outstripped by your responsibility while wielding them.
Sorry dickhead but its black and white. We have an enshrined God given right and duty to overthrow our government when we deem it necessary and the 2nd Amendment secures the right to military grade arms to get the job done. ALL federal gun control laws are illegal.

So why have a government at all?, or a constitution.... Surely you need a dictator to tell you when to think what he finks. Oh, wait, you had dat.


Factory Bastard
Why so aggressive, after all it's not as if you have said anything that anyone with neurons that fire takes seriously.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
You also under Jefferson's original draught promised that you would execute all Scotsmen and their families on site.

These truths were never self evident, just a clusterfuck of idioms of worth that you seem desperate to prove right in a Sodom and Gomorra of national self loathing.

You didn't invent democracy, and you have spent 100's of years proving why you never once as a nation lived up to an ideal that shames you.

We cannot resurrect Adam. And we cannot ask Jefferson, what he actually meant. What we can do is assume that even your constitutional right to bear arms has been outstripped by your responsibility while wielding them.
Sorry dickhead but its black and white. We have an enshrined God given right and duty to overthrow our government when we deem it necessary and the 2nd Amendment secures the right to military grade arms to get the job done. ALL federal gun control laws are illegal.

Federal law is the body of law created by the federal government of a COUNTRY… federal law supersedes state law #SMH


Factory Bastard
You also under Jefferson's original draught promised that you would execute all Scotsmen and their families on site.

These truths were never self evident, just a clusterfuck of idioms of worth that you seem desperate to prove right in a Sodom and Gomorra of national self loathing.

You didn't invent democracy, and you have spent 100's of years proving why you never once as a nation lived up to an ideal that shames you.

We cannot resurrect Adam. And we cannot ask Jefferson, what he actually meant. What we can do is assume that even your constitutional right to bear arms has been outstripped by your responsibility while wielding them.
Sorry dickhead but its black and white. We have an enshrined God given right and duty to overthrow our government when we deem it necessary and the 2nd Amendment secures the right to military grade arms to get the job done. ALL federal gun control laws are illegal.

Federal law is the body of law created by the federal government of a COUNTRY… federal law supersedes state law #SMH

No it doesn't. Federal Laws do not supersede State law unless already agreed in terms of national priority and policy, agreed through both the national Congress and the Senate.


Factory Bastard
We have devolved laws and priority here in Scotland. Scotland's governance is based on what you would consider State v's Federal.

There are some things we can interfere with, and other's we cannot.

Educate me.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
We have devolved laws and priority here in Scotland. Scotland's governance is based on what you would consider State v's Federal.

There are some things we can interfere with, and other's we cannot.

Educate me.

I will… but I’m in the middle of juggling a few things, so I’ll come back to this.